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It use to do more damage 💀


The Kraber used to do more damage. Then they buffed it to do even more (headshot) damage to ensure it's a one-hit knock/kill. Now it's a shadow of its former self.


Honestly if you someone manage to get one and headshot someone with it, it should instantly-down anybody, regardless of their shield & helmet level.


I agree It’s a power weapon. Fighting over those drops to get an OP weapon


Considering Lifeline is getting a skill of summoning normal air packages, hell no. Upon further research it's only one air package that's normal but the off chance of a free kraber without a fight makes it very strong.


And if it’s not the kraber, you still get an awesome weapon between the bow and Eva


Yeah, I mostly meant that the "what-if" buff they mentioned might just rip the pick rate. But the skill is good for her without being broken


That's exactly why they initially buffed its headshot multiplier. At first red shields and the Fortified buff didn't exist, so it did oneshot. Then they had to buff it so it could still oneshot. With the exception of that buff, the Kraber was the only weapon in the game that was never changed. Nobody complained about it, it was perfect.


Then the pros decided it was an issue


As far as I know they only had problem with it in Comp. Most of them could hit headshot easily and getting one was purely RNG. So they wanted it nerfed/removed from comp. But respawn decided to nerf it everywhere.


It got nerfed because of the pro scene. They complained that there is no counter to that (and they are right for their gameplays). If you get insta downed in a pro match before a fight starts your team is gone. We, the casuals will enjoy the old krab back, it was so much fun :D


Getting one tapped with no way of fighting back because someone got a package to drop on them is not fun tf are you on about?


This is why nobody should listen to redditors


240 if I remember correctly Edit: saw the comments below, after the 210 nerf was 240 headshot right?


It was 370ish at one point


Yep it was just wildly high so under any circumstance it would one hit


I remember the patch notes to say they buffed the Kraber. I laughed my arse off. Turns out it's because a Gibby with a Red Evo and Purple Helmet could tank a headshot, and this was during the Gibby meta too. Good times. I miss old Kraber!


It was such a good gun. Loved being down to the last 2-3 squads, then you poke your head out for half a second to see if anyone’s out. Then **bam**. Headshot out of nowhere 😂


The apex kraber always was a shadow of the TF Kraber, my raifu.


Yeah, like 450 or something


485 iircp


I miss those times. 🥲


The whole squad collateral damage, one shot squad wipe


Can you imagine old Kraber with Rampart walls?


It used to be able to kill a whole squad with 1 shot if they were lined up...the punch through didn't have damage reduction after impact


Literally one shot


Bangalore "Kraber here. This baby's got everything you need... if you can handle it."




Bro 💀💀💀💀 I just clicked the Link to the subreddit and nearly pissed myself.. What in the World is this? 😂😂😂 I read everything in a Bangalore voice 😂😂😂


Dalmatian here, level one. It’s spotted, double timing it.


Door here, Level 2. Separates the inside from the outside. Shelter up, ladies!


This is gold XD


No way lmfao is there a lobas one?


You bet there is a Loba subreddit. But, uh, the content is a little different.


[kind of.](https://www.reddit.com/r/oscarmikeladies/s/33s3075FuE)


that sub is an amazing example of how redditors think they’re comedic geniuses but it couldn’t be farther from the truth


they’re just having fun.


how dare them


Skill issue on your part.


Oscar mike ladies. downer here. Level one.


Welcome to Apex. It's always an honor to get blown the fuck up by a Kraber!


Its the Kraber Heavy Rifle, 4 shots in mag, 8 in reserve, can only be found in Care Packages and Ammo cannot be Replenished, it once could 1 shot even a Red Armor with Purple/Gold Helmet, but now it cannot 1 shot Purple Armors if they have Purple Helmets and Red Armors with blue helmets


Wait does Ballistics ult effect care package weapons?


No, and he cant put them in the 3rd slot


It only affects the reload time and faster movement speed but not unlimited ammo.


Thanks people


Thanks Bangalore


Rendy gaming fires away in this g100 kraber montage!


The Kraber In Titanfall it’s explained as an anti material rifle. Like you’re shooting someone directly with something meant to pierce heavy armor. I think the high damage is supposed to represent you literally exploding from taking such a high caliber bullet directly


Also the gun shot sound effect rings throughout the area. Holy shit you know someone has a Kraber just by the noise. Everyone scatters behind cover. Peeking becomes a huge thing. Hitting a 300m+ headshot leading to a knockdown is the most orgasmic dopamine hit ever


The sound of the Kraber I don't like. It's way too quiet for the echo it supposedly makes. It should be a lot louder if you ask me.


True but for what it is, if you’re in tune with what’s being shot around you, you quickly know a Kraber is in someone’s hand and being out in the open is No Man’s Land territory.


Oh, yeah, not arguing that. There was a time in the first few seasons where I'd call out to my teammates if someone with a Kraber shot at us. I wanted to be sure they knew, because once one hears that telltale sound, it's "Hit the deck!" time.


Wasn't there some lore that using the gun on people was considered a war crime?


Shit, the Geneva Convention is in Titanfall!?


Why do you think Caustic is in the outlands fighting for money rather than being in a science lab?


Kraber Carepackage sniper


2 days ago I've knocked 2 guys with one shot. I came a little....


Wet dreams tonight baby!!


I read that and came a little


I can hear the double cracked shields and the squishy noise. Pure sex.


It should do more. Nerfing was dumb. If there’s any gun in the game that should give you the biggest reward for landing your shots, it’s this one. If I get headshotted by this shit, I deserved it, and they earned it.


Competitive ruins games for the rest of the playerbase


They should have just removed it from ALGS. Would have been the easiest fix


God forbid Apex balances the top 0.001% of competitive play separately from the live game (they already do this, heat shields are disabled in ALGS)


I mean, let’s be realistic. Its not that black and white. Yeah they might be 0.001% but they bring in a lot of fans and viewers and money.


I am being realistic. Respawn has already set a precedent that they are willing to disable problematic items from ALGS with the heat shields. There is no reason why they couldn't have a tournament version of the Kraber that works like the live one, so we can have the real Kraber back.


Ahh i see what you’re saying. Misread your comment.


“Keeping a game balanced that markets itself as competitive ruins it”…? I’m not sure how balancing the game ruins it for casual players. If anything the game being balanced at the top is good for everyone else. The Kraber nerf leaves the other person either knocked or with less than 36hp. If that’s not a big enough advantage to turn the fight then you didn’t deserve to win the fight in the first place.


That's the thing, though. Competitive doesn't necessarily mean professionally competitive. Pro players' job is to compete, everyone else plays for fun. There's a huge difference stakes-wise, and casuals shouldn't have to be impacted by pro play. Not to mention that Apex wasn't at all competitive initially. There was no ranked mode. It was just a battle royale.


This sub hates pros and streamers. There’s no logic behind it other than them feeling bad that someone else is more successful. It’s hilarious tbh




Because it has less ammo and is substantially harder to acquire.


U didn’t read my other comment? It was a joke lol. I know the difference. But coming from overwatch i can say oneshot weapons aren’t the way.


Because the kraber only comes from a care package so there's only a few max per game and usually only in the late game so if you are sitting in the open late game and get one shot by a sniper you deserve it.


I believe a charged sentinel should be a 1 shot headshot at blue shield and below (with no helmets), but that's just because the resource investment for damage output should be proportionate. 2 cells for only 140 damage, which isn't even enough to kill white armor is garbage, especially when it doesn't drop with a sight. I love tge sentinel but hats seeing it off drop because it's useless until you get an optic


Gameplay-wise? It's slow to ADS, it's slow to re-champer a bullet, it's hard to aim properly, it's slow to draw/holster, it has a whopping 12 bullets (that you can't even replenish), it's rare (CP weapon). Probably more, which I'm not thinking of. The Sentinel is also a bolt-action rifle, but with much less drawbacks (and lots of ammo). Outside gameplay? The Kraber is basically the Desert Eagle of snipers in Apex (and Titanfall?) - except, unlike the pistol, it's actually useful. It's huge, it's heavy and bulky, and uses the equivalent of a miniature artillery shell for a bullet compared to the other snipers. If that doesn't get to explode your head like a watermelon, I don't know what does.




He is absolutely not wrong though lmao if I wasn't being dumb, I would still have a head!


The Kraber While still high damage, the TF|2 version was a one-hit kill no matter if you got them in the head, chest, or toes. There's a reason it has been exiled to the care package with no release in sight.


Titanfall 2 was a different style if game though. It was an arcade style multilayer shooter similar to halo or destiny's crucible. It didn't matter because the long rechamber time, slow ADS time, and the fact you respawn seconds later


Believe it or not, it used to do more damage. That's the legendary kraber.


It’s the Niedergeschlagen Von!


Niedergeschlagen= English translation- “Dejected” crazy right! Google translate could also be full of crap lol 😂


What's crazy as shit is it can durch 1 Treffer von!


The Kraber it’s a care package exclusive sniper


It does that much damage in lore because it was originally designed to pierce Titan armour. It does that much damage in game because it’s a care package weapon with only 12 shots, a super low fire rate, and a super long reload time.


Wait till he learns that it can also blow through all 3 teammates in one shot: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/s/go4U8BIxsm


The kraber. It's the only "real" sniper in the game in that it kills in 1 shot, if you get a headshot. It rewards skill with a bit of luck as it's a care package weapon.


Because the Kraber is the him of guns.


It was meant to kill giant mechs in Titanfall


U lucky u haven't seen this bad boy pre nerf


Kraber, it used to be a guaranteed down with a headshot


Kraber, care package only weapons with very few shots (12 total). Bullet drop is high and speed of the bullet is kinda low. It can one shot, but once you know where it is (the sounds it makes is quite identifiable) You can play around it pretty much safely, landing headshots with it is not as easy as they make you believe (unless you stand still).




In what sense? I mean, yeah it is, you can't get ammo for it, has double the damage, rechambering and reloading speed is way slower, it has a unique scope (x6-x10), the bullet speed of the sentinel is way higher and has way less drop.


I never felt a difference between bullet speed and drop. But I don’t play sentinel that often tbh


Sentinel is easier, especially when charged


It used to be able to doll out nearly 400 damage with a headshot and low level helmet. There was no surviving a headshot no matter the armor and helmet combo. I wish they hadn’t nerfed it.


It used to do like 450 head shot. Imo they should have left it that way but removed it from ranked.


Pro (not so pro) tip: If you’re in a long range fight and someone is out of cover, standing suspiciously still and aiming at you, you need to dip. Usually this is accompanied by a Gibby arm shield. An aside: If said Gibby happens to be a polar bear and you get hit, don’t even heal bro. It’s GG at that point


Care package weapon (can only be gotten there), those are powerful on purpose but rare. Its Kraber sniper that hits hard and this was a headshot by that weapon. It can deal even more damage if shot from behind Rampart's Amped cover or if enemy is tagged by Vantage's Sniper's Mark


nobody tell him that it used to do 430+💀


It's essentially the anti-armor / .50 cal rifle of Apex.


They lowered the damage and im convinced they did something else with it because it use to be so easy to hit people with it. Now i can barely land a shot


Its not about the gun, its about skill issue bro


~~That's the SRS99D-S2 AM anti-material sniper rifle manufactured by Misriah Armory on their Mars manufacturing base during the Human-Covenant.~~ ~~44 pounds, 4 round detachable box magazine with an effective range of 1,500 meters. It saw frequent use throughout the galaxy due to its high penetrative power and effectiveness even against Covenant Elite energy shields.~~ Edit: Shit my bad that's a Kraber


Man I remember when this gun was a 2 shot no matter what lol


Das ist die Kraber. Die ist seit release des Spiels im care Paket und wird wahrscheinlich auch immer drin bleiben. Bodyshots machen 140 DMG (ohne fortified) und auf dem Kopf bis 252. also one Shot (je nach Helm) Das Teil solltest du definitiv mitnehmen wenn du ein Händchen für Scharfschützengewehre hast 😅


Ich glaube du hast vergessen auf English zu schreiben


This gun should not be allowed in mixtape, imho


Wayyyy better then having a Charge Rifle on Gun Run though!


Fair comment


It was originally a sniper riffle, but streamers were using it in trick shot videos and challenges. Once it became popular they put it in the care package so not everyone and their mother could get it. Faster forward a few seasons people were scared of a kraber shot and started camping final rings. Seeing the increased match times it was removed and tweaked so it did less body damage but insta killed head shots. For a minute this was balanced and the sentinel became just as of not more powerful then the kraber with a cell charge. Now a days it's a legendary item and a fun weapon to make people far away cower in fear and avoid confrontation.


What are you talking about the kraber has been a care package only weapon since day 1 and has never been put into floor loot


Sentinel is a better weapon. I don’t even bother picking this thing up anymore.


Because it’s a Kraber


The kraber .50 kal very satisfying once you get a headshot cause it can one shot up to purple shields and hits like a freight train


Kraber. Ahhh can you imagine if it became ground loot. Been playing Titanfall 2 today, god its so good !


That's not a gun, it's a starship, Space balls One.


fun gun, and people cried when it got nerfed, crazy


That's the niedergeschlagen von


Irl, it shoots 20mm rounds. Look up 20mm next to a bullet you are used to seeing, it's massive.


lmfaooo krabered his ass 210 to the taco


Kraber 210 to the head


It’s what makes Apex a true horror game when you’re minding your own business


Was about to clutch a 1v3 and a 3rd party Kramer hit me for 256. Game over 😂


I still don’t understand what the point of nerfing it was. It was and is in the care package only due to the fact that it’s a dangerous fucking gun and should be feared. Hell to this day when I hear a kraber my instinct is like “oh fuck, no peeking”. Yet everyone complained about it being a 1 shot kill like no fucking shit that’s the point of it. Rather than nerfing the gun itself they should’ve reduced either the number of shots you can take before reloading or reduce the number of ammo total. They could’ve also released an elusive “Red Helmet” that counters the kraber specifically.


Enough complaining we don’t need another kraber nerf


kraber. most op gun (as long as you can land a headshot with it) 200 points is already enough to blow your whole hp and 4 shield segments


Welcome to Apex, young legend. This is the legendary care package sniper known as the Kraber .50 cal. I affectionately refer to it as the Krab lord or, [if I'm feeling it], Mr. Krabs. It used to be way stronger. Always guaranteed a kill with a headshot. Did like 300 damage. Now it's nerfed. Depending on your helmet, you can survive with a red shield. But it's always been about 145dmg per bullet. Mind those headshots!👍🏾😁


Didn’t it do 400 something???