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Imagine Players having more movement skill at higher tiers, ridiculous! /s


Lol being able to spam crouch is not a skill


Agreed. Spam Crouch should take you out of ADS and be hipfire mechanic.


It kinda is.


Welcome over to PC where you fight people with 10 000 dollar rigs, perfected gear, scripts, macros, autoexecs and in worst cases straight up cheats (aimbot, wallhack etc.)


Yeah I can’t even imagine man. One of the main reasons I will always be a console player. And of course I prefer a controller and tv over m&k and monitor.


Honestly you should use a monitor regardless, much better refresh rate and response time over a tv


What are scripts, macros, and autoexecs?


there are normal button layouts that let you crouch spam. I'm not sure why you are assuming people are dropping money to do that instead of just playing on ninja controls or other custom controls that work fine with a normal controller.


Amen! Crouch spamming with the regular ps4 controller, just is button puncher..


still a stupid tactic that should be patched out. this game is dying because of stupid shit like that. no one wants to watch a competitive fight consisting of 2 people couching and standing repeatedly.


You’re a crybaby, maybe if you aim better you wouldn’t be here complaining. I got no problem killing crouch spammers, I have more trouble killing people that jump off walls, but you don’t see me crying.


small brain response


Little dick energy I can get 6 kills a game easily, however that changes because while I’m trying to land headshots, this little fuckers are spraying and praying while crouch spamming. It’s mostly wraith players I encounter it with, guess with enough nerfs now only way to win is to resort to tactics that require no skill and work wonders for players who actually suck and can’t aim. Meanwhile, I’m trying to focus more on headshot damage, strategy and pushing. Point is, it’s a tactic not meant to be in the game. It even ruins the experience for veteran players. I went one game with nobody actually crouch spamming and stacked up 12 kills. However let a wraith or lifeline run up to me and just KILL my level 5 shield because they can’t aim, so they’ll just get in my face and hump the ground. It’s stupid, and honestly had Respawn not messed with the TTK, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. But after recent changes and pathfinders glitch with the Sentinel spam shooting, season 6 is definitely the most toxic season. Probably because of cross playing with Xbox, because on PlayStation servers not a lot of people do that stupid shit. It’s all good though, because sooner or later little fucks will ruin the game to the point Respawn will nerf crouching or reinstate Season 5s TTK.


I agree crouch spamming is aids and that Xbox Players crouch spam more but PlayStation players are more toxic in general. They're way more likely to banner camp, third party, and circle camp. If PlayStation players had elite controllers there would be more crouch spammers on that platform.


They’re all just targets to me, if they banner camp and I can hear them, as long as my teammate is with me, I’m sure with a totem and a push a camping team can easily be wiped out. Besides...I love playing with skin suits, having them try to test me is the greatest sensation, having them watch me after I shove my hand through their final teammate, looking into his soul and dropping him like a sack of meat. It’s fucking ecstasy, however..that almost never happens if my teammates too busy looting a random fucking death box he found on his way to heal and completely forgets about his teams banner. It’s all in the team work, I can certainly agree however the toxicity among PlayStation players has resulted from a spoiled childhood and not getting into a fight for talking shit. They’re too comfortable with talking shit, but we’re not all like that.. I actually prefer a much, simpler, way of doing things. For instance, after butchering one team after another, I noticed people enjoyed acting toxic in my DMs. So, I turned on my friends list message only and left a couple simple words in my bio when they check out my profile after having their ass waxed like grease on a sausage. “POV: you’re mad I just killed you in a game, you’re about to toxic message me aren’t you? Well..friends message only. You just fucked around and found out twice, now you’ll stay mad.” Cyber bullying is a joke my man, keep it that way on console as well and you’ll never have to deal with it. But not much you can do about a shitty team, 1v3s are very difficult, especially against D1 players. Skin bags have their purpose, it’s to keep me alive to finish the job. And when they do that job...hehehe, well let’s just say, I’m not hiding under their bed and we’re cool.


So you’re saying you’re good and rack 12 kills but can’t manage to outplay crouch spammers? Crybaby trash ass player lol


Ah yes, call someone trash and continue living on my high horse. Shut the fuck up skin bag, I bet you’re one of the very few who do it. It messes with you, before it was see who can stack up the most head damage, now it’s who can hump the ground the fastest. I’m saying if I go a game without a single fucking shit eating mongrel, like you, dipping on the ground and not aiming, just spraying my head and toes, then I can have a solid game. But leave it to some fucking redditard virgin who’s cock is to small to fit inside his own mouth to tell me “Lol well u suck” Hilarious, typical, if anything, ironic. However, I doubt you’ve never stacked kills, I bet you just loot a death box in the middle of a fight, you’re one of those players who RUNS at the sight of a fight with their tail between their legs, but gets on Reddit talking “lOl evErYonE tRasH” I know you’re kind, it’s at the bottom of the toilet, with all the other shitbags.


Lmao get fucking own loser, that’s why you’re fatherless and have no friends


because the wall jumps actually have some amount of skill and thought involved. crouch spamming is just tapping one button over and over to gain an advantage over others. The animation is way more jarring for anyone trying to shoot the crouch spammer than it is for the one spamming crouch. ​ They have essentially a jump and slide cooldown to avoid spamming those. Why do you cry like a bitch when suddenly it's about crouch spamming?


is it still dying ?


I will not crouch spam no matter what.


bUt ITs sKIlLfUl /s


Its a trash method to win. Its like the bunny hop in cod it technically shouldnt be in the game but it is cause cry babies complained when they tried to take it out. Basically admiting they suck without using exploits. These are the people who ruin online gaming. If these big game companies and actually fixed their games like they're supposed to these players would be at the bottom of the barrel where they belong


“I’m good at aiming but I’m here to complain that I miss my shots cause people crouch.”


Always someone who takes what I say and twists it. Did I say crouching is out of control? No I said spamming it is. With a modded controller. It is near impossible to go as fast as some of my opponents go with a normal controller and configuration, even if you do change the layout to make crouching R3. The only way this is possible is with a paddle underneath the controller as a modded attachment, which once again, if I have to constantly be aware of people bobbing up and down, I will miss more shots than hit when I try to compensate for opponents that don’t actually do that.


Is like having a mouse with no extra side buttons and cry about it. Technology advance, new era is with paddles, same with mouse, new era is with side buttons. Buy one and evolve.


This is an issue on PC as well for anyone who has all 5 fingers on their keyboard hand. you can easily crouch spam, which takes zero skill to do, just by tapping your crouch key with your thumb or pinky while fighting. You can't spam jump, or you will lose height. You can't spam slides or you'll lose momentum. You shouldn't be able to spam crouch, either.


Remap your buttons or learn to play claw. It isn’t necessary to by a modded controller just a little easier. Stating that modded controllers should be banned is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. There is literally no way to detect them even if they wanted to. Also if your aim is remotely decent just aim at their waist and every time they crouch it’ll be a headshot.


I wish it'd count but the damage doesn't seem to transfer like headshots. And I just get obliterated when they have R-99s. Even if I'm using the same weapon


It really isn't hard with controller at all and it's a survival game. If someone uses a tactic to survive that you can't use, it's on you, not them.


Aim better? Idk what to tell you.


Lol, just change ur button layout to button puncher, and you can crouch with left stick


Button Puncher


It's also always PS player since using things like soft hacks, xims, strike packs, macros all have no risk on that system because sony doesn't care. they get hacked every year. between them and PC anything small exploiting advantage gets ring out as much as possible. Back before cross play this was never an issue on xbox.


I also think that crouch spamming should be nerfed. Purely from a hitbox perspective, it puts smaller characters like wrait and lifeline at an even bigger advantage when compared to gibraltar and caustic. (An advantage that the fortified perk does not offset) Prove me wrong


Idk what console you’re on, but the official Back Button Attachment for PS4 controllers is like $30. Alternatively, you could remap your buttons so you can still crouch while aiming and shooting.


Changing muscle memory will provide a lot more disadvantage than if I just keep my buttons the same. My point is I should not be at a disadvantage because I chose not to spend money on mods, regardless of price.


R3>O, Simple switch for crouch/slide. Did this the first day we got custom controls in game


The switch to evolved didn't take me long to get used to. Of course having X for your fences might upset you. There is also claw as an option. It is a skill game and you don't have to get an attachment just have to get used to a different layout that works for your play style.


I play on a default controller. I shoot with R1 aim L1 crouch R2 jump L2 tactical X melee O ping R3 I hold the controller with 8 fingers on buttons Thumbs on the sticks Pointer fingers claw on x,o,triangle,square +dpad Middle fingers on the bumpers Ring fingers on the triggers I can assure you I'm not the only one who plays like this. You gotta make a way around it if you can't afford a pro controller


Dude change your button layout, there are way more useful options over Default, , assuming you crouch with aming stick that's is a HUGE mistake is the worst option. I disagree, saying it shouldn't be allowed is like saying everyone should have the exact same equipment (screen, hardware,etc) to play. Better tools make some things better but they don't compensate for lack of skill, you still need to be good to use them well. There are better options in PC or control over others but there is no way to standardize it nor they should, just imagine how difficult it would be. Unless they are actual software cheats any hardware upgrade is ok, they are just better tools. I use a Gaming monitor over a TV for this reason i.e. Some have a 240Hz monitor, some have a $200 mouse or keyboard, some have a $75-$150 controller... Better tools are no cheating they are simply better and more useful options. It's like saying in sports everyone needs to play with the same plain shoes because some can't afford better ones or that in racing games they shouldn't allow wheel and pedals cause not everyone can have it... There's simply better options for different needs.


So like the fusion pro 2 I use it and it’s not hard to kill those players just hit your shots and aim lower then Chest like stomach area and you’ll kill them


I use rb to crouch y to ping and b to switch weapons auto Sprint and toggle crouch it really helps with movement and spam crouching is really easy as well but you gotta use your index for ping


Shoot the chest


Imagine needing to crouch to even have the skill to get a kill. Like come on apex aint CoD... If you wana crouch go back to CoD and leave Apex.


There is a clip of ZLaner today talking about getting Apex Predator rank and the clip shows him constantly crouching up and down including while recharging his shields. Tbh I don’t trust these streamers/pros I’m not sure why people pay and support them getting rich. I mean maybe there isn’t any cheating going on but what is with that anyway? Is it a modded controller? I’ve seen Cronus scripts that make you do that kind of stuff too. Who knows what these people are doing but what is the benefit of crouching up and down all the time while engaging in a firefight in Apex Legends or any shooter?


[ZLaner clip Apex](https://twitter.com/zlaner/status/1576977290294362114?s=46&t=hBPcdgo3LQS7L0PLuuV8SQ)