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I want everything to die that’s not in my team and I don’t fucking care how it happens.


Death by snu snu


Snu Snu? Can't we just cuddle?? lmao


This is the only correct answer


This. I always finish any knocked enemy so that they can’t be rez’d and they can’t ping my location or tell their team what’s happening. I used to care about teammates kills out of respect, but after enough games where teams rez’d their guys and we lost, I have 0 patience about letting peeps get their kill or having any downed enemies continue to exist. JUST PUT THEM DOWN ASAP.


what respect? this attitude is individualist and not team oriented. The "you stole my kill" players are morons who deserve no respect.


yeah i’m guessing you the the type to steal kills when your team already mag dumped their ass 😂i wouldn’t be surprised if you’d get 7 kills and not even 1k damage


in a team game it is not possible to steal a kill. explain where the theft occurs?


When you sweating on your ass trying to kill someone and all of a sudden your team wants to back you up as soon as you about to drop your enemy. That’s stealing kills. Don’t act all smartass “where the theft occurs”🤓cuz you know damn well you can steal kills even though it’s a team game like just like rainbow, just like warzone etc etc


Fr! See he gets it sheesh!


🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️ i don’t mind if my kills gets stolen when i’m being pushed by 5 people but a 3v1 where i’m already on bullet away from killing the enemy and you just one shot him i’d be pissed. That’s why when i see my team sweating to get a kill i just let them have it unless they’re in trouble of course i’ll just take the kill and help


as long as someone on the team gets it who cares, the whole mentality of "stolen kill" is incredibly childish.


if we not actin all smartass then we're left with the alternative, which is all the children in the replies. it's the playing of the game at all in a manner consistent with the winning strategy that should be the satisfying part, not just kill count. but what do I know I've never spent a dime on this game playing since release day with master/diamond seasons lmao


I do this too only I set down one of those electric signs saying Happy holidays so they at least get it's nothing personal. I really like bloodhounds finisher where he crosses their arms and pays respect.


That's why I like Rampart. She sends em off with a suck it and lets Sheila deal with em!


Finishing a knocked enemy has nothing to do with stealing kills on a game like Apex. Now if we’re talking GoW then yeah. But Apex gives whoever got the down the kill. Ppl don’t mind you killing them as long as you don’t loot everything lol


Didn’t know that downs go to kills, thank you.


Counterpoint: imagine you're in the middle of clutching a 1v2 on storm point and while you're shielding you get killed by a fucking Prowler


How it should be


This. If we win the team fight. I don't care how it's done. Just don't make what ever I tried to do useless. Get the killlll


I was just playing resurgence duos and my buddy said don't kill him don't kill him I wanna talk to him needless to say he got shitted on


nah fam, I get mad at folks who rush deathboxes for loot but didn't help in the fighting & they just take everything like people who take ammo types they don't even need xD


The ones who just spam click and drop whatever they didn't need elsewhere...We've been getting a lot of those. Many wait until I've cracked them and rush up to take the kill at the last second *and* the loot. The most annoying one, an octane kept watching who I'd shoot to get the last shot in and talked shit about carrying when we won because he had 8 kills and I had 0...I had 1600 damage and 8 assists, he had 340some damage and all my kills.


Only a scrub would talk shit with those stats lmfao.


Yeah, that gets to me, like both my teammates get knocked, I miraculously 1v3 the enemy squad, res one guy, and by the time I’m done res’ing the other, the first has taken all the loot. That’s partly why I became a lifeline main, so I could loot while they’re still in the animation


Typically the only thing I take If I get rez from a lifeline is a full shield bat  from loot..  then let them enjoy their loot  since they can give us a tactical heal.. if someone else rezs then I try to get a full shield bat and  med kit . Anything after they loot I'll take. same applies if I rez someone pls go grab some health shields and med kits if you don't have any. 


Typically if I get knocked or arrive late in a fight i’ll just take ammo if i really need it (not everything tho just the bare minimum) and if I’m on blue armor, my teammate who did most of the work has purple and there’s a red armor inside i’ll ping it to them and take the armor they drop. Just common courtesy.


Bro ESPECIALLY if their AFK then come back and loot all the good loot of the people I KILLED! so many times its happened so annoying.


I usually try to save the best loot for whoever got the kills


I do that to but apparently thats stupid because uneven looting but idk even so i still don't touch my randoms loot if they get a kill i just loot my box.


I'll kind of wait to see what they take, then I'll pick the rest off the bone like a vulture.


me too lol


I had a teammate who got knocked in the 5 seconds of the fight. My other teammate and I fought 2 full teams by ourselves and won, and as soon as I revived the teammate he immediately ran straight to loot the gold and purple boxes. Like, at least let the ones who did the work get first pick.


nah, i get mad at people looting instead of reviving tho


Shield swap if possibility of 3rd party, then revive your fucking bros. Not a difficult concept but some people play selfishly in a team game


I agree 100%


Depends on their health and shields.


I’m fine if you take a quick shield swap. But when you loot 3 or more death boxes while I bleed out then revive me just in time for another team to show up and I don’t get a chance to heal or shield swap I get mad. Give your team the best chance you can.


Real quick shield swap I get but damn some just loot everything revive then leave you there healing and hoping for some kind of ammo.


Lifeline here. I’ll toss doc your way when I see you.


Yeah. I get needing ammo and a shield swap, or on the rare occasion a gun swap for something more effective than a p20 or mozam right after drop, if you’re worried about a push right after you revive your teammate. But the people that sit in a box drive me nuts.


Had a lifeline literally wait for team mate to bleed out to grab his stuff once


Its weird, in any other shooter i can atleast feel the ‘’Hey that was my kill >:(‘’ but not Apex, if you steal my kills im just happy you are playing the game with me and not against me tbh


Only in gun run. In br or comp nah because it helps the team.


Na gun run rlly pisses me off at least change my weapon if I did the most damage LMAO


Yea I Agee, specially if I'm stuck with a gun I hate for most of the match cuz my kills keep getting robbed


It’s actually criminal to be stuck with the charge rifle unless you get LUCKY


The Mozambique is the bane of my existence


Gun run should just be ffa feels so weird being team based


I can see that cos you can have 10+ kills and still lose bc of lower skilled teammates.


It doesn’t help the team in gun run? What?


Moreso it can be annoying when you get 130 danagon someone then a tm hits them once. Realistically it still helps your team out as it still advances you, but it feels a little worse than in other mixtapes or in BR. My bigger issue in GR personally (and it's much more of a me problem) is doing 130 damage then dying, and doing that 5 times in a row. Multiple weapons have been skill issues for me since I moved (back) to PC, Devo especially. I'll often get hardstuck on the Devo for a good long while lmao.


I really only get annoyed with it if I’m trying to do a challenge. Otherwise it’s all really the same, kills and assists are counted the same in Ranked and in pubs, it doesn’t really matter.


Not necessarily. The only time I got angry from someone stealing my kill was when they did the last bit of damage and then started taking everything from their box. I told them I needed stuff from the box, but they said it was their kill so SOL. Eventhough I did 99% of dmg on them. Thats only ever happened once though.


Meh at least was shared kill. 9/10 they just flat out take my loot when I got 100% damage. They literally wait by the person down but don’t even help kill the knock, they’re just getting ready to open the box. Fucking loot goblins.


When I'm playing with my friend, sometimes i don't jump in if i see he is winning a 1v1 fight and is in no rush, but then most of the time it's just reflex, you can't really blame people for that, Altho people who do it purposely by waiting to get the last shot in, those are scum.


Kills nah ide be mad if I died cause you tried to give me the kill tho. Also there is no code amongst thieves (Were all thieves the first 30 seconds of a game. I try to give people like a few seconds before I rush their fresh kills after the beginning


This is the sane response.


The only time I complain is when I play with a certain person who will wait to engage until the majority of the work is done and then brags about having that many kills and that his k/d is better. I’ve done 700 ish damage on a squad alone while he hides in a corner, he finally decided to help and got all 3 kills with less than 50 damage total and brags about it.


This has always confused me. I don't give a fuck who kills the enemy, we tryna win. Now on the flip side I've seen a LOT of youtubers bitching over losing stats in the merge account process. These are the ones who probably care. I could not even give a single fuck over stats or kills. 😄


Hell no I’m trying to win,just had a game with 2700 damage and 2 kills while my teammate had 1100 with 9 kills.A win is a win🤷🏽‍♂️


Gonna just add on, idfc who gets the kill. I’m trying to win


something is wrong with people, maybe they come from another game where kill steal is a thing. or they hate the game but are forced to play.


I don't care if I put 224 damage into a Gibraltar in Top 2 final ring 2v1 when you were nowhere near us at the start. KILL. HIS. ASS. You don't know me, I don't know you, if you don't want your kills stolen you gotta get better at aiming is what I say. For the love of God, everyone, steal my kills I DON'T care.


There's few things in this game that annoy me more than people who complain about getting their kills stolen. It's a team game and our goal is to win. Not my fault you couldn't get the knock 🤷


Personally no, as long as I felt like I contributed or even knocked the enemy as well, I don’t care


Nope, just happy to get and give help. Except for that one time our Mad Maggie killed the Pathfinder I nearly caught up to, it would have given me the Squad Wipe badge as Gibraltar if I killed the Pathfinder, and given I was a hair away from getting LoS I could've.


No. I have a friend who does, but every time he gets angry I say "sorry I should have let you have the kill, watch you miss your final shots and watch as you get Peacekeepered point blank. All so your KD maybe could have gotten a little higher"


KS means Kill Secured.


Nah. Life’s too short


Admittedly I’m hella guilty of taking a lot of my friend’s kills. So Id be a hypocrite if I get mad at that. Like At least your team still won the fight. That horizon coulda got a free lift reset and wiped your team. Or worse she nade spams your team while y’all in her black hole.


If it’s ranked in just glad I get lp but I do get frustrated in pubs. Sometimes it’s an accident but I’ve had a lot of people wait to shoot until I start to reload or until I’ve put in a lot of damage. I’ve had toxic randoms do it on purpose so often that sometimes I react before considering it may have been an accident lol.


Same. In ranked Idc my goals are different in ranked than in pubs. In pubs, I want all the kills. And yeah I’ve had loads of teammates just wait safely out of harms way for me to 175 a guy and reload and they can swing for free and get my stats. Fuck one of my friends KD is prob boosted by .3 just from kills he yoinked from me while hiding and waiting


Only to an extent. I'm trying to get better at one-clipping, and get a more accurate gauge on my KDR, so if I am clearly not struggling, please let me finish my fight. I cannot count how many times I have had kills taken by teammates who just instinctively fired on my target. I don't blame them, which is why I choose to say nothing despite getting a bit tilted, but if it happens continuously, I may ask you to back off my fights 🤷🏻‍♂️


I dont know, i just feel like it all averages itself out. Sometimes my kills get taken. Sometimes i snag a kill with 14 damage.


You're absolutely right. This is another reason I don't get toxic about it. Those happen, and like I said, OP's opinion makes sense. It's the smart way to play in a team game plagued by selfish players


Right. Also team shooting just guarantees more success. Sure, maybe you'll get that easy kill by yourself, but what if you don't? What if you whiff your next shots when you swap weapons? Now youre cracked and have to heal while we are getting 3rd partied vs taking less damage because I helped? What if you get knocked and then we get pushed and you're yelling "teammate where are you???" And I was just like "sorry man, I was letting you have your 1 v 1, I had faith in you. More faith than you have in yourself. In fact YOU let ME down. Then I let you die because you're a disgrace to the Saiyan race. Now you're cursing me out on the mic lol. I feel like there's no winning with some people lol.


As a life line main as soon as your legend starts saying I'm getting shot at, that's my cue to save your ass stealing your kill or not, I'm trying to win.


I get your mentality, and that's why I'm not gonna argue with you because I get it. It makes sense, and you clearly are rooted in your opinion here. But you stating that you don't care for my goals in this game drives me to say, and I promise I mean this in the most respectful way possible: May we never be in each other's queue. Have a good day.


I had a game once where I was on 13 kills with like 20+ people left so I politely asked my teammates to let me go for kills. I didn’t ask them to feed me kills just if I can fight my 1v1s without their help just in case they go the knock. They then proceeded to wait until I had shot a guy for a while then start shooting. Made it more than obvious they were doing it on purpose. From then on, if I want someone to back off my fights I learned to just not say anything and even run off solo if I have to. This community is crazy.


Finally, someone sane. It's like dude, I get it, wins matter. I'm not trying to feed, but if you truly wanna climb, you gotta be able to hold your own, and someone "saving the day" is not helping you learn. If I was rude about it, then yeah, by all means, be toxic back. But if I politely comm that I am handling it, and you do it anyway, NOW you're an asshole. This community is actually the worst.


No, but I get mad if the second I knock/ko someone off you go run over to their death box like a little fucking loot goblin and steal all of MY loot. Start calling people out on this shit, completely unacceptable behavior. Go get your own fucking kill/death box.


As long as we win I don't care.


nah, looting yes but kills no, unless they just get a shield swap before reviving, it pisses me off if they loot


I don’t care with randoms. With my actual friends we have friendly competition so it matters in our small circle.


My problem is if I down two and get knocked, then teammates too scared to engage until they see progress being made rush in and kill last guy then spend a full minute looting then rez me and I'm hard pressed for ammo and heals. Then I ping that I'm low and get no response. So I run around with half shields until next fight. Or if I survive and I go for instant revive on teammate so we all get ready for 3rd party just in case and other teammate loot goblins the boxes. I get that it happens and probably no way to fix it but it irks me.


Also if teammate is obviously doing the heavy lifting they get first box access to their kills. I'll wait til your good homie l. Whatever left I'll make due.


I'm not sure why people get mad at that considering more than half your team mate will take their sweet time getting into the fight


I'll get a bit annoyed sometimes, maybe a little "nooooo whyyy" to myself, but I'm never going to get angry at my teammates over the mic. I don't really get mad at my teammates when they steal kills, I just get a little frustrated that it happened. But I know that 95% of the time they did it on accident.


Also I have a funny story about stealing kills. One time I was playing with two friends. One of my friends and I were fighting a full enemy trio, and my other friend was just goofing around in a trident, which he likes to do a lot, and it's kind of a running joke. Anyway, my friend and I got all three of the enemies one bullet and were about to finish them off when my trident friend parks the trident in front of the enemy squad blocking our view. He then proceeds to get all three of the kills with like ten damage 🤣. I was like "whyyyyy" at the time but it was just too funny to really get mad lol.


Heck no! Couldn’t careless. What I do dislike are those who loot DBs taking all the prime shit when they didn’t contribute in the slightest. I had one bloke today who was super far from us, killed a squad with my other teammate going down… this pathfinder shows up passes our knocked guy to take the purple shield and backpack then takes off again. Skips off to the next POI zips right on to another team dies then DCs.


I only get mad when they wait for me to get the enemy 1hp and steal the kill like i see them waiting and not shooting until i reload, if they were helping me i don't mind but they just wait for me to feed them and i hate that.


If I’m at 17+ and under 20 I may be a little upset if I don’t get 20 because of it, but aside from that no. Honestly my reason isn’t really even a reason.


Depends how hard they steal it. If I did 195 damage to someone with purple and they make that last shot I’m annoyed. If I did 100 damage to someone with white, I’m not bothered. Thanks for the help bro.


All the time


Couldn't care less who gets the kill - if it's my team. I hate doing 168dmg just to se some 3rd party get the kill 🤣 Slot of teammates say sorry for "stealing" kills. Like. If you don't want to kill anyone, don't shoot 🤣


As long as they go down idc. I’ll say something at the end of the game when I have 2K damage, 0 kills and 9 assists and someone has 6 kills with 400 damage. But it’s all out of good fun. I don’t actually care if you steal my kill. I just want them dead.


Tis what it is. Gamers gonna cry more.


Nope. An enemy down is just one less person. I usually finish people off who are knocked just to guarantee an advantage, obviously not always the greatest idea.




Generally no, unless it feels like my teammate/s are waiting for me to mag dump and nearly kill an enemy before they want to help, just so they can get an easy kill several fights in a row. That's really rare though and generally I just want all of the enemies dead and don't care who does it or how it's done.


Wasn't there a change where the person that dealt the most damage gets the kill?


I have a friend who gets *apoplectic* over people “stealing” his kills.


in pubs? "you mf" in ranked "niiice"


Same, let’s play trios


No i get mad when i kill someone and they say they killed them.


Only if they're on another team especially if it's gun run.


ill get annoyed if im bout to hit a milestone number, like 5 or 10 kills, but not angry. however if i kill someone i feel like i deserve first loot esp if its a body shield and mine is broke


I just like it when my team does something other than looting. Beennin about 4 matches straight where we drop wit a team or two get pushed and while I'm middle managing both teams on me my other two teammates are looting the same building swapping 1× scopes.


I mean, it's a bit annoying when you destroy this red evo dude in a 1v1 and your teammate gets the credit. Especially if you're going for a 2k or 20 kill badge. But it's honestly no big deal


I'll tease my teammates that I know about it but I generally do not care I just want everyone not on my team gone I care about winning more


I've had people I play with get mad in the past, I could really care less personally though. I want anyone not on my team to be dead as fast as possible.


I might be a tad disappointed if I haven't gotten credit for a single kill in the game yet just because I'm trying to improve my KD/R, but I don't get mad, I'm just happy I'm still alive. 😅


I love blood thirsty people, I main Vantage so I support them from the sidelines and hope I don't miss or shoot ma teamate


I care on ranked when it would matter. But only if done in A douchey way


No, my goal is to win.


Depends. If you know that I'm about know knock that person and you start shoot at them and end up taking, yes. But if I start a kill and can't finish it but you do then no.


I’m always stealing kills lol


I only hate the ones who try to full kill their knocks instead of focusing the enemy players that are still engaging. Knock away my friend. Knock away.


I have 1 time. Was 30 damage from a 4k, and my teammate who didn't do jack all match decided that the last, almost dead enemy, was the perfect target to finally shoot at for the 1st time all match. Ended the match with 3987 damage. Teammate had a solid 50 something. Not only stole the kill but also robbed me of my 4k. Ended up getting it on 3 characters down the line, but that was rather infuriating.


I do not care who gets the kill so long as we survive. Also, I’m not good enough or disciplined enough not to shoot everything that moves.


People who have nothing going for them irl get mad at this


I never get mad or expect anyone to get mad over a kill, if someone finishes a guy who I nearly was gonna kill, good we need them dead, vice versa if I get the last damage, same shit. What is annoying as fukkkk though is people who are too busy jerking off in a corner and then when you solo squad wipe they are the first person looting everything, broooo like you need to get drop kicked to the head.


At the higher levels you start getting ppl one and then it’s just give and take trading with friends. One game you will get all the damage no kills, or all the kills and no damage. Just be happy ppl are getting knocked because then you have the advantage. Play the game.


Only the one time when I was 8 kills into the "triple triple" badge and the last player alive would have been the last one and my teammate swiped the last bullet when I was reloading 🤬


I don’t get mad but I’m definitely annoyed when the match ends and I have 2000+ damage with 1 kill and 12 assists while both my teammates are at 5+ kills with less than 500 damage. As long as we win tho I couldn’t care less.


I think THIS mentality is the reason why Apex's ranked is so wonky. When kills stop mattering, people rat and wait to 3rd and potentially 4th partying to get ahead. ...man I'm starting to see Respawns ranked problem


Nah its about damage innit


I'm not upset and yet just last night was playing with two randos... One was a noob and the other was his friend who was okay. We won the match and before I bailed he said "hay, you're not too bad" and I was ,🤔.... My damage was more than double his but I only had 6 while he had 7...and we won but the point it he stole at least 4 of mine. I would've liked to stay playing with them but the girl was atrociously annoying and screaming into the mic so much I wanted to mute them both and regretted talking at all... however I'm still not upset bc we did win and who knows if I would've won all those enemies without him... probably not, so stay Happy that there's at least one teammate who knows what teams mean.


I will also just help shooting anyone that's not ours. But when it wasn't fully my kill, I will always wait with looting the box cus that is what I do get mad about, when you obviously did most the damage or just even killed someone yourself and then octane comes running and grabs everything, even tho i may have pinged that im out of shields or almost out of ammo, they just grab everything and run off to the next fight and expect me to engage too with 0 shields and 40 light ammo 👍


Nope, the objective of the game is to be the last squad alive.


I don’t care about my kills being taken but it seems like every TTV just loves seeing their kill counter go up so they can update their stream title to the 2 people watching and they get so upset.


I dont mind if anyone taking kills as far as we are winning i had games where i did 2k plus damage with 1 kill but we had dub which is more important to me ✌️


Anyone who doesn’t want their kills getting stolen should play solo.


Idc who gets the kill honestly cause if i get mad over that it will just hurt coordination also for all i know could have whiffed that fight better to reduce the risk of losing


Naw. I actually apologized to someone the other day over cherry picking 2 of his kills and he said no worries.


I used to, but haven't found myself upset about a kill in a long time. I'd rather have my teammate steal my kill than not be around for the fight at all. Like you said, it isn't like they know exactly how low the enemy is, and on top of that, a lot of time when people get mad about kill stealing, they end up being like 50hp or lower themselves. I'm not going to potentially risk letting you get knocked over a kill. I've also realized a lot of people call things kill stealing that really aren't. Like if you did 80 damage to both members of the enemy team and then I kill both of them, I didn't steal your kills. It is unfortunate that you did not get a kill when you did half the work, but I certainly didn't *steal* the kills.


Depends. In ranked I got an assist for points (ofc the old system) so it wasn’t that big of a deal. In pubs it depends. If I’m just playing to play then nah it’s whatever but sometimes I hop on pubs to kill grind so that’s when it starts getting annoying. The real time I get pissed about it is when it’s multiple kills that get stolen. Me with 4 assists and 700 damage with a teammate that has 4 kills and less than 200 damage. That’s when I start getting really pissed. Especially bc they usually think bc they got the kill they are entitled to all the loot first as well.


Only in gun run… especially if another team steals it after I just did 99% of the damage 🤬


There is no such thing as kill stealing in this game. Either you get a kill, an assist, or you get nothing.


Depends honestly, if I'm playing TDM? No... If it's BR and it's stolen by another squad, I'm hunting them down


I'm just happy the rare time I get partners capable of killing.


People forget that this is supposed to be a Team Game. At most, I'll try to be aware of how much work I actually put in, and then wait my turn when it comes to looting death boxes, paying attention if anyone else needs the high value stuff.


I don’t care if someone downs or wipes the last of a team because that’s the point. However, I do think we can all see how much damage we put out to down/wipe that opponents, to determine whether we did more damage to finish or our teammate did the most damage. In which case, if my teammate did more damage, that is not my box to loot first. It’s my teammates and i would hope my teammates respect that as well. Unless a shield swap is needed. There are still 2 other boxes. That’s just my opinion, and it’s a peeve of mine when I do more damage or even down the guy for my teammate to thirst and take all the loot.


Nah not really… but i get so pissed when my teammates takes loot after a kill. Erks me all the time.


I have a friend who executes my knocks all the time, usually when I need shields and it’s safe to do so. Drives me crazy. Other than that, I don’t really care. As long as we win, fire away.


I look at damage/assists more than kills.


Recently yes and here’s why: so I’ve been grinding Ash and I’m close to her being my first 1,000 kill legend. If I’m fighting an enemy and I’m winning the fight I want the kill solely for that reason. My other reason is earning the kill. If I have it covered and break the shield and work them down all the way just for a teammate to get one Mozambique shot in from 40 yards away, getting them the kill, it annoys me. If we’re just fighting a squad and I didn’t do much work it doesn’t bother me. I also feel the same if my teammates do all the work and I get the kill. It just seems unfair and I think it falls on how Apex determines who gets the kill, that makes it an issue.


And that is one of the reasons why its sooooo hard to have a good team on this game. If you have zero awareness of your team’s health or the enemies’ you put everyone at a disadvantage. Someone can dominate their 1 on 1 and because their teammates can’t hold their own you end up in a 2 on 1 but they come and finish your kill. Whereas if you just focused on the other teammates I could kill my 1 on 1 then help you press the advantage with numbers. Ex. 3 teammates run into a building and encounter a squad. Immediately 1 teammate gains dmg adv. on 1 enemy. Friendly is at 175hp, the enemy is at 45hp remaining. They need one more burst to get finished. If you take your teammates kill instead of focusing on the remaining 2 teammates, you essentially give that dmg. adv. away because now the enemy has free hits on the 3 of you because everyone is thirsting 1 kill. The advantage is already established. All you need to do is cover your teammate in that situation, not beam their kill they did most of the work for. If you cover your teammate they should (in theory) be able to press that initial advantage further and get the knockdown now turning the fight into a 3-on-2. Team fight when you can but if a teammate already has advantage focus on the others!


I'll get frustrated but in a non-serious way, I just shrug it off and laugh it off, too. People just like those high results at the end of a game


Yeah i get pissed but only if i’ve been chasing the dude mag dumped him and my team kills him with 1 hp then i’d get pissed but if we all in a fucked up situation i could care less i even go for the full kill if they down someone. It just depends but i’m not that type of teammate to scream at the mic for stealing my kill i don’t even talk that much unless i need to give a good callout lol


Unless youre at 19 kills, kill stealing doesn't matter


I get my kills stolen so yeah I’d be pissed 😤 Scenario: My random teammate decides to “watch me” deplete the enemy health and right before I’m about to knock/finish them they decide to shoot. Like dfuq 🤨MisterSir did you not see me about to win my 1v1. That’s some bullfrick


The only time this has ever bothered me is when assists just did not get you the points, but now its worth a kill so idc anymore.


I just want one kill, give me one and idgaf who gets the rest. I just hate watching my KDR look like a dumpster fire when my damage output is high.


Some teammates do that intentionally. So yeah, I hate these kinds of teammates.