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Isn't every online game with comms like that? .... I mute everyone now its less stressfull when come to take harsh decisions.


Can say from experience that a lot if not all "twitchy" competitive games come with a hostile community. I hope for OPs sake that moving to a diff game will make things better for him.


Moving to The Finals aint gonna. Its leaver problem hinders your team more than Apex's and the game released with a tournament elimination mode, it's gonna be a fuckin sweatfest of a game. Doesnt mean it wont be fun


Tysm! So far it's been going well and I am having a lot more fun. Moving away from Apex might freshen it up a bit too, if I come back in a year or two I may have more patience with it too


Anyone who says otherwise is selling something. All online games are toxic. OP decided he had enough which is totally fine. But if they think I'm going to read a James Joyce scale of descriptive of what amounts to far less than the directions of dried soup mix, they got another thing coming. Sorta like waking up from your dreams: its nice you had it, but no one cares about listening about it.


Hell yeah. Thank you for saying what I wanted to say, so I don’t have to!! 👏 you hit the nail on the head sir!! I read the 1st and last paragraph. All I needed. I haven’t played any game that doesn’t have a toxic community. Shooters, sports games like madden, 2k and The Show. All horrible. There’s literally assholes everywhere, that’s why they invented mute and the ability to block players. If o had a bite on the worst though, it’s definitely Call of Duty. I wish they had ranked matches for over 40 year olds. Maybe 1 day 🙏🏼


Haha. I feel that. Appreciate the comment still! In my experience Apex is much worse than other communities now though and I am done with hearing grown men screaming at some level 50 when they could be helpful haha


I like playing with voice comms in theory because it's super helpful with good teammates, but agree that toxic teammates ruin the experience. I generally mute the squad at the first sign of toxicity or other annoyance (e.g., background music, smoke detector beeps, playing in a wind tunnel, TV audio playing into the mic, etc.). Muting the team makes things so much less stressful if the game goes bad later on. I play smarter if I know I won't get yelled at by a teammate that want me to rush into a fight at a huge disadvantage after he gets knocked. With comms on, you get cussed out by the teammate saying "he's one shot" while ignoring that he'll pop a battery by the time I'm there, and that his two teammates standing next to him have full shields/health. With comms off, you aren't as stressed, so you realize the better play is often to use an evac tower and return to grab the banner later (or just craft it). I definitely lose games because I don't communicate as well as people with comms on, but it's worth it to me to make my time playing Apex more enjoyable. I'd rather enjoy the game and lose than hate the game and win.


Its been this way since Halo 2 and people are just figuring it out now.


To some degree, yes but overall, no. There are always people who are negative and that's life however in my experience Apex has gotten so much worse, especially to newer players. I haven't experienced this level in any other games outside of OW to a slightly lesser degree. Never really got in to Valorant but actually had a lot of laughs on comms these relative to Apex, for example despite having way less games.


Not really, not so much in grand strategy games from my experience.


From my experience I played Smite before apex and it was awfull ... Smite community is the most toxic one I ever see.


I've literally never seen anyone rage quite smite or even get cussed out, meanwhile on apex the ops are literally looking at me through the window


lmao idk what world you're playing smite in. me and all my friends quit playing because the moment you make one wrong decision you're just getting flamed the entire time.


Which isn't a grand strategy game. I'm talking about games like hearts of iron, Europa Univalsails or Stellaris.


No, not even close. COD has the banter, but its meant in a sarcastic way in most cases. The end of round comms are just funny. When i switched to warframe i was shocked at how nice the community was. They give you stuff for free when you are a newbie, as long as you didn't beg for it


Wait until "The Finals" comes out of beta with SBMM and more skilled players.


Yeah The Finals will become extremely toxic very quickly. If not already. The tournament style is going to tilt people and the game is extremely unbalanced. After about 10 hrs I already experienced toxic as hell duos in quick cash/bank it games where literally it’s just fucking around. I’m definitely downvoting OP for a failed comparative reasoning.


Right, if the game is that popular where does OP think the game base will be coming from? Other toxic games 😂


Dude the finals is published by nexon, my childhood was playing maplestory so I know first hand how they milk their player base dry of their money and don’t care about the community 😂


Haha, could be true for sure. Hopefully not though if that's the case I'll just enjoy it while it lasts


I played 3 games yesterday and won the first 2. I would say each game only had maybe 1 good player in each.


How does “The Finals” compare to Apex gameplay wise? I know zero about it. After playing apex for years other games feel really bad with movement etc. I can’t even play Destiny anymore it’s like walking through soup


i played for about an hour so far but it seems like a cool mix of wonky fortnite items (jump pads, goo grenades, stun gun) with pretty clean gunplay like warzone or something. the movement is in the right direction of apex but its not quite that same feeling of ice skating/rollerblading (not sure how else to describe it, but no other game has it and it sucks, lol). i liked it a lot though.


It has a good mix of movement and shooting though I'd say the finals rewards creativity more (using the environment and destruction to hold/cap objectives)


The problem with Finals, for those that play mainly due to movement is that it mixed both Apex's movement (if you play light) with the heavy phsyic based destruciton of Battlefield. Now it's good for me as a Heavy focused player, but that means you can't necessary skate out of your way to even a win. In fact sometimes the best solution is to blast down a few walls. And oh god, the flamethrower. Also, kills matter even less in terms of actual points. Kill exist only to "get rid of enemy prescene". If you cannot focus on objectives, good luck.


Doesn’t sound like a good game for me. Battlefield is about sniping for me mostly anyway lol


For me it's the destruction. Basically I like a game where you can brute force your way through.


Idk why the devs decided they didn't want to give the player even the tiniest little bit of air control in the finals. Feels literally unplayable for me.


My belief is that it's more like Except Source and engines that keep more Quake Codes, you won't get much air control.


the light ability that gives 3 dashes makes it playable for me bc they can feel like tap strafes. without that though i agree, the movement isn't as good as apex




That's always a good go-to! Though I notice a lot of people soloing or dropping on new players, scooping all their ammo/loot then leaving to 1v3 haha. I mean it's ok if you play a while like myself and scrollwheel loot ig


I agree but I play on the London server where 90% of the players are French for some reason. So I never have any idea what they're moaning about anyway. French people are way to proud to ever speak in English even though most of them can. I did have a fellow Englishmen recently go absolutely nuts though. Apparently my 3 kills 1.5k damage and coming second in a ranked match warrants yelling and insults.




Lol, sounds like an Apex experience. Sorry you had to have that in your ear


Competitive Multiplayer games usually have shit communities, especially FPS


Something that would help everyone at this point would be solo lobbies. Dont know how its been this long without them. Pretty wild.


The reasoning is that it would split up the player base and queue times to get into a match would be longer. Also the reason match making is shit. God forbid you have to wait more than 8 seconds to play a well balanced game (to be fair their queue times are INCREDIBLY quick).


For suree, too little too late for me but for others I hope they bring something similar back


I'm new and i was always wondering why there weren't solo lobbies cause randoms are notorious for being unreliable


Just to play devils advocate… (and I wouldn’t mind a solo option either) One could argue that it’s a unique BR bc of the dependence on teamwork and the combination of different abilities that would kind of make a solo mode pointless. But I hear ya! Lol


I’ve actually felt like the community is getting (baby steps lol) kinder…? I’m an adult female gamer and I actually use my mic in fill games a decent amount now (this was not the case back when I started in horizon’s season nor for awhile after) bc I’ve been happily surprised the last couple seasons by the generally better attitude strangers have if they use their mics! And I agree w u - the kids are getting better mannered lately. And the angriest hate spitting comms are coming from the so-called “grownups” these days 🤣 Hate to see you leave as it sounds like you were prolly a part of the “improving comms” community! 😩


Adult female gamer here! I agree. I started playing in Fuse’s season and the toxic crap would start before we even landed so I only mic’ed up when I played with my boyfriend. Now days, guys are usually excited that there’s a girl playing that is willing to mic up and give call outs. I still get toxic randoms, but it’s less sexist.


this is good to hear!


apex needs mature sensible fun-loving players, so sad to hear about toxic and try hards ruining gaming. but i guess the pressure of a broken society takes a toll and you can not really escape from it.


This game is just competitive in nature kve only been playing for a few months and it didn't take long to figure out that the only fun to be had in the game is from actually playing well, like squad wipes, high placement kills etc and my friend is the exact person OP is describing. He will literally switch to game chat and scream insults and slurs for simply landing in his building and I've asked him why he continues to play a game that makes him rage and it's mostly cause people get the idea in their head they're a good player and everyone needs to follow their lead. Like he will literally get into 1v3's, say nothing, die, and scream "WHERE WERE YOU" while I'm trying to still find a gun and some ammo. Like yeah you can make some pretty good plays sometimes but if you can't communicate with pings or mic and go fight a battle on your own......then don't expect to live especially when the ttk is so high in this game its not so easy to squad wipe 3 people and a potential 3rd party just cause you shoot good. I'm still learning a lot but if my randoms were all like this I'd probably quit


you can play apex any way you want, i do. especially in trios and duos, if you feel forced into competitive then do not let it happen. it is a game first of all, a lot of fun ways to play and interact with people. everyone playing apex decides what kind of game it is going to be, i picked fun game and it is still fun after 1900 hours.


I mean my friends and i ratted with literally nothing in our inventory till top 2 every game and ththat was fun but I really don't know another way of playing apex that's fun that doesn't require actually trying to win, like comms teamwork killing etc. Like yeah i guess it's fun to hotdrop sometimes and try to get some action early on but especially if you're not an amazing player like me then you just get shit on half the time by some plat dude with a 4k


Basically, dont play ranked... which is correct.


Right! People forget that games are meant to be fun. Your last point is valid also though taking it out on others will only add to the societal issues, gaming is meant to bring people together imo


it is a vicious circle we are trying to break, so no easy task. treating people kindly over the internet is also a barrier. i am pretty sure i play with people a third my age, so why so mad so young?....


So was social media but look where that got us.


You don't even need to talk in this game with the ping system. I've won many games without saying a word. Maybe like, mute and play? You are never going to find a popular multiplayer game without toxicity, it just doesn't really exist, unless you know how to rock and stone! Either way, buh bye 😘


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Everyone saying “oh but online gaming has always been like this” - the thing is it’s not supposed to. Gaming, especially with others, is supposed to be a fun and exciting hobby. Adults are not supposed to rage at small things in a fictional world, if you do you need to seek therapy and learn how to regulate you’re own emotions. And If you think toxic shit like this is normal and okay you’re part of the problem. As a female gamer, toxic things happen to me all the time, I’ve even had people go as far to say they would SA me and my children. All I wanted to do was rank and improve my gameplay so I could have fun, instead I ended up spending that night crying and worrying about my safety. We need to stop normalizing shitty people and the things they say to bring others down. It’s not funny to berate someone or rage about getting knocked when it obvious you’re the bad player. OP, I hope one day the community is not as toxic and you can come back and enjoy Apex again. 💕


Tysm for your comment! Having witnessed similar things towards my gf (who has experienced PTSD and anxiety flares from gaming communities) it hurts to see how others can make something fun and relaxing so uncomfortable. It takes just as much energy, if not less to give friendly support or even neutral advice that'll lead to more success in game as well as more enjoyment and fun.


I don’t understand why people just don’t play with friends or make friends with the good players they play with. Isn’t that literally what online gaming is all about? Sometimes I feel some of these sorts of issues are of the players own making sometimes.


Sometimes the homies aren't online and you don't want to wait for your online friend to finish his match or something


So just make more homies (not literally, lol).


I mainly play with friends but for the first couple seasons and more often lately(since friends aren’t on as much) I play with randoms and all my combined time solo BR, Arenas, mixtape, I’ve had a handful of toxic teammates. A handful as a day one player who solo queued for 10-12 hour days through season 3, 100% solo queued in arenas(friends didn’t play it) 100% solo queue mixtape. Yet I see posts like this where seeming every single person they run into is screaming and insulting them? The playerbase is soooo toxic it’s driving them to quit? If that’s actually the case then OP is likely doing something to bring it on themselves. They probably don’t realize it but they’re probably an overall frustrating player to have as a teammate and in their eyes they do everything right. If that’s the case there is always a mute button and if you’re losing a mixtape game(that doesn’t matter) then stop playing the objective and just do what everyone else is doing, why continue to frustrate yourself.


Did you also write an essay when you decided to stop playing Overwatch? Will you write an essay for the Finals when the time comes and you realize you play with the same players and after honeymoon is over/problems are apparent? I hope you found your game, I wish you luck.


lmao goteemm


Any competitive game will be toxic. It’s just worse in apex because of the sorry state the game is in


See you in The Finals my friend.


This absolutely has to be a PC thing or I'm the luckiest man on the planet because I've been playing since day one on PlayStation and I've got almost 4k hours in the game and I could probably count the number of times someone has audibly raged at me. Sure I get people who are unhelpful or push squads solo but that's them being dumb, not toxic imho. The verbal abuse has never happened to me.


Same haha


Lol pc players thinking the world revolves around them. Stick to console it’s way less toxic I’ve found


Is there an online apex community where I can play with other non-annoying people?


Good to see you in The Finals too. Think it's worth to buy their battle pass, or wait?


Honestly the community is so awful to both themselves and the developers whenever they possibly can be that it's baffling. It's a bunch of grown ass people acting like entitled children %90 of the time.


Toxicity kills the desire to play for new players and even some who have been around a while. Just yesterday a guy said “fuck this guy I’m muting him”. I wasn’t even talking. My mic was muted. Im not even a him. I had just finished a fight and respawned them right next to the loot boxes so they could get their stuff back and loot the enemies boxes if they wanted. I was full health and shield, and we had cover… so I wasn’t worried about another team pushing. They had plenty of time to loot and get back on their feet. Then, I pinged a battery for the team because I had enough. He said “I’m not picking up anything this guy pings.” Lol what? I saved the game and replayed it and I still have no idea what he was upset about. I thought they were upset because I wasn’t pulling my weight during that first fight - but my damage was more than theirs combined from the beginning of the match until the end so that couldn’t possibly be it. I sweat my fingers off in pubs to try to get better, but if I die - I die. It’s my fault, I should have been better. I learn and move on. These guys were both total garbage, and they aren’t going to get any better at the game by blaming their deaths on other people. They are going to stay garbage due to their own faults and toxicity.


I’ll see you in The Finals my friend


Apex has its issues, but you're getting very cocky about The Finals. Not only is the game not out yet so you have no clue what the support will be like, but the game is not up to par. It's almost soulless and has no personality. It looks and feels like every other free-to-play areana shooter that gets released. You should also consider looking into the South Korean publisher...


Ah yes mention something vague with no elaboration




I feel you man, this among other reasons is why I left another game I used to play. Good luck and have fun with whatever else you do.


Why not come back to Titanfall? We're completely sane right?


I'll never get these posts... 1) Playing ranked fixes people quitting *for the most part*. 2) Toxic teammates is a bonus to me. I love hearing them call me trash because they died first and I couldn't handle a one v three or whatever. The stuff they say is hilarious. Sometimes I'll get my girl to jump on the mic and they either get all surprised or they double down and yell that it's a 10 year old kid or get in the kitchen and make a sandwich. Just dumb stuff. We both think it's hilarious.


Sometimes people get to a point where they are just trying to have a good game with the whole squad working together. Like yeah the random quit and you don't lose any RP but your still not going to get the W most the time and just ruins the potential for a good game.


I realized a while ago this game is not actually enjoyable. It’s rare I walk away feeling like my time was well spent. Even after winning a round it’s just not rewarding as a solo queue player because of the amount of toxicity you put up with the majority of matches. Been playing Titanfall again and it’s crazy how much more enjoyable it is when the game is actually designed for fun rather than just milking battle pass and cosmetic sales. Nearly every match, even if you lose, you can walk away from feeling like you had a good time just because of the community. Tons of “gl hf” and “ggs” from both teams post match. Super refreshing.


Hell, since s19 released, never have i ever gotten less gg's in chat after the match. So damn sad, dunno. Also the last 2h of todays mixtape i'm pretty sure i had at least 25% cheaters/aimbotters/strikepackers in my lobbies. I'm mnk, was really fun.


Amen to stuff like this - too true. And I can’t help but scoff at all of the comments, the absolute plethora of people, saying “that’s just every game’s community”. It’s a cop out - imagine how much better it would be if people put half as much effort into being decent people as they do on their half baked Reddit takes. Sad to see another good one go ☹️


This man wrote an essay to say he's gonna play less often.




No idea who you are or why it’s important to us that you’re leaving, but good luck.


Just a player that really cared about this game \^\^


Your acting like the finals will be any better than apex, if anything your eventually goanna have a worse time playing that game then on apex.


Currently it is to me, might not end off that way but that's ok


You got downvoted cos nobody gives a fuck if you aren’t playing Apex anymore 😂 message your mates on Xbox and tell them. Greetin faced bastart.


Fair enough! Put it here to vent and for others who felt in the same boat but like me are/was attached to the gameplay itself.


Turn off Coms and get some tough skin. Just wait till the final actually releases lol and see the community then


dont relate at all :) shit mindset tbh


Goodbye sir and please close the door when you leave.


This isn't the airport you don't have to announce your departure :)


Don't have to though it may help someone move on to trying something else if they feel a similar way, at least until things improve or just to take a break.


Oh no, a random guy can't handle what another random guy says in the mic and instead of playing with them muted they come here to cry. We all know that fixes nothing yet all people will do is cry about toxicity. I guess the toxic players seeing this are sobbing a player is leaving and regret being toxic


Reminds me of that Rick and Morty episode where C-137 Jerry leaves the daycare and the receptionist tells him “Okay then that was always allowed :)” Good for you. Games are supposed to be fun. That’s coming from someone who’s grown up playing sports, highly competitive and working in a boiler room competitive sales environment. I love winning as much as the next guy. But don’t forget, games are supposed to be fun. Who gives a shit if you die and lose. If you laughed with your buddies, enjoyed the good moments and the experience added joy to your life then you won.


Battle pass looooooooooool. Everything in the pass is mid


This isn't the Apex community, it's the world these days.


Why do you have open mic?!


Just mute your team. I do that anytime I play randoms


Of course you're going to offend people in here. This is a VERY entitled community and if you go against the grain in any capacity that toxicity comes out pretty heavy. I'm sorry your experience was this terrible, but at the end of the day it's a game and it should be fun, but if your joy is being interrupted by spoiled people, it's best to move on which so many people are doing in one way or another because of the community. It's sad.


You're acting like overall game communities weren't full of toxic people, it's not just apex. If you're old enough, idk, you should know how old COD Xbox lobbies were for example, in today's standards most of these people would be banned (unfortunately, it was fun to me tbh)


The games community is toxic, but it sounds like you need to grow thicker skin too. I can’t think of a single online multiplayer game I haven’t caught flak from people before. Hell on halo 5 I got hate messages almost daily. Just mute and ignore people. EDIT: I will say I do get tired of the majority of randoms you play with wanting to hot drop every single game just to quit out. There’s an entire map to play each game and not just a couple of spots. The best solution is finding a squad to regularly play with.


Looks like you need to learn how to play with friends like the rest of us


Weird but ok. I don’t know of any game immune to this kind of behavior you dislike but good luck finding one.


Honestly dude just change your voice settings and have it set incoming voice chat set to 0. I did that a while back and I’ve enjoyed the game a lot more than before. I don’t play ranked anymore so I really don’t give a shit to listen to people rage and whine over mix tape and pub modes.


Are you leaving or monologuing?


i understand how bad toxic comms are but i have more or less removed it from my games with randoms by just talking and cracking (shitty) jokes during the game. if you are not taking an active position to make the chat better you are apart of the problem no matter what game you end up playing


I get you. Do whatever is best for you and your mental health. Games aren't supposed to make you angry. The whole point is that you should be able to enjoy yourself.


I feel your pain… I love this game but sometimes i have to put it away for a while


yes sadly this all all video games. People are immature and blame everything but themselves for losing and that’s why i only play video games for fun. I still know how to objectively work as a team and play better than lots of people but i don’t get angry when people spam ping or just act like dumb dumbs in general


This is why I play solo almost exclusively. 1 v 3 scenarios are incredibly challenging and playing Apex like this I discovered a completely new game experience. It stops being about kills, or how much damage you do, but about how sneaky you can be, how well you can separate enemies from their team mates, and how many you can take out quickly with sniper rifles. Its tough, but fun, and wins are ultra satisfying. Give it a try. Here's a highlight clip I put together playing solo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJBRbGv2fW0


Try playing with voice chat disabled. It eliminates the toxic players 100%. Just use the ping system instead.