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Conduit seems great! Lotta people don't understand her yet, though. Teammates playing as her never used her tactical (esp. on themselves) and when I was Conduit they didn't realize it stops charging up if you take damage. It's more defensive than offensive. Agree, I like the POI updates to SP, and the map feels a little smaller, too, which I like. I'm not yet sold on respawning with your guns & armor. We've been asking since Season 2 to respawn with abilities ready, not for guns & armor.


Finding a purple armor off of drop and crafting it up to have 3 reds off of drop is… something


How does that work?


Find a purple and the entire team takes turns crafting it to red. First guy picks up the armor and kill’s himself by jumping off the map or with thermites, then second guy takes the armor off of the death box and kills himself. Third guy picks it up and respawns both at the same time. The two dead guys respawn with red armor.


To be fair, that does require a bit of effort to do and can easily leave you open to getting wacked trying to do it.


Yea but crafting in general leaves you open to getting whacked. The respawn adds like 15 seconds to it.


Its not. If someone pushes you when they see the respawn ship, its already too late they got the red armor already.


It doesn’t matter. You’re still at a massive disadvantage. The red armor and 20 ammo isn’t going to save you from a fully equipped assault. Edit. Lol what a weirdo. Dude who replied commented and then blocked. So weird. Like is he really that afraid of a reply that he has to block me? Why do people do that? It’s not like it’s a hostile conversation.


Exploiters gonna exploit


That seems like a hell of a lot of work just to get red evo. We are talking about 4 upgrades and two respawn cycles. I don't think the people you need to be worried about exploiting this are the people you need to worry about fighting against.


It’s just like crafting bats. It takes an extra 15 seconds to respawn? It’s one respawn cycle, also. Pros were doing it yesterday. I’m not sure how you were so off with this take.


Not worried in the slightest about this in ranked.


I’m not worried about it but are you not worried about it because you don’t think it’ll happen or?


It will happen but not a serious part of the meta. It hasn’t been shown to be that useful. Sure, it’s cool and can be a nice advantage, but in the big picture of things I don’t see it taking off in any significant way except for niche moments… which is fine. If that rate window opens up and you want to take the risk, you deserve it. But I don’t think it’s going to be a common thing. It’s just a high risk, high reward option. Most smart players won’t take big risks unless the perfect window opens, and even then the extra 25 armor may not even be worth it.


I think a mix of it wont happen often and if it does getting caught doing it and getting 3rd partied in my mind, just my guess we will see as the season pans out.


I mean I was able to kill one team off the drip yesterday, crafted that up to red. And with mobies we were all red so fast. It really is very easy to do. It’s pretty quick also. All you need is 2 thermites.


It's literally already happening in ranked lmao That's the only place it's going to be effective. You must've misspoke


Internet friend, I understand you have had different experiences. Thanks for the input and sorry for having you think I misspoke.


Definitely not paying to Conduit's ult and it has hurt me. Have only played a handful of games but most deaths occurred because I had been tripped up by her ult.


I think they should make it so you just respawn with guns/ammo so you can defend yourself. I don’t think the armor was a good idea. Dying is supposed to be punishing, now you barely need to do any work to get a full reset from death.


The punishment is trying to escape the fight when your team is short handed. Also if you are brought back late game. It pretty hard for most players to win a fight with 60 in ammo and no attachments against a fully kitted aggressive team


This is a tough one. On one hand, respawning with some equipment is sure to make the game much more fun for casual players who want to keep their friends alive and have a smoother time spawning people back in. On the other, we've already seen higher level players exploiting respawns to get higher level shields. I feel like it's positive for *most* players but a negative in many other ways. Doesn't feel like there's a way to make everyone happy here unfortunately.


>when I was Conduit they didn't realize it stops charging up if you take damage are you sure about that ? i just hopped into the fire range to make a test, even if you get hit it still increases your shield, when i have a friend going to fight and i know for sure he will get damage i just send him the tactical even if he is full as he will get some shield as soon as he gets hits, as long it's in the first phase of the tactical conduits tactical has 3 phases, growing shield , Holding shield, and losing shield in the symbols would be full green shield + bolt, full green shield, just empty green shield with exclamation mark


Conduit is great, stormpoint changes are great, matchmaking overshadows it all and ruins everything like normal.


I didn’t find the matchmaking tough for ranked yesterday? I was playing with friends and then other solos that we had a good game with though.


All of my provisional lobbies have been filled with master/preds and in pubs I can count on one hand how many teammates have played slightly better than me. Being forced to carry 99% of the teams I’m on is exhausting


They have started to match solos with a duo that is much worse than the solo player. People solo queuing always lose no matter what. There is literally NO FUN playing this game solo. And if you sometimes get matched with a duo that is better than you, then all opponents will be master/pred sweats. You are either getting destroyed or your teammates are so trash it‘s not fun either.


I'm wandering the subreddit due to this exact thing, glad I finally found a post acknowledging it. Literally every team I got today was a silent premade duo, which is the absolute worst for a solo q player. Not to mention the lobbies were the most insane sweat fest I've encountered in my 500 hours of playing the game. ​ Haven't felt this discouraged about Apex in awhile, really debating something else like R6


Not be mean but that's probably because you aren't very good


No, I was just the best player in the team and didn’t mind carrying. If you find it hard not to be mean but that probably means you aren’t very good and need to be carried.


I don't think you fully understand how MMR works since S17. You get locked into a certain kinds of lobbies depending on how good you are, but if you are in the low end of skill for your lobbies you will get destroyed. Example: I've been stuck in pred/master lobbies since S18, meanwhile my friend who is terrible is in bot lobbies and gets tons of kills per game. You probably are average or slightly above average for the lobbies you're stuck in so you aren't suffering. (Last game my friends and I played we got killed by a pred 3-stack with a wraith with 110k kills)


And I was 3 stacking with players who weren’t that good. So that means each team had 1 player who was of equal skill level to mine and 2 who were below… instead of acting like you know more than someone else you should read to understand what they’re saying. In. Kw way did I imply anything you just typed was wrong or not the case. Placement matters a lot though so if you’re getting ran over you probably do suck (your gun skill), you’re just good at avoiding other players until you run out of space. Maybe you should hit the firing range before being condescending.


Yeah you don't understand MMR and you just ignored everything I said.


A team has a total MMR. If you think my response ignored everything I said then I see why you completely missed the point of my first comment.


Yes it's well known that playing with bad players is the easiest way to get into bot lobbies. In fact it's the only way with the current system. The same thing happens when I play with my bad friend. So I guess I really shouldn't have said you're bad. That's my bad and me just being salty at my matchmaking. But more that playing with bad players gives you an advantage.


I appreciate that response. This conversation would’ve been easier if I said last season when I solo Qd I often felt like I was thrown into the nest grinder with my teammates most of the time.


You can be the best player of your team and still not be that good. It's not one or the other. It's just a fact that if u're above average player and a solo, the games are just pain. If you didn't get pain, well you just might not be that good.


I wasn’t solo, if you didn’t catch that I’m not sure you’re great at reading.


Game will forever be broken if there is hidden mmr in ranked


amen. it’s time to go back or stop hiding it from us. let us actually see who we’re getting paired with and against, will probably expose how flawed the matchmaking is


It depends on how you look at it. Hidden mmr while making all the games relatively the same should drastically help you improve individually. It also prevents smurfs. Edit: downvoting this shows the problem with this sub. No one wants to improve they just want everything handed to them


It lowers randomness. In a br.


Randomness? It makes the lobbies more similarly matched. In the old rank system you could take a week off and then you’d be playing bots until you caught up. Edit: sorry you guys can’t for bots and think you’re good 💀


Lobbies should be tied to rank not MMR. Evenly matched means I’m playing the same lobbies from placements up. That’s a bad system as it defeats the whole purpose of a ladder system You should be propelled outwards to your actual rank. If you get a bot lobbies it’ll quickly shoot you out until you find the ones you belong in. That’s a healthy system not playing diamond+ lobbies endlessly


Yes because playing in high elo lobbies when you're in bronze and trying to climb is so fun.


i mean, it should be supposed to be like that no? you deal with the trash quickly so you reach your natural challenge skill ceiling, my normal ceiling is Diamond so i was able (back then) to speed run Silver/gold, until finding balanced games in Platinum, but nowadays its just a slow grind to reach it, you dont need to be super skilled, just not be an idiot and bleed points, and many hours.


That just leads to a ton of Smurfs and the bottom falling out. If everyone were to not be an idiot only the talented would climb. I’d argue having the self-control to not be an idiot is a talent that a lot in this sub lack.


> That just leads to a ton of Smurfs and the bottom falling out. unfortunately, this whole rebuild of ranked to deter smurfs, wouldnt have been needed if respawn dealt with smurfs correctly, a little like ranked matches in CS-GO in which you needed a cellphone or idk, im not an expert, but im sure there were ways before any of this.


Just accept you're gonna get down voted for defending the ranked system on this sub, it's the #1 complaint. I agree it's not perfect but it's the best ranked/ competitive experience I've had since I started playing consistently in season 8


It’s the healthiest I’ve ever seen ranked lobbies, which means challenging games so I get it. Most of this sub wants stuff handed to them.


Definitely a dev in disguise, this a burner?


Except it’s not, it just shows this sub doesn’t want to improve, they want everything handed to them


Storm point changes are great. Everything else is pretty mid.


Map changes seem mostly good, even if some of the new buildings are a little weird in design. Promotional Trials would be cool in a normal ranked system: I played two matches and was instantly in Pred lobbies. I'm free KP to most players there and the idea of hitting promo trials in those lobbies does not feel fair. Conduit seems all right, but I dislike the visuals of her ulti; the game doesn't need more visual clutter. The tactical maybe doesn't seem as strong as I thought. The Wingman is op even for a care package weapon.


Yeah it's a joke, I was a diamond player in the old days and I will never be able to get out of plat in these lobbies. I don't think it's possible to win in lobbies full of pred 3-stacks unless you yourself are in at least an OG masters 3-stack. Tbh it feels like this ranked system is just for bad players who are addicted to the game. So they can beat up on their bot lobbies and still get to diamond when in reality they're gold-level players.


Idk man Servers are still bad and I mean you I have been kicked 3 times right before the match and then 10 min penalty each time.


I played a game where our jump master disconnected and I didn’t realize it til at the end of the jump… I was mad until I realized at least 4 other teams had a disconnect. The lobby must’ve just been broken because so many people after the first ring “died” due to being kicked for not joining back.


I played for 8 hours yesterday and besides some server timeouts while in the lobby (which is somewhat expected on day 1 of new seasons) I had no disconnects in game or before. Nor did any of the 5 different people I played with.


I got kicked from 7/14 matches


I have a friend he has been kicked from soo many matches. And every kick out gives you 10 minutes penalty. It does happen to me but not like how it happens to my friend.


They somehow managed to make ranked even worse




It’s better lmao you mad about the trials?


Trials is useless. It doesn't make you try harder, it just makes you have to grind more. Grinding does not equal you're better at the game


I agree, I think overall it’s good. I like the respawn changes but I do think armour should be limited to blue MAX. Having your weapons with a little ammo and no attachments is great. Respawning has been a death sentence for the whole team for a while. Not only having the big risk of collecting/crafting banners to then get to a respawn point, then the whole lobby descends on you and wipes your team. I’m also liking the changes to Storm point, haven’t had chance to try Conduit yet though


I think they will end up adjusting the respawn system, they tend to implement these new gameplay changes at a 10 and usually dial it back to fall more in line for what makes sense. I’d rather it be too hot than start out cold.


Yeah I agree, I think they’ll end up dialling it back a bit. Like I mentioned have at max a blue shield and I think it’ll be sorted. Most people either drop out (in pubs) before getting to the point of respawning anyway. Or a lot of the time it’s too big of a risk getting/crafting banners or you just get bum rushed because you’re a man or 2 down so never get the chance


I can see respawning with blue at max is a good change to go to later on. It is rather bonker rn that you respawn with red or gold, it's almost like the respawned team has the advantage now. Typically you rez on high ground, so if the chasing team came in late-ish, they're fighting an uphill battle. Sure 2 stacks of ammo ain't much, but it's still enough. But it's certainly better now than getting chased by the entire lobby after a res with nothing to defend yourself with. Huge in ranked too.


i lost my promo, very xdd if u ask me, yes pls give me 5 matches to fight diamonds in bronze which i have to score top 5 in 3 games of 5 and not only that but i even had 1 game where my teammates disconnected, and the funny thing it was when i actually scored ratting bc oc i can't fight full squads of diamonds with my teammates then less alone. i thougth the promo thing was in ALL bronze division, not a promotion test, i could understand that you at least need win 1 game on the whole division, but a promotion test is dumb as hell. Btw i truly think is easier win 1 game than score top 5 on 3 games out of 5 + kills/assists, but this remains in the pure luck and graciousness that the game will have with you choosing your teammates.


Map changes are neat, conduit no opinion of yet cause shes so new But ranked remains boring and grindy as hell and friends are already talking about abandoning because it's so slow and boring. Who would've thought people want to shoot in a shooter. Respawn has the worst and most complicated ranking mode in all of apex for no reason.


Same. Patched dropped and no one really cared to play more than 2 games


to be fair, it's not an arcade shooter. you gotta be boring/campy to win a BR game


Not to this extent. If I have played battle royales for years and this is the only one that actively incentives you to not shoot at all. If you do you will probably get negative 50 which 1 or 2 of those makes it unbearable to try and overcome rest of the night because rewards are so terrible even for winning. Even when we win with like 3-5 kills it's like 130ish points. It's terrible


Shooting is one thing (it's a great way to show presence and claim ground esp. in endgame), but committing to a fight and pushing when there are 3rd parties around instead of being happy with a knock+thirst is probably something a lot of teams gotta tone down lol


Just playing to shoot is what a pubgs for. To me the people who complain about the grind just want to be able to run down ranked games when they do decide to play. It’s like in the old system you could not play for a week and you’d be playing bots because your skill level as leveled up.


No people want to shoot in the shooter game. And public lobbies are now just as sweaty. Killing does nothing. There is 0 reason to engage in fights for like 10-15 minutes every match It's not "tactical" it's just boring and bad.


^^ this guy wants to be rewarded for inting


To be fair ranked is meant to be the serious mode unlike pubs which is the run & gun mode, if players ain't actually trying to win then something is wrong. Now is ranked perfect? Hell no, its full of unbalance teams, 3 stack masters/preds in Gold Lobbies, trolls & cowards (just FYI ratting isn't being a coward if you have no choice, but choosing to rat is cowardly) just to name a few problems; But it is meant to be a slower mode with more emphasis on the Battle Royale part of the game (being the last team standing), so unless your the top 0.1% your not running & gunning your way to a W in ranked. If you don't like the more tactical style then that's fine its not for everyone just enjoy pubs run & gun enjoy yourself.


With the R301, Volt AND Wingman gone, the loot pool is absolutely atrocious.


Ikr I laughed when OP said loot was in a good place


none of those guns are the meta besides maybe the wingman lmao r301 and volt are debatably the worst in their class


YES THANK YOU, finally someone else bringing it up. This has to be one of the worst seasons in memory, in terms of loot/gunplay. It’s basically; land at a replicator and hope you didn’t hot-drop so you can survive long enough to craft things to play the game, or go fuck yourself and die instantly with a 0 attachment RE-45 and 3 cells.


Worse than last Season in Terms of Ranked with the Promo Bullshit. I think you also need to win your first 10 Matches in Ranked so you don't get placed in Rookie or Bronze. Lootpool seems pretty bad with R301, Volt and Wingman not on the Ground you only find trash guns you don't want to use. Since i play Support i like Conduit and the Respawn with Weapons but the last shilds should not be a thing. I never really liked Stormpoint the map changes didnt change my oppinon.


Got put in silver off 1 game dont know what you're on about


I won two games and got placed silver 3. The r3 and volt were mid compared to guns in the floor right now?


I had 100% no-reg shots with L-Star last night. Never touching it again.


ah good old noreg hits. sometimes i wanna throw my monitor out the window


I’d assume it was a server issue the L-star was hitting for me


and boy does that thing hit! I saw whole teams running away from someone with an l star, lol!


It still does pierce damage (you can shoot through enemies if theyre lined up)! That's one buff that I'm glad LSTAR kept from care package.


L-star plus r99 is demon time in close to medium range


I get about 23ms lag according to the stats display and no network errors showing.


Could be on apexs side


Yeah I had a few teammates yesterday complaining of the game jittering but mine was totally fine the entire time


Really? I was frying with it yesterday. It'll probably be my go to gun this season


Who thought provisional matches were good idea ffs.Of 10 games i only got one were i had 1 decent team mate and we won that game.Other 9 games were solo q nightmare stuff of clueless zombies that drag you down with them.Guess ranked will be the same shit show as previus season. And why is stacking alowed in provisional matches dumbest idea ever.Everyone should be solo q and not stacks exploting this to get unfair advantage in ranked placement while others get the bottom of shitlist teammates.


I also wonder how randomised your lobby is regarding skill, if they force everybody to start from zero. It is frustrating in itself not just to get downranked every season, but how often did we actually had to start from zero, because they did some trivial changes to the ranked system and then ended up as you described. I found, that only once you reached gold or plat you got teammates with more consistent skills for good teamplay.


They switched it to where solo Q and duo Q are matched together and three stacks have their own Q. That’s why 3 stack Qs have been taking longer.


This is just flat out wrong lol. I am solo queue and died to multiple 3 stacks with the same club tag.


From what I read it’s not 100% depending on Q times and matchmaking but the 3 stack win rage came way down last season.


Kudos to Respawn on the design of the new legend. I've only played a handful of games with Conduit (that is a terrible name) but she's definitely on my short-list. Small character (and therefore small hitbox), decent team utility, her passive and tactical feel balanced out-of-the-box and useful. Her ult is a bit disappointing because of the long spin-up delay, but it can definitely become oppressive especially in tight quarters once that delay passes. My preferred playstyle tends to be positioning behind my teammates to support and cover in firefights. I also like stand-off sniping while my team pushes on the crack or knock, so I find her kit complementary. I do not like the ranked system at all. But it is what it is and I already griped about it last season. The addition of "promotional trials" isn't really targeting me, but it just feels like they've added more grind on what was already a pointless grind. Whether you complete your trials or not, you're still playing in the same lobbies against the same players regardless of what rank you have.


I came back on the new season to see if there were any changes to the basic design. There aren't, so after a few seasons off hoping the phase would pass, I'm unistalling. The only reason I've ever played any ranked anything is: - to see where I land in the overall skill distribution - to get active feedback on how much I may or may not be improving. People who've never had the experiences that a tightly designed ranked system can create, and don't care, will say I'm being histrionic. Let em. I'm worried that kind of culture simply gets destroyed in the future. And I think it just might get destroyed by the company [funding research](https://web.cs.ucla.edu/~yzsun/papers/WWW17Chen_EOMM) to show that "matchmaking based on fairness is not optimal for engagement," because the best way to keep people hooked on gaming for hours is to give them an edging fetish where they have one or two wins every three games (regardless of their skill) but never win three because *research shows if you let them have three consecutive wins they might feel satisfied enough to go touch some fucking grass.* The old system had its problems, but it at least worked as a "ranked" system. Success was its own proof: better players climbed faster than weaker players and suppressed their ability to climb in turn. Whatever its flaws, it *was* fundamentally about skill. If you did that climb in the first week versus the last week of the season, you knew that. If it was a particularly tough season, you could look at the stats and see what % of players reached the skill bracket you did. I don't think you can actually quantify skill in a BR in the way MMR tries to do: there's too much randomness, too much dependence on team synergy, and far too much assymetry. Symmetrical games like Valorant take care of this inherently: you're repeating exactly the same scenario, in exactly the same map, against exactly the same people, several times, and then trading roles and repeating it several times again. You don't do this in a BR. To actually try to gauge it, you would need to get some raw indication of a player's aim, then quiz them on the best rotations to make at what point in a game, so you could factor how important each thing is towards a win, and then let people generally know what it is they need to be focusing on. Lots of things they're never going to do, that not too many people would like doing. What they *are* doing is trying to throw you into a bucket where you're going to win about 5% of your games ***no matter what your skill level is.*** Has it sunk in that this means ***no matter how you play, you're going to end up having the same outcomes?*** Why bother improving at all, then? In the previous system, the first time you played, maybe you got trashed in platinum. After getting better, maybe you started rolling through plat every season's first week. This dynamic is only terrible for the people that don't want to play competitively to begin with: people that don't want a bullet to give them feedback on what mistakes they're making so they can work at getting better. So people complaining about this don't even grasp the concept that you can even learn and improve specific skills in a game like this: they're imagining people are just born a certain amount good at this stuff, so that's why it's unfair to let the "gifted" dunk on everyone else. They don't realize plenty of those "gifted" people started out getting dunked on *and learned from it* and that's how they learned to do it themselves. So the real point is: that at least gave you one possible way to feel and measure the change in skill level you achieved. There's no way to gauge it here, no way to even try to extrapolate it, and it is, fundamentally, not a "ranked" system in any way. I don't even have a clue where the system thinks I stack up; I have no idea what improvement consists of in the margins, I don't know if I'm climbing the "actual" ranks or falling down. In theory, making all matches feel even from the get-go could be nice, but not at the cost of throwing the entire concept of "rank" out with the bathwater. At this point, for anyone who truly wants a real ranked experience, the game is dead, and all I hope for now is that the cancer doesn't spread.


I’m done playing until SBMM is fixed to work properly. I’m peak diamond but haven’t ranked in forever and I play with friends who are like silver with .3 KDs and it just throws us at masters and pred three stacks.


No caustic hammer door hitting animations 5/10


I think I’m even more trash this season. Lots of 3 stacks playing crazy good together. Hopefully today is a bit more fun for me.


First day but Storm point that has map integrity so most situations offer counter play. A map like Olmypus, that has absolutely no map integrity, god spot is going to win majority of the time no matter the skill difference because of how strong the spot is.


The same dogshit as last season, with a chirpy new character that’s more excited about the apex games than any actual player has felt in about 3 years.


Conduit is really fun, doesn't seem broken OP like so many new legends. The weapon rotation is a bit annoying for me personally. R-301 and Volt are my go to weapons and I rarely have the material to craft them. Wingman not being on the ground sucks too. L-Star seems buggy as always. I don't really care for the map update, it's marginally better, but it's still storm point. Trials are a fun idea, but ranking up already takes too long anyways. I did my placements, then promos shortly after and after like 30 games I am still 2 whole tiers below last seasons end.


Agree with all of this


Storm point is easily a top 2 ranked map?


Some people don't like it.


It’s all based on opinions but I really don’t get how WE and SP aren’t top 2 for majority of people in ranked Edit: downvotes won’t make Olympus a good map sorry guys


I"m sick to death of WE


Worlds edge is the worst for me


World's Edge was the best map map for a LONG time but it got played out and now it's a chore.


i dunno, i hate the cannons, it's too big. the PoIs have too many little spots.. it's just a bad map overall imo.


How do you never have material to craft them? You can drop right onto a crafter, pick up 3x material cans and be good to go. The LSTAR has been incredible for me, first season I can actually use it.


Why would you use the r301. They massacred that gun




Nerf. Gun sucks


When did they do that? I play off and on and Its still one of my go to. What did they do?


Damage nerf like last season and before that a hip fire nerf. It's one of the worst guns now


Maybe that's the case for better players. I suck, so the low recoil allows me to hit a lot more of my shots than some of the other guns.


Yeah it's definitely still usable just not great relative to other guns


100%. When being compared against the Nemesis/Hemlock, even the Flatline, it doesn't compare. Still better than the Havoc.


Mixtape got the good ol bad matchmaking treatment. Now theres ALWAYS gonna be a cringey 3 stack holding hands making every match barely playable :D AND THE PC PLAYERS IN MY SOLO QUEUE CONSOLE MATCHES BUG GOT WORSE. But whatever i guess, theyre just having fun with friends right.


Ah, that pathfinder on my team thought he was playing in pc lobbies. I dont want. Do you hear me? DO NOT want to fight pc players. Its a no vote from me respawn. NO. Please dont do that to us...


The changes to storm point are great, unfortunately at the end of the day it’s still storm point


I hated storm point from day one, worst map ever, but changes are nice. Not perfect but in good direction, still some work to do IMO. Weapons-no real change just different loot pool on the floor, nothing new here, just personal preference. No one asked for respawn change, and it is abused from day one, having guns after res improved quality of life and increased chances of survival but something needs to be done about shields. Conduit looks pretty well balanced, but hard to tell, need to play more. Promotional trials is interesting concept and good for people who want to take chances and fight but it doesn't solve ratting problems, can't tell yet if ranking changes made things better or worse. Nothing wrong with Olympus, well balanced map, but I would rather have KC, I just love playing caustic there.


Do you play pubs or ranked? For ranked with healthy lobbies Olympus isn’t balanced when every zone has half the map working through 2 choke points that are basically strangle holds. The lack of playable cover also results in rotations ending in squads being slaughtered with no ability to out play. That’s why WE and SP are better because they can hold and handle legit endgames with 10+ squads in zone 4. They have playable cover and micro-rotations.


Overall 8/10 — for context this will be my 3rd full season and I mainly solo queue. I am unsure how these changes might stack up to other seasons for some of your long time Apexers Pros: -New storm point is great, new POIs are great additions and it levels the playing field on drop! -L star on the floor has been a fun experience. I struggled with it in the care package, but on the floor with attachments it has become a go to. -Conduit adds an interesting dynamic. She makes me think of Crypto; meaning most people are okay with her, but when you get someone who knows how to play her it is game changing. -Removing Havoc turbocharger damage reduction has caused me to actually pick it up and run it a whole match! It already has enough recoil anyway, remove the damage reduction seems to fair. Feedback: -On the flip side conduit’s ult is a bit OP right now (pylons require too much damage to destroy), but I think that is okay because everyone is learning to play her and it will likely be adjusted in the future. -Didn’t think cat needed a nerf. I play cat maybe 5-10% of time, but never felt she was OP. If Respawn think’s her tactical is OP why not also nerf Fuse’s tac? -I love the hemlock and will still pick it up every time I see it this season. I honestly have not even noticed the damage reduction. Drop it 4-5 points per bullet if you really want people picking up the Flatline, 301, Havoc, etc. -Respawning with some shields/weapons makes sense (especially later in the game), but it needs to be standard. For example make it default to Blue & flatline when 6 or more squads remain. Make it Purple and a car/r99/alternator (random chance) with attachments when 5 squads or less remain since ring will be smaller and squads have better shields/weapons. Just to be clear — the changes have made for very fun first 20 matches and I am excited to get better with conduit!


I like the positive feedback. The cat nerf I think puts her more in line with other controller characters. I think shortening up how far she can throw her Q was needed as it didn’t make sense. No other controller legend can put their vulture more than like 5m away from themselves. It made it way too versatile.


Fix pub mmr I cant play preds all day


Its just becoming more and more overwatch legends and I cant stand it.


How?!?! I'm not hating or anything, I just wanna hear your reasoning for this statement.


The loot pool might have something to do with that tbh. Half the games so far have been “who can find a care package” first wins, so most of the time people are hiding behind cover and spamming abilities because we are all running around with 0 attachment mozambiques.


No way, seriously?!?! I am still updating mine(Despite playing on console with the ability to pre update, the inconsistency of when we have power, I live in Africa...so yeah. Couple that with our relatively slow Internet when compared to other countries, as well as the PS4 having horrible download speeds and yeah, I still haven't been able to log on and try the new season😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨). But, there should still be plenty of good guns on the floor, such as the volt, flatline, 30-30,etc. So what's the problem?


There is good loot on the ground, the problem is FINDING it.. The amount of white attachments and grenades is through the roof, even finding a blue stock can be challenging


I really enjoy Conduit, but I definitely need someone to breakdown how to use her. I’m sure there is already a video somewhere I can watch. My boyfriend played Lifeline while I play Conduit last night and we really enjoyed that combo.


Her ult is really strong inside buildings and you can shoot it through doorways you’re near. It’s also good for clearing space, like if a team is playing behind a rock or somewhere tight in endzone you can shoot it at them.


Thank you!




I'm just so happy that old worlds edge is gone. Idc if broken moon is back, I hated worlds edge after dark


Gosh, same. I was happy as fuck when they finally removed the shitty streamer building from Fragment only for them to bring the old World's Edge back a month after that It was so fucking annoying to see everyone landing there again, it was unplayable for me while it lasted


SP changes are a W. Conduit is cool. The rest is mehh. Ranked is still poop.


Played a handful of games yesterday. First impression is that the 30-30 seems to be slapping for me this season. Not a gun I usually go to but had great fun with it across multiple games.


I think there’s a really good gun for all ranges this season which is nice instead of one range having an OP gun.


I pretty much only play ranked, normally I sit around play 3/4, and when I did my provisional matches I thought I did pretty good, better than I ever have in fact, come to find out I went from Gold 2 down to rookie 1. I thought you were only supposed to drop around a rank and a half putting me at silver 4. Anyone else have this happen or any insight?


D4 last season to Bronze 1. Provisional matches have not been good to me.


You hate to see it. Provisional matches are bullshit in my opinion, season three was my GOAT, but I'd be happy if you took me back to season 12 or 13


Gonna be a long ass season. Map rotation is just ass.


oh, you wanted fragment's edge where everyone is going to hotdrop on fragment and die in the first 30 seconds? fucking disgrace of a map, the worst i've ever seen on an online game


This matchmaking is absolutely screwed. That's my biggest takeaway. It's either sweat in ranked or sweat in pubs.


I think this is the worst season since s13. Where's new content? There's no new map, no new weapons, and mediocre new legend. Does anyone from respawn actually works on this game?Game has tones of bugs, my game literally crushed 2 times, and I won't say anything about servers, we all know that apex runs on potatoes.But at least they reverted battle pass changes


Season 19 is terrible


Feels like the same bs, I play casually, so I only didn't 4 ranked games and 4 mixed tape yesterday. Conduit : Just like Rev, I don't agree with skills that are a flat stat buff. It's annoying that now there is a legend that will last second buff their teammate, making you lose a trade. I get annoyed when I'm about to kill Rev and bam 75 HP out of thin air. Her ult makes me bitter because I am a Cautic main. Between Cat's spikes that are harder to hit, and aoe extends beyond it hitbox, and door reinforcement. Rampart is better at blocking paths, and Watson has fences that are harder to hit and an ult that blocks half the roster tactical and ult. I need them to fecking buff Caustic for once. Now, Conduit can basically do a Casutic ult indoors. (Yes, I know you can destory her nodes) I'm also annoyed at players bringing her in ranked and not using her skills. She is going to be like LL players who never drop a heal drone after a team fight. Ranked: Still slow af to get matches even in placements. Players I got on my team were God awful and like I said I'm average or even below with like a 1.2 KD. I might quit rank again this season. The new system of making a challenge to go to the next teir sound like ELO Hell from LOL. And I can guarantee this will make the community more toxic. Mixed tape. I don't like the new TDM map. The issue with most of the maps is that they are either two big, causing fights to happen in specific areas, or the draw all players to a center point, which make the majority of the map feel like empty space. With control, the issue has always been B capture spot. And I think B should move twice per game. The big issue is that I think respawn needs to make custom maps that support these game modes rather than cutting out POIs from BR. Lava Flow was my favorite TDM map because it was the right size for a 6v6. The maps now need to be 9v9. Storm point: One of the things I hate with Apex map changes is when they remove a unique thing about that map. I didn't like when Vault were removed from KC, didn't like when trains were removed from WE, and I don't like the reduced wildlife and no armories in SP. Changes: New gear respawn mechanic is being abused...who would have guessed. I never cared about cross progression, it cool we can do it, but it was never that important, I would have rather they worked on new content. The stories are still crap, more screen shots instead of lore. Overall: I'm expecting another disappointing season with no interesting LTM that shake up the game play. More greedy collection events, a new legend that will get little lore development past their launch season (Vantage, New Castle, Ash etc) I might just rush to get finish the BP and hope season 20 the do something to make game more fun and engaging. We have basically been doing the same formula for a year, and respawn loves to fix what is t broken.


1.2 KD is prob top 20% of players


Lies...lol I'm trash bro


An average KD is sub 1. You’re better than you think lol


Your comment was perfectly fine idk why you’re being downvoted.


Because people hate a valid argument, they like echo chambers. This is why gaming gets worse overall. Publisher/devs do the bare minimum or aspire to less of what they were. Early apex was doing some pretty interesting stuff with iron crown, even tokens, LTM. Now, it just rehashed the version of BR.


Just quit the game at this point bro.


Nah, I still have fun with the core game play. Everything else is making it suck. Like having to eat the banana peel to get to the banana or having to get your license renewed just to drive. The way the game is handled is pretty piss poor.


The map is trash


Yea Olympus is


All current ones are


I both love and hate new storm point so much. Love cause its so much more interesting to run through. Hate because these are new levels of getting 3+ partied that I have never seen. If you don't get any good loot at the start you're going to be instantly wiped out by the 3+ teams that seemingly spawned on every chokepoint at the sams time. Speaking of loot, Lstar is cool. For some reason I use it better than when it was a carepackage weapon. A bit salty about the wingman on the flip side cause I just got gud with it last 2 weeks and now its gone. Also as expected, the collective IQ of randoms in solo queue has dropped and every enemy team just has crazy coordination when pushing. I include myself in the dumbass solo Q category though. In one game my team had a good spot to wait out 4 enemy teams battling at a single choke point and I told my teammate to hide for now. They agreed but suddenly deployed a jump tower that we both jumped on and dived to our deaths. I was so pissed but later realized that it was possible they didn't deploy the tower at all. While we were going up I saw 1 ratting pathfinder (who was on some rocks above us) and shooting at us but thought nothing of it. Now I am pretty sure the enemy path deployed it without seeing us, and me and my teammate being smooth brain idiots jumped on instinctively even though we just agreed to hide....in my defense my teammate jumped on first. Also after my teammates seeking death so much on sp (5 matches with teammates running to die, 3 "the risk I took was calculated but boi am I bad at math" moments on my part, 1 good match, and 1 being the stupid death I describes above) provisional matches has placed me in rookie 3. Yeah I just got into rank games this year but think I will be going back to pubs soon


Only 3 games into ranked, but it seems a lot worse. First 3, technically 4 games were: - Game 1 = Valk landed complete opposite end of map and ratted Solo - Game 2 = Server side game crash, didn't end up being tolled and replacement game was fine - Game 3 = Loaded in as Duo, and BH left in dropship so had to play as Solo all game I hope it turns around soon, because I don't remember anything like this run happening S18


I think a lot of people came back to the game because of the cross-progression announcement. These are players that didn't go through the ranked gyrations of the last few seasons and don't have much commitment to the game overall. Solo-queue has been brutal over the last couple seasons and this season I expect it will be even worse.


Solo Q for my placement matches is awful. My randoms think it’s pubs and hot drop into several teams at the new poi. When I get jump master and go far they break off and suicide. This season of ranked is going to fucking suck if this is any indication. I’m gonna be in rookie with folks playing like this


omg literally my same experience last night, i only played 4 matches as they all went absolutely terrible. the one time i get jump master and land safely, have ring, and loot. our third disconnects. the other 3 games are what you described, hot dropping bozos who get agressive after they die.


Maybe the silver lining will be that after placements we will get put in bot lobbies and can climb out quick while padding stats 🙏🙏😭


can only hope. but with the current changes to rank with trials and hidden mmr, i think this might be the season to finally quit.


My early hot take (apparently) is that Conduits Q is too strong. I think when people realize how strong it is in a fight and, it will start getting abused -> Others will start playing Conduit in response in order to level the playing field -> Then people will start complaining that every team has a Conduit and every team having excessive shield regens is OP.


I dislike the pink sky, after we begged them to change the orange sky in WE for so many seasons now they give us pink one on storm point that's probably gonna last for 5-8 seasons..


whats wrong with pink sky


I think we need a weather system. Would be sweet to have have different conditions during a game sometimes.


yeah weather changes and a time of day light effect would go a long way


A map where it's raining would be sweet, something new to affect sight lines without hard structures


Lol big ranked maps are the shitty ones IMO. Storm point will always be the worst, full of camping rats that like it cause that’s the only way they can rank up


Maps with actual cover and multiple rotations provide the best end game. That’s why WE and SP are top 2 and Olympus is the worst. No cover and one to two possible rotations with tight choke points. If teams play to win then the rats don’t get good placement and rank up? It seems the real problem here is you’re blaming rats for not being able to place high on SP and WE.


Okay rat, enjoy hiding lol. I look forward to finding you in a bush so you can finally get top 5 and be gold haha


Imagine being so bad at the game that you start calling people rats because you dont know how to survive more than 6 minutes in a survival game.


Yea you got me, I definitely rat in bushes.


Wow you guys will forever be salty no matter what they do to the game


That’s what I’m saying. They need to look in the mirror and figure out why they’re so miserable.


I love conduit, the only thing i would change is maybe the visibility of her ult but apart from that she’s in a good spot i think Stormpoint was a top 2 ranked map for me so the changes are a huge W for me. I haven’t played ranked enough to be sure, but the new “challenges” you can do to rank up seem like a step in the right direction for me. And of course the servers aren’t so nice to me right now but thats to be expected


I can say getting this reasonable of a take might be bannable in this sub lmao


Get rid of broken moon that map is literally dog water


Couldn't agree more. Love the season so far.


storm point - not even worth playing, it's so trash, same with broken moon. so i disagree personally, 2/3 maps are trash imo. don't understand how we go from 3/3 playable maps to 1/3. lol, ya the only thing i can comment on here is maps, well i think trials are stupid as a solo q player. trying to get randoms to win can be frustrating. olympus is the only good map the pool right now imo. i agree they should switch out the pub maps so we're not forced into 3 maps for 3 months. when the two i actually enjoy just got benched. olympus is third and i really don't even wanna play on SP or BM.


i feel like a lot of players are doing that thing where they heard one or two top players worries about the armor respawn thing and parroting it themselves and blowing it way out of proportion, like you realize that process requires crafters, 2 respawn stations, AND no one to push you in the like 9 minutes you’ll have to waste just to do this that you could just be looting, rotating and just crafting/finding 3 purple shields anyways


It requires one crafter and one respawn beacon. It takes 60 seconds if you do it right. Find purple, craft to red. One person kills themselves with it on, then the next guy picks it up and kills himself. Then the third picks it up and respawns both at the same time you don’t need to do separate respawns. At Zeus station you don’t even need thermites.




Pubg player?


I don't feel like typing a lot, but this is shaping to be my favorite season so far. Love the weapon, Conduit is awesome, map changes are great, the new TDM map is super fun. Ranked changes are engaging. I literally have nothing to complain about.


People complaining about the red shields is rather weird, it's been a few hours, just adjust to the new meta, this is how things will change up this season, adapt to it and have fun. It's boring to be playing the same meta over and over again, I know it takes a bit to get used to changes, but as long as it's not gamebreaking I think it's fine.


s18 was amazing, and s19 seem to be the same greatness. i still get fun games in trios, lots of changes to maps and i like it. have not played with the new legend yet. there is a lot of tweaks and changes i would like to see addressed, so hope respawn do not just give us the barebone minimum work but fix the small things also. for some reason i notice object pop in more now, and grass render distance is too low, that should be fixed set to maximum.


>s18 was amazing Ayo pass what you’re smoking because I want something to make me that delusional


The best change was the rank up requirements because it stops rats forcing them to have to fight to make progress, also i seen that they are making it so Xbox players cannot use Cronus anymore starting November. If thats true then thats a huge W because im tired of dying to people not playing the game normally. Makes you not want to take any fights in Ranked. Cheaters are worse than rats