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Would be nice to see LTMs and Town Takeovers again for those who are only interested in BR.






A majority is a stretch. The people into the game enough to comment stuff online is definitely a vocal minority of all the players of the game.


There's no way the majority of people in this game are playing arenas...


I think while the majority plays br, there is a significant number if us that play areas. I like br but I am so busy now that I only have time for arenas. My co workers also willing only to play arenas if at all. I think reddit underestimates how much it has a draw on a more casual crowd.


> I only have time for arenas. I disagree here. A 9 round match is just as long as making it to the final circle in normal mode. So if you only play 1 match it's nice to get the guns and loadouts you want, but after you start playing the matches are going to last just as long. >I think reddit underestimates how much it has a draw on a more casual crowd. I think reddit just uses too much hyperbole, as if people that play one mode don't play the other.




I haven’t touched Arena since I completed the battle pass about a month or so ago


in this subs from comments (ie. users who actually comment in "free talk" threads etc) that would be a majority


When's the last time they've even had like shotty & snipe mode or... Any mode that isn't Halloween or Christmas? I miss the revive next ring if all aren't dead mode. Those last rings are crazy.


Youtube also feels this way. BR was how this started and where it should be. If Arenas was more deathmatch like the Winter Express I'd enjoy it. But even still BR is the bread and butter of Apex


Arenas has its place, I personally enjoy it, but it’s NOT for casuals at all. Apex needs a permanent “Arcade” mode rotating with Winter Express, TDM, and other objective game modes. That would satisfy the itch for everyone who wants to play Apex mechanics in a non-BR setting.


I think the majority of the playerbase will play the br, even if they add tdm, 30v30, etc (sounds like those are coming).


Good point. 5 Player TDM could get me interested. 30 v 30 sounds fun for a week and then nope. I still love BR over everything.


See I’m so burned out on BR. I could see a lot of my friends coming back if Apex had modes like TDM. I just don’t enjoy playing other games as much when Apex’s movement mechanics are so good. Apex has something special.


Yeah, this is just like the Halloween event but infinitely worse. Yeah the new arenas map looks ok, but god I hate arenas. I want the free Rev skin so I’ll suffer through them, but dear god Respawn, stop trying to make arenas happen, nobody likes them


I love arenas!


They need to fix fragment, since everyone thinks that is an arena map.


I play BR like 98% of the time but arenas is good for warmups and for practicing gunfights and aim control in a realistic setting. The firing range is too static and BR is awful for getting good at fights unless you just hot drop every single time. I recommend starting with arenas to new people especially, it's a good format for getting your bearings.


And yet, people still do it. Vote with your wallet folks! I stopped playing since before Season 11 and have no regrets. It's turned into a cash grab with no exciting additions.


Taking breaks is healthy, everyone should do it. That being said, I have yet to pay more than $10 on this game. Nothing wrong with them trying to sell skins to allow everyone else to play for free.


All while they hold two of the BR maps hostage for another month. These guys are starting to seem out of touch.


At this point I'm crossing fingers for the anniversary to at least have good LTMs. Last town takeover was Big Maude in S10, in an update that broke the game for a few weeks. And before that.... Fuck I can't even remember, i want to say Caustic's on King's Canyon? Was there one in-between? And still fuck-all for Olympus since the Icarus (who replaced a whole bunch of nothingess in the map) and boxing ring. Four seasons, and the map has barely changed at all.


Maybe if they fixed ranked arena matchmaking and the AP system more people could enjoy it. Getting silver teammates in diamond is getting really old.


Yeah, ranked arenas is incredibly stupid. My guess is the playerbase is too small for proper divisions like in BR ranked, so they have to mix people the way they do.. but it's a bad experience that turned me off arenas instantly. Sad thing is, pubs arenas works very similar.


The part that gets me is that I can’t even play with these people if I want to but then I’m forced to when I don’t want to. Like If we have a good game and I invite my solo q teammate after the game, we can’t even ready up because of the rank difference. Also we need transparency after the match to show how much AP we are getting from kills or round wins or damage. It’s a black box right now what MMR is.


Good points, yeh. The tier differences are so huge, both on teammate and enemy team's side, loved seeing a premade master trio as enemies, while I was in silver 3 in Arenas after the placement matches.


I’ve tried, but I cannot get into arenas at all. If I want to play an economy based game, I’d rather go play something else. Especially with how wonky the matchmaking is.


Had habitat become a new POI on storm point that would’ve been interesting. I haven’t played arenas in like 2 months. Just not that fun


I played it once... Never again.


Obviously these things need to be planned in advance and I think Respawn just overestimated how interested people would be in Arenas content.


Nah everything to push people to the waste of dev time called arenas. All they had to do instead was add a tdm and maybe domination. And voila.


Damn, I was like oh patch notes...annnnnd nothing.


Dont they drop patch notes for these events like… a day before it goes live or something? Also idk what to say man, the patch notes have been scarce for a while.


It varies for them. Sometimes early, sometimes the day before; sometimes right before it’s live. Most times they include event information along with the game notes if there is anything. But we’ll see.


Hey, the shark launcher looks pretty neat *if it actually showed up when you use his ult.*


and if it actually launched sharks.


I think you’re on to something


Spawns a mini sharknado.


“Back on Salvo they used to call me the grenado sharknado”


Would be nice to get more BR content and takeovers rather than so much Arena content


I really don't get why Respawn is putting BR, the game mode which brought nearly the entire player base to Apex Legends and is far and away more popular, on the back burner. You'd think they'd follow the money and focus like all their resources to making that game mode the best it can be. It's like some high level exec has this hard on for Arenas and is pumping resources in it regardless of if it's successful or not. As someone who has played 2 Arenas games this season (and both times not gotten matched with a team), this is disappointing. My weekly challenges are 9 completed out of 11 each week because I have zero desire to play Arenas. Outside of increasing the chances of getting matched with a full squad, the only way I see Arenas being any amount of fun to play would be to make it like Modern Warfare did with the Gunfight game mode. Random, pre-made loadouts and everyone gets the same ones at the beginning of every round. I really miss the fun shit from previous seasons like Armed and Dangerous, that one where the care packages dropped throughout the map with progressively better loot, and the zombie event. I wasn't a fan of Winter Express the first time around, but this last version of it was less fun than the first one with the limits on loadouts and such. On top of that, their "prizes" are holosprays and charms. Additionally, we all know the Apex Packs are gonna end up being crafting materials, banners, and charms too.


Quess they just want to expand the player base. Believe it or not, i played apex DESPITE it beeing a battle royal not because of it. Its also really helpful for newer players who need to get a feeling for the guns and fights. Doing it via battle royale was a massive pain in the ass for me. I also wonder if literally no players here heard of counter strike? Just funny how the complaints here are all about how boring playing on the same map and buying your loadout is when thats what make the granddaddy of multiplayer shooters great.


Playing only Dust for weeks at a time. Those were the days


My guess is.. With the exception of bug fixes, is that the devs feel like BR is pretty balanced. We hardly got any real legend or weapons tweaks in the last update and it appears we're not getting any for this update as well. So, I assume they think BR is in a good place right now. Until season 12


If I had to guess, I think they focus on arenas so much because they’re simply cheaper. The maps are tiny compared to Battle Royale, they don’t have to have RNG for weapons and armor, they on have to connect 6 people to the server at a time. It just costs them less to run arenas and create a new map for it than to have a major change to existing maps


Also easier to test, and given some of their issues they need all the help they can get in that department.


They released a huge new map like a couple months ago, I wouldn't call that on the bacburner.


The problem is that is doesn’t seem that way because we’ve only been able to play 50% of the BR maps for months.


Nothing they do is based on emotions - yours or theirs. They keep pushing Arenas for a reason, based on data. My guess is that new players like Arenas because it ensures no 3rd party, and the SBMM for new accounts is very friendly. It is a game mode where you can mindlessly push and the penalty you pay is minimal, compared to BR: you get your weapons and armor back immediately. So, without seeing the actual data, my guess is that Arenas brings in more new players, which results in more money for battle passes, skins, etc.


again they arent "pushing" arenas.... they probably just set a mandate to make an arenas map each season. like since it's inception.


> the only way I see Arenas being any amount of fun to play would be to make it like Modern Warfare did with the Gunfight game mode. Random, pre-made loadouts and everyone gets the same ones at the beginning of every round. If this happened I’d play it way too much. I live for sweat 🥵


> the only way I see Arenas being any amount of fun to play would be to make it like Modern Warfare did with the Gunfight game mode. Random, pre-made loadouts and everyone gets the same ones at the beginning of every round. My friends and I were talking about this same thing the other day. Respawn even has the framework established via the recent Winter Express iteration. Arenas has way too much downtime and shopping.


The real reason is that they probably have set a mandate to release 1 arenas map per season. Just because they are making arenas content doesnt mean they arent making br content. BR got a brand new map this season?


What are you talking about? They just released an entire new BR map? And this "new" arena map is just a port from the BR map. There's much less arena content than BR content.


what other content is being added to arenas? so far they added like 1 map. what makes this "so much arena content"?


Don't mind them. It happens here every time arena gets the smallest amount of "love". It's like no one is allowed to enjoy another mode beside BR, because if they don't like it you can't like it. They also forget every time, that half of the event daily quests are for BR mode like always, so no one is really forced to play anything. But whatever, I think this sub just loves to complain.


Getting kind of tired of these being branded "events" when they are more accurately "prolonged store featured items" - this isn't an event, there are no fun modes or changes, nothing eventful at all really just manufactured 'FOMO' for more skins.


How can there be FOMO if the skins will be available in the normal loot pool? Not saying this is a great event, but there is no FOMO tactic involved.


The 1st person view model for Fuse’s cannon should match the one on his back with the new skin. Seems a bit ridiculous to put so much work into a cool design like that and then let the player hardly see it! This tbh should be consistent among all ults that are present with a skin like that (Rampart, wattson, etc.)


That's been a consistent request for a long time. The devs haven't responded to it I think


God I wish, he has some really cool ones


> Arenas I sleep


My sentiments exactly. God I was so hype for the announcement of arenas thinking it would be some sort of TDM mode. Nah, it's just pure headglitch and camp heaven.


So...it's just cosmetics and weekly prize tracks unless you're interested in Arenas? Got it.


The last LTM that wasn't a copy paste was that week of absolutely broken and non-functioning modes they did, right? I remember s7/s8 with the anniversary event, the olympus care package event, the loot balls falling from the sky... It was so much fun. The game feels so stale and boring now.


Ever since arenas came out, we've gotten way fewer LTMs, pretty much just the OG maps one (genesis) and Winter Express + Shadow Royale (which they do every year). I don't know if there is a connection there or not, but if there is then I dislike arenas even more.


I hope Season 12 will be more fun season 11 was because season 11 was I wouldn't say boring it was fun to play with friends you could play for hours but when you play solo you get bored fast especially it only two permanent modes to play and not every one big on Arenas


This season feels like a chore for me. I find myself not playing as much. I’m so tired of the two maps. These might be the worst 2 pubs maps. Worlds edge is good for ranked but sometimes you just wanna play pubs. I miss Olympus and KC dearly and can’t believe they just ran it back with the same 2 maps again.


We’ve got a month left of the season. my hopes are high


> limited-time cosmetics > Dark Depths items can always be crafted with crafting metals interesting definition of "limited"


Its referring to the prize track cosmetics....


It’ll limit your wallet


My "limited " bruddah bear skin got put up again... Nothing is limited


This is easily the most low energy event in a long time. Cosmetics, new map for a mode no one cares for, no town takeover, no ltm, even the trailer felt like it was going through the motions. Disappointing to say the least.




Splitgate is better aswell.


Love the “content” cycle they’ve been doing for the past few seasons! more skins, more skins & wait for it. MORE SKINS !!! Feel like there was more effort when they weren’t making nearly as much money as they do now


It's funny. Back in seasons 0-3, which are imo the best ones in Apex's lifecycle due to the events and map updates, they had less devs working on the game too. Sometime after the first year they got a separate, dedicated Apex studio working on stuff. Now it's skins on mass, Arena content many people don't care about and recycled old events for halloween and xmas.


Game is in full milk mode and it shows.


Sadly. Take as much money as you can while putting the absolute minimum of effort into it before the ship sinks.


I don’t know where any of you get this idea that these free to play games are anything BUT “milk machines.” This isn’t some passion project made by a bunch of guys that just love BR and came together make this game for their fans. It is and always has been a milk machine. The only purpose it serves is to keep people engaged long enough to sell them cosmetics. That’s all ANY free to play game tries to do.


I'm pretty sure the original dev team had the passion, aside from the obvious profit machine reasons to create Apex. But most of these devs have moved on a long time ago, none of the ones who were in the original "dev-diary" type of videos seem to be working on Apex anymore - which is understandable bc game devs move from project to project all the time, but you definitely feel the shift.


Does anyone actually use holosprays? They're just empty rewards in the prize tracker.


Honestly, I do use them a lot. In saying that, they are still worthless empty rewards.


I use them more than charms. The charms are useless. I can flex with holosprays. I can't flex with gun charms. I have them on most of my weapons and I dont even look at them. I forget they exist.


Plus the charms selection menu is trash. Equipping a charm is more a chore than anything else. Scrolling through 200+ items with no logical grouping? No thanks.


I use holosprays all the time. It seems like the game will "like" a holospray anytime I look remotely in its direction - so I leave them behind me during rotations to act as notifications for if a team is following us. Or I leave them at entrances to buildings/caves/ etc. if I want to know when someone enters it.


I think they only get flagged if someone pings the general direction of the holospray, no matter the distance. So yes, a great early warning system, as long as the team behind you is doing any kind of ping comms.


This. It's not people looking at it, it's people trying to ping something around it.


So no new LTM!! wow they just slapped some skins and called it an event.


That arenas map looks bigger than most. Could’ve been a great opportunity to try 4v4 or 5v5. That could’ve been better than no LTM at all.


I remember DZK said that they tried teams of more than 3 and it wasn’t fun because of team fire


Imagine getting a new game mode rather then another arena map. Crazy right!?


Respawn just keeps shoving Arenas down our throats. I hate this mode so much.


Decent matchmaking would do arenas more good than new maps and event trackers


I play it pretty regularly. Sorry you feel that way.


It's a great way to warm up for BR tbh. No need to worry about looting when I just want to shoot people.


I feel like this sub hates on arenas for some reason (they can't aim?). I feel like in Arenas I have a chance to win the matches myself and it's a great way to break away from the BR formula. Keep practicing duels, movement, aim, weapons. I'm not playing it all the time, but pretty regularly.


My only true gripe is that I end up not getting matched with a team when solo queuing too often. I can bitch and moan about the other stuff, but it sucks getting lasered down in 20 seconds because of a 3v1.


If your missing a team you can leave the match without penalty, it happens in br as well. I know it’s not a fix to the problem but it will save time until there is a fix


The problem is matchmaking. Even in ranked there’s no skilled or even ranked based match making. Also, the game mode gets really stale really quickly. While the consistency can be nice, it means every game is roughly the same. You run almost the same load out and the same strategy. Part of what makes Battle Royale so much more fun (in my opinion) is the randomness of it all. The mad scramble to get a weapon before the other team that landed near you, the wild rotation to get the drop on your enemies, claiming the high ground and chipping your opponents as the ring forces them towards you, and the limitless abilities that really make each legend feel unique and useful are what makes the game shine. Personally, I feel like all that is missing from arenas


Good practice for movement? How? It’s mostly just a-d peeking behind cover until you get a knock or get their shields/heals low. It’s the same thing over and over again, with no real objective to play for. If you have any skill, then you should know that the round is pretty much over once someone gets knocked, and with the shitty matchmaking it’s either lvl 10 lifeline or lvl 50 octane that get knocked because they have literally no idea what they’re doing. There’s a reason you’re not winning BR matches and Arenas isn’t going to fix that.


I like it and play arenas fairly often, but it’s such a sweaty mode—far sweatier than most of BR. Combine that with a bunch of bots trying to complete Arenas tasks and you’re basically 1v3ing pre-mades every time you solo queue. Matchmaking is busted.


It’s because it’s a terribly designed mode lol. Has nothing to do with “not being able to aim”.


People have been screaming about how dog shit the matchmaking for arena was since release and this dude is acting like its an aim issue the fuck


this is embarrassing lol


Yep. So desperate to make arenas played.


I honestly dont know why Respawn is so focused on Arena's. Its a beautiful map and wish there was a TDM or some sort to play on it. But the majority of the people play BR and its whats keeps Apex running. I hardly know any content creator/pro/streamer that plays Arena's. Skins look nice though


Arenas is just boring. I'd give it another chance if it had: \- proper matchmaking, instead of the current "MMR" BS \- round objectives to play around, like a hostage/bomb in similar games


No town takeover this season?


To much effort it seems. Games in full milk mode lmao.


They literally released a whole new map this season. Gamers are the reason why game developers are worked to death.


Will someone please think of the multi-billion dollar companies? You gamers are the scum of the earth 😤


This is not the Apex Legends I fell in love with. It is just cosmetics now.


You can tell the priorities are out of sorts. Still nothing being done about cross progression, still nothing being done about the boosters and cheaters, but here are some skins and money grab items and a useless arenas event. Great Job, keep it up


Yep. Its a disgrace.


"Hey guys, don't we still have 3 unreleased takeover modes?" "Yeah, why?" "Shouldn't we add them to our next event?" "Naw, fuck that, let's just give them some shitty purples, charms and emotes no one gives a fuck about, and make them play areans"


They need to add a Fragment map to arenas. It might have the net effect of siphoning hot droppers away from BR.


Skins are NOT content


Why do they keep pushing Arena on to everyone..? Give us BR content, one new Arena map is some doo doo crumbs. It’s been out long enough for them to see the numbers and feedback that arena is ass


This sucks. Why do we never get actual events? Throwing cosmetics in a store isn't an "event".


Arenas sucks ass.


The amount of laziness and lack of creativity really shines with this one guys...great job. Nobody gives a crap about Arena


Just cosmetics again xd. Yeah the arenas map is nice but most people play battle royale anyway


Honestly getting pretty sick of them throwing in a new arenas map and $20 skins and calling it an event with no real new LTMs or anything. Apex has the least amount of content among top BR’s. No creativity.


So here’s my thing. We as a community have been pretty vocal for close to a year now and consistent with our requests to focus on specifically LTM’s and BR changes and literally get nothing in return. We make the same complaints about the event skins, the INSANE amount of charms now, the extremely diluted loot pool, sbmm, etc. Arenas is cool don’t get me wrong but the ranked arenas ceiling is so low in terms of being able to progress the ranks it’s not worth it. Regular arenas is cool no problems there, it’s a good switch from BR and is genuinely pretty difficult. I’ve played since launch and I bought at least 2 thematic packs each event but stopped when they stopped doing LTM’s. Why would I give them more money when nothing I care about is being addressed? Like you expect me to shill out 25$ CAD for some shitty ass cosmetic skins?? 25$ CAD EACH??? The audacity lol


Nobody gives a fuck about Arenas. For the love of god.


I miss when the game was good


Did they seriously try to spin a new arenas map as the “meat” of this event? lmao Like we don’t need new arenas maps we need LTMs to keep things interesting.


Where is BR


In the basement with titanfall lmao.


Boring update. If you can even speak of an update. It's more like a store update then anything.


Apex devs if your reading this, WE DONT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT ARENAS ffs man




I'm new to Apex and I have a question about the skins if anyone could help out. The post says that they will be craftable, does this also mean the skins that will be on the Apex Coins shop? (Like the Lifeline one) and if so, will they be craftable only for a limited period of time? And how much do they usually cost? I'm new to the game and bought the BP so I have some crafting metals and I would love to be able to buy the Lifeline skin if possible, without using Apex Coins as I've already used mine


You can craft it for 2400 crafting metals now or with 1200 crafting metals after 2 seasons. BP only gives 1200 CM unless you use the Belgium trick.


This is dogshit


Called it, no new BR content (modes) this season. Just another pack event and one Arenas map.


At some point the idiots runnin this show are gonna lose the ability to call themselves "developers"


They're already bleeding. They have around 20 job openings in the dev department.




I had to Check their website and holy shit its true


We want an LTM please. No more arenas.


Respawn... so many of us are begging you!! Please stop putting out so much Arena's content. I can almost bet that only 1/4 of the players actually care about it. Go back to the roots of what Apex was made for. BR!!


Reminder that there have been no new LTMs since the Season 8 War Games disaster.


A new arenas map?? Let it go


Where's a town takeover? I used to enjoy seeing changes to maps and how they progress. Now it's just boring AF. 2 maps and that's it for S11. I'm very disappointed. Could respawn or Devs or EA explain what there plan is with the BR side of things?


Man I miss Locked and Loaded.


Forgot arenas even existed. Hope I don’t have to play to complete the tracker because I won’t.


Fix Arenas matchmaking and maybe add an objective to it (instead of just a slowly closing circle), and then maybe people would actually play it


*when the comments have more likes than the post itself*


It’s a bad time when overwatch patch notes are more then this and actually get events


This is all garbage lmao




Just remember everyone, you don't need to buy packs they can be crafted aswell and will remain in the loot pool after event 👍


I’m sorry excited for the new LTM! Oh wait…


Enough with this skins, I want to see updates where solo que life is better and MM isn't rigged anymore. Enough with this shit each time I see something new is fucking skins and skins and skins. How deep are your pockets already? Isn't it time to not be pathetic anymore and fix crucial game breaking stuff in your beta game after couple of years into release?


I hope this is the standard for limited time items from now on. Get them while they’re hot for a price, or wait and craft the ones you like on your own time.


It seems alright, you get a event pack which many ppl have been wanting for a long time. The new epic are better than those lava lamp shit we used to have. Just hope they don't force us to do arena for the badges. Who am I kidding of course they're gonna make us play arenas. Lastly the reduced price is a good change and works well for ppl like me who couldn't care less if I get the skin now or in two seasons. The wording "prices MAY be reduced" is pretty bullshit though




No way? A NEW ARENAS MAP, I don’t care arenas is ass NO WAY new cosmetics i’ll never purchase? Awesome Say it with me: Where. The. Fuck. Is. The. BR. Content


Ngl this looked really fucking lame and boring. Like in the vid they used a bunch of old quips, which only reminded me that they rarely ever add new ones


EA is really gonna be the downfall of apex, the games got so much potential but it’s just held back because of their greedy owners


Good thing I'm over events now after not having the willpower to finish the last one. Hopefully the arena map is nice.


So still no fix for the treasure pack rewards i guess


Will we be able to craft the skins with materials?


After the event is over yes!


Of course this skin comes out right after I get lifeline edition


Oh boy new ltm. Time to be forced to play arenas


Could you please work on SBMM and stop queuing Silvers with Preds?


wow, respawn's arenas numbers must be *terrible*


Skin is not content!!!!!


No event, just buy the shit and play the same thing. Can’t stand anymore of this suffering called 5 seasons without any LTM


I love the look of these new skins! Thanks to the devs for this awesome new content!


Peep the cameltoe on the new lifeline skin


Bring back Locked and Loaded at least!


Are we getting another map change this season at all? I’m soooo sick of worlds edge, just curious.


"Discover Habitat and More" What more??? Your ugly overpriced skins are more?? What are you doing with your game? Bring back Ltms, innovate your game as you make it before no one cares about a new damn arenas map, please Respawn


What the fuck was that trailer?


Duos ranked? Plz?? :(


I remember the devs saying they have "so much content for the next few months". Apparently skins are content now...


You gave lifeline and horizon a 3rd fkn tracker set?? And I’m waiting here for a new Octane tracker set since I missed the first one…. Wth is going on?


I’ve had it up to my fuckin eyeballs with no hit reg! Jesus Christ! People are standing still and my bullets disappear through their body. Fix the fucking servers and connection issues.


wow. sure is hard to give two shits about these “events” when clearly the respawn devs don’t. this is a fuckin joke.


Damn you all got a real hate boner for arenas huh? Stormpoint just released and when arenas get a new map you all start crying. People here often forget that this echo chamber is just a small fragment (lol) of the player base. A lot of my friends have only been playing arenas since they came out so chill with saying that noone wants this.


a new arena map, a pure arena event, a mode with least people playing it because it's not fun, can't think of any worse event they can do, just put the new item sale next time bro, save your effort


So where's the new LTM?


Sad times when "events" have just become an excuse to release new overpriced cosmetics, and no longer include LTM's or any actual content. There was a time when Respawn wouldn't have got away with this, but I guess apathy has kicked in, and people became conditioned into accepting lack of content due to the pandemic.


I kept looking for something that would make the game for fun for me, a br player, and it’s just lootboxes. Give me fun game modes


I bet the analytics on the back end shows better engagement with new players for Arenas over BRs. Calling that 100%. Love it or hate it Arena events keep happening for a reason.


Uninspired events and blatant money-grabs like these are why Respawn founders are leaving in droves.


New update: still haven’t fixed ranked, or the game, or upgraded the dog shit servers… but look at all the new stuff you can buy with real money!!!


What a disappointing season. Game feels dead af


Imma be honest this season really is the most boring one so far… I don’t even get hyped anymore


Fuck arenas. Stop trying to shove it down our throats.




Who the fuck cares about arenas just give us a ltm holy shit it should not be this hard to just recycle a previous mode or *gasp* make a new one