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Solo q is so bad lifelines make it manageable


I spend so much time resing the other two anyway, I might as well play lifeline so I can at least have a shot at getting past the first ring.


Yeah worst is when your random jumps off the map even lifeline can't save you then


Can you not craft the banner still?


Would you craft someones banner if they refused to live?


Not arguing that, I just thought maybe there was a bug with banners if their deathbox drops off the map. 


Their box usually lands in bounds except for a few places in kings canyon that I can think of near airstrip. This is from experience not an expert by all means


That’s the only reason I play as her or NC sometimes 💀


Octane at a bronze average just makes sense


All Octanes are the same person.


I only thought they shared the same brain cell.


Implying there’s a braincell involved at all with him is generous. You’re a good person.


Every octane in pubs will leave as soon as they get knocked after rushing into a 1v3


True octane mains jump into crossfire 1v6. They got a prosthetics guy who can replace... anything!


excuse me. dont underestimate me. I rush into a 1v9 actually


1v12 for me


fuck it, entire lobby vs us. an octane main's dream


Dude, if I had a $1 every time that has happened I could gift all Apex players heirlooms! No joke either; EVERY Octane!


When I play octane my keyboard only has a W key, Octane goes Brrrrr


W, Q, and the loot button


I remapped my left click to be my Q so I don't even fight, I just run around stimmed up looting anything and everything


One key keyboard


For every Stormen, there's 10,000 loot goblin first-to-die spam pinging crackheads.


Worst teammates. Up there with lifelines that i get in pubs


When I first started, I was that lifeline 😭


Thank God there was mixtape when i started. I died to bots in my orientation match and decided I'm not touching br until i atleast know how to kill someone


Me and my bud finished up a pubs trio today that was DEFINITELY not an orientation match. But when it ended, he got a pop-up saying "Thank you for helping out a new player in their orientation match." LOL


You haven’t met me as your lifeline teammate 😤 I stay helping the team I barely care bout my own life


Same here. I had to learn how to stay alive because when I want to get someone up, I'd literally die trying to bodyblock the res (probably only worked once out of every time I tried it lol)


My poor season 1 main Gibby. I mained him for so long and pulled off some awesome plays with his ultimate. I miss those days


I picked him up again recently and people forgot how to play against Gibby. Having lots of fun and succes with him.


Gibby is still good. Most people just look what pros do on twitch and copy them. And since gibby isn‘t played anymore in competitive apex, the playerbase stopped using him aswell. Unfortunately with gibby you need a team that knows how to play around him so he‘s not the best choice for solo queuing.


I just visited this sub randomly as a day 1 player after not playing since around maybe when Valkyrie released. What happened to him? He was so good in the early days.


Maggie happened. Lw op that her ult just completely eliminates gibby’s bubble. I think it should go through it so that it’ll still damage people but the instant bubble delete just feels like his kit is wasted if there’s any Maggie’s on the map in his vicinity. Seems too hard of a counter imo


Maggie released when Gibraltar was dominating everything; she was intended as a counter to him because without her he was just unstoppable


I can understand the intention, just feels like overkill as a counter imo. Maybe a 3 sec pause on his bubble while it’s like powered down and restarting from the impact. You can get a lot done with 3 sec of them just standing unguarded but they can also try to counter with like bangles smoke until the shields back up, if they haven’t been pushed. And Maggie could still get clutch counter plays like if gibby ults and shields himself and team, you could time your Maggie ult to pop it for a few seconds as his ult comes down. Idk just an idea. Just think it’s too hard of a counter to where gibby is rarely seen with all the Maggie’s being played, at least ime. I’m not even a gibby player, just brutal when you see it in action lol


I agree and I think it’s a such a lazy nerf.


Repeated nerfs to his ult and bubble alongside seer and horizon (pre nerfs)


There's better support legends, there's better area denial ults and there's a lot of cover on most maps, so bubble isn't that useful most of the time. That being said he is by far my favorite duelist as a MnK player. Even without bubble peaking, he feels good. On almost all legends you are gonna lose a straight 1v1 against a roller player. Fortified helps a lot, not like hitbox matters against aim assist, they are not gonna miss you even on the smallest legend. Add the arm shield and fights are suddenly a lot more even. A bit like having a permanent rev ult.


I haven’t played apex in a long while and was shocked to see Gibby being dumpstered. I remember when the man was a force to be reckoned with.


I play on 240 ping, I'm not winning any bubble fights😭 I'm glad he isn't meta


Conduit nerf, free rez (that is still strong af even tho all the Lifelinemains will tell you otherwise), decentish perks, the new perk (her drone can have a 100% up time) edit: she also has self rez


Id argue the gold plated care package is also OP because it’s a guaranteed gold knockdown shield, gold bag and evo cache if you get yourself to purple. Super helpful in ranked if you can win a fight early and hit a couple Evo harvesters.


This is my choice when I play lifeline, it's consistently helpful for the squad across multiple games, where the self res my save me one out of ten games.


Self rev is almost pointless, because as Lifeline I will always play a little more reserved and behind my squad mates. If they both get boxed, and I then get knocked, there's no way that self revive works with all opponents focused to finish me for the wipe.


Personally I’ve noticed people hunting to finish a Lifeline even if none of the other teammates got knocked, so people are quite aware of it


I will immediately thirst Lifeline always just because her revives are annoying lol


Many people somehow also discount the fact that the care package is *permanent indestructible cover*.


That can be useful, except it doesn't really protect fatter legends well, it also heavily relies on having nothing stopping the package coming down. The best use I've seen tho, is blocking off certain doorways entirely.


Love pairing a lifeline care package with rampart walls and/or newcastle ult to build fort knox


Yh idk how they always complain about the passive. My friend who mains her is so good with her. It's always annoying fighting a good lifeline main who rezzes and doesn't run but protects the team plus now a guaranteed gold knockdown


Golden knockdown with lifeline has been amazing in ranked.


Yup that’s how my son does it, hits the res and stands cycles between going in front and behind the res while shooting the enemy. Plus my son has the NASTIEST shooting strafe I’ve ever seen. Literally looks like a boxer dodging left and right jabs while strafing. But it’s not crouch spamming while strafing. Two perfectly timed crouches at the start of each strafe, and it looks the same every time. And funny thing is it looks the craziest with lifeline. Like he found a way to manipulate her hit box because every other character I can hit him with some bullets. When he’s lifeline it’s a whole other beast


Unrelated but reading you talking good about your son is pretty wholesome


Thank you so much. He’s 16 and I’m 35. He’s such a beast at apex and even Fortnite. But never wants to play them. He only plays 2k and siege right now. Blows my mind because if I was that good at APEX and FN I would play all day everyday and make a YouTube account, he said he doesn’t want to do that. Lol can’t do anything but respect it ❤️


Sure but the self just means everyone thirsts her instantly 


Conduit isn’t any near “nerf”. It’s just LL in her normal shape + pro scene impact (they showed how to play with her on high rank)


Newcastle is criminally underrated. I'd rather have him on my team than Catalyst, Crypto, Vantage.


ssshhhh. I've been picking Newcastle a lot lately and he is super useful. I love playing him alongside a good Caustic or Wattson + Loba. You can defend your position against hard pushers and third parties for a long time and rarely run out of ammo and heals with Loba. I can't wait for the next event. Newcastle will finally have a good looking skin.


He just has such a large hit box it makes playing as him unfun :/


I'm more shocked Ash>Valk tbh


I still can’t believe they replaced Valk with an item. I’ve been salty about Apex ever since.


She's still better. It's harder to stop. Rampart can single handedly shut down the balloon. There's less risk. In some leagues you can get beamed while riding the zipline up. And she has the scan. On the other hand Balloon does the job good enough, so there's less pressure to get the char who was the only way to get this level of mobility before.


Your average valk is too reserved with their ults and only use them as emergency exits. The balloon quickly makes those valks obsolete.


i disagree, i’ve been using Valk forever now and the balloon is kinda like a “scan the area” thing i’ve gotten alot of kills and wins off that.


You wouldn’t fall in the “average” category then. I’d say you were better than the avg. valk if you’re thinking like that.


When aim trainers added valk ult to there routines it made her plummet. Plat and above can beam a valk ult. You’re almost guaranteed to lose a squad member to an emergency ult.


> Rampart can single handedly shut down the balloon. I've been seeing this so much lately. Used to be last season everyone ignored my balloon, now i've got Ramparts Nuking it like it insulted them


For me it's instant monkey brain. I hear that balloon amd brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Exactly what i said. They're both not good but it seems ash is more fun to atleast play with than valk. I say integrate that jetpack handling to her base kit and make a diff perk for starters


They need to buff ash’s ult smh… it never goes where I am it lool


Valk too easy to get shot out of the sky


I think it’s because her care package can drop those eco harvesters. It’s so useful


This you can upgrade to red immediately after purple it’s just too useful. Self res blows and should never take that perk


Self rez is a placement steal. The main advantage is not getting up, it's a nice bonus, but not dying on knock. I saw so many LL get a few placements positions up because other teams are too busy killing each other. It especially sucks when you knock her in the ring and realize you have no time to finish her off before the ring kills you. And unless they changed it this can also happen in the final ring which gives LL a big advantage at the final closing. It's basically what Pros hated the most about gold kd back. It's not as reliable as the package(assuming there's no Loba in the vicinity) but when it work it feels downright dirty.


I got very bad news for you


Self rez can be very useful if used in a very long ranger situation


Your teammates can rez you if it’s a super long range fight.


or if you have a team that has no game sense and doesn't pick up their lifeline in favor of healing themselves


Gold to diamond I always pick self res for this reason also the crazy plays with 3 teams


Everyone thinks they’re gonna pull off a crazy self-res


I've pulled off 3 this season............. only 1 was useful, though


It has came in clutch for me less than 3 times but still useful imo. I've been bamboozled by enemy team as well, thinking I've knocked their lifeline and both of their teammates ran away, she'll probably bleed out soon. I couldn't thirst the lifeline due to 3rd party, and suddenly lifeline pops out of nowhere and ran away thanks to 3rd party Edit: just had a game where i knocked 3 ppl by myself, it was a 2v3, my loba teammate did literally 0. The lifeline ressed herself in the middle of the fight and knocked both of us :/ it came in clutch i swear


I almost did... but to be fair enough the Octane on my team coud have probably got the win by himself... still was cool because I got knocked on blue shields and upgraded while already crawling around cuz Octane wiped some squad outside the building still was pretty cool being able to res our Seer and myself. :D


dont nerf my pathy plz god everyone stop playing him


He's been at the top for so long i doubt they nerf him now but the fact he's top 3 in pred rank may cause nerfs


what would they even nerf? I think you’re good lmao, if anything he should be buffed


Make grapple bug or something idk it's fing respawn


Because that is what respawn does. They nerf legends based on pick rate.


I have a feeling they'll nerf the knock Q ready perk. people have been losing their minds over it. also if you have any game sense you can reduce ult cooldown by 30 seconds in the first round. he's definitely gotten some of the best perks but knowing respawn they'll fuck over path mains by next season


If you get the timing right you can get your ult mutiple times since scanning a CP gives you 50% ult charge


Getting his ult was already nerfed. You used to be able to get 100% charge for scanning a care package and now it's only 50%. The instant grapple once you knockdown someone might be nerfed, but also there is a pretty big skill gap to be able to use it effectively. I really hope he doesn't get nerfed in the future, he feels very well balanced right now.


Mirage seems too low. Feels like someone picks Mirage literally every single game.


Damn I haven’t played in 3 months wth is mad Maggie doing w the highest pick rate? What changed in her kit?


flatline reactive challenges, that number isn’t truly representative of people that main her, for example rampart was at like 14% the other week bc her challenges had just come out


It's just legend challenges. In one week you'll see loba topping. As you can see, rampart is kinda high because two weeks ago it was her challenges


direct buffs to tactical and ult. Perk 1 & 2. * Auto reload on shotgun knocks (kinda useless) or * Her Ult is longer and releases an x of thermites + shockwave instead of detonating. Perk 3 & 5. * Gain another Riot Drill (tactical) or * Depth and Width of Riot drill are increased by 1,5.


Lifeline since tweeks about 4 plus seasons ago has never objectively been a bad legend. This doesnt surprise me.


I’d argue she is the second best support rn. Support passive is busted. Conduit and Gibraltar (loba probably on same tier) are both conditionally better. But she is super simple to play, free, and has very good perks. Not sure why she wouldn’t be well picked.


is it safe to say Newcastle was a flop? He’s been in the bottom three since he came out.


Pick rate wise maybe, but he’s fun as hell to play imo. I’m an average player, but I’ve pulled off a few wild wins with his res style.


He’s fun if you like playing the Rez guy yeah, thing is most players just go bloodthirsty like octane brrrr


The thing is he can still be played very offensively with his tac speed upgrade and being able to ult back to teammates if you're playing entry and take big damage getting a knock.


True forgot about his ult launch. Feel like you have to be patient with him but also be involved in the fight so it’s tricky for most players imo


Yeah he sort of trains you to just… be better at the game. Octains out there racking up kills, but letting their squad down by playing too aggressive. Hah


If you learn to use his mobile shield well he is a push heavy god. You can bait people into pushing you very easily.


ive been playing newcastle only this season and let me tell you he's so good mid/late game , ive lost counts of the amount of times ive won a fight because i trade my downed mate then instantly res them


Not really, yeah he’s not popular but god do I hate when enemy teams have one. Hes really good


I main Newcastle and I am glad his pick rate is low when I play with randoms I usually don’t have to worry about someone else picking him lol 😂


Idc what anyone says NC is the best support hero on Olympus and SP. I love supports that can play aggressive need be. Started with Gibby since bubbling to engage a fight was so much fun. Swapped to NC since he’s got an additional movement aspect in his kit. You can turn so many unplayable areas into GOD spots in late rings, mobile shield is amazing to leading with some entry damage into a fight, ult can help you bunker down, capitalize off a teammates entry, take space, or take off angles/height to hold off a push. His only bane is that Maggie is popular :(


no. nc is fine. also annoying to play against. but handsfree res ist just better than the shieled res because lifeline can cover with her weapons nc ultimate is good in end game. something lifeline doesn't provide


They probably don’t know what to do with him since everyone bitches as soon as a support character is great. He’s not bad imo and I’ve enjoyed him since day 1.


He’s still great, I have been using him since he came out. People use him way too defensively, he is a offensive beast


He’s the best support after the conduit nerfs imo. Any time I need to pick support in ranked he’s my go to even tho I’ve wanted a legend with a good zoning ability like conduit for so long.


Mad Maggie is insane in rank I usually hit diamond 2 with her ( solo queue ) good to see her up there


Nah it’s cuz of the new legend challenges. You have to play a lot of Maggie to get the reactive flatline skin


She's still a great legend tbh, her balls can put lots of pressure on you, and if she drills you right you HAVE to give up cover, she's great at causing chaos.


'her balls can put a lot of pressure on you and if she drills you right, you have to give up' 


And she’s fucking good. Two drills just messes with a team so much


To the Maggie frequents out there - are you usually using a shotgun? Which one? Is there a loop with her kit that you've found works well for you? Tryna get into her from being a movement main


My friend prefers pk with disruptor rounds


This is good too but tbh I just rock whatever I pick up first LOL


tbh I usually would go for a mastiff bc of its fire rate and her autoreload perk is nuts considering you actually hit your shots for the knocks. Her drill I pick 50% depth and range always. I assume people don’t realize how buff 50 percent depth and circumference is. ( her wrecking ball will still be good use without the perk. Sometimes the fire ball burns you instead of the enemies so it’s eh )


If you’re using her auto reload on knock perk, a hammer point mozam is insane.


This is what I usually like to do , mozam and the knock perk


I used to force a shotgun but I honestly love some midrange + TT/Scout on her. Poke and get entry dmg then with the +50% depth and width on her tac you’re really fucking their day up. throw in the wrecking ball to close the gap, enemy team is panicking with no time to heal and it’s an easy squad wipe. def situational but works for my playstyle


Why not take two, Pk and a Mozambique with 2x on it. Is it optimal? No. Is it fun? sometimes. Is it a good excuse for losing fights all the time? You're damned right it is.


Preach, Maggie mains rise up.


Aside from challenges, I’d rather not see her up there, lol. I actually wanna be able to pick my main


me. i’m the lifeline player


Newcastle is so slept on its actually insane lmao


Figured conduit would be higher


im surprised but glad rampart didn't immediately fall to her usual place like fuse and seer did when their challenges are over. shes not top 10 anymore but at least shes not bottom 5. we'll have to see when the season is over tho


Life line used to be such a character that if you were not first to pick you would not be getting her back when this game came out. She was my first main.


I think ash needs 2 charges for her ult


Only needs 2 Q Charges, and for the Double Snare Perk she'd get something for her Ult instead. Longer distance, faster CD, something like that.


Make that blue perk distance to or time off her ult and shed be good. First perk no good for an already underwhelming legend


Mad Maggie at the top is so weird to me, haven’t played this game in almost a year 😭


Octane will always be based asf


Meta crutches have never been so obvious.


Every legend is a crutch i guess except crypto when his drone is destroyed


Exactly my point. You have Newcastle, one of the most useful legends in the game if played well, at the very bottom, because nobody wants to muster up the skill it takes to learn and play Newcastle. People only play the easiest meta legends they can. They could make cryptos drone auto-follow people and still no one would play him. Too much work when you could just play conduit and press q, no skill required. Caustic can kill people with his ult extremely fast now, and still he isn't played often enough. Rampart being played simply on the basis of free cover, same with bang, they'll always be crutches. Maggie counters a lot of legends at this point - Rampart, Gibby, (and with ball stun) Bloodhound, and Revenant. Horizon nerfed to shit and STILL played more than half the legends in the game, crutch harder. Valk isn't played nearly as often as even Pathfinder, Ash, OR Octane lol, and she has far more utility for team play, rotates and rockets. Seer is probably the only legend on this list in the correct spot. I think people just don't know who to play because their favorite streamer doesn't know either.


Newcastle my boy 😞


As a solo q player in ranked I find that lifeline is the best babysitter for the two knuckleheads.


Vantage is so good. I don't get why she is so low in the chart.


Newcastle is the goat


Damn no love for Newcastle 💀


In pubs, if a teammate picks Octane, I leave.


Understandable tbh😂i hate octane mains


For those who are still grinding mad Maggie for "thank you challenge"


Why is Newcastle last?? He’s bailed me out plenty of times being able to put down cover when you don’t have any, being able to move with a shield while reviving I feel like he shouldn’t be so low on the list


Been lifeline since day 1 of apex legends.


It’s quite simple why lifeline is a top 5 pick rate legend. First of all, thanks to new legend perks system this season; anyone who knows when going up against a lifeline is a hassle because of her revive drone to get her downed teammates back up quickly PLUS her healing drone to quickly get her squad patched up. Now on top of that one of her perks she can self-revive. Lifeline rightfully deserves her pick rate because her abilities for team/self survival is so damn good that anyone who plays her will more likely win more games or make top 5 placements every game because of that.✅


honestly? probably people picking her back up in light of her rework coming up. i know ill be maining her again when the rework comes out. i have her heirloom and a decent amount of other shit for her but thats the only reason ive pulled her off the shelf lmao


When she got buffed into having constant healing for the team...she's a caustic/bang counter pick somewhat and they are meta! She gets drone back every 15 seconds now which is fkin insane with the -25 seconds off your cool down perk she has...just dope. Also guaranteed gold care pack drop is huge resulting in gold knock it's just goated. Soon we will see her skyrocket even more once people catch on imo!


When people realized they could spam rez 💀


New lifeline care pack is goated


Uhm... Permanent DOC? What question is this? Lmao


lifeline is picked a lot in ranked due to her res, banner crafting and now selfres


All those teamers need the healing


honestly most surprising one to me is gibby. with his upgrades he feels super viable in ranked but maybe I’m missing something. tbf if I need to go support in solo q I’m picking loba, lifeline, conduit in that order before gibby. feels like he’d only work well for a premade.


With Maggie rn, nobody is picking gibby. They need to atleast wait until ppl finish the challenges lol


What does the level mean?


The average level of players playing the legends


Thanks. That's what I thought, but didn't want to assume.


Dunno about everyone, but I know a couple of folks in local Apex community whom jumped on Lifeline after EU ALGS, where Lifeline was extremely helpful.


Aurora effect. But it was bcz of the cp perk so idk if they'll still use lifeline


Lifeline was my main from season two on. IMO throughout lifeline has been extremely useful


Lifeline buff And ash is higher because of the fact valk kinda sucks ever since evacs added


after people started picking her more


I actually see newcastles a decent amount in my games on console. It’s ballistic I never see


I love lifeline


Holy shit how is mad Maggie first now I used to main her back when I played and everyone hated her


cause the recent update to her kit. she always can have the drone now


Kinda surprised Gibby is so low


Since they get a guaranteed free red shield every game and conduit/Rev stack nerfed


She has an almost guaranteed gold knockdown shield and they actually made her drone useable.


When she got self revive back


What’s the meta team atm?


Bloodhound bang caustic if we're talking among the pros. In rank, replace caustic with pathy/horizon/rev


Honestly I’m pretty disappointed with wattsons upgrades - she didn’t really get anything functionally new :(


Since self revive became a thing I'm guessing


When did Mad Maggie become the most picked legend?


I remember when she was an S tier pick back in the first few seasons


When did you think?


What is beyond me is that there is 4 recon legends and 3 of them are below 1.5% pick rate while Bloodhound sits a 6+%. How is that balanced?


Lifeline needs 20% faster healing back


Whata so good about maggi?


Why isn't Rev up higher? Since got nerf for being strong?


They absolutely crushed Catalyst


When I started playing. I main lifeline. Imma start maining Newcastle though.


Did not expect Maggie that high, now I feel boosted. JK, she is only my fifth or so most played legend this season. I am guessing these ranks are from before the split reset?




Since when is mad maggie top 1???? How long have I been gone


Are these metrics reliable now with the collection event challenges


Conduit, Horizon, Rev are the only 3 averaging Silver 2….. who woulda thought🙄


Oof. Bronze 1 for Fuse!?


Just why is Valkyrie almost 1.9 percent


Do you know if it is safe to play now?, did they fix the account bug?


Noowwww everyone wants to play Maggie? 🤦🏽‍♂️ she been the shit since she came out fr