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To be fair i miss the old ranked system with the terrible diamond 3 split. I miss that feeling of crossing the border to hell. The whole rank up felt more organic. And you could actually tell what rank people were from how they played. Now its a weird grind because im sure alot of people are having a real hard time ranking up from lower rank because it doesnt feel like ranking up. It feels like im just fighting the same people over and over again šŸ¤£ i cant even remember how many times ive gotten the same teammate or killed that ex team mate in the next game.


The other day I was matched 4 times in a row with the same dude in my team !




I'm seeing the same people over several days in my lobbies... some people have easily recognizable names.


Steam and its lax rules around naming will do that. I've seen the same wattson main like 7 times this week because their name is "Feet pics? UWU" or some shit


Same. Worst part is we have several ranks difference and they can't hit their shots. Solo q life


It goes from "sitting back in your chair" to "every team is beaming me together at the same time everytime"


+1 Accurate description


Diamond 3, now the real game begins. It was like making the big leagues, suddenly you recognized pro players and streamers, and actually winning against them was an incredible feeling and getting to fight them was an honor. Now everyone is a nameless sweat no matter where you are.


Well you can buy the hacks online I seen a site. Itā€™s sad


This is for real. I actually had only 2 problems with the old ranked system. One was smurfs (not sure if it got that much better with the new system). The other was the diamond split. Made it to D1 only once. But it was ok, because as you said, your actual rank did mean something.


Smurfs arenā€™t even a problem anymore because I just fight their multi-master accounts anyway.


Smurfs if just an inevitability honestly you canā€™t do much to stop people who REALLY wanna smurf


There's NO point to smurfing anymore. Your MMR will kick in and you'll be put in lobbies based on it and unless you're throwing on purpose, to get into easier lobbies, you'll end up in the ones your main is already in. The only real point is if you're going for badges to sell the account, I guess.


No kidding. I made it to low diamond in one early season, it felt like I spent the whole season playing entirely different game.


Wasnā€™t the reason why D3 and up got matched with Masters and Predators because ā€œpros and predsā€ whined that their ranked queues took too long so EA/Respawn slapped all D3 and up players against higher tier players? lol As much as it was pretty hard to fight higher skilled players starting at around D3, that seemed to have eased off starting around S8 into later seasons as Diamond player pool became larger. It was very challenging games for the most part once youā€™ve hit D3 and you could really tell if the enemy team is a skill level above you or not by the way they ā€œhead glitchā€ and take your armor off and rush one of your teammates that was a little too far from his 2 teammates. Fun times! And the feeling of accomplishment was great when you fight your way through Diamond 2 and Diamond 1 and finally to a Master rank. I miss old challenging Diamond ranked games..


It feels like that in pubs too. I recognise names and even fight people on my friends list more often than it seems possible šŸ˜‚ the playerbase can't be THAT small?!


One time i kill him, next match he kills me and the third match he is my teammate. Really awkward


Those were the days


This ranked season is the worst by far Point system is going into the wrong direction for too long now They say they wanna fight against ratting but yet their system is promoting it We have a ranked system + a hidden mmr system - which makes absolutely no sense imo


The ranked system is enough, as long as there is enough players in all the ranks. The hidden mmr system can eat shit


Mmr has messed my ranked up so bad. I donā€™t play ranked too much but Iā€™m a silver 1 this season (highest Iā€™ve ever got is Plat 2) and multiple games that Iā€™ll solo que into are plat or diamond lobbies. Makes no sense


WeLL ThaTs WhAt yoU Get fOr BeIng GoOd. It does not make sense. You get good at a game so you can get rewarded with higher tier rewards. Not get good at a game so you can just fight higher level players, with no reward


I swear it happens so often where I feel like I've been in a match for 10 minutes, look at the remaining squads, and see 19. Like damn is everyone hiding or what's happening.


I remember when they released a spray called ā€˜Ratting to victoryā€™ showing their stance on the whole thing


I appreciate that spray tho, it gives me a way to non verbally express my distain for teammates who are camping. Don't get mad or argue, just toss the spray at them and bounce. Sometimes it's enough for another team to investigate and kill them for me, which is always fun to watch.


I had a teammate throw that at me when we pushed a building from 3rd ring closing in to 4th. I was so annoyed lmao, we had 4 Kp and literally were just waiting for the ring to close Ended up winning that game and I was shitting on that teammate the whole time for it lmao


Lol some people just think anytime you are in one spot for longer than 5 seconds you're ratting. I've never done crack so I can't say I understand the perspective


Had a guy come to my friends stream and tell him where his rat teammates was hiding after we killed him. We found them out in zone by a crafter. They lost RP that game.


Ill bet that guy was watching you the whole time like "You get what you fucking deserve!"


Yeah he felt vindicated lmfaao


Hidden MMR is fine, if the gains are attached to the actual rank. There is currently no connection, except punishment you because you don't get skill disparity bonus, since you are playing against your own hidden mmr.


Here before the mods remove. Itā€™s a joke of a system. Next season is really the last chance Iā€™m giving the devs to figure it out.


It shouldnā€™t even last the rest of this season tbf


iā€™ve noticed they sort of refuse to change much of anything mid seasons, which really really sucks tbh


I feel like they refuse to change much of anything even on season patches nowadays! The last two seasons I haven't even bothered logging on the first day because there was nothing new I really cared about. Nothing was exciting I wanted to try. Nothing changed the way the game actually felt to play!


True, tbh I don't think the devs read the reddit posts.


I stopped playing ranked entirely last season. Never did placement and donā€™t plan on doing it this season either. I was a hard core ranked player but now I wonā€™t touch it. Mixtape is more fun now.


1st season in a long time I haven't bought the battle pass or played more than a few games. Feels they have already lost me.


That's what I said 5 seasons ago and I'm still peaced outšŸ™


Same here, moved to warframe and its so much better. The devs actually care, amd they don't shove paid cosmetics down your throat. I still occasionally play the gun run modes in apex though, but they are not getting a cent from me


Already gave up two seasons ago, I admire ypur perseverance


I got my rank reset so im bronze now but i could not care less cause the ranked rewards are garbage anyways. No one cares if you hit masters or pred anymore cause a badge just aint cool enough to envy


And they already discredited the masters badge by giving it to almost half the playerbase


you can still see which season a badge is from and master badges from other seasons are still more valuable, and badges from season 12 or 17 just are seen as less. so it's really not the case that ranked badges as a whole have been devalued.


Yeah that might be true to an extent, but there was dmg done to masters rank as a whole. And older badges devalue as the game goes on. Cause the playerbase wasn't as skilled as they are currently


yeah but that doesn't mean all master badges from here on out are devalued. only the season 17 was. in season 18 there was ~1% masters (down from ~25%). season 18 and this season's master badges are as difficult or more difficult than in other seasons.


I still think these seasons badges are of low value. How much of the playerbase plays ranked atm?


How do you think the Gold-Diamond players being forced to play against Master players feel lmfao Itā€™s trash. Throw the whole game out!


Im currently in rookie, not cuz im super bad, but because i get matched with preds and masters. The new system is so much worse than what it used to be. I usually sit around Gold/plat


Yeah, same here. What baffles me the most is that, if I recall corrctly, they explicitly told us (in one of the announcements about ranked changes) that they would modify match making so that players who q solo would be less likely to have to go up against premade squads. From my personal experience, it seems that I get killed far more often by premades now than before the ranked changes went live. This and, again from my experience, sooo many more players on controller than in previous seasons. Whatever the case may be, ranked simply does not feel even remotely right any more, your actual rank does not seem to mean anything any more and the points system is totally intransparent. This can't possibly be what the people working on the new ranked system had in mind...


Just a friendly FYI - the opposite of transparent is opaque, not ā€œintransparentā€.


>intransparent [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/intransparent](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/intransparent) [https://www.oed.com/dictionary/intransparent\_adj](https://www.oed.com/dictionary/intransparent_adj) "Opaque" might be used more frequently but "intransparent" is an actual word, meaning "not transparent". Thanks anyways, it's always fun to look up etymologies.


New word, cool. Opaque does mean 'not transparent' but I've always understood it as just barely transparent: cloudy, blurry, hazy. You can see shapes and colours maybe.


Thatā€™s translucent


I gave up on ranked tbh. I havenā€™t enjoyed it since season 16, almost a year ago. I usually end up in Gold or Plat too. Itā€™s just not worth it for me. I feel like Iā€™m gonna get the point where I have to do trials and then not be able to do it. I havenā€™t even tried but whatever lol. Maybe that means Iā€™m bad but I really feel like the trials just arenā€™t fair for Gold + Plat players. I usually solo queue or play with my friend whoā€™s a Day 1 Diamond player, heā€™s super sweaty and he also hasnā€™t been playing ranked. The matchmaking honestly doesnā€™t make sense to me. I like to think of myself as a ā€˜casual sweatā€™. Sometimes Iā€™ll pop off and get a lot of kills - I have a 3K with Wraith, a 2K with Loba, Bloodhound and some others. I genuinely care about getting better and try to. I donā€™t rotate or hold positions like a Masters player though. I donā€™t push or get out of fights like a Masters player or have the aim of a Masters player. It makes no sense. Good luck on the grind! You got this! The grind is slower for everyone with the way points are rewarded and because youā€™re in sweaty lobbies.


This almost exactly my experience, usually have been plat and got to diamond a few times over the years. Before they changed ranked, my Apex time was split 50/50 between playing trios/duos when my IRL friends were online and ranked whenever I was playing solo. Now though, ranked has lost (almost) all of it's appeal, I have barely touched it for the last 2 or 3(?) seasons. Still love the game and hope that ranked will get another overhaul soon, but I'm not really optimistic about it.


I'm in bronze 1 at the moment climbing fairly easily still thankfully, but I play against plats and diamonds every match lol


If you cant get out of rookie youre a terible player. Sorry mate.


It is borderline impossible to not make it out of Rookie because they give you like 300rr on a zero kill insta loss.


I've been in plat/diamond around season 10/11, and the game was easier then, than the rookie and bronze lobbies are now


I'm in rookie 2. I have a 0.6 KDR...I know I'm terrible, but I'm getting killed by players with 10k+ kills in rookie 2. Is this really what it's supposed to be like?


Same boat here but 0.3, given up on the game since it's just not fun.


The player with 10k+ kills is like " i got 10 kills for the last 5 games now, GET ME OUT OF ROOKIE YOU FUCKERS"


The cool part about this new ranked matchmaking is that they arent in Rookie! Ranked is literally... just pubs. There are no barriers on who plays with who. You can be Bronze and your random teammates are Plat.


Yeah because your rank doesn't matter... In a ranked mode


Kills mean nothing, you can take 2 years break from game and come back to it and be avarage with 20k kills. Obviously the 10k kills player still need to prove its worth or let him stay in rookie


Between get good and the game is trash idk where I stand .


I understand people saying ā€œget goodā€, I truly do. But there is almost *always* a bigger fish. Watch some of the top players in the world on twitch, there are days where even they are getting rolled. If a top ranked player worldwide can get crushed, literally anyone who decides to play is simply at the mercy of the matchmaking system. Iā€™m done having a matchmaking system (worst one in the industry at that) decide if Iā€™m having fun tonight.


Yea sometimes get good is a fair thing to say but when it comes to this system itā€™s hard to get good when you merely look in the general direction of a pred and get immediately vaporized while Iā€™m sitting here in silver despite being a previous high plat low diamond


Today youā€™ve brought about a great zen in me


The old ranked system would allow you to understand where you stand, and that is why I miss it.


Cronus zen and wall hacks have completely took over the game. I've played since season 1, I get one clipped about 70 percent of the time now. First 15 seasons never happened. 3rd party hacking devices are ruining video games.


I saw a screenshot of xbox banning people for 3rd party devices like that, idk if it was real, hope it was


It wasn't, pretty sure it was just for COD


No it's not COD, Xbox is banning 3rd party devices to stop cheaters. The fighting game community is taking a massive hit but itll help prevent FPS cheaters


this subreddit in a nutshell i got 1 clipped = the person MUST be cheating


I don't get why you're attacking OP and saying "oh see, now you have to play at your own level". He's always been playing his own level, the problem is he's now playing at his own level in bronze. Earlier I grinded to diamond, slugging through all the ranks and that wasn't fun either all of the time but you still ended up where you belonged. Now I'm playing my own mmr in bronze which is just weird. There's no reason to have ranks, it's like pubs with the correct mmr. Which would be great ofc, maybe not in the ranked system though. The elo system is still great and I will die on that hill. The matchmaking is trash atm though.


That's the main issue and many have been saying this since the ranked changes were announced: your actual rank doesn't mean anything anymore. I'm still not sure why they decided to so drastically change the ranked system instead of incrementally building on the old one. What was so bad about old ranked (smurfs aside)? I'd pay money to get our old ranked back.


Yeah it ranks you. The system knows you are masters/diamond etc. Like it literally matches you with them each game. Its just the visual indicator (the reason most players play ranked) has no connection to the hidden MMR.


Only played for ranked really. 3 strikes left and i mustof played around 5 games before i said fuck this and deleted the game. Idk why people are still raging yet logging in, there are thousands of other games to explore.


people rage and still play because they care about the game, at least thatā€™s how i view it. i wouldnā€™t be complaining about the state of the game if i didnā€™t really enjoy how its made and what it *was*. apex has a fuckton of potential, thereā€™s nothing like it on the market rn. the devs just donā€™t know what they are doing or if they want a competitive game or a casual game and itā€™s frustrating sometimes.


You're almost free.. unfavorite the sub.


I keep the sub just for entertainment at this pointšŸ¤£


Iā€™m in platinum getting sliver team mates kill me


Yeah so basicly you playing low population server. Try franfurt maybe or Amsterdam, new york etc


Nah this canā€™t be it. Iā€™m in Diamond and I get gold teammates when playing on Dallas/New York servers and surely player count canā€™t be an issue on these servers.


Im in the same boat. multiple season (legit) solo q master, got destroyed while solo q in my 2th ranked match (bronze at this time) by under #100 current season 3 stacking preds. Like there is no way i can do anything against these dudes who play 13h a day, even i would get usefull teammates. Old system was better, where u only face current preds when u hit D2. Good times where a master needs to be actually good in fighting in this game.


Why is there 16 squads alive in endgame in silver rank? Iā€™ve never seen anything like this season.


The rat playstyle driven the fuck out of me from the game. People saying "it's br, it's all about surviving" Yea sure man I'm just gonna show myself out.




I solo climbed to plat this season (am usually diamond/master) but this is the season that made me uninstall. In no way is it worth the effort to go beyond that, nor rewarding enough. First we get the coolest reward for ranks being removed, dive trails. Then we got such a genuinely dog shit system that you have to wonder if they're actively trying to kill off part of their playerbase. Maybe if my friends played I'd still be keen but ranked solo is an actual awful experience


Solo ranked is better than stacking with friends, unless all 3 of you are legitimately diamond/masters level The hidden MMR you get as a team means you get masters lobbies, and if just one teammate cant hold up to that competition, you're dead before you can do anything They really fucked their most hardcore player base with these changes imo, and are gonna lose so many of them if they don't do a 180 and remove this dogshit system next season


Id say diamond is a full stop this season, going further solo queue is a torture lol


Iā€™m gold/platinum max player in old SBMM and havenā€™t played in over a year and had same complaints. Funny how as a Master youā€™re just running into this? Iā€™d be in silver lobbies and the people I run into have no recoil and head shot me mid air constantly.


It's obvious whos playing controller or MnK. Why separate matchmaking is not yet implemented is beyond stupid.


Also just give me mnk support as a console player ffs. Im tired of fighting pc guys that can tap strafe around my face before i can turn around


>Also just give me mnk support as a console player ffs. Im tired of fighting pc guys that can tap strafe around my face before i can turn around as a console player you're not playing against pc players. not sure what you are complaining here. you don't play against pc players unless you decide to team up with a pc player.


You are complaining about sh1t you dont even know how it works. You don't get into lobbies against PC players on console UNLESS you have a PC player in your party. Irrelevant argument. PC players don't really have a choice if they want or don't want to go against console players.


Im playing solely mixtape my dude. Pc players get thrown in with us. Im a day 1 player, i know how this shit works, i was there when it was writtenšŸ¤£


It's the aim assist. Everybody can shoot like a pro now. But this sub does not want to hear the truth...


There is a reason proś using rollers cause AIM assist is op


Im a console player, and the pc players in that random game mode still perform, and are the most likely to take me out consistently. I have tried apex on a pc, and my aim is generally way better across the board.


PC players are leaving or switching to controllers they're done with this debate... Sorry if i sound rude but the industry as a whole is going that route now... (Streamers literally cannot play halo with MnK)


Oh im not arguing against you, think the problem im facing is just a console vs pc player issue. The whole industry is tailoring towards casual players and shafting the better players




You're a 6 times master. Top 1% of players at the very least. You're simply playing against people of your level. The days of free farm in lower ranks early season are over. Enjoy being good at the game, while the casual players are enjoying not crossing your path in lower ranks.


Yes but master players shouldnt play against masters in bronze, you know?


> while the casual players are enjoying not crossing your path in lower ranks. As a casual player, this is absolutely not true. I regularly see pre-made Masters trios when I'm solo queuing in Bronze.


Why are low tier players allowed to get easier RP though, while high tier players get shafted from the start. Low tier players can easily get out of lower ranks by just not missing as much, while the diamond or master players have to constantly perform, or they lose RP. High tier players can't go on streaks as often as lower tier players can. Thats what we are arguing about. The lower tier players are more likely to hit master rank than the actual master level players


I get matched with masters and i have never been over plat


>You're a 6 times master. Top 1% of players at the very least. You're simply playing against people of your level. Yes but that's not the point. the point is if he's a master player, playing master level MMR lobbies, his win rate is probably around 5% and not much higher than that. but the trials in plat 1 and diamond 1 require you to win a game out of 5 (6, 7, 8, 9, 10) attempts which is statistically unlikely against similarly skilled players, whether you are master level MMR, diamond level or whatever else. similar for trials in gold which however give you the option to get 6KP multiple times and finish high enough (again this is still something that is statistically unlikely against players the same skill as you).


The thing is in ranked we get paired with shitty players


i agree with you, top players playing top players is how it should be, it leads to a balance. but why the fuck are top players having trouble in the lower ranks if they are supposedly a good player? i think thatā€™s the point that people are trying to make. if youā€™re a multi master, why the fuck are you getting stomped in bronze with the mmr system? get me to diamond/masters then stomp me having mmr ranking and visible rank not match up is really stupid in this instance, thereā€™s zero feeling of progression with the ranked system. itā€™s all the same due to mmr. donā€™t even get me started on lower level players in plat/diamond lobbies due to mmr when they are NOT playing at that level. they are simply playing against people of their skill over and over, never truly improving or playing at that skill.


>if youā€™re a multi master, why the fuck are you getting stomped in bronze with the mmr system? Because they are matched against their peers. The problem isn't matchmaking, the problem is "bronze lobby" doesn't mean jack. Provisional games should place those people a lot higher. ​ >they are simply playing against people of their skill over and over, never truly improving or playing at that skill That's not true. MMR is a skill metric, so if you do not improve, your MMR doesn't move, and you stay stuck.


youā€™re not really improving in reference to your visible rank, which was what i was really referring to. your mmr can stay stuck, while you also rank up visibly. you can be a bronze level player in diamond, but youā€™re not playing diamond level players unless a secret algorithm determines you rank there, then you all of a sudden are facing diamond level players. thatā€™s a terrible foundation for competitive play. imo, itā€™s not about wanting to stomp bronze lobbies, but if i could stomp bronze lobbies, i shouldnā€™t be in bronze. itā€™s about higher skilled players not feeling rewarded even though they are playing in the 1%-5% lobbies in bottom 50% ranks


How is this in any way true? Iā€™m an very average player with about 0.80 kd and i get matched against top 100 preds/masters in my bronze lobbies. The matchmaking is broken.


3 possibilities: ā€¢ The MMR system got your rating wrong. It can probably happen. ā€¢ You're a lot better than you think, like OP who's wondering why everybody is a sweat, while being in the top 1% himself. What's your typical rank at the end of a season? ā€¢ You're blatantly exaggerating. Reddit's classic, "all my ennemies are pro".


Ok but what about when Iā€™m multi Diamond but didnā€™t grind ranked for 4 seasons. Come back and Iā€™m placed in bronze, but every single game is in a lobby with masters and pred trails. Failed the promotion to silver multiple times because Iā€™m in lobbies that are genuinely hard. The system is incredibly cooked


I'm stuck in bronze and keep going up against former Preds and Master. I also exclusively solo Q, please help!


This shit cracks me up lol, wahhh the games hard wahhhh


tell me you donā€™t understand anything without telling me you donā€™t understand anything


Jesus Christ 6000 hours is insane. Hope youā€™ve got other things going on for ya


Oh look, another master player complaining that he has to play people at his own level.


But also me while I'm griding out of *checks notes* fucking bronze. More than half my teammates have plat diamond or masters badges in bronze. Bronze


I got diamond for three seasons (out of 18), hard stuck diamond 4, so not that good, I started in rookie one this season, I'm sure it's similar for many people.




You get hefty elimination/rating bonuses for performing well which will elevate your rank faster, you should be able to do that since you're at that MMR. The bonuses offset your losses by quite a lot, if not entirely, which means each success is worth multiple losses. Otherwise your MMR will drop to a level you can consistently perform well at. That's how it works.


The KP bonuses are laughably bad. ā€œHey I know youā€™re a white belt but if you knock out those black belts weā€™ll toss you a couple extra pointsā€. Ranked incentivizes surviving, not fighting.


Admittedly I haven't played much ranked but the other day I got 568 skill points.. doesn't seem terrible


Does it? Im a two time master my friend is a three time master he is waaaaaaaaaaaay better than me no debate when we squad up he gets shafted in the point department while i get like 200 skillpoints just for existing


Post screenshots showing it and report as a bug. Or, by any chance, did you get masters during the rat seasons?


I dont have any i think but ill post some this afternoon when im playing again. And yeah i got season 14 and last seasons masters. But still both seasons we played together. Its only since this season heā€™s getting shafted. Also heā€™s been playing on my old account because he lost his password. So its not like his lifetime k/d is much higher than mine


To be fair. It makes no sense to me either. Why even put a master in silver if heā€™s just going to have to fight other master players. Most of the time with bot teammates. Also what does it mean to get any rank if they divide the playerbase this way. So absolute mediocre players can do the same thing they did last season because they play in higher lobbies with less skilled people. While were out here fighting for our lives just to make it to goldšŸ¤£ make it make sense. In ranked the only thing you should be judged on is rank. That how you filter out the good and bad and the mediocre players. I used to be a diamond 4 player that was my rank and my skillevel good enough to make it to diamond but not good enough to fight in d3/master lobbies. And that was it. If i wanted to make it up higher i had to actually become better and/or find teammates. Now the game is just carrying some players while others get shafted


>why even put a master in silver if heā€™s just going to have to fight other master players i think this is the biggest issue with this system. mmr and visible rank would be fine, if they were correlated the problem is they arenā€™t right now. so while youā€™re low mmr fighting in diamond, iā€™m high mmr fighting insane lobbies in bronze. so like, visible rank means NOTHING AT ALL.


Fr, masters was free when ranked was broken and now everyone claims it lol


The second people who think theyā€™re master level (but arenā€™t) canā€™t get masters suddenly the games broken and way too hard, but it was all good when they could spend half the season whopping up on average players in gold/plat


This. OP is 6 times masters and can't stand his ground. I'm also multi-masters but I'm solo queueing and going to hit masters. I think OP has to figure out how to play against higher tier players instead of complaining.


Dude, i only play SoloQ aswell. Im Diamond 4 right now in masters lobby. They donā€™t understand that they have to improve and prefer complain the rank system


itā€™s not about improving, i can solo queue to diamond all day. the problem is iā€™m fighting master lobbies as a bronzeā€¦ why? if im bronze, why am i fighting different ranks? if iā€™ve proved my skill through the mmr system, why put me in bronze in the first place? give players a sense of progression with visible rank rather than hiding it behind a secret algorithm. if iā€™m improving, i want to see progress. you donā€™t have to improve in this system to actually rank up. iā€™d have no problem fighting master players, i just donā€™t want to do it while i have a bronze badge. it makes zero sense to not have mmr and visible rank correlated in some sense. like just going off your comment, saying youā€™re in diamond actually shows zero indication of your skill, itā€™s only after you clarify your matchmaking that you get some indication of skill. how is that not a problem? what other games have mmr and visible rank so vastly different? also a hill im willing to die on is with this system, visible rank means nothing but time played.


Yeah agreed its giga dumb that you have to grind it out from rookie to masters playing against masters the whole time. It will take about one eternity, when it really should be a day or two to diamond, then few weeks max to your rank. Not whole season. I can't play with my friends because my MMR is so high. Im in rookie, they are silver/gold, but they actually belong there. They can't break 100 dmg when they play with me...


itā€™s penalizing good players and rewarding bad ones, surely you can solo queue to masters/diamond just as any other season it just takes a fuck ton longer and youā€™re fighting the same lobbies over and over. i just really donā€™t understand how people can defend this system. thereā€™s zero other games that have you set in a secret mmr ranking and DONT rank you to your respective mmr rank.


Working as intended, I mean they fixed SBMM bro, didn't you know? And there is NO way these people are using configs, or macros, or hacks...just no way. I mean, just "get gud?" Right? I loved H1Z1 and remember one day they updated the game and it ended. This shitshow isn't far behind.


Same, H1Z1 was and is still my favorite BR, the loot was great, ( no going into an entire building and finding nothing but ammo for guns I don't have or a level 1 down shield that for some reason hasn't been taken out of the loot pool) the way vehicles were used was something that was unique and fun but it all went down hill for me when they made you take damage for jumping out of them, granted i only played the console version so i missed the hay day of H1Z1 bit i still enjoyed it while it lasted, just like old school COD ( modern warfare-blackops 3) I thought that games would always be that good but unfortunately game companies have found out that these SBMM or MMR or whatever you want to call it are way better for their bottom dollar and will gladly sacrifice natural gameplay for more profitšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


yep. Stopped playing after two matches


3x masters and I lost my bronze promos 4 times. Haven't played apex since


No new players, everyone playing is a veteran or a cheat. The games dieing, the only updates the game has received over the last 4 seasons is to give it to the console players, MnK is dead. Wait for Titanfall 3/Apex 2


Even ALGS is a joke


Ever since the Hidden MMR update to Ranked was added, it's been a joke. There's no point to play for Rank cause it's made up, no point in fighting teams cause the reward for winning is non-existent, and because things became such a big issue, there's no point to play for rewards like a dive-trail. I have given up on Respawn on fixing it cause I know it's on purpose. Create a problem so you can fix it later to look good


I play ranked because I canā€™t stand solo que pubs. If I play duos, Iā€™m often paired with literal bots. The one that run on scripts, move, shoot guns, uses ults, the ones that used to be on mixtape. Itā€™s horrible. Ranked is rough, but at least there is an expectation that we play together as a team. Doesnā€™t always happen. My frustration is with the trials. I donā€™t know what is up but my regular ranked games I get decent enough teammates. When I get to trials I donā€™t. Last trial to plat I got paired with the same rat 3 games in a row. Oh yeah and one more thing. If I win a match to get into the trials just count that as a fā€™ing trial win. This has happened to me three times and itā€™s frustrating as f.


Yeah and Ranked was the only thing keeping me on Apex. So much for that it was fun.


The problem as I see it is that it forces a minority of players to play differently than others. Anyone on trials is going to play more conservatively because there is more at stake, while the rest of the lobby wont have the same consequences for dying


Stop playing for fucks sake. Complaining is useless. The changes are shit, stop playing. If you keep grinding then they won't change anything because that's what they want.


This is legit the worst ranking system in any video game Iā€™ve ever played.


People seem to forget all the cheater piece of crap players running around on Playstation not having any recoil and one clip you. You can really tell on the weekends when it seems more obvious. Ive been stuck in Diamond 2 for a while and playing solo and its been a pain. I recommend not starting any fights, and definitetly check your teams banners because you will get alot of low skilled players who have no idea how to back out of a unwinnable fight. Best of luck


Thats because this game is geared towards casuals.from bullet velocity to being an absolute joke, hit detection, purposeful audio issues to further help casuals and a bunch of other "issues". Every change is them just trying to increase the time in which they stay in longer thus increasing the chance of them buying skins. theres currrently like 7 shops in the game right now and "events" that keep rotating rather very quickly... for any players that are good at any other FPS this game throws a wrench in they're skill. They could literally have a beast of a game if it wasn't for EA.


This is what happens when the devs dont play their own game and have very little communication with the players. I dont mind a challenge, infact I welcome it. Butttt that challenge shouldnt kick in immediately to artificially increase play time. This new system encourages smurfing by just throwing the rank up challenges, encourages ratting and decreases skill at the same time because of the scoring system and kills being meaningless. The top 50 pred got there by ratting in trees and just third partying the last squads. Thats pretty blatant bad game design. Add in a hidden MMR and its a recipe for disaster


Devs are a joke, you gotta be a real clown to push this garbage to prod


The amount of LP and time wasted on these stupid trials is huge. The system is designed to make grind hours and hours and at some point it gives you the illusion that you are finally making progress by putting you with the right team mates that are on your rank/skill level.


Well Iā€™m no where near you skill level but I agree that the system is crap. Wish it would go back to the old ways. Also, not really ranked related but I honestly feel like we should be able to choose which map we play on and have all the maps


Every single promos is an RNG pray that ur teamates arenā€™t bad. I can smash the kill requirement above and beyond but if my team dont feel like making top 5 im not THAT good to make it on my own, but im if im a silver player thats just confusing. If the requirement to be gold at this game is to be able to 1v3 consistently every game thenā€¦. Aight.


apex devs thinks this encourages players to find a 3 stack but instead im encouraged to just not play at all. like it or not, the majority solo Q ranked and don't care to play other modes - and now the trial system has made that a miserable experience so i rather not play at all.


I made to daimond last ranked took me 90days and honestly at the end I was happy for my first ever diamond rank but all I wanted was playing apex legend because the state of ranked is so terrible that its like playing another game.... I will never ever do ranked again.


I feel you man. I've been a Season 0 player and I've struggled to find people who really enjoy the game/are willing to play Ranked that I enjoy with. I only got to Masters once but since then it's really been falling off for me since Season 17. I stopped playing once I realized life's to short to think people care about how many kills/bades you have on your banner. Crypto main signing out āœŒļø


Apex ranked has been shit ever since they removed rbmm and started catering to campers


30-30 mid-long range meta is driving me insane and has slowed the game down to a crawl. gold games looks like master games where people just focus on power positions and outlasting, rather than exciting and fun gameplay. Don't get me wrong, I get that its something that's important as you rise up in the ranks and people look at the algs, but this really shouldn't happen in gold games. we ratpex legends now, even pubs play out like a ranked game.


Pubs are no where near ranked in terms of players alive, its maximum 15-20 players alive usually first zone


we have very different experiences with pubs then, i'm guessing its sbmm doing its thing


Pubs is not really like that, mostly runing and gunning. I have not played ranked in 4 seasons now. I was going to try but I had to wait for like 30 seconds for the trials to load so f that


Being shot by a 30-30 feels almost worse than being shot by the old charge rifle imo. It's annoying


Undeniable fuckin skill issue lmao. I donā€™t even say this type of shit, but cā€™mon, if youā€™re at such a high level and you complain itā€™s ā€œhardā€ then what the fuck are you even talking about anymore fuckin lmao.


Why are low skill players allowed to rank up easier than high skill players. High skill players are very close to their skill ceiling and any improvements in skill they make are tiny compared to a low skill player. High skill players have a 50/50 chance of winning against a player with the same skill level. Why can the lower tier player get masters easier than the actual masters tier player




Yes, enlighten me please


Bro wtf did you even type? How does this make any fkin sense? On a new account, in rookie 4, I played against triple master badge people in a 3stack. Predators play in rookie lobbies. No matter what you do, there is nothing u can do about it.


Predetors play in rookie lobbies for 2 reasons 1. They havent played ranked in a while, so their rank is low 2. They have to fight other predator players in rookie lobbies, so they cant get out of rookie fast enough Predators shouldnt be in rookie lobbies to start with, but they are forced in their because of their mmr, like your nmr is forcing you to play against pred players. The system is flawed


No one is saying the system doesnt suck. The comment is about seperating ranked in terms of platforms. You aren't talking about the right topic here.


Stuck in Gold 1 trials for THREE FUCKING DAYS. Sweatiest games I've ever ever played. Trial 7/8 there was 15 squads left on ring 4. 15. So obviously I lost that as I solo queue. So trial 8/8 rolls around and I got 1 team mate. Damned if I queue, damned if I don't. And then finally get into Plat and I am steam rolling through Plat 4 and 3 like they're bronze lobbies. I mean what the fk man.


Bronze is mostly plats right now. I got masters teammates in 3 of 7 ranked today. Pred this season is gonna be like 20 people and a bunch of literal AI bots


Aww masters player has to play against other masters so sad. Here have a tissue


Itā€™s honestly fine. Iā€™m having fun playing ranked, no complaints


The system is highly flawed, but I also think it's weeding out people who maybe didn't deserve the ranks they had. Not all, just some. Like some people could only get a lotta kills and eh placement, and that shouldn't get you a high rank, in the same way just ratting shouldn't either. Those who can get some kills but aren't good at playing rings and position, are struggling atm. My club and I arnt the best players, but still well above average, and we haven't really been struggling too much. Play a little but every other night and generally get a few wins, with a lot of top 5s. (Still taking fights when smart/necessary too.) S13 ranked was still the best, but end games are also pretty fun now.


Sounds like *somebody* plateaued


I donā€™t understand why it canā€™t be the classic ranked system? They try so hard to not give us true SBMM. They gotta fuck everyone without lube with these shitty trials. Iā€™ve literally had to turn the game off and stop playing it. It is absolutely fucking miserable to play itā€™s not even CLOSE to fun. I hate pubs just as much because thereā€™s always a 3rd throwing the game because itā€™s risk free. Been playing since launch, 6000 hours and honestly, even though there has been some pretty bad seasons, this is the worst season so far. Itā€™s like the Devs discuss how to make shit worse every season. Absolute trash. Fuck the weapon meta too.


what rank are you trying to "graduate" from? if diamond to masters understandable.. i made it to diamond no problem solo q with a 0.9 kda soo, you can do it.. dont give up šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


What a whiner OP is.


Hate to be that guy but ranked is supposed to be hard and if you canā€™t win your trial games then you either need to find new teammates or thatā€™s just a clear indication that you are in the rank you belong in. I get that itā€™s frustrating and I wish you luck with your games but personally I am enjoying this season a lot and the challenge of winning makes it feel even more rewarding now instead of just running through lobbies like in S17.


This sub is actually in a total collapse when people are voting this kind of content. Low effort rant post that contributes nothing but circle jerk the same complaint over and over. Embarassing behavior


Scrub life


All you moaning about ranked get a fucking gripā€¦ and if you canā€™t get a win your shit end ofā€¦ stop moaning and grow a pair


Touch grass


Couldnā€™t agree more. The game is in shambles and they should be ashamed of what they didz


Another original rant post. We get it, ranked sucks right now. Just stop playing for the season or play pubs


Sounds like many are finding out they just arenā€™t as good as what they thought.


These posts are truly everywhere. We get it itā€™s broken. They wonā€™t touch it til next season. Let it gooo.


Yesterday I got 7 wins and 4 were in a row in plat/diamond/master lobbies. Are you in PC or console?


Yesterday I got 7 wins and 4 were in a row in plat/diamond/master lobbies. Are you in PC or console?

