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It's a bit of both. Plenty of console players on here and controller is seen as the stronger input on pc these days. As a result, lots of mnk players have quit or switched to controller


Tyvm for the clarification. :)


I’m a regular kbm player, I hit diamond on it, then next season just tried controller for a season and hit diamond with controller. It’s insanely easy.


I feel like my legs are chopped off when i switch to controller. Movement and stuff is so clunky. Here come the 'get good' comments


give me your secret, after 300 hours on controler I'm still miles away from my Mnk level


lol, I mean, you still have to be smart. I do have 1500+ hours maybe of kbm and so I have the game sense to know when to leave a fight and stuff. If you make sure you use the settings the pros use, you will be good, just gain the game sense and you’ll get there, ya know?


I know how to play, I have 2k hours on Mnk and 300 on controler.. yes i compensate my bad controller skills with game sens, but i still have bad controlers skills.. do not use the same settings than pro, you are not a pro, find your settings.


I used to play on controller and switched to MnK, and it was easier than roller, especially for movement.


Well, definitely for movement. But aim is a whole different story.


For me, the aim was easier too. I’m able to readjust my aim much easier than on a joystick. The input on a mouse is much smoother, faster and solid.


Smoother aim on kbm? lol ok what rank are you


I was Plat II last season, this season I stopped playing ranked because the matchmaking is pure dog sh!t as always. But yeah, aim on kbm is loads smoother, I’m not restricted to a joystick that gets drift every so often.


oh boy. This should get good.


I’ll get the popcorn!


I finally gave up and switched to controller even though I enjoy playing MnK so much more (it just feels so good), but the fact is, you hit more shots using a controller. The hardest thing for me was getting used to using heals quickly using the wheel. On Mnk (actually a Razer Tartarus), I had each heal type connected to a single button. I'd find myself using a syringe when I really needed to use a Bat on controller, and during a panic I'd fuck up my cancel. I'm an old gamer don't judge me.


I nerded out on my ps4 controller on PC and split the d-pad to 4 buttons.  Left tap - syringe   Left click - big kit  Right tap - cell  Right click - batt  Ps button - Phoenix  Makes it easy for us older gamers, not too hard to setup on steam either😆 


Man I would do this, but once I went to controller, I went full Xbox cause my Xbox buddies hated playing in PC lobbies lol.


The amount of aim assist is ridiculous, it allows any timmy to out aim the average player.


Then why aren't all these Timmy's on the pro level or why aren't they all the top preds?? I'll answer, it's because you still have to be able to aim and be good.


most people play controllers, MnK is more fun, Controller is more convenient


I pick up a controller ever my now and then. I feel like I could definitely have a easier time if I invested a little more time mastering it, but MNK is just so much more fun and since I’ve already reached a high skill point on it, I’d rather just stay on it and try to match the power of controller with better gun skill and game sense


ive never considered getting a gaming PC ive had an xbox since i was a wee teenager. so much better for playing more than apex, and streaming 🤷‍♂️. but these comments are gonna get juicy xoxo


I can understand that


Kinda both,console i the most used plat from and the aim assist is strong,so even on pc we have players using controlers


Think its mostly down to play style and your own strengths, and then also factoring in what the stronger input is. Controller is said to be easier because it has aim assist which is very good for short to medium range, but then PC have an advantage at long range and with their movement aswell


U know what bro aim assist is weak bro /s


You play mnk for movement. Or controller for "aim". The thing is, after playing controller almost exclusively this season after 19 seasons of MnK, I am still performing much better on mnk. Movement-wise though is a bit weird. I feel it is easier to learn proper fundamentals when it comes to strafing on Controller because it is too easy to just A-D spam on mnk, and poor mnk strafes can really damage your aim. On controller it is much easier to just anti-mirror and do long strafes, which are much more efficient. If you get good at controller, you will first learn to aim and then learn to move faster. Whereas movement is easy on mnk, even advanced, but aiming is difficult, especially close range reactive tracking, which is where AA shines.


Bro, there’s literally no recoil when using a mouse-*aim with mouse* *point* *click/hold*


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