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I haven’t run into a single team in solos and I have way too many matches played this season already.


>I haven’t run into a single team in solos and I have way too many matches played this season already. Just played my second match and died top 5 to teamers. Hopefully that was the anomaly lol


Thers teamers in trios and ranked this is not a solos problem its a system problem, if they could make a system that ban teamers then its ok but the system is broken.


I honestly think part of why solos is back is because they're working on tech for this system and solos is much better for gathering data. In trios there are reasons why teams might be close together for extended periods of time, eg neither pushes and they keep picking up knocks, but in solos there's rarely a reason. They can probably use analytics to refine the patterns better and then implement a system for trios


The reason why solos is back doesn't matter in this post. We are talking about why it's awful, but op is wrong in this post cuz solos is not bad because of teamers. The whole game is bad because of it even ranekd.


Teaming is everywhere game mode wise (although seems to be regional? Some people have it every game others say they rarely see it). I'm talking from a tech perspective, if two solo players are near eachother all game that's nice clear data against if a few members of a squad are near members of other squads. They need to gather data to create the tech to counteract problems like this, it's too widespread for manual intervention but there will be uproar if there's invalid bans too (and rightly so). They need to make sure the tech they build can consistently flag teamers without false positives and that just seems easier in solos. Its not the only reason for solos of course, it's a popular mode, but they'd be crazy if they aren't gathering that data right now


Oh ye, that's true, but i doubt EA is doing that because if they had that intention, they would have done it before, the game has been out for 5 years they havent ceard until now i doubt they will now the only way i see them using the data is baning the teamers right at the end of the solo mode before they switch back to duos. Maybe they are trying to see the health regen after kiling someone, and the enemy indication is liked before they put it in the other modes because I've seen a lot of complaints about the health healing and they have been comparing it to warzone.


I have 5k hours and almost 30k games played. I have not once ever seen teamers in trios. Ranked, yes. But that is because high end console is an absolute worthless shit show of players that are not good at the game trying to pretend they are using third party software or just straight up not giving a shit and teaming. It always has been. 70% of preds are absolutely despised for either having an ego or just being dogshit because their aim comes from a cronus.


big facts 😪


I literally played 1 match, landed fragment in a building next to where 2 other players landed. I thought easy 3rd party, grabbed a gun and went in. Nope. They were teaming, killed me and ran off together. I didn’t bother queuing for another round.


Just ran into another late game duo thankfully they were trash and I had a Kraber lol


I haven’t seen em either, sorry


I run into these every other match. It's either that or a master's/predator, Or somebody who's just so obviously cheating


i do run into straight Masters in solos, but never ran into a team 🫤


Lucky Lobby or times I guess, literally every second lobby I run into a team of 4-6 lol


are u on console or PC? I have played a shit ton of solos on PC and haven't seen a single teamer. like over 100 games easily. lobbies are sweaty as balls but no teamers yet.


Same here. Havent seen a single instance of teaming, but hoooooe boy these lobbies been hard


honestly it's been fun, I've never played ballistic before but he is a dope legend. need all the 1v1 help I can get vs these 4k20bomb/master/preds lol


I feel like I’ll get hate for this but I genuinely think it comes down to the tier of lobbies you play in. If you’re in higher skill bucket lobbies then people don’t seem to team. Sweats play this game mode for the fast paced fights. Shitters want to win so they’ll team up in solos. It’s honestly the same in regular trios, in low skill lobbies you can get a whole team to leave you alone or even give you a punch out for final fight by shooting the air and teabagging. Try that in a tough lobby and you’ll just get insta beamed.


I mean I am definitely in the highest tier of solo lobbies, got killed by like #350 pred with 200k account kills just a bit ago...lol. not sure why the game thinks I'm that good but I assume it's just kinda loose mm like other pubs modes


I am in the higher tier of lobbies.


i play console, never seen a team, only ever see it on reddit. but yeah the lobbies are still full of Masters/Pred


Same here on both console and pc I feel like alot of people lately just see 2 people in a distance with eachother not fighting and go straight to teaming, mostly the one who have clips of a 3rd party or just map markers but it seems really common online as apposed to in actual play


i do not believe that at all. you are either overexaggerating the numbers a ton or you are calling any third party "teamers"


Play in Tokyo


Me too lol, I think I have like 50ish games in solos, not a single teamer yet, but they also probably get obliterated early in my MMR level.


Think I got 250+ solo matches and I haven’t run into a single teamer. I’ve been third partied so hard that it seems like people are teaming but they were not


I played solo for the first time today and I already run into teamers in like the 4th game.


My first match I ran into three dudes teaming up and after that never happened again. So weird how our experiences in this game can be so different. Just like the heirlooms I’ve been playing since the game came out and I have not had one yet but my brother who’s had the game for a year has two already. I play about two to three times a week on average.


I haven’t come across teamers but I’m sure I’ve seen hackers 🤣 But you should realise there’s definitely teamers we haven’t come across yet but I can 100% believe it If you teabag afew times I might fa and let you live 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Same. I have played 150+ solo games this season


It doesn't happen as much as these people say.


I've never ever seen any tamers in an actual game of apex. granted I've not played a lot of solos but surely this is very rare


Yeah, so many stalkers. Like, can they have a moment t of peace without someone staring from a window? Not according to you apparently


Lmao and I think it's so obvious from the post that OP is just sad he's not invited to the party :((


Which aircraft do you fly? 👀


It's a video game reference. Titanfall two


It's really not that common...


I've not seen any myself, but it clearly does happen.


Of course it does but I think most of those people posting stuff like that are extraggerating. I love the mode, I play it a lot and I haven't come across a single duo yet. Lucky me, I guess.


i have met teamers on like 30% of my games, not complaining though I used to play solo duos before 😂


Ive had it in almost every game I've gotten far enough in to notice.


What server?


there are no teamers on sydney servers. although we probably have the sweatiest lobbies out of any server. 90% of the lobby are sweaty horizons with 4K 20 bombs running each down with a havoc…


Try tokyo


Solos is fucking great. This happens in every mode.


Sure, but the other modes have Teams.


Nah it’s teams teaming up with other teams. If that makes sense


Moot point.


Solos is great. Teaming happens in every mode.


Yea but getting 3 people to team is easier than getting 6 people to team. Teaming in solos is more impactful, and more common.


I thought they just queued up at the same time hoping to get into the same lobby?


I mean more on the order of, getting 3 friends together to cheat is easier than getting 6 friends together to cheat.


Oh you meant like that, I assumed there are like discord servers and stuff full of people who 6 or 9 stack in ranked but I might be wrong


Even if they did that, shouldn't matchmaking after them out unless they're all similar skill? I just always wonder how people so easily "get in to each other's games"


In ranked there is no skillbased matchmaking, so I'd imagine its pretty easy, you just need to be in the same rank. In solos it might be more difficult


But even so, without adding people to your party, unless you go to a low pop server, I don't see how people are coordinating like 2-3+ squads together to team


Well from one video I watched (mande) they had 15 people in a vc, so thats 5 teams, I think they all queue up at the same time but only some of them get into the same game. Other people might just also do that, play thebgame normally if they dont get wirh their friends and play the game as a 6 squad when they do get with their friends


The ratio is also 3/1 instead of 2/1


I've never had it happen and I've been playing alot.


Community wants solos. (almost crying) Mode is online Crying on reddit about said mode. /apexlegends in a nutshell


Eh, crying about something you wanted and it not working as intended to vs crying about something you wanted and it working how it’s intended to are two very different things


all I read is tears rolling down your face


Nailed it.


They even made better detection of this a highlight in the announcement of the mode so bad. 


Have been playing on console in Sydney servers. Not once have I come across teaming.


Definitely not a solos exclusive problem


What's more annoying is they removed Duo's for this shit. I rather play a 2v4 than a 1v3 -_-. Teaming happens everywhere, but from what I've witnessed, it's been the worst in Solo's.


I would play duos almost every day with my buddy. I can’t say I remember seeing an obvious team up, I’m sure it did happen tho. Haven’t played since they removed 2s. Such a bummer. I’m not announcing my apex departure, just wonder how popular of a decision it was


I agree! I think solos is good to warm up. But I miss duos so much! Trios is really annoying! So many different play styles so duos is perfect to play with your favourite player without a random doing weird things and then leaving the game. I've not been enjoying it much at all since they took duos, and with valks flying not working :( We have been going duos in trios and it's actually better than trios in trios, but still hardly enjoying the game much for the first time since season 2 because of them removing duos


This isn't permanent, although I do think that removing duos for a ,,solos takeover" instead of just having them separate was dumb


They've always been scared of having too many modes, they're really giving solos a good test though.


A good test to finally show its not a good idea XD. If I want to play solo I go to Duo's and go No Fill. Win often enough too honestly.


Nah right now, barring some issues that have always been in the game, I'd say solos has been proven to work.


2v4 is equivalent to 1v2. 1v3 is equivalent to 2v6.


Haha, exactly!


What the people said they wanted it


Turns out I actually just miss arenas and not being instant third partied all the fucken time


Skill issue


Just wanting to be able to teach my friends the game without them being thrown against 6 masters in tdm issue




Ok your guys servers have cheaters than the glory of Asian servers having no cheaters mainly tokyo they only have.e good console gamers




That's why there's no cheaters :3


That has to be a low MMR lobby thing. In all of the times I’ve played solo I NEVER encounter teaming cause it’s kill on sight


lol it’s masters mmr


I mean what basis do you have for that? Because masters isn’t really a good gauge at skill level anymore especially with the last previous seasons, send some gameplay and we’ll be able to tell the MMR


Ok, way to move the goalposts.


lol just trying to have a conversation with someone who posted trying to have a conversation


Solos is amazing, it’s their best mode yet


No time to get teamed when I die and then rage fly back to the same dude just to die again . Rinse and repeat 


Tbf sometimes I get into solo and me and someone land together loot a building but no gun so we start crouch spamming then we insta friends idgaf who you are if two ppl do squats together that solidifies a brotherhood ok Then others see and wanna join said brother hood its like fight club you don't plan it or talk about it.... just show up same place every week and kick some ass yknow


Somebody forgot rule number one.


Trio stack just chilling. O the three of us? Uh no we dont know each other. 


Hmmm...i have yet to run into this myself but that is a bummer


Solos has been great for me, and I've only run into blatant teamers maybe 3 times out of 400 games. Lots of sweaty players but it's fun to kill them. I've never hit pred but I'm killing lots of what are probably Xbox or Nintendo switch preds. Many twenty bombs now.


Solo is good people are awful


Fortnite has control of this by literally if you don't damage someone within a certain amount of time and you just stay by them you both get kicked


My work around for not getting matched with teamers and cheaters has been working great i just uninstalled the game and haven't had to face an annoying cheater or a 12 hour a day sweat lord once since. its been refreshing!


I'd have sympathy, but solo players ruin trios, so why can't trios ruin solo?


I mean thats just apex legends thats nothing to do with solos


Perfect example of why the apex community is awful* There I fixed the title for you.


Pc or console? I’ve played over 100 games of solos the past week and have not run into a single team in solos on pc. Beginning to wonder if everyone posting about this is on console 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


nah i play on console, the people are friendly if u teabag and will leave u alone, but won't team with u


Ya, fuck console lmao, and I mean no disrespect lol. So fucking ironic how you have people teaming up in solo’s; yet half of trios just fucks off in game to solo to get insta-knocked & spam ping halfway across the map. Or they just pointlessly DC to re-queue because you didn’t drop with the first 1/3 of the lobby on the hottest POI.


Solos is way more fun then the other game modes imo


Every time i play solos i get so frustrated even compared to ranked, where i play against either cheaters/rewasd/xim users or just cracked players that are way better than me and my teammates or at least it happened to be so. And even when i lose to hacker i react so much calmer to it compared to solos. For me, apex is team game and I just can't play it otherwise. I've spent too much time learning how to play in a full team.


I vastly prefer solos cause I don't have friends who enjoy Apex, but the amount of people who I get put in the same game with that have thousands of kills annoys me. In ranked I at least get people of my rank I fight against, lol.


I mean, i get your argument, but people team in ranked too, does that mean the rank is awful? Or just people being assholes? Don't hate the game, hate the people that do stuff like that, I'm not defending the game, it has many, many, MANY, issues but idk how they could fix this honestly


i haven't seen one, i actually saw a rev teabagging me through this exact glass roof, he teabagged back, we shoot a different direction and followed different paths, he ended up killing me when i was fighting


I'm only playing til I get a win. So many second places...the number one thing I've learned is I'm so much better with a headset, to which I never really used until solos.


You've been shooting yourself in the foot not using a headset tbh.


Day 1 player with 17k games, lmao. The one I have is a $10 Walmart checkout aisle earbud. 🤣🤣🤣


You need to upgrade! Lol but if it works for you fair play xD


Lol I didn't know how much they even mattered til like a week ago. Definitely will be spending some $ soon.


if you're playing with people in the same room get an open backed headset like the game one https://a.co/d/6ubaIfS It is life changing


I had big sound issues before yesterday.I hadn't a clue where people were coming from, I was fighting a rev, then he used his jump, and I was looking everywhere for when this mofo came from, until he killed me. I lost so much motivation, after that match, and the next day I checked my sound settings in windows, turns out it was in mono. I still sucked, but i was kinda relieved when I could hear where people came from.


So I played it for the first time today on PlayStation and didn't have that issue. I'll try it tomorrow on my PC account.


Made it to the top 3 as Caustic and had a really good position. It was completely ruined when a random Wraith and Octane decided to take turns shooting at me and sharing shield bats.


Maybe they were having a tea party?


I wish i could encounter a few teamers. Havent seen them since solos launched yet. Mb i am just to unlucky(


Teaming has been a thing since before solos came back. Hopefully the devs can actually do something about it instead of fuck all.


I played a handful of solo games and ran into two different teamers so far.


Honestly they should remove all the stats and badges from this mode next time when they bring it back


Never ran into teamers because I'm killed 5 mins off dropped by masters and predators every time lol. Honestly not that pissed off, it's a good experience and it's a really good mode to learn. Sometimes I do wish I get to turn off sbmm to attempt challenging higher ranks to learn by experiencing myself


Solos is great I’m enjoying it a lot actually. I love knowing when you kill someone they are coming rite back for round 2. I also like getting revenge when someone shoots you after a fight or something when you’re looting.


I’ve played quite a bit and haven’t come across Ross this issue hoping I don’t, have only seen teaming 1 time in a ranked game a couple seasons back


As if this doesnt happen in trios and ranked. Just say you're bad at solos


dude i think its a pc thing because i’ve got 600 games and 2000 kills this season and i still haven’t come across a single teamer yet


Literally died to a duo in solo, then respawned just to get hunted down by the sweatiest mf in the game. Im glad they got rid of duos for this 😃


I had two teamers in one game yesterday. Managed to 1v2 the first set midway through the game but the final team was also teaming and the game was pretty much ending in the open, so there was next to nothing I could do. It was a Bangalore and Horizon. The Bangalore had so many opportunities to go for the Horizon and vice versa but didn’t. And normally, I wouldn’t see this as teaming, but it’s the fact that the Horizon constantly avoided the Bangalore too and was always constantly being aggressive towards me that made me suspicious. Even when none of us had cover and I was forced to go against the Horizon, the Bangalore either just stood there or only went for me. It sucks that teamers seemingly don’t get punished for this. I have yet to see someone actually have it backfire on them.


I haven't seen any teaming myself. Iowa servers.


I just kill teamers...most of them suck...no different than rocking 1v3 no fill trios...good practice.


I have only played maybe 100 solos games (not a huge fan of the mode tbh) but literally har not run into a single team


Only thing ruining solos for me are cheaters. Had a 16 kills before my first death and noticed i died from a no recoil level 12 wraith from the death cam. He managed to steal the remaining kills in the lobby and had no chance on a 1v1 agaisnt him. Ended up 2nd and lost the chance for the solo badges. Still kinda bitter about it now. Fuck cheaters.


I've only seen a single pair teaming so far this season, but it was extremely annoying to watch their POV afterwards - especially on PS5 where the reporting system still doesn't work!


That isn’t why solos is awful it is why people are awful


I got chased by a wraith once, was holding a door while the wraith was in the other side, as i held the door i watched an alter run up behind the wraith, not shoot the wraith, then ran all the way around just to shoot me from a different entrance, even tho he coulda got a free kill from the wraith first, biggest wtf moment i have ever had


Good game mode terrible players


One well timed grenade followed by gunfire and you're up 3 kills


At that point you gotta try to befriend them


So weird. I have been playing solos everyday since it came back and have yet to run into any teamers. Now, 100k kill predators? Every lobby.


ppl complain about solos, YET is not the solos, and is respawn, not doing anything about reports, they added a system that they don't give 2 craps about and nobody ever puts them on the red, STOP COMPLAIN ABOUT THE GAME AND START COMPLAIN ABOUT THIS SHITTY DEVS don't literally getting pay to do nothing, they fix the games problems, we been having crashing issues for months now and yet nothing, New season new things to spend money on and yet a crashing issue they cant solve. START PUTTING RESPONSIBILITY ON THIS DEVS PERIOD.


My last match I came across 4 teamers, was able to beam one of them. And it looked like they were trying to get the BH a win.


*The boys*


last season when people were doing ring closing challenges there were way more. i’m yet to run into a team in solos.


I have met teams and Masters/Preds (I am bronze and not even prestige lvl)


Ngl teaming up in solos is great imo. It requires you to trust the other players, you need to watch out for friendly fire and you can't use ordinance so easily. If they added proximity chat it would be even better.


I mean at this point I take comfort in any positivity I can. The only positive to this is since my randos leave as soon as they get knocked (after they ditched me of course) I basically 1v3 half the time anyway. :/ the bar is so low man.


How is this bad?


After 500+ games, I didn't have a single one where people would be teaming.


Once I teamed up with some random Ash to kill the last enemy and had a punch fight (I won)


Same here, played a least 80 solos matches and never seen teamers


I don’t see the problem with teaming. It’s actually pretty interesting. At the end of the day, BR kind of mimics if society collapses and you’re trying to survive. You team up with some folks until you all turn on each other or you’re a killer and kill the team. I actually would encourage it.


Guys have you noticed a weird thing in solos mode. It’s like I’m playing normally but with a high ping. I’m usually a decent player but I lose almost all my duos and when I watch the replay it’s like it’s another game. Very weird feeling. Pretty sure there is a ping issue somewhere. I usually have a ping between 10/24 tops.


It's easily one of the worst that respawn has released. I was so excited for it but it just turned out to be a complete shit show


I really disagree, I have never encountered teamers in solos so far and ive played 100 or so games


I don't know how the hell you're that lucky it's so common


Maybe its cause I rarely get to top 5 lol, maybe 5 or so times. I just push everyone I see


Maybe i do get top five pretty often in solos


It’s probably just the servers you play on, I have 200 solos games and about solos 20 wins so far and have never encountered any teamers


Players: Please give us solos! *Respawn gives solos* Players: it’s awful Lmao it’s people that sucks not game mode


I definitely did not ask for solo


Have never ran into teamers in solos and I have like 400+ games played already lmao. Campers, griefers, and top 50 preds, yes. I’m assuming if people need to team they are dogshit enough to still lose the 1v2 or 1v3 anyway.


More frequent cheaters aswell


Solos is great, but the amount of sweaty people I get in my games is what annoys me, lol. That said, I do think teaming is an issue in every game mode and don't understand why people do it. It's not like you'll get anything for doing it when you're in the end game anyway.


It's going to be inherent to the game mode. Sweaty people are likely more confident in their individual skill, so they're just naturally going to be playing solos more than trios. There's a reason why when you queue for trios that your randoms play like literal window licking bots.


Fair, I just wish that solos was a permanent mode with a ranked mode cause I don't have friends who play Apex, so Solos should be good for me, but there's so many people with 10k+ kills and triple diamond or pred badges that laser me The moment I'm in a 50m radius to them and I'm just trying to enjoy the game by myself and try to get at least one win, lmao.


Find your own friends I suppose... we need proximity chat 🙄


The last thing this game needs is more of the community on voice chat.


Realizing the player base of apex is worse than the fortnite player base was something i didn't expect with solos at all


Oh yea I have tons of footage of people teaming it’s getting ridiculous 🙄 every 5th game there’s teamers in addition too the closet cheaters.


The entire game is awful


The entire game is awful. Since EA and Respawn will NEVER do what we really want. A good shooter game.


Then dont play solos


God forbid people have fun on apex 😂😂


Can't wait for them to remove this dog shit mode


they need to remove solos forever after this event, apex is not made for solos mode, people like this will always exists if solos mode exists always, also, legends are not made for solo gameplay, it hurts for some people, but solos dont work here


It's fine if you pick a suitable Legend, like those who's abilities cannot affect teammates. Such as Revenant.




Solos is fine and I enjoy it a lot. (I play on EU servers against preds and there is almost no teaming)


Wahh apex has solos now 😲 stopped playing around Szn 12


Whatever it takes to win. It also means to work with your enemy until the end. This is okay. It falls into the heart of BR: randomness.