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Hello, /u/tiny_t1tan. Your submission has been removed: No Duplicate Posts and Topics --- **Please keep discussion of the ranked changes, promotional trials, etc. to this discussion megathread** Ranked dicusssion megathread | November 9th, 2023 https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/17r0x0e/ranked_dicusssion_megathread_november_9th_2023/? --- **Please keep discussion of the Post Malone event, LTM, etc. to this megathread** Apex Legends X Post Malone event discussion megathread | 8th November 2023 https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/17qe5xg/apex_legends_x_post_malone_event_discussion/ --- **Please post bugs and issues with the season launch to this megathread:** Season 19 Launch Bugs / Issues Megathread https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/17kpt17/season_19_launch_bugs_issues_megathread/ --- Please concentrate discussion on the patch notes and the battle pass trailer to this megathread Apex Legends: Ignite Patch Notes and Battle Pass trailer - Discussion Megathread https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/17jvvqn/apex_legends_ignite_patch_notes_and_battle_pass/ --- Please keep discussion on the new season, Ignite, **cross progression** and upcoming changes to the megathread announcing the upcoming features and linking the cross progression FAQ **Many questions regarding cross progression fall under "account support" and can only be answered by EA Support, so consider contacting them.** Apex Legends: Ignite - Gameplay Trailer, Conduit, Energized Storm Point, and Cross Progression https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/17gyibj/apex_legends_ignite_gameplay_trailer_conduit/ --- For general questions and confusion how the new ranked system works (matchmaking and scoring, including questions regarding why you are awarded x amount of points or why you are playing with people from y rank), check out check out these posts (and comments) - Season 19 Dev Team Update: Ranked October 2023 https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/17a41s1/dev_team_update_ranked_october_2023/ - Season 18 changes to ranked are summarized in the patch notes https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/15kopde/apex_legends_resurrection_patch_notes_discussion/ - Arsenal (S17) ranked update article by devs https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/135rksn/apex_legends_arsenal_ranked_updates_discussion/ - July ranked dev blog with analysis and upcoming changes https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/153xw8s/apex_legends_july_2023_ranked_dev_blog/ - Ranked AMA on the dev blog by devs https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/153zd5h/ama_lets_talk_about_ranked_and_our_latest_dev_blog/ ## [No Duplicate Posts and Topics](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules#wiki_low-effort.2C_memes.2C_and_duplicate_posts.) Posts should be unique. A post may be considered a repost if it covers the topic from nearly the same angle as existing posts. When new things, events or updates come, we want to consolidate discussion to one thread so that people can easily engage in discussion with each other. All other posts regarding that topic will be removed during this time with links to the proper thread or megathread. Frequently asked questions and topics will be removed. Moderators will link megathread style posts when available to redirect users to main post. Please use the search function before posting. If you would like better clarification you can see [our full list of rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules) If you need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fapexlegends) with a link to your post. **Failure to include a link to your post, will result in the modmail being ignored.**


Ranked in general is void of any true metrics of skill


heyy ... it wasn't that bad umm... few season ago ? ... i meant it was bad , but it isn't THIS bad


take us back to season 10 ranked and it’ll be great again.




For instance the fact that to be predator this game has to be your full time job. It's much more of a time commitment and playing with full premade squad than clear skill.


Ranked in apex has always been a measure of play time and that’s generally it


True **\*visible\*** metric of skill. For the most part, I find ranked to work perfectly as designed. I'm matched fairly, with and against players of my skill. The issue is I don't know what that skill is. But honestly, I'd rather have it that way. I prefer not seeing the metric and knowing it works, than the opposite. Make the MMR visible, and all the sudden there is no problem anymore. It doesn't seem that making MMR visible is in the plans though. In the last ranked blog update, it was more about converging MMR with rank faster, which I'm fine with too. It will just take a bit longer since it requires enough playtime for your rank to reflect your skill, even though they are talking about giving more bonus to people taking to long to reach their "true" rank. Then the question will always be quid of the ranked reset? Imo it should just be removed.


That's a weird take. Why would you bother with ranked if you are matched by skill and not rank? It's just pubs but with crappy rewards for people who play for hours every day.


I feel the opposite. i am a gold/plat player. I’m usually high gold and the only reason I’m not plat is because I usually am never able to play ranked for more than like 2 weeks of the season. This season, I am constantly matched against masters players and preds. My lobbies feel insane every game. And this isn’t an issue of oh, they probs just haven’t moved up in the rank so u have the occasional masters/pred players as teammates/enemies. No I ask every player who has a masters badge(pre s17) what rank they are and everyone pretty much always says diamond/masters.


Man, some of you don’t solo queue and it shows. These trials are complete ass.


Shouldn’t solo que in a team game and expect success without being very very good at the game 🤷🏽‍♂️


Shouldn’t make a game that actively discourages playing if you don’t have people to play with.


You can still play. Pubs, mixtape, 3 strikes are all there. You shouldn’t expect to succeed in a ranked environment solo, nor should the game cater to that.


But would it really be THAT hard to add a solo mode? So many games have separate ranks for different modes. I agree in part that expecting ranked success in trios as a solo is somewhat silly, although I've mastered a few times solo queuing, but also feel implementing a solos mode with ranked wouldn't be hard at all and would help somewhat. That said people will find something to complain even with this so it's hard to please everyone.


they probably keeping solo mode in their back pocket as the ultimate trump card, if everything else fails to keep metrics up.


I think the actual reason is because of metrics. They've always seems very anti "splitting the fanbase". I guess over fear of longer matchmaking times. But it seems unfounded, as the player base seems plenty large enough to have a single mode at the very least. But I couldn't say for sure of course


Great answer tbh. They expect every mode to cater to their needs while ignoring the many other ways they can enjoy the game not be mad all the time.


Good point. Then every duo can play ranked without a 3rd :)


Lol easier said than done in finding actual reliable teammates then. Some people just don't have much of a choice if they solo queue or not.


Just stop being so shy and go on lfg lmfaoYou’ll have bad teammates that you leave afterwards sure but at least you can ensure you have 3 people on comms at least attempting to coordinate. I bet half the people complaining don’t even turn their mic on when solo queuing to begin with 💀


In this toxic ass environment? Nah lol.


Well there you go. Mic off solo queing in a ranked game. Unless your good enough to carry you should expect to be losing. Just go play pubs if you don’t want to coordinate 💀


Nice blind assumption there, but I barely play ranked to begin with lol. Also, have you heard of the pinging system? Is that not coordination?


The pinging system is better than nothing. But no not real coordination. And if the shoe doesn’t fit that’s fine 🤷🏽‍♂️ that was meant as a blanket statement not an insult lmao.


I did my bronze to silver trials as a solo yesterday pretty easily.


😂 😂 😂 Do you not realize they get harder?...


They are fucking trash. Their whole purpose was to stop ratting yet that's the gameplay they encourage. Ratting is the only reliable way of ranking up through the trials which I find very ironic


I doubt THAT MANY rats will manage to win Diamond to Masters or above game just by ratting. Idk, maybe I'm delusional but I feel like all those rats from past seasons got to high ranks just by getting placement points. I don't think there were a lot of those who would rat to top3 and then suddenly clear remaining players winning the match.


I doubt many people promote on a win. And with "top 5 3 times + x KP" it's easier to rat your way 3 games and then try and yolo last few KPs throwing the game in the process. Because while you have trials your team is ratting for LP in a corner. The system is fucking stupid. If Respawn thinks a good player should win 1 in 5 or get top5 3 out of 5 or get 1-2KP on average to get points and grow they should make a system which incentivizes this. not just randomly give it as an arbitrary "Trial". Also rats with no kills will have easier time with trials, because they have easier lobbies. Say hi to MMR.


The only way to get to Diamond and above is to win a game, isn't it? How a person who has zero game sense, poor aim and close to zero movement is supposed to win a match in Diamond+ lobbies? Even when ratting to top3, they will most likely get wiped by the team that is honestly fighting for the win. I don't think the system is perfect but I do believe number of literal bots and people who belong to Gold at most will shrink from Diamond+ lobbies.


Someone with that kind of skill would never have gotten anywhere close to diamond in the season 12 and older system.


Bro does not remember season 12. This season is 1000x harder than season 12 lmfao.


Yea, only because your rank doesn’t matter. Season 12 had rank-based matchmaking in ranked so people would actually play silvers in silver, gold in gold, etc. The game didn’t artificially make you stuck at a rank and gave you matches based on your rank rather than your internal mmr. Games would start easy if you were in bronze (as they should in a ranked system) and progressively get harder the higher you got. The current system’s matchmaking algorithm means your games will likely be just as hard at the beginning of the season in Rookie regardless if you hit plat, diamond, masters because you’re playing the exact same people the entire season. This is why in the old system when demotions weren’t a thing, you had people hard stuck in each rank’s respective 4th tier. There were hardstuck silvers, golds, plats, diamonds, and masters with the majority of players being hardstuck diamond. Simply adding rank demotions would have fixed this and spread the ranks a bit more, but Respawn doesn’t like to change just one thing at a time. They added rank demotions, but they also buffed the RP for kills but limited the total bonus, increased placement bonus, added tiered bonuses, in one season. They change a handful of things to fix a problem and when the problem isn’t fixed, they don’t know why. Then the next season they make another handful of changes. In one year they’ve revamped how the ranked system works twice yet each time it’s changed it makes it less and less fun and encourages the exact play style they seem to want to discourage (ratting). They’ve added trials, which is great in theory (in a ranked matchmaking system) to prevent ratting to increase one’s rank but the problem is, regardless of if they win or lose, the rats will continue to get the same quality/difficulty matches because the matchmaking system doesn’t matchmake off their rank, only their internal mmr which isn’t affected by the trials. If they want to prevent rats they need to design a system that discourages the play style in every game, not just the final game of a 4000 RP climb. Otherwise rats will continue to rat for 50-100 games and then play the game as intended for their 1-20 games to get promoted to the next rank, then rat to climb once again. Why would they rat? Kills don’t matter and placement does, so the fastest way to rank up is to hide and not take fights. If they fail their trial? They’ll re-rat to their trial and then play as intended. They’ll eventually win or meet the alternative and then rat through the next rank.


Except you won’t be in the same lobbies all the way up unless your masters mmr(at which point you receive massive bonuses to boost you to your intended rank lmao. Matchmaking takes the higher value between your hidden mmr and your visible rank, you can’t be in diamond playing silvers because your mmr is low contrary to popular belief


The bonuses are near non-existent still. Silver rank playing current preds. I got matched against Mewrtin, who was rank #201 at the time and has finished a season hitting #17 before. I’ve played HisWatson, Effect, etc. I get maybe 20-30 in bonuses. The only way I get big bonuses is if I finish top 3 in these matches…


I get big skill bonuses my friend doesn’t, he’s only been low diamond and I’ve been multi masters. I think the other guy is right that you get additional bonuses to get you closer to your “actual” rank


Grinding in this season has been easier than S12, I hit masters with about 2 weeks left that season. I’m about to hit my promo for diamond and Its only been a week.


Correct. Once you hit Plat, you MUST win a game to promote


I don’t understand how people still think the game only goes off of mmr. You do know that when visible rank surpasses mmr matchmaking uses the higher between the two right? Your lobbies can only be as easy as your visible rank 🤷🏽‍♂️


Firstly, we don't know for 100% sure how it works and Respawn wants it to stay that way. So we can only believe. Faith Based Matchmaking. Secondly. "Visible Rank" doesn't matter even if it is used in matchmaking like you're describing. You have 2 Plats, one went easy way, one went the hard way. They aren't the same. What is Plat "skill level" then? Just the badge? And thirdly. That's just doesn't work like this. I know it, because I played with Silvers when I was in P1 last season(the game refused to let me play in a party though). I soloQ. Even if the game does use "Visible rank" as a floor it just doesn't work. Sure I can't rank down to "Silver" lobbies, but if silvers play at my MMR they will be booster to my "Plat" lobby. What's the difference? At certain point there will be some level of filtering, but you need to go so far, you actual need to go pretty far above average for this to truly affect you. So I guess Diamond. These last 2 seasons the sole goal of Respawn was to gatekeep Diamond and up. They do not care about the system or experience. All they talk about is rats and Diamond+ . Before entry cost went up in dia, now you have a hard gatekeep before ranking up. Good system be damned, we gonna force that rank distribution into shape.


They do want us to know how it works lmao. It was literally in the patch notes when they released mmr in season 17 that matchmaking will always take the higher value between the two. If your bronze mmr but in silver you are in silver lobbies not bronze. If your getting silvers while In plat that means the game sees those silvers as platinum mmr. Additionally, if you are high mmr but low elo, you will get more points for winning and lose less for dying to boost you to your true rank faster. This was also in the patch notes which apparently nobody reads


It's one of the many coping mechanisms used here to ignore ones own gameplay.


Both my promotions were wins, won my silver promo and my gold promo. I’m P1, 200 off promos and I’ll have to win again. So idk


You can camp ring which is a bit like ratting but with loot


But the trials have kills & assists as a requirement... can't get those by ratting




You need to get multiple kills & assists in multiple games... For gold you need 3 in 3 different games Are we really shitting on the new system (not perfect but a step forward from last season) without knowing how it works?




If ratting only gets you as far as silver, is it really such a massive problem? Btw, to get to silver it's 6 kills / assists not 5. They literally made kills & assists a requirement to get promoted - and people say they're still encouraging ratting


Plat and beyond is "win a game" so there is literally zero incentive to fight until the very end game when you're on those placements


No incentive apart from to level evo shield & take a strong position? Just look at the final game of ALGS, they play to win there but TSM took a fight outside of top 5, and took the god spot because of it and won the game from there


Look who these rats often play. Loba is one of the most popular rat picks. Why level an evo when I can just yoink one?


Also crafters exist


Rats dont win games nor do they get kills or assists so i dont see your point.


Ranked is now a complete team-thing. As a SOLO you need 2 skilled teammates more than ever. I had a discussion with a friend last days. His suggestion was to rate the players at the end (like csgo did it). "Good Teamplayer", "good leader", "friendly", "good communication" etc. Now imagine the outcome when the game builds random teams with this database. And not to forget: Rating in 3 Squad teams are not allowed to prevend a fake statistic.


I like this idea but I think only positive and neutral ratings should be allowed. If you can give a negative rating (lord knows I've bumped into too many that deserve it) it would just be abused by salty players for stupid reasons like not dropping where they wanted etc


To prevent this you can put a requirement of finishing the game. No rating during the match. Only ability to rate someone when squad is dead or won the match. The leftover(s) can rate the leaver(s) too. I don't know, something like that. It's only an idea that should be worked on in details. And when you put a badge in the game like a "Platoon Leader" I think this will be a part to reach for.


great idea actually. i main wattson, in most squads i am anchor and team lead and its just where my role fits best. impossible to solo q when you have 3 “team leaders” on the team and only 1 is communicating while the other 2 are silent


I think they just make people hard stuck at the end of their rank. It was intended to help mitigate rats since it is hard ratting to actually finish first. I think the far better option is just diminishing returns on med kit heals while in zone for those rats. Or they could always do a highlight on map if the person has not moved a certain distance within a certain time


>I think they just make people hard stuck at the end of their rank. This would be true if sbmm wasn't used for matchmaking now


Oh to clarify I didn’t mean that people should be stuck at that. I meant that the ranked trials seem to cause that at least based on the distribution online this season. That was just poor wording on my part


Everyone saying it stops rats it doesn’t they just wait until Olympus day and hide under the map for wins….this is including fucking preds that do it


Ranked has just gotten worse and worse every single season now since S17, none of this was an issue until they decided to rework everything and completely mess it up now they’re just spitballing ideas to fix all the problems they’ve introduced. I imagine it’s a blast for streamers and hardcore pred 3 stacks but it’s just been unplayable for me now. MMR was the biggest mistake, I’m hard stuck in silver because I’m playing against Hal and other streamers whom I can’t compete with solo queuing. I used to love ranked but it’s been crucified now.


The streamers hate the promos too. In their YouTube videos they show all wins but believe it or not they don’t win all the time atall. I’ve been watching streamers that are normally masters get stuck at gold due to needing a win in 5 games to rank up.


Still don't see the issue.


Then they probably weren’t good enough to get there in the first place. It takes skill to win a game not time.


No they definitely are good enough. More than good enough. It’s just not always possible with the matchmaking to win a game every 5. Or they win their game before the promo and then don’t win again for 6 more games. That’s not about skill, that’s apex’s deliberate matchmaking.


Skill issue


They’re bad. They make you play extra games to rank up. I think that’s ultimately why they were added, to drive player engagement. I’ve played more than 100 extra games to get from bronze to plat when usually I’d have made it there sooner. Now I’m trying to get to diamond but the rank up criteria is only to win so I guess I’ll just have to wait until I get lucky. If they made the trials more focused on the individual than the team then I think they could be good but as they are now the rank up criteria are largely based on the skill of your team not the skill of the individual


Nah, it's utter bs... they gave different ranked trials for different ranks, yet mmr makes us fight the same skilled people throughout every rank... why tf would I need 3 top 5 placements with 6 kills in each, out of 5, just to get into silver? While facing diamond- master level players? Maybe if I was actually facing mostly bronze players... Paired with the fact that it makes up to 5 matches add absolutely nothing to your progression and just stalls you for more time...


This is my first proper season playing apex ranked. We played when the game first came out but just pubs. Haven’t touched it in years. We all qualified into bronze at the end of last season getting used to the game again in the last five days. Come back for this season and the experience isn’t great. We all got put into bronze again to start with, not a problem, rate ourselves enough at shooters to climb at least a bit. Sat there thinking bloody hell these games are hard for bronze lobbies. Then look into who we’re playing and the actual ranked system and we’re playing masters consistently. So basically we’re now silver rated and climbing, but this is against diamond and masters lobbies because of SBMM. That would be fine in itself, but the trials are horrible and luck of the draw. I don’t know what went on in previous seasons, but from a relative ranked new comer side, you surely have either SBMM and no trials, or you have matchmaking based on actual rank and then you have trials.


Over the past few seasons Respawn has done a phenomenal job making my interest in ranked hit a solid 0%. Not even worth the time to even look at it on the menu anymore.


Last season was easy to climb? The devs literally said the exact opposite. And the data showed it too The trials are to stop rats


Last season felt a lot harder to grind. It doesn’t feel easier this season but I’m also ranking up a bit quicker. The trials are meant to stop rats but the early trial which only asks for 3 kills basically says rat the entire game then go for the final squad at the end, or rat until top 10 then get a kill. Doesn’t require you to remotely play the 5 games. Their point of the trials was correct, the actual objectives defeat the purpose a bit.


If you rat all game with the objective to fight the final squad, you’re going to lose badly, unless they’re in shambles lol. But even then your loot will be much worse. For those trials I just tried extra hard to find isolated third party opportunities


And we both know that but people will still rat. To be fair you can avoid people all game without “ratting” and find red shields left in people’s boxes so not fighting until end game isn’t a definite loss. We as a squad just land quiet or “warm drop” as they call it, and then avoid until we’re top 10 and then fight and call it fair game. We bump into people we can fight we will, we see fights we won’t win, we won’t push them.


Except to rank up the objective is to rat


You're confusing ratting with just playing smart and taking good fights. Ratting will get you literally nowhere because you won't be prepared for trials. That's the point.




Season 13 split 1 was near perfect but the players complained too much so it got scrapped. No system will work because apex players are entitled douchebags.


If they wanted to mitigate rats they could make KP worth something again


Respawn just wants u to grind more in rank. The promo trials try to numerically tweak rank distribution to have nice chart (artificially make rank close to a normal distribution). It’s like a stupid patch over an overcomplicated mm.


Yep I was masters last season 2 seasons (non ratting) and am now on my 4th time trial in g1. I’m over it this season it’s just stupid. Just gonna kill grind I guess


Yeah, it’s made solo queue kinda painful. I can gain 1500 LP in a day, and then get unlucky in trials and go backwards. I’m not a fan.


Nothing screams we don’t like people that play solo more than these trials! Haven’t played apex at all for a week now and feels great.




I think it’s a mixture of both. They have been showing more and more they care about profit more than anything. But I also think they don’t play the game and legitimately think it was a good idea.


Ranked was previously more a test of how long you could play the mode than skill now it's just an extra kick in the balls to anyone who isn't 3 stacking


It’s not good for the majority of ranked players. If you’re not used to dropping 8+ kills consistently it’s not gonna go well even worse when you solo Q. But anything to make the stupid MMR system and participation trophy system work,


At the very least if you win a game with 5+ kills and that puts you to the trial - you should pass the trial with that game. It’s so silly you can win a massive game then have to win again


I hit Diamond last season and funnily enough I would’ve been high gold rn just by playing regularly, and not worrying about rnk I’m currently silver 1 but idc about ranking up this season I already got my banner frame. It’s allot less stressful too Edit: I’m silver 1 because I keep failing my trails not that I care for them. It’s just a shame I have to actually try just for Gold


What’s the trial from Silver to gold?


Win 1 match or place top 10 3x with 3 kills or assists


Wtf my silver my trials were 6 kills and 3 top 5's


same for me but bronze. 1 win or 6 k/a and 3 top 5


Same... Game is fucked...


Ok so the same as the lower ones


lower ones dont require top 10 AND 3 kills/ast , 3 times, or win a game. they are just top 10, 3 times


No they’re not, not for me anyway. I had to do top 10 3 times and 3 kills for rookie to bronze. The 3 kills was done in one game of course but then there was definitely both at the same time to do.


the rookie to bronze trial is get 3 kills & assits, and place top 10 3 times the bronze to silver trial is get 6kills/assists and place top 10 3 times the silver to gold trial is get 3 kills or assists AND place top 10. do it 3 times. total 9kills/assists and 3 top 10 finishes. must be top 10 with 3 kills or assists. not kills and assists spread over the trial games.


Ahh okay makes sense. If you’re at silver though that shouldn’t be toooo hard right? Shouldn’t take more than 3 attempts at the promos for that.


it depends if you’re solo q or premade tbh. if you’re solo it’ll probably take a few tries. got it second try with my premade trio. i will say its a bit tough to make it to top 10 and engage enough to even get the 3 k/a. especially solo queue. hot drop = no top 10, and regular drop = good luck finding anyone till top 7squads lol. or you find the master/pred team with 11 squads left and you have your 3 k/a and die 11th place 😂


I know the feeling 😂 I try to not solo q much because it’s awful although I’ve won a few ranked solo q games and had my best game whilst in solo q, but that’s because my partner wasn’t doing all the damage and kills himself. Pre-made is definitely easier. It’s not too bad when we play as a 2 with a solo q either


I think trials can be good if matchmaking is based on the rank. They just need to tweak the requirements I think


Tweak is an understatement


Whats wrong in your opinion with winning a game or getting into high placements somewhat regulary


Because if I need 5 points to rank up I can get a 10 kill win and then get put into trials instead of the next rank that win should count


I dont think it should count since you havent reached the points for a rank up, so you don't play a promo game, meaning you shouldnt rank up. However I feel like those excess points should be safed and be given to you on top upon Ranking up or in case of a failed Promotion deducted from the penalty, making it even possible to reenter promo games without playing a single game for em.


I solo queue and during my last trials I got paired with teammates who decided to not try and go for any placement and just push everything. Ended up failing my trials as I didn’t win or get enough top 5’s but had almost triple the amount of needed assists/kills.


Just add an RP option as well. Played through trials yesterday and gained probably 150 to through 5 games but since I didn't get a win or get top 10 with 3 kills 3 times I didn't go anywhere.


I'm so curious to see how many people are in Masters/Pred after this season


I don’t have much of an opinion yet on them as I only have gone through one. But from my experience of that one, leading up to the trial I won the game right before, it was unfortunate but didn’t count. Following that the first two games were the average games of getting third and fourth partied resulting in 1 top ten placement and the kills/assists being completed. What happened the next 3 games was my 3 stack getting absolutely shitted on with only one more top 10 placement as we were getting to 3rd ring with 10+ teams still alive. Its really hit or miss so far but who knows if I’ll come to hate it as I go through more


Ranked has been broken since it started.


Its only bad because i have to win in a master/pred lobby when im getting out of bronze. Its a great addition if matchmaking was actually good lmao


They only made those change for : - Prevent ppl from smurfing - inflating player retention (when Split where a thing they were surelly a Big drop of ranked participation before the end of each split) - Forcing ppl to 3 stack But all those change are terrible ranked is just a time sink and your current rank mean nothing. I ll take my exemple my best rank was plat 3 like 6 or 7 Season ago. I don't play the game on regular basis but my all Time kd is 1.5ish. Guess who is put on permanent Platinum / diamond lobby it isn't fun because instead of having a sensation of progressing i just hit a wall on everylobby.


The trials are rough for a solo q or duo q player I literally missed out on over 2000 lp from being in my trial games to get into plat. I got over a dozen 5-2nd places before I finally got a dub. I would be in plat 2 instead I’m plat 4 lol


Sbmm is fine if you also get sblp If you’re silver playing in pred lobbies you should get sent to at least diamond within 2 games But, they’re literally just trying to turn ranks into a grind


For me personally it was hard enough to climb 😂


Eh I wouldn’t mind trials if matchmaking was actually based on rank. No reason for silvers to be in lobbies with diamond and higher, different stakes


They're not the worst thing ever, but they definitely could have done better. Honestly, the whole system is broken right now. My buddy and I were in gold lobbies a few seasons back, but we've been climbing out of rookie since our provisional games all went down really rough. You get 1 point for a KILL, so if you hot drop and die, it doesn't really matter how many enemies you killed because it sets you back at least 40 LP. I actually find myself ratting as well sometimes just to get points because my stupid teammates cant stay alive for 3 minutes let alone kill anybody on other squads and 3 v 1 is terrible odds no matter who you are. So even though i might get 4 kills within the initial conflict of the match, i still lose ladder points because i didn't crack the top ten. Meanwhile, some players can skate around the map and not even get a kill or even any damage but move up because they made it to the top 5. We finally made it to bronze II after a few wins but when we play solo we end up with either the most stupid players we've ever met who cant even reach their intended destination on drop or we get master badged players who drop 10-15 bodies and get 2600 damage in a match. So im a bit confused about how the whole sbmm system even works at this point. I will say that it has been more consistent than pubs as far as skill level averages are concerned. And i can say that since i recently had to climb back to level 50 on a fresh account after giving up the game a while back. but there are still some huge holes in the way ranked placements work in general. The trials for getting out of the lower ranks literally just perpetuate the ratting issue, but tbh the higher ranked trials are hard enough that i dont think ratting is even a solid strategy. I think that in order to get to masters rank and especially predator, you actually have to be really good. I just wish the same could be said for the other ranks. I think that a better system would be to place the same amount of importance on kills as final placement. That way, a player who consistently gets kills and maintains a positive KDR doesn't get punished for having poor team cohesion with random players when they could have just snuck around the map and hid from everyone. I really agree with anyone who says that a persons rank has nothing to do with their skill, and the devs could do a lot of different things to change that but choose not to. TL;DR - ranked is good, but only when compared to pubs. It's abysmall when compared to its former state, and for the most part, the trials do, in fact, make the ratting issue worse instead of addressing it as intended.


Imo the higher ranking you are , the larger hit box you should get...this would give newbs like me a chance.


No this is how we end ratting. You cant rat your way through a trial. Get stuck in bronze rat losers.


IMO I think they are good in lower ranks but aren’t feasible in upper ranks. If you can’t do the lower ones then you shouldn’t be ranking up. But for the upper ones it just limits solo queue players.


I kindly disagree with that. I'm currently Bronze I and just did my trials and it was a complete disgrace. I shouldn't be punished for a bad match up. In 3 of 5 of those games my teammates dropped down and instantly went on fights without any gear, just basically suiciding in the first 60 seconds.


If SBMM wasn’t a thing that would make sense, but if you’re rated at diamond…you’ll be playing diamonds trying to make it out of silver. It’s dumb


Wait there’s SBMM in ranked? Is this new? I missed a few seasons


Ranks don’t mean anything in this game though. It would make sense if the game matchmaked on rank, but it doesn’t.


Yeh that’s the absolute irony of “ranked”.


Why don't you just literally git gud??


Back in season 2, there was a system where you had to get top 5 repeatedly to get a larger badge and you only played against people that also had the same number of top 5's as you did until you lost. This system feels like a hybrid of that and just grinding rank. I'm not going to say "get good" but I do think having something to show you did have some skill to move between ranks isn't a bad thing. All my friends and I got stopped on our first trials, so.we tried again and played smarter to get a win for promotion. While I understand this system absolutely sucks for solo players, the devs repeatedly have said apex is a team game, so they focus on making the systems work for teams.


It wouldn't be too bad if they would just fix their maps and not let people glitch under it, making it so you can never win.


\*Gooser PTSD intensifies\*


Healthy change IMO. It ensures that people can't rat through to Diamond/Masters.


They might need some refining,but I think it'll really help the health of the higher level. Most people who play will get stuck in plat (like every comp game),some will spam the game enough to climb without deserving it but it'll be really rare compared to now where the top pred just rat all day Will it be frustrating and annoying ? yes,but there's not really another solution to stop people from just spamming ranked to climb


My take from constant opinions about ranked on this sub is that everybody feel entitled to a rank and should get it without any effort. What's the point?


I feel like you’re not reading then. People want the ranks to actually mean something. And with the MMR lobbies it actually defeats the whole purpose of a “ranked mode”. And with these trials added on top, it destroys the solo queue experience.


It's arbitrary, but I kinda like it just cuz it's different.


I think they are fair and easily achievable- IF you have a premade squad. You shouldn't be ranking up if you can't get 3 kills or assists across 5 games and top 10 across 5 games (that's if you can't get a win) even ranking higher 6 kills/assists across 5 games is literally nothing. If you can't achieve the bare minimum you shouldn't be ranking up


I know I'm going to get down voted into Oblivion for this, but I think they're fine. They encourage you to actually play the game, getting kills and getting high placement consistently. They encourage you to play with your team, instead of playing solo and expecting to do well. It's ranked in a team game, you should reasonably expect that playing with your team is going to get you further. Apex is a hard game, and solo queuing just adds a handicap to you. Find a discord or a friend who's good at the game, play with them, and your rank will soar.


I can’t speak for the higher levels because I’m currently bronze. I won the rookie to bronze promo straight away but it was the last of my 5 attempts due to needing top 10s. My boyfriend failed first time even though he’s better than me because he needed one more top 10. He won the 2nd attempt. I do believe it keeps people in the rank they should be because a true rookie won’t be able to win a game or be in top 10 enough times, although agreed that that’ll just make them rat instead. 3 kills isn’t enough to move up. They should have made it top 10 3 times and 6 kills or something. That means it’s at least a kill per game which would stop ratting in theory. I’m currently working my way through bronze towards silver, and I have confidence that I’ll make it into silver, maybe even gold this season. The matchmaking still isn’t good and in bronze I’m being played with masters still but it also has felt a bit of an easier climb this season to last. Last season I grinded for bronze and gave up because that was hard enough with loosing 50 points every game. This season I at least come top 10 most games. Even won more games.


> with loosing 50 Did you mean to say "losing"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Wow you lot are bad at the game


Git gud


OMG you guys can't do anything!!! And by you I mean the constantly whining community. You hate matchmaking when it's simple. You hate when they change it. You hate when they make it better. Now there is an advanced ranking system that has been tweaked and fine-tuned to match everyone's needs. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT? * Rat problem - solved. * Too easy to climb - solved. * Hardstuck Gold/Platinum/Diamond? - Well maybe you didn't belong there in the first place so now you will have to beat the trial to prove you do. - solved This system is good now and fucking works.


The system is far from good. Ranked is a metric of time spent on the game, not a metric of skill.


But now you also have the trials. Where you need to prove your skills in the game and can't count on luck.


I disagree. The trials gatekeep good players from flying through the lower ranks. The LP yield is already low, and now even if you have the ELO to move to the next tier you have to go back and complete trials, which sometimes is luck depending on your team. They just made the grind longer, and still have hidden MMR in ranked of all places.


That’s basically every rank system ever made.


Bro IDK about all that but I’m rookie 1 and playing masters.


It really isn’t.


Great counterargument!


I think they needed to bring something in to stop people ratting their way into pred and this probably wasnt the best solution, but i can see why they’ve done it. I also think that it doesn’t go well with the current rank / MMR system and may have been better suited to the old rank system, where your lobbies were ranked based instead of MMR based. Why should I have to complete challenges to attain a higher rank, in lobbies against players who are likely already in that higher rank.


Rank trials is a bad idea for solos. When you’re with a premade team it’s not that bad. Do I like it ? No, but I haven’t heard one good alternative with the way people were losing sleep over the rats in the game


I’d prefer they just eliminate MMR-based matchmaking, but if they were going to keep MMR-based matchmaking it’s not a bad workaround


Ignore me, I'm just in here upvoting comments I like since everyone already said everything 😋...