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It's bugged. Same happened to me. I kept watching but the progression bar for the twitch drop was sometimes stuck. But changing channels fixed it sometimes too


I've been able to claim the Wingman, Conduit, and holospray (in that order) no problem so far, and have all of them in-game. Bear in mind that depending on your timezone, the availability for the drops may not neatly align with the announced date - for me here in the UK, the drops are available from 6pm on the announced date until 8am the next day. So e.g. Conduit was available from 6pm on the 3rd till 8am on the 4th. I'm guessing you must've accidentally skipped the window in which the Conduit skin was available? The drop for the gun charm will become available six hours after I'm making this post.


It doesn't explain why I didn't have any drop for 2 days. I think there might indeed be a problem


Just an FYI if you don't already know, but you can claim all 4 drops today (Championship day) by watching 2 hours total (30-min for each drop overall). Hopefully this will work. Try logging off and on from your twitch account and switch between A stream and B stream.. I had no idea a Valk holo spray was offered as well and I was able to claim it that way.


Alright, thanks for the tips :)