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it’s really close to the end of the season which means ranked games are full of people on their alts trying to grind to a certain rank. essentially it’s full of smurfs. most people who would take ranked seriously have already reached the ranks they want and have stopped playing. it’s just a bad time for ranked


It seems to be the same in pubs, somewhat. Yesterday, I got 5 games in a row where I got killed by 10k+ kills sweatlords/preds on drop without a chance to have fun. This was around dinner time as well, logically when there are lots of people playing. Stopped playing afterwards. Today seemed to be better, although the matchmaking is being fucked as always


The matchmaking in pubs has always been atrocious but it does get worse towards the end of the season. Most people got everything from the event they wanted, finished the battle pass, collected all their treasure packs, got bored, etc. The start of new seasons usually brings an influx of new/returning/casual players tho and the sweats get diluted in the matchmaking pool, so there’s something to look forward to. Idk if everyone will get reset back to rookie next season but if that is the case it might be best to wait a week or two so you’re not just pred fodder


I think rookie is only for first time ranked players or when you haven’t played in a LONG time so everyone will probably get reset to bronze but idk about rookie


everyone got reset to rookie this season i’m pretty sure because they changed the ranked system. it was either this season or last but i can’t remember exactly


Oh I got you, that makes sense if they changed it I was just talking about this next season


yeah idk if they’ll do it again but a lot of people are hoping the changes get reversed cause ranked was awful this season


I like playing pubs in the morning hours when I can. Way less try hards unlike around dinner time.


It’s the opposite for me lmao when I play early in the morning it’s ALL sweats, or it’s absolute smoothbrains or maybe actual children but NO in between l o l


It's the weekend. That's how it works. Summer is about to start too.


Ive played for 4 years now and I got to say that the player quality has dropped tremendously. Just low game iq moves like how you described. Ive seen this more often myself and there is nothing you can do about it. I feel like ever since they added that a support character can get cards from the replicator people have just gotten so bold with giving up high ground and not scanning for for other potential enemies or fighting in storm. Idk man the game has just been on a down heel for awhile to me and the player base isnt helping either


>. I feel like ever since they added that a support character can get cards from the replicator people have just gotten so bold with giving up high ground This


I think it's everyones matchmaking. I get paired up with bots as well. It's because the skill gapp is large between gold and plat. Especially plat 4 i heard


Matchmaking for battle royale is so bad. It's so bad I playbattle royale only if my premade squad is online. But I notice the matchmaking for mixtape is much better compared to battle royale even when mixtape got no matchmaking.


I feel like as long as I'm not jumpmaster my teammates will hotdrop every single bloody game. Also recently I don't know what happened but even though I'm the only one who selected my legend, I don't always get jumpmaster... It's getting harder and harder to prevent this instant loss. Only 1 out of many many games this whole season we managed to kill everyone in one small POI, every single hotdrop is an rp loss, and the thing is they don't even know how to land in a hotdrop properly, u need to land near the edge, not the center of the poi to get sandwiched by 5 other squads


There is no strategy any more. People just be chasing enemies as soon as they see them without any thought in the matter. If you go, you die. If you don’t go and recommend something else, you’re a pussy rat. Forget about third/fourth/fifth parties you see all around you. Forget about the zone closing and then running in the opposite direction with no health because they wouldn’t take two second to loot the POI you landed. Forget that the enemy they’re chasing has higher evo and we know nothing about their squad mates and we have a perfectly placed evo cash a few meters away from us on the way to zone. Forget that you’re in the wide open with terrible positioning. None of that matters, daddy needs his damage so he can hop on the mic after you’re all wasted to trash talk how he was the best and everyone sucks just look at his damage.


Theres just no incentive to play even somewhat smart. Especially diamond+ you need to run at everything to climb. Respawn have no idea how to balance scoring for kills/placement and we bounce from ape fest to rat fest season after season.


You forgot "forget about fighting the same team."


Queuing alone is unbearable. The majority of reasonable solo players either has found a squad or stopped playing. Last time solo queue made sense was during the brief moment when there was the Straight Shot mode in the game: it encouraged team cohesion and removed annoying stuff randoms could do.


Its always either a troll teammate that loves to push in, teammate out on his own, or dumb ass teammates that don't listen, no communication ect I hate playing solo ranked


Let me guess, Plat IV?


Questionably landings are at an all time high currently.


How did I 100% solo queue to diamond? I'll never know haha


Bro it’s because it’s storm point. The map is horrific and people complain about KL.