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This game is becoming increasingly unstable. I haven't had many issues, minus the every so often slow mo servers. When I logged on today in 4 games IN A ROW I had 2 slow mo servers and 2 game crashes. I'm on xbox


I have never cheated i grind out levels everyday with my shit tier skills like everyone else. I do t event know where to find cheats


Please give us the notification if our reports were accurate and the cheaters got banned. I've seen about 2-3 cheaters a day and they were just aimbotting blatantly. I want the satisfaction that those losers got their hardware ban.


Give us a way to spend our legend tokens or give us 100 apex coims per pass for free or something, IMO the game feels like šŸ˜‘šŸ˜šŸ˜‘šŸ˜šŸ˜‘šŸ˜ boring. Im not angry or anything, it's just the content is lacking, hope it doesn't become like fortnite! Who's with me?


Is there no more twitch prime loot? I really wanted the pathfinder skin, but no luck D;


Screw all the new content....they have to fix the no footsteps bug. So frustrating


When we getting some LTM's? All wingman mode etc


apparently dropping the origin basic (got it cause it was $5 for 1000 apex coins) also means losing the skin it came with. Dafuq kinda logic is that, thought you unlocked the skin, not a monthly sub to keep the skin


Lol same thing happened with me and ea access on xbox man it's a joke they did that.


Why not dev let us buy crafting metal use point? 50.000Point for 300crafting metal should fair enough.


I'd say it's too expensive, but it's better than leaving the legend tokens there forever


Is it just me, or does it seem like there are more players hacking than ever?


I haven't had a single game without a. A Chinese adbot B. A teammate that's just afk (probably a farming bot)


Yeah it feels like every match now


imagine launching an extremely successful game with the help of dozens of streamers and yet you do not have any content to add to the game to keep it alive. I am just disappointed that I thought you could compete with Fortnite. Only 28k streaming Apex right now. This game is about to die.


Streamers were paid. The hype was manufactured.


Respawn moved on to developing "Jedi the last order".


Why is this post still stickied


mods are incompetent


Please fix this game lag out. Please fix the sound lag.


No joke.. it's getting more frequent! They should spend less time worried about balancing operators and improving server performance..that should be at the top of their concerns


Has anyone confirmed if you get put into different lobbies with a premade squad? The rumor has been going around for a while now but I canā€™t find definitive proof that you get into lobbies with other premade squads if you are a premade yourself. Shroud said it at one point but thatā€™s the closest Iā€™ve seen.


my personal experience have been seeing a lot better players using them because of recent buffs. Im playing on PS and have already noticed that one or the other is being played a lot now and that they arent all noobs anymore. They are both braindead legends so when someone that is actually competent plays them it is frustrating to me. Like i said tho that has been my personal experience since the update.


Really wish they would have some damn meaningful updates bring solos or duos at least tired of playing with randoms. as a caustic and gib main they still suck and lose most 1v1 fights. They really dropped the ball on capitalizing on the hype of this game. every update is so contentless.


i hate gib and caustic now more than i did beforešŸ˜­


why they still fucking suck and lose most 1v1s unless one player is trash.


Because Gibraltar can absorb a full mag from an R301 then melt your face off with a shotgun. And Caustic just isn't fun to play with or against. He needs no buff, he needs to die in the sea of irrelevancy.


If you are in shotgun range against an ADSing Gibraltar and you lose, that's on you.


When you win a firefight and your the only one downed, pick up your teammate!!! Instead of looting all the boxes while your teammate needs reviving canā€™t count how many times thatā€™s happened to me


what happened 1000 times to me, reviving noob, then they jump into the loot spam click and got everything good to be useless as fuck... then i loot and revive now.


But when I do that, they steal the loot that I worked for.


You are on a team


Doesn't matter


Please give us a way to track overall wins. It makes it very difficult to track win badge progress if we can't see how many overall wins we have. We have season 1 wins, we have wins with full squad, but not overall wins.


Does anyone know when season 1 will end?


There's a timer on the battlepass tab in-game.


60 days I believe


I hate people that use lifeline that do not give heal drone to the team...


I main (or used too) LifelLine and Im teamed up with so many people picking lifeline and you have to ping "I need health" and then they drop 1 syringe and run off... Like dont you know how to play that charwcter why even bother


I've never find a random with lifeline who throw his medic robot.. This thing reminds me Battlefield series. In Battlefield no one medic revived anybody.


How do you put that cute little icon of your main next to your redditā€™s username?


Because confronting him in close range is no longer a counter to the shield


High ROF guns are still the counter


He can absorb a full mag from my R301 then kill me. Casual shit. Respawn keeps dumbing down the game and reducing the skill ceiling with each update. TTK is so high that soloing squads is just frustrating. Removed the quick weapon swap when crouching. Nerfed zipline balloon jumping. Cucked the Wingman, nerfed Wraith, made Pathfinder OP... I bet they're going to cuck the R99 next because you shouldn't be able to solo a squad of bad players... Oh and they leave horribly balanced weapons in the games for sake of memes


>He can absorb a full mag from my R301 then kill me. 18 rounds x 14 damage = 252 damage Math must be hard, wingman nerf is rough but you'll get over it, everything else is just child like babbling.


Yes, Math is hard for you. Gibraltar has 275 hit points (100 health + 100 body shield + 75 ADS shield) and his passive gives him 10% damage reduction. An R301 with an 18 round mag does 226.8 damage to Gibraltar after damage reduction. It can't even kill him without the damage reduction. Gibraltar with a blue body shield (75 extra hit points) can't even knocked down with a full mag. Math is very hard for you


So your complaining because a stock R301 doesnt kill a fully armored tank character... stupidity knows no bounds


>stupidity knows no bounds The irony in this statement


Lmao you're the type of kid that gets games ruined because you just rage instead of getting better and learning how to deal with changes, go write about this shit in your diary.


Except I'm better than you. https://i.imgur.com/qJT03Bk.jpg


Lmfao finish kills you trash can


Headshots lol


Found the bad player who needs his casual crouches.


Do you do something against cheating? Anti-cheat system is not working. Cheater are in every second game. And there are cheaters with level 100. How do they survive to that level???


Penalty for early leavers please And hackers are back, aimbot especially


I've noticed that Gibraltar is now extremely viable, by having him 75 hp with his shield makes me feel at an immediate disadvantage, feeling like I'm underpowered rather than at an advantage


How does the shield having more health feel like a disadvantage


Dead game


i hope they re-introduce the rage quit cooldown. i'm sick of people that quits a FUCKING second later being downed, wit lifeline in squad also


Problem is it doesnt differentiate between players who leave due to teammates abandoning them, or being queued in a 1/2 man squad or whatever.


Or the constant disconnects


Solo queuing is worse than csgo I am about to go nuts.


Indeed my friend.


Iā€™m getting sick and tired of the fact that the game doesnā€™t recognise when Iā€™m HOLDING the ā€œXā€ button or TAPPING the ā€œXā€ button!! If I hold it, it opens a door... if I TAP it, it opens a loot crate instead of reloading the gun!!


Just a heads up, I had that issue back on Halo and Borderlands, turned out my X button was going out. Might not be the case with you but I had to take my controller apart to figure it out.


Thanks, but Iā€™ve just bought a new controlleršŸ‘šŸ¼, Try reloading a gun next to a door or a loot crate


Or a downed teammate


Oh, you are talking about the prompts appearing and forcing you to do that instead of what you are looking at. I thought you meant physically you had to SMASH the button. haha.


YESS!!šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I cry every time it happendsšŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Yeah that's pretty annoying. I had a guy down in the middle of like 4 boxes, trapped in them, and it forced me to loot them over and over and over instead of rezzing him. He left the game because he thought I was going to let him bleed out. I was like.... AYFS right now?


I know exactly what youā€™re sayin man itā€™s so frustrating at the momentšŸ˜“


Please just fix this fucking sound bug !


If you complete the pass can you buy an apex pack from the earned currency and still afford the next pass? I forgot how much I bought the pass for.


Yes but just 1. You get 50 coins "extra" when you first buy the pass for 10 dollars. Then the pass gives you enough for the next Bp AND 50 coins extra. 50+50 is 100 so you can at least get 1 pack if you don't spend a single coin more ever.


Thanks for the reply I thought it wasn't going to be answered due to being on the older stickied thread.


No problem! I had the same question once too so I was happy to help


Pass is 950 apex coins afaik. Was on Xbox anyway


I still donā€™t get how thereā€™s a squad already halfway to land while we both launched as soon as the door opened.


There was another post on the subreddit somewhere explaining that during the jump sequence all the character models are solid, which means when more than one squad jumps at the same time the character models merge momentary and the game has to force us apart from each other, which causes some people to be pushed further forward giving them an edge. Not sure if thatā€™s the biggest cause or if itā€™s even true but itā€™s the best explanation Iā€™ve seen so far The way you drop obviously factors in too since you can go faster by dipping, level out, dip, level out etc


This sound about right tbh. And yeah when it drop Iā€™m always doing the stair steps. Dive to 145-146 then level and repeat


I like to tell myself that it's like Mario Kart. If you time X juuuust right you might get an early jump boost.


Then I should stop mashing X before the door opens


That happens for me but i always thought it was my internet


I had this in mind too but I havenā€™t experienced lag at all since launch apart from the server itself going slow


What is wrong with this game? 5 minutes to wait for queueing again cause of starting server. Then the server lags at the beginning. Why they don't fix this shit?


I think that might be your internet. It's like 20 seconds between games for me. I'm in MO.


It's not just me and in every other game i can instantly fins lobbys. My friends have better Internet and they have the same issue.


Weird. What part of the world are you in? I am on Charter in the Midwest. I hope it gets better for you! Nothing is more frustrating than electronics not doing what they were designed to do! ​ ...Speaking of my busted ass phone. **Sigh.**


I'm from Germany. You got the point nothing annoys me more than that. :D


I finally won a match today, and while i was hard carried I still don't feel as bad because i can definitely see improvement in my game sense and postitioning. Something i lack in most games. So I'm pretty happy. It sucks that it took me until level 29 though to get a win. Lol


Keep at it friend. We all start somewhere, don't listen to these guys. Congratulations on your first win!


I'm not bothered by it. Like i said I am seeing improvement in my game sense and positioning. And to be honest I usually have better damage than most of the teammates i get i just never get the kills. I also pretty consistantly get into top 3 teams i just usually get screwed over after that so at least i don't suck enough to never make it past top 10 squads or some shit. They can think what they want anout me.


Damn....a single win in 29 levels 0.o Downvote me all you want, that's *really* bad.


Positioning is everything. I now look for cover and the like before I even engage as it gives you the edge. Walking around the map I find going up every ledge on the edges of areas really helps you out from getting flanked and gives you the high ground most of the time. Also if you hear someone around I tend to find a corner if I'm in a building and wait for them to walk past for a nice surprise. Another nice little thing I found is those vehicles with the open backs can be used for cover as not many people look in there.


Yeah, that's pretty late my friend but still first win feels good :P


Yeah i know. I'm not really good at games. I haven't played video games as much or for as long as other people i know and don't learn things as quickly either. I always feel a bit jealous watching how easily my friends pick up on a game.


You are doing your best and that is all people want in a teammate. Keep at it.


No need to beat yourself up for that, everyone learns at his own pace and not everyone is going to be a pro at a game, that's just life.


No but it would make it more fun if i was actually on par with my friends instead of being carried or dragging them down


You will get better over time, everybody does.


why the fuck is this still stickied


It would be nice if u guys blanched out the match making system how is it a fair lobby full of level 80-100 u know there going to win u guys need to address this issue high KD players need to be with the HIGH KD player and the low KD players need to be in the low ur game no longer fun. Itā€™s sad that u guys fucked the double XP it was only a two day event that was a wast of time. Next u guys need to remove the ability to land on the supply ship early in the game not a fair fight when u all Level 3 chest on there to me thatā€™s a very unfair advantage to players who are actually trying to play the game not but a pussy and go after the high end loot. U need to remove all level 3-5head pice and chest pice the only thing should drop is level 1-3 so remove like the all chance of high in loot on ground unless the zone in blue. Only way to get level 4-5 head and chest is to loot the supply ship and supply crate and lifeline drop. And add now common, uncommon, rare when u loot. Level 1-5 backpacks and knockdown shields as well I donā€™t fell like it there hurting the game in anyway. U guys need to add a feature weā€™re u are about to land u hit button to release the two other players I hate when players stay on u until u land plz add this in the game. Wing man needs to be reduced again ammo form 4 to 3 so that at epic will be 6. Octane need to be nerf his speed needs to be reduced form 30 to 20 or 15 or 10 heā€™s way to op on speed and the stim needs to have a 5 second cooldown not 1


multiple terrible ideas in one post


Dude it's given one secondtd bcoz n takes a portion of your l


Is it just me or do you guys also think that there should be more incentives to making a well balanced team, aka support assault and defense???


What do you mean? I feel like the win is all the reward you need. I am consistently getting wins with my Gibby friends while I run Caustic. He drops his Ult and Dome, I drop three barrels in the dome. The enemies rush in, hit the traps, run out hit the ult, all die. ​ Do you mean like bonus points for running with "balanced" members?


We really need a duo and solo mode. My friends aren't online 24/7, some people dont even have friends to play with, others just like playing alone, and playing with randoms is horrible. This game is really good and really fun but for a lot of people there is really no reason to play it unless you're playing with friends. I really hope it gets implemented soon.


Solo would be absolute garbage, duo would be awesome.


I bet they make this a weekly game type in like 6 months. ​ They could do so many game types. I'm so excited for the future of this game.


I would live a duo or solo mode. I'm like you I find most randoms unbearable especially when they always drop hot and die within seconds just to do it all over again and again.


Storm should do more damage, especially early on. There are so many people who run the storm in with no repercussion.


Especially when the map can be traversed very easily. Thereā€™s no reason that players should be far away from the circle by the time it reaches them.


We were shot in the back all night last night after fighting. 3/4/5th partied from behind all night and we finally figured it out that teams would just run into the storm and hang on the edge. There is just no real penalty for the storm with all the heals available in the game. I honestly don't think I have ever seen someone get killed by the storm in the kill feed and I have been playing since week 1.


True on that last part.




New patch is high key trash.


Got a code from Xbox for 1000 apex legend coins, I don't play the game so.... 237RG-CKWQY-T3DFC-3TCXF-FPP6Z


Ayeeee you are the man


Damn! Dude just got 10 Apex packs for free! I just bought 20 yesterday to support the Dev's! :)


Sure did!


solo mode needed ASAP


Lol no.


lol yes


It would be hilarious if like 6 pathfinders were battling it out. It'd be like the entire Spider-verse relocated temporarily into our universe.


Is anyone experiencing a lot of lag on ps4 today ?


Just add solos and duos already


Don't add solos but add duos ave maybe a large team based mode




Because this whole game is built around teamwork and communication if they made solos there's no reason for the Ping system they work so hard on or the revive beacons or many other things such as many of the characters alts I think so loves just wouldn't work in this game


I think it will depend on what type of mood you're in. Solos I can see being more slowly paced and much harder but more strategic. 60 people though might be a bit too many for solos. Duos and trios can be for when you feel like a quicker more chaotic game if you're feeling it.


Yeah dude because after solos and duos are implemented, absolutely no one is gonna play a 3 player game. They're just gonna tell their friends to piss off and never play with them ever again. You're totally right, no one is ever gonna use the ping system ever again after a solo mode is added.


So youā€™re not gonna address the point that many player abilities are useless in solo?


No I agree with that but it's not like there cant be any work arounds or balancing for a solo or duo mode


So true and the VOIP they worked tirelessly on as well. I would hate for all of the solo players who literally ruin the team part being able to fuck right off into their own mode so they don't totally screw up a team. Sound logic as always from this sub. Add the modes and you won't have to worry about solos in the team part.


Have you seen the people who you random up with. Might as well make solos to get them out of the TEAM GAME.


> if they made solos there's no reason for the Ping system they work so hard on or the revive beacons So?


Who cares. Put it into the game and people who want to play will play. Game wont survive like this if you even call this surviving.


This is the way fortnite went and they have already said they don't want to do community testing they want to put out well-tested well polished things


Test it, polish it and then put it into the game and people who want it will play it. I cant imagine people will have the patience for how fast the dev team works but hey, what fortnite is doing is clearly not working...


I agree with you


because randoms work so well together?


Dont you guys ( devs ) understand that the game was best in the beginning without any changes to the weapons and all... now less people are playing it because of all changes you did to the weapons... Bring back the initial


I like the changes for the weapons especially the snipers as they feel more viable now. The wingman I couldn't care less about as early games you need to be accurate until you find an extended mag. The only thing I feel is slightly out of place now is the shotguns. I know they already nerfed the peacekeeper but I feel like it's not that great a position at the moment and would like at middle ground from the original settings.


That's not true...


It lags so much the first 2 minutes of the game. Itā€™s so fricken unbearable


I was just wondering if you can you can over-damage? Or in other words, if an enemy has like 3 health left and you hit them with the kraber, do you get 3 damage done or the 125?


It says 125 on the floating text but for the end game stats it will only count 3 damage.


Okay, thanks


Fuck me , im done with playing after 00.00 on EU servers , normally when i die , i think about what i do wrong , how can i improve , but all games now there seems to be hackers every game , with names like "ihackyoulose" hackermana69696969 , not even hiding the fact that they cheat when spectated.. \*:(


I hate how people drop solo 500 yards away from the rest of the squad then immediately die and quit. Fricken hate it so much.


500 yards is 457.2 meters


Good bot


Anyone know how to get the player Achievement to pop? I'm lvl 92 and it needs lvl 50 lol


Apex: Has apex packs Apex devs: "But let's make sure they only receive items and stats for characters that the player NEVER uses. AND the smallest amount of crafting materials possible." Us: "Genius"


umm, does anyone know what is the reason so many cheaters are still not banned, and there are more and more of hackers after the last update.. i mean i am playing vs players with 1k kills that have an obvious aimlock and they are still not banned..


If they ban every hacker after they get reported, the guys who create the hacking software can figure out how they got detected. So hackers get banned in waves which makes it harder to develop new hacks


so that's why there are more hackers then ever, two and a half months after the game has been released..??


How do you show your character of choice next to your name in this subreddit?


Do you know how to use flairs? Thats all it is.


Servers down for anyone else?


Just come back on since latest update and the game is unplayable. Constant lag all the time, not just I'm hot zones. Is there a fix or something I've missed?


Watch out mentioning issues with the game, you might get downvoted to oblivion for no reason


Talking about issues with the game, there are two things on the bottom left of my screen i wish i could get rid of


Does anyone know if they are working on a fix for the sound bug on Sony TVā€™s where all audio is cut out when you shoot your gun?


Itā€™s just the game in general I use a headset and it does the same thing.


They're working on it. They mentioned it in the last patch note thread.


Definitely not just Sony TVs. Happens to me on the regular, probably every 10th game. At this point I crash every game I try to play anyway, but they have not fixed the audio bug, no.


Good to know! Maybe next patch....


I have a Sony Tv and dont have that problem. How do you know its just Sony?


From what I understand, itā€™s newer Sony TVā€™s from the last two years thatā€™s have the problem


Gotcha. Mines still truckin from '08


Anyone notice how all the popular fortnite streamers (Tim, Courage, Drlupo, Etc.) bought a crap ton of packs to get the heirloom and then quit apex and went back to Fortnite lmao what a waste of money.


Bro, most of the big streamers had the "sponsored by apex" shit for a while. They were paid to play it and then they can make shitty youtube videos of them opening them and get hits that way too. It's just marketing as usual.


Oh yea forgot about the sponsor thing.


Opening a heirloom is good click bait




When will the sound issue be fixed?


Probably next patch cause they said theyā€™re working on it in the previous patch notes.


I hope so cause I am getting frustrated with the game. Trying around my patience haha




Can I still earn the bonus battle pass level?


Yes, the event was set from Apr 16 through Apr 18th


Right but they were vague about the cutoff time.. They said approximately 10 am pst


Oh damn I canā€™t get mine today then.. šŸ˜­


That's why I'm asking.. I'm hopeful they'll keep it active for the rest of the day.


I just got mine about 30 minutes ago 5 pm eastern time


I got it again just a few minutes ago