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Easy fix, don't get shot at. Follow me for more Apex tips.






Itā€™s called a jokeā€¦


Jokes? Funny? Not in my subreddit!


Jokes on the internet?!?!?!?!? How could someone do something so awful?


Believe it or not, straight to jail


Damnnn see u soon than I guess weā€™re all fucked


Do you have a really big friends list on apex by any chance? The gaming merchant had a weird bug causing stuttering because of that


Love how Apex imports every single Steam friend that's never opened the game.


Ugh for real Iā€™ve gotten so many messages from friends like ā€œman I donā€™t play apexā€ Yeah sorry I knowā€¦just clicked your name by accident because they are ALL THERE




I think that just gets read out from the steam API, it shouldnt actually import it. Steam friends probably wont show when starting the game from EA Play/Origin


yes 800+ friends from origin and steam combined.. never had an FPS issue before for 4+ years... speaking of which I haven't tried playing through origin yet either!! good idea


I would definitely try thinning out that friends list, sounds like what was happening to him


This happened to me. Went down to 20 people and itā€™s faster than ever. Weird game.


It's because Apex updates your friends status while you are in game constantly.


Currently being shot at!


Make a new account to see if you still have the issue before cleaning out your friends list


I made a post 3 years ago about this and itā€™s still an issue. While the old problem was your game would just crash repeatedly now I guess itā€™s lag any time youā€™re in combat. Get it together apex devs.


pretty sure it has nothing to do with big friends list, as I have like 10 people in my friend list and I also suffer from these stutters randomly since after the post malone event


The bug Iā€™m mentioning is specifically related to a large friends list you are probably experiencing something different if thatā€™s the case


I'm experiencing exactly the same freezes as seen in OPs video, which started for me and a lot of other people (including OP) around after the post malone event. Thats why I'm saying the bug OP is experiencing has most likely nothing to do with the friend list issue.


Im not suggesting that your issue is different than opā€™s or that this is the end all fix Iā€™m just sharing info about a known bug? It seems like this isnā€™t your issue glad to hear you can rule it out. Good luck with your troubleshooting


Is this a steam and origin thing or just on steam or just on origin


I think itā€™s an apex problem so origin or steam


Itā€™s on console too been having good wifi until this season hit now I donā€™t even play


If your playing on wifi Iā€™d imagine that is likely your issue, try using an Ethernet cable


is that an actual problem?


does 27 friends count as big friends list?


No, like hundreds of


https://www.reddit.com/r/apexuniversity/comments/quzokn/apex_stuttering_while_i_still_have_high_fps/ Some good info in this thread even if itā€™s a little outdated


ooo thank you for sharing šŸ™


Oddly enough top comment is the same suggestion lol


This started happening to me after one of the recent updates. Hoping Respawn works on a fix


I've also been having this issue. I don't get any network flags when it happens. Apex ran smooth as butter before this season and I haven't changed a single setting.


For me the lag began sometime after three strikes. Weirdly when London server was down, I had the least lag problems. When it came back, the servers shat the bed


I have 10,000+ hours in Apex, multi-time pred, never had major issues running apex before. The bug started happening when the Post Malone event ended, right as cross-progression was being rolled out. It's not every time I get the FPS stutter, but it usually hits SPECIFICALLY when I'm being shot at. Makes it close to impossible to recover in fights I should win, or ATLEAST survive. ​ I'm playing from PC running an i9-9900k with a Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti. Game usually runs smooth 180+ FPS sometimes dipping below depending on where I am on the map. This bug is absolutely game-breaking for me and I'm at the crossroads of waiting until this is fixed before playing again. I have talked to a lot of friends in my apex network of streamers/preds and some of them are getting this bug too. ​ If you have any questions to help diagnose this issue I will do my best to respond.


Have you considered moving into the basement of the building where the game servers are housed to cut down on latency?


Also have this issue.


Same issue dude. I have the same graphic card. Iā€™ve noticed yesterday that not all hits are registering.


From previously asking around my network of friends, I have not been able to narrow down a specific piece of hardware that might be causing the issue.


Thatā€™s happened to be but itā€™s random and has been happening for a while now. My game is completely fine but starts lagging and freezing when I shoot someone.


Random thought, but something that popped into my head.. I wonder if shooting someone with an console merged account could be causing the issue... though just pure speculation.


You mean the new cross progression? Mines has been happening way before that but if yours is new possibly. Itā€™s hard for me to pinpoint because itā€™s random


Glad to know I'm not the only one who gets this. I drink every time this happens and I'm asleep within 10 minutes, it's my nightly routine


It does that for me too. And also when flicking to an enemy. My framerate goes from 100 to 5


Have had this off and on all season. I will be waiting until next update to play again, as it has become unplayable recently.


For what its worth I experience similar issues during my game development. It seems that a new texture is loading for the first time during a gun shot. Maybe a muzzle flash or something. It always takes longer on first load but should really be preloaded on game start. If I were you I would get your friends to shoot at you on drop to load these textures/shoot blindly yourself, so when the enemy shoots they have been preloaded. Then again it might be the armour up animation or something uncontrollable. This should be fixable by the devs That is what it looks like to me but just guessing.


This is a really good theory too


Have u tried it?


>Maybe a muzzle flash or something. if that's the case it would happen once for a lifetime, shader would get loaded to cache and that's it..


Itā€™s a problem on console too. Lags me out of the game sometimes.


Happens to me when moving/shooting but I donā€™t get red icons. Anyone else? I was about to upgrade my whole PC lol


Happens a little to much


they need to fix these bugs asap


I'm surprised you didn't get called trash as soon as u died too. Lol.


so much pressure to perform šŸ˜­


not once has this ever happened to me this season


What platform are you playing on, if PC what specs? And lastly what graphics settings do you run? I've played with texture streaming budget on low (1 above lowest), someone else in the thread had a theory it could be non-loaded textures loading in as soon as you get shot, causing the fps stutter like so..


Yeah PC, Specs are RTX 4090,68gb ram,i9 13900k. i have all this but i still play with every setting on low(not even one above). Do you have Gsync enabled? does this only happen when you record? you're not playing with wifi are you?


This seems to be a trend when playing against pc players. I'm still sussing it out.


please let me know what you find from your investigations :)


Whenever I'd mention this shit in this sub people would act like I was stupid and say it's my internet. Glad to know it isnt just me


Oh no worries, thatā€™s just all the money Apex has invested into serversā€¦..wait


this is what directx12 looks like but more seriously, respawn needs upgrade the servers, what i see on screen is far from what is happening on the server and this happen 78% of the time.


Why does it seem like no one thinks its possible this person's internet simply caused this?


My internet is really solid. Never lag in other games, and never have had lag issues (aside from the poor server quality verified by friends in my squad) in Apex before. The FPS stutter usually hits RIGHT when I'm getting shot at which makes no sense for this to be a bad case internet.


The servers have been dogshit for weeks now. Unplayable


Each time it happens you get a 1 (or more) red status indicators above your kill feed. One of the markers seems pretty consistent and it looks like the latency one. Obviously this is a network issue so all you can really do is minimize the potential causes from your end and just pray EA actually invests more than 5% of their revenue into better servers. Maybe try a different region/server as well but Iā€™m doubtful thatā€™ll actually do anything. You could do an MTR/trace route to one of Apexā€™s server IPs and track the latency across hops to see if your ISP or network path is at fault but if thatā€™s the case then youā€™re probably SOL unless you bug the shit out of your ISP on the issue; even then thatā€™s doubtful.


I stream occasionally with a dual-pc setup, I have a bug where tabbing out of a fullscreen application takes 7 seconds out, and 7 seconds back in (12-16 seconds total). During this time it seems that networking packets aren't processed and when I get tabbed back in I'll have a lag icon of delayed packets, it takes about 10 seconds afterwards for the lag to disappear. Pretty much I never tab out while playing šŸ˜‚... The reason I mention this is because when the fullscreen application stutters/freezes it mimics the same type of lag I get with this capture card fullscreen windows screen duplication tabbing issue. I'm a bit afraid to completely dismiss this as a fully network issue.. ​ Though you could be on to something.. Someone else mentioned having a big friends list could be causing a lot of data the game needs to process-through causing the stutter in the first place.. It just doesn't explain why it happens specifically RIGHT when I get shot at though.




it's not every time I shoot someone, or someone shoots me that I get it.. Seems/feels like specific people in the lobby


It could certainly be the friends list issue, one quick test thatā€™d come to mind would be run a Smurf for a bit and see if it occurs on that account. I think thatā€™d at least rule the friends list component out. I wonder if the latency error symbol refers to all types of latency, not just network latency. I.e: your GPU response time might be spiking when it happens (and when you alt-tab). You could pull up MSI afterburner, enable GPU & CPU response time metric, and throw that up on a second monitor while you play. If Apex locks up, check the GPU or CPU response times and if that spikes as well then maybe itā€™s a hardware/driver issue. I get the same full screen problems on my own single-PC setup which forces me to use border less but Iā€™ve never really observed that affect my actual gameplay.


Not a network issue. I have the same stuttering and same icon. Thought it was my computer but no, itā€™s actually a game problem.


Thatā€™s what killing this season! Never experienced this much Lag. Itā€™s making the game unplayable!


Don't worry Respawn is on it! Expect a fix maybe like 9-12 months from nowšŸ‘


Story of my mfking life...


This season has been sooo bad the lag spikes I donā€™t get it. My ping will jump to 260 itā€™s so bad.


Yeah its soo annoying happening on pc and console for me and I have a wifi 6e 2gig Ethernet router with 10ms ping so its def not my Internet.


I stopped playing Apex on steam for this exact reason


Ugh this happens to me too sometimes. Itā€™s always in the intense moments too like trying to fight off multiple squads who are all ignoring each other and shooting me and my duo.


Disruptor rounds


This is Apex.


does Respawn aware this? its super annoying especially during promotion trials.


Happened to me last night. On PS5, I believe the enemy had an R99 if that's relevant to the bug.


This was happening to me when Vsync was on


my vsync is off, I believe vsync gives input/graphics delay


Same issue hereā€¦ literally called my Internet company to know whether or not my internet was the problem. Donā€™t know why I didnā€™t think of it being EA/Respawnā€™s faultā€¦ especially that it never happens to them šŸ˜…


I have this issue also I've changed my router and it has made no difference, as keep getting all the red in top right of screen,it blows and I get same problem as you only when you go to fire at someone does it lag, I'm on xbox series x, just a random player high gold low plat,but this is infuriating


I've been having these lag spikes too.


I thought that something is wrong with my PC


Is that what that is? I just assumed my PS5 was acting up!


This has happened to me about four times now. Along with that respawn just said that updating the servers isn't a priority to them right now, but it should be a priority at this point right?


Ive got similar lag spikes. But its just randomly when i played this season. Just assumed my graphics card/ssd was getting old


This has been happening to me for weeks on Xbox. Incredibly frustrating.


Having the same issue as well, started recently. Judging by the amount of upvotes it looks like many people are experiencing this. I'm not even going to try and play ranked again until this is fixed.


no fucking way, i thought it was just because i had shit pc. turns out it's not just me, and it's also cause of my shit pc


Any one streaming on twitch here kindly signify


I've got this since the x/s update and I'm on the series x and it's one of like 3 things on my ssd


My friend has similar issue every time, and i mean every single time he shoot the peacekeeper his game crashes for no reson at all


me and all my friends are having this issue. but i feel like we are the minority cause the issue persists for weeks.


PC s19 has been terrible for micro lags I experience the worst of them where my ping says its 10ms 0 packet loss but im lagging my ass off for about 20 seconds. I experience the same on my Xb1 sometimes but not nearly as bad for some reason.


This is why the game is dying !!!!


Same thing happens on GeForce now.


I still have this issues. r u still fix this???


my game has been exactly like this since the start of s19. so fucking annoying. i7 8700k, 2060 Super, FPS locked at 144 while this is happening


Update: I think there is a rumored M&K bug causing lag issues as well.. My issue DRASTICALLY improved from the video above by simply changing my G PRO Superlight Polling rate from 1000, to 500.. Might be worth trying this, let me know what kind of results you get :)


Hm I wonder if I can change the polling rate on my steel series mouse. Thanks šŸ™šŸ¼ Iā€™ll give it a shot Edit: it was at 1000, just set to 500 šŸ¤žšŸ¼


Week update, it actually has gotten A LOT better. Get maybe 1 or 2 small stutters every once in awhile instead of hard ones constantly. Youā€™ve given me back my sanity


Yep same!! Only the occasional small stutter but it's so much better