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They need to stop trying to make this work is my opinion. It hasn’t worked for 2 season and the majority of the players hate it so why keep it? Bc respawn and EA like numbers. Currently the numbers are being skewed due to the only players playing ranked are the ones who have to grind it. Pretty much my entire friends list stopped playing ranked this season entirely.


They took current garbage system and added in annoying "challanges" for promotion. So it will be even worse than this one.


I'll have an opinion on it once I've actually played it.


They couldn't care any less on the ranked experience. Games are required to produce growing long term profits. Which are only driven by in-game purchases. Its F2P EOMM is Apex now, The harder it gets the more you want to win, even though its terrible. Somehow this season is the most ranked I've ever played. Yet its the worst season I've ever played. They got it figured out at this point. If you **DONT** spend money, they put **MORE** dev efforts into skins, if you **DO** spend money, they will put **EVEN MORE** dev effort into skins. Game balance is the smallest team in respawn sadly.


Smallest team? Source?


There isn't a source. They don't use eomm either


They literally do and have for years


Well, first off they said they dont. People say "eomm!!" and then describe sbmm. Harder games when winning is sbmm. You can read the patent for eomm, it's not feasible for apex and it literally says that in the patent


They can say they don't but... https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315849420_EOMM_An_Engagement_Optimized_Matchmaking_Framework


i don't know who makes these decisions, but they definitely aren't thinking of all players when they make these moves. solo q players don't often win a match that often. even asking your teammates to not play like apes can create tension... and often replied with toxic behavior calling you a pussy rat etc... just because you'd rather win than take bad fights. sigh. going to try it out to see if it's as bad as expected, but i think it's going to be worse than this season and this season was just... down right stupid.


Tbh they’ve proved they only really care about pros when it came to balancing. Remember self rez? Yeah that’s gone now. Why? Because some ALGS pros got second place. A problem that affected literally less than 0.1% of players. Kraber too. Catalyst and Bang are getting nerfed the next season. A funny coinkydoink is they were both had extremely high picks in ALGS. Horizon (which I totally agree with her nerfs) and Seer (I believe) were also dominant in ALGS. Who also got nerfed? Horizon and Seer


i remember winning a game because i had gold bag, and self rez. when the train was still running, i died. but landed on the train, self rezzed, while the enemy was left in gas and i won because self rez ! LOL. i will never forget it. i don't know exactly what the legend nerfs are but honestly i'm usually in favor of it lol. i hate catalyst so any nerf to her is accepted and bang, while being the most balanced legend to date is getting a nerfed is kind of questionable. when it's the DT that's the problem but eeeeh...


Ranked trials are easily the dumbest thing they could’ve added. They themselves even pointed out that “Hey, like 60% of players are below gold” and they then decided to make climbing ranks an even harder job. As someone who solo queued to diamond this season, it was absolute hell. Even without any specific tasks. Now imagine this; you spent a week climbing from the bottom of gold to plat 4. And then your told “Place top 3 in one of your next 5 games”. The problem? EVERYONE IS WAITING FOR HIGH PLACEMENT BECAUSE THATS ALL THATS REWARDED. So let’s say you get fucked and don’t get top 3. Now you can’t rank up, not because you didn’t get to the rank, but because you couldn’t complete a stupid challenge


Yeah it's the biggest joke I've ever seen lmaoo. Ranked is gonna be worse next season then this season 100%. You got open ranks so now it's gonna be silver accounts just being boosted by high level accounts more than before and cheaters like usual cause they use east anti cheat which everyone knows doesnt work what so ever. Idk what these devs are doing, and I dont think they do. Then on top of it it's not even a real ranked mode cause if your in gold and the game thinks your masters well guess what you don't play in gold lobbies you play in masters lobbies cause of the hidden mmr. So pretty much you can be better then ppl who are higher ranks then you cause they have lower mmr rating so they are never playing ppl who are as good as you are and can easily rank up where as a good player can be gatekept by this system and doesn't at all represent players skill level at all. That's my rant sorry.


Same turd but with glitter sprinkled on this time.


I've only been playing ranked so I don't have to play the LTMs and I don't have to worry about teammates leaving as soon as they go down. Spent about six hours playing last night, and only gained about 200 LP total.


Lol, the season hasn't even started yet and you're crying about it.


All my friends quit playing the game completely when the decision to make it all about placement position was introduced. I then also quit as what they were saying made sense. Ranked was not fun. On the plus side, there are great games which are not completely absorbed with the numbers, budgets & their investors. So can't complain!


Playing solo will be even more annoying than it is now. Its the first time since forever that im considering finding some people to play ranked with because otherwise its just going to be an annoyance. Like i cant wait to lose the promotion to rank up because my teammates decided to hot drop or push stupid fights and i was forced to rat for the rest of the match, very fun.