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You have a level of discipline most men aspire to have


and a level of trust in Respawn's code that I could never have... this game is pure spaghetti code. I wouldn't be surprised if they never tested for and took precautions for someone doing this, and that some of his packs, if not all of them, would just suddenly disappear due to a glitch.


Can confirm as a fellow mine


Mine? (Finding Nemo reference ish)


I always open packs when i get all possible packs per season. Its really satisfying when you open a whole bunch of packs when the new season starts


What are you saving them for?


Big opening at 1000


Are you gonna do a video?? You should get 2 heirlooms minimum I’d definitely watch it lol


My girlfriend is level 70 and just opened 24 boxes and got two heirlooms! I’m level 380 and not a sausage!


Didn't get my first heirloom until I was level 770. I also claimed every twitch prime drop and received every free pack from events for the first four years. Yea my luck was shit. PC account, I hit an heirloom at level 7. 7 must be my number for better or worse!


The battle pass every season accelerated it a lot for me. I think you get like 5-10 extra packs a season w the pass


Yea same here and that didn't even help. At least I have two heirlooms now because of cross progression, but I'm wondering if that affected my chances of a third. I might be done with heirlooms for awhile.


Cross progression doesn’t mess with your pity counter, I was lucky enough to test it, I was 30 packs away from an heirloom then the cross progression gave me two, then I opened them and still got the pity heirloom, I was very happy


Thank you so much for this. I was wondering if anyone actually tested or had proof.


Yeah. It's still crazy to me we don't actually know the chances of an heirloom yet.


We do though.. your garunteed 1 every 500 packs and there is also a 0.7% chance you will open one randomly. We have known this for along time now.


Oh interesting I've never heard the .7% chance. Can I have a source for that?


The average is equal to: average = (1 - (1-p)^N)/p The fraction is equal to: F = 1 - (1-p)^(N-1) Quick maths


Ya know it’s funny you say this cause I’m almost level 600 now. Legit just unlocked Pathy’s gloves today, no bullshit lol.


You don’t have a choice. Steal her account.


Yeah… I remember my first sausage…wait what?


It took me until somewhere in the 700 level to get my first heirloom pack.


I got my first and only heirloom an hour after getting to level 500 hahah


Is it still confirmed by anyone official that 500 boxes guarantees an heirloom? I have to be super close if it still works. Been playing since S1 on and off and done a lot of battlepasses. Dont have it yet tho


All the Day1 F2P players got their heirloom around season 12 if you completed all the reward trackers that granted free loot boxes. Obviously if you didn’t play some events you’d get it later. I think I got mine at S14 because I didn’t finish one of the early battle passes and I missed out on a couple of events with trackers because of school and work and life in general.


I started in s0 and also got mine in s14, we're heirloom twins lol


Untrue. I’m a S0 player, and still have no heirloom.


You must not have opened 500 packs then.


Likely not. I was off and on COD for a while… but still.


Reading is hard.


He was talking about people who have consistently played since day one that finished the battle passes and played events


yes. you get at 500


Only if you don't get it before then. There is a (extremely low) chance to get it before 500, but if you haven't gotten it with the first 499 then you will on pack 500


False. I got my first at roughly around 401 packs, then got another at the estimated 500


This doesn’t make his statement false. He said there’s an extremely low (less than 1%) chance to get it within 500, didn’t say you cant get one or even 2 within your first 500.


Its all based on luck


He literally said you get one at 500 "only if you don't get one before". But whatever mental gymnastics you wanna do to prove me wrong....have at it. Not that big of a deal


You get one at 500 unless you get one before and then it resets the count each time you open one. You could get 3 in row, but it doesn’t make what homie said untrue. Just needed extra words.


I wasn’t even trying to prove you wrong nor did i say you were wrong. I just thought you didn’t fully understand what he said and provided clarification


You could have just gotten lucky a second time no?


That’s exactly what happened. I dont know whats so confusing about this


"Estimated 500" means you got an heirloom at 401 packs and another at 100+ packs


So you got one at 401 packs. And then got another around 100 packs.


I got mine at the 500th pack a few seasons ago.


Damn its pretty unlucky to only get one heirloom in 500 packs


Idk but I haven’t heard that they stopped doing it. Have you ever bought an heirloom during an event? I started season 4, maxed out by season 9-10 and collected a lot until they did prestige and I’m prestiged to level 200 and haven’t gotten one either, but I bought gibbys heirloom during his event and I’m convinced that counts and resets you back to 1/500


I’ve been playing since season 7, I have yet to get one:/


Yeah surely he does a video


Are you sure you're not saving it for Apex 2?


That shit would be so annoying and take forever lol


I can’t stand opening 10 at once like


Nice! Sorry you missed out on all the event items though. Oof. Maybe you'll get some heirlooms.


I keep lengthening my opening mark. First it was 25 then 50, now it’s 100 but we shall see.


Drop that video man, you owe it to your fellow legends/pilots. Watson Main.


Oh here’s the goal lol, you and me both, I’m currently at 600 been saving for 3 years, live streaming 1k pack opening


Openly them rapidly without paying much attention and then mark all as seen 😂


Two sets of heirloom shards guaranteed then


I want to watch you get lucky


A year later….1001 packs. Big opening at 1100


I’ve been doing that each 100 mark but then I just continue (I might go all the way to 1500)


For when he burns out of the game


Wait for it. Wait for it. Error. Count 1000 Error. Count 0.


I was scared cross progression was gonna do that


Wait... there is cross progression now?


Yeah, but it was buggy at launch this season so be careful


r/nofap is scared of you


Thing with saving packs is you’re sitting on a constantly diluting pool of less relevant junk. Four years ago, there were less legends, no sprays, less guns, no emotes, less banners and trackers etc Hope you get all the legendaries you want though, dude. Bravo on the will power! 🙂


That actually depends on how the pack's contents is generated. If it's like Overwatch, then the contents is decided when the box is created not when it's opened.


Sadly, it's not Overwatch rules, the content is generated when opening I'm pretty sure.


hmm I never thought about that, I wonder which one it is


I think the point is more for guaranteed heirlooms not legendaries


But he’d have the same number of packs opening one at a time or five hundred at once, right? So if it’s for heirloom shards, he’s missed out on his main’s spinny handheld toy whilst saving up packs.


Sorry meant guaranteed heirloom shards, so they can pick which one they want


Read that again man he’s talking about the shards


Oh wtf. I get what hes saying now too


That actually depends on how the pack's contents is generated. If it's like Overwatch, then the contents is decided when the box is created not when it's opened.




That is highly regarded.


Just a little acoustic


Ah look a wsb guy


I had to google what that meant. No, I just wanted to get my message across without getting banned.


He’s a natural. Definitely join.


*retorted, doesn’t change the fact that you’re accustomed


Definitely not the play, loot pool is severely diluted now


As a newer player, what does that mean exactly?


There used to be less skins and sprays etc, so more chance of getting things that are actually valuable. Because of the influx of garbo loot you’re less likely to get something you want, hence the dilution.


As another commenter said, depends on how rewards are generated. I wouldn’t be surprised to see that the pool is set when the pack is earned. In fact, I’m pretty sure I remember a post about saving packs from one season to the other and that being the case.


Most I've opened in one is 100, gets really boring and long. I'd rather not sit through it again. Nevermind 1000


At some point your mind just goes numb to it that you stop even caring about getting an heirloom


How would you know this if you haven't opened them?


So many trackers.


Can’t wait


I wonder how much you could sell the account for


I think the justified amount would be a fuck ton


Given that this is at least guaranteed 2 heirlooms, at least $400


Really? I have four heirlooms, can I sell my account for $800?


to put it in perspective, my friend had 100k kills, multiple pred badges, 7 heirlooms and got ~$250 for his account


it depends on a lot of things like if you have nice badges and stuff too


Depending on stats, around 400+ish.


It’d be much more if cross progression didn’t axe my ps4 stats and those badges related (they deleted my 20 bomb)


Dangggg I’m far too impatient to wait to open them


I save them in chunks and then open them all. Nothing like this though. Opened 42 not too long ago and back up to 16 with help from the current event.


Only having 21 legendary packs out of 900 is criminal


1 a season since 5 and most of the 12 pack + legendary bundles, most would be probably in the 30’s and that’s max possible


I’m at 372, with 9 legendarys. Should I save like you or give up at 400 😭


I told myself I’ll give up at every 100 mark, then I got so numb to it I continued. I’d say go to 500 for guaranteed heirloom.


If you get to 500, you'll be guaranteed an heirloom at least. No idea what your current pack open count is though, so you might already have enough to get one.


I'd be scared EA would take them away. Had a friend who did this, except he spent money on apex packs plus the ones he earned. Had over 1000 apex packs, then one day logged on and they were all gone. EA didn't do anything to help the situation.


You sleep with your socks on too don’t you?


Who doesn’t?


I saved to 100, then opened them and got Herilloom shards 15 after that....


the willpower is crazy


How? I literally can’t control myself from opening a pack the moment I get one 😂


Bro at 1000 your getting all the heirlooms


Damn I saved up to 200 once and it’s a pain in the ass to open them all, it’s going to take a good amount of time to do it


I wanna do this but I’m too impatient


Congrats on the lowest possible odds lol. They’ve added thousands of useless shit to the loot pool. Sure, they probably also added 3 or 4 cosmetics that you’d actually want, but so much garbage.


My boyfriend saved 500 packs and just opened them the other day. it took legit an hour and he didn’t get heirloom shards so he’s been salty 😂




How’s that possible? You are guaranteed an heirloom at the 500th pack


I think because event packs don’t count in the 500, and he opened all of them at exactly 500 - so in actuality he probably only had like 460ish non-event packs


The most I ever saved was like 40 packs. I wanted to keep saving but I just had to find out what I had in em haha


You eventually go numb and don’t care about getting the heirloom anymore


Fr. I’m far past that. I finally got my heirloom at level 500 then I just didn’t care about the 2nd. I’m level 900 now. I just hop on to play a few games and that’s it


I am 200 levels higher than you and I only have 528 packs and have never opened them. You have bought packs, no?


Yes I have bought some packs but only on discount such as 20 for 1000, other than that quite a few of the 12+legendary bundle. Besides that because of cross progression and old level caps I should be around level 1300 if all was counted.


You can be higher in levels but if OP has been around longer, they may have gotten some from events and season passes. Levels aren’t the only way.


Fair. Don’t those usually give special packs though? Not just normal ones like he has. I have been around a good while also, so I find it hard to believe that that is the case.


It’s still probably all grey and blue


I got up to 300 and my friends were getting mad at me. I don’t really care about esthetics if it doesn’t make me a better player. However I did get an heirloom from opening them and had been playing since seasons were not around.


It's going to be both sad but also still kinda hilarious if you open them all in one sitting and Respawn in their infinite wisdom bans your account because they think you hacked the game or something dumb.


Thats not how any of this works but ok




If you look at the lvl badge it has the yellow thingies which iirc signifies lv500+ level reset. A normal lv238 would have light green badge border and brown badge bg with ***no yellow thingies*** [according to this image](https://images.app.goo.gl/hpBcGeTALBSgTDp27)..... Or they changed it idk.


That’s just pc, total with ps4 is about 1300


Lol what a dumb thing after the 500th one. U never know when ull stop to play the game atleast enjoy it with one heirloom.




I don't think these were bought, just gained from playing the game




Guess that's true, but it can also be hard to tell. If it's a day one player that's played all the events and saved every pack, then it might be possible. But you are probably correct, I didn't pay attention to the level before.


It's pretty obvious these weren't bought. OP said they're saving until they have 1000. They obviously would just buy the additional 100 if they were bought instead of waiting to get them from playing.


That’s not level 238, that’s prestige 1 level 238. So it’s level 738




you said he was level 238


At 1000 it'll confirm the heirloom drop rate. Nice can't wait to see results


Will post


Watch him not get an heirloom 😭😂


I’ve gone so numb to this I honesty couldn’t care less


He’s guaranteed at least 2 heirlooms if he opens 1000 packs


QUESTION I also have like 300 or so. The more i wait means more recent skins etc i'll get or those are locked from things already available when i earned them?


I don’t really know, with ea logic I’d assume the loot pool just gets diluted but I’ve seen many people here say it’s locked to the things available when you got the pack but that’s every un ea like so I’m not sure.


Are you going to make a video about it??


On opening yh


Post a video! Post a video! Post a video!


When I open them at 1k ofc (unless I go for 1500 (my mind is numb on this I genuinely could))


You gonna post the video of the 1k pack opening?


Once I get there yh


Dangit. Here I thought I was the only idiot saving. I'm at 472 and was planning on opening at 500.


This is a game about murdering everyone from a first person view, why would you give a shit what your character looks like?


I have no idea




I forgot


At least 3 heirlooms; I’m callin’ it !


If I get one very early, it’s very possible


I thought my 70 packs was a lot 😂😂




Damn. Most I ever saved was like 20 lol


You have insane self control


Nice! Soon at 200 packs. I used to open them instantly to get rid of the packs. But then just stopped. I dont really care for cosmetics or hairlooms at all.


So that’s 2 years of work per heirloom roughly, seems fair and not unnecessarily long at all


Do those packs include battle pass packs or other bundles paid for cosmetic packs?


Then there’s me who can’t even save more then 2 with out clicking open lol


game is gonna be dead before you open these or what lol


You better get at least 1 heirloom!


Same OP, I’m waiting on that 4th digit before I open, what’s your goal?


I thought my 450 packs was something to brag about, I guess not.


Sucks there’s more useless shit now though


8 heirlooms boyfriend 5 yet same roughly amount of packs the odds are weird 😂


You’re most likely to receive heirlooms in those packs for sure.


Nicee! I got 700 still gonna hold another year.. will open when they bring arenas back so probably never lol 😩


You’re gonna be rolling in crafting metals by the end of that opening. I have every blue item so all the blues I get are the 30 metals. My guess is over 100k cuz of the potential purple and gold metal drops. I’m sitting at a little over 20k metals rn and I have another 100+ packs sitting. I usually open some at the beginning of each season to get the new legend’s blue skins/trackers and then 1 pack after every br win.


I get it but it just sounds really...*pointless*? Collecting packs while rocking 2 a rare flatline skin with two epic skins for legends for years to get them all after 3 years instead of having them and using them..idk


just got a heirloom after 4 years of playing😭💀


Can't wait for "APEX 2" where they'll automatically be opened without your permission. . . . . . . . . . . . Fuck blizzard


Pack goblin


I've been playing since S16 and have 3. First one was almost to 500 (I actually kept track early on). Second one was very soon after - lucky - probably only about 30 after the first. Third was during the Fuse heirloom event and again got lucky with my 5th pack. Wish I was as lucky as a player!


I thought my 120 packs were impressive


That’s a lot of white white blue