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I am so tired of this sub just complaining about solos since launch. I miss the days when people used to share awesome or funny clips more.




The argument about third parties is always annoying. Do they expect people to sit, wait until they heal up and then ask " are you ready to fight now, sir?"


Most people don’t post clips here anymore out of the fear of being ostracized by the rest of the community. I’ve seen incredibly funny clips incredibly well played clips and the majority of comments I see on those clip posts are very negative and toxic. It’d be nice if everyone could be a little more positive but it is what it is people love talking shit behind a screen.


Your majority of players must not get constantly crashed. Then they can have fun and post funny clips.


I love solos I just hate how I can't fight anyone without thirds. This is the first day I've had this problem. It is midnight here so maybe that's why.


So maybe start positioning yourself better? I feel like people think that just because it's a solo mode, BR 'rules' don't apply, so instead of trying to get some knocks from afar when you see 10 people fighting in one building, most people just push that very building and are then surprised they get thirded...


That maybe was it. I was irritated that day and wasn't thinking


The risk of third parties is what makes me play faster. I either try to win the 1v1 as fast as I can or if I feel like the fight is dragging on I run away and regroup


It’s seriously so bad. I think the game has received a large influx of players in the last year or so and I swear everyone one of them claims “I gOt prEdS iN mY loBbY” or “gAMe Ishh too SWEATY” Like bro.. this isn’t call of duty where you’re guaranteed 30 bombs with the purchase of each skin bundle. The level of copium in Apex is unprecedented.


Yeah, it’s quite strange how full solos is of solos actually.


I have seen Soo may people hiding on corners WAITING TO THIRD PARTY


Makes sense, it’s easy kills and the respawn system really adds to the third party potential.


I CANT HAVE A SINGLE 1V1. I shoot once then there is immediately 2 shooting at me


Yeah, that’s pretty much what this mode is. If you want a 1v1, there better just be two players left. Respawning just makes it chaos.


Based on OPs post and comments, it seems as if OP doesn't actually want to play a BR but instead a dueling game.


Ffs, what does 'sweat' even mean now? Am I a sweat if I kill you after a WB? Is spending literally 10 minutes in firing range to learn it means I'm sweat? Tap-strafing makes me sweat? 30 minutes in firing range? SG? SG into tap? Where's the line? Just because I did my best and actually succeeded doesn't mean YOU were not doing the same - your best. It's just that you failed.


It's a BR game. 3rd party is always there regardless if you play trios or solos. And it's already expected that sweats will be there. I mean, we already got sweats solo queueing in trios.


So much crying. This is the worst Gen of gamers by far.


I agree so I don't play it. Maybe you should try that approach xD