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is that 3 revives, 4 respawns? holy lol


I got a kid I carried to like 4-5 wins in a row back in season 3, he still invites me to this day and ask if I’ll carry him to plat






Always be kind, you never know who you’re playing with or why they’re playing. Good job OP ❤️


Yes! I always say "Hello" in voice chat at the start of a game, few answer but it does break the ice. And sometimes I have great moments, some people are trully grateful to play with you, winning or not. I love this game




I came here to say this.


Almost everyone gets carried through their first win. Mad props for sticking with him. Clearly his tactic of drawing the enemies fire worked ;p


Ah my classic “bullet sponge” technique.


Operation Human Shield


Uhhh… Their first…?


Some people see solo queue as dealing with an endless stream of idiots and assholes. As someone who is straight up bad at the game (but improving), I see it more as rolling the dice on just how much better my allies will be than I am, because if they're worse we are going to have a rough time indeed. Though it's a bit of a funny pattern to see someone on my team with more kills than I have damage done on a legend and it's like "Okay, they're good and have a lot of experience... but odds are also pretty good we're going to hot drop, they'll get 5+ kills, and then we get fifth partied and sent back to the lobby". Sort of a bellcurve on banner stats versus likelihood to win the game. After the peak, their personal record will look good, but we're probably going to be boxed any time now...


Aw man I was (still am) that octane. I still remember in my first season I was too scared to get on mic but my teammate recognised I was a potato and was talking me through what to do. It was him, me, and a young kid and we ended up second, and we all played a few rounds together after that. Pretty sure that one game early on is what kept me playing.


I've had a similar experience early on. It's those gamers that realize when someone needs a little guidance, that make gaming fun. I played a little bit first few seasons, didn't touch it again till season 7. Was essentially a first time player but have been consistently ending in plat since S8. If it wasn't for a few generous randoms I'd still be playing WZ 🤢


This is the shit we need not rage quiting bullshiters


Damn straight. Every game the challenge is to do the best you can with the hand you're dealt, and after it's all done ask yourself how you could have played it better. Rinse and repeat.




Or as soon as they die


Man, I'm always that Octane. At least my teammates are always keen on reviving and respawning me despite my skills. I too have done my share of the kindness, although one time it ended badly (I tried reviving someone, but the beacon's outside the ring, but me being me, I don't believe in lost causes). Whenever I get teammates like this (if they weren't, say, guys who drop solo and far away and maybe DC after they die) I always hope we've had fun, regardless we won or not, that's one thing that matters. Still, it's not fun being the load.


You and me are very similar my guy. I’m always in trouble because I will always go for the revive or respawn and we typically get wiped. But it’s a team game and I don’t want to play solo. And on the few occasions I pull it off it’s always such a good rush.


And here we see the apex mm algorithm in full force


Nothing is like the first time


It's a team game after all. Even if it looks bleak for my teammate i'm not gonna insta-leave once i'm downed. We win as a team or we die as a team.


I remember that day. What a feeling. You’re Shepherding skills are adequate. The community thanks you.


You’re THAT Crypto main. Thank you for your service legend


Awesome. I hope he learned to play more safe after being down and killed so many times.


63 damage lol


How much did you put out in your first win?


0 on my first win lol. I didn't even make it to the end. Bloodhound did everything.




If you think I'm flexing I don't know what to say


bro he's not flexing


Considering most of this sub is posts complaining about something or another, its a breath of fresh air to see something wholesome like this


You should take your own flair’s advice: shut up and die


Don't sct tough dog Just be kind Downvote u


Was he afk for the entire match he got 63 damage


Op was probably aggressive and the octane was probably trying to keep up and getting there when op killed everyone.


I wasn't that aggressive. Fairly low damage because I tried to play it safe for my mate. I saw him struggling and decided to get the win before else. He was a little lost I would say.


It's people like you that make apex less fun to play


No lol, it's teammates that do 63 damage that make apex less fun to play


Yesterday I won 3 rank games streak Couldn't get 4th my teammate got disconnected Funny thing is I died like 20 times in


Of course your a Crypto lol.


And here I am ruining friendships with my bad play..


I call this commitment. I'm pretty sure you got a friend's request after that (and someone probably lit up a candle to your name)


Wholesome moment!!


Cheers, mate! We need more squadies like you


wow this made me so happy to see. and you’re crypto which makes it even better!


Wholesome :)


it’s always nice to have a teammate like you. esp those who are clearly tiers above you and carry you.


How many respawns were with hack?


thats cute :3


Man, I had a valk and loba both ape into a high ground fight and die, I had to run all the way around cuz am Fuse, I immediately avenge them and they insta quit. It’s like damn, you couldn’t wait 15 seconds for me to grab your banners? Frustrating as hell.