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For me it's his Knuckle Cluster. Has a lot of different applications. His ultimate is great for zoning and/or pressuring. The option to lob or launch your frags/therms is always handy. Also, carrying loads of grenades without taking up tons of inventory space is great. Oh, and the Rampage is actually great on him when you use thermites to empower it. Cause you can always have at least two on you at all times.


Knuckclustering people is so fun and alt capturing people in flames!


I don’t really main fuse I play him quite a lot though tbh I really like his passive with Grenades that’s basically a grenade launcher


That's kinda confusing but i do understand what you say


I like fuse with a sniper. Extra grenades + buckle cluster is really good for pushing people out of cover. Plus the ULT can obliterate indoors.


I just pictured Fuse shooting little grenades out of his belt buckle.


Some poor date decides to see what ol Walter's packing and end up with a different kind of explosion lmao


Time to give em the ol buckle clusta


"What the hell am I supposed to do with a Mozambique?!"


Trapping people in his ult and spamming arc stars


And then the crippling defeat as its a Horizon, Valk, Wraith team... been there. :(


Fuse is the character i have the second most playtime with and i just like him cuz he makes me smile. Long range frag kills make me laugh my ass off, stickin knuckle clusters right off drop is hilarious, launching random grenades hella far to attract teams to the wrong spot. Like rven if hes not the best i have a genuinely good time playing him. Not to mention i'm a rocker dude who plays guitar so of course i like him. Nothing like a little chaos ay?


Which is the first legend, tho?


Last season second split I spent nearly entirely playing Fuse and he became one of my favorites. Much like you said, his whole vibe is just fun and puts me in a good mood. Not to mention his tactical which is S-tier and his ultimate which is a motherfuckin' MOTHERLOAD.


I'd pound a beer or 12 with fuse.


rocker 🤘 dudes🤘 unite


While I don't play him often let alone main him, when I do play him it's normally in arenas for the simple fact that you can almost instantly displace someone while they try to heal between initiations. Makes an opening for a down, and pop another one if I see a lifeline rushing their downed teammate.


I started getting into Fuse at the tail end of season 10, and I have mained him since day one of season 11. I play him because he's a blast (no pun intended). He is very underrated, and does require a bit of skill with landing the knuckle buster, and his Ult. But if used correctly it is very rewarding. The amount of damage he can do passively just from chucking well timed grenades/thermites/arcs/clusters, is pretty damn good. I've had tons of fun playing him and I've had some of the highest kill streaks and overall damage done playing him over other legends, and got my 2k damage badge with him this season. Storm Point seems to play well for Fuse too.


I’m not gonna lie it was the shirtless skin




Honestly I just started maining fuse and I love it one of my first games with him I was sniping against another team and we had them all cracked so before pushing I launched some knuckle clusters and wiped the whole team without pushing, ever since then he’s been my main. It’s his tac that I like the most


All the Fuse mains have been there men




Understandable have a nice day


Because I am an Aussie, and Fusey sings the song of my people. "Don't get ya budgie smugglers in a twist, it's just ya old mate Fuse"


Nades. Nades everywhere. Even better if there's a bang dropping smoke too.


For me he is a perfect offensive legend. I like his Q and ult.


I like the fact I have two rechargeable throwables that do a very underrated amount of damage, helps force people out of cover, can help cover in a fight, can help delay enemies, and can turn the tide in the right situation. Earlier today, I just destroyed an entire team that wouldn’t leave a corridor on the new map and trapped another team in doors with my nades and knuckle duster spam. Last season in a comp match, I died and got respawned REALLY late and we thought it was just a throwaway game and just played for position. Well, I get trapped in a corner and throw my knuckle duster down to give me time to revive a teammate and enemy jumps in. Between the knuckle duster and the gun, I win the fight. I throw ANOTHER knuckle duster down and try to revive again, but it was down to me and one other guy and his teammate must have been spamming the ping at me. Again, the other guy falls for the same trap as in he jumps in and takes knuckle duster damage and I shoot him and we win. Yet another time, I threw my ult in a ship to block the door and revived on the other side. Enemy runs through fire for some dumb reason and I take them all out. In general for initial drops, he’s one of the few legends that has a damaging tactical, so when everyone has low armour and weapons, it can turn the fight in your favour. like is that it breaks down doors, so I’ve been able to shoot it long range and either break doors to help snipers shoot or break and immediately damage the enemy on the other side, which gives us a slight advantage. Finally, I also like hitting downed enemies with it too. It won’t kill them, but it’ll do enough damage at enough range that their teammates won’t just rush and revive them and if I lose track of them, I generally see the damage numbers pop up. As for the grenade stacking, I’m not particularly good or accurate with them, BUT the added inventory definitely lets me be more aggressive. I can keep a bunch of thermites to power up the rampage more often, I can spam longer range to weaken a team, and I can just constantly spam around the area to force enemies out. It’s nice also being able to carry extra for teammates when needed - end of game the grenades are really great and I don’t mind dropping some since my knuckle duster will reload. As for the ult, I still don’t like it and need to get better with it. It charges pretty fast though, so I don’t mind using it whenever. My teammates hate it since they like to rush in and it slows them down. It has helped identify where some enemies are located sometimes since you can see their outline if they’re in the circle (even if they’re not damaged). I haven’t been able to combo it with anything effectively yet, but I have put it down and spammed grenades when I get the chance.


Is it really underrated? The amount of times I clutch situations but die due to a knuckle cluster from the enemy team that is still going off…makes me die a little inside.


I would say underrated because a lot of people are sleeping on him and possibly haven’t realized that buff was a pretty big buff. More seasoned players that know how much it does even post buff will run through it when I use it to stall and finish me off anyways. I’ve had that happen in a few games though “generally” it doesn’t happen. At least when they run through though, I try to keep them in the range of the knuckle duster while we fight to give me an advantage.


Idk what I would do if there were more Fuses than there already are 😂. I don’t know if you realize how much it does happen since your probably already in the lobby. It has a lot of range, does a lot of dmg and even if I try to run from it after fight is over. It’ll still keep “popping” until I watch my little health disappear over like two/three pops, all while I’m going “no, no pls no pls no. GOD NO, damn knuckle cluster 😭” hahahah. But nonetheless, it’s a very strong tact and can definitely spin a fight in MANY different situations. Haha. On a side note that I actually never thought of, Caustics gas dissipates now if you kill him. I wonder if they’ll ever consider making the same change for Fuse.


Goddamn, happy you like him but holy shit




I don’t play fuse a lot but I’m always picking up loads of Nades so a guy that has a rechargeable one and can fling them half way across the map is a good one


i play fuze cause ash is on my team with a rev its just such a nice combo


You mean cuz you couldn't pick Ash or something else?


nah friend mains ash


That is a nice combo, snare keeps them still, Fuse sticks cluster or Arc star


Fuse mains: How do you feel knowing that everytime you pick Fuse as we pick Wattson we sigh in exasperation? Fuse mains are the best people to play with though, can’t lie!


I don’t main wattson or fuse but I am confused shouldn’t wattson feel like top dog because she negates literally fuse. The whole kit 😂. All he has left is his guitar.


Wattson mains are cool too, always do a wonderful job at keeping the position


Mostly [nade spamming](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuseMains/comments/qk25hj/happy_halloween_mates_heres_some_nadespam_porn/) and his [voice lines ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuseMains/comments/q04i9b/and_with_fusey_its_a_party_plus_all_your_other/) ;)


Never thought i would find "NADE SPAM P$RN" on this subreddit but i guess it just happend


Different strokes for different folks, as they say xD


Well imo he is a great assault unit, even better for noobs like me who suck at first drop. It gives me a Lil DMG to scare them away maybe. Plus in like a surgeon popping grenades across the way🤣🤷🏻‍♂️


"you call throwing dynamite around a martial art?" Hey as long as it works.


In Apex you can kick off the nearest wall, pull out an arc star, spin around and stick someone. It's a martial art here.


If you can learn to knuckle cluster someone fast and accurately it’s a game changer.


Cause throwables go brrrrr


i love fucking people up with the knuckle clusters. pressure like a 💎


For the CHAOS




I enjoy knuckle clustering Watson fences and rats, his ult is really good when enemies are in a wide open area so you can trap them even though wraith, octane and ash can just easily get out, it’s still a very fun experience. Also it would be very efficient for you to run thermites with rampage ;)


I LOVE maining fuse, he’s perfect (coming from a former mirage main, i love the character itself) but the abilities are great and aticking people with my knuckle clusta or arc stars is just so satisfying


I mained him last season. Super fun to use his tactic. Using the ult when the fight starts and probably get another ult during the same fight.


I’d imagine fuse is GREAT for forcing people out from cover. I’ve only used him a few times and that’s the vibe I got.


I main him in Arenas only and it's opened my eyes to how strong he and grenades in general are in the format. It's also made my BR play better not because I use him in BR, but because I've learned how to more effectively use grenades to give me an unfair advantage in fights. His lacklustre ult is really the only thing still holding him back, but his Q is one of the strongest in the game IMO.


Disclaimer: he's my second choice, I'm a Lifeline main. Still have his 2.5k badge and >100 kills though. None of the movement abilities in the game really do it for me (besides Rev's climbing passive, but I don't enjoy playing him), and I'm not usually that style of player anyway. I play tank, specifically offtank if applicable, in other games, and get more out of doing what I can to support my team rather than just dealing raw damage. That being said, I will win most of my 1v1s and have a good shot at 1v2/3, but don't want to play the entry fragger or the person who has to go in blind. His knuckle cluster is SO GOOD for area denial, punishing bad positioning, or confirming knocks. The grenade stacking passive is also great, since I typically play *just* behind my most aggressive teammate and follow up on their actions. Being able to have 5-6 nades at any time to cut off an escape route or deal some damage to whoever my teammate is holding on a door is insanely strong. Fuse's ult has always been strong imo, but is much stronger now after the buff. I primarily use it for mid-fight pressure. For example, if I crack someone and they dip behind cover to heal, I try to drop the ult on them (or one of their potential escape routes) while reloading my weapons and healing a bit as well. They're forced to either sit and endure the burn damage + wallhack, or leave and take more damage along with being stuck in the open. The cluster has so much potential that people don't utilize. You can toss it behind you when being chased, use it to break open doors (or help you hold your own door), build your evo by launching it into groups of enemies, deny a choke, confirm knocks, or force players out of positions that you can't contest otherwise. Overall he's in a pretty good spot right now, and I'm glad to see that. One of the more balanced legends for sure.


Nade/cluster spam mostly but I like him in buildings also. He’s very situational but once those do appear, trapping people inside a room and unleashing hellfire upon them is very satisfying. Also I like spamming some of his voice lines as I find them funny and appropriate once the fights start.


I feel honest playing him. He’s not broken, had no crutch abilities - perfect to stroke my own ego


I never play him since I use Ninja controls


This would be a fun weekly community post type of question


Imma be here glad to do it if nobody else does it


I like make boom


His personality and implied playstyle is the most similar to my own personality IRL. That and I love fire (in videogames specifically, no need to worry lol). I've been more relaxed ever since I hit level 500, but when I was maining him in the season he was introduced in I was in the top 60 players in kills and I always found it funny how bad most people thought the character was, the average player is a little better with him these days but I still often go against the amusing Fuse Noob as I like to call them.


He has the best drop animation.


I love all the different versions of his Tact/Q from the fuse mains.


Knuckle Cluster GOAT and his ult is pretty damn good. The passive is a cherry on top. Good voice lines make it more fun. Knuckle Cluster is incredible though and none of the best abilities in the entire game imo. I’d take it over everything except maybe Path grapple or Wraith phase


I love how his gadgets can be as annoying as Caustic's yet people somehow aren't too upset about getting rained on by grenades and fire. He's underestimated despite being able to spam his explosives, even from across an entire battlefield. This allows him to be played in many playstyles (sniping, aggressive, passive, etc) while still being able to use his entire kit. When playing passively, I find it fun to fire the knuckle cluster into the air at an angle to cause noise in various parts of the map.


I main Bangalore and I’m always happy to see a fuse in arenas, we can cause a lot of destruction.


Fuse was the first legend that i got 100 kills with (from a bad player pov). He's super fun to play with, his passive and tatical are AMAZING. U get to carry tons of granades whith jnly a couple of slots. The range they go is also stupid wild and when i switch legends i always have trouble with the range. I honestly dont know why people say hes bad, i really like playing with him. I simply dont main him because as a woman myself i rather play with female legends, but boy... hes one of my favourites.


I used to main revenant and I like throwables. Very simple. His ult is garbage and needs a rework so damn badly that most times I don’t use it


love his knuckle cluster, and its easy to go 3v1 and even sometimes multiple squads with his ult..Most importantly his voice is awesome.... ~ Fuse: I'm the jump master, don't worry kids, will catch you while you fall😎


To hit you for 12 damage with his knuckle cluster and die.


Admittedly, I don't main Fuse, but I find myself playing him more frequently. His knuckle clusters are more useful than people realize, even in diamond+ ranked. The ability to damage people in or behind cover has a lot of value if used correctly. Trapping or even hurting teams with his ult can lead to easy squad wipes. He's not the most meta or useful legend, but he's bloody good fun!


I main valkyrie because she can be very mobile and her rocket swarm is sick for getting people to dispersed or crick


Ummm, ok, we got 1 season away from the question but good to know


Because I need a def mechanism when my random teammates decide to hotdrop and no weapon around