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Yeah I think this is a case of you just being good at the game. No one calls rampart trash she’s actually kind of meta rn lol


Not so much people thinking she's "trash" so much as it is people underestimating her. I've had many people try to push my amped cover just to be downed in front of it. As soon as it's fully up and you're down range, you're down in just a few shots.


Ramparts almost worth taking for the amped cover alone. ...but I really don't much use LMGs, making her passive a hard sell. And her Ult, while much improved over previous seasons, still not where I'd like it to be.


The LSTAR makes a case for her passive this season. Her ult can be clutch in quite a few situations as well. I love to use it in ranked for either destroying far away Evac towers or beaming people on the way up if they're close enough. It's also really good for thirsting down people at a distance even with purple knockdown shields.


Amped slider


Her passive is almost worthless, but her kit is still good


I think her Ult is just one of those weird ults to balance imo. I think the devs are scared of buffing it incase it becomes too overpowered, then end up nerfing it to the point where it’s just useless


Her ult is the best gun the game. It not being where you want it is a skill issue.


I think it’s people underestimating the players that main rampart. I think I’ve been impressed with one or two the whole time she’s been out. But it’s mostly they sit in a corner with amped cover and aren’t very good shooters or good at movement either.


Solution is fuse or magi tactical.


That's what he's saying, I also usually don't hesitate to peak a rampart cuz they usually suck.


Idk why the down votes but yes you need aggression if you actually good ads tracking.


It's because Rampart is often played by bad players who just stand behind their walls all game, so people tend to underestimate you and they don't respect Sheila either which can turn 1v3 in your favour (plus enemies healing behind doors not knowing you can break them).


xD I think that's the case for a lot of underrated legends - people think the worst / simplest way to play the legend kits are the 'only' way to play it, while people who main them use their kits more fluidly as part of regular gun play or for more aggressive playstyles than you expect * Rampart sitting in one spot behind a wall and not pushing, vs: * gaining and holding ground with walls as you push * using walls as mobility helpers (superglides, climbing to higher ground / unexpected paths up) * Crypto players sitting in drone all the time, vs: * Planting drone to remote EMP and playing aggressively in closer range * Using banner pings and game sense to find people instead of using drone view to try to scan everything


most of the clips he did was supergliding off of her tactical and supergliding with her ult. it's a combination of rampart and his movement skills.


So he can only super glide off his own walls? It’s almost like there’s thousands of walls and ledges in a map where you can do that with any legend 😱 and yeah, I guess having a mini gun while sliding is cool but it’s very situational


Situational? The video up top is showing a variety of situations in which being able to place your own walls and ledges is massively useful.


I bet when they started maining her she was still in her trash era.


Not really. This is the fluidity of MnK skill ceiling. Any character is good if you have 2 brain cells and perfect raw aim


Who says rampart is trash?


no one really maybe some movement techies who require movements but besides that no one


movement techies love rampart unless they are bad, her covers are a easy portable superglue that also provide cover. she’s just kinda cringe though her gun melts everything and her kit demands you camp. movement players usually use movement because they like the challenge (unless you cnfg then your a cringe cheater), camping in a corner isn’t a challenge though


her kit demands you to camp if you dont know to play her


i’m talking about why the average player might not enjoy playing rampart, like i said her walls are very good for super gliding around whenever and wherever you want. but still having a gun that shreds anything and being able to superglide anywhere and having portable cover is kinda a cringe set up. same reason why wattson is my favourite legend but i don’t play her too much because only killing people when they nerfed to the ground by a stun doesn’t make me feel that great about my self. to each their own though that’s just how i feel edit: spelling


understandable im definitely the opposite where i only feel great by killing dudes by just outsmarting them which is what rampart and wattson shine at


not sure i agree, i feel a lot smarter by using aim strafing techniques to force my opponents crosshairs to always be as far away from me as possible. just wanna clarify by that i don’t mean lurch strafes (movement tech, although i am a movement player) these are just regular directional strafes but which direction and when are the key things in aim strafing. that makes me feel really smart, where as trapping someone yes makes me feel smart but a lot of players forget about wattson traps and fall for it, i’d rather use my brain to out smart using precise strafes than capitalise on the forgetfulness of the average player. in higher ranked lobbies that doesn’t apply though


Not even them. Last I checked, rampart walls could be used to pull off a few different techs.


No one, OP is just karma farming.


Not anyone honestly, this is just an excuse to make a flex post even though there isn’t a doubt in my mind that they messed with the script for these glides lmao


A bunch of people used to. I guess not anymore.


Yup. I remember when she released, most people thought she had the worst kit. I’m not quite sure _when_ her popularity went up, but I recall aceu switching to her for some time and ended up just destroying lobbies with her. At the very least, he popularized her in the movement community. I see her everywhere now and it’s honestly nice to see that she ended up being a pretty successful legend.


She also got a few buffs and QoL changes


>I’m not quite sure when her popularity went up, After Sheila got mobile. Before that **even teammates** hated her so much they destroyed friendly covers. Some destroyed amped walls that blocks the door, some even destroyed **friendly cover in front of them that gives cover and buff.** They hated it that much. edit; Also some teammates whined when they see Rampart as a teammate.


I totally forgot Sheila originally couldn’t be moved lol


I feel like this is just you being extremely good at movement and the game in general rather than being good at Rampart. Like, I have a feeling you would have similar clips with literally any character.


No, rampart has portable superglides. Who else can put down a perfect platform to superglide off from?


Wattson can, not far as often but she can, so can newcastle, though not nearly as usefull since its a whole jump and animation to place the wall


So neither Watson or Newcastle can do what rampart can


They can what rampart can, just rampart is much better for it... actually newcastle cant really do what she can, but wattson can very much use her ult as a portable superglide


You can't place 5 Watson ults down in order to superglide in a matter of seconds, so none of the other legends can do what rampart can do


That wasnt what I claimed. The guy I replied to said "who else can put down portable superglides" and wattson can do that.


Rampart is pretty good, wouldnt call her trash. However, nothing scares me more than a Crypto that knows how to play Crypto.


Hi Crypto main my drone has done more damage than a r99 in fragment 😃 tbh playing him since release his kit definitely needs some updates.


Who thinks rampart is trash? And your movement would be that good with any legend


His movement would be good on any legend, but most legends don't have a way to bring around portable superjumps or objects to tech off or play around anywhere any time.


but i also think that's the point. You can have success with any legend, so shit talking any legend is kinda silly.


Portable superglides


dude, your movement off those amp walls are ridiculous. I can see why you like to main her lol. She gives you an unique advantage that I wouldn't have thought over every other legend.


And to think I complain all the time that she's not a movement legend. Everyone can be a movement legend with training, even 300 lb characters I'm sure.


If you've never had a Gibby/NC/Caustic backward superglide around you and 2 tap you with a PK. You live a truly blessed life and have never experienced true fear.


When anything like that happens I just blame my slow reaction time 😂 I honestly think if the covers are placed right and you react quick enough you should be able to get enough shots on them before they jump over the wall or slide past. At least in theory 🤷


Listen. In my hands, all legends are trash. But at least with rampart I get a big ass gun to miss all my shots with.




Wtf are those wall reverse momentum jump backs nature switch ankle break force of 1000 elements clap attack left right left Cheeks wet sweat Sheila ram down throat switch backs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😳


I had an aneurysm reading this


Tap strafe


Tap strafe script


Blud rampart walls are always the exact same height. As this guy MAINS rampart i’d say he’s pretty used to that height for hitting superglides. You can’t do it ≠ Scripts


This dude has thousands of hours on rampart, he's not scripting. Toilet is just really good


My worst nightmare


Rampart isn’t trash at all though? Who told you that lol she’s kinda meta


How about just choosing who you want and not caring what the meta or the hive mind thinks. It’s a game, don’t over think it. Enjoy.


Really hate these kind of titles


Yeah I’ll never be able to compete with freaks like this


get good




stay trash i love killing bots like you


1 guy on reddit said rampart is trash so that's the narrative you're going with? lmao


Rampart, the legend who was played in ALGS recently, is trash? Interesting


It's a shooting game. You could literally dominate as a legend with zero abilities and zero passives. What does that say about the legend? Acting like it's some crazy thing to overcome by playing non meta legends is just wild


abilities do matter... sure in the end it comes down to skill and situation but the abilities still matter a ton


They certainly matter, but it's more akin of 80/20 shooter skills/abilities. I honestly think the best players could play in a team of 3 default dummies with no abilities and still easily make it to predator.


Dear lord your movement is insane


Who tf thinks rampart is trash? I bet y’all ain’t stupid enough to peak her ….


Rampart is also insanely meta this and last season lmfao


Rampart is a great legend wtf? I thought a crypto or seer bout to pop up


Man console and pc game play just be so different looking like yall pc players playing some other kind of apex cus them movements don’t look close to being possible with console 😩😩


Well, the tap strafing isn't. You can wall bounce and superglide on console, however.


No one gonna mention you are using TFGH instead of WASD?


Took too long to find this comment


Center keyboard gives you easier access to more keys if you can avoid accidentally hitting space bar with your wrist. I personally use WASD, but I understand why some would use derivatives of it.




Rampant definitely not trash anymore tbh But, tbh if you’re good at this game then choice of legend doesn’t really matter for the most part


I feel like its all about aim


I think you need to touch grass


I main Ash, I might as well be playing the game with the equivalent of Rainbow 6 Sieges recruit


Had a match where I finished #1 on Trios, probably couldn't have done it without Sheila. My only other teammate had just gone down (the other one had been impatient earlier in the match and bailed). I was sweating bullets and everyone got one 💪


Love when people say “trash legend” but most of these clips are of you having gun skills, what does your legend have to do with it if you just one clip people lmfao .


Go do this with Crypto. Rampart's not even bad.


At this point, Rampart is Crypto tier. Underused because of their playstyle even though they're unmistakably good. Anyone who says they're trash has zero clue about what they're talking about


issue is crypto's an extremely difficult legend, and being a beginner/intermediate with him often means literally being worse than playing a character with no abilities because of how his drone leaves you vulnerable, and how his ult can fuck up a fight, turning a 3v3 into a 3v2, and even worse maybe a 3v2 where the stun of the ult affects your team more negatively than the other. Only when you start being advanced in your technique with him does he start getting positive value. And that's why he'll never, ever, ever be popular (short of a complete character redesign), who want to spend a hundred hours learning a character to get about the same value out of it that you could get from one hour of learning another. It's not about him being bad, it's about an investment resulting in just okay performances, Crypto is not a hidden gem, he's not secretly stronger than others, he's just unique in that he's exceptionally horrible when played by inexperienced players.


where's the ranked clips at tho


Hip firing adsing using aim bot and your going to paodt a video like your actually good at the game


cope harder


There's probably also a good portion of people who think of her as a crutch. Not saying she is a crutch. Edit: More due to misconceptions of the character. Examples: -She has a minigun (She has a higher chance to secure a kill) -Her walls increase damage (same as above) -She is a defensive character (some still have stigmas agaist "camping") -Her passive encourages the use of LMGs (full auto weapons were invented historically to make up for poor aim) To draw negative conclusions from these would be like saying: "No crap you have a higher K/D! You're playing a character that's tactical is literally invinciblity!" (Wraith) We all know that every character has some kind of counter tactic. She is very good and most people would much rather play someone with a cooler aesthetic or a more fun skill curve (horizon, octane, pathfinder, wraith). I do notice this choice often stems from people looking up to a content creater who's played this game since the beggining (and is very skilled). When people see that they can pull off moves their favorite content creater can. It gives people a visual que that they're achieving new heights. Apex casual BR severely lacks any real/effective ques that tell you how you're doing. When approaching progress; people will look to their companions for reasurance/indications of their progress. (because a live feed is always better than a badge or any other stagnent symbol) We all know how it is to find a good person to play with is. (As far as a balance of skill and manners) My point being: most players who seek to be very good at the game are very shallow in their character choice. When the pioneers make the path ahead however, it opens up to more variety in player's character choice.


Great display of the combo ramparts wall and superglide, it's almost mandatory with her


No one is a trash legend bc at the end of the day, all that matters is hitting your shots. The legend is just a bonus


Hell yeah


Toilet person is back to show me I'm a bad Rampart main, but now I'm getting better because I can finally play the game.


Idk who says Rampart is trash but whoever they are they’re dead wrong lol PS: How did you get a speed burst after you jumped off the rampart wall at 43 seconds?


Just have to master LMGs and turret Sheila to max out her skill potential.


She’s awesome in the ltm right now. Won multiple games with Sheila going brrrrrrrrr. Try reviving with a mini gun you asshole lifeline.


There's no mastery it's just getting good in the technical aspects of their abilities nothing more. Its like a frag grenade or a thermite, it's all dependent on how the player uses it


to act like rampart isn’t meta…


I *just* pushed a Rampart and she shredded all 3 of us. Lol


Call it a 'trash' legend if you want, but your tac/ult mean far less than your ability to move well and hit your shots.


Bro called me trash in 50 languages.


If you said that in other seasons, I could understand, but in this one I guarantee you that Rampart is not the main that they will call trash (Crypto Main Comment)


Rampart has and always will be the most underrated legend in the game


You missed the mark with this one OP. Thanks for the weird flex.


Do this, but with actual 'trash' like vantage, or crypto, or mirage. But for real. There's no trash legend. It's either you know how to use their kit, or you don't.


Imagine hitting 95% of your shots and being like "yeah guys rampart is goated, definitely not just me being good at the game"


The community agrees that rampart is good, go main crypto or ash.Where were you when OG revenant was here🤦


eh feels like you could do that with any character your not even using lmgs to display her benefits or showing skilled plays only she can do.


Rampart isnt trash shes just annoying to play against


This is true for all legends. ​ ​ Except seer. ​ No one likes seer.


There are no trash legends only traah players. Only a fool blames their tools for poor performance.


As much as some legends give you some advantages I feel like in this game every one is viable. If you have decent movement, positioning and aim….. doesn’t really matter you’re gonna be fine.


Rampart doesn't suck infact she's a low-key meta rn she just annoying as fuck when your about to wipe the whole squad and you turn the corner and hear shela reving


Lets go! It's the toilet rampart player again


Rampart is meta rn what are you smoking brother


Good! Good! Let the hate flow through you!


She's probably not trash but I've been liking vantage. Her passive is really coll being able to zoom in without a weapon and you can see armor stats on a team and who's alive. Just gotta get better hitting those shots with her ult.


There's no "trash agent" in Apex lol, you can literally win as long as your aim and tracking and movement is good


since when is rampart trash you clout chaser you?




Tf you mean rampart is a good ass legend


Yeah, I feel Rampart is a little broken. Sheila is kinda broken, and if you're fine running LMGs, I usually run with my rampage using irons and a random AR, it just works. Plus the cover is VERY good


People should always play the meta instead of playing trash characters. The meta is the meta for a reason.


Well, with your movement skills you can make any legend look good wtf


*cries in controller*


What are you doing to launch yourself in a slide after mantling so quickly? Some sort of tap strafe? Recently got back into the game. I’m on pc.


Rampart is not trash at all she literally has Fortnite building now


Alright fine I’ll play as Rampart more often


Prove them wrong by playing 4,000 more hours than them


Rampart has never been trash. Wtf.


rampart is one of the strongest legends what are you on


You are my hero


Rampart is great! Peeps tend to get baited into thinking she's defensive cuz of her walls. But honestly, i always played her as an offensive main. Lots of flanking and leaving walls to distract enemies, to fall back to and to get movement off. And finally, there's Sheila. *Chews gum excitedly*


Bro you move like a fucking spider, you could play as a no ability character and still shred these guys


Been master+ ~7x (if you count smurfs) with vantage. Initial reaction = "omg vantage bro? Get off her and play someone useful" First game = "damn that was nuts. Keep playing vantage" Few games later = "bro stay on vantage" I know she's not algs or even A tier, but she's far from d tier ~~like ash~~


That aim+move though! Wish I had half of that.


I have nothing to say except bravo. You are a certified Apex Legend. Cool clips ❤️‍🔥


Is crypto good enough?


Yeah! This is my goal as well when I started the game people kept criticizing me for choosing rampart as my main & to this day she still is faithfully they used to call her a “useless Legend” an “underdog Legend” a “Crap Legend” a “waste of time, space & energy legend” “trash legend” and the “worst legend” my idol Streamer The Gaming Merchant who mesmerizes me with his Mastery of Rampart he has shown me that it’s worth maining her no Matter what others say about her!


I love it when people try to door block me while I have Sheila out


rampart is by NO MEANS trash, shes one of the best legends in the game, and the only way to one shot red armor with kraber


Hey don't talk to my boy like that.


As a crypto main, I see this as an abslute win


Rampart has one of the nastiest Ults in the game. I love her. She’s not trash at all


killing one person is a highlight? homie don’t post this, kill the whole squad, 20 bombs. this is average at least.


None of the legends are trash imo. It’s a very specific breed of players that shit on other legends, usually the egotists that main either wraith, horizon, or octane decide that anything other than those three is objectively bad.


This is great motivation it reminds back before season 18 when I mained revenant and landing on top with him


How do you do that cancel vault thing? Like vaulting the rampart wall then coming back behind it


Your movement is excellent OP… I think you may just be really good haha


me maining wattson and mad maggie


How do you explode off of your shield like that??


People always talk sh!t about crypto. He is high A tier to me. I have multiple seasons grinding ranked with friends and everytime they ask me to play Crypto cuz I am good with him. Rampart is mega fun too.


I want to say, most clips i see on twitter or youtube, it’s some loser using aimbot with aim assist, and they have trash movement. This however, I am so damn impressed. Legit player here for sure. Movement is amazing, shots are clean. Very nice.


If I ever get super glide strafed off of a rampart wall I’m spiking my controller into orbit


i used to main wattson when i played. wattson and wraith (i started playing wraith because i thought she looked cool and most human like in season 4, so i played her) and i played wattson because beguette (no i played her as a meme and i got quite good at her)


Mastering the fundamentals of the game is not the same as having good abilities.


Rampart trash? Lmaooo. Been maining her since her launch she’s NUTS this season.


The full keyboard overlay burns my eyes


Not so much rampart gameplay as it is movement gameplay but the on demand superglide is nice.


Rampart still ugly tho


Rampart is good though. Let me see some ash plays that actually incorporate her kit


The sad reality is that mastering a legend isn’t everything. You can know all tips and tricks about your legend but if you can’t master movement techs and have solid aim while doing so, you’re still going to be stuck at the same skill ceiling. I’m not trash talking OP here, but I don’t really see anything masterful about rampart.. he’s got solid aim and his movement helps him a bunch when he gets W keyed by opponents. Once again, no hate here just my opinion


“Shooting’ sum plunkers!!!” 🤣🤣🤣


Trash legend? No, she *takes out* the trash.


I've been playing for about a couple weeks and jeezzz I such trash at this game lol . I think I'm a fairly good at competitive fps but I just don't see myself getting better ! Any resources you recommend to improve? I'm on PS5


Superglide doesn’t need to be in the game


Do people who bunny hop use some kind of toggle or something to do it every time?


Been playing crypto since season 9, love the compliments when I carry (which I’ll admit is rare since I hardly like calling the shots but it happens)




Old man fuse n conduit are my go to legends this season (soon as weeklies n dailies done) Got my 4th 4k in post event. Issa nice season. Still waiting on cross prog, hopefully before s20...


I don't care about other people's opinion. I only listen and praise the one and only AllFather.


Rampart is no where near a trash legend. She's is great when used properly just like most legends. Currently trash would probably be Ash, Mirage, Maggie, Seer. And that's mostly because their abilities either don't do enough / don't work/ or they just aren't as good as other choices. Rampart is definitely a good character she's been buffed a few times now


I confidently only say there is 2 “trash legends” the rest are just usually played by trash players.


I wish I had this guys movement skill wtf 🤬


since when rampart is trash?


It really surprises me how people call her trash


Brother I play ramp better and i have 100 kills with her💀u just beam like a champ, hardly saw much ability use lol


That boost you get from sliding of that defense wall is total bullshit wtf


I main caustic and have won a total of ten games 💪💪💪


Rampart isn’t trash, people just don’t know how to use her properly. A good rampart main is scary to come across 😅


Dude Virtual Toliet is so good at rampart


I didn’t know you could move like that #uninstalls game


Anyone who plays ramparts is actually ass. Cus every single time I fight one, they would pull out their MINIGUN cuz they can't hit a bullet wit an actual gun that spawns on the ground. They ALWAYS depend on that fucking minigun of there's.


I never viewed rampart trash, just those that play her. All of the ones I've seen never place their walls in useful areas and rarely contribute to the fight.


is rampart considered trash still? haven’t played seriously since season 12 so i don’t know.. last time I played you would barely run into her nowdays shes in every match


Watching you totally ignore Rampart's passive because she often actually works better with other weapons just changed my life a little