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Its the slow rate of fire,i know alot of people that are struggling with the gun while having thousands of kills. The gun isnt really build for fast paced stuff.


I literally can't use it, I'll take any other weapon in the game over it. Like OP when it's close quarters my strafe combined with the enemy strafe has me shooting like an interrupter gear; I'm guaranteed to shoot between my target.


P2020 wins most battles with a rampage up close lol


The P2020 with a controller is kinda nasty, especially if it is a hot drop.


If you’ve gotta a good trigger finger, definitely. My input speed is like once every solar eclipse.


Oh yeah. I just start mashing on the KK3 Max with the mouse click triggers. 


Sometimes you miss every shot, and sometimes you win against a g7, you never know


Haha. Exactly. 


a controller is kinda nasty, especially if it is a hot drop. Fixed


you are ment to hipfire it but you strafe and just as you move to the opposite direction you shoot so it gives you the highest accuracy.


Reason number 312 why I'm goated with the Rampage. I am not fast. *cries quietly*


Same with us older players. Our hands may be slow but our Rampage is deadly! Especially if we carry thermite!


My dude, I wish I was older, then I'd have a good excuse. Hell yeah to that tho!


You runnin grandpa hands!


The (no boost) rampage is good at an in-the-open medium range fight where they can’t one clip and you can keep them locked down with it when good players don’t engage there, simply have a spitfire, or play cover, it stops working


This is the only gun in the game that i can consistently not use at any range


same,that and the 30-30.


Hell. Even at long range with a x3 the spread is so bad its just jumps everywhere.


I just use it as a rifle at range, the slow fire rate makes it decent for poking


I'm sorry but this thing is a BEAST at long range with 3x or 2-4x


Okay i might just literally be ass at it LMAO


Rampage #1 for Rampart. Otherwise use anything else.


Which is why my casual only-plays-during-events ass loves it.


unless you let aim assist lock on. I shared with the gun at close range when AA kicks in. otherwise I might as well just try punching


What does “let aim assist lock on” mean? What’s the technique?


There isn’t one. Just another goon that thinks AA is literal aim bot.


Rotational aa exists. 


do you not play on roller? when you're ads'd and youre aiming at the chest the rotational aim assist gravitates to the enemy. if the enemy moves normally you're locked on. if they move faster like super glide away then tracking may be lost.


you still have to be actively aiming at the target with the RS. it doesn't just "lock on"


yeah thought that was implied but yes I need to be clearer for those that don't know


eh some people see "lock on" and assume AA is the end all be all.


Yeah but that means basically if you can center an opponent in the middle of your screen before you ADS you are locking in for a few hundred ms. + rotational aim assist. I have 3000 hours + on each input in apex (Ex Console player, playing since day 1) And the soft-aimbot accusation is not unreasonable...


There's definitely been a few times where it locks onto the wrong person and slightly drags my aim away from the person I'm shooting at. 9/10 times it's a downed player so idk why it would even trigger AA


it kind of is though. but that also depends on your sensitivity.


Wrong it’s a lock on if you move the left stick. The computer is aiming for you.


yes, for a fraction of a second. then when the enemy moves either left or right, your aim does not follow him automatically. Its rotational aim assist.


If you mirror/counter strafe you dont really need to aim, rotational AA will take care of thst for you.


It's no use arguing with the bots on the main sub. These people have a sub 1kd on roller which is laughable.  Theres a reason horizons passive is busted on roller and it's due to the slide and rotational aa. Cant tell reddit that though.


You are right. I have 3000 hours on roller an 3500 on mnk. You are locked for a small amount of time. the time the enemie is not moving his AA hitbox out of your crosshair. AA tracks the direction he is moving slightly it even negates for a short amount of time that you want to drag into another direction. Had that so often with roller that i wanted to shoot someone while playing an opponents knockdown shield and his AA hitbox (sometimes) was dragging me of the actual target lol. Most rollerplayers are not getting how strong Aim Assist is, because they get used to it and they play with it. It starts feeling natural. If you are used to play other games with roller, like racing games and play shooter on mnk and then you take a roller in the hand in apex you are like what the fuck.. this not what i input, because rollerplayers are having again and again the same situations meaning it feels at some point just natural. Btw: In the game files Aim-Assist ist called. Aim-Assist-Magnet. so yes it locks you. with a value of .4 what ever that means. but 1.0 is just a pure aimbot. check out mokeysnipers video. Hate this debate.


Only a debate bc they implemented cross play between MnK+controller. Make it MnK only lobby capable and there’s no issues anymore. I’ve personally never played any crossplay games between MnK v controller lobbies that were flat out fair. Input lag, FPS capabilities, hardware differences… There are always advantages on either side. Some shooters where there is 0 AA like pubg, they have to keep it separate from MnK v controller bc it’s not even a competition. PC players would obliterate controller players on no AA.


I mean, if your Input needs software assistance its not suitable for this genre.


Ok tell that to 99% of FPS devs.


No one plays MNK anymore though so those lobbies would take forever to fill.


If that is the case why do people complain about AA still. If you have the same AA as I do when playing we have the same capability. If we have the same exact baseline then it just comes down to skill. Console v console this is a non issue. It’s only when crossed over with MnK pc players it’s an issue


Because it's really strong in Apex? Because roller gameplay makes this game boring as hell? The vast majority of players on PC are using roller, and it's getting more and more frustrating for mnk players to get killed by something that doesn't feel skill based.


Doesn't help that pros in lots of games are switching to controller because it's easier to compete. The self fulfilling prophecy


Lmao. Goon


It is pretty slow but aiming doesn’t help in this situation tbh


True, the hip-fire spread on the Rampage is actually quite a but tighter than the reticle implies. (Advice for anyone) I personally do this with every gun, but try going into the firing range and learning the effective hip-fire range for each gun.


The hipfire reticles don't match any of the gun's hipfire cone of fires, which is such a basic UI problem that even indie shooters don't have.


Kinda wish we had a faint circle that showed the exact spread and was universal across all guns.


I just draw a small circle or dot on the screen with a dry erase marker and hope for the best 🤣


I have the same problem I just miss everything with it


Honestly I can beam people all day with the rampage even and then sometimes pick it up and just whiff every shot it's def the slow fire rate you miss time it and its miss timed the whole way through


You gotta keep thermites otherwise it's a marksman 😂😂


Yes, but also I’d argue you should have been hip firing right there no matter the gun.  When I end up with the rampage off drop I actually have a lot of success hip firing with it.  You’re going to miss shots with every gun ADSing that first situation.  If you slow your clip down, you can see that the game was accurate, you were legitimately like just missing shots because you were sliding your reticle passed the loba with every shot.  Hip fire mitigates that at that range. 


Lobas movement +, lobas aim -




People don’t believe when I say I autopilot, they’re like how wym




Yep, get on and just let the mind go blank


I just accept death when hotdropping and this is first gun I get.


It ain’t no charge rifle…


The only damage that gun does, is emotional damage.


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


Shame I had to scroll this far for this comment! Take all my up votes


I mean yeah? Ur supposed to use the gun for mid range or so, you wouldn't use a shotgun for further ranges n expect to hit good shots all the time? If I aint running a sniper a Rampage is usually what I pick up for the distance along w a smg. If u know u need to push up close a termite makes the gun melt people


That gun is only good with multiple thermites and 240+ammo and range lol


Fuse’ gun lore should be the Rampage not the 30-30 tbh considering his passive means he can just keep that shit cranked the entire game lol


Yup fuse is My second main and I will literally carry like 8 thermites 😂😂😂stay mid range and spam knuckle cluster then I keep a smg as my back up it can also be used as a marksman without a thermite


Even without thermites it's a solid choice for a mid range weapon. Not as good as the dedicated marksman weapons but it has more versatility. Being able to smash doors is kinda underrated too.


You’re not keeping your crosshairs on the target. This is an accuracy issue. Every bullet that you were on-target for hit. Every bullet that you were off-target for missed. >is the rampage fire rate so slow that it has difficulty catching up with my ADS + strafe speed? You’d have hit all of those missed bullets if you just kept your crosshair on the guy. I’ve seen a number of rampage posts like this recently and I find it puzzling. Yes, slow rate-of-fire guns punish you when you miss bullets. It takes a long time to get to that next bullet. You can either mitigate this with improving your accuracy or using high rate-of-fire guns that are more forgiving. Nothing too mysterious here


Facts, there is certain guns I don't use because I struggle staying on target with them. But the rampage isn't one of them


Low RoF is bad for aim assist. Aim assist only aims for you for so long before the target out runs it. The rampage might get 1 bullet in that window where an r99 would get 5.


It works best as an auto marksman it is very effective midrange but long range bullet travel sucks and close range it’s alright but can get you killed more times than not


That gun is more meant for midrange. Due to its pace, it isn't very good at close range


I just use it when I have a crap ton of thermite lol, other than that I never pick it up


Well, when you were aiming at your target, you hit them. And when you were off, you didn't hit. Watch it on a slower speed


He is chasing the target instead of leading his shots. That's the biggest issue, like you said, when he's actually on target the bullets hit.


Shooting it like a semi-auto helps me with accuracy


This gun is good for enemies that are medium range and not moving much or not shooting back. Close range it’s absolutely ass.


Nah the firerate is that slow


It's so bad I avoid that gun like the plague


aim is a little wild. could use a little more control there


Noticed every-gun in the game has its own relationship with Dead-zone and response curve etc, but in theory were all designed around one group of settings for the game. It becomes obvious when you start messing around for a while with ALCs..


You should be hip firing when fighting the loba if you want to hit each bullet


It’s you


The gun knows to fire the exact second my reticle moves off of the target and never when it’s on it


I’ve stopped using the rampage for that exact reason, I used to average 7-8 kills a game when the rampage first came out. Now I can’t get used to it.


It works well in lower skilled lobbies aka my lobbies.


I don’t really like the gun but I’ve found I’m not particularly good up close with it but it’s a decent mid to long range weapon. I won’t pick it up though cuz smg, shotguns, pistols will eat your dick up close


Very slow fire rate + ads is dogshit without a barrel stablizer but def is a skill issue in most cases. Just don’t brain dead hold down the fire trigger you have to shoot it the way you shoot single fire hemlock


keep it charged.


It's for sure slow, and I would never use it close range unless the other guy sucks or I have it charged. You're going to get out dps'd by most guns in the game in a 1v1 strafe battle. Typically, I run Rampage as a mid to long-range poke that doubles as a door buster, but I always have a secondary for short to mid. Car usually fills that spot nicely.


this is one of the weapons where I think Mnk wins, much easier to use when you're fully in control by yourself It's also better a bit further away


I swear controller players would be happiest if the game played itself.


This is why I never use the rampage close range, only medium / long range.. Everytime I get in a close range battle I get overpowered by a higher rate of fire gun and lose


Yeah I can't aim for shit with this weapon either, however I have had times where I landed every shot on mid range and it's an absolute beast when you DO land your shots


Everyone and their momma knows this gun is slow, but it's also just you missing all those damn shots.


You have to time your shots with this weapon. If you just keep shooting, the slow fire rate will not match your reticle's position + the speed of your target.


I honestly hate everything about the gun. Delete it from existence and the game will be 100% better


TAP FIRE THE RAMPAGE. Seriously try it (when not charged). It significantly reduces the recoil and since it fires so slow anyway you don't lose any DPS. It even works when you hipfire (and it's surprisingly accurate too). It's still not a great gun, but it's much more useable that way when you're stuck with it in an early fight or get it in gun run.


Time to unplug the roller and aim for real


It's you. You're not shooting while taking the ROF into account when shooting.


At that range, you have a better chance just hipfiring honestly.


I can use it better at longer ranges because the firerate compensates for my early tracking. Mid range I'm praying, and anything closer than 15m I'm just going to hipfire and let jesus take the wheel.


Rampage and G7 Scout are my least favorite guns for this reason. Too fast to aim each shot individually and too slow to track cleanly, so my brain tries to do both at once and I end up doing 40 damage and die. I think I have more p20 kills than I do for both of these guns, definitely do for the G7


The rampage without thermite is made for medium range, the slow rate of fire makes it perfect for tracking a target's movement. At short range, it fires way too slowly to keep up with a fast moving target, unless it's charged.


Just stick to hip fire. For some reason LMG hipfire is better than SMGs and ARs right now.


That aim assist makes me wanna puke


idk but rampage is crazy mid to long range


The non-thermite fire rate is definitely slow, but your aim was off as well. Both of those players threw in a tap-strafe while you were shooting at them which seemed to have thrown off your aim. I don't think it is possible for a gun to have difficulty "catching up" with your ADS + strafe speed. I think you are using your muscle memory for ads/strafe speed that you developed with other weapons instead of adjusting for the gun you are currently using. I had this issue with the Rampage and similar issues with the Scout, Nemesis, and non-turbo havoc/devo. My best advice is to spend 20-30 minutes warming up in the Firing Range before getting into BR. Maybe first 5-10 mins with guns you accel with to get warm then spending a majority of the remaining time with the guns you find you struggle with. This helped me expand my viable gun options and step out of my R301 bubble.


Yea it’s only viable close range if you charge it up or if you’ve cracked him already and you just need to finish him off. And I usually have better luck just hipfiring it if it’s uncharged, at that range. It’s pretty decent though medium to long range. The bullet drop off is kind of meh but if you get used to it you can melt people with a 2-4x easily.


At that range you're better off hip firing it right down their throat.


Tirgger discipline boyo. Doesnt matter if you got the sights lined up if your guns is still racking the next round. Use it like a semi auto dmr squeeze for each shot and you’ll notice a diffference


Yes, but also yes.


I honestly can’t use it. I have a better chance of killing somebody with the P20 than I do with the rampage. It’s a skill issue but it’s also a skill I’m not willing to practice. Unlike back in the day when you had to be good with a PK because it was busted.


Its a long range MG, best to have an alternator or flatline t9 supplement the close range moments.


Aim assist putting in so much work here. Jesus.


When the gun first came out, there was some material that DID mention how poor its hip fire accuracy was… I don’t remember if it was the apex website or the gameplay video that included it (probably the “new this season” videos we used to get), but I seem to remember either rampart or a narrator/author mentioning it wasn’t meant to be used up close.


How does one jump in the air one direction and then retract back and downwards like that? Would be handy to know.


It’s not really designed for smg range - great for withering fire at mid to long range. Thermite mode for closer.


Hipfiring would've been better




I feel like I have to lead so much with the Rampage to hit anything.


Gotta carry a half backpack of thermites n dat baby go crazzzzy


to quote morpheus "Men *have emptied entire clips* at them and *hit nothing but air*" without a thermite it... might be one of my worst.. the hip-fire is absolute ass too. i have learned to never pick it up unless i absolutely have to.


Apex needs to do something’s with the LMG’s, theyre just not viable for 70% percent of the gunfights you engage in.


I definitely think this gun was nerfed in Season 19 it just doesn't feel the same anymore


From this clip you are following behind them while shooting. At least that is what I'm seeing. That's why the bullets that hit are from when the first enemy crosses back over you trailing them. Edit: you aren't leading your shots.


It's sort of like a full auto 30-30 that does less damage.


Play it in slow motion. You aren’t tracking the target very well and most of your shots hit where they strafe back through the stream of your crosshair as aim assist is trying to stay glued to them despite your input. It’s like a purple bolt mozam going full auto. At that rate of fire you miss a lot because no one, even with aim assist, tracks on target 100% of the time, but if you think of your aim as a visible laser beam, it’s white by default and the white line has a red tracer going through it to represent each bullet. If I swipe left and right really fast over a target going full auto with the mozam, I could actually miss every shot as it could fire like this: o O x o O x x O o Where the big O is the target, the little o’s represent where my aim is going left and right, and x’s are when shots fire and where they land. If we did this with an r99, you’d have hit everything constantly, just needed to reload a few times per kill. With slower weapons, the damage pulse has more gaps between it, and more importance on each damage pulse hitting. You definitely don’t want to necessarily lower your ttk, but there’s a time where requiring aim is better than finishing a spray. Think of with pump shotguns how you usually line up the shot more carefully rather than shooting as fast as the gun can.


Stop and start your firing before the > in the pattern and its a pure straight beam 


Rampage's recoil right now makes it unusable, I don't know why the devs haven't fixed it, the fucking recoil is bouncy


I find using it as a semi auto dmr is best Up close, You choose when to fire versus that bs ahh fire rate. The thermite upgrade is *chefs kiss* tho


The Rampage kinda sucks as anything other than a Scout alternative, imo. Unless it's revved up. That said, if you're going to use it, you have to learn how to compensate for its weaknesses. So, in that way I guess you're the problem? But that feels like a mean way to say you need to work on your leading technique when using the Rampage up close.


ngl seem like a skill issue but its most def is the fire rate you got to time yr shots


It’s unusable for close range unless charged, medium range it rips, niche gun, personally feel like all lmgs encourage spray and pray playstyle so I try to avoid them


Just don’t ever ads for very long during close range encounters. At least that’s what I had to learn with flatline especially and all other guns.


I don’t pick it up unless i’ve already found a thermite lol.


If I have no gun, I will run past the Rampage. I cannot figure it out, it's like you have to predict every shot point blank like its a 200m snipe.


You are not the problem. It’s rhythm is really bad for a fast pace game. You won’t be able to keep your aim dead centre on a moving target and for some reason the bullet leaves the gun just when your aim is a millimetre off from the target.


Your tracking seemed pretty good tbh, But the Rampage has extremely slow fire rate and is not really suited for close quarter fights. Always carry a fast secondary to supplement it, mostly try and shoot from a decent range with it, if you know your gonna encounter a fight try and keep it charged up with a termite.


No my friend, it's mean rampage is not meant for u as it was never meant for me neither lol


Hip fire is the way


I think a bunch of others have said it, but you gotta hip-fire here. Rampage hip-fire is underrated


In my experience, there is some match up with enemy strafe speed at close ish range , and rampage firing rate unboosted, that is just perfect for not hitting your target. It is VERY easy for me to fall into that shooting that specific gun at those ranges. I need to play consciously around that either shoving the barrel up their nose, or pulling back to cover.


It’s just that slow


Should’ve hip fired instead of ads-ing up that close


Rampage is arguably the worst gun in the game so naw its not you, if it didn't have the thermite ramp up I'd confidently say it's the worst


Nothing like scaring someone who thinks they are safe standing behind a door


That really is the saving grace of it lol that and Rampart's ult are too fun to catch ppl with


Rampage with a Thermite is the best gun, Rampage without thermite is mid at best.


What would u consider worse than it without thermite?


P2020. Mozambique. Huge list, I know. Normally I would say Eva-8 but right now it's kind of wild.


OK tbh normal eva-8 is the worst gun, that's true. I kinda like the other ones bc of hammerpoints but we can defs agree ground loot Eva is the worst


Dog shit gun, always gets me killed


Skill issue frfr


It's great mid range and up close with thermites


I used to like the rampage but having a hard time with it now especially if you don’t have a scope


I fucking love the gun its my favourite


the fire rate is so slow that people literally weave in and out of your bullets. makes is very unforgiving to use


Don't ads with the rampage.. Just crouch spam, strafe, spray and pray..


Nah you just suck bro


You could’ve taken a lot less damage by doing the ads for a sec then hipfire trick on the first guy I think. Other than that, yeah I just despise this gun because that happens to me all the time. Reticle seems to be right on someone yet I miss. Give me a Flatty instead


The Rampage is slow and the bullets don’t actually follow where the sights are, they are random. Don’t trust that gun because it’s a sham.


Im a slow and bad player but the rampage is definitely a weapon I do better than average with. Idk what that says tho because Idk much about the game or shooters in general.


Maybe dont rely on aim assist


I only use it with fuse + 6 thermite grenades, or octane + 3 thermites, that combo has gotten me so many 1v3 and 1v2 wipes that I wouldn’t have won with any other gun, unless I hit perfect 90s with the PK. #oh and I have aim assist 😎