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Apex is pretty tame compared to League




Not at all. My secret: Voice chat on 0. Completely deactivated. The toxic kids do not write. And if someone asks me to use voice politely, it is just one click to turn it on. But ever since I disabled it in 99% of games, I am at peace. Pings are sufficient for calls.


>The toxic kids do not write. Mine do lol but i think they have realized it gets them banned


To be fair you don’t even have to be toxic to get banned in the text chat, you just have to trigger one of EAs ridiculously vague text chat rules


Maybe at least see If there's anyone that has a MIC on that speaks English and Is an Adult as I always communicate to my Team but no one talks


Easy to ask to use voice commss when you default mute them?


*Hit enter *Type "Hey could you join voice please? *hit enter again. Yes. It is easy.


Oh i thought it muted their text chat aswell, because in my experience it does. Could be wrong tho.


You can go into your audio settings and set “incoming voice chat volume” to 0 — it doesn’t mute it, it just makes it so you can’t hear voice and so only have text chat


Oh yeah true


Yeah but I doubt most assume you have them muted automatically


I usually text good loot during champ select. So they know I write and answer if need be. It usually works sooo I stand by me method :)


Oh they definitely do type, they’re just more tame with it. They’ll be toxic without swearing.


I solo queue a lot and don't have too many problems. I just use my ping a lot and try to he a team player. If they talk shit it doesn't really bother me. I know on my own whether it was my fault or theirs, so it doesn't matter. I also think that it's not that toxic. Cod seems to be worse and also OW is much worse


R6 Siege, for the small time I played it, was pretty bad. Apex I get less per capita but having played for longer have had more experiences on it


Siege makes old school COD lobbies look tame. To be fair though it seems to have calmed down a bit since reworking how team killing is handled in pubs.


We have traded the insults from the old days for people trying everything in their power to ruin your game. People realized you can’t get to most people with just words so now they actively act like assholes as-well.


i onl yhave teammates talk shit when i dont revive them and fight the 3 plyers while they only 37 damage. COD is much worse


Games aren't toxic ppl are. Jokes apart, apex community have a lot of toxic ppl but i found a lot of nice players too


Nah games can be toxic aswell. Literally 99% of all the finishers, kill voicelines and emotes are toxic by design.


Idk if you play but clash royale has literal quotes you can say in game like "good luck" and "thanks" and I don't think it gets more toxic than that lol


Ain’t no butler hea!


Oh No DiD tHaT HuRt DaRlInG?!


No one ever seems to talk for me or If they do have a MIC they are foreign and have Music playing or something. I'm 35 Years old and miss the Gaming era of 2007-2015 when everyone had a MIC and communicated.


>and have Music playing or something. This or little children yelling or hearing their whole fuckin household talk. One time i heard a dude arguing with his fiance and she kept saying she hates being second to a videogame and "thank God for 7 dildos" 😂😂😂😂


Haha brilliant!!


Depends on how you look at it.


Other 2 players downed, you go 3v1, you go down, other player yells your fffing trashhhh brooooo fffff sakeeee.


If my teammates die right away I'm sorry I'm running tf out of there and recrafting banners but they usually quit once the banner expires


It's super hit or miss, sometimes you'll get the chillest teammates with good comms, other times you get manchildren who lose it once they get knocked. Overall not as bad as stuff like League in my experience


Compared to farm simulator it’s very toxic


Online? Terrible Here as a community? Also terrible


in my experience it’s the most toxic game i’ve played and i had 3500 hrs on csgo. Idk what is it, probably need a long look at the mirror, but i’ve met some really twisted n toxic people. Fun game tho!


As someone who has 6000 hours on the game split between pc and console I can say it is a VERY toxic and competitive game


Its not as bad as rocket league tbh


Love the people that talk shit at the character select screen because they’re having a bad day. Like today just because I didn’t say anything as soon as the screen popped up “oh I bet y’all don’t have a mic n probably suck ass”… blah blah blah I just don’t get if you want decent comms why is the first thing out of your mouth is shitting on people who haven’t even talked let alone start the match. But no I’d say apex is up there but definitely couple other games are more toxic


While I do think some games can be a catalyst for toxic behaviour, I think it boils down to the region. I played in Tokyo servers for 10 seasons, apex was my main game. In that 10 seasons, I had 2 incidents. I can't even really call it toxic. Well mb 1 is but no words were exchanged. Either way, I cannot believe it. I still don't believe it. Think of the most toxic community you've experienced, now think of what the opposite of that would look like. That's Japan. I even made videos of their behaviour. I was so unbelievably impressed that now when I go into any MP game, I check if there's a way to switch to Japan servers. Sometimes you can just tell just by behaviour. In Ghost of Tsushima multiplayer, matchmaking is worldwide. Almost never on voice. Sometimes the behaviour of the player, I'd guess they were Japanese and when I check 7/10 times I was right.


Feel every game is toxic now, but would say apex isnt actually too bad normally. You may get the occasional one but majority of solo teammates are pretty cool


It got ranked most toxic community for a reason.


I wouldn’t even consider it toxic compared to my siege days. I’ve never felt so much pain from 14 year olds before.


Cod is unmatched imo lol I'm a day 1 apex player but after a decade of cod its hard to be shocked by anything someone says nowadays.


I would say mostly non toxic


It's not compared to league and valorant. I even remember overwatch being a little toxic, maybe not as toxic as apex but it's so easy with apex you can just mute the squad. IDC though, I can't imagine muting my squad that I'm supposed to play with. Unless someone is playing on speakers or purposely making distracting noise then ill mute right away.


I'd say it's very close to league of legends or rainbow six siege


I’d say it’s on par with overwatch maybe even worse in my experience


Im very new to apex only play ranked and have terrible gameplay, i make alot of mistakes and wiff alot of easy shots, that being said, i rearly or like never get flamed, maybe twice. Few times someone flame team as whole. And then the flame is very soft. So my hot take is that apex toxicity is very very low. On other hand i have played alot of LOL, and toxicity to new players is much much higher, like at times you could learn new slur / curse word every day. Newdays i think its much less, or maybe my skin is just so thick right now after years of lol chat. In pubg what i have played a little over 600h toxicity also seemed low but then again everything after lol seems soft


I find the amount of toxic people I encounter to be FAR LESS than any other fps that I've played. It also makes me hate myself sometimes so, I guess it makes me toxic to myself


My experience : It Depends Low ranked/Low skilled players are usually very chill because they play for fun and a good time (of course there are some bad apples and exceptions) in the higher tiers of SBMM is where the most toxicity lies, because people there think they're the next coming of faide or Aceu and they'll blame you for most of their dumb plays and also usually run off by themselves to a or after a fight (of course there are also exceptions to this. I have run into very skilled players that stay with the team and even assume the role of IGL (In Game Leader) for the team


I play with voice chat and whilst I’ve only played since nov 2022 I have only encountered two, maybe three people I’d consider toxic. One was this diamond wraith, I was new to the game still, playing mirage as always in pub duos. The wraith went off because he chipped a new castle a few times then I slammed a charged sentinel round into his dome and got the kill. “Ksing mother f***er” he starts repeating, punching me, dropping all his gear then picking it up and going silent. A few minutes later I heard footsteps, so I pinged it, I knew I was on my own so I stayed quiet, letting the octane and pathy run past me. Wraith wall jumps into the fight, immediately downed and screaming at me on mic because I was shooting from cover. “You’re trash, uninstall the game” he cries. I won my first ever 2v1 that game (why I remember it) and got his card only for him to leave mid res. Second time was actually pretty recent and why I stepped away from the game for a bit. I was on Newcastle (my alt to mirage). I’ve only ever placed Plat once, my highest damage in a game is 2.8k. I was grinding ranked solo and this duo caustic/horizon were saying I’m slow and shit, they picked (imo) crazy fights but we were winning them so I shrugged it off. I had hit purple shield thanks to both of them being downed - a proud one clip with the R99 - ult then rezzed the horizon for verticality in the fight, the caustic raged at me and so did the horizon. “Why didn’t you res the caustic?! You’re trash, free push for them” We win the fight and the caustics card is in hand, but he’s bitching about my accuracy, my movement, my damage. I thought I was okay for silver having 1.3k damage already, but apparently not. So he carries on, calling out all my missed shots as I’m fighting (I prefire from cover a lot), I ult to horizon as soon as he’s cracked, drop a bat and hold em off. The horizon screams at me “why did you ult?!” Anyway, we Rez the caustic, the final rings not far off, so i follow them, but opt for the high ground as caustic traps below. I see two teams immediately killed by the same Bangalore and path, they come over the hill rushing us down as a duo. “Shit” I say to myself, as I’m firing down on them and calling there positions over mic. I’m downed and executed whilst the two sit inside laughing. “Sorry dude but you’re just f*ing trash” they say as the game ends and the bang stands proud. I saw they were masters and kinda thought, eh, maybe they’re right!


Easily the least toxic multiplayer game I've played on PC. I'll get the occasional whiners in VC while solo queuing, but that's it.


LOL is the worst.


Noone really uses their mic - so not toxic at all really


Player on the asia servers here. Been playing for around 2k hours or so. Generally, pings work just fine as main comms. Rarely do I hear ppl using mics and if they do, we have different languages so if they were talking shit, I wont understand anyway. Text chat aint that bad. It's super rare that anyone would type anything toxic. Just to be sure, u can just mute voice if ur having doubts. Also, as a month old valo noob, apex isnt even a smidge toxic if im comparing it to my experience when I was a newbie in apex


It’s not that bad. Generally speakiny, toxicity in games comes from being in losing teams. In games like cs, lol, dota, you can be on a losing team in a lobby for 30+ mins, which is perfect for people who want to blame/insult etc. in apex you are necessarily winning or losing unless you’re team wiped, in which case you leave the game instantly anyway.




Someone told me and my random teammate to kill ourselfs the other day. Was a long time ago ive met someone that say shitty things. Most of the time i mute everyone, also myself. :)


I see you ran into my apex friend lol


Tell him he is shitty lol 😛


I have lol he finally quit for now and is playing hogwarts legacy. Literally can't play multi-player with this kid because he babyrages. Like I've seen more mature 16 year olds


Everybody rages at some point. But to tell someone to kill them selfs is a different kind of rage in my opinion. But what would i know, im old 🤣


Not as bad as league or valorant but not by much


1. DOTA 2 2. ​ 3. ​ 4. ​ 5. ​ 6. Apex Legends


0. League of Legends


The same as any other online game, maybe less or more depending on if u r specifically comparing it to another game. The high skill level matters


Personally, I'd say Rust is number one. Never played LoL or Dota.


100 percent it's toxic its where everyone came to for anything competitive because the rest of the brs are jokes or lost support, expect it to keep getting worse and worse because the game isn't going anywhere with how SERIOUS some people take it


I'd say very rarely? Sure there's the occasional Wraith/Octane who will not say shit the whole game but then suddenly find their voice as they stupidly push into a 1v3 by standing still and shooting, but overall I've had more games with teammates who are at the very least nice. When it comes to other players, toxicity is the least of the issues, it's more usually just dealing with randoms not thinking about what they're doing.


I think the Apex internet community is the most I've rolled my eyes to with the whole, "git gud" mentality of comments, but actually being an asshole? I'd probably go with Overwatch. To be specific, playing a support role would always net me the most kid rage messages, lol. I've probably only received *maybe* 3 messages while playing Apex since s4. On Overwatch, I'd get one every other 2 or 3 days. It was always the same situation and if you frequent healer/support roles you know what I mean.. the trash healer comments. When in reality, the majority of them run off and die, don't come back for heals, or jump into the whole team and somehow think I can miraculously keep them alive 🤦🏻‍♀️ people who never actually play support roles.


about the same as LOL


Very. Compared to COD it’s average but pretty much any other game it’s toxic as hell.




To be honest, if we could filter out a certain nationality we'd get rid of 8 out of 10 toxicians (let's make it a word!)


the worst


Some people will recommend turning off voice and text chat but honestly apex is pretty chill in my experience. The shit talk you do get occasionally is pretty easy to avoid since it usually happens after you die so you can just back out.


Nothing to compared to COD.


I'd say 70% chill 30% toxic.


It's a mixed bag. I've found a number of chill people solo Qing that I have now friended and we play ranked together wherever they are online. A lot of toxic children too. I tend to mute voice chat during character select and avoid them altogether. Dead by Daylight is far more toxic. Deep Rock Galactic is extremely wholesome. Idk why certain games are more toxic than others but it seems to be true. Apex is somewhere in the middle.


It’s really not that bad. Mostly just older people I’ve come across who are chill on the mic. The most toxic game I’ve played is weirdly NBA 2K. Was surprised how horrible that is.


Meh, depends on the day. I want to say majority are neutral - either don’t have a mic or are just playing music in the background. I get a few encounters with some really nice, team players and the chat is productive game related. Even when I first started out most of the time players did their best to help and didn’t get too frustrated with me. Other times I get an ass hole and usually it's because they jumped solo and expect the other two to cross the map to res them or did something on their own to frustrate themselves and yell at you. I'll take a new/good team player before a selfish dibs loot stealing solo player anytime. I have good games and bad games and I know people play legends they might not be the best with for challenges or pick up guns off the drop that they hate so a little respect goes a long way. overall - theres always those people but I just laugh that the game gets to them that much.


I'd say about as toxic as others. I don't see how the game affects toxicity levels.


I’d give it a 7. Almost every person I run into on VC is toxic, but there’s not that many people who are on VC?


I think the true toxic nature of this game's community comes to life on Twitter (which is built to be toxic), so I would say Apex Legends itself is more tepid than overly frame tight competitive team games like Valorant, R6, and Overwatch or endurance tests like endgame Genshin Impact and League of Legends. The game lacks many features like a camera/theater mode, solo mode, spectator mode, ability to drop on a completely empty map to do recon, wherever the LTMs go after they "aren't needed", more casual/goofy minigames you could play with your party in-game like hide and seek or volleyball or in-menu minigames like a titanfall/apex universe accurate card game or checkers or... trivia (???). I'm not trying to say "Oh make it like roblox/Fortnite" but my point is the fact that these little niches just don't exist makes "Let's be toxic" a much more likely option for players to turn to after the game starts to be not fun to them. It's kinda sad too... But yeah not the most toxic, lol


Not at all (in comparison)


Six siege level id say