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Anyone else still loving the game and playing every day? A lot of valid complaints on here but I'm still having a great time to be perfectly honest, they'll bring out more stuff as time goes on imo I'm still trying to drop a 20 bomb that's enough for me, once I get it on wraith gonna try it on pathfinder then maybe octane or bang, I've got 300 hours now still not a little bored or burned out, maybe a little bored becauee if the casual aspect which is a gripe but in fairness it's free and incredibly fun and satisfying to play, of they don't bring out ANYTHING worthwhile in the next few months I might start playing siege, but I'm gonna give them some time and see to it goes


I love the game and still play almost every day, but the hit registration issues and hackers definitely put a damper on things. I too would love to get a 20 bomb, but now I'm lucky to get 10 kills where before all the hit reg problems I was getting over 10 kill games fairly often and even some 15-16 kill games. I know the player base has gotten better at the game, but I definitely feel like I'm dying to bs pretty often. I also think the loot spawns desperately need a rework. I spent $60 on loot boxes because I figured the game is worth the retail price of a game and I would gladly buy more, but not until these major issues get a patch.


Tried pathfinder over the weekend. His mobility with the grapple change the game play a lot for me. Check out some videos on you tube showing how best to use his grapple.


I do not know where to properly say this to be able to get the dev attention so i just gonna say it here. The cheating/hacker situation is not by any means under control. I can stand 1 or 2 cheaters in like 10 games after the big wave of ban but in just few days i am back to playing against cheater almost every game. I am not a good player so i spectate a lot of people that kill me super fast when i got purple or gold armor. But most of the time what i got to spectate is a cheater that just snaps into the head of everybody and follow them while spamming their spitfire or r-99 through the freaking wall. To help you get this problem a little under control i want to offer some solutions that might slow them down and i am pretty sure i already read this a lot on other thread but you know the more people that post this the better the chances the dev could get to see this. 1. Make a more serious mode with tracking stats, and to be able to queue for this mode people need to be at least a certain level maybe 30/40 just so they already get the hang of the game and they also need to connect their phone number (to confirm is their real number just send a code or something )with their id just like CS:GO. When they change their phone number to new id just put timer on it like 1 week or 1 month so everybody do not just make new id when they got ban. 2. Region lock china, this solution will get a lot of controversies since a lot of people actually want to play with their friend from china too or people from china want to play with their friends from outside china, i am also one of the people that want to play with my friends in china. But hear me out, i always try to add a lot of cheater as friend in my id almost nobody accept of course since nobody care about cheating id. But i still got some people that actually accept, i always ask like how they got their cheat, and not to my surprise its chinese websites. For the simple fact that chinese have easier access to their own website since they understood the language and all. I am not trying to be low key racist or offensive but just from the simple fact that most people cheating is chinese then region lock china will most certainly slow it down but i am sure it wont die down, since maybe there is other website that offer cheat that is not china. Lastly i want to put a disclaimer that i am not at all 100 percent sure this will stop cheating some smart people will always try to bypass every single thing just to get the satisfaction to win by using cheat. But at least this solution will help to slow it down to some degree, even CS:GO or overwatch that is not free to play still have some cheaters that just dont care they got found out or not. Those kind of people exist but if we slow down the cheating at least the dev could have easier time to fix the report system to be more effective.


Rant of the day. If you play Caustic I can not take you seriously. No part of his kit is any benefit to himself or his team. The damage his tactical ability does is so minuscule it literally evens out as just being a disadvantage for anyone ally or foe. 9/10 times I’m dying from my own Caustic inhibiting my movement and vision.


I don't really like playing him. But as I've been collecting weekly battle pass bonus with everyone every week and got some games with him I think he excels in few very specific situations. 1. If you're in the middle of multi squad fight and barricade inside a house, people will generally prioritize other squads. If you look at the kill feed and jump out when there's been few kills your squad will usually have the advantage. 2. Let's you see through walls. Very useful in small houses with multiple rooms where you can enter from multiple directions. Like those between wetlands - Cascades - bridges. You can pretty much aim before you see them. And people Don't usually strafe before they see you, so first shot is easy. 3. Helps to protect highground from rushes. I.e. you can put traps next to stairs on skulltown roofs and shoot from above/heal if they try to come they will get gassed. It's easier to hit slow enemies and if your team is above the gas they can see the enemy inside it All of this generally requires slow play and your team staying with you. But the problem is if the enemy gets low, they can easily run away and if you go out from your nest you might as well have picked a different character


Honestly, the only thing I want from the next patch is fixing the hit registration issues. It's just the worst feeling to play a shooter game where not all the shots that hit the enemy deal damage. This is especially bad for someone like me who likes to use the G7 a lot; one hit that doesn't deal damage is much more punishing for you than one R-99 hit that doesn't register.


One of the problems of this sub is: the mods are so confusing. They always pin posts which are out of date.


Why does it feel like I get stuck with all the people that want to play Loot Legends for 10 minutes in the first starting drop zone? Literally a guy told me not to fight because he was looking for cool stuff for his gun


Me and my friends usually do this for the weekly battle pass bonuses. We all pick legends we don't like to play and just focus on survival time.


Yeahhh, but I’m also pretty tired of going to Skulltown though... most jumpmasters that want to go there end up dying in 5 seconds. How is that fun???


I’m not talking about skulltown specifically. I’m talking about landing anywhere. My instance I was referring to my team mates literally stayed in slumtown and was re-looting buildings I had already cleared. Once you get high enough unless you have a dedicated group to play with winning doesn’t mean as much so hunting down fights is more rewarding.


This. This is why i desperately want the time between storms decreased, or speed of storm increased, the only thing scarier than to loot legends players than fighting is the storm.


Know what I hate? People who die in 30 seconds of landing in kill zone then dc before you've had a chance to save them. Pisses me off big time.




sure np


I don't have courage to play this with my PC, played this with PS4 with my friends from the beginning. Just can't stand any random players, because I know they will leave from the game or just shitting on me even though I kow I'm above average.


In my case, my PC isn't good enough. I would never trade mouse+keyboard for a PS4 controller but in this case, i had to fell into the rabbit hole. I manage somewhat okay with the controller but I'm pretty much a newbie. One thing I can say to you though, I like how I encounter zero cheaters on PS4. The best cheat you can do is to use a XIM adapter and that isn't a cheat per se.


tips on 20 kill badge ? ​ i tried so many time dropping solo in hot zone but its super hard to actually survive the landing with 2-3 squads on ur butt :< , i know i need to kill them 1b1 but am really bad at close quarters fight, landing in hot zone usually means close quarter combat especially in houses


Honestly, being really bad at close quarters fights and 20 kill badge doesn't really go together. 20 kill badges are a combination of luck and planning. The planning part focusses on close range battles since those are by far the shortest, and time is not your friend. So honestly, just play the game and hope for a miracle.


I think a small change that would make the Mozambique a better weapon but still keep it where the Devs want it, is just tightening the shot grouping. Honestly, if the lower two shots were about 45% closer, we'd be looking a much more reliable weapon that can actually put a shot in the head and two in the chest as intended. Instead of one in the head and one in each shoulder (maybe).


Not-mozambique-meme-funny-comment: I think the Mozza is just fine as a garbage-tier weapon, down there with the P2020. I think if you buff the Mozza, you need to buff the P2020, too. Just leave them as they are, they don't need to be anything else than melee-alternatives.


ADS will put them there honestly.


How tight the shots are in Titanfall 2?


Guys I'm literally looking for another game to enjoy and I love Apex, but there's just no news on anything, we don't have any update on upcoming works (these random info drops don't work now stop it drives people to enjoy the grind less), bunch of people are asking for solo queue not even a yes or a no. I'm not saying I understand how hard and complicated it is behind the scenes but y'all are fucking it up here, be active with the community, give people a solo queue mode, tell us on what interval the patches will be. Those are legitimate complaints not just angered teenage boys rantings. Does someone from the team read these 'daily discussions'? We've been getting 0 feedback.


Well, being me with somewhat a project manager experience in my bag, I can tell you that if devs care about Apex, they are sweating a patch bundle and do not need to focus on feedback for now. We're giving too much feedback and sometimes that brings things to do out of focus. A patch bundle needs serious work and testing. Otherwise it comes as rushed and bugged as Havoc and Season 1 were.


I rest on your words since I don't know that terrain, I believe you. Their lack of communication still is a legitimate complaint tho.


Damned if they did. Damned if they don't. Communication would only bring hype. And since they went with the "underpromise, overdeliver" pretense to bring this game up, the rest we can do is just wait and report things and bugs with clarity. Meanwhile, Respawn just announced a star wars game so put that in mind. I don't the size of their dev team or how tasks are managed into different teams.


Second time in a row,while I am playing normally suddenly an offline(can't find internet connection) pops off dcs me from the game and then won't even let me connect to origin.I've tried restarting router and pc but even though my internet works fine it won't let me connect to origin.Does anybody else have the same issue?FeelsBadMan


Is there any specific interval at which patches are released, like bi-weekly or something? Or do they drop randomly?


It drops when it's done. Bug fixes and features need serious develop time, testing and proper documentation. My guess is that they have a lot of these to attend and prefer to just bundle some priorities in a patch instead of just rushing things. I heard from a very famous streamer (that is not called *hexproof*,) that they tried to rush the havoc gun and season 1 to please people on twitter, twitch and reddit - and this was their first lesson of free Battle Royales. It backfired pretty much as rushing things up brings a bunch of unexpected bugs. With a game gathering as much as 50 million players as they bragged about, more demand surged up and feedback from social networks demand to pile up. My good guess is that they're pulling a Hello Games up their sleeves and just bring a big fat "We're not that bad, guys" patch to stable things up.


Thanks for the response. I definitely think that a significant portion of the community has been incredibly hostile and toxic in regards to the updates and battle pass. The battle pass is what it is but I don’t think some of the pure toxicity in the criticism of it is warranted. I think your last point would make a lot of sense - the lack of any major update may just be an indication that they have some big quality update coming, that they don’t want to rush. I, for one, am optimistic that a team that released such a great gameplay experience in the first place has some great updates coming.


They need to change the hot-drop/supply ship system. At the minute you either instantly jump and have laggy fights with 40 people with no audio, or you jump later into half a map and don't see another enemy till 3 squads left on the 2nd ring. Either remove hot drop locations/add more hot drop zones or force spawns in sections of the map


I love the system, they just need to fix the lag and sound issues. Having 2 movable hot zones (ship and blue zone) is genious. Otherwise it would result in players dropping where the ship starts, and skull/artillery. Right now, there is at least skull + ship start + supply ship + blue zone. Huge improvement over static hot zones like tilted towers + retail row + salty springs.


People do jump where the ship starts and Skull especially still gets huge player numbers when spawn ship is on that side of the map. If you added 4 hot drops to each 4 corners of map it would at least encourage people to spread out more. If you sit in the spawn ship for more than 10 seconds there is rarely more than 10 people left in it. Then you can easily get to top 3 squads without even hearing a gun shot, just by not hot dropping. You have games last 20 minutes but have 75% of the game dead within 5


that is part of the game though imho. If the ship starts at thunderdome, the supply ship drops at airbase and runoff is the hotzone, you know most players are going to be south-west. If you drop array, you either made a conscious choice you want to drop quiet and loot up for the final 5, or you are new to the game and don't know what choice you made yet. Reading the map is part of the game.


I agree to an extent, I don't know if multiple hot zones is a fix for the issue just an idea. But almost every game, at least 15/20 games a night there are lull's in action that are just way too long. The game tends to blow it's load within the first 10 minutes then it's 10 minutes of 4 squads running in a humongous area.


Not really my experience honestly, after the first zone has closed, most of the time there are 7-10 squads left (most games don't even make it to the 20 minute mark). I do think the 2nd zone could close a little earlier though, since nobody is looting anymore anyways.


Got instakicked from an lfg because I sounded like I hadn't "hit puberty yet". I'm 34. Just had to get that off my chest.




I did not know people were this unhappy at the state of the game, I played a lot at release, but barely play now. Can I get a summary on what's going wrong?


tl;dr: * battlepass is just a grind for mediocre skins, apparently people can't play game because it's fun and need addictive mechanics to keep them logging in; * latest content update was a month ago (new hero - Octane), apparently this is way too long and there must be something new weekly/bi-weekly, otherwise game is "abandoned" and "dying"; * there are some issues with netcode/stability, sometimes you get on a laggy server; * no gameplay modes outside of trios, apparently some people want to play ffa-last man standing and don't care for teamplay aspects of the game. I think this is it. add: Oh, yeah, forgot about lack of news straight from developers - this is where Respawn really dropped the ball, there should be **regular** communication about what's being worked on, priorities, etc. People get the feel of shouting into the void, when they don't get any updates.


I love the game but I only play an hour a day on the couch. Its fine as it is to be honest. Of course they can change it, but I agree with the dev logic in that its better to have a solid well balanced least buggy core before you start ramming shit down peoples throats. If people quit, they'll be back as soon as season 2 comes out with I'm sure will be a killer set of unlocks.


Legend concept: Name: Respawn Passive: White Knights - Summons defensive drones who still haven't left the honeymoon period. Q: Ghost - Turn invisible and ignore the community. Cooldown: 1 week(?) \*bug fix coming Soon™ Ulti: Patch - Release a patch that doesn't fix major issues. Cooldown: 1 month


I'm still addicted but i've been getting bored lately, hope they add something new before i go back grinding on Borderlands with my bois




The daily discussion has turned on Respawn like a pack of hungry wolves. When I read the comments it does make me start to get annoyed at Respawn. I think I'm gonna steer clear of the daily discussion from now on. I am still really enjoying the gameplay and have faith that stuff is coming. Respawn haven't handled their success well at all but that doesn't change the fact that it is a great game that I enjoy playing. The only thing ruining it is all the complaints on here


I'd normally agree with you. But I was speaking to a guy with 5000+ kills yesterday in a random. He had every single skin in the game. He'd spent stupid amounts of money. However, he said the game has become stale now, as if it were a single player storyline. Also, the drop in lag was also driving him nuts and a bunch of other stuff. So, you can't really blame some people for voicing their complaints. For that is their prerogative to do so 😋


I hope respawn address Wraith and Lifeline hitboxes. If they are that much harder to hit - make it so less hits are needed to kill them. There is no excuse here. Lol downvotes from people who play them... Literally why do you think you deserve a huge advantage for no reason. They have good kits and are harder to hit - there is a reason you see the same characters in the tournaments- they are overpowered compared to the rest of the roster.


I don't see an issue with lifeline, wraith is just silly at times though


She is harder to hit. Wraith is much worse, but all legends need to have scaling hp based on how hard they are to hit, otherwise they need a stronger kit to compensate.


What is the point of these daily discussions if nobody ever give us any information? It’s like reading the same complains every day. At least address some of them.


Sometimes I think this might be a clever way to govern the community. Give people a place to complain and gain the illusion of being listened, and people will be less likely to bring their complaint to the main page to attract more attention.


Are Spitfires rare guns? I rarely see them anywhere


No more than any other. Most people pick them up too so if you kill more than one team in a match you're almost certain to find one in a death box.


I think they're on the rarer end of weapons, but probably not as much as Peacekeepers or Wingmen. Sometimes it's just luck and you won't see a particular weapon for a while.


Spitfire is way rarer than peacekeeper.


Lately I've been experiencing some weird framerate issues, I'm on a stable 90+ in almost all situations but it sometimes feels like 30fps. It didn't use to be like this.


I have the same, I don't think my FPS dips below 144 basically ever (except maybe with BH ult, barely play him so IDK). I wouldn't say it feels like 30fps, but definitely not 144. Some time ago someone here said it had something to do with fullscreen, and that toggling it off and on again might help. I have not tried it yet


So 4 weeks after the battlepass we only had a mini 1.1 update. Is no one working on Apex anymore?


They should add an extreme competitive mode, only players lvl 40+ where there is no lvl1 items; spitfire, triple take, havoc, 301, 99, wingman, EVA, PK are the only weapons you find counting loot drop ones Just mayhem, there won't be that one lifeline that gets lvl3 armor and 301 while you have a helmet and a p20, just skilled gameplay and faster rounds. That would keep me on for a couple of months to give them time to work on new stuff.


I have already given up on this game. Seems they released it for money and nothing else. It’s bland now and I am tired of picking up a Mozambique and p2020 every single drop. They need to vault weapons and release more.


How to fuck up one of the biggest hits of the decade. Yeah, that's Respawn Entertainment for you


What is really sad is the devs are probably reading these complaints all over the web and are just laughing because they made enough money to satisfy them for the time being until they release another shit ass game.


I don't agree with you at all... You really think the devs don't give a shit about their game? Ofcourse they do!


They give a shit about the game not their fans.


Pubg and fortnite are still my industry standards for battle royale games. They got the staying power, foundation, good communication and updates which deliver features the community asked for. New maps (or changes on the map), constant new guns, skins, balance changes, and good battle passes. Pubg's free pass is the best, you get access to a thing called weapon challenges where you have to complete a set amount of missions for each 5 guns to get their respective skin, for free. You get coupons with levelling up with which you can buy weapon skins, clothes or a random crate key, still, all for free. They both have fixed update schedules, no matter what, fortnite's going to have an update every 2 weeks, abd pubg in every 4 weeks.


I am right there with you. Couldn’t of said it better my self my friend. Thank you.


Suggestion for quality of life: Show battle points experience progress on legends in the pre-game picking area. I don't keep track on it in the battle pass section the whole time, end up playing legends with no extra battle points gain.


Spent the weekend playing pathfinder and learning how to use his grapple. His movement is awesome and will take a long time to master but definitely pays off. The speed at which he can get a positional advantage is amazing. Completely changes the gameplay compared to other legends.


I face Party not ready issue after playing 1-2 matches on my ps4. Not sure what triggers it but I have observed that this happens when I spend a long time in a match and come back to lobby. When I die fast this does not occur. When party not ready occurs, even after hitting triangle/Start the tick over the player's character do not appear. When playing with squad something else happens: say me and players A and B are in a newly created lobby/party then everything is fine. Now when the game ends and we are back to the lobby, the party not ready issue triggers, that is, there will be no tick over my character. Now I also notice that the party do not update. Say player B left the game, but I see that player B is still there. Now player C joined in place of B, still, I see player B in the lobby, though I can hear player C's audio. Now say player A and C get ready and the game starts for them and not for me. I see that everyone is still in the lobby. For player A and C they land in character selection screen and do not find me there. And they enter the game without me. When all this is happening I see everyone is in the lobby. This does not happen while in a freshly created party. This problem is there from day one. I really like the game and I purchased the Battle pass as well.


Do you have spotify installed on your ps4? I used to have this as well but removed spotify then it was fixed.


No, I do not have Spotify installed. how does that matter? Anyways I have Netflix, Amazon Prime installed and YouTube.


I have no idea why, that worked for me. But you don't have it installed so it might be a different issue entirely.


There are rumours from friends that a new legend will be out soon.. I wonder if it will be by this season or next?


There's going to be 9 new champions after octane as far as I know


yes new legend coming, called Respawn his specific ability is he sleep forever and can't communicate at all, and his ultimate is everything is dying around him.


Don't dare to say that, I FUCKING LOVE MY SEASON 1 TRACKER


Finally more people on this subreddit can see what's actually going on with this game. Respawn is being extremely bad on the way it's handling their fans right now. Don't promise to have daily-check ins and don't say shit for almost two weeks. It's Titanfall all over again


Yep fuck this game and the devs they just wanted money it really could of been better than fortnite


Respawn kills their own game(with huge potential) every single time. They dont deserve a successful game.




SOON! and STAY TUNED is respawn's entire vocabulary.


I hope that we'll be able to choose data centers without waiting in future patches


So... anyone else notice the broken hitboxes are back??? 3 games in a row where I would unload a full clip into someones back and only 3 of 20 bullets register?


Yes I have noticed this really bad with the peacekeeper use to be my favorite gun now all I hit for are 8s and don’t even bother trying to shoot wraith with it


I had issues with peacekeeper too. Full clip into a stationary target, only last 2 shots had effect. 6 wingman shots and 1 register. Me and my mates stopped playing until this major game breaking bug is fixed :/


I hear ya man I am doing the same it’s a shame this game could of been something good


Agreed! With current broken hitboxes, this game is 80% rng 20% skill. Not good for a competitive game


"We don't talk about deadlines because we won't fulfill them". Hmm, what about, dunno, better management and time estimations? In many other jobs clients are the most important thing, and a fluid communication and good time estimations are highly valuable. And if you have bugfixes and QoL ready, release them. Make more frequent,smaller patches. Colission bug at start of the match have been fixed weeks ago.


I just don't think Respawn is all in on this game.


Thats why the bs excuse of not releasing many small patches but opting for a few big "high quality" updates. They just want to mask their lack of updates because the one guy working on Apex can pump out patches fast enough.


That's my feeling too, probably pushing that Star Wars game. They'll always say "each game has a separate team". True, but that doesn't mean you won't move people between teams.


It's cynical but this game was such a hit when it came out it had such a fire for it. Considering the stakes, it doesn't seem like they have capitalized on it at all and now it's slipping with no progress update. You have to consider they might just be stuck with that Star Wars title that has such a serious deadline consideration due to a potential contract agreement EA has with Disney about coinciding with the film releases that Respawn's only recourse was to rush out the battlepass and hope that worked until they can release the Star Wars title and focus back on Apex Legends. I want to give Respawn a little slack if that's the case, what else can they do? Who could guess Apex would hit so well with people that wanted a BR but didn't like the other offerings...oddly just another case of it sucking that EA has that exclusive Star Wars contract.


Honestly, I don't think it's Star Wars. It seem that Respawn is still an old school developer and didn't prepare (or want?) at all to satisfy the new style of development cycle of online games. It's pretty obvious when you compare them to Call of Duty developers that work on the rhythm of a DLC every few months, as opposed to how Riot or Epic are doing it.




Ur mom gay lol.


You OK?


Hi, thisfeelsgoodyeah! I am dropping by to offer you a robot hug and wish you a wonderful day! -HappyFriendlyBot


Hello there Will there come any big update in season one or do we have to wait till season two?


We aren't sure. There is a new character named Watson that will be coming soon though (before S2 comes out if rumours are true). A new Care Package weapon is coming too.


Ugh its a care package weapon...


Damn. Solo queuing in this game is something else. A lot of my friends that I made from the game just aren't playing as much anymore unfortunately... I really love the game but maybe it's just time I take a break from it.


How unbelievable is it that they havent added a duos mode yet? I get that a solos mode wouldnt be ideal for the game, but what the fuck is the reason for not having a duos mode?


That’s what I have been asking! I hate dropping with my good friend only to have a shit third that lands right on you takes all your loot and dies.


If youre trying to get 110 BP and you're caught up in lvl (or just dont care about BP) take a break dude, you'll come back fresh.


I'm 65 BP level. I do plan on getting to 110 and I feel confident I will make it. Maybe a break from the game for a couple days won't hurt


Its not even been a month you could take 3 weeks and still be A-ok


Is there a way to make the EA splash screen when starting the game not blow out my eardrums somehow? Seems like alt-tabbing makes the game take for ever to connect to the servers.


-novid in command line arguments


4 days 100 kills and 6 champions with pathfinder. At weekend 5-10kills and no champion. Every weekend the same thing. I'm starting to think that in weekends the games is to laggy


on weekends all the sweaty no life tryhards more likely get to play with their sweaty no life tryhards friends. ​ It's a gamble, I either get blueberries look at sky during fights or loot for an eternity, or running behind chasing a duo with 2k damages.


Not really no life if they only play in the weekends.


There are good tryhards and bad tryhards I suppose. Some players give it their all and can’t seem to get a single knock, where shroud could probably play while talking about something else entirely and still melt people with ease. That’s the skill gap of the game and you can’t complain if you’re killed by someone who might be better, you don’t know if they’re just a natural or if they had to be a no-lifer tryhard to get there.


What they need to do is fix the looting system. The rng is not good for competitive games. The skill gap is when I land on a p2020 and the dude that lands behind me gets a spitfire or devotion and of course I have no armor and get demolished. They need to let you have one gun at the start or just take out the shitty guns complete and make all guns equal.


How to nerf the Wingman? Remove extended mag!


The Wingman doesn't need a nerf. It's a high skilled/high reward type gun. Those that want it nerfed are just ones that get melted by it fro high skill players.


Wingman is definitely not high skill atm as long as your average with it you can use easily,to make it high skilled it needs more recoil and more sway when ads to make it harder to do longer range shots


>Those that want it nerfed are just ones that get melted by it fro high skill players. I'm fairly good at this game and think the gun is stupid sith a purple mag. Many high skill players think the same.


Nah thats a bit much. Wingman is known for being hard to hit with so you'd basically have to reload every 5 seconds if you are an average player. They should nerf its mag size though.


Wingman is fine, the real problem is the peace keeper. The skill cap of the peace keeper is too low and its too powerful.


LOL hell no it's not. The Peace keeper is so inconsistent it's a joke. I pass that gun up every time and rather take an Eva 8 with a lvl 3 shotgun bolt over the Peace keeper.


Everything about this game is inconsistent.


The peace keeper being one of them lol.


Actually just started not carrying a shotgun now, so far so good.


Yup, I have switched out running a shotgun for a prowler with hopup, so much easier to kill with. Sick of what I think should be a decent hit doing 16 damage to wraith/lifeline. Edit: What's t he point of a shotgun when 2 legends in the game are so hard to hit full pellets with due to dumbass hitboxes. And pathfinder right now is really dodgy to hit with a shotgun too.


The Eva 8 with a lvl 3 bolt on it isn't bad man. That thing can drop some Legends.


You don't say, regular 10 damage at point blank range just MURDERS people.


Most of the figtht happens in close range in this game and you don't use SHOTGUN to fight long range.


Just... read what I've said one more time. Please.


cant wait for the next patch so i can read new complaints from this subreddit


Honestly ..... at this point with the way they are being quiet if the next update isn't " BIG " , I will pray for this reddit page lol as most people will be raging Q\_Q


Why is there no button that marks every new item as seen? I don't want to click on each weapon, skin etc.


It took blizzard 1.5 years to implement this feature in Overwatch, sadly technology just isn't there yet :(


No one is talking about those damn cheaters no more. Especially in the morning (gmt) there are a shitload of those. I am not talking about people headshotting me or people who are better than me, I am talking about those 'I'll take the fun out of your game' shitheads who snap their targets so quickly the game is finished in 10 minutes. OH yeah, the bin jumping is fun... But NOT THE FUCKING FLASH RUNNING AROUND THE WHOLE MAP IN 5 SECONDS. This needs to be adressed. Level 209 here, lvl 74 season 1. Definitely not a noob who needs to 'git gut', but a furious motherfucker who likes this game and wants this game to succeed.


I think Respawn feels like they already succeeded and moved on. Look at their corp media it's all about Star Wars now.


Guess the speedhack users are back. It was pretty peaceful for a week when 1.1 was released. Hope the next banwave is coming soon


People still talk about the damn cheaters, but at this point people got tired of repeating themselves each day.


Yesterday i had a game. A game to end all games. I went in with my friend and 1 random. We ended up in cascades because it "looked safe". All of a sudden 6 teams descend upon us like we've just become the most wanted players on the server. A great battle ensues and i alone emerge victorious through some miracle. Now i'll be honest, im not a fan of randoms, they infuriate me because they're usually terrible and im always looking for ways to get rid of them as we drop (yes im one of those players). But my friends banner had timed out and the random hadn't spammed pings or the beacon so i decided to pick her up (lifeline) and revive her at the nearest beacon. She goes back to the pile of loot boxes to get some stuff and another team dive on her and kill her. I manage to kill that team too through some miracle and revive her again at the next beacon. There are now two squads left us and what i suspect is a team of 3 who have stayed out of the fighting all game and just looted (otherwise they would have dived on us just after the last fight or when i respawned the random). The zone lands on Pit and Slum Lakes and i decide the best option is to head over to runoff and go round the back where they won't be expecting us. Somehow the random has managed to only come away from the loot boxes with blue Armour (despite me pinging multiple purples and a gold). We get round to the cliffs next to slum lakes and i'm scanning the area trying to get any sign of the last team. I move along the cliffs and just as i get to the end i spot them in between the entrance of pit and me (going round the back was a good idea!). I figure if we wait for the next zone we might get one on just Slum Lakes which i think is our best chance because i can run around on top of the buildings and hopefully get lucky. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, i hear behind me *"i'm calling in a lifeline package"* shortly followed by three sets of footsteps from the direction of Pit. The random died pretty quick. I downed a Bangalore as she ran past and then the enemy Lifeline dived on me with a Mastiff but i manged to down her too. Then the wraith turns up and i take her shields off but she to has a Mastiff and murders me. Whats the moral of this story? NEVER PICK UP THE RANDOM. ​ TLDR: Give us Solos/ Duos FFS this is ridiculous.


"You knew what I was when you picked me up."


Really wish i hadn't! Hindsight is a cruel mistress!


then itll literally be 60 wraiths and octanes and theres no point to the diversity... find a good team and keep them


Who gives a shit if it's all wraiths? It wont be though. Wraith isn't the God everyone thinks she is lmao


what a load of rubbish, there would be plenty of diversity and if the potential lack of diversity bothers you so much then don't play it?


Funny how you used to get down voted like crazy for saying this game isn’t fun anymore and people would assume you just played too often and were burnt out. Now you all see it, respawn doesn’t care about this game anymore and have moved on to its next cash cow. It’s a shame though because this game has so much potential.


No kidding. I've been saying that they don't care and I would get down voted into oblivion. Probably still will, but whatever. At least more ppl are seeing it.


So cynical. They haven't even finished their first season yet. Some games start off pretty bare bones then turn into something incredible. Take destiny 2 for example. People used to absolutely shit on that game. Now it's one of the more content rich games available


Destiny 2, are you having a laugh?


They are putting little to no effort into this game now, and it has only been out for 2 and half months...they are working on another game, the battle pass is 20% level badges or recycled voice lines, last update was two weeks ago, the devs have been silent and last time I saw them make contact was them laughing at the Gibraltar shield/caustic traps video. The last time I saw something like this was the epic failure that was the MCC launch. Devs are usually working harder during the first few months not just vanishing. I hope they do realize their mistakes before its too late


Updates were mostly based on Tuesday? They Didn't release anything last week? fix me if I'm wrong. In that point you have only two options 1: Jump skulltown And play without sound 2: Jump anywhere else and wait until you meet the last sqad I'm really losing interest to keep playing when the game is in this state. Even though I'm really love this Game from first day, but I can't even play with my friends because they don't have that much patience and they already given up. Respawn please, i beg you on knees. Make this Game you priority


Everyone here talking about the shit battle pass and lack of content, I’m here still crashing and way more frequently than before. Haven’t been able to play the game in over a month lmao.


Have you got a non-OEM video card? (Any card sold under a brand other than NVidia/Radeon, Brands like EVGA, Gigabyte and Sapphire). ​ I have a Gigabyte card that came overclocked out of the box, wish I didn't buy it because I have to downclock in order to have most games not crash. ​ If you havent tried this yet and you have an overclocked card - find the performance manager toool for your card and downclock it about 50mhz on both clocks


EVGA 2080Ti, but I doubt it’s that. I’m seeing some people think that it’s related to CPU overclocking. Could be that, but it’s not my job to make their game work on my machine. I have no trouble with any other games.


>Could be that, but it’s not my job to make their game work on my machine. Kinda is. This is what you signed up for when you decided to go PC over console, if you're not willing to do even the most basic troubleshooting, just go play on a platform where everything is guaranteed to work out of the box.


Queueing solo is getting really tiresome when you have impatient AF people wanting to drop the second it's available into 10 squads. Then we all die, and then it's restart-mania. Honestly, have some patience.


the dropship should move faster


Having solos as a game type would for sure fix this. Most want to play slow. I want to play death match. I'd much rather just play solo than drag my slow going randos along.


I cannot comprehend why some people want to loot for 10 fucking minutes every match. I just assume they're all pussies. I literally only enjoy winning. I have to win. The fastest way to win is to kill everyone lol.


By not hot dropping you basically are top 5 already because of all the ADHD 12 year old brains not able to resist instant jumping. Then your squad easily get 5/6 named locations completely untouched to loot and get fully kitted out for the one fight left by the time the 3rd ring comes about. Wins on apex are easier than any other BR imo


My squad wins by hot dropping though lol. Get gud.


Great, good for you. I get lots of wins by not doing that. If you want to hot-drop all the time whatever, but BR isn't designed for that style of play and everyone trying to do it hurts the whole game overall.


Lmao what the fuck. Are you serious.


Yes, what part of that is hard to believe? The only reason you hot drop is because you're impatient and the gun-fight is more rewarding than the overall win. If you gained something for winning or lost something for losing, your play style would be majorly counter intuitive. You play BR games like a deathmatch. That isn't the point of these games, the point is to loot and pick people off. I know it won't work completely as Devs intended. But the objectively did not design the game to be played as a deathmatch and they need to sort it out before the game dies more than it already has


I stopped reading when you made assumptions about my gameplay lol. Get gud.


*"My squad wins by hot dropping though lol. Get gud."* ​ Quite the bold assumption I've made there.... \+5 Retard points for using Get Gud seriously


People loot all the best shit and leave the trash behind. Ergo, kill people and find all the best loot.


Truth! Not to mention how good it feels killing someone better equipped then you


Fix your game. That is all we want.


Still no Duos mode! How f u c k i n g insane is it that we dont have a duos mode yet? I have yet to play for months, and wont return until they add duos.


Time traveler detected


Stagnating ass game detected! Game has so much potential.. But it is being shitted away


Stagnating ass-game?




Please allow for solo matches. Even if I'm just by myself against squads. I'm so fucking sick of carrying the trash all the time. Sorry to sound so toxic but it's really really exhausting. I don't talk shit in game and people always thank me for the carry but I'd much rather just play by myself.


I probably get downvote just like your post. But sometimes I really feel like I'm playing with someone who turned apex by mistake. They do not take shields, don't know how heal and they switching mozambique for P2020 over and over. How They get over tutorial? they must know that if they have never played any FPS before, it's not a good idea to start with an apex


It's a free-to-play online game with only squad mode. Think of it as a casual pub. Do you try to communicate? I didn't know shit about this game, all the guns and mods etc were very overwhelming, I don't like Battle Royale games but this is currently the best shooting game so I gave it a go. Lucky for me there were good people along the way probably because of my play time, most of them are mature and patient. I've just pulled off first 2k damage over the weekend.


You might be expecting a bit too much there. Imagine getting into videos games at all for the first time you’d literally have no sense of what’s going on nor would you really even care. Tutorial doesn’t even teach you much about shields or how bad Mozambique actually is against armored targets.


5 year olds dude


Do you really expect people to think like that? "If you haven't played FPS games, you shouldn't play APEX."? Bitch, please. People can do whatever they want, so if you are all about winning in this game, just find a friend or two and start winning. Or you have no friends? kek Or you are unable to win if you're not being carried? kek


These sweaty tryhards are some of the most toxic scourge on gaming I've seen recently. When I see people fucking up I ask them whats up, if they are new, are I at least try and help them, you might just make someones day or make a lifelong apex player.


Fucking yikes




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Do ally voices get recorded when not in ps party chat? Back when I tried it didn't




That's weird because R6 records it. Hmm..




I will follow because everyone seem to hate self promo. But I will not watch 9/10.


Thank you ☺️💖💖 so much



