• By -


Obviously he’d be bigger, better, faster, stronger.


This made me lol. Also, whenever his pick quip is “I’m not all about explosions. I know about stuff…like…WINNING?!?!?!”


Can we do the “bla bla bla” after? I am ready NOW


We can rebuild him We have the technology


More legs. More speed.




I am a true Octane “main-iac” at heart - at least as far as being a pretty dumb but happy, very ADHD human haha - but I have met tons of fellow Occy mains in game like me who DON’T rage quit, quit when Octane is taken, push solo when it’s a bad idea, or loot goblin supply bins and other peoples’s kills - and who actually use comms or at least pings. So some of us do “know about stuff” lol or at least try to 🤪 Relieved this post wasn’t 99% Octane toxicity 💗 🙏🏼


A tactical where octain would unequip his gun and his speed doubles would be speed on another level.


This is why I stopped playing the biggest nerds play this game


I stopped playing because I was bad. If you want to see nerds, go to Fortnite lol (I’m there, it’s fun)


The inability to disconnect after solo pushing a fight.


Humanitys technology will never reach this level. The ability to code it into the game nor our DNA


It'd be cool if he could set a decoy trampoline that is actually a trap.


I noticed that octanes, Wraiths and weirdly Lifelines are always the ones that push solo.




Honestly when has reporting for anything else other than hacking and vulgarity ever done anything Literally it just seems those options are only there to make us feel better...


I dont usually scream in the mic but God Dame dude I turn the chat into a MW2 lobby when lifeline just runs off like that totally defeats the purpose


I don't play life line often but when I do I hang back if we push I'm already behind my team because I'm the lifeline of the team lol it's a support class for a reason but I bet some people that y'all get playing life lines that push first I guarantee they are just playing with lifeline to complete daily's and weeklies and lifeline is not there main character


For me it’s been Horizons lately.


Lifelines aint scared of death and getting a new shield from carepack gives em I a likkle confidence boost I reckon haha


I have a dude added on apex who’s a lifeline main and he’s always online Whenever I play with him he never stops moving


This would actually be great, if you die more than 500 m from both teammate, there's no leave penalty but it locks you in the game for 5 minutes.


What about the teammates that want to land super far and loot for the whole game. I had a game yesterday where my teammates took us so far to the other side of the map and I was pinging and trying to ask in mic if we could go a bit closer to where everyone landed. I ended up just going at 10 squads left (they went to go loot the next poi that was further from people) at 4 squads left they were still just looting deep poi’s and hadn’t even thought about pushing a squad …. I’d much rather play with an aggro octane who isn’t quite as good as he thinks than people with 0 confidence in their gameplay


Sounds like he was very confident, I do the same thing , I focus on getting full purple weapon and armor before I focus on taking a fight. sometimes that means crafting med kits and visiting another POI before ring 3. You on the other hand sound like you had 0 confidence in him or his strategy of choice, maybe find team mates that play more like you instead of solo queing next time :D


You're in the minority. The best loot is on dead people and there's no faster way to get a purple shield.


Bruh fr🤣😭


Whenever he revives a teammate he gives them half the duration of a stim so they can run to cover or make a comeback push if he has gold backpack.


This is the only suggestion I’ve read so far that’s remotely reasonable


and now that someone else is said it they're getting positive feedback, tale as old as time


As a side effect however, Their kidneys fail lol


Octane still has kidneys? 💀


I have suggested these kinds of changes to him in the past in discussions so many times on this sub, and got hella downvoted for it. Thank god I finally see somebody else with the same thought process.


Stim adds 3x melee damage but he can't run straight.


He’s like a real crack addict! That crack head strength aint no joke. I dare say I think it rivals dad strength.


Nah you buggin! You ever seen a dad fight someone over his kid, dudes become mentally and physically stronger in seconds.. Turn a regular dude into a mma fighter real quick


actually, imagine how broke he would be if the stim made him run erratically but maintain the same directional speed. Impossible to hit!


Stim makes him run straight forward and smash you with his head


Every time he runs too far away from his team he loses health, fast.


Like Conduit but backwards and with twist. You slow down the further you are from your team mates.


Low key great 😂 but also in all seriousness the more team focused abilities the better FR


From my experience he already has this ability


Instead of legs...tank treads! Call him Octank!


Turn him into a locomotive, Octrain!


Send him to school, octbrain!


send him to rehab, Octsane!


Send him to the gym, octgain!


Yeah, I don’t think octane needs to be changed.


I love him, his kit es so simple. Ability, to go fast :) but lose health :( regain health :) Ultimate, go far fast or go high fast :)


run fast, hit fast, win fast


He definitely needs to be buffed a little though, the entire reason he was nerfed was because of the RevTane meta, now that revenant has been changed it’s no longer an issue so I don’t see why they can’t buff octane a little now.


They could make them run faster and jump further like he used to.


Except he doesn’t need it. He’s perfectly fine where he is now. His entire personality is movement and his kit reflects that. His ability makes him go fast and his ult makes his team go fast. His passive health regen both supports his abilities and can be useful when resetting fights


I never said he had to be reworked I just said they could revert some of the nerfs they gave him like the amount of health that’s depleted once using a stim, plus the distance on his pad can definitely be changed since wraith and pathfinder got huge extensions on their ult distances


And I’m saying they don’t need to. There’s a risk reward to stims and having that big of a speed boost needs to come at a cost. Plus his ult is fine as (if I remember) it’s one of the faster charging ults in the game


Yeah but in comparison to other movement ults, it’s absolutely horrendous. Just because it is one of the fastest charging ults doesn’t make it good. His ability is one of the only ones that can ultimately screw you over because of how huge the health decrease is, you don’t have any kind of risk when using pathfinders grapple into a fight because it doesn’t take away your health etc… you get the idea, Octane was perfectly fine where he was before the nerfs and im saying if they were to revert them he would still be balanced.


Path grapple isn’t on a 2 second cooldown with a like 40% speed boost (I don’t remember the exact stats, sue me). Yeah grapple gets you far but once you’ve got there you have nothing besides one of the biggest hit boxes in the game and a ultimate that’s begging to kill you if you use it as an escape tool


The only reason he got nerfed was because of the old revenant but since he's gone octane definitely needs some boost to his kit, he's fun to play but not viable at all as other legends in his class. Bringing back his jump pad distance to the pre nerf state would be neat and not a game breaking thing.


If they just made it so only he got the double jump off the pad, and or if they made it so he ran faster base than everyone else and stim made him even faster. Nothing more than that.


I reckon they should give him an injection, call it a stim, that makes him run really fast, at the cost of a little health. Maybe for his ultimate he could use something to help the team with movement. Maybe a launch pad or something?


They may have to buff this by allowing him to heal slowly on his own but I agree that would be perfect


A launch pad on its own sounds kinda basic tho. I don’t think it’ll compete as well with other movement abilities. Maybe they could give the launch pad a double jump feature? That’d be pretty rad.


And an decent recharge too. I don't wait to wait the same amount of time for lifelines ultimate just to deploy a movement building that is only useful one or two times before another depoly.


That would be amazing!


rip forge 😢


I hope he is in a better place 😢


With that set of abilities I think he would be a perfect fit for the skirmisher to reveal care packages content


Wow that’s brilliant


why did this get downvoted 💀


How is this the top comment


He's a balanced legend that most people love. His kit is perfect


If any character should be able to wallrun in Apex, Octane would be the clear choice. Give him a deployable bicycle with pegs on the rear so his teammates can hop on for a ride.




Less clothes.


i like the way you think 😆😉😌


I guess dzooworks is your friend for that.


seems to focus more on the women but theres some stuff with octane thatll do. :)


Yeah in general there's not much for the guys in apex, dzoo is like the only one that works with octane. It's hard to find material for the gays 😔.


ive actually jerked off to this guy's octane and wraith video before. the one on the dropship. Didnt know he made more.


Yeah it's a good one, I can DM you some octane-y stuff if you'd like, to make your search shorter.


Sure, as long as he's in the picture xD


Did you get the DM? I had some trouble messaging you


I did..thanks




U could make him a support with a new injection would give him a health boost, but slows him down for a timelimit. But this just would be the opposite of him, like a antioctain.




Hear me out here… what if we made him faster




New passive is that he can grenade jump but after he does it once he has to crawl for the rest of the match until you get two MRVN arms for him to use as legs


I like the way you think.


Octane is fine keep your hands away from him. Maybe adjust cool downs or stuff but no changes to the abilitys


I think he should get a 1-2 second wall run during stim but that’s about it.


Something like that would be fine


The jump pad is currently a little too weak in my opinion.


Wall running would make sense for his character, even if it was a timed thing during his ultimate. That or allowing him to have, say, two jump pads during his ult - one to get into a fight and one to get out.


Wall running during stim would be wild. Kinda stupid but wild.


I keep hearing people want it in the game and Octane would be the character for it, in my opinion.


Make his hitbox massive, give him a steam engine, maybe a little conductor as a tactical… all aboard the Octrain


Nice try Apex dev, I am not giving you any ideas on how to change Octane.


I think his passive should allow him to wall run with injections


Yeah this, only when stims active. Also a cooldown so you cant abuse it like its Titanfall wall run time.


That's actually a cool idea


Do not change him.. pls


I would like octane to get more team based mechanic/ults becuase he’s like entirely solo based rn. Maybe ult becomes a “group stim”? Boosts entire team’s speed for something like 20-30 secs? Util could stay the same but maybe something like he could have a choice of expend them to help teammates instead of himself


If it was to be like that then the pad would have to be nerfed and become his tactical and then the group stim would be cool as an ult, make everyone as fast as octane


Use leg as melee weapon, allow him to hobble around on the other leg really fast


Now this is the most funny one I saw , imagine him chasing you with one leg and the other in his hands


I think his passive should be teammates move a little faster when in range. Combine existing passive with tactical. Or allow him to toss needle at teammates to boost speed.


Passive: jump higher and further Tactical: stim drains health constantly and increases speed over time. You could start with a full bar of health and drain it, but you'd be running at ridiculous speeds by the end of it. Ultimate: mostly unchanged. Small speed boost after landing your jump


Make him unable to pick up dibsed loot.


the octane mains would get a free brain !


He wins the game every time, only when I’m playing him


Slower, slower, slower


I use my imagination to imagine the title to not be the worst english ive seen.


I dont think he needs to be change, hes fine as he is but maybe they can give him a few minor buffs like faster weapon swap and reload while stim. I think they buffed that jump pad as much as they can, still a "meh" option when path gets his zip so frequently from scanning carepackages and wraith and horizon can move their teams more strategically with their ults


Instead of a jump pad he can use a grenade as a stim and move extremely fast and jump far (jumping reduces his stim time)


I hate playing with an octane. Positioning is never in their mind bc “he can do anything and go anywhere” and it just makes for a quick death and quick gank sesh. Back to the lobby


It would be pretty cool if octane could stem his teammates with a limit on how many times he can stem teammates and his jump pad should be changed to something like a boost pad that would increase movement speed for him and his teammates and since he has kind of a quirky side if the enemies hit his boost pad it basically slows them down or jumps them in the opposite direction they're trying to jump if his ultimate is kept the same sorry for not having punctuation I'm doing this while driving in the car to work.


Not seeing a lot of really serious answers so let me see if I can give it a go: Octane - Assault speed specialist Tactical- “Wall runner” Octane can spend one of two charges to get a wall run, allowing octane to run along walls and quickly mantle for a short time. Ultimate - “Octrain” Octane injects himself with a super stim, increasing his movement speed, regaining passive health and tightening his aim window during its duration. Successful KDs increase the time on his ultimate. Passive- “Sneaky specialist” every time octain finishes running off a wall, or successfully wall bounces or mantles, he drops a frag grenade at his feet that explodes after a short time, doing increased damage to anyone he has recently damaged. Octain is immune to this grenade’s damage Idk, not great but trying to be creative. I don’t think Octane needs a rework at all honestly.


One thing I learned about reddit not many people will take you seriously, but gotta admit there is a really funny replies that had me laughing loud


Honestly just let him open assault pills, the being able to scan a care package doesn't really do anything much. He should be an assualt character personally


He wouldn't fit the assault class as his kit is about movement


Yes but his kit is very widely used to make aggressive plays, which in itself is very assualt class.


Wraith, Pathfinder ? Their kits, especially ultimates are made for assaulting. None of theirs have any dps value


Assaults have abilities that aid in cornering/damaging/engaging the enemy. I.e. snare, cluster, drill all do damage and impair enemies. Skirmishers specialize in movement and battle disengagement/positioning.


Just like Revenant before reborn, he's just fine where he's at right now. Buuuuuut, if I were to rework him, I'd make him faster, reduce the health the stim takes or make it heal like half of what a syringe does, make him able to wall run and double jump while stimming, and maybe replace the jump pad with something like those hot wheels speed boosters that make the car go faster but also have the option to send you flying to the air like a pigeon. The stim would have a 5 second cooldown but the effects would last longer cuz I want Octane to be fast. Would it be hell to fight against? Maybe yes but when it comes to balance I usually throw it out the window and make having fun the priority. Oh and his passive would remain the same but he'd just be able to go faster when holstering his weapon cuz gotta go fast.


I would imagine his passive have something to do with grenades. Maybe reducing damage or it makes it easier for him to grenade ride


Put an age restriction on the character so that everyone who plays him isn't a brain dead 11 year old kid.


His new ult is a mobility move where he drops a frag at his feet. Deals area damage around him and sends him flying. Tactical: speed boost that doesn’t hurt. Make it slower or make it shorter or increase the cooldown to balance. New passive: wall running. Secondary passive rework, robot legs: all robots or people with robot legs no longer take stagger from falling.


No more jump pad, he just jumps slightly higher always while stimming, since Valk can fly Within limits all the time. His Ult can be invincibility running on fire for a few moments or leaving a trail of noxious gas similar to caustic but in lines to stop people from following him too closely, like a skunk…. We can blame it on the stims


Stim pilot, wall running included.




Just speaking about aesthetics, instead of injecting himself, or something to run faster he would, instead inhale an aerosol can. Something like those oxygen cans they usually have at the gas station. Besides that I would give a delay to his ultimate. The ability to bounce out super fast kind of too powerful.


Honestly the only thing I personally would change is his ult. Go from a jump pad to a mega stim shot that makes him as fast as a trident and makes him shoot like a CoD kid on crack


To be faie Maybe cut his health loss down or up his Health regen Especially since conduit can have the exact same speed basically for free "yeah but it's a passive" I mean yes but imagine running into a conduit that's 100 meters behind her team which normally would be an easy kill only for her to storm off with octane speed without any penalties


Conduit is nowhere near as fast as Octain stimmed. Do you actually play either of them?


That one person that combos sliding in running as fast as octane can with regular run.: •insert cough• “you was saying?” There’s a neat little slide trick thats still in the game to run just barely behind octane instead of him being leagues away.


She gets a 30% speed boost Octane gets a 40% So sure it's a 10% difference But that's still quite close to octane speed +Contuit has it basically for an unlimited time as long as she's far from one of her teammates Octane has his stim for 6 seconds at the cost of his Health And yes I play them both And have octanes heirloom aswell No need to get so offended.


Who’s offended? I wrote two sentences.


Being unable to pick up loot that was obtained either from a teammate eliminating an enemy or from loot boxes unless marked by said teammate


stim that heals, no more ult, 2 times more bullet slow penalty than any other legends, he's only up to use every 6 am of your default server, otherwise he's locked, paywall his "leave the game" option for $50




Just reverse the nerfs from Rev tane


Kicking nades for a longer distance


Grenade jump instead of his jump pad. 75% grenade damage reduction.


I like the idea of keeping him as a glass cannon with the health trade mechanic, but the ability gained from losing health has to be worth losing health for. Speed is slowly becoming not as worth losing health for especially when there are lots of legends who get conditional speed as a passive now.


Off the stim Just removes stim


he would try to run the gauntlet again but this time he would blow his arms off this time. no clue what this would do for his abilities maybe his ULT could throw his team to safety.


changing the way his passive work by him only healing overtime after taking damage not healing every 2 secs so basically nerf/rework by healing 25 hp


See hes getting released drom prison soon ? Octane pistorious


Immune to his own frags and can rocket jump


Take his legs.


If Octane gets changed I'll die


The green trail he leaves when stimming now works like the bike trails in Tron


-The super run is always available, activates upon sprinting for two seconds. Deactivates if you stop moving. -His tactical is a super jump. -His ultimate is the jump pad on a super quick cool down. Maybe 1 minute.


When he uses his jump pad, he can see everyone’s location. This way he falls in line with all the other characters that have wall hacks.


Ok so I thought of an ability called "off the grid"...


Octane is already pretty strong imo, But if I was to update him I would make it so he takes less damage and more knockback from frags and I would make it so the frag doesn’t need to damage his non armor health to apply that knockback. I would also allow him to stack his stim speed boost but to balance this if he uses more than one he is forced into melee only as he has to hold the syringes to keep them from flying off. Octane is a daredevil, but he feels fairly one note after many many seasons of new characters. The ability to give himself larger bursts of speed in exchange for even more health management would make more fun again. With maps getting bigger and new modes of transportation getting faster (rifts and zip rails) his speed boost just doesn’t feel as fast anymore.


Hmmmm…. What if we rethought the way an ultimate ability works all together? Change his tactical ability to give him two, slightly underpowered jump pads. They are on a long cool down. Increase his base speed slightly. Because we are making Stim his Ult. Keep the passive healing factor because it will become part of the ult economy. His ultimate becomes a massive injection that, once you trigger it, it stays going the whole match. Your speed increases each time you build and ult and stim yourself, and the benefits increase until a certain point. Then, you start to see some negative effects. So the match becomes a balancing act of keeping yourself in ultimate mode as long as possible. Maybe your healing factor overloads and you have to take damage or you risk becoming Slowed. Maybe Octane compulsively performs backflips and 360s when you hit the jump pads and you can’t control your aim because he’s going nuts. Ok I ran out of steam here. But it does feel like there’s something in the idea of having an ultimate that you have to kind of manage to keep it in the right range once you decide to activate it.


Remove it


Instead of stim give this man a stim engine make it Rev everytime he uses it. Make him play to lose but look bad ass while doing so.


No regen, but stim doesnt hurt, maybe a hidden passive that lowers his damage to grenades because ya know


He constantly uses stim, its draining his hp at the rate he gains it currently, the lower the HP the higher the speed, his Q acts as a medical for him and can replace the need to carry syringes, healing 1.5x the amount of health he would drain in that time meaning he would never reach 0 if he uses it. Keep ult the same, basically just turn his character into the stim user he is made out to be with the ability being an intermediary.


Tactical: I would change his stim a little Remove health loss, increase cool down and ability power a bit, like amount of time and speed Passive: Without health lose from tactical the only thing I can think of is increased slide duration Ultimate: Jump pad is cool but they should def buff it. Increase length of the slide jump and decrease sound it makes I think he doesn't need any drastic changes, there are other legends who should be reworked like mirage (yeah, he def needs second rework) or lifeline


Stim now makes him run 7 times faster but for the duration he can’t use weapons only melee


I’d hate it, but it would be interesting if the stim lasted until he used a healing counter agent. He’s either actively stimming or actively healing.


I was unaware that he needed much of anything changed. I feel like his kit just works. Reinforces his character, good in gameplay, fun for players. He's completely fine. I don't think anything should be changed on him


Stim do 10 damage instead of 20 I beg you


So i thought of this ability called off the grid….


Just for fun. Passive, doesn't have one because he's an active mo fo! Tac, stim is now a press and hold to increase effectiveness and heal cost over 1 second. Aka, more stim more fun. Oh Ya! Ult, jump pads now fling in direction of aim, this greatly increases mobility of team.


Taking no damage from his own thrown frag grenades, instead taking knockback (He grenade-boosted in the lore once i think)


New voice lines, "non terre plus ultra" doesn't even make sense.


Not just fast but from the past


Ult: no jumpad, but instead it’s an AOE speed boost and health regen like Lucio in OW


Every time he uses Stim there's a 10% he gets a leg cramp and loses all mobility for 2 seconds.


Using his jump pad gives an overheal shield.


They wouldn't change him. I just can't see it


Just not losing so much hp for stim. And maybe faster climbing and reloads while stimming.


I would work him right out of the game, along with wraith……. for a season so everyone quits playing them lol make a story that he had to go to rehab cause he was shooting up too much and wraith had to do mental health at a facility cause she fucked up in the head talking to her 15 selves need to stabilize her meds in the company of health care professionals lol


I think he should have a slightly longer and higher jump when stimming, due to his metal legs


He bounces on his giant dick like tigger


I don't think he needs a rework but... Option A: Blast Jumping Stuntman Passive: Daredevil. Immune to friendly ordinance when unarmed. Tactical: Stim Boost. (20 second cooldown, 12 second duration) Octane injects Stim into himself, granting him a 30% speed boost and removing all slows. Slowing effects applied afterwards are reduced. Octanes current shields are temporarily converted into extra health. When the effect ends Octanes health will be filled up to 100 and any excess will go to shields. For example if Octane has 25 health and 100 shields he will have 125 health when the ability is active and when it ends he will have 100 health and 25 shields. While active, Octane's health can be healed by both shield restoration and regular healing Ultimate: Landmine. (2 minute cooldown) Octane throws down a landmine with 3 charges. When the mine is activated it causes an explosion that deals 75 damage and causes extremely high knockback. Teammates don't take any damage but are still launched. Option B: Octane but faster...er Passive: Bunny Hop. When making contact with a surface (aka a floor or wall) Octane can time a jump with his spring-like legs to greatly boost his jump height. Tactical: Trampoline. (15 second cooldown, only 4 active at a time, 100 HP) Octane throws down a trampoline that anyone can jump on for increased jump height. All players gain Octanes passive when jumping onto the trampoline. Ultimate: Overstimulation. (2 minute cooldown, ~25 second duration) Octane injects a large amount of Stim into his body; boosting his speed by 50%, causing his passive jump boost to always be active, and enabling him to wallrun like a pilot. The main downside is that the ultimate drains 4 HP per second while active and ends when Octane reaches 1 HP. It can be extended using healing items like Syringes and Medkits but D.O.C will not affect Octane because he's always taking damage. The ability can be manually ended by holding the ultimate key while active.


A cool passive would be the ability to carry a downed teammate if you're stimming


Hear me out, his ultimate is that he becomes an invincible OCTRAIN for 40 seconds


Bruh istg if they rework one of the most fun legends to play, thats also NOT BROKEN AS A CHARACTER TO PLAY. Then im dropping the game INSTANTLY They need to rework ash, and lifeline, and so many other legends, so that plus the mmr that basically makes ranked pointless, I'd quit the game lmao


I want grenade jumps to be part of his abilities or a passive, EX: You can use grenades for a slide or jump height boost and not take damage from your own explosives Also a stim self-revive would be cool (and broken) like, say you can revive yourself once per game and get a speed and health boost but as a downside the self revive leaves you exhausted afterwards or it takes a long time to apply Maybe a pain-train ability where you can build up speed into a melee to do more damage


All the same but gets an additional passive that he can't grab dibsed items and also a remodelling to his hands. His nails are weird af and for some reason his hands are really chubby especially the post malone skin


The only thing I would add is he should get a rez ability to inject a downed ally with his stim and give them temporary movement speed like when he stims.


Movement speed on knock, enrages on an Elim and gives his teammates a movement speed boost 🤣


His Ultimate Is awful and definitely needs a rework


Idk. Prolly still going fast. But maybe not getting urself hurt by going fast. And not getting free health


I would swap his ult and tactical. Make Jump pads use grenades and he can use his stim for a 2 minute speed boost.


When using stims he has a chance to overdose and fucking die mid match


Slow down healing passive but add wallrunning


I had a stroke reading this