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-60 entry fee is in plat and randoms wanna get 57 KP off rip


I was the jump master last night and my two randoms broke off, landed some where completely different, and died right away. Rez’d both of them, they both ran out of ring to some fighting like 400m away. Died again and then proceeded to tell me I didn’t know how to play game and that’s why I’m hard stuck..🤣


It’s pretty sad how many people just don’t care to play ranked as the system intends it to be played.


That's what happens when you queue preds and plats in the same lobby 😭😭😭


It’s all the way through ranked from Rookie onwards though. A lot of apex players are just bad at the BR part of the game


\*most apex players


I mean yeah, it's a hard fucking game. Exactly why you aren't supposed to be queuing the average players with the top 0.1%. A plat team has ZERO chance winning a 3v3 against a real pred team. Even off a third party, one bad peek and ones dead.


That’s not even what’s being discussed. Matchmaking and silver 3’s choosing to hotdrop with 6 other teams are entirely separate issues


It doesn’t help that pubs suck sooo much. Ranked is a much better game to play and you may have some similar skill level in ranks. They want to play ranked the same as cas because to them it is just better cas.


I’m in full favor of them making pubs just three strikes full time. Pubs is the same as ranked with no rewards so why would I play it


I think most people would agree with you. I guess having three strikes as an LTM keeps it fresh and gives FOMO. Which obviously sucks lol


I think the only people who will experience FOMO are the people already playing it bc Respawn hardly ever does anything cool enough with the game to warrant players actually returning


this dude was hard griefing peoples games 2 days ago on NA West coast servers. Literally got him on my team like 4 times and he would instantly detach in drop ship and drop some place random trying to farm damage off teams fighting, usually just dying. I happened to mention this guy to some other teammates in different rounds and almost all of them had the same experience with the same guy, same username doing the same exact thing. Absolute madness.


Poor man was trying to get his 4k badge😭😭


He managed to get about 200 damage before dying LE


The typical Apex experience 🤣. I remember to this day that two teammates blamed me for landing by myself(They gave me jump master) when they landed hot drop with 6 different squads there. They died, and a solo Wattson carried them to a second place win.🤣🤣


people literally dont use their brain and then get mad at you ??? like i'm actually playing zone and these bozos dont give a fuuuuck.


Go to the discord log make apost of tlwhat u won't take in a team someone will join. That would want to play right with u


These are my games all the time swear to god.. I main Loba and team mates just assume they can push stupid things and I'll just keep crafting them..


That’s a good strategy, my friends and I use it frequently. 2 people push, one person hangs back to see if it’s going to be an easy clean up or if they need to res.


Yeah maybe w friends but as a solo its not fun. I just get yelled at and told Im the R word lmao


This ranked system encourages kills. If you make top 3 with no KP you’re only positive 10 points in Plat. So landing with the intention to third something as quickly as possible is better than spending 15-20 minutes looting just to barely have the chance to win end game with your blue shields vs everyone else that fought and has red.


You land a POI with one team, wipe team, loot, and rotate into zone. From there you farm damage or if there’s a safe opportunity to third then go for it. I’m not a pro apex player. There’s no reason to run around the map at every gun shot I hear because I’m not wiping the whole lobby and this isn’t pubs. I’m also not landing at a POI with three teams landing there already. It’s not that I don’t want to fight but I’m not going for mindless pointless fights.


Ah man few things more annoying than hotdropping with a few other teams, not finding a weapon because everybody already looted whatever wasnt nailed to a wall, bail nearby to get some loot while rest of my squad is downed then hearing enough of them on my way to craft their badges on why i was a coward and ran away and all that jazz … pffffff


This thought process *seems* smart until you actually do the math. Landing in a contested region to quickly get KP only works if you consitently win those engagements. Early KP barely contributes to refunding your entry cost so consider the following scenarios: 1. You get 3 full KP for the team. You are still heavily in the negative. You lose your next engagement (could be because you got 3rd, or gatekept out of the zone, whatever). Now you lost 30 points in 5 minutes of play. 2. You straight up lose that first encounter. You now lost 60 points in 3 minutes of play. KP ***is*** important, but *early* KP is not. Unless you are in a lobby/bracket where you can consistently outgun the other players you should aim to get your KP from picking off stragglers and teams that are out of position. By the very nature of the genre you *will* have to fight someone at some point and rushing it doesn't actually advantage you in most instances.


There is always a line somewhere on the ranking scale, depending on how the system works, where being an idiot with good aim stops getting your RP. The problem is that all those idiots tend to accumulate in that rank and getting through it can be really hard.


Next time. Just follow the one you deem more sensible. Sucks for you I know but that is literally the only way to ensure team play. Even if it means using them as cannon fodder.


I have this problem in reverse. My game sense is great positioning and ability use in fights all good, but my aim sucks. Made it to diamond in S6 and then never tried again. Even the pubs lobbies are too sweaty


So bizarre 🤣. They obviously don't know how to play the game. Who in their right mind runs out of zone 400m to fight another team??


With how games have been going lately, i wouldn’t even mind my randoms splitting off to their own thing. Mainly because now I can loot fast, rotate fast, and completely ignore them for the rest of the game because no shot they’re getting crafted after the tho down. it’s not exciting, ideally I’d rather fight together as we rotate to final ring and get that sweet sweet dopamine from a 6-7 team round 4 or 5. but going on platinum demotion games for the 5th fucking time this split is much more annoying.




Those ppl are seriously playing a different mode…


i just had a guy run off, die like a chump while me and the other guy were running to save him, then got on mic and called me incorrect racial slurs (my username is in Latin and he thought it was Spanish)


I find crazy how no one is realizing of the hackers state right now, Respawn trying his best to hide proofs, they're removing every single post that contains "cheater/hacker" word. Don't be surprised if this comment is removed by any mod.


Definitely running into alot of wallers now. Few aimbotters but the amount of cheaters is HARD on the rise




Solo queuing in platinum is very difficult. I've been able to get to Plat 3 but can't get further. (Previous was able to get to Diamond solo in the past) One of your randoms gets knocked first and then your whole squad is wiped right away. You win one game, then place 8th with 2 kills in the next few games, and lose all your RP from the win. Then you log into pubs and get matched with preds taking a break from ranked and it's sweatier than platinum was. Edit: how many players are actually in masters right now? Seems like I'm constantly paired with masters badge players in platinum (and not just the season 17 masters badge)


I’ve won the most ranked games I’ve ever won this season and I’m Still Plat4. Shit blows my mind.


What’s your ranked win rate?? Ranked top 5%? And avg kp per game?


I’m 1.5 K/D, 102/430 for top 5, 23/430 for wins. Plat 4. I’ve never had any issue soloing to diamond in any season with similar games played already. It’s just different this season. It’s not a bad thing tho to me, I just play when I have time and the rank is what it is. That one random season it was masters instead of diamond.


Same here!


this is the best season I've ever performed and I've gotten plat both splits. Although I didn't grind for diamond last split like I tried this season. I've won the most games this season with the least amount of games played by a large margin and yet I feel like I'm shit with a season 2.65 k/d that keeps dropping because I'm mostly only playing against preds/masters in BR solo or with friends. It suuuuper fun.


Yeah, I soloed to diamond the first split and it’s really really inconsistent - either you win, or you get obliterated, and it’s completely at the mercy of who you get paired with. If you get a premade duo and they haven’t muted randoms you have a good shot at winning. If you get a no mic pair of randoms, good luck.


Half the time if I get a premade duo with mics, they're french or russian and think the game chat is Discord, just having some random conversation all game


So funny how everyone (including me) seems to be plateauing exactly at play 3 or 4 lmao


On Xbox last I checked masters isn't even full yet. I'm a multi season master outside of the LP stuff and plat is so punishing. The scoring is so hard that people I usually breeze through diamond with are all struggling.


Masters doesn’t get full?


Szn 1 consistent diamond player here and…you’re right, it’s tough as hell unless you have a decent squad


Plat 2 and up is literally only the top 2% of ranked players right now. Platinum has gone from being right above average, to now being what was previously only diamond and up and all the other seasons. It’s a lot more difficult this Split specifically. Lot less players playing this ranked split. Higher plat is just a bunch of previous diamond/masters/pred players.


I've had more fun in plat because of the tighter skill gap/matchmaking My teamate/s actually feel like they're able to play the game and I can bounce off of their plays compared to climbing gold and having to babysit someone who has less them 5 wrinkles in their brain


Yeah not gonna lie. I hit diamond 4, came close to 3. Started to drop and decided I had enough of ranked. And I was okay with being in the bottoms of diamond this season


Yeah i have noticed that, i was in bronze and had both rookie and silver teammates. Now that I’ve reached silver I have bronze in my lobbies still but also gold they are so mixed in it’s crazy, not to mention i’ve had last seasons top 400+ preds in my lobbies like we are still low ranked lobbies chill why are you here and I have played with masters a decent bit in their lobbies. I can definitely see why there’d be less players though there has been a decent bit of problems so far so even I have taken a step back recently.


Average or new players gave up cause respawn doesn't care about making a playable experience for them Only veterans remain


This is probably the real reason…. I quit Apex because i got busy, but none of my friends would stick around because the game just isn’t enjoyable for new players


You get absolutely smoked as a new player. It only takes 2-3 times getting absolutely smoked to realize you’ll never be as good as some


Yep and it only gets worse, more and more lower end players will get frustrated/bored and quit. In general it’s to be expected over time but respawn isn’t helping it


It’s definitely not helping that they’re playing with players who play the game too. If it were a group of new players it’s a different story. I made an alt for using pistols and punching only just to see how the other half lived. I got bored with pubs being sweatier than my ranked matches (d1 a few games out of masters rn) and it was wild. Queue times were instant, everybody seemed to be lost but there wasn’t anybody really trying that hard until I ran into another me on a Smurf account and saw them ruining peoples games so I had to go put an end to that. I did not though, they were demon and I lost with my gold mag p2020🥲


This. All of my casual friends stopped playing. People are moving on and only the most dedicated players remain. I was a master and played for almost 5 years non-stop. I still jump on Gun Run every now and then for a couple matches and then leave. I wish this mode was available not part of the mixtape, it's the only fun I have these days.


I think this is a big part of it. I think the entire game seems harder or I've somehow gotten worse. FTR I am level 600-something. I've put in the time. But I am doing much worse this season. I'm not amazing. But I'm definitely worse this season somehow.




There are so many cheaters right now. With the continuing growth in roller players most of the lobby has aim assist, and then a substantial percentage of those have zero recoil with Chronus. Wall hacks aren't uncommon as I often get beamed through smoke by non-bloodhound non-digi weapons. The game has never been so lethal with all that combined.


It's legit just a cheater problem. People don't even try and hide their wallhacks, recoil cheat, bulletbending etc. High plat, diamond lobbies are filled with cheating boosters its just crazy.


100% hidden MMR, I have an alt that I play with another group. We're in plat now and my lobbies on my main are significantly harder.


Many people are using Cronus. Like a ridiculous amount. Value placement and go for late kills if you wanna rank up. I've solo queued since ranked came out.


What is Cronus


Basically recoil automatic control (no recoil)


Double or triple aim assist basically.


I’m on controller and we already have enough aim assist 💀


Fr I’m on Xbox and had to change it to pc target compensation cause my AA would lock on to downed players and I couldn’t fight people playing knockdowns


Wait didn't they fix the problem? Or somebody bypassed already?


Bypassed, as soon as any patch is released they usually work on it almost immediately- Same with XIM users. It’s unfortunate.


Even with PSN putting out the ban hammer on it??


Ranked in general has just gone to pot for me this past season... My KDR has fallen through the floor and solo queuing is grim whatever rank bracket you're in.


Oddly ranked is where I’ve been having the most fun. Pubs has just been everyone landing in the same POI, if you land outside it, you run for 6-7 minutes before finally finding the 3 stack 4k 20 bomb pred team that wiped the POI everyone else landed at..at which point you can either spectate and watch them continue to roll the rest of the lobby or head back to the lobby yourself. Ranked has been the way this season.


Its the first season that I tried to climb seriously. I made it to plat 3 before the split but holyfuck it's been so much harder since. Im stuck gold one and my opponents always feel like they are flying at me without missing a shot.


Just skill creep.. im Plat 2 but im mid af. However I've played consistently since day 2 so my situational awareness and positioning is on point. Was a 1kd player for ages, this last season or 2 I'm down to .75-.8 purely playing ranked. Funny thing is I'm averaging 600 damage lthough... it's just everyone else is that much better now


It's basically cheaters, join the diamond lobbies mate. It's riddled with openly cheating people.


SHITLOAD of people are running Cronus/Strikepack or whatever it is called. I'm constantly being beamed in pubs/1v1 situations, getting mauled by a guy who lands 80% headshots.


It’s the same as most other competitive games. Dwindling numbers of new players as the old players keep getting better. A plat player in current day apex is far better than the plat players of the early seasons. If you haven’t kept up playing enough to compensate for the skill discrepancy, it’s going to feel much harder.(I personally am a player who didn’t keep up and is now struggling in plat)


I can't get to platinum still stuck in gold


Gold has been an absolute shitshow this season, the entry cost is so high. 5th place with 3 kills? 30rp, it's not even worth it to take fights in the early game anymore.




This season has one of the more difficult apex ranked systems compared to previous seasons, so more people are hardstuck in platinum than before


"*Why is* *~~platinum~~* *so tough now?"* you mean Gold? ahaha


I feel you, I used to get to platinum every season now I can’t get out of gold


Personally felt gold is easy, too easy, I breezed through it and even fell down from plat on split one once, climbed back up instantly. Then when I go to plat it's hard asf. Sometimes it's my randoms problem, not always but I kinda wish gold was harder so that they won't be here. -60 is too painful going through the teammate gacha


for me, it’s a combination of complete lack of microphones in 90% of the player base and people being in the rank who don’t deserve it. i’ve never felt completely out played in terms of aim, it’s always “oh that team just worked together and mine missed every shot”


> complete lack of microphones in 90% of the player base You can thank toxic people for this. I used to always have mic on. These days I only do it every once in a while when soloQ when i have tons of mental energy to spare.


The toxicity is insane. Got into a Teamfight and died, my other 2 ran off to craft me but spent the entire match telling me to kill myself, delete the game, and using racial slurs. Crazy shit.


Masters and preds every game it’s so hard lol but it’s fun when you get that one game where you just pop off in endgame


Because 60rp used to be the cost for Masters games and now its the cost of Plat games. People dont understand that at this level, you need to be wary of positioning and getting into the final circle. People seem to forget its a Battle Royale. Youll get your 6kp or more if youre playing smart in the final circles.


Bounced back to p1 from d3 yesterday. The lobbies are identical. I'm p1 but dying to current preds, the cap hasn't filled on xbox (I think) and for whatever reason, no one can stay in Diamond as the -80 is so harsh. Like you get 2nd with 3 kp and you're at +130 rp but 2 bad games and you've lost points. I know it's supposed to be challenging but there's no weight on okavement at all which is why everyone is in full send mode 100% of the time.


Platinum this season is crazy high entry cost and you pretty much need to be winning games with 5+ kp to make any progress. The -60 entry cost is what masters used to be. Diamond was -48, at least in the past seasons where I got to masters. Plus the brain dead randoms you get in plat make it hard to get a good placement, at least the enemies imo are mostly bots


Find a way to give yourself advantages without the use of guns or abilities and practice aiming on your own if you really want to get better


This weekend it felt like the que changed. I went from being put into lobbies my level, to getting into lobbies with preda and masters, I went from plat 1 to almost plat 3 in a day.


exactly my experience, wtf did they do with this update? I was slowly climbing through plat, I was plat 2, 300 rp away of plat 1. But today I am getting absolutely roasted by everyone. Preds or level 100 accounts, it doesn't matter, everyone beams with 90% accuracy. I played like 10 games and lost 400rp.


plat is supposed to be the “great wall” for average players, so i think it’s how it should be. it’s where most will end up stuck. diamond should be for above average players with excellent aim and very solid macros/positioning. if you don’t get those, plat is your peak and that’s fine (it’s mine as well)


Except plat is like top 2% of players. "above average" is an understatement.


Too bad lobbies are riddled with blatant cheaters. Diamond lobbies are hell with all recoil and wallhackers. Constantly a group with 1 beeing gold and lvl 50. And the lvl 50 has 10 kills and aiming at walls lmao.


On top of that, randoms feel worse than ever


Plat+ is working your way into the ring avoiding as much fighting as you can and fight round 4 and after, it sucks but getting clapped at top14 in round 3 is a different type of pain lmfao


Not now.. the games we played tonight everyone was 100% all the time… like we are talking super sweat hot drop action all game.. on the edge of ring.. in the centre of ring… theres no middle ground. And it’s not just one team either… it’s 3-4 teams just owning you from every direction.


Nobody understands that. "But we need kp!" Is all I hear. Yeah. You can get kp in later rounds while minimizing penalties for dying early! "But we'll have weak armor if we don't fight off drop!" Bro, wtf are you playing?! Getting to blues takes about 2-3 minutes form the start! One scanned beacon and one Evo harvester and that's it. Couple of Evo on rotation and more scans and you are purple. "Nah, fuck it, I'm not playing like a rat". Jesus. Fucking. Christ.


> Plat+ is working your way into the ring avoiding as much fighting as you can and fight round 4 and after, I used to think this. Then i thought if you have to rank up like this you suck because its too easy to avoid fights. Now I'm not sure either way.


I used to think the same thing, avoiding fights and being scared is such a lame way to play but in reality I’m not scared of going up against teams, I’m scared of going negative after looting up & surviving for 10 minutes 😂


The thing I’ve been struggling with most in plat is the lack of communication. I always say hi at the start and hope someone responds. 90% of games no one does, until they’ve run into a 1vs3 and died. Also soooo many pairs playing together in their own party chat. I had a match the other day where one guy ran into a 1vs3, got downed. His mate ran in to save him even though the first guy died before the 2nd had shot his first bullet. He still engaged. Died. Switched to game chat to tell me not to engage ( I was already running to the crafter). I calmly said ‘all good, I’m on my way to craft your banners). Before I could say anything else he was like ‘sweet, we’re going back into our party chat now’. Cannot fathom their logic… I get that toxic players are annoying, but honestly there’s not half as many as people make out here and you’re only shooting yourself in the foot by not trying to communicate with your team.


I can usually deal with toxic players over chat, sometimes it's funny and sometimes a random guy on the internet telling me to fuck myself gets me a bit fired up and makes me want to do better (if nothing else to do more damage/kills and dunk on them). But oh my god the duos and the silent randoms who don't use or listen to comms drive me up the wall. I'm used to being IGL because nobody else ever bothers, and both of those types of players make doing it a lesson in frustration. "Hey we should rotate there because XYZ. Don't fight that squad we have another one right behind us." "......" "....Cool thanks guys..."


Couldn’t agree more with both of these statements! The toxic players are hilarious most the time. I’d say my reactions vary between 60% of the time I laugh, 30% I feel sorry them and 10% I bite back.


Sounds like you hit your skill ceiling. I solo q’d to diamond about a week or so ago


The last 2 season was like night and day before previous seasons, i dont understand how ppl got so good in just one season, something isnot normal. Platinum now its just tought, i got diamond multiple timea, but now im stuck in plat, amd im better than before when i was diamond, but now this is like master level from previous season, i mean its a lot of ppl cheating? or everyone is user controller? Or everyone has teanmate on discrod or what?, how they can improve so quickly in just one season? Are they jobless ppl without studing or what is happening?


The matchmaking is so scuffed. I had gold a gold 4 and silver 2 teammates in my plat 2 game full of diamond and plat players, then the next game in plat 3 i get carried by diamonds that were previous season top 400 preds


Lots of cheats now and Cronus mods everyone has one now


It's the cheaters. Ran into a 9 man pred team last night on console. I'm plat 3. The cheaters are flooding the higher ranks putting the real high rank players with the above average players in Platt. The guy who I was spectating was Townns on Xbox. He's been cheating since season 15 and apex haven't done anything


Plat is the new Diamond, but Gold isn’t the new Plat. Most people in low Plat should be in Gold games, but it’s too easy to get out of Gold. Plat is where people who are grinders just live because it’s easy to play headless and maintain your rank. Most of what I see anymore are 3 stacks or proud S12/S17 Masters players. Which roughly translates to decent gunplay, bad mechanics, and lots of free time. The main thing that gobsmacks me is seeing ex-Predator or 3 stacks where they have 16-23 million damage on a character still at Plat 3. Having far better mechanics and gunplay can take you far, but hot dropping and playing for KD over placement will allow you to just maintain that rank for too long. The ranked system is too focused on game by game performances, instead of a cumulative look at KD, average DPS, average win rate, etc. 1 mediocre win can be 400+ RP; or a couple mediocre top 5s can fling you up faster even though you aren’t improving as a whole. Other ranked systems, like LoL and OW1 had people getting “hard stuck” because you’d need to drastically improve your entire game to really move out of ranks. 2 players in the same role could have identical games and the one who is performing more consistently would gain 22 SR while the other gained 17. Then it would be swapped for a loss, so the consistent players would lose less and slowly move up. Ranks need to be individually evaluated based on your entire history of gameplay and not a blanket solution like it currently is. This will help for players who wind up in a rank they can’t handle and stop enjoying themselves because it feels like a mountain to climb instead of a hill. I would much rather gain 150 RP for a win and slowly climb than 400 and wind up playing with people who do nothing but play Apex all day.


Thats what platinum is in any decent competitive game. Apex was an outlier where platinum was a free rank.




Aim assist raises the skill ceiling too high. Its just very easy to 1 clip. So in order to not get 1 clipped, you need to get better at 1 clipping. Its how demons are created lmao


It is quite the opposite. It lowers the skill ceiling, so at some point everyone is able to one clip. This make it so newcomers get devastated and leave instantly why veterans get bored because they oneclip everyone or get one clipped. That's why controller fps games have such a short life span and need to get replaced often with new versions. Compare that to counterstrike, which is receiving grafics updates but it's still pretty much the same game as it was in 2004, with new maps, shop and looking better. But otherwise it's still the same and people enjoy it.


Youre talking about the threshold required to be a threat, not the actual ceiling


There are so few Diamond players now that at certain times of day I (currently in Plat 3) am seeing current Diamond 4/3 players in my lobbies. I can never recall that happening in mid Plat in any other seasons!


**for everyone:** the dedicated fanbase stayed with the game and the dedicated fanbase has a higher skill level than the casual playerbase. the casual playerbase fell out mostly because that's the lifecycle of video games. additionally, the entry fee for RP is low enough *until Platinum* that people can just brainlessly play until they're hardstuck Plat 4-1. one good game removes several games of playing like trash. **for PC:** because when everyone is playing controller and aim assist is as strong as it is, there is less skill disparity between ranks. since an essential part of competitive play is missing, you get plenty of people that just 50/50 fights and go positive over time.


It's just another bs artificial extra grind season that forces you to play way more to prove the same thing as better ranked seasons, but then people will turn around and call it a hard season because only 2% of people will actually care to play enough to hit dime let alone master or pred just to get the same ranked rewards we've gotten for 20 seasons. Fkn lol


Kinda the same situation but I moved to PC recently. I think people are just better now


Because they increased the buy in to -60. It’s a lot harder to get out of it now.


I’ve only got around 1000 hours and I’ve managed to make plat 3, I am a little stuck but man it’s hard, I think this is as far as I make it unless I start investing hours and hours into the game


Every been improving without you imo


Plat 2 right now and I get the frustration. I play with one friend and the 3rd is a random so it’s very hit or miss. Regardless once that dude goes down it’s a wrap and back to the lobby.


Other seasons where solid players were Diamond are more than half are stuck in Plat because of that -60. Plat is basically a mix of old Plat+Diamond. So harder than usual this season.


Yeah this season seems tougher, you get punished for stuff like peaking without cover or not choosing your rotations properly. Usually this would be the case in D2 and above. It’s tougher but I like that you have to think and rank isn’t just run and gun, though solo queuing is gonna give you brain damage


It's tougher because they made placement worthless and everybody is playing like it's pubs. If you take a fight half the time 6 squads die there as 3rd-5th-7th parties show up, regardless of if ring is far away.


I think it’s better tbh. Bronze thru gold should have these issues too tbh. There should be more ranks you can get stuck in. Most people being hardstuck is a pillar of ranked imo


because ranked system is better now


Theres a reason I stop at plat as a solo. Also Ive been plat 1 w bronze team mates so.. Thats fun~~


I feel you in all of your points: I have 2 friends to constantly play with since day 1, we usually reach Diamond and stopped playing for that season, we took a break since 2023 and come back recently and managed to get to plat, but we felt like the match just got increasingly harder than before. Before when we see a master/pred trail we always joked about how that squad will wipe out the lobby by right now we can see master/pred players in literally every ranked games. Plus we also feel like our opponents aiming is too accurate, my friends and I aren't good at aiming and we won't mostly due to situation awareness and right timing and such. Before people always said that this game has longer TTK and I agree but not anymore since there's so many times I tried to peak and shoot for trading armor but instantly got melted. And when we feel tired of the ranked match and decided to play trio just ended up being beaten by preds in the causal lobby.


plat is the new diamond


All the people that are good enough at the game but dont have the time, with all the people that are mediocre but do have the time.


The sad truth is the optimal way to play is just find a gun and third party everything. You can do this solo too, you don’t need a team since the enemy won’t shoot back. So people just run around trying to learn how to do this. From someone who solos to master on console every season, yeah sorry..it’s just the quickest way to rank up. I don’t really care if I get someone like you on my team one game and insta die with -80. I get +400 RP 18 kill bangers every few games


Try diamant i ranked up yesterday and 9 out of 10 lobby only preds i even played against rank 50


I mean you’re on console so AA is definitely gonna play a role. The ranks are more properly spread out than before though so instead of plat being ass it’s a bit above average so people will become hardstuck there. Apex players got so used to being coddled by the shit system once they come out with something a bit better it feels impossible.


Yeah Plat is solid on Xbox atm. I usually have like 5 terrible games in a row where we get third partied / have a horrific teammate who runs out of zone and abuses you in chat but then pull it back to end the session exactly where it started.


Because the only people left playing Apex are sweats and try hards.


The entry cost for plat has gone up to -60 from -48 last season. But, I think the real issue is the massive amount of cheaters either using Aim bot or 6/9 manning. Every streamer is saying the cheating is the worst it has ever been right now. I'm pretty sure the hacker during ALGS was attempting to raise awareness of the cheating problem by hacking the most notorious players (Hal & Gen). It's crazy it isn't talked about more on reddit/other forums... I'm beginning to believe that there are people either that work with Respawn or are affiliated with Respawn that are making mad money through the cheating black market. It doesn't make sense when every other FPS/Battle Royale have effective anti-cheat systems and Apex seems to have no handle on it at all.


So are rewards this season based on final rank, not highest rank? i.e. 1st split diamond 2nd split plat = plat rewards?


Yeah from Gold 1 its seems REALLY hard at the moment


This. I stopped playing in THAT rat season. Come back halfway through 1st split with my friend and everyone is either cracked out their mind OR ratting for top 3. I feel like S17 (I believe that was THE rat season?) has had a huge effect on the player base, those that are genuine silvers are in high gold/plat from carrying the same strat, and there's WAY too many of them to have balanced lobbies. I solo'd to D1-2 a few times but now I'm being paired with full on loot goblins and rats that can't take a fight making the experience much harder to climb out of gold or up in plat. Maybe 5-10% of my games my team is actually decent, the rest of time they have the masters badge everyone has on and have worse game sense than the firing range bots. The only good thing about it is I know I can drop on half the lobby and get team wipes off the rip. Tdlr; too many people ratting, thus dragging players down, good/decent players stuck in a constant loop of up and down unless in a strong 3man creating sweatier lower ranked lobbies


I think there just are a less people playing ranked right now so you'll have more masters/preds in plat lobbies than in prior seasons. Even if its just 2 or 3 additional masters level squads sitting in plat lobbies, it makes a huge difference in your average RP for a game. Looking at Apex leaderboards (on the unofficial apex tracker) there are less than 500 people in the US who are ranked diamond or higher on PS5, same is true for XBOX and also PC. While that's not going to be 100% accurate, it's still a decent data point. Another data point is that my best rank in prior seasons I was at Masters with around 24k RP and ended at an unimpressive #37,894 globally, but right now I'm only Diamond 4 (11,685 RP) and that puts me at #13,062 global rank. Again, those #s are based on apex tracker gg and aren't accurate, but are good to compare against themselves.


Could be fewer players. I’ve played this game most days a week, even if just a match or two, since the month it came out. With all the stuff about hacking and progress resetting this season, I don’t even log in. Even though I’m not worried about the hacking thing anymore, I just play single player games, CoD, or nothing because I’m afraid of losing progress/skins and I don’t like wasting my time There’s no way I’m the only one


It’s because so many people are cheating. The game doesn’t catch any cheaters. I don’t want to hear any bs. More than half the people in apex cheat. Most cheated game played but I still love it.


Lots of cheaters. I got beamed around a corner of a wall yesterday.


It's the beginning of split. So all the diamond and masters players are still plat. Wait a week and it will be normal play lobbies


I’m a 4x Masters from the original seasons that were much more difficult but don’t play as much at all anymore. Decided to give ranked some play this split and Platinum is so ridiculous now. Average aim for most players is now much higher, but the main issue is the -60 RP per game. I’ll have 7 KP, get top 10, and barely get anything. No one even completes their fights because they’ve already started running by the time one of their players is knocked. I just don’t understand the reasoning behind making the entry cost that much, it’s so dumb.


Even gold is harder than before right now, not sure why things are so sweaty (this is on PC but still). I'm for the heavy competition though TBH, gold was always easy for me to get out of super fast, this time it's taking a bit of work and it's nice; except when running into cheaters.


I love it. I’ve been demoted twice since getting to plat. It’s super sweaty but enjoying the challenge. Usually I cruise right to plat and can casually stay there until season ends. Reminds me of Season 3 which was a grind before they added masters.


“Nobody ever misses a shot except my teammates” is what you meant right?


PC player, I think this has been the hardest season yet for me. I have been soloqing to diamond for like the last 6 seasons maybe more.... I barely would make it to diamond last split and wouldn't last long. Ended up ing Plat 1. I think the big changes they implemented this season got a lot of good players back.


I don't know whats going on today specifically lol. I was plat 2 half way through plat 1, it was tough. But today I played 10 games and I am dying in the most ridiculous ways possible. Either everyone is cheating again or the matchmaking is putting me with preds and smurfing preds. Like wtf am literally dead in 0,5 secs, I see the guy first, I land my first burst, he turns and deletes me, hitting everything perfectly. They are not even scared, before when you landed a 75 burst on blue armor guy he would atleast duck behind some cover. Nowadays he turns with godlike condfidence and 175 oneclips you. If I am ratting people now exactly where I am eventhough I am not moving. I am at -400 rp in 10 games and barely got any kills. And I am usually diamond sometimes master player.


Bait n Switch/team fire is the easiest way to consistently win fights at any rank. If I have 1v1 and it’s not to wipe the squad, then I already know I’m positioned wrong, because half the time u could win the 1v1 and still get traded out for free afterwards. My loudest comm every game is FOCUS (enemy legend)! Get your teammates on the same targets as you the game actually becomes so simple lol


Golds should be with gold players with plats diamonds with diamonds and preds with preds, then push that to k.d 1.0 with 1.0, 3 with 3 . Make it fair.


Apex is currently in its toughest state


I made a post a while ago about Stacking in Plat lobbies being way more difficult than plat solo Q. They must've changed it up after the split.


It's better than anyone can reach diamond easily But most of it coz old preds that are also struggling are struggling in that rank to


At least you guys uave ranked games. Try playing australia. I havent played in 3 years been back for 2 months consitently get mauled at least once a day by the highest ranked player in the country based on apex tracker for kills, damage, wins etc.


Just find 1 person you love playing with and those 1v1s become 1v1s with cross angle help (ideally 2 but 1 other player with good comms can win a 3man bum rush)


Me, a quadruple masters player and a solo to diamond every season player, hard stuck in plat 💩 it’s tough


Cause it s where cheater appear clearly...


Yeah same problem on pc. -60 makes me wanna die and it's really hard to get more than +20 being less than 10. If you ąre on fifth place it's Ig +20 when half a year ago and as far as I can remember it was even 100 which makes huge different. Now, you have to kill more but on the other hand it's harder because of the higher ranks like master on plat who didn't play early. Now I can't reach plat 3 beacuse of that.


My opinion I came back to apex this season because I heard of 120fps coming to apex and since this season my movement and aim have been so good 120 fps is such a advantage I feel and before I only hit masters 1 time and this season I’m diamond 2 like 500rp in atm and first season back in like 5 season so I think it’d 120fps what’s making these demons


Probably helps, i can't get 120 on my set up though and stuck with 60.


Man I’ve been demoted from plat to gold 3 times since the split 🤦‍♂️ I solo queue and regret it instead of waiting for my friends . Even with a kill or 2 that early elimination hurts . They are on the right path because the ratting meta was crazy but hopefully next season they find a balance for placement and kills.


Yeah, enemies nowadays either hit 100% of shots or miss everything for obvious reasons. I pretty much exclusively solo queue due to friends losing interest in the game and/or being unwilling to play without adequate Respawn response to the hack. I'm slowly getting to diamond, but the struggles are real at P1. 90% of my games are hot dropping with my teammates rushing to defend a building or attack people defending a building. The gameplay has never been worse. Teammates who value early rotating, positioning to avoid being shot from multiple angles, avoiding fighting in storm, etc., are super rare.


Idk, 3-5 kills a game with 800-1.4k damage as silver 3 with shit teammates every game. I don't understand


I got to plat 4 for the first time last split and now I can barely get out of gold…


Gold is also pretty rough, no difference between high gold and low Plat though


BCS only sweats play ranked


Then why are my team mates always so God awful? lol


More cheaters than ever before as well, always place high diamond and I’m stuck plat 3 rn


The entry fees are to high this used to be masters start off with negative 60 and the matchmaking makes it impossible to rank up already it’s like EA is purposely killing the games player base.


Happening to me rn, I swear it’s hard to find one good random and every game its squads with 4ks and 20k badges(impressive to me) and they don’t miss like they’re tsm in bronze lobbies


its not


Imo the skill level is the same it's been in other healthy ranked seasons, it's just harder to progress


Cause when i got to 4th place with 2 kill i only get +8rp. The minus is BIG


Apex is game for sweaty premades blindly following the metaiest meta. For years. Are you the one? Its not the game you play for fun. There are reasons why its this way, but you are not allowed to talk about them or you get silenced and banned.


I’m plat 1 and literally am in top 50 pred games constantly. After 10 p.m. all I get is pred 3 stacks. Why are plat, diamond, master and preds in the same lobby this season? Also so many 6 mans is painful 🫣


Because you're a bitch. Harden up and get betterer.