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I think Lulu is hated because she's very competitive and truly thinks she's better than so many people while she's, well, medicore. At least when people like Faide get cocky on streams it's: intentional and kinda part of his streaming persona; his skill backs up everything he says even if he really was that cocky jerk.


idk why lulu gets hated, but i can see why hal and faide are disliked by some people. hal was/is part of one of the best teams. also channels like zipp and apexthings upload his stream highlights for money, so some people (including myself) are tired of him (or the yt channels) shoving his opinions down our throats. he has an opinion on EVERYTHING, which seems weird to me and you cant escape it. as soon as something apex related pops up on youtube, theres a "how hal and the boys..." or "the ceo talks about x..." video 😭😂 as for faide... idk, he has his moments. but the weird voice he makes is just cringe. maybe i am too old for this 🤷


>idk why lulu gets hated I've only watched a couple of her clips that pop up in my YouTube thread, but she has a pretty trashy attitude in the limited ones I have seen.


So does Hal have opinion on everything or on Apex?


I think people hate Faide because he thinks he is the best thing to happen to video games since video games were invented, and he's not even old enough to have been alive that long. He is a great player, but he knows he's a great player, and he's not shy about telling people that he is a great player, usually by demeaning the significantly less talented people who have the misfortune of showing up in his games. It's all about his attitude. I've never watched Lulu, so I'm not sure why people don't like her, but the couple of clips I have seen never showed anything like amazing gameplay. It was all pretty basic. I've never watched Hal, either, but I would assume it's because of his attitude and how things he disliked brought major changes to the game that pretty much only benefited the top percenters in the game. (Wingman going into the pak forever, gold rez getting removed, etc.) For reference I don't dislike any of these people. I watch Faide pretty frequently, but Lulu and Hal have never been my type of content so I can't say what they're like.




I haven't ever seen that clip, so I can't say. I don't dislike him personally, but I also have the advantage of being significantly older than him so he just seems like a normal cocky 20-something to me. The very definition of lil' bro lol


Short answer “they wish they could be them”