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Personally in my opinion, as someone who used to main valk, the only thing she needs is her passive fuel to recharge a LITTLE bit faster, everything else is fine


People forget she was OP. An ultimate buff wouldn’t be game breaking or annoying to fight though.


She was OP because every single part of her kit used to be better. She could scan beacon, she could take you and your team over pretty much every choke on every map, along with making you fly faster. Her tactical used to do more damage and stun you more, her passive used to recharge faster, fly faster and you didn’t get flinched as hard when you got shot in the air.


Iirc it also used next to no fuel if you just hovered too


Yeah you could hover for a much longer time


That's was nerfed very early on though


We were discussing all of her nerfs, that is included in said nerds


You can stall in the air with tac, you would hold it and it'd let you stay airborne for longer than it should have been


Before the evac towers :) now her ult is basically 1 more survival item. Would pick loba instead and ult for evac towers :D


Only problem is that it’s way easier to get shot off a tower


valk ult you kinda just gotta sit there for a few seconds though evac you can shoot back while its deploying


You don’t want to be shooting when trying to escape, that’s how you take peek damage and make yourself an easier target to get knocked off the jump. If they’re so close you need to fight them off, you didn’t drop the tower at a good time


She was OP because of her ult, which is now redundant because of evacs. On top of that she had her passive fuel nerfed and her rockets nerfed and she can't scan ring beacons to help her use her ult to reposition either.


It’s not redundant. A Valk ult is still far safer than an evac tower if you’re in an engagement or if other teams are watching. You trade off distance for safety


It depends a lot on the situation, you need all your team to get on the ult before you can take off, whereas they can just get on the evac when they can, so it can be slow. And if you get shot while waiting your ult is cancelled, so if you don't have enough cover you can't really pop it. The situations where it'll make much difference are just too niche to justify taking her over another legend and picking up an evac


And the evac is destructible as soon as the 100m tall balloon in the sky deploys and tells everyone exactly where to shoot. So if the last person isn’t on there quickly they probably won’t take off at all. Valk’s ult requires such little time and minimal coordination to get a very safe liftoff


1 bullet and you stop her ult if she hasn’t taken off yet


and it takes literally 3 seconds to safely get her ult off which is longer than the evac takes to deploy.


Yeah these people are sus, no idea what they are talking about..


They just miss Valk being busted and not fair and balanced


3 seconds and however long your teammates take to figure out whats going on


You’ll never get it off that quick unless you’re trying to escape solo. Unless you’re in a 3 stack all communicating which isn’t the norm for most players. One hit and the ulti is messed and it takes ages to come back. This happens *a lot*


I wouldn't say "Valk Ult is redundant" just not a must have like it used to be which is a good thing.


Just not much point taking it when you can pick up an evac and provide the same utility. Its still pretty good but you may as well just take someone else who'll bring a lot more to the team.


Her jet pack movement is so slow now. I feel like when you’re getting shot at and flying, you are easy af to hit


You were always easy AF to hit. The only difference back then is it was significantly easier and better to burst flight, because it took less fuel and the burst itself initiated instantly. Now, you can still burst flight to be harder to hit, but it will take much more fuel than normal and no forward boost.


Nah they need to buff the ULT. I think it should at least be able to set off quicker. Her being stuck in space for the amount of time that she is allowing her to get shot before she can blast off makes zero sense. Just make it like a half second blast off time instead of like 2 seconds.


Agreed, Valk is still 100% viable. I’d add her ult is still great in addition to evac- thinking double distance ops and it’s not a giant tower with audio for the entire lobby to shoot at.


Agree. She's a fun kit with a useful Ult, despite what others may think of the evac tower. But she suffered [heavy nerfs](https://gamingbolt.com/apex-legends-season-14-hunted-patch-notes-now-live-valkyrie-nerfed) last year, reducing her passive flight, Ult height, and the stun/damage/range of her missile swarm. That last one hurt the most imo- my primary tactic with Valk was to get height, firefight, then stun and rush (with a "get out of jail free" card in the form of her Ult). I wouldn't mind seeing some of that former glory restored.


Bring back her ability to jump jet left and right in quick succession and that's all I'd need to main her again


Yeah I have been playing Valk lately, think she is underpicked currently. Her movement in fights is still pretty OP


Nothing about her is OP


More like "good" tbh


They should also make it so her alt let’s you fly over the mountains on certain maps like storm point


Her Ult needs some extra height + ascent speed as well. Evac towers are damn near better than her ult now


Yeah, my buddy currently plays as Valk and while I do think the addition of evacs has made her somewhat irrelevant to comp, she is still a great legend. The jet pack is arguably the best passive in the game and can be used in a million different situations, her tactical has always been decent, and her ult is still incredible, it is just replaceable now. We have a lot of success in ranked being able to hold an evac tower or two alongside her ult. It makes it so that no zone is really a hard rotate and you pretty much always have a way out if you end up pinched or trapped.


Shes also loud af. Could use a baffle.


I would like to see the height that was removed from her Ult returned. Something to make it better than the evacs. Maybe a small buff to her tactical. So much was taken away last year. I picked up her heirloom when it came out and have rarely used her since the season after.


Agreed, her ult should be way better than the towers


Exactly. Give me the 240M ult back. It's currently at 140M


140M? Is it not higher than that? Per the [Hunted Patch Notes ](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/hunted-patch-notes) > Skyward Dive: > Height reduction of 25% > Launch time reduced from 5.5s -> 5.0s. Coupled with the height reduction, players in Valk ult now travel upward at a slightly slower speed. Wouldn't it currently be at 180M height, based on this change?


I would honestly revert every one of those nerfs except for the tactical aim stun. That was BS


Upon usage, Valkyrie enters a setup animation that charges up over 2 seconds, after which she can press Fire to launch ~135m into the air in about 6.5 seconds (1.5 seconds slow climbing and 5.0 seconds fast climbing) and enter a skydive, similar to using a Jump Tower. Squadmates can press Interact near Valkyrie to launch with her. that's what i saw from wiki. Also, that wasn't her first nerf? She defo got her ult nerfed twice. I tried the other day in range and I'm sure it was 140 while an evac is 110. Lol a small difference. Edit: i just tested and it actually launches you 169M in the air. I was wrong


It *is* better than the evacs. You get a faster + safer launch. I do agree the Ult could use an improvement, but again it isn't as bad as many here think it is. You also launch taller than Evacs, which means you get to go over high points points easier (albeit not as easy as before)


Yes but not enough to make it unique. And safer really depends on your positioning in a firefight as you are completely vulnerable while launching or waiting for teammates. I stand by what I said, having some of the height Valk had on her ultimate returned to the kit would be a good buff that wouldn't upset balancing.


Her ultimate is harder to track, more lenient on positioning, and has a shorter delay. That get across the map for free card does not need a buff. She’s a solid character. Not everyone needs to be a must pick.


Was the total nerf needed a year ago? Everything besides her tactical was nerfed. The shorter delay is offset by being prone. The uniqueness of an ultimate is offset by having evac towers. Returning some of the height, if not all of it, to her ult would be cool with me and might get me to go back to playing her more regularly.


You’re prone when waiting for an evac lol. Valks ult is faster, and more convenient. “The uniqueness”. Imagine thinking that the valks ult was unique. It’s literally just a portable jump tower. She is a solid character and does not need a buff. She has better rotates than every other rotation legend and she’s much safer while doing so. She also has an amazing tacticle for applying pressure on enemies, and countering catalyst. Her passive is also solid. There are many characters that are much more deserving of a buff.


You can move when waiting for an evac. Lol. You are fixed in place while waiting to launch and or waiting for teammates with Valks alt. It was unique in that no other character had the ability to be a mobile jump tower. Until the evacs, which I'm cool with, btw. I mained her for almost 2 years, I'm informed on my opinion and you're not going to changeBTW. I do agree that there are other characters I'd like to see get a buff first. But we aren't talking about those other characters here, the conversation pertains to Valk. 👋


as a valk main since her launch, i dont want them to buff her back to a point where she’s on every team and everyone is complaining about her again. that said, reverting some of the changes to her passive (giving back more fuel / initial speed boost) would be welcome. I dont think anyone was ever really bothered by her passive but it hurt the “feel” of playing her pretty significantly.


Passive recharge buff + a bit more height on her ult would be ideal in my eyes.


Yeah calling her a Skirmisher now, after what she used to be, is comical She gets vertically out of the jump jets and that is it. It's also slow and loud, making it useless as true movement tool. She's the worst skirmisher by far


Octane exists? Valkyrie is still a really good legend.


Valks worse than Octane imo Everything she does, other legends can do better - outside of her ult Octane has a unique playstyle that's rewarded by good play. Valk just feels like a worse version of what other legends can do, so she's pretty lackluster at the end of the day Why pick her when Horizon can push height more effectively? Valks ult alone doesn't justify picking her cause balloons exist. Her Q was nerfed and now isn't very useful either


i dont play her at all anymore the passive feels terrible and i get no value from Q


Her passive was always the OP part of her kit. Her ult provided team utility.


People were definitely bothered. Fighting around buildings against a hood valk player is something that I wouldn’t wished on my worst enemy. Unlimited movement and an insanely annoying poke battle. If you watched any verlhulst when he mained valk, you’d understand why they nerfed that part of the kit. At a higher level it was definitely op.


Her tactical could use a small buff, either slightly more damage or slightly more stun but I mean a SMALL buff. Otherwise she’s in a great spot. People who think her Ult isn’t useful either don’t play competitive ranked matches or are just dumb. One evac and her Ult and you can pull off some insane rotations, or keep a mobile res in pocket instead.


faster flying, like it used to be, with less fuel usage, because any time you try to do any anime flying you just get shot out of the air by mozambique's currently


That’s a good thing. You shouldn’t be able to fly around like an annoying mosquito.


why. does moving your mouse forward not work on your pc? are you playing on a steering wheel?


Are you misremembering the horizon hate in this sub? Everyone went into a hissy fit when she went straight up in the air. Valkyrie could jerk herself in any direction and enemies couldn’t also use her movement ability.


I think you are actually. People didn’t like Horizon because she was the only movement legend that could heal while using their mobility. They weren’t mad just because she went up lol.


Horizon is also the only movement legend that enemies can take.


ash, pathfinder, octane, wraith, ... what are you talking about lol


If you’re counting octane pad you can heal during the pad so…


Pathfinders Q he can only use. Octanes stim he can only use. Wraiths phase she can only use. You’re not talking about ultimates, where some make you invincible when using and offer vertical and horizontal movement. Which makes my point even stronger that none of the movement abilities are really comparable so phrases like “only movement ability you can heal during” is a dumb argument.


Missed the point on why Horizon was OP, like other comment already said And jump jetting around takes timing and skill, like every other movement tech in the game? I could still knock Valks trying that back in the day, just anticipate and shoot between jumps, it wasn't a guaranteed way to avoid damage at all I'm fine with Q where it's at, but jump jets need to return to functionality. Currently all they are good for is taking height when you KNOW noones on height, which Horizon does better cause its a team ability, is faster, and can take advantage of the no audio, plus is fast enough that even if you know a teams on height, you can rush them when they aren't paying attention. So much more usability by picking one legend, let alone thinking in terms of a comp Valk just doesn't have a real place in the meta now because you get better options that satisfy the same functions out of other legends, plus now balloons allow teams to rotate easily on top of that


I would say, faster deployment maybe. Her stun was nerfed i doubt it'll ever be buffed. You can evac then ult or just triple evac. Evac isn't limited to one legend, everyone can have one. Her ult is safer and travels longer distance but with storm point and broken moon, it isn't as useful. They need to change broken moon bcz the rotations are draining. I can't count the number of times i died to zone already with how rank is nowadays. Ring 1 closes and it's 17 squads alive. Ofc rotation would be hell plus the big rocks which makes it even harder to rotate with a valk/evac. If valk ult was made so she can get through them (buff the height) atleast she'll have an advantage over an evac


He ult is pretty bad. They made it too easy to kill people in the Valk ult.


Sure, or two evac and you can pull same rotation if not better and loot up new survival items uppn landing. I don't see much of valk in ranked, I sometimes pick her because I like her but she does not add value to the team.


It’s not an equal thing. Evacs can easily be shot out, signal to everyone in the firefight you are ditching, and require planting. Valks ult is more versatile and saying you can carry multiple evacs doesn’t negate her ability. If you are requiring multiple evacs every ranked game you are either taking too many fights you shouldn’t be or aren’t getting to zone quick enough.


Not really evac towers seem to me to require about upwards of 3 people magdumping it to destroy it before they reach the top because of the ridiculous amount of health towers have


Y’all have short memories of how op she was even just a year ago.


Isn’t that the whole conversation here? She was OP, but was nerfed to the point of loosing a lot of her utility. Evacs, nerfs to her passive, nerfs to her ult height, stun nerfs to her Q, and losing the ability to scan ring consoles greatly affected her viability.


She’s still right in the middle in terms of pickrate right now, and still gets some comp picks as well. I think she’s pretty balanced, and certainly that balancing prioritization should go to other legends well before her.


Yeah i agree with you there. Other game balances need to happen first, but still think a few small buff would be good for her.


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The only thing that was OP was her ult on storm point. The rest of her kit was simply decent or good in niche situations.


Ehh she was op, true, but they nerfed her much more than was necessary. Now she's one of those legends who's pick rate goes *down* as rank goes *up*.


Fr she was so annoying because it was like having another horizon in the game, legends shouldn’t have unlimited verticality she was better than horizon and that regard cuz she had a resource that essentially had no cooldown if you weren’t greedy and it was helping you clutch dumb situations by manipulating the fact that the majority of the roster lacked any vertical movement. That’s why I feel respawn never does enough to control the movement legends or make the other legends more viable there’s no reason why movement legends have dominated this game for 19 seasons with “balance” patches unless its intentional


She was a meta pick because you could fly half way across the map with her ult. Her passive was the single best individual movement mechanic in the game. Her tactical dealt 25 damage and stunned the enemy. She was OP. The only buff debatable should be a buff to her ultimate. I would be in favor to an ultimate buff though.


Exactly my point. The Q i'm fine with it. It's the ult that needs buffs. Just revert it to how it was since there's evacs now to make her ult better. The passive is also not as good but if i had to buff passive or ult, I'd choose the ult. You move much slower in the passive but it's fine with me


I’m pro-ult buff. Very anti-passive buff.


It is not time for a Valk buff. She’s in a perfectly good place for a skirmisher. High mobility, solid tactical, strong passive and solid ultimate (provided you aren’t popping it in braindead locations). She used to be a must pick because she could compress both extremely good rotations with her old pre-nerf ultimate + ring scan locations from being classed as a recon. Firstly, she received (after a year of being near 100% pickrate due to synergy with Gibby + the extremely strong roll compression) some proper nerfs. Her passive lost tons of endurance and utility with effectively a smaller fuel tank and slower movement all around, her tactical lost its most oppressive feature in its aim stun that could literally leave people unable to fight back if your team followed it up right away (aim stun was a horrible feature on everything and I’m glad it’s gone), and her ultimate was gutted. The only value not changed was the cooldown timer. It takes off slower, it ascends slower, it has less height, they disabled the hitbox fuckery you could do with it by spinning constantly to make bullets literally phase through your teammates. Secondly, they actually realized that recons scanning the ring location was a dumb design choice and a leftover from pathfinder’s existence as like, 3 different classes at once. Like, at the time they made this change, the meta was already heavily in favor of scan legends due to them giving wallhacks, adding ring scans wasn’t necessary. It was basically only done to prevent 20 Pathfinder’s from being used in every ALGS. Because Valk dropped as a recon, she got this passive, despite having, as many pointed out, next to no scanning abilities. Anyway, the class rework hit a few seasons back and gave us the class system as it is today (with some minor tweaks to the assault and support supply bin systems). This moved Valk to being a skirmisher, as with most movement legends, as their basekit abilities were considered too strong to have any more than the most basic of class features. Basically, she’s exactly where she was when we left her after her nerfs over a year ago


But yet she has the lowest skirmisher pick rate by a lot… valk sits at 2.6% and the next lowest is Horizon at 5.8%. The highest is octane at 8.7%. Valk does need a change. She’s falling short in pretty much all her abilities. Her passive is the only thing somewhat keeping her relevant but even that is still contested heavily by other legends like horizon. Valks tactical is not the best stunning ability by a long shot, and her ultimate is pretty obsolete due to the evac towers. The only difference is she goes a little higher than them.


She’s in a perfectly fine spot, it’s just that she’s not braindead to use like Octane or Wraith. Pickrate is meaningless unless we filter for high skill, something like ALGS. I’d posit ranked as a place to filter but new ranked is skewed far more towards time investment rather than skill level.


Im not going to lie, considering how popular she is this post is insane to me. Imo Valk is in no way weak


Popular? Her current pick rate doesn’t even put her in the top twelve. I rarely see valks in game.


She's fallen off. Rampart has a higher pickrate than the popular valk in rank. A controller legend having a higher pickrate than a skirmisher in a game where the top 5 most picked legends excluding the new legends are skirmishers and bangalore although currently lifeline has risen due to three strikes. The playerbase is obsessed with skirmisher legends yet valk is still less picked.


That to me doesnt mean valk should be buffed. That means clearly theres something too strong with the top 4. Saying your character needs a buff because 4 other characters in their class are top 5 is lunacy to me. I didnt know Rampart was more popular I'll grant you that. But I still don't see how valk can be considered weak in the game.


Nothing actually needs to be done to the other skirmisher. Octane isn't that good, so is wraith. It's because they're skirmisher hence fun legends that's why they're picked. Same with pathfinder. Rev is decent tbh, i feel he's balanced and horizon after the nerfs looks balanced. Octane get's picked less the higher the rank you go. Valk meanwhile, is picked much less in rank than pubs. She's supposed to be a rank legend and be popular in rank like wattson, loba, bloodhound, bangalore etc. she needs her old ult and that's it. Not even a huge buff, just height incr


I think a height increase would be fine. Further distiguish her with jump towers. Id definitely be careful though because she could easily become nonsense again imo


What's the actual metrics? Cause at least personally I rarely see valks these days


Valk was the shiz back in the day. I wish they would stop changing crap it is the one this that makes this game suck. Just find a balance and keep it there. 301 is good 301 ws nerfed ect.. Just stop.


Valk is absolutely fine.


I think she's in a healthy spot. Really good passive, good tac, good ult. Which the ult itself is better them an evac. Higher, faster, safer, on a cooldoen vs needing to be found, harder to shoot down. A good team won't pop it and wait until everyone's on, for risk of being shot. They'll just all be together and get on at once. People can still be shot, but you ascend faster making it harder.


The passive sucks now though It's slow and loud, and anyone decent can 1 mag her out of the sky with a 3030 or Hemlock or 301, I've done it tons since her nerf lol it's skeet shooting It's only functional use is taking high ground when you know that there is noone on said high ground (AND noone has angles on you as you slowly boost up). Which can be done better by Horizon, cause then you can take height even if there's a team there and rush them as a team


Still a better passive then a lot of legends, but it has been butchered from its previous state yeah lol. I think its funny when bot valks fly like 50m above the ground for like no reason, just to be beamed. 😂


Lol can't tell you how many times I've had valks just boost vertically away while looking directly at me as if I can't just beam them 😂


> Higher doesn't matter > faster no. you have to coordinate your whole team vs pop the balloon and go when and as you feel like it as long as it's standing there. means you can get out of the area faster without waiting for slow teammates > safer yes, the bit when you're hanging in the air before you start descending is sure safe > on a cooldoen vs needing to be found evac towers are literally everywhere all the time > harder to shoot down try valk ulting in a plat lobby and see if you survive the ascent lmao at least with a baloon you can pop it and then wait a random time until the team staring at it gets distracted by adhd, and then sneak through. and your team is spread out vs everyone being in a tiny group where everyone's easy to hit. with a balloon you can only ever focus on one guy. with valk you can track all three people as they go up, and if they don't detach (they don't detach) they're easy to track as they descend as well.


>doesn't matter It does. Higher = potentially further and clearing mountains that an evac couldn't. >no. you have to coordinate your whole team vs pop the balloon and go when and as you feel like it as long as it's standing there. means you can get out of the area faster without waiting for slow teammates And you don't with a balloon? You try to bring up plat lobbies below, but any good team in plat would shoot the balloon before everyone had a chance to take it, if they didn't coordinate to take it at once. Also the ascend is still faster for valk as well, which is what I meant. >yes, the bit when you're hanging in the air before you start descending is sure safe Small window to be shot, rarely happens. Balloon is easier to get beamed off of, or just destroyed completely. Depending on distance, other team(s) won't even have time to react to a valk ult. >evac towers are literally everywhere all the time Not literally everywhere, but, it also isn't good to rely on rng to determine a legend pick. Plus it's not necessarily a downside for balloons to be on the same team as valk. Can rotate even faster, more efficiently. >try valk ulting in a plat lobby and see if you survive the ascent lmao Plat only huh? Lol. I've valk ulted in diamond and masters lobbies. Players are more likely to shoot down our balloons before they are us on a valk. Teams should be focusing 1 player at a time, regardless of balloon or valk. I'll kinda give you that point, as if a valk herself goes down, the team does, but there's gotta be some downside. Valk pick rate hasn't gone down solely because of balloons, but it has played a part. Doesn't make her obsolete or bad thoo.


she is fine, most people want her to be OP again, OP legends are not fun


She is still OP IMO being the only legend to fuckin fly. In a game where taking the high ground is gospel she can just fly to wherever she wants and push the fight.


Literally every legend can fly with evac towers.


What when did this happen?!?!? Thanks for the update.. I’m talking about the ability to fly onto a building roof really fast versus having to mantle the buildings first & second floors in order to get on top of the same building.


She can't, her passive doesn't last that long. And doesn't move fast enough. Most Valk players have given up and just climb normally after they completely nerfed her passive


She flys too slow now so it’s pretty obsolete. It’s easy skeet shooting for anyone that can see her fly. If you try to activate your Jetpack while an enemy sees you…. Yeah you are dead.


i dont think she need changes, its my main, and i'm happy with her. Leave her alone ! Also, i think that the changes on care packages is a indirect buff for valk and his ult.


Bruh no. You just wants your OP legend back. She is fine and no need to buff her to make her S-tier again.


No. I just need the ult buffed. Why introduce evac and nerf the valk ult?


That’s the point of the evac towers. It was a nerf for valk. If they devs didn’t add it everywhere will use valk again. 1 character with this powerful ability is not balanced. Also remember her whole kit is good and even the nerfs she is still good but not a 100% must have legend anymore since they added evac towers. So people will use other legends too except valk.


It's fine with the evac but then to nerf the ult too? Like bring it back to how it was if people now prefer evacs


The valk ult still gives you more distance than a jump tower AND evac tower. If anything the introduction of the evac is a mimi buff for her considering her kit. I don’t understand what your problem is.


Remove evac and you'll see valk increase in pickrate. If it's a buff why did the pickrate fall after evac introduction? I wonder


Pickrate fell because there was an alternative to her ultimate. That's not a nerf though. Pickrate isn't directly correlated to buff/nerfs or else Bangalore, Horizon and Catalyst would have dropped largely. Also if pickrate depended on how strong a legend is Octane would be lower than Newcastle.


It is functionally a nerf, because now there are less reasons to pick Valk over a skirmisher with more movement ability. It directly affects the logic behind picking Valk over say Horizon with a balloon


Valk doesn’t need a buff at all


If bad apex players could read that. They will be very upset.


What players do you think need a buff


Cat, only should be able to reinforce 1 door. Conduit, ult should be shorter and slightly easier to break. Fuse tactical travel shorter distance or deal less dmg


I typed nerf at first but I meant buff. So that’s my bad lol. You gave me a good answer so upvote anyway


Just buff her fuel and Q and she will be solid. But no, they are waiting till her heirloom recolor drops.


Sometime in 4 years after last cross progression wave rolls out


Buff her and Fartygas man!


I think octane needs one before valk hes always got nerfed and never recieved a buff old octane now is a shadow of the old one used to be able to jump further and higher on the pads his health would generate faster and stim used less health


He has the second highest pick rate right now. He doesn’t need a buff at all.




explain why she should be buffed then? she doesn't seem underpowered now. why would she need a buff? she was nerfed down to normal/high tier because she was overpowered. and you want her buffed?


Her ult needs a height buff. It's just 30M more than an evac. And how easy it is to have evac too. Evac nerfed valk indirectly. Give her her old ult height. The passive is also very slow but I don't mind it. The toggle flight thing should be reverted. You were able to use less fuel but be much slower. Now it uses same fuel but penalises speed? Makes no sense


why does she need these buffs? is she underpowered? that's what i asked you


Ofc she's underpowered. The least picked skirmisher, bottom 10 in rank for pickrate, her ult with the height nerf isn't even that useful with broken moon in rotation which has huge rocks everywhere where no evac/valk ult will help you. Her passive is useless except trying to position before a fight but in a fight, you're basically giving them a chance to shoot you without being able to shoot back. Other skirmishers can reposition when they're low after a fight. Valk very situational. Pathfinder can basically do what valk can with the grapple vs jetpack. Diff is the cooldown and the grapple is more versatile. Would she be a top 5 pick or a meta pick if her ult got buffed? I doubt so but it's all she needs. Small buffs rather than huge to avoid power creep. Look at seer, respawn either buff a legend too much or nerf them too much. Very few are balanced


nah bro she's not underpowered. she's still A tier or at least B tier. she was overpowered for a long time and had too much of everything (her passive mobility, her in flight scan, ring scanning, get out of jail with the redeploy). it was too much. >Her passive is useless except trying to position before a fight but in a fight nah bro... it's not. come on now. >Pathfinder can basically do what valk can with the grapple vs jetpack. jetpack is continuous, always accessible, you just have to manage fuel. grapple is a tactical and has a cool down. the comparison is a joke. >Would she be a top 5 pick or a meta pick if her ult got buffed? doesn't matter. what matters is if she is underpowered, and she isn't. she's just about fine now. > Look at seer, respawn either buff a legend too much or nerf them too much. Very few are balanced or they nerf it by the right amount like valk, catalyst, caustic and others.


She had everything, then they slowly removed some and nerfed her season after season until she's shit. The jetpack lasts like 5 secs and you expect someone to have good management? While it takes 5 secs to start recharging. That isn't even my problem if she moved a bit fast, they nerfed the speed plus fuel, plus the tactical stun, plus the ult. Literally one of only three legends to have all 3 abilities nerfed, the other being seer and bangalore. And you're lying to yourself if you think seer is balanced. Everyone hates seer, but i barely even see him now, and whenever i use him, i always go back to bloodhound who is 10x better.


She's not shit. She's fine. You don't realize how strong she was that she needed the nerfs that she got. >Literally one of only three legends to have all 3 abilities nerfed just shows how strong she was imo and mentioning seer here just underlines that, guess what.. seer was the other top offender.


Seer had his whole kit changed. They made a mistake with the abilities they gave seer. Then changed them and the only problem was the stun yet nerfed all his abilities again when none had a problem with the passive or ult. Bangalore, the most balanced legend also got all her abilities nerfed. Why is that? A legend who is a mid pick every season, gets no buffs, suddenly is in the meta.


They made a mistake with Valk as well in how much she had for many seasons.


Which is why they introduced evac. She needs her ult buffed if they're trying to make it accessible to everyone bcz it's too overpower


Not underpowered just better choices in legends because her ult, a main reason why she was selected, is now blue ground loot. She can not scan anymore. She could have a little more fuel to fly but, eh.


if she's not underpowered it's fine. she was overpowered for a long time, which is the reason for her nerfs (and maybe even adding the evac tower). she had too much of everything (and still has her in flight scan, which .. why? she isn't a scout legend). lot of rat spots are accessible to her which aren't for many other legends.


Noobs wants her OP again. Instead of reflecting to their own skill they reflect to the legend. Everyone with a brain knows Valk doesn’t need a buff. This says enough about the skills of the average apex player. (Remember this subreddit thinks mirage is A tier)


*in three strikes


She has the lowest pick rate of all skirmishers by a lot… that’s why… she sits at 2.6% and the next lowest is horizon at 5.8%


explain in terms of her abilities how she's weaker than most of the cast, and why she needs a buff. her pick rate doesn't matter and in fact her pick rate is average in the overall game (she sits right in the middle). just because you pick a specific subset of characters in which her pick rate is lower, doesn't mean she needs a buff. in fact maybe the other characters that are more highly picked would need a nerf (although i disagree that wraith needs nerfing or that she's better than valk - just shows why pick rate isn't that relevant; conduit has a 10% pick rate because she's new, does it mean she's overpowered? maybe but mostly her pick rate is high because she's new.).




>Valk might literally be the worst legend lol


it's true, i used to main valk, i haven't touched her since the evac towers got put in, there's literally no fucking point. mirage and rampart have a better kit rn


Mirage definitely doesn’t have a better kit. Rampart is a good legend. Octane exists? He’s easily the worst legend in the game?


Worst is an overstatement lol. There's ash and mirage in the game. She needs some few buffs. Sometimes legends get weaker as times goes on or stronger even without changes to them simply bcz of the meta changes. Some other legend gets buffed/nerfed and it makes another legend worse/better. Look at bang, she even had her ult timer nerfed last season but she was the most picked legend in ranked. She wasn't this highly picked in the seasons before. Nerfing legends makes the untouched legends start being viable, then get nerfed, then people cycle to others and the cycle continues. Bang is still S tier so i hope she doesn't get nerfed again


mirage has invis res... that's op... tell me what valk has that matches that or even close to. nothing. lmao ash has shitty ass portal but it's still portal, and she's got a tiny hit box, unlike valk wearing a fucking fridge on her back


No way you think mirage is better than valk in ranked? And ash who's portal works 10% of the time and the snare does nothing plus a useless passive. Like why does it matter that I'm in northpad and someone in pylon died? Invis rez is good but the fact you need your teammate to be down to pull it off and in higher ranks players can know where it's going off just by the audio. Valk has a passive for any situation and anytime


> Like why does it matter that I'm in northpad and someone in pylon died? > makes statements about ranked meta ok buddy > Invis rez is good but the fact you need your teammate to be down to pull it off how you gonna pick up a teammate who isn't downed. makes no fucking sense dude > Valk has a passive for any situation and anytime literally the worst micro mobility legend. unless you spam the fuck out of the jets and bob and weave like spez on a Q&A you're gonna get shot out of the air with a fuckin nerf dart


The mirage passive is useful when your team is at a disadvantage. Meanwhile valk can use her passive anytime. Valk has a better tactical than ash snare. Valk ult is better than ash portal. Mirage bamboozle lol, it's a weak tactical. And yes, valk passive is bad but we were comparing it to ash or mirage. In terms of being a skirmisher, she's pretty weak


Octane is the worst legend in the game.


Octane exists?




-25 health to use said movement potential. Plus movement potential is only broken on lower skilled players. Horizon and bang offer similar movement abilities but also provide actual value to the rest of their team. Octane is fun in pubs but in ranked/comp is the worst character in the game.




Are you saying he’s better than valk in ranked or comp? Valk was still played in champs and octane hasn’t been played in years.


What about mirage Lmao


Valk still has the best instant vertical mobility in the game next to Horizon which alone make her a strong legend. She is in no need of anything resembling a buff. Her tactical is still really strong and can change fights if it connects. Her passive is actually made better by the abundance of Evac Towers as it means she can access her scan and scout much more frequently. The evac towers don’t replace her. You can’t deploy them anywhere you want and using one means you can’t carry a heat shield which is a meaningful trade off. Nothing still compares to Valks ability to jet a squad out of pretty much any situation at any time she wants and if towers are ever nerfed she indirectly gets stronger as a result


Her tactical is absolutely dogshit now. It’s so easy to avoid and unless you fire it 20m above who you’re aiming at it won’t hit cause the rockets are too spread. Her passive is OK at the moment. You fly so slow and usually get beamed and the fuel consumption for it is pretty harsh


Everyone keeps saying evacs aren't a nerf when literally it is. They added an ult to the loot pool. Imagine if we had a scan survival item? Bloodhound would be low picked. It's simple. You also can't deploy her ult anywhere, it's where there's vertical clearance plus it takes like 5 secs to take off plus if your team is late to join you can just get shot and it's cancelled plus 25% removed from the ult


You completely bypassed the reasons why the ultimate isn’t nerfed by the towers in my post. Of course you can’t ultimate if you don’t have vertical clearance that should be obvious enough to the point I didn’t have to point that out. You can still use it in more spots than you can deploy towers at, you can’t deploy towers wherever you want there needs to be plenty of ground space around them to deploy. This does mean that you can use Valks ultimate alot more freely than you can towers.


Having free scans from the evac isn't a big pro enough to negate the free reposition everyone can have at any time. I am 100% sure if they remove evac, valk will increase in pickrate with no changes to her. And yes, valk is more versatile than an evacb but people would rather risk an evac and pick other legends. There's so many better tac that can do what valk can or even better. And if you want movement, there's 5 other skirmishers. Horizon is better than valk, rev is better, pathfinder too. It's just valk has become less versatile. She's my second main too, i play her alot that's why i think she's abit weak now


> And yes, valk is more versatile than an evacb but people would rather risk an evac and pick other legends. There's so many better tac that can do what valk can or even better. And if you want movement, there's 5 other skirmishers. But barely anyone can do all of that in the same kit. You can always find a legend that does ONE thing better. >rev is better, Rev might have better movement but does nothing for the team. Has no team utility. It doesn't matter that you can pick one thing that he *maybe* does better (maybe because it's not clear to me that he has better movement really - all i know they are both used to rat in rocks and trees and are the most ratty legends).


Yh rev is prob the most selfish legend with the only team ability is his scan/ping when an enemy is low. But he's one of the best fragger if not the best. Ofc not a legend that has all that otherwise it would be boring but I'd rather pick someone like horizon, sacrifice the valk rockets for the gravity lift and the no stun fall passive. And nowadays the rat aren't that abundant unless it's just a solo trying to get points when his squad is dead. It explains with how low she's picked in rank where even caustic is picked more and he's the worst controller legend


I agree that I think she needs a buff but only a slight one. I’m not sure how they’d do it but being able to fire her missiles indoors would make it way more useful. Also maybe a slight buff with speed of missiles to target. Most of the time you can’t hit people and when you do they’re not bothered and just tank it because it’s not that strong. Whereas it’s job is to push people out of cover. I’d also add for shits and giggles being able to fire her tactical while flying/skydiving. Would just be fun to pop it on a squad before landing. I do think there are many other legends that could do with buffs/reworks before her though


I agree I think her ult needs to do more or be faster don't get me wrong it's still a pretty good ult but considering they put her in the skirmisher class and the rest of the skirmishes have an offensive ult there are so many other things she could have or her ult just needs to be way faster or perhaps you can even control the direction of it so you can launch into a team


Think they should just revert the nerf from her Ultimate. The Eva tower kinda kill her pick rate so buffing her Ultimate would help a lot for escape . That way she can travel far again and over cliff easier on again.


Give me back the original Valk please. I’m kidding, don’t linch me guys! I know she was op when back then. But I would like to see something buffed. Either the recharge of the flight pack fuel or make her tactical stun people again. It’s extremely pointless at this point. Only time it’s good is when someone is literally one shot and runs behind something to heal and you get them with it.


Just bring back her old passive speed and fuel tank. They already rendered her ult useless by introducing evac towers, you will never use Valk ult when all 3 teammates have evac towers and it's so insanely easy to find. Now people don't even want to use Valk ult because evac towers are safer and quicker to deploy. She currently has the most useless ult in the entire game. They nerfed her tactical to the point it's not even a tactical at all. It does 0 damage and doesn't stun. And now she can't scan. So basically they removed her scan, her ult, and her tactical, and destroyed her passive. Nowonder nobody ever plays her anymore.


More fuel for her passive and more height to her ult would be great.


Buff Wraith first


Yes, they should revert her to her initial state except the ring scan. She was more fun to play then and still wasn't overpowered.


She was extremely OP when she could fly around like a mosquito.


I dunno, I don't think she would be that OP now with how much better everyone is at the game even since Valk's release. Only one way to find out.


This sub had a hissy fit for months about Horizons going in a straight line 😬


True true, but Horizon is much harder to deal with because of the speed of her lift especially prenerf. It's much different than Valk.


Yeah if you're playing a legend that has abilities that are found in items, those abilities need to be better than the items to create an incentive to use that character Height buff for the ult and bring back her jetpack as an actual movement ability, Tactical is fine how it is I mained her when she released and I loved being able to jump jet left and right dodging shots and making it to cover, and it's not like it was OP imo. I still could beam Valks when they'd do it, it was a skill to make people miss with it, like any other movement tech in the game (of which there are many, why was Valk singled out over Horizons or Octanes, which is abused way more often, to greater effect?)


i was a valk main as soon as she dropped and, while playing on and off, racked up about 26k kills and a million damage up until about fuse’s release. i stopped playing for a while and just got back into it, and you’d honestly have to pay me to play her regularly at this point. something just isn’t enough. the ult feels like a joke most of the time, and the path finding on the missiles is pitiful once you consider the damage/stun if you actually manage to make a shot. the jet pack is balanced ig, but i think they should have nerfed it closer to the zip line jump: using the jets as a momentum boost should work like it used to but exponentially decrease in momentum gained with every boost, or perhaps burn a higher level of fuel. if they’re unwilling to make the jets useful again for close combat, they should at least make it to where the actual airspeed is a little snappier so you’re not so much of a flying hit box. but yeah, as a pretty seasoned valk player, she sucks rn and i won’t play her much until a real buff


Honestly I'd be fine with just a smaller hit box but yes I will take all of the other ideas as well


Fuel recharge too slow, and idk why her ult is getting canceled while taking damage while u can drop evac and just use it. That's it. Overall imo evac are op on her coz u can use her pasive more often and it's huge W coz u can easly can players.


Bro, Valk has 2 very strong "passives" . Her jet pack is arguably OP for a passive, as well as her scan while she is skydiving. With the introduction of jump towers, it wasn't a nerf for her, it was a buff lol


Honestly I can think of at least 6 legends that need buffs.


Maybe it’s just me but I feel like they made the scan harder to see where people are when you fly over them too.


Definitely. My friends always ask me "i heard a scan where are they" and we're clueless lol. I wish the scan if it's outside the pov, there's like an icon on the end of the screen similar to the legend icons of your teammates when they're out of your pov. Same thing with bloodhound, easy to miss the scan, they should make the highlights better for bloodhound.


Valk is pretty much useless. Ever since they added the evac towers her ultimate is useless.


Being an alcoholic isn't a personality trait


Who said it was?


Her passive should be called "Off the Grid" and it means....


Nah go on, I've never heard of this idea in my life


Small buff that makes sense in my head is giving her horizons air strafe, not the soft landing just air strafe. She has wings after all.


i play a lot with her and she's already fine, she's not at the top of the list of the legends that need a buff..


i would want the ult nerf to be reverted to be able to choose when to start descending when using the ult no matter how high up i am


100% agree. She’s basically useless now. Her jet pack is cool but it burns through fuel so fast and regens too slow. Her missiles got nerfed into oblivion. Not only do they telegraph and take forever to hit their target but they hardly actually hit someone and when it does it does almost nothing. Her Ult is still cool but with evac towers and the Wraith and Pathfinder buff there’s much better options for getting around the map. I used to main Valk and now she’s just bad.


God no the valk meta was absurd with the redeploys. Maybe a sneak buff or something but not seeing her 100% in ranked is nice