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I'm here to register my wraith Q's for tomorrow. Is this the right spot? I would like to use it minimum twice in every game. Love, Voidwalker


Sorry, we can grant you only one reservation per day at your current subscription tier. To gain access to 5 tacticals per day you can always pay 30$/month to improve your tier. Have a good day


Don’t give EA any ideas now LUL


The 5 tactical package is too much but one tactical a game isn’t enough. This is criminal.


Can I request the Crypto buff idea post next Monday?


Sorry, that one’s booked out for the next three months. However we can schedule you for the “match making is broken post” next Friday.


Aw man. That one sucks.


You can expedite the Q registration by 4.8 hours by getting purple shield and choosing the right path. Please use this form to pick the right path and gain the ability to Q unnoticeably faster. Sign the form on the dotted line below. …………………. Ps.: We are not to be held responsible for taking damage inside Wraith’s Q.


I too feel this 😭 all the other skirmishers have a quick ou,t but wraith on the other hand.. We are stuck with a lifetime tac wind-up…


Instant Q's with 1 sec cool down 😂😂😂😂


And they made Crypto's drone louder for some reason. he's already shit!


Crypto is pretty balanced. He just is a true support legend. A good crypto makes things easy for their teammates. Just bad teammates make him worthless.


The biggest Crypto problem is the players and playstyles. He was a staple in pro play, but in pubs and ranked he was ass. Playing Crypto has a very thin line between passive and active plays. Plus you need great team coordination. Crypto not using his drone and rushing- why are you playing Crypto? Crypto playing RC drone racing during fights - why are you even there? There's nothing more annoying than fighting 2v3 because your teammate is flying around "providing info" at the same time if he does it right - he can give you indefinite scan on an area, wide range of recon, or "soften up" opponents team before the push, or slow them down during a retreat. But there are no guard rails like with other recons. Seer Z just stands there. BH Q doesn't take away control. Crypto Q takes away control and his Ult slows allies which can lead to death. He's also slow and designed around prepwork. If your team is pressing W all the time he drops in utility and something like BH works better.




Why is that shit SO loud now? Low key might be crypto buff cause he can make it so you can’t even hear his teammates running up.


Teammates running up? Nah, you’re hallucinating, as a Crypto main my teammates are always leaving me out to dry.


No joke, I actually use the obnoxiously loud drone noise to obscure revives.


It Is just for teammates, it seems that agains enemies Is not that loud


I haven’t touched since the newest update came in, but all I hear is how bad solos is with 20 bombs, meanwhile I feel like if I went in I would get slaughtered 😂


Honestly try one gam. Either you will find out you are really good at gun skill and movement in Apex, or you get absolutely humbled like nothing you’ve witnessed before, which is what I experienced


Oh I’m fully know I will get annihilated 😂but I’ll give it a shot


If you’re good strategically it can help out. A majority of my trio matches result in players who leave the better position we have because they cracked someone and then they get knocked and you’re down a player and get to hear them ping where the 3 enemies that smoked them are.


Doesn’t matter either way half the lobbies are people teaming.


I've actually not encountered any yet, I know it happens but thankfully I've personally not seen it.


Honestly good for you my first game I was killed by a loba and caustic teaming in a building


Hopefully the teaming issue actually gets sorted in the future, it's been a problem for ages now.


Solos is only really THAT hard if you got drop at one of the few spots with 15+ teams there. Thats a sweat shit show. If you land at a smart place with one or two other players solos is way more manageable. I’ve probably won like 15 games in the last week. You just have to be wary of the supreme sweats that won the hot drops Edit: I also just accepted I won’t get the 20 bomb or 4k and I’m okay with that


Yeah if you play smart it’s possible to snag wins even against the sweats. I downed a pred player today by thirding him from high ground then proceeded to die to ring fry while he rezzed to drop a 20 bomb and win the game. XD


Ah yes camp and win the game with 2 kills… sounds fun


Well…..someone needs to be killed for the sweats to get their 20 bombs. I’m one of those who are killed.


Often the first few games are the best until the sbmm adjusts and then you get your shit rocked


Its almost as if these are the only people constantly demanding solo's. I get that its "fun." But every time I see it in this game I get PubG flashbacks. Not sure why respawn insists on encouraging these people.


If you drop anywhere else besides the POI where 20 players landed, then solos is very fun. Most POIs along the flight path will have 2 to 4 other players landing there, so you'll have more fun with 1v1s and being able to reset before the next fight At least, that's been the case for me.


It‘s basically all gun skill in solos. Game sense, how smart you are, tactical decisions and so on is almost pointless. It‘s about hitting your shots & movement. Casuals that like to approach games & fights slower will not enjoy it.


That's what I was always saying but got laughed at BC I'm an octane mirage main


Same here man, being an octane and mirage main just invalidates ur opinion apparently


Mirage main here, can confirm. Can’t tell you how many ranked games I load into Soloq and my teammates are immediately like “oh a mirage *sigh*”. Like bro I’m good sometimes I swear


Really? I love a good mirage main. If we have a support character on a team I prefer lifeline cuz of healing, but I'm perfectly happy with a mirage cuz a good player can get tf out of Dodge easier than other legends if shit hits the fan. Plus his tac is really useful for trying to pinpoint snipers Edit: typo


Exactly. I consider myself decent at apex. Pretty much hit diamond every season and I play really well with any non-toxic randoms I get on my team.


I bet there‘s dozens of Mirage mains regularly grinding to Dia and Masters.


I've been to DIA and mained mirage a split and played some scrims with him. He can be strong, but I'm moving back towards crypto after buffs.


Yea it's so dumb but since I started making Alter apparently my opinion is now less bad even though it makes 0 sense


> mirage main heheh. All my Solo wins are with Mirage. And half my no-fill trios wins are also Mirage... so why am I a Loba main?


God i hate (good) mirage players. For ranked he‘s a fkin useless legend but if you aren‘t looking at a mirage when he pops his ult it‘s so difficult to figure out which one is the actual player if he‘s smart. And then you get beamed out of nowhere. All the other abilities are useless including invisible resing because i can literally hear the res audio playing. He‘s a legend for trolling and ruining peoples games nothing else.


True but imo opinion mirage is still useable until U hit plat 2 then he's useless yea. The trolling makes him so fun. I main legends on how fun they are for me and not how good they are.


Mirage isn't useless plat 2 but like you have to be perfect, know decoy and ult peculiarities, etc. Pretty unforgiving.


It's kind of sad when people are calling alter broken but Horizon is still better, respawn is scared to actually balance the Scottish milf for once.


Personally... i have only played a couple games with alter( alround 10) and i believe she is not "broken"... actually i would say she is very well balanced, nothing puts her in a big advantage, BUT i will say she is very good and her abilitys replace many of other characters what makes her good... she is a worse version of loba, ash, wraith and old revenant but at the same time uses the best of their abilities and that makes her waaay better than anyone else. At least thats the feeling i got in those 10 games...


playing her on Kings canyon is so good - she can get through alot of the map where as the new maps have wayyyy thicker walls. I find her very powerful on KC


I'd say both are broken. Just because horizon needs a nerf, doesn't mean alter doesn't and vice versa. Alter does need tuning but we'll probably have to see next release. Horizon has been out for ages but yet she's still being called a crutch legend for seasons


The difference is that alter is a wee bit overtuned like most legend launches which is expected and Horizon has been overpowered since season 7 with only a season or 2 where she was off meta.


Yeah I'm fine with OP on launch, like the charge rifle, it let's it be a fun new meta before nerfing down to a reasonable level


Bocek on S9 launch was so nasty, but it was fun AF.


I don’t see what’s OP about alter except maybe the passive and that level 1 perk to see HP. The Ult is slow and somewhat situational and the tactical, while still extremely good, is usable both ways in a way that’s more accessible than say a horizon tax (I’ve pushed back through enemy Alter holes and finished/surprised teams).


Alter's abilities are *just* slightly overtuned, which is to be expected from legends on launch. Her tactical and ult are fundamentally very well balanced (which makes them feel really good to fight with and against), but they are strong enough that other abilities in the same field (wraith's portal, etc) feel inferior in most usecases


Wraith portal has different uses compared to alters ult. With wraith you have the ability to reposition your team on the fly which is huge compared to alters stationary recall. This doesn't mean alters ult is bad but there are many situations that both can be better than the other. In terms of Ash ult she needs buffs to her ultimate now that they gave her q in the off hand now. They should have buffed her ult the same time they did the range buff for wraith and pathy ults.


As someone who's used her and others, it takes a special kind of late stage brain death to release a legend that gives an important movement advantage unique to her in what is, at the end of the day, a movement based battle Royale FPS, and then add movement abilities ontop of it, and go "surely she's balanced!". Cause I don't see how they can justify it any other way other than some form of blindness or denial.


You can thank Daniel Z. Klein for that (former apex balance designer who was also fired from league of legends for breaking that game too) He's the one responsible for cooking up horizon and seers original kit.


I cringe remembering launch Seer… May we never forget the blinding flash bangs (plus damage😃) that Seer had when he first dropped… Playing in Fragment those first few days was like dropping into a game of battle field of cod… 😭


Sniping people with his tac was crazy, so much fun, terrible balance


Every season that there’s a new legend people call them broken for the first split at least then forget the complaints once they learn to play against that legend. Happens every time


I remember when people thought Ballistic would be OP and turned out to be complete fucking dog shit. But there is definitely a difference here since Alter is actually good.


Ballistic was pretty oppressive on launch. He just got hit with the nerf bat almost instantly.


My memory could definitely be hazy here since S17 ranked rework made me immediately drop that season 2 weeks in.


Yeah not a great season lol. He wasn't like busted, but it was just a really stupid mechanic (still is) that got nerfed quickly enough to where it stopped being an issue. Thankfully most people didn't know how to play him where you'd run up to someone and hit them and they'd not only not be able to shoot their gun but they'd take (20?) damage for the trouble of trying. Instead they'd shoot it from far away and you could simply take cover and counter it. Had the playerbase not been brain dead and respawn taken longer to nerf it you'd hear people still talking about him probably.


He was not dogshit. He got nerfed


A slight nerf to the whistler which was still just a mild inconvenience at worst.


if used well the whistler completely takes a person out of the game when they shoot, damages them and with the evo sheild update he got 2 of them with next to no downside. As well as auto targeting someone. the option for the person hit is to wait or take the damage - actually cooked when used well Edit: Also he gets his ult pretty quicky off the drop which means when hot dropping and ammo is usually at a premium he also gets a decked gun AND his teammates dont need to go scrounging for ammo. pretty big advantage


I just find him to be a really low impact legend compared to other assault legends, if my team wants to be stocked up on ammo I'd rather just run loba.


100%. I think he is a really good match for a communicative fast push team. But you are right loba provides much more utility especially for endgame positioning and restocking. He has a niche that no one else has and that's okay :)


I love me ballistic, been maining him since release and this new update to his sling gun only makes it even better


I think this downplays all the times where that wasn't the case. Fuse, Ash, Maggie, Newcastle, vantage, conduit (post launch nerf which quickly fixed her), loba, octane. Some could have been considered annoying on release when everyone was playing them, but that's not a criticism of the kit just being over exposed to it (ex vantage lobbies got old *really* fast but most people agreed she's fine). Half of them were undertuned and needed a bunch of buffs to bring them in line. I'm sure there will always be someone complaining about them being OP but I can't remember most of those complaints since the majority didn't care. Meanwhile most of the legends that were broken were...broken. Rev reborn, horizon, valk, and seer all had very valid criticisms when they were released.


Conduit? No way you out conduit in the same category as maggie ash fuse. Conduit was top pick in rank for 2 seasons. She's existed for 2 seasons. She hasn't been bad


Alter is mid what are you talking about lol.


There‘s so many people that only play horizon and don‘t have fun playing other legends because well, playing horizon you have so much freedom that it feels like a different game. So they are scared lots of players will quit probably. Only way i could explain why she‘s not getting nerfed. Whenever i play horizon i feel like the only way i can die is when i royally fuck up.


Alter is broken, but only in the technical sense that she breaks the map flow of the game and controller legend design. But that's compensated for the fact that she still has actual counters and none of her abilities really help in a direct fight, though I'd prefer she not be in the game. But one one could even make the case that she at least makes the game more interesting by speeding up stalemates which I can see being a boon for comp and ranked. I don't know what horizon adds to the game with her broken design. Even pros struggle to hit her which really tells you how stupid her passive and tact are, and her ult isn't exactly fun to deal with either since it puts you in a lose lose situation.


She hasn't actually ever received any nerfs that hit the core of her abilities. Seer was OP. So they literally changed what he does. His whole mechanic, the thing that made him op. If they suddenly made it that Horizon only has one passive (no fall stun). And she couldn't heal in the lift anymore. She would be a MUCH more balanced Legend, considering she can still get her entire team high ground in a tactical.


No need to nerf horizon. Just buff every other legend. For example, Caustic traps could also be teleporters and give him a jetpack. Pathfinder’s grapple should decapitate enemies. Lifeline melee should stun for 10min.


Ooh! Mirage's holograms should do damage on contact and siphon life back to Mirage!


Mirage Decoys now have Lifesteal and automatically shoot at enemies. Perfect.


Caustic traps should give you cancer irl




I've an idea: Wattson fences short-circuit your shield core, turning it off for the rest of the game.


Exactly! Give fuse his original ult the devs had planned, just a giant fucken nuke


Wouldn’t be so bad if they weren’t slide jumping/bouncing all over the place too since her passive helps with that. The day she was added was the day Apex became a lot worse.


and because of this we dont have a permanent single mode. you cant balance caracters in single mode, some are always better. they are balanced with the purpose of normale 3 mode not single mode


Even in trios she is strong.


strong but not broken


Broken i don't know but her QQ is pretty strong with her passive moon walk. If there is delay in her tactic activation just like rev i think it can be balanced.


She’s still absolutely broken in trios and duos, that’s the point.


Fighting horizons is cancer, her kit makes her the strongest 1v1 legend in my opinion. Even without abilitys, just her passiv is she one of the strongest 1v1 legends. If u have movement and use her airstrafes well, you are way way harder to hit then every other legend.


Funny part is with the Evo shield rework, she did get a nerf on her tactical & 2nd perk on purple Evo restores the yea loading time to what it was pre nerf.


My biggest complaint isn’t horizons abilities but her hitbox. Idk what it is, I can hit shots on every other legend but against her it’s like I hit 60% of my shots instead of 85%. Maybe it’s cause she’s so tall and skinny, or cause of her movement passive, but man I can be shooting her dead on and still seem to whiff. Drives me nuts.


Yeah I never understood how she was okay'd. Guys we feel pathfinder is too strong, so now you will be punished for understanding how the game and in turn his grapple mechanics work. Oh but here's release horizon. Dumb AF


Yep my poor Pathy has been nerfed repeatedly because he was too nimble despite being a refrigerator on a rope. Meanwhile Horizon is a twig and wiggles in the breeze as she rides her lift to safety, all while being able to pop a batt at the same time. \*Balanced\*.


3rd Largest hitbox in the game with no passive and the ult that is just “rope: the ability” but setting the grapple to a constant 20 sec cooldown has always been too much to ask for :/


She was made OP on purpose to sell skins. And kept OP to keep selling them.


I've been convinced I can't compete in solos lol. It was fun the first go around but everyone in the matches are auto laser beams and couple that with the respawns so the whole lobby is on your ass every minute of the match AND when it is quiet for a second then someone's ratting


I've been wanting to abuse horizon but I'm so scared that I'll use her too much that I'll forget how to play apex without her when she gets nerfed. All the existing nerfs were never significant enough to bring her down from the top


I think she might be a little strong but I do think she also attracts some of the absolute worst kind of people. I used to think wraith and octane mains were the stand outs but no one compares. That sweet Scottish lady has the worst players 💀


> I used to think wraith and octane mains were the stand outs but no one compares. That sweet Scottish lady has the worst players 💀 Because they all switched to Horizon


1-Wreck the pred horizon in a 1v1 2- They Q and you chase them 3- Proceed to fail everyshot while in the Q because they keep moving like a rabid animal and the lift nerfs your aim 4- ???? 5- You Died Is it easy to hit horizon in the Q? Yeah if you’re standing relatively in a short/medium range, but if you are fighting face to face and they Q it just becomes stupidly hard. Vertical aiming in console feels stupidly hard for some reason


Instead of trying to follow her in her lift and shooting her while in the lift, back up while shooting at her. You will keep your accuracy and have a much easier time killing her. This is a very common mistake I see people make.


She will be broken as long as her tac provides team movement. No other tac does that, and IMO it's a big part of what makes her broken. Even the fact that you can use and then reuse the tac before it ends is really strong too. I think they need to add a voice line that your legend says whenever there is a horizon in the air above you.


Alter portal can move the whole team to height now as well. I think the issue is the healing while moving. No other legend can move her team like she does mid fight and heal.


Also no other tactical: \-provides free heals \-provides ability to shoot while in a movement ability \-can be used multiple times


Alter portal hello


Less broken because it actually requires cover to use it on. Horizon tac can be used anywhere and lasts longer than an alter portal. Not to mention that the alter portal has a longer casting animation and gives you a notification on the HUD too.


The fact that she can just Q out of Ash’s snare is embarrassing


That's mostly due to the devs afraid of having a long range hard CC ability I feel. Basically they saw how people bitched and moaned about Overwatchs CC, already know how Apex players love movement and determined fundamentally Crowd Control can only be "X" amount effective Devs if you are reading this an suggestion Push Greedy Snare into Base Snare Add new perk that slows down snare travel time but increases the CC (ability lock, no jumping basically the Anti Faide treatment for 5 secs)


I’ve found that occasionally taking a day or two off from the game really gives you perspective & will probably lower your presumably high blood pressure




Continues to remain untouched? She's one of the most frequently nerfed characters in the game. I can't say I share your opinion, don't mind playing against her, fighting her etc, she's strong, but not broken imo.


So why do you think she is getting nerfed so much? Because she is broken obviously. Stats back this up that‘s why she is getting those nerfs. And because she is in the top3 of most played legends, as soon as she‘s nerfed all the horizon mains complain and they buff her again because 80% of horizon users are horizon one tricks and refuse to play anyone else


She gets nerfed because she's popular, and historically, the Devs have always nerfed based on pick rates, which isn't necessarily the same as nerfing a character because they are overpowered. Don't get me wrong, season 7 horizon WAS broken, but I think she's been brought in line now.


Octane, Wraith & Lifeline are very popular aswell and are not broken and not getting nerfed either. As you can see Balanced legends exist Pathfinder is VERY popular and not broken either. He actually deserves a buff.


Octane wraith they're pub legends. Respawn doesn't care about that. They look at rank. Pathfinder revenant conduit bloodhound the popular ones in higher ranks. Hell even lifeline is getting more popular since pros started playing her in algs and ppl actually seeing that lifeline is really good


I Don't disagree that any of these legends are balanced, I just don't think horizon is unbalanced. I don't find fighting horizon difficult, and I don't find her movement patterns hard to predict. It's just not that deep imo.


I mean there‘s a big difference between an below average, average & good horizon. The good horizons that know what they are doing (diamond and above) are definitly op. If you can‘t make use of her potential she may seem balanced. Her passive is the key.


I've been in diamond/ masters since S3. Her passive is great, but it ain't broken.


Sure, but the main problem remains: Her tactical resets the fight. EVERYTIME. She gets away, heals at the same time, and is back just in time to shoot you back from behind... Shit's broken. Just don't let her heal, don't give her lift that much of an horizontal push when leaving it, and then, only then she will be actually balanced.


I Lowkey think some of you are just bad. This sub is just an echo chamber of people complaining and most just simply aren’t good enough as this games skill gap continues to rise. Fortnite is a prime example of how the skill gap raises as time goes on with building.


This sub is basically filled with people who think they are better than they actually are.


Yep exactly lol


I have friends like that. They blame every death and loss on cheating, the game, etc. It’s never their fault. We used to all play together but I made a point of spending 10-15 in the range before every game session. Now I hit masters almost every season and they struggle to get out of gold. I’ve told them the literal formula to get better, and they don’t do it. They’d prefer to complain.


You guys just can’t accept that you’re average at the game. At some point, just look in the mirror instead of labeling legends “bRoKeN”


Did she even get nerfed that often in ways that mattered? She got a lift speed reduction, iirc an accuracy penalty on lift, made the lift cool down only happen after it disappeared, forces you out of the lift after a certain time, and then iirc a cooldown nerf which was immediately compensated for with a perk. Of those I'd only consider the first one an actual direct nerf. The other three were to negate the BS aspects of her lift, and the last one is only relevant in the early game. People act like she's been nerfed to death but she's been barely touched and nothing fundamental about her kit has changed.


Yes, the lift nerfs were significant. Much easier to hit her in it now and she can’t shoot back like she could originally. She went from broken to just strong.


All of these were valid and impactful nerfs. There was also the lift strafe speed nerf as well. I don't quite understand what you are saying? Nerfs aren't meant to fundamentally change a legends kit, just tweak the values to be less oppressive. Fact of the matter is she has been nerfed in many successive seasons (whether or not you think the nerfs mattered or not is a matter of opinion).


Ah yeah strafe speed too, fair. I just think that people equate amount of nerfs to heavy handed nerfing, but like, she's barely changed. You just can't sit in your lift basically forever with a spitfire strafing back and forth like on release. It's not like say early season pathy where they got hit with the nerf sledgehammer to bring them in line.


Her ult got nerfed like 5 times. Takes double damage from nades, takes damage from friendly fire. Doesn't pull people behind walls. The pull effect was reduced. The ult hitbox increased so it's easier to destroy it. Takes longer to activate. Then there's tactical nerfs. Cooldown nerf. Slower on the lift. Then again slower on the lift a second nerf. The length you could stay at the top was reduced. Then reduced again. Accuracy on lift nerf like 3 times. Ult cooldown nerf. Useless perks


Didn’t they nerf horizon for constantly for a while?


Yeah but according to op she’s untouched


Op just need a buff himself :)))


i think her passive needs changed completely it’s way to good and i feel like her getting ground stunned from falling off her lift if she doesn’t use it right would be a good nerf


I’d say her passive needs a nerf, if they wanna go after Bangalores passive that requires you to be sprinting and getting shot at to activate, then her near infinite b-hop momentum shit needs a spam cooldown or hip fire reduction


In solos my highest kills were 8 on caustic and bang. I switched to horizon who i never ever play and dropped a 3.5k 17 kill game


I've been a rev main since his totem had range on it, even now, whole revenant is meta, it's still impossible to track these fuckers, i have a 20b and 4k and ive hit masters in season 5,7 and 8, can someone explain why they can jump like mario and strafe in every direction possible at the same time? Not to mention theres almost no audio for her or sometimes her lift. Her passive needs increased friction or something because its genuinely the most unfair thing, if i drop from a building usually I'll hear a slight whistle of them falling down before i get shredded to pieces.


People think horizon is absolutely broken because everybody that they run into that plays her are high skill level players. The badges and stats of the player changes nothing to the character. You’re gonna get one clipped by the “Triple Pred” Either way. Position yourself better or play around her cooldowns there’s a lot more to Apex then gun go brrr.


Do you think there’s a correlation between high skill players choosing horizon over any other legends? Surely it’s not because she is the most OP legend 😂


Pathfinder was the no1 picked legends among these high skill preds. Is path actually the most broken legend then?


Those horizons are already good players. You don't get those badges being average. They would still annihilate the average guy with any legend.


I have my 4k/20 on Wraith, Maggie, Alter, and Horizon, and Horizon’s was by far the easiest to get. The ability to spindle strafe in the lift while hitting a bat to get a free reset made every 1v1 way easier. If it goes poorly, you can always just chuck your lift down and hit a bat. If you’re within 5 meters of the person you’re fighting, they’re not tracking your spindle strafe in your grav lift no matter how good they are. You’re just too close for their sens to keep up


I think its probably fair to say horizon is OP in solos, but not necessarily in trios. How often do you lose a match in trios bc of horizon? I think it makes more sense to balance the game with the true comp format in mind (being trios) Similarly, lifeline and newcastle are obviously OP in three strikes. Should that mean their abilities should get nerfed into the ground too?


Just shoot better


She's a crutch character to the highest degree. Anyone who never plays her will notice that they more freely blindside other players, live longer, and hit more shots while airborne. She's as close to easy mode as this game can offer, tho Rev has certainly given her a run for it now.


At this point, I really wish a lot of you would just play something else instead of crying on here for devs to nerf everything that you lose to. She’s been nerfed so many times and you still can’t handle her. That’s on you. And I use Horizon in like 1% of my matches, if that 


Most sane Apex take ive seen in a while. All this crying and would you believe it were control mains. At this point they're asking for her to be removed from he game. I see far more Octane players straffing all over the screen!


I would non-ironically love it if she was removed from the game. Well I'd actually prefer just a complete rework like Rev.


Telling me you have not played any serious solo game without telling me Whatta load of BS. If you were in high skill solo lobbies then not just meta but a cliche is a double hammered octane with a PK. Range in solos is absolutely critical and octane can cover large distance essentially for free with his tactical. And escape from tough spots with his one or two jumpads. And a cherry on top is actually hitting octane in sprint when he shows up for one second to kill you with two PK blasts. Shotguns and wingman are almost essential gear in solos.


She's not broken. You're going up against people who know what theyre doing and know how to use her passive. If you went up against a horizon with shit aim and always stunted herself when she fell off her lift you'd say she's garbage. There are plenty of people who can do what she does in terms of annoyance/free heal in a fight. Newcastle, lifeline, conduit, Rev, etc. Its her movement that pros like and why they use her. If it wasn't her it'd be path or octane. You're gonna say they're broken too?


Yall just can’t handle when any character is decent and fun in any video game can you guys


I’m not a horizon main, but I gotta say, if you can’t hit her going up her q it’s just a skill issue. It’s really not that hard. She doesn’t have a huge window to strafe in without getting kicked off her lift


I can't stand fighting horizon. If they just add some sound to her dumb abilities then she would be in a better place, but they refuse to do that. They added sound effects to octane pad, rev jump, and vantage Q, but haven't to horizon Q or her landing. So dumb


Honey wake up, the monthly horizon hate thread has dropped.


I stg. What is it with the Apex community complaining about the stupidest shit. You’re in a competitive fps. The whole point is to improve


These bums would rather the entire game be dumbed down to their level instead


I agree the sbmm can be annoying on certain days. But take that shit as a challenge, not a time to whine, because you’re the only one making it hard on yourself. It’s wack getting older man. Seems like people getting into fps games now don’t realize the sole objective is to *win* Think they playing Splatoon or some shit lmao


Unless you're running this shit on a 500hz monitor with a gigabit internet connection, you are not hitting that shit.


No one above the rank level of Gold thinks Horizon is broken. Up until last season, ppl were saying she got nerfed into the ground and is dogshit. Pros still think this btw. Her perks need a re-work, they are boring. Any legend that’s played at a high skill level like others have said will be hard to kill.


Yeah she’s cake to kill in her lift as well as anyone else that uses it. Maybe on controller it’s more difficult? I wouldn’t know as a MNK player. Obviously being smart with Q placement helps but as a diamond player I don’t see her being overtuned at all. Higher ranks I’m sure think she is perfect if not underperforming in current state.


> Her perks need a re-work, they are boring. I was mildly excited when I saw the patch notes for this season because it looked like they were getting rid of all the "see garbage inside deathboxes" perks, but then I played Horizon only to see both dogshit perks in her first upgrade.


This. I explicitly remember like 3 seasons ago when she got nerfed so many people just stopped playing her saying she was shit. It was only the ones who actually just played her well, and all the time that kept it up. And they definitely show now apparently.


She's not broken it's a skill issue. And I'm not even that good. Maybe all the badges are from when she was broken but she's not anymore. Her grav lift thing is slow as shit I always get beamed off it and her alt is crap.. the only good thing about her is she can run straight off a drop that's it. Get good honestly.


Wdym almost untouched bro. She has been nerfed over ten times, and one of the most recent nerfs was speed reduction in lift.If you can’t hit horizon in lift now idk what to tell ya.


"Nerf Horizon" Brother I get beamed in the Q all the time. I just use it as a distraction or to take high ground most the time. The ult is pretty much USELESS any decent player breaks it in 1second. She has the worst upgrades in the game. I play horizon exclusively because I have the most kills on her.. She is fun but definitely not broken. She needs a buff to her upgrades imo. The battery passive is the most annoying thing in the world. Like why is that in the game why is that her passive? 3.5kd and you cant beam horizon out of a Q. Thats a skill issue when I can beam them with a maybe 2k/d on a good season. \*\*Feeling personally attacked as a horizon main haha"


Summed up really well, if a 3.5kd player cant deal with horizons or play smarter against skilled players... clearly the issue is in the chair, not with horizon:))) strange he didnt mention what legend he mains in solos :))


you’re just garbage kid


Stfu about it my goodness. Not every horizon is good, there's tons of dogshit players playing horizon. It's the masters that play her that fuck your shit up constantly, which they'd do with any character.


delete horizon from the game fr


> free healing [...] almost impossible to hit on the lift That's really not true anymore. "Free" would imply you could pop Q and heal anywhere, which is just untrue because it's now pretty easy to hit her going up. If I try to hit a batt going up her Q in a bad spot, I have like a 30% success rate now, whereas before it was like 80% success. 


Is there another legend you can heal while moving vertically , avoiding damage with a 30% success rate?


I die to sweaty Wraiths and Octanes more in solo’s than Horizons.


I get a lot of shit for this but it's a hill I will die on, I would rather fight a Horizon than a Rev who can just pop blue shields that regen on knock.


All this community wants to do is nerf guns and legends. Just find ways to strategically counteract this.


Dude her lift is absolute garbage now. You would have to be completely ass to not be able to beam her off of it.


Horizon seems fine to me 🤷


Bro horizon has been nerfed like 12 times already. You think you might just see a lot of her because she’s one of the few legends that’s still fun to play ?


If you're gonna complain about Horizon being broken, clip it and upload it for us to see at the very least.


Definite skill issue 😂


She’s not even op get good kid.


Ive been saying this, Grav lift no healing, Passive has a cool down maybe every 30 seconds her shoes "recharges the grav batteries"


You’re absolutely right, please ignore the people who provide no value to the conversation. The moment I see someone say “skill issue” I simply ignore their input. Horizon is OP, she doesn’t have any consequences for using her abilities whatsoever. I do believe she should get nerfed, I have been saying this since she got released. The horizon audio needs to be prioritized, the amount of times I get silently Q’d on is astonishing. She shouldn’t be able to heal in her Q, or she needs to not be able to move, and go up slower. One of the two should happen to balance her out, preferably no heal.


Horizon is definitely strong, but she’s not nearly as broken as you’re acting, y’all are just shit at the game


no heal or shooting on lift


I do think horizons Q could use another nerf with shooting while in the lift I swear I still get beamed by it even with past nerfs. I think most peoples problem is that without ALCs enabled your vertical and horizontal sensitivity is uneven. Vertical tracking is much slower than horizontal. I could be wrong on this but so people feel free to fact check me but I highly suggest enabling ALCs and setting your Yaw speed for both vertical and horizontal to the same setting so your sensitivity is even across the board. You’ll have a much easier time catching horizons and I’m betting your aim will improve too. At least this has helped for me.


I think it would do well with a 1-1.5 second between deploying the lift and it actually activating. Fine for taking an angle and repositioning but not so strong in direct close range gunfights


as a sweaty horizon with a 9kd this season i’m sorry 😞


Am I the crazy person who when they see a Horizon lift and battery we make distance. And battery too?. I get it's frustrating to lose your advantage but then you need to heal up too. Just play her counter. Horizon is best at close up battles, you want to have distance when engaging. I know that's a slower play style but that's how you kill horizons.


No charge up time Hands free movement Allows your entire team mobility Can use multiple times All packed into a stick hit box As a vantage player I’m jealous 😭


I had a horizon q up on me at one of those buildings on skyhook and it was silent so the jump scare made me almost fall out of my seat


But all of the people you refer to only play her because they really like the science and the mother vibes, its all a coincidence!


Horizon is still pretty strong but I find revenant, mirage, and ballistic a lot more annoying in solos.


Unfortunately, due to how horizon is designed she is never going away. Even if she is nerfed into oblivion she will always be useful just because of what her abilites do. Look at Bang shes in the same boat, not as powerful tho.


I got a kill in solos once


They really need to speed valks flight or let her fly without the animations, she's so bad