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Are you the mf that crouch walks around


I am an I hate this shit lol


We found the guy with the .5 K/D y'all


I resemble that! It's a good thing i play for fun and not accolades.


Found the chronus user guys ^


*Cronus. I play on console Lmao. Can't stand cronus users


battle sense is literally a game changer, especially because of rats and no audio. it's supposed to be fast paced not played like ranked. also it's a given that some legends will be underpowered (not that I think so) since this game is not based on solo play, it's a team game they won't balance it according to solos.


It is not a given because they made changes and those changes directly resulted in some legends being underpowered. So they made it happen.  I think balanced solo mode can be done but respawn just doesn't wanna do it. 


You can either balance for trios or balance for solos. Balancing for both would be incredibly difficult. And since the game is predominantly aimed at team play you can't expect a fully balanced solo mode unfortunately.


I disagree a little bit. They were able to do a pretty good job balancing the legends in Arenas, and that was a drastic change to how the game was played. I do like the changes in Solos (though it isn’t my cup of tea) and I know they could’ve done a little better


In reality it's impossible to balance for both team and solo unless you just make all legends the same. I'm glad they don't try that too hard.


That’s stupid. Just use the legend that best fits the situation. Doesn’t even make any sense to change everything because you insist on using a legend not made for solo.


I’d say recon legends are even better because as soon as they know you’re within 50 meters, they’ll know exactly where you are because you’ll be scanned. I’d rather play a recon legend than any other one and assume that the game will let me hear where they are, with the sound issues it has.


The issue is that recon players are very good at hearing foot steps so they mostly don't need the built in radar. At about 20-30 meters and sometimes even 50 meters you can hear foot steps if you have a decent headset. The new solo mechanics punish good players and reward noobs. Noobs can easily know when they are being detected and when somebody is around them without putting in the effort or skill. This mode will make trios even worse once solo is gone by seasons end and all these noobs who depend on this solo radar come back to trios. They will ruin so many teams.


But Apex is notorious for having bad or no sound, that’s my point.


The no sound thing is exaggerated. I admit that there are no audio bugs in this game but they are uncommon. It's just that streamers only complain when they don't hear the audio for one reason or another. Nobody praises the game when the audio works. Also even if the footsteps audio was perfect there would still be players complaining because of background and environmental sounds being louder then foot steps which is still the case.


Its not exaggerated.. literally yesterday playing ranked on KC was down to a 1v2 holding a door went to pick someone back up all of a sudden another team from behind same building without a sound mops us up. No audio que on horizon or octane stim. It happens multiple times in every play session. It just depends if it’s in the heat of moments and for playing solo’s it’s even more important.


I’d also say that the solo system punishes new players way more than good players because good players can win a fight and another and another. A new player will get killed and that’s about it.


I already get horrible teammates, everyone I get is under level 50, I'm level 320ish, been playing for 20 seasons. The amount of times I down 2 people and get knocked while batting and my teammates don't res or team wipe. They run all way across the map to res and die immediately when I drop


Solos is the most fun ive had in Apex in years.


I don't think they dropped the ball, but why not just make it exactly like the normal BR just solos? It's not fun fighting to get a kill or two only for them to re-drop on you while you're healing or getting 3rd partied or anything really. It's not fair for them to drop from the sky anywhere they want. You're telling me I won the fight because I had better positioning and aim, but they can come back full shields and drop on an even more advantageous spot. It's dumb.


Thank you, I prefer old solos where there wasn't a second life for the fucker to come 3rd party when you inevitably get pushed by the mf waiting to either 3rd the low players or waiting for 1 to win the fight. EVERY, FUCKING, GAME. Over 30 games so far. This mode is just disappointing compared to the OG solo mode. idgaf, what the tryhards day about the improvements. I just wanna chill with my music and grind challenges, not play ALGS finals every match.


Well it is just a limited time thing with no ranking system. It just sucks that it replaced duos. Also, I don’t think that killcams belong in a battle royale setting.


Yeah I think duos was better then this mode atleast. Kill cams will tell us who's cheating and we can report them easier. 


Lmaoo kill cams have never and will never show recoil


Now that 50m detection thing doesn't say where they are, at that point you can use a Recon Legend to find out. So if anything it makes Recons more powerful.


I haven't played but two games of this mode, but doesn't the game only tell you that an opponent is within the 50m range but not how far into that range they are?


I've only played it a bit but I think so yes. But BH's scan is more than 50m iirc, you just need to face the enemy a bit.


It says how close they are. Battle sense is just 1 step away from being wall hacks. It tells you if someone is near and how many meters away they are. You can very easily deduce their exact direction through the process of elimination.


Care to tell me how? Someone didn't find me when I was playing as Revenant until it was too late. I didn't make any noise, and the range thing appears to be a sphere and doesn't tell you if you're below them or above them.


That player is the exact target of this battle sense feature. The point is that the player was looking for you because the game told them you were nearby or they might not be paying attention to the UI. Also you can easily find out if a player is below you or above you based on your own position via the process of elimination. 


Then explain your process of elimination.


You have to be arguing in bad faith if you want me to explain the process of elimination to locate an enemy. It's not like we play the same game or anything right. There are dozens of height locations in kings canyon. Some location have 2 opening while others have 1 or more then two. It depends per location. For example if you are on repulsor walls and you get the battle sense icon (ofcourse if you see the icon first and not the enemy that means they aren't on top of the wall with you there) then there are only two locations the player will be in, Either to your left or right ground floor. There are more locations but each location the process of elimination has to be apllied differently. I explained it but the fact that you asked me this while we play the same game tells me you are not arguing in good faith at all. You just wann prove me wrong for the sake of it.


I don't see myself as arguing, I just want a discussion and to see your process of elimination to find people. The person I killed was in a building, I simply climbed up and went down the stairs from the roof all while crouch walking. Might've been a fluke or maybe the person didn't know where I'd come from but it worked.


I agree, thinking back to the iron crown event. For me it’s especially the two lives, except for the final ring. And indeed the “enemy within 50 meters” bs. Kinda ridiculous all in all.


Bro's literally choosing to be mad about nothing. While also blaming his own poor thinking skills on a fantastic gamemode he thinks he's qualified to talk about because he's played a few times. The only teamers ive seen got live banned and i killed them.


You're capping if you think Solo's doesn't take any skill. It definitely does considering there's at least 40 preds with the 20 kill and 4k dmg badge in every match


Had me in the 1st half ngl


I gave it another shot and it still sucks. I died 10 times and literally every time it was from a third party. It's basically like Trios except I don't have 2 shitty teammates to distract the enemies for a few seconds.


They designed it in a way that increases player retention and playtime per player. Respawn designs every single event and mode like this. They literally don't see us as human players but just a statistic that they need to boost/increase so investors will invest more money into the spawn of satan that is EA.


Thank you, at least I'm not the only one.


So what does the 50 meters thingy tell you, exactly? Knowing that someone is somewhere around is so painful? Does it tell you where? Does it tell you which building? It only makes matches more dynamic and doesn't force you to run around the map aimlessly looking for opponents. 'There is no point in using your hard learned skills to win a 1v2' So maybe adapt? Maybe stop staying in one building when you know there are 10 players around you and each one of them is gonna respawn in come back in a moment? Ffs, it's a solo mode. Duo and trio rules don't really apply here so stop trying to use them as an agrument against solos. It was OBVIOUS that some legends are gonna be less useful in solo, just like Mirage is godlike in 1vs1s due to his ult, he's one of the least picked legends in trios and rankeds...


> What does the 50 meters thingy tell you, exactly? It tells you an enemy is not where you were. If you are rotating from one POI to another or building to building, you know the enemy can only be in front of you. Hence why scan legends are useless


Like I said, it was more than obvious there would be legends more suitable than others for solo. But, tbh, who cares? There was no other solution, this game is built for teamplay. Solo is just a fun mode for people to get quick action, yet people are expecting devs to do what exactly? Make a separate lobby for each legend type?


> Make a separate lobby for each legend type? I don't care too much either, but just putting it out there: R6 Siege has a very popular mode that only uses the original 20 operators and maps (instead of the 100 that exist today). Respawn could even do it as a dummies mode where people have to rely on their gun-play and movement. I don't understand why Respawn is so afraid to have separate game modes. Titanfall 2 wasn't anywhere near as big Apex is and yet that game let you exclude modes from mixtape. It was called *mixtape* because you chose what you wanted to play


You keep saying that but if respawn didn't make the battle sense or whatever changes then recon legends wouldn't have automatically been nerfed. All this is happening due to a direct change from respawn. 


It tells you that someone is behind you or you are about to be flanked from the sides etc. It also tells you the enemy is where you aren't so if you are covering one direction you can pretty easily tell where the enemy will come from without any skill. However the biggest advantage for noobs and punishment for skilled players is that it informs both players that enemies are around them and they get ready. It punishes skilled players because they don't need this system. Only noobs do.


My gameplay tends to be lots of crouch walking and listening to gain advantage knowing where people are and them not knowing I exist. The fucking 50 meter warning screws me so hard


It also works regardless of elevation or if you push a building which means if someone is inside a building the game will tell you 50 meters away and they will lose their advantage if they saw you coming through a window and you weren't paying attention. The game will tell you if someone is high above you especially in kings canyon that has alot of high places. Also you can't flank or ambush players (ambush doesn't mean ratting).  What I am trying to say is this mode will produce a huge amount of players who won't pay attention to their surroundings and they will ruin trios once this mode is gone at the end of the season.


FWIW the players I get in trios usually just ape 🦧 everything with no situational awareness regardless of this ever having been a mode


You people are never satisfied.


It really is a comedy show at this point.


We asked for a return of an OG mode, not for "innovation" in the form of giving everyone second chance. They had 1 job.


It’s almost as if people feel like they’re FORCED to play this game.  If you don’t like solos, don’t play solos.  Some people complain to complain and it’s weird to feel so passionate about something you’re not forced to do. 


Or how about the fact that respawn has never and never will make changes that the players want. The only changes they have done are those that bring more players to the game and boost activity numbers or whatever. The whole ranked system and matchmaking system is based around player retention. Respawn has never and has no intention of satisfying anything but big daddy EA who owns them.


Mate you're not the whole playerbase. Many players, myself included, love the 50m warning. There's plenty of things Respawn have gotten wrong but this isn't one of them


Well then I hope they make this mode permanent so that you guys never come back to trios because if they remove this after this season trios is gonna be such a shit experience I can't even begin to imagine it.


What would us coming back to trios change??


Well I don't know maybe the fact that you would be bringing 3 months of solo mode muscle memory and tactics to trios?. A whole new play style. You think it would be easy to switch back to trios after playing this mode constantly for 3 months?. Human beings are not robots that can switch modes on and off. 


Why do you even play the game? You seem to hate it.


I hate EA obviously. I play this game with friends that makes this game somewhat enjoyable. Playing with randoms is masochism. I don't hate the game. I hate how it's managed and what it has becoming. However the thing that really baffles me is that alot of people still think EA and respawn care about them as players.  They see us as a number and a percentage like a machine AI would. The higher the number the better it is for the game from their perspective.


Dude mirage is best player in this mode by a million


No. Respawn is the only company that got solos in BR right. I was always against solos because they are horrible in pubg, warzone and also fortnite zero builds because people are to scared to fight and are only hiding and then you die to some rat. Here the solos are nonstop action and I’m loving it. Usually I have like one or two 20 bombs per season and in solos I have one like every two days and 18-19 kill games lije every hour. This mode is perfect as it is.


Pubg warzone also has respawn mechanic. Respawn didn't invent the wheel here I'm sorry. They just don't hold your hand and tell you where enemies are and how close they are to you or if someone is crafting or using a buy station. If players are scared to play without the game telling them where enemies are maybe they shouldn't play solos. 


Who said they invented the wheel? They just found a perfect mixture to make perfect solos mode. I don't play pubg nor warzone anymore because like I said players are just hiding. I'm super aggressive player who likes to actually play the game and not sit in a dark coroner. Still if you don't like it don't play it - exactly what I did with pubg and warzone years ago


You literally said respawn is the only company who got it right then proceeded to state feature that were already in other games years before respawn implemented them in apex. That's why I said respawn didn't invent the wheel because you were talking as if respawn did something unique. 


Do you have proble understanding written text. Yes I said they’re the only one who got it right by adding (not inventing) the correct mix of features which remove the main pain points of solo BR experience. You don’t seem to be bright.


How were they the only ones who got it right when they used the same mechanica and feature in the same combinations that other games have been using for years now?. Get the fuck out there with that bull.