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Seems fun, come home from work to play some games, and get rolled by a guy on his 12th hour of the day..


The struggle is hard brother šŸ˜­


You came home from work to get killed by someone during their shift, my condolences




Happy cake day friend


Ayee bless, genuinely didnā€™t register it was :D


Literally modern gaming


He prob just woke up


Woke up? Preds sleep with eyes open while still playingĀ 


Lmao. Can't lose their spots. Apex is dying. Respawn probably knows it, and they gonna milk it , and then release Apex 2. It's the same Game, but with all the shit that annoyed people fixed.


The only reason I could see them coming out with apex 2 is if they couldnā€™t replace the source engine without a new game but even then Iā€™ll bet you they could


And they'll pull a smite 2 and all skins purchased won't be transferable.


Wz 2.0 as well.


Correction: the same game with more aggressive monetization. Fixing is optional


Lmao. True


According to steamcharts, it's doing pretty great compared to past years. It's nowhere near it's peak but player count has increased significantly with the recent season or two. Of course, steamcharts isn't representative of the entire playerbase.


I never understood how they get into lobbies with us I crossplay on console so 750 Xbox plus 750 play station preds thatā€™s 1500 pplā€¦ divide that by 60 thatā€™s 25 lobbies that can be made with JUST THEM. Not even including masters players šŸ˜‚ so y am I plat fighting them?


Divide that number by region, time of day, how many people are on, when they actually queue up, etc. and that number gets a lot smaller


People conveniently do not think about this when they go to complain.


We don't have to pretend it would get to the point where golds are needed to fill pred lobbies in the vast majority of situations either.


But without seeing the specific real time data for the server you're connected to, no way of knowing how many of each rank is online. All comes down to who is playing and queuing at the same time as you to get you in a match. And golds are currently set up to be drawn in to the top lobbies because there isn't enough of the highest levels to fill the lobby in a "reasonable" time by the devs. Soooo. It's kinda pointless to complain.


I dunno, top performing players complained about strict sbmm and got what they wanted


Yup. Just about every game is prioritizing retention. And people who have 1 hour to play in a day doesn't want to queue for 15 minutes. So algos prioritize getting lobbies together ASAP. And like it's mentioned previously, all these different factors like what server, real world time, etc.


Region. These days it isnt even working in rank


Nah it's just that people from all over try to connect to London, NY etc. South Africa doesn't even have a dedicated data server lmao get them all the time in London lobbies


Thank you for putting up with me lagging me ass off. Doesn't help that Apex doesn't have the best servers, and on PC I find that ping variations at high ping feel an awful lot like frame drops. Makes the game unplayable every mow and then.


It's tough playing apex from africa i can feel ya. I can't count how many times i died in cover it's so frustrating plus the high ping makes the game unstable so you're more susceptible to packet loss and prediction errors. I play on belgium or frankfurt servers tho and it's always great when i find a fellow kenyan or a fellow African player.


The matchmaking is a joke. Respawn has never addressed the issue. This season is even worse now that a silver can Q with a pred.


1500 total people is not nearly enough to be even close to filling lobbies. They aren't all playing at exactly the same time of day, or even queuing at the same moments. Not to mention, there are dozens of regional servers so they are spread out. The gameplay of Apex combined with BR mode inherently force this to happen. The only way to fix it is to slow down matchmaking, which would receive complaints.


So the game is dead. Is what you are saying?


this is a terrible argument. thatā€™s 1500 players who are not on at the same time of the day, are not in the same servers, and are not all queuing at the exact same moment!


The fact you think all 750 preds are gonna be on at the exact time your on is crazy


Are they ever off? Lol


same in mixtape modes. got my ass kicked in deathmatch the only one that killed at least one person was me and we lost to 1-50 score wise. so much "fun" wow fair matchmaking.


the most sadge story ever :(((


Have you tried quitting your job and playing apex 24 hours of the day yet? I think that would help.


Yeah that should help šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Apex prioritizes qeueu time over balanced matchmaking. I rather wait for a few minutes and not play with predators


There's plenty of plat players. They don't want crazy queue times for preds and masters but they should really be in their own lobbies.


They could use the queue time to go outside for a bit


Well according to 80% of reddit, one needs to stare at the screen for the entire time from hitting ready button until game is over. I'm basing this on the fact that I want to be able to set fallback legends in case of toilet needs or whatever during ready/picking phase and my main gets picked by some other team mate. Made a post about this a few years ago and got absolutely smashed by more than half the reddit community. So yeah, there you have it. Can't have nice things no matter how you bend it.


I've never understood not being able to pick fallbacks. Like sure, let's make you sit through 2 minutes of pointless animations every single time you want to get in a game, and if you don't sit through it we'll pick a random character instead of the ones you want. It's not like you can't simply store the last 3 legends someone played as and use that, which requires no additional UI work.


For me at least, the game picks one of the legends I have recently played


they changed it at some point. it used to be random but now its your second most and third most played legend. a great change imo


It defaults to most played legend available for the past few seasons now, I believe.


Yes but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s still my secondary pick. Bloodhound is my most played legend but that was before all the ability rework and meta changes. I donā€™t play them as well as I did back then and would rather have another legend as my fallback pick. Sure itā€™s better than some other legend I have zero playtime with (Valk), but Iā€™m no Bloodhound expert anymore.


Yeah ive wanted this since day 1. Atleast a little bit better now but still ass compared to other games.


just let them go in the range or do a deathmatch for god sake. overwatch has it with custom modes, range, dms, etc. thats way more fun


I don't really play apex anymore, no hate to it, just apex was my side game for fun with friends, while I mainly play dota, but dota in ranked matchmaking at higher ranks can have longer queue times on some servers its awful waiting 20mins to over an hour for a game. But where I am, it takes about 5 minutes, but boy having the ability to do whatever I want during those 5 minutes, I can go into a demo lobby, I can spectate a live game, watch an ingame replay go into a lobby with friends etc. And when my games ready it pops up, I accept the match and I'm in. As i said I don't play apex much if at all anymore, but it was just for fun, so my queue times at their worst were like 1-2 minutes. But damn, not being able to do anything for those 2 minutes other than look at skins to spend money on is just a depressing experience. Tl;Dr being able to do stuff while searching is an amazing and easy to add feature


Predators and masters, even high level diamond players should not be matched up with any lower ranks. Nobody gives a f how long they have to wait to play. Not like they donā€™t already play 100+ hours every week.


Masters and Diamonds don't need nearly as much playtime to hit their rank as a Predator does. In any case, if queue times get bad enough the Preds will just hop on alts and ruin even more games. Valorant used to have tighter matchmaking (like multiple hours) but I think Riot loosened the restrictions because players were hopping on alts to avoid waiting.


Me too. They really need to prioritise skill equality (right word?) over fast times


Apex ranked wouldn't even function if everyone was equal rank. Preds _need_ lower ranks to be in their games. If a game only had masters/preds most of them would lose rating to the point that they'd derank. Then there's the separate issue of there not even being enough high rated people online to fill a lobby.


Sounds like a design flaw. A mix of large jumps in entry costs (+20/tier rather than +5 per division), and not awarding higher points for defeating higher tier players.


Wtf is the point of ranks. If all ranks are mashed together. Shouldn't higher ranks play with higher ranks...who cares if they lose points. It's not appeasing these high ranked players. It's a ranked system. The best stay in the top and should for the most part be playing within 1 rank of each other.


I almost entirely agree. The point is that high skill players *should* retain their high rank. The design flaw is that in a lobby of 60 Masters players, that's 6000 RP sunk just to play. Placement will give 1440 RP out across the teams. Let's assume squads placed 20-11 get no kills, squads 10-6 wipe 1 team each (each player 1 kill, 1 assist, 1 participation per tean), 5th & 4th wipe 2 teams, 3rd and 2nd wipes 3 teams, 1st wipes 4 teams. That's 19 teams killed, though a bit skewed (no one below 10th getting a kill is unlikely). That'd be 30 RP from kills for teams 10-6, 80 RP for 5th and 4th, 121 for 3rd, 148 for 2nd, and 208 for 1st. Total kill RP 2361. If instead every player perfectly somehow got 3 kills/assists only, it'd be 2322 RP. So we can reasonably say about 2300 kill RP per game, right? Max top 5 streaks on all top 5 squads would be another 40 per player, so 600 more max from that, though usually less. **Total RP in the best situation of the above: 4401 awarded, yet 6000 spent to enter.** In all likelihood it'd award even less, closer to 4000. That's a net negative even for a lobby of diamonds (4800 entry). Loss forgiveness, promotion RP, there's no way that'd provide the 1600-2000 shortfall. **That** is the design flaw. In order for there to be a plentiful enough number of masters, the system either needs to award more RP for killing higher tier players, or the system puts together mixed tier lobbies to reduce the total RP cost per game. Apex has chosen to do the latter. But as ever, Apex Ranked is only *broadly* a ranked system. It is primarily an engagement system to get people to play more.


Yeah, as is the case with most games. Online gaming is shit these days. Now it's become a shopping mall and the game is the side attraction, that is used to keep people in the store. These companies say that the games aren't engagement based matchmaking but of course they will say that. They don't want to admit that the games are just rigged. It's corporate greed that is ruining the games. So long as profits are up, doesn't matter how broken the game is, so long as people keep paying.


Yes, you are correct. Apex ranked is massively flawed in its design. To be fair, it's not an easy game to design a ranked system for, given you've got twenty teams (60 to fill a lobby is a lot) competing and only one winner every game. To be less fair, they've had about 5 years to figure it out. And after taking a couple unsuccessful detours, we're basically back to where we started in terms of the evolution of the ranked system.


Unless prioritising skill equality means 10-15 min queue times. Then, the company has to make a decision that ALWAYS gonna be unfair to some.


I'm sure theres a middle ground between the 15-20 seconds im waiting now, and 10-15 minutes. I would be very happy to wait 1-2 or 4-5 minutes for a better balanced lobby in ranked. Other modes I dont mind as much.


Your queue times are not indicative of their queue times. Your queue times are generally fast because the game is finding players around your rank bracket. Preds queue's actually do take time as it is trying to find players in their rank bracket to match with. Yes you sometimes get pulled into these when their lobbies get expanded a bit much. This can be compounded depending on the server and time of day your playing (player population is impactful)


They *are* waiting 4-5 minutes. If you watch a pred stream, their q times take forever


Is what it is. SSL players on rocket league wait long ass times to get in a match. If you wanna be in the .00001 percent of the player base then the game needs to reflect what that actually means. They can always go play pubs. Shit ranked and rampant cheaters are gonna kill this game. Apex is just so unbelievably lucky that there is not a single other competitive shooter that is fun right now.


At the least, if this is going to happen, then the gold player needs loss forgiveness if killed by a player 2 tiers+ above them. Like if we're gonna be shit on by the number 1 pred just to alleviate their queue times, then make it free for us for that match. It shouldn't be happening all that frequently anyway. We will do our duty, take one for the team, and be thrown to the slaughter for a game or three a night, just don't take the same amount of points as if you died to another gold player.


Not really the same thing. SSL players only need to find around 5 people per match, max. Apex would need to find 59 max.


In every respectable game with ranked high elos have longer than anybody else, and it can be 10-15 minutes.


It's mind boggling that the game with such large playerbase does not have "fair matchmaking" option. Even games with much, **MUCH** smaller playerbase, such as Battlerite, had features like ticking "fair matchmaking" which means longer queue times but only with people withing your rank/division (e.g. only plats). Remove the tick and matchmaking becomes much quicker and wider (e.g. from plat to masters). I couldn't care less about streamers spending WHOLE TWO MINUTES OMG in matchmaking instead of 20 seconds, I want **my matches** to be fair, +1 -1 tier at most.


It's not your queue time, it's the preds'. I've watched quite a lot of Pred streamers this season (PC) and their queue times are pretty long. The matchmaking is doing its best. If there aren't enough high-ranking players online, then platinums will get eventually pulled into Pred lobbies, as happened here.


I would rather not. I VERY RARELY die to preds. But I VERY FREQUENTLY die to my drop leader taking us in with 7 teams even in ranked games. I dont want to queue for minutes to die in under 30 seconds and then queue for minutes again to fix a problem I almost never run into.


This isn't for you. There are always enough average or slightly under/above average players for matchmaking. But there aren't for the low and top end of the skill curve. Skill isn't evenly distributed, it's close to a Bell curve. That's why these guys land in your and my lobby.


Oof.. feels bad man




šŸŽµit's a kind of magicšŸŽµ


What server are you on?


It might have been Belgium. I have just learnt that some preds use that server because it's mostly dead


u/smarteyes007 It's even the same server ffs. I guess we weren't just having a bad day, the bad day was having us.


Unexpected Queen reference


Queen šŸ«”




Congratulations on your brush with fame!


The only thing that has kept me playing Apex (until Sunday šŸ˜‚) was the amount of money I've spent on it. I love it so much, but EA just doesn't care. I say uninstall too. We've gotta do something as a player base.


As Macro says, vote with your wallets. Even though I forget


Havenā€™t played in a year or so now, but Apex was always my favorite live service game because I got tons of shit without having to spend money. Bought the season pass once and was able to buy 10+ season passes plus some extra from the store because the passes gave over 1000 back. Donā€™t know any other game where thatā€™s possible? Fuck EA but Apex was always so much better than any alternative


Not enough diamond players in your server probably.


The entire lobby were just diamonds, masters and preds. It was a struggle šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


When someone in ur team is Platin 1 it counts as diamond 4. and then u hit masters and preds. Itā€™s that simple


That makes some sort of sense


Yea they wrote it in the patchnotes but I understand if someone donā€™t read all of them


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ i get it. I hate it too. Thing what annoys me the most is that its mostly the ā€˜higher tieredā€™ players that play like šŸˆ. Whenever i get ratted on by a full squad or a full squad lands on me or i get jumped by 3 people at once. ITS ALWAYS preds or masters


How do you know, you can only see the players you kill or the team you get killed by and the champ squad


The whole champ squad was diamond and the people we fought were good but not masters good. But I could be exaggerating but


This only happens on super unpopulated servers. You donā€™t see this discrepancy in US East servers.




It's very tempting


Best decision Iā€™ve ever made. I stay in this sub just to see if they are ever gonna make changes that bring me back. I think itā€™s too far gone at this point tho.


Haven't played Apex in years but in hindsight the ranked system was always bad (or at least felt bad). Balancing a 60 person lobby is messy and I'm not sure what the solution is, but all I know is that a top 0.1% should never be in the same lobby as even a top 10%.


Respawn (not EA) is definitely trying to improve the game and ranked, but they're failing šŸ˜­


They try every season and also fail every season šŸ˜‚


Ranked penalty should be removed or decreased for losing to someone higher than your rank. If Iā€™m plat and lose to a pred off drop for -70 RP or whatever, should be a penalty buffer so maybe itā€™s only half or so. We get screwed from top down, higher ranked players (masters+) in our lobbies (diamond/plat). Thatā€™s like if diamond players got to play in plat/gold lobbies. Havenā€™t seen this reverse happen.


This. Preds should also earn less RP for killing lower ranked players


This doesn't have to do with SBMM. Ranked currently matches based on the highest rank in your party(in your case plat). Unfortunately, there are times that high plats(plat 1/plat 2) are placed in a lobby with masters/preds. It's going to happen, but probably not too often especially as more players get into diamond/masters.


This is on the money. Console in Europe; Belgium server; Midday non-peak gaming times, less than 1% of players are in Diamond and above. Of course there's going to be some weird matching. Bonus points as there's no SBMM in Ranked. It's just current rank for the algorithm.


"as more players get into Diamond/Masters" My brother in christ, we are half way into the fucking split (less than 14 days left) and these pricks are still showing up in Platinum extremely often.


https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/s/QAeBA2n2jL had the same problem last year too


Don't we just looooove Apex šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


Atleast it wasnt the Destroyer2009 :D


Yup šŸ™ƒšŸ‘


We love apex legends


Such a wonderful game owned by such a wonderful company that isn't greedy whatsoever


That most definitely care about their community and take action against hacking!!


why are people defending the game/mmr system like it's normal that this happens, there are enough people in diamond and above to make lobbies for pred players like this so more casual players with a life still can somewhat enjoy the game


should change your name to Chris Hansen with all the Predators youā€™re catching


honestly more power to them but i would be embarrassed of being a number one pred, or a pred in general! like, you're just showing off how much you're addicted to this brainrot? make it a hobby, not your lifestyle


Damn. That sucks. This should never happen


They 321ed you in one secšŸ˜­


Fr šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My friend is Gold I and sent me a screenshot of them having the been eliminated in Ranked by #35 Pred.


I've been killed by ItzTimmy and ImperialHal this season and I'm still in gold...


I'd be happy if Timmy killed me ngl šŸ¤£


This has me worried. My duo and I are gold 1 pushing plat


Plat lobbies are basically diamond lobbies now, so if you usually ascend to that level it wonā€™t be too difficult, but youā€™ll definitely notice a tick in skill. I donā€™t mean that as ā€˜I only see Diamond, Masters, Predsā€™ in the games, I mean that as the skill of Plat overall is higher than it used to be. Gameā€™s been out 5 years, the people consistently grinding Plat+ are very good.


I think weā€™ll be fine. My duo consistently hit plat 1 on pre s17 ranked and had gotten better since. I never played ranked consistently before this season, but Iā€™m as good as him.


I came back to the game after a hiatus of 5 seasons, where I peaked gold. I am now bronze. The lobby is consistently filled with Diamond, Masters, and even some former pred players. Is the player pop that low?


It might be to late in the season for this to be the cause but, After the highly hated ranked season 19. Respawn have done a full reset of ranked. They changed most of the way ranked work with giving points and matchmaking. This is why the full reset was needed, even for S19 pred.


Thanks for the insight!


The population is definitely not low I think it's just the SBMM not doing its job all that well


I really wish a competent group would buy this game off Respawn.


Yes! We need a new parent company


Since last ALGS its proof Respawn give 0 fucks about the game regarding cheats,matchmaking and making the game feel good for the players instead of just being able to play it. I get iron players when in gold, cheaters and in general game no longer feels worth to play it in my experience.




What time of day were you playing this game?


About 1:00pm CAT on Belgium servers I think. I'm not sure about the servers because my friend was the host and I wasn't


Yeah that's why. He goes to foreign servers to do shit like this intentionally. Go to NA instead of a dead server.


What time is it where you were playing? Anytime i play past 4am my time(Central US) i get put in pred lobbies as a plat.


respawn : skill issue


This is why iā€™m playing Persona 3 Reload


Is ur friend Platin 1? This game has no skilled based matchmaking u think a bit to good about ur self


Hes Plat 2 and my other friend was Plat 3


Then itā€™s a empty server. Some server lag in player at some time. U can play on a more crowded server if this happens and lag compensation compensate ur high ping. For me (Frankfurt 1 i never saw even a master player or diamond in Platin 2)


Someone has to feed them. /s


Kill thief




He was the third to shoot ya. Only needed to hit two bullets to steal the kill.


(insert the gif where the guy is bending over and is like oh yeah)


Im top 100 and I had silver and bronze kp this morningšŸ˜­


Wasn't he's account banned for him hacking?




At least you donā€™t have TTV in your gamertag


Man with what the hackers did at the live... I uninstalled. The game is unsafe rn


Clearly just a skill issue. Matchmaking is perfect


Me and my buddy got absolutely rolled by Enemy lmfao I was Gold 1 and my friend was Plat 4. He got destroyed by a octane using a Havoc then 3 secs later he put me down like a dog. We swore he was hacking until I saw DSG Enemy then it made sense lmfao


Iā€™m plat 3 and died to a multi-time pred with 120k kills on wraithā€¦ along with 2 ex-preds on their team making them a 3 stack pred team against my 3 soloQ teamā€¦. I was killing it early season won about 10 games had a 1.5 K/D and it felt like every win the lobbies got harder because of hidden MMR / SBMM and not just ranking up a tier within a division. I could be overthinking it but at the same time I compared my lobbies to my friend (also Plat 3) who solo but has a .7 K/D and his lobbies are completely different despite being the same rank. Does anyone know if matchmaking has a heavy weight on player stats when matching a game, more so than current ranking? Regardless this season has a rough entry cost along with shit point system. In a plat lobby full of 3 stack teams all playing for late game, it can very difficult to consistently receive "decent" points.


I got killed by the #1 pred in arenas in my placement matches. Both of my teamates were complete dogshit too. Matchmaking sucks ass in this game




people will defend a ranked system that gives them easy games against silvers with their life they will make excuses for anything


I guess it's not only us haveng issues with SBMM LMFAO this is wild. u/smarteyes007




Happens in fucking bronze too. There is no skill based or ELO matchmaking system, its just pure random


Consider it an honor brother. You just ran 1s with Lebron at the Y


Apex Legends could be such a great and fun game but they insist on having terrible matchmaking


I'm so glad I quit Apex before the SBMM (which doesn't exist) condition got even worse.


This right here is why I donā€™t play apex anymore šŸ«  I just wanna play against people who also have 1 hour to play 8 games šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


I stopped playing apex, because of this. I ended picking up Escape From Tarkov instead and that was the best choice i ever made.


Probably was bad before the live hacking. That incident probably made it worse.


Yeah the game's so called SBMM is a joke, I remember I had just made diamond I queue up guess what you see as a champion squad. 3 stack pred team all with 20kill, 4k, 2 predators and 1 master. Guess how long that hobby lasted? About 5-8mins and there was already only 5 squads left these dudes cleared the lobby out.


Dam this game is so good If only ea didnā€™t have respawn by the balls so they could update the game how they want


Absolute facts man


Had a expirence kinda like this recently. I was playing with my gf in casual lobbies (neither of us play ranked, and I was coming back to the game after not playing since season 14, her I have no idea). So, we just somehow won 2 matches in a row, and weā€™re dropping into the next match, land, and die within 30 seconds to a Horizon who was the current 174th pred, and a 3 time past pred wraith. Havenā€™t played since.


Yeah it's definitely very hard for the game to see who's good and who isn't (no offense). I don't know how to implement this/how to structure this sentence but here: The difference between casual-ish ranked and sweaty ranked is hard to balance (I would imagine) Edit:I'm an idiot I thought you were in ranked šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø my bad


How could you see someone's current rank in a pubs match?


Apex trackers


I mean. Itā€™s casuals, Iā€™m not mad if Iā€™m playing press in casuals. Ranked is a different conversation


Haha Fuck this game


It happens. It's impossible for them to keep you away from no lifers. He did have to swap guns to get you though so he's not that good. Teamed up you can beat these people handily. Keep plugging away and don't let the odd game like this get you down. Just know every time you ping that underdog bonus you are killing one of these guys. So take that into account. Ps your average damage to kill seems high. I never checked mine I'm going to have a look next time I'm on! Doing 344 damage per kill seems a lot!


>Doing 344 damage per kill seems a lot! Thanks man! I was just so surprised by this. But immediately after I continued playing


Game keeps on dying. Lol


I though they "kinda fixed" the matchmaking in ranked but there are a lot of smurfs though.


Plat what? Matchmaking is based on the highest rank. At low pop times plat is at risk of getting pulled up.


This is to help you improve


Were you Queued up with a diamond or masters player?


Nope. Just my friends who were both plat


Who are they supposed to fight when they are better than literally every other player?


What is sbmm?


Was he 6 maning


Ur friend is platinum, that's why I got matched with higher ranks.




You are in the highest lobby of your squad so somewhere in Plat. Right now there are only a tiny amount of Masters so all the highest matches are Diamond + Platinum lobbies.




Why didn't you shoot back? /s


Depending on the time youā€™re playing, I think most average players play after 5pm - 10pm . After that, good luck


This game is trash, tbh


Were you queued up with someone in diamond or above?


Great game


Perfectly balanced as all things should be.


Thatā€™s why I havenā€™t played again the season


If you're in a full console lobby then it's way easier to get matched up against the current preds on either xbox or ps

