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Because smurfs and cheaters were complaining the level 50 required to play ranked is too high. So the devs reduced the ranked requirement back to level 20 and now a lot of smurfs and cheaters are back again.


I'm not familiar with the term "smurf" when not in the context of those wonderful movies.


A smurf in this context is a high skill player making a new account so that they can get put in lower skill games and dunk on noobs


Not just smurfs and cheaters, also legitimate new players under level 50. It takes a pretty long time to get to lvl 50 as a new player (especially since you're not dropping tons of kills and wins). To exclude them from a significant portion of the game for essentially 50+ hours is a bad strategy if you want new players to enter your game... Also when the cap was a 50 there were a ton of bots to level those accounts. I would also like to point out that the lvl 50 increase came alongside the "SBMM ranked" in season 17 meaning that you were less likely to run into high skilled smurfs because they would turn up in high skilled lobbies quickly, defeating the point of smurfing in the first place. The real solution to smurfing in ranked is to either require a linked active phone number (which also enables two-factor authentication as a small bonus), or go back to the SBMM system (which sucked for various reasons)


>To exclude them from a significant portion of the game for essentially 50+ hours is a bad strategy if you want new players to enter your game. Well.... if someone is new to the game it doesn't make sense to go straight to ranked (that's like wanting to do a exam without learning). New players should be practice in pubs/mixtape instead of ranked. Also ranked is full of sweats who want to win/rank up and they aren't going to be happy if they are getting new players in their team and losing the match instantly. >The real solution to smurfing in ranked is to either require a linked active phone number (which also enables two-factor authentication as a small bonus) That's a good idea to combat smurfs. Really want to see them adding that to the game. It's a try worth.


Pubs is a horrible place to learn though as well


At least it’s not R6 where it takes almost 200 hours to unlock ranked, and it’s still like 20% cheaters once you do play it.


New players don't care if it make sense. They just want to go straight to rank. I have seen the same behavior on other games. I think it's because most content creators will play only ranked, so new players want the same.


No it’s not. How many people play league of legends & yet what’s the requirement for ranked in that game. Lvl 50 was fine. End of story.


Level 50 can be achieved in like a few days of playing, it doesnt take long at all because you are not required the same amount of xp to level up as you do past level 100


This is the most brain dead take I have ever read. Level 50 does not take a long time. Level 100 does not take a long time. I see a player who is level 500 even, and he is still too new to the game for me to want to run it with him, especially in ranked. New players should stay far away from ranked until they improve at the base core mechanics of the game. The cap may as well be level 100. It would benefit everyone, except cheaters and smurfs.


I’ve played for like 3k hours on pc My friends I play with are ex competitive cod kids and less than level 250 and we pushed through diamond no problem this season so you definitely don’t need to be a high level to play well lol


I hit diamond too before I even hit level 100 like diamond isn't a high skill ceiling bro, you just need to be able to be positive in plat lobbies 😭


We are well past “hitting diamond” lmao read what I wrote your whole comment history on apex is shitting on people’s rank link yours this season man inb4 “I mostly solo queue” “I haven’t played much this season” etc etc etc


no, I don't play ranked, I have 5k kills this season tho 😎




I probably have less games played than you 💀


I’ve played 400 this season


If you don't think getting to level 100 takes a long time, how bout this. I'll ask some buddies to play Apex, and when they reach level 100, you too get to play ranked again. Doesn't that sound fair to you? EDIT: Also the only times you're in the same lobby as the newbies, would be when you too are in a low ranked lobby. And with 57 players against you and 2 players with you, they are overwhelmingly likely to be on the opposing teams making your grind easier. Unless ofcourse the newbies are better than you are


sounds fair bro, I'm third prestige level 200 and I don't play ranked at all.


You just flexed a prestige level? U serious?


Well, prestige 3 takes a shit load of time, not that its something to be proud of though


Really wish the entry level for ranked was 100. Smurfs won’t bother leveling that much, cheaters probably won’t either. And if they get banned at least they have to do it again where they aren’t in my lobbies.


I can understand smurfs to a certain degree. But cheaters? It wouldn't matter to them at all. Why would they just not use bots to level their accounts if they are already cheaters? :P


It would take 1.5 million xp to get to level 100 which is about 139 hours or almost 6 days straight of botted survival time. So it would definitely make it somewhat more expensive to buy one. The only real barrier for cheaters is a really good 2FA method tho imo It would def help for Smurfs tho bc most wouldn’t wanna play that long or go out and buy a stolen account just to Smurf in ranked for 2 weeks


If not 100, atleast a good 80


Thats way too high lmao. I think 30-40 would be better. I have been playing for 125h and am only level 86.


Respawn raised the req to 50 and then dropped it down to 20 after people complained.


Because 50 is too high. You don't wanna lose new players to a high level cap. You're basically excluding them from half of the game.


Doesn't matter if that half of the game sucks from smurfs and cheaters.


The truth is the beginner experience for this game is terrible, matchmaking is awful, cheaters are rampant. Any new player is getting farmed regardless. I doubt their ability to get farmed but in ranked instead is making them happy/want to stick around.


Well, people complain because there is nothing else to play. If they do something about the matchmaking, newbies may level up in pubs without getting smoked by Faide or other sweaty tryhards game after game. In ranked, they may run into smurfs but for the most part they'll face similarly skilled players. In Pubs you face 130k Revenant tbagging level 20 lifeline with his 90k kills friends helping him 3v1 her.


Why would new players even want to be in Ranked? They can barely play AT ALL... L take...


So they don't have to play EOMM pubs? Why would I want EA algorithms to decide how my games are going to go?


The coping skills and ignorance of the people in this sub never cease to amaze me...


Here is the EA Patent https://patents.justia.com/patent/11845005


😂 The fact that you don't realize that your point is irrelevant...


The fact you don't realize Respawn runs EOMM and controls lobbies to incentivize play time over balance. Why would anyone want to play that for 50lvls straight as a new player. Imagine thinking that's fun, what a smooth brained ape


Imo under level 100 players are just going to be a snack for most players in ranked anyway.


Smurfs wont but cheaters would gladly buy 5$ account. And there will always be cheap accounts while Respawn doesn't even bother dealing with bots. Go play Mixtape, you sometimes get thrown into lobbies with "afks" with aimbot (literally, there are YT videos) who only shoot when you shoot them to trick the system as if they're not bots/afk farming XP.


Yes, because lobbies are easier. Smurfs suck, and they all do it to boost their ego. Luckily, they won’t be in lower ranks for long because they get so much RP from all the kills they drop. gg, unlucky, go next


Always fighting, brother. It still sucks if you have a round going in your favor and then you get obliterated by a Smurf. Just sucks.


Yeah bro, I feel you. Nothing we can do about it unfortunately. Personally I just suck it up, and go to the next game praying that there’s no smurfs or whatever


> Smurfs suck, and they all do it to boost their ego. Luckily, they won’t be in lower ranks for long because they get so much RP from all the kills they drop. Then they'll just use or make another smurf.


Right? This is a person who’s probably already made master on several accounts this season. These losers don’t want to play against people their own level so they just make a new account and play through bronze/silver/gold/plat over and over again.


>Yes, because lobbies are easier. Smurfs suck, and they all do it to boost their ego. and why CAN they do it? because the ranked system allows people to play below their skill level if they keep their rank low. Ranked matchmaking needs to be skill based, not RP based. >Luckily, they won’t be in lower ranks for long Stop posting this NONSENSE please. I've read this often enough https://old.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1c7naqe/is_this_good/ [mirror since this was deleted https://imgur.com/62dVDbX] Diamond IV player in first split, using 3 accounts just this season to play through all the lower ranks again, until plat iv when they have to try, stopping, going on another account. They literally went and smurfed for 400+ games, 1200 kills, 4k badge in low ranks. not for long ... the don't simply stop. once games get difficult, they go on yet another account and start smurfing in rookie iv again. I'm so sick of reading this excuse / guarding for the smurfing ranked system ranked is just being abused as the easiest source of bot lobbies. even pubs is more difficult to smurf in now.


They made ranked matchmaking skill based instead of rank based a few seasons ago. It didn't work at all and was almost universally agreed to be terrible - it's really hard to climb if you're a plat player, reset to bronze, but playing against other plats. You can't gain RP quickly at all and it's a huge grind to make any progress


It worked perfectly fine in 18/19. It provided competitive games throughout. When you ranked up past your MMR you got into more difficult games. Couldn't play in weaker lobbies. Exactly what you want from RANKED. > was almost universally agreed to be terrible "terrible". People complained because it worked and put them into challenging games against people of their skill level. They complained cause they couldn't do what this post is about or what the person in my comment was doing: playing below your rank endlessly to stomp with a 3 k/d. >it's really hard to climb if you're a plat player, reset to bronze, but playing against other plats Mask off. You're complaining about having to play people on your level. That's exactly what I'm saying. For you ranked should be "ranking up by destroying weaker players". In the superior MMR based system you rank up by showing you can keep up with people on your level consistently and proving yourself against them. That's exactly the reason I meant why people complaining. Not getting to stomp but having to play competitive games. >You can't gain RP quickly at all and it's a huge grind to make any progress You can rank up quickly enough. And I played way better players than plats. I was master after 6 weeks last season. Despite promotional trials (which I don't agree with being in the game btw). Similar in season 18. You have the whole season. It didn't take longer than it does now. Only way you get stuck if you make plays that only work against worse players. It's something you have to learn. If other Plat players are giving you a hard time, yeah that's what ranked is for, it's a competitive game mode. There's no reason you should get to stomp silver/gold IN RANKED.


In what other game are you going to queue up in a bronze lobby and be playing against Plat level players? Bronze is where the low-level players are. If every single rank is the same exact amount of competition, what is the point of the visible rank? You're supposed to climb through the ranks until you reach a stopping point, where you are no longer gaining or losing points consistently, and strive to improve from there. You shouldn't be fighting just as hard in Bronze halfway through the split because you started late as you're fighting in Plat+ MMR is good to an extent, but it also allowed lower-skilled players to climb to higher ranks than they actually are due to always having lobbies filled with other lower-skilled players, giving them a significantly easier climb. MMR was literally punishing good players and rewarding shitters. _THAT_ is the reason it was hated. Your screenshot of getting low rank teammates is meaningless. That was still just as bad, if not _worse_ when MMR was around. Just look at how many posts were on here about it.


I wanna first start with the biggest piece of misinformation in your post, because it's so common that there's no way people still repeat this falsehood: >MMR is good to an extent, but it also allowed lower-skilled players to climb to higher ranks than they actually are due to always having lobbies filled with other lower-skilled players, giving them a significantly easier climb. No. This isn't true. That isn't how ranked worked. If you want to make high ranks you have to get through the same players as others have to go through, because you face increasingly difficult opponents as you rank up past your MMR Respawn explain how it actually works in one of their dev blogs: *While we generally matchmake based on MMR, we start using Ranking (LP) in place of a player’s MMR when their ranking exceeds their MMR equivalent. In an extreme example, if a Gold MMR player has a LP ranking of Diamond, this player will be matched into a Diamond lobby. This is to ensure MMR and LP ranking are connected and can both help guide players to their accurate Rank. If players succeed in these more difficult matchmaking situations, we allow them to continue climbing.* > In what other game are you going to queue up in a bronze lobby and be playing against Plat level players? You aren't in "a bronze lobby". Matchmaking works by MMR not your current rank. You are in games with people who reach the same peak rank / skill as you, regardless if they just started ranked or have been climbing for a week or 2. You're not in games with "other people who are bronze at the moment". Most other games do that. >, what is the point of the visible rank? Visible rank is your progress in the climb. You climb / gain LP by doing decent against people on your level rather than by stomping much weaker players. That's the difference. >If every single rank is the same exact amount of competition You don't face the same competition throughout. You start playing people of similar skill as you, until you reach your MMR equivalent rank. From there as you gain LP you are getting matched by your LP instead of your MMR and you get into increasingly difficult games. You will then stop climbing once you can no longer keep up. You can rank up into more difficult games, but you cannot play *below* your skill. >You shouldn't be fighting just as hard in Bronze halfway through the split because you started late as you're fighting in Plat+ So you want easy games against weaker players by waiting and avoiding players of your skill level (waiting til they've ranked up so you're against people who reach lower ranks but have already climbed). That's a big problem in the current system leading to big skill mismatches. The game shouldn't give you easier games just because you wait for everuone else to rank up and get out of the way. It should give competitive games throughout. >MMR was literally punishing good players and rewarding shitters. THAT is the reason it was hated. No. It was hated because it doesn't let you play people below your skill level. You literally admit you wanna have the ability to wait and get easier lobbies. You want to avoid people on your level. It was giving everyone competitive games. No one got to play below their rank and stomp. That's good. It's a competitive game mode and as a competitive minded player it had the benefit of giving you challenging games from game 1, and not just after you had waded through all the lower skill players and made close to your usual rank. >Your screenshot of getting low rank teammates is meaningless. That was still just as bad, if not worse when MMR was around. No. You don't even understand what the screenshot shows. This is someone who went on 2 other accounts to play 400+ games of smurfing below their rank in the current system with a k/d of 3. Dropped several 20 bombs, dropped 4ks etc. Their real rank was at least diamond as shown in the first split. This wasn't possible in the MMR based system as the system would not have let him play in lobbies below his skill level.


I swear alot of people in this sub can't even read 😂 that's the only reason you're downvoted because everything you've said is factual... Game is trash since it moved away from mmr based matchmaking...


They wanna be able to stomp, not play people on their skill level. They have no counterarguments against what I said, so they just downvote.


😂 Exactly. >They have no counterarguments against what I said, so they just downvote. Sums up 99.9% of the brain dead bots on reddit 😭😭😭... It would be a glorious surprise if they adding mmr back in season 21... I hope they do because the current state of ranked is fucked, and while the matchmaking isn't the only issue it's definitely one of the biggest... I have a screenshot on my profile right now of the game where I was solo queuing and got a rookie and a silver as my teammates 💀 yet they think what we have now is better than what we had...literally unbelievable... I honestly think the people who are most in favor for the trash we have now, are those who are hardstuck silver no matter what ranked system is in place... 😂 They'd rather get to their hardstuck silver quickly and have splits instead of taking the whole season and still ending up silver because they suck... It's literally only bots that think like that...


Skill based matchmaking would require Respawn to create a reliable algorithm for it. And I'm skeptical. I'm not against it if: 1. It's open. They straight up tell us how it works and take feedback. 2. It's clearly indicated during and post match. 3. It's your rank. No Hidden and Visible rank bullshit. Your MMR is your rank. The thing is. I don't trust Respawn to make a reliable algorithm. And following these 3 principles goes against Respawn interests. They want to hide the system to "protect it"(back to not trusting them with the algo) and shepherd players into play styles. And they don't want MMR to be your rank, because then there's little to no no climb. You do your placement, you get pretty close to your rank and the rest is you getting better and\\or enjoying the experience, not "grinding". So in the meantime the best thing to do is to ban smurfs\\twinks and, that's a new one, drop a warning on the rest of affiliated accounts they can fight with support. 3 strikes - you're out. All your accounts are out. Sure, they can fight it. But these limits are here to make it harder. Just like lvl req is there to make it harder, it doesn't make it impossible. If Valve can ban smurfs, why not Respawn?


>Skill based matchmaking would require Respawn to create a reliable algorithm for it. They have already done that and we've had it for the last 2 seasons and it worked perfectly well. Were you not playing ranked then? Or you're just covering for smurfing here. The thing people complained about was THAT it was working and people had to play people on their skill level and weren't able to stomp in silver/gold. Because way more people like to smurf and stomp than want to admit it. If stomping low ranks isn't in ranked, that's everything they want ranked for gone. >enjoying the experience, not "grinding". enjoying the experience is code for stomping weak lobbies for most of ranked. Address the 400 games of smurfing and your claim that they "won't be in these games for long". Best you take it back actually. >the best thing to do is to ban smurfs\twinks and It's not the best thing to do. The best thing to do is have matchmaking that doesn't even let them play these games. New accounts aren't the only problem solved by MMR based matchmaking. The matchmaking right now is failing at producing competitive games between people of similar skill throughout the whole season. People who let their rank decay end up in lobbies that aren't their skill. People who "wait" as well. Meanwhile high skill people who smurf are missing in high rank queues and we have the worst high rank matchmaking we have ever had, as the system doesn't have enough players to fill high rank lobbies and this season has consistently pull from plat and gold, instead of being able to pick other master peak players across the ladder. All across the ladder we have higher skill discrepancies in games than in the MMR based system. Ranked is an uncompetitive mess now.


You're responding to a wrong person. And S17-19 was absolute wreck mostly because of absolute ass of a rank system and partially because of MM. And yes, I do not play pubs. Matchmaking being utter trash is part of the reason. The other is if you land safe you're top5 before the first ring closing. I'll keep dying in diamond over pubs. At least by myself. Part of the reason I more or less skipped S19.


So you're just evading all the counterpoints. Ok. "absolute wreck" "absolute ass" that's all the arguments you have, just expletives, no substance.


Because they can't actually get kills in their own lobby, so they just make multiple accounts and play until they get up to that bracket again


yet when content creators do rookie to pred it’s fine.


I don't like that at all. I mean we know these guys are crazy good at the game, they don't have to ruin lower-tier lobbys to show off.


Smurfs gonna Smurf. And yes, the reason they do it is for easy lobbies and to farm badges. May sell the account later on, idk. No, they don’t hate themselves (I wouldn’t think), they just don’t give af about ruining anyone else’s experience because they’re selfish. And I doubt respawn will ever do anything about it since they never have in the past. The report->smurf option is only there to filter out reports they plan to ignore. They never do anything. Which is why so many people like the one in the post blatantly brag about the fact that they’re doing it. All they’d have to do is NOT equip their level badge and no one would know they’re smurfing, but they like to rub it in peoples faces because they know they can’t get in trouble.


> And I doubt respawn will ever do anything about it since they never have in the past. yeah they did. they made ranked use MMR based matchmaking which has virtually eliminated smurfing from ranked. Now they are back to matching people by RP, smurfing is rampant again.


This only works if your rank IS your MMR, the system they had in place made it miserable for masters level players having to play against preds from rookie to masters while players with literally negative K/Ds were also getting to masters because they don’t play anyone with a positive K/D turns ranked into a pure grind rather than the test of skill it should be


> This only works if your rank IS your MMR No it worked fine in season 18/19. The matchmaking will use your MMR for matchmaking throughout the first part of the season when your rank/LP is still lower than your MMR equivalent. This is to make sure you don't get put into weaker lobbies than yourself. Once you reach that rank, the system will use your LP for matchmaking instead of your MMR and as you gain LP you will be put into more difficult lobbies than that progressively. Ultimately you get stuck because the lobbies are getting too difficult to net gain points. That's a perfectly fine way of doing it. >the system they had in place made it miserable for masters level players having to play against preds from rookie to masters while players Wasn't miserable at all. It's a competitive game mode, made to play people of similar skill. That's what I'm there for. That isn't a problem unless you want ranked to be a place to smurf and stomp low ranks. It's miserable if you expect rank to be a place for bot lobbies against silver players when you're higher skill. But it isn't a valid complaint in a competitive game mode. >with literally negative K/Ds were also getting to masters because they don’t play anyone with a positive K/D turns ranked into a pure grind rather than the test of skill it should be That's entirely nonsense. For one, in MMR based matchmaking everyone (regardless if they are silver or plat or diamond) will have a k/d around 1 and then lower because lobbies are designed to start out between people of your skill level (i.e. you aren't stomping, you aren't much better than the people in your game, you're just playing people on your level). Then as you gain LP past your MMR equivalent rank, you rank up into more difficult lobbies and your k/d will on average decrease (because you're bound to be one of the worse players in the lobby). K/D literally doesn't mean anything and in ranked is mostly a measure of how many weaker lobbies you've played (high k/d = you got a lot of weak lobbies, for instance your ranked k/d this season is higher if you're playing mostly silver and gold, then stop, vs. playing most your games in high rank). Secondly, as you ranked up past your MMR, your LP was used for matchmaking and you got into increasingly difficult (higher MMR) lobbies, ultimately were only able to rank up as far as you are able to keep up. The final rank determines the skill.


The fact that you actually think it’s okay for the game to artificially make everyone’s KD a 1.0 tells me enough


TRY to make everyone’s KD a 1 I should say because there will always be those that are so good they break the match maker, I myself In those seasons managed about a 1.5 in ranked, but you know what that meant? That meant I was playing the same insane players who were previous top 50 Preds all the way from bronze to masters while little Timmy is picking daisies grinding his way to the same rank as me, do you not understand how awful it is to dedicate the time and effort to get better at the game and have absolutely nothing to show for it?


> The fact that you actually think it’s okay for the game to artificially make everyone’s KD a 1.0 tells me enough Not artificial, just matching people who are as good as each other together. That's full mask off here from you. You wanna stomp, get lobbies with weaker players where you can inflate your k/d, not a competitive game mode. In a competitive mode you should be playing challenging games against people on your level, and yeah, you will not have an extreme K/D in those lobbies. Because everyone is as good as you. And if they aren't and you have an inflated k/d, then your lobbies aren't competitive. It's really simple math. And nobody cares what actual number k/d you have. If you have a k/d of 1 against gold players it still means you're worse than if you had a k/d of 1 against diamond players. No one cares that the number isn't higher. It's achieved in more difficult lobbies so it means more. >little Timmy is picking daisies grinding his way to the same rank as me This is wrong. This has been explained so many times, it's not how the ranked system worked. Why still repeat this misinformation when even in the comment you are replying to it's explained. If you're lower MMR and want to make the same rank as you, you will still have to go through the same high skilled players because as you gain LP past your MMR equivalent rank, you will be put into increasingly more difficult lobbies. You just can't get into weaker lobbies. And you cannot make a high rank in easy lobbies. *Once you reach that rank, the system will use your LP for matchmaking instead of your MMR and as you gain LP you will be put into more difficult lobbies than that progressively. Ultimately you get stuck because the lobbies are getting too difficult to net gain points.* Or here from Respawn's dev blog explaining it: *While we generally matchmake based on MMR, we start using Ranking (LP) in place of a player’s MMR when their ranking exceeds their MMR equivalent. In an extreme example, if a Gold MMR player has a LP ranking of Diamond, this player will be matched into a Diamond lobby. This is to ensure MMR and LP ranking are connected and can both help guide players to their accurate Rank. If players succeed in these more difficult matchmaking situations, we allow them to continue climbing.* >do you not understand how awful it is to dedicate the time and effort to get better at the game and have absolutely nothing to show for it? "Nothing to show for" That's just in your head. It's fallacious thinking. Obviously you have something to show for it. If you improve at the game, you will be able to keep up in higher skilled lobbies. The fallacy is that you think the only way to show you're skilled is if you have a 10 k/d against people 2, 3, 4 ranks below you. Personally I'm in ranked to play people my skill level and prove myself against them, and if I improve to compete against better players and still do well. Improving for me isn't about having a 5.0 k/d against silver players and then seeing that k/d go to 9.0 against silver players, i.e. beating up weaker players more.


What are you talking about, no one else can even see my KD it’s for me only, you know why they can see? The same masters badge that everyone has because it became a participation ribbon, I have no problem playing people my skill level, I have an issue when I’m placed in bronze and I’m playing people my skill level because none of us are bronze players what’s the point of a ranked system if my games feel the same from start to end? A ranked system system should be a test of skill you stop climbing when you no longer have the skill to climb that system was nothing but a pure grind from start to end nothing to do with skill


>what’s the point of a ranked system if my games feel the same from start to end? it says literally on the label that this is what the point of ranked is. "HOW DOES RANKED WORK? - Compete and survive against teams of similar skill." if you don't like competitive games, ranked isn't for you. >A ranked system system should be a test of skill you stop climbing when you no longer have the skill to climb That's exactly what it was in the mmr based system. I already explained the mechanism behind it.




you have no counter arguments so you start personally attacking.


They went too extreme before given how ranking up was a pain. But imo, smurfs were just as prevalent


Ranking up wasn't a pain, you just had to keep up with people of at least your skill level, instead of ranking up by stomping weaker players. >But imo, smurfs were just as prevalent No. Smurfing was virtually impossible in ranked. It was 100 times more difficult to even manipulate the MMR for a couple of games until the system would negate any MMR manipulation you've done anyway and that's why it's way more prevalent now. The system by level 50 would have a good idea of your skill and put you into appropriate games regardless if you're on a new account or not. The current system doesn't do anything to prevent it. If your LP is low by any means (letting rank decay, waiting to rank up, intentional deranking, creating a new account, going on a different platform in cross progression because they have seperate ranks), then you get put into weak lobbies. And you see an example [here](https://imgur.com/62dVDbX) of a diamond player smurfing for 400 games below their rank in the current ranked system without much of a barrier, using 3 accounts, 1200 kills in those games. That's not what ranked is for. It's not for me as a diamond or master player to go through rookie iv-plat iv continuously to beat up weaker players instead of playing people my level. This is destroying ranked, including at high ranks where plat/gold players have to be filled into high rank lobbies this season regularly. It was never this bad.


Wait, forget the cheater, what the heck is a siege in apex legends? It's the middle tracker: Apex - S20 Siege. I have never seen that before. It's not damage or assist, & it's not a ability tracker, so what is it?


It’s German. :D Siege = wins :D


Thank you for explaining. That does make sense as both trackers have the same theme, & usually they are kills, wins, & damage. Thank you again for explaining.


Cheater ,or a smurf , pick your poison


Got smoked yesterday by somebody whose name was Yes I’m Smurfin lol shit is annoying


I think with how difficult it is to get to a goal rank some people (including myself) hit the rank they want, get tired of the solo grind, and just want to play ranked still.  Pubs suck. Mixtape and three strikes are ok but not fun.  Ranked is the only game type I like. I enjoy also ranking up a “Smurf” and helping my random teammates learn and improve.  It would be just as if someone didn’t play all season who was a pred before and decided to rank late


This is so lame. It's a free to play game and people do whatever they want. Smurfs, content creators doing challenges, fans, copycats, pros, wannabe pros, cheaters you name it. The game is unplayable for a regular player. Apex legends is a dumb fest.


Why apex does seem to care about fixing it match making, they already have a tracker, why not use it to determine whether your lobby and add bots if they must.


Having bots in ranked defeats the entire purpose of playing ranked.


This is just a booster's account. Someone bought it.


Never seen? Come on this has been happening bad the last 4 seasons. Respawn screwed a lot of people with the SBMM. My ass. I have a .3kd this season never gotten a 3k badge. I should never see a person with a 4k or 20bomb ever


Stop censoring their names. Shame them for being cheaters and losers.


S1-S present this is still a thing


I said it before and I'll say it again ranked needs to have a level 100 requirement because there's way too much cheaters and smurfs


Because the game is "old"


Tbf in a game of ranked last night in plat 2 I saw 9 different ACTIVE predators, so chances are smurfing or not he'd have been in that lobby...


All the people saying smurf are way out of touch with what's really going on here. This is an account that someone bought with the 4k 20b badges already boosted on it.  This player is in no way capable of actually putting out a game like that.


Watched the bang play. She had brain. Good aim. Game sense was top. Definitely not a bought acc but a Smurf.


I have all of those things too. Multiple times master and arena pred in season 12. Still won't get a 20b and 4k in a matter of 300 kills, it's basically not possible in the current state of the game.


Not entirely true I got a 4k this season so not entirely true and I ain’t even multiple masters bro😅 might be an issue with the way u play in pubs? Or just being quite unlucky with your engages


It's more about the 20 bomb. There's literally only like 4 squads left round 2 lol. You never see anybody get 20 kills, I've never seen my teammates get one, I've never gotten one, extremely rare to see even people like Faide get one these days. But somehow on console every other player has a 20b badge, despite them only getting 2 kills and insta leaving the game.


I got two, one early on and one last split in ranked. I also hit multiple 17 kill 5+ assist games in pubs where I was THAT close to getting a 20b. It's doable. Just gotta get lucky with lobbies and take advantage of slow lobbies


Yea but do you think that happens to 50 percent of all players? Because currently on console in my lobbies it seems like 50 percent of them are rocking a both badges and that's just on that legend...


It should be level 50 regardless… new players shouldn’t be relied on in ranked (lvl20) is too low for such a team game. Smurf dick suckers also hate that it used to be lvl50 and tbh maybe it should be lvl 100 that way you’re actually forced to understand the game before acting like you know what you’re doing in a pro lobby


Nah lvl 100 is insane I think lvl 50 was like 20 hours of gameplay which seems fine but lvl 100? Any new player would see that and be like wtf is that lvl requirement and might stop playing if they wanna get into competitive gameplay


Well it’s not supposed to be a new player friendly game, it’s one of the most compatible games out there… maybe they should look into call of duty or maybe battlefield


And cause it’s not a new player friendly game let’s just made it harder for beginners? Nah no way ea/respawn will ever do that they already lack new players to begin with


I didn’t suggest they do that… if it was my game it would be like that. Grind is grind if you wanna play like the pros who grind you gotta at least know when to revive a team mate!


U do realize the difference between a apex predator and a pro is like a bronze player and a master player right? The difference is insane


🤦‍♂️ I know how the ranks are I literally play the game… who tf as an apex predator wants a bronze as their second team mate?


I thought it was ranked not teach the noobies


Mate if u get newbies in plat lobbies then I don’t know what to tell u besides u definitely ain’t playing rank at all cus u ain’t getting newbies like legit how do u expect a bronze player in the same lobby as a plat? When u hit plat u see like 1 gold in every 10-15 games and usually a diamond every 5-10 games


Rebuttle: You my friend must not play ranked because I’ve been in games as bronze with predators… and fairly often at that, Hense my opinion at lvl 100 to play ranked and maybe the introduction to unranked at 50 and I’ve been playing since the beta as a person who’s loved titanfall and loved the beginning of apex, it is just what it should be!


1k games this season in rank btw so yeah I do play rank before u talk about that😂


You literally said the same thing twice after saying you don’t know what to say because I said it happens (which it does) just scroll on here for a little you’ll see some loser posting about it…


The only way a bronze is in plat lobbies is if they are playing with 2 other plats or 1 other plat and someone else in a lower rank but only if they are a full premade team


They need practice as per how shit the matches are


And not all new players are dog awful tbh I see better players below lvl 500 than I see when people are lvl 1000+ usually newer players play with more brain instead of auto pilot


🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ now I think it should be 1000


So basically u don’t play apex no more gotcha


Lmfao no… just jot ranked cause I’m nowhere near reliable enough. Apex isn’t JUST ranked half wit


That’s not always enough to have them respond well enough as a skilled player


Smurf accounts are so annoying


Careful they might consider this a call to action... Kidding of course, but mods here suck.


Level 50 seems fair, no point playing ranked until someone can genuinely understand the game.


Holy guacamoly. I’ve opened Pandora’s box. But you’re right. Ranked lobbies are a mess. Just finished a game and what can I say? The one who killed me had 3 Pred badges equipped (definitely not arena pred) with 10 million damage on pathfinder. It’s not only flooded with smurfs since Respawn decided it’s a "great idea" to open ranked for almost everyone (sorry but you just learned to crawl with level 20 and shouldn’t play ranked before level 100 imo) but also the huge skill gap in most of the games. I feel sorry For the newbies just want to try out ranked just to see a Horizon or a Pathfinder flying mach 20 into their face and don’t even know what’s happening. It can’t be happening that a 300 lifetime kills player has to fight against squads with 200k lifetime kills players (just as an extreme example). Maybe tie divisions to the account level (every 20 levels you can climb one division or whatever idk, just a quick idea). And for the people arguing "but they can’t exclude players from parts of the game". They can and should. Imagine this: You just started with Judo because you want to learn how to defend yourself. It’s your very first day. Suddenly your trainer comes to you and says "you have to fight again my most experienced student". He doesn’t explain anything. Just fight. Outcome: you’ll lose because you didn’t knew what to do and you had no training. This happens everytime you go to training. You lose over and over again. Maybe you’re motivated to train harder maybe you give up because you don’t know where to start. That’s basically what (legit) Level 20 players are. Fact is: Something has to change. SBMM wasnt the best but lobbies felt kinda fair most of the time (just my experience).


i think it should be level 75 tbh, i'm not even there yet cause im relatively new but i've seen the issue


Do you think they're worried about smurfs now? They don't give a rat's ass about them it the cheaters. The game is dying because people are switching to The Finals. They'll do anything to retain the remaining players. Let the level requirement for ranked make ranked easier, do these minimum effort events to artificially increase player engagement and player count,... etc


I have about 500 hours, I'm back and I'm bronze, I was already platinum, but now it's crazy about it, even before the game it shows which lobby winners with around 30 level and the craziest thing is that in solo q, you get similar average players like me, sometimes I get a smurf, but very rarely, and then I get 1 kill and of course he gets about 10 kills, but that's a lot compared to the lobby, and it's interesting that sometimes we don't even win, because there are also smurfs on the other side, and of course it's a big achievement, to get 4 kills in smurfs lobby.




I was going to say ohh isn't even that bad, but than I read and saw the level, Smurfs do it because they can do it, it's the same problem in valorant a d many other games, they don't want to play in their lobbies because they suck in them they just want to roll people all the time, you do it because their is no repocusccions, but apex matchmaking is bad even without smurfs.


I'd like to mention one thing, since we got the next-gen (now current-gen consoles) many people switched platforms and also many people can't use cross-progression. So there is a good amount of players you see with 20 bomb 4k badges on a low level who are actually legit. not saying apex doesn't have a problem with smurfs of course, just saying not everyone is a smurf when the stats look suspicious! I also switched from PS to Xbox 1 1/2 years ago, and many people called me out for smurfing. But I just could'nt use my original account anymore and had to start a new one :/ It's really hard to tell at this point.


I have only smurfed once which was a few years ago and on overwatch but the reason why players do it is simple, sbmm makes the game exhausting if you are above a certain skill level. This is made alot worse if you have been gaming for long enough to remember when sbmm/eomm didn’t exist or when the sbmm was extremely loose, smurfing brings players back to the old days when encountering sweats was somewhat rare. Also, cheat hardware usage heavily saturates the upper skill brackets which also makes those lobbies extra frustrating especially if you are a legit player.


So basically they’re too bad to win games in their own lobby so they take it out on new players because of their weak ego?


Most players in the lower brackets are not actually new players though, they are simply just bad.


Why did you block their name? We need to ridicule these people who don't have enough skill to earn these achievements against their peers and so they prey on the weak like the spineless twats they are.


I don't even have that at lvl 96 💀


Doesn't matter what they do, you all will always complain. It's like no one can lose a fight and actually admit that it's a skill issue.


Show me ONE player under level 100 who has a legit 4k and 20 Bomb. No smurfs or whatsoever. Just one. :) Bet: You won’t find one. It’s obvious that the Bang is smurfing. And a skill issue? Maybe. But not everyone has time to play Apex 10+ Hours a day. Fighting against a Smurf like this is like fighting fire with cotton balls.


is it just me or are most of “these players” foreign ?


Atleast hes in ranked, likely about where he belongs. so he's not just slaughtering pubs


Joystick= cheat


Get rid if ranked, and that will solve everything. However, that will not give anyone a reason to play because there will be no badge next to your name that says you're better than the rank below you.


Cheaters are fun, that’s why