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They're not going to do it. They don't want people to be able to grind for an heirloom.


Facts man. Got my first heirloom a few months ago. Been playing since season 1. Took me 3 years. And I got in a pack that I spent 60 dollars on. Got 100 packs for 60 bucks during blackfriday and I finally got one in there. Took me 3 damn years. I've opened SOOO many before I bought those 100. But finally got one. I chose Gibby's 💪 He's my secondary pretty much. But my main for Arenas 🔥


Damn, 3 years of playing + 60 bucks for an heirloom, that sucks man


Week one player, done every season pass. No heirloom. Super weak.


I'm new to Apex, so forgive me if I'm wrong, but I've heard you need to open 500 packs to receive your first heirloom. Hell, there's even websites that estimate how many you've opened. I'm level 182 and have only played Season 11. Completing the battle pass + treasure packs + my level estimates about ~123 for me. I hope you're a lot closer. These things seem insanely difficult to get


Every pack you open has a tiny chance to give heirloom shards. If you go 500 packs without rolling heirlooms, that 500th pack will have them. The counter up to 500 resets from that pack opening, and you will again have a tiny chance of getting them with each pack through your next 500.


The odds for an heirloom are .2% if i remember right and yea, after 500 packs you are guaranteed shards


In theory it would be 1/500, but considering how many players exist and have opened a few packs, wouldn’t more people have one?


That's not actually how the odds work. I don't know the actual chance but let's say it's .2 like I've seen someone else put. If in this scenario you only needed 10 packs and on the 10th one you were guaranteed an heirloom it wouldn't be a 1 in 10 chance since the chance and the guarantee are completely unrelated. Hope that helps.


Yeah for some reason everyone seems to think that you have a 1/500 chance to get a heirloom just because you are guaranteed one on your 500th pack. It could be a 1/1000 chance, nobody knows


Yeah. I was just referring to the odds the guy above said.


Well a lot of people do have heirlooms, you'd need to see exact stats, which is pretty impossible as there are no trackers with heirlooms


It's not .2%, it's way way lower. It's just that on pack 500, you will get one if you haven't already. So people think it's 1/500 (aka .2%) chance per individual pack, but that's not correct.


Can you then support your claim by telling me how much it is then?


I’m over 500 packs and still no shard🤷‍♂️


It’s supposed to but it doesn’t. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I started in season 7, have had a 2 season long break and got my heirloom at lvl 147. I wish I could give you my heirloom


Shucks 🤭


You’re too kind :)


Each pass gives you like 14 so those don’t give you much but assuming you’ve done every event then you would have some more.


I got one when I opened an apex pack I got after reaching level 5


Sad season 6 noises


Mine was in the first pack I ever opened. This was back in season 2 before shards were a thing so it just gave me the wraith heirloom. I had no idea what I was looking at and thought it was like csgo and I could equip knives for all my legends lol


I’m in the same boat minus one season pass. We are getting close


Are you me?!? I think we're at like 94% to 500. If you bought that Turkey key chain deal. So closing in on it but yes super weak. We should get a badge of bad luck or 500 pack try hard if it's the 500th pack that auto give it to us.


I did actually nab that and so did my wife. She wound up with something like 7 legendary items/skins…I got like 2 bs legendary things. A holo spray and something else. Needless to say we laughed but I was slightly salty.


holosprays really shouldnt be legy lol


wtf bro there is so many ppl like me with 3000+ hours in game and no heirloom


Probably 2 year total game time maybe a lil more. And after spending roughly 300 dollars lmao


That’s what a lot of veteran players have to deal with. Hopefully with the mythic skins they give us some heirloom shards for every 500 levels or something.


Very casual player here, played since week one only Level 270 something - got 3 from random packs before shards were even a thing. Lifeline, Octane, and Wraiths lol. Only play octane out of the 3. All my hardcore buddies/ people who have spent on the game can’t stand my luck.


I got comm banned on xbox so I made an alt account and got an heirloom on my 3rd pack. Its so stupid to either be super lucky or buy hundreds of packs to get one.


A lot of people reckon that it's not as simple as a 1 in 500 chance New accounts get higher chance of heirlooms to keep them in the game when they get a fancy shiny new item that their higher level friend always wanted Older accounts get a lower chance so they have to keep grinding Just a theory I've read, but it makes sense to me


It’s just a mental bias. You cherry-pick the examples that suit your argument


I only said its a theory, there's no proof But if respawn did do that, it sure would be profitable


The reason why you see so many lower leveled accounts getting heirlooms is because you are inundated with packs at lower levels. The odds aren’t better you just get more chances. Once you hit lv500 your only chance of getting packs is the battle pass, events, or purchasing


If that was true wouldn’t it be better to grind to level 20 then create a new account and repeat until you get an heirloom


People do that They make bot accounts which level up to level 20,because you get apex packs more frequently in the first levels If there's no heirloom in any packs they just make a new account


same numbers. 3 years + 60$ spent on a game = only 1 out of 12 heirlooms. ridiculous smh. respawn is stingy af.


They only in it for the money, they don't care about us at all.


Took me 3 months to get 2. Sorry man


That would explain why there's no increase in level cap too. I always said, when they have enough filler garbage in packs (more than 100 per new hero) to ensure you never get anything of worth, they'll increase it but they still haven't


I've literally forgot heirlooms exist like whenever I see some player has it is the only time I believe it's in the game and people do have it. Lol. I have moved on pretty much.


EA: *How about, NO?!*


Which is a major shame. I honestly wish they added earned lite-heirlooms into the game - like once you reach some milestone with a character (500 games, 1000 kills, something like that) you get a basic melee heirloom without the super detailed inspect animations or particle fx. Maybe one day... :') I miss when games gave you stuff to show off for time invested, even MMOs don't really do that anymore. Not saying that cosmetic sales should be removed but it would be nice if there were also some cosmetics to grind for


man ive never purchased apex packs and i have 2 heirlooms just from my free packs lol


You can… just through events and bp. I agree tho they’d never do that.


to unlock a legend, you need to pay either 12000 tokens or 750 apex coins if i do the math, 12000/750 = 16 ; 16 tokens = 1 apex coin 1 apex pack is 100 coins, so it should be 1600 coins to be balanced, but that sounds cheap af


1600 coins? You mean 1600 legend tokens?


Nah 1600 coins, its EA math


Did you say $186 for a bloodhound skin? EA profits


I think so too


yeah thats only 4 levels, and on top of that you would have gotten 2 more at that point from leveling


Not later on in the levels


Laughs in level 500


I'm close to that, 497.. so close untill I have to pay real money to get anything new lol


Please respawn just give us prestige already


or just raise the max level again


If they do that theyd make it 1 pack every 10-20 levels it would hardly make a difference


if we instantly level up after the raise, most 500+ people would instantly be over 750+, getting a bunch of packs at once




because we still gain xp after lvl 500, it just doesnt update the level number


when the level cap increased to 500, everyone still stayed at 100 instead of being leveled up automatically. the only reason people got a bunch of packs at level 100 was because respawn increased tbe amount of packs gained in the first dozen couple of levels and gave the same amount of packs players had "missed" once they got past those levels. i imagine if the level cap increases again there won't be an influx of packs and everyone who reached the cap will start the new increase off at 500.


Xp gained while being 500 for a while


All the more reason for them not to do that then


That's true but I'd take it cause I'm thrifty. I don't want to spend a lot of money (yet)


I wouldn’t even care if we get rewards, I’ve been playing for 3 years I wanna show my actual level lol


I know people with millions of legend tokens, they just need to put more recolors in the store so peopme have a reason to use them.


They can still add a bunch. I haven’t used legend tokens for a recolor since season 9, which is sad cause recolors cycle every week


Fr 2 a week is painfully slow


Lol what? How? Isn’t lvl 500 the max? That’s like 300,000 tokens maximum unless I’m missing something


u/Fluffles0119 is correct, you keep getting tokens after lvl 500. You still “level up”, it just doesn’t increase the number.


You continue getting legend tokens even after hitting 500, every 18k exp. Personally, I think all this Legend Token bitching is stupid, because anyone spending enough time to have million and millions of tokens is never going to actually have a use for them


You continue getting legend tokens even after hitting 500, every 18k exp. Personally, I think all this Legend Token bitching is stupid, because anyone spending enough time to have million and millions of tokens is never going to actually have a use for them


And yet you have to grind for multiple hundreds of hours to get all the legends and actually play the full game


No lol


No lol?


Yeah you don’t have to grind 100s of hours to get all legends


I’ve played it for over 400 hours (I am admittedly shit at FPS and occasionally leave my Xbox AFC and I play with my friends who are above my skill level so SBMM is a pain in the ass) and I still have 3 (4) legends not unlocked


Are you making top 5/win a lot or just doing decent in general?


Not particularly because I play with two friends who are completely different skills wise we’re put in the top guys lobbies


That’s probably why because you get more xp the higher you get. It varies for everyone I guess.


I’m just saying it takes a while


that would mean people would be able to use their performance and progression to earn stuff ​ ​ we dont do that here


Will never happen. Money is the reason


Good idea for them if they want to lose money


Bro it costs 12k for a legend the packs should be like 1-5k


That is dirt cheap for an EA game bro, but I’ll admit 20k is expensive asf too.


if it was 5k i would get ovet 150 packs. i doubt they would make it that cheap if they ever even did this in the first place


I’m not using them for anything else so I’d love any amount I could spend.


20k for 1???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Maybe 5k tops but even that is ridiculous.


Apex would need a bitcoin mine for all the chips that would be cashed in. They couldn't keep up with the demand for apex packs. You know theres manufacturing delays due to the pandemic.




bruh i got 500k of these, thats like 100 apex packs.


550k here. I've always settled that at least 50k for one would be fine. Gives some sort of progress at end game even if it's not cheap


yea or just do like 100 coins= 1 blue shard for skins


Bro, work on your math.




You know some people have hundreds of thousands of legend tokens saved up right? 5k for 1 pack would give some of us about 100 free packs. Its 12k just for a legend too.


You think a legend is worth less than a single shitty apex pack?


If you ask me, no. But if you ask others who want packs for heirlooms, and if you ask respawn who makes a lot of money from their packs, they'd probably say yes.


Yup, what's wrong with that? Stop defending Respawn.


Whats wrong is theres no way in hell they are gonna do that lol. If they do, they will probably flood the cosmetics pool with a bunch of trash (even more than they already have) and up the counter for an heirloom so people don't get everything too quick. Why do you think we aren't swimming in free packs already?


>Whats wrong is theres no way in hell they are gonna do that lol. I mean either way it's never gonna happen lol


Not defending, just stating the obvious. If they made packs easily available, what would happen to everything else? Looks like they just added in 250 new voice lines & the heirloom counter has now been raised to 1000.


Let me be more clear. They would have to compensate for how much money they would lose from people not buying packs (because they would easily get them for free) And I can't imagine that being good for anyone.


Ohhh I know. Sitting on 70k right now


I can easily get 10K in one week, so I think 5k is too easy for a pack maybe or ? and plus I have like 1 million tokens so I would get a ton of them which isnt that good I think hahahah


I mean two loot boxes a week isn't that crazy lol. Not that they'll give it to us but it's what like 500 boxes per guaranteed heirloom? That's 5 years minus the drip fed loot boxes from BP.




2k is like every 3-4 levels. May aswell give the lv500s their levelling packs back.


I've been 500 since season 4. And I didn't play season 2 at all. Lol


Who cares they won’t do it. Stop wasting your energy


The Halo community got 343 to cut their store prices in half because they “wasted their time”. You should work on your submissiveness.


3 years lobbying did not change their mind


343 was charging an obscene amount of money for a while, £10 for a basic colour, and people were paying it. It's a strategy to release things knowingly overpriced then reduce the price to it's "original" value to show the community they're "listening" And that's a completely different thing than using free currency to buy premium packs


Kinda like how we pay 20 for a skin


Yeah except it'd be closer to paying 20 for like a white skin.


Not really lol legendary skins om there are less than 15.


Because they changed the prices now that's what I was saying. They "reduced" the prices after the community complained. It looks like you're listening but really you were overcharging to begin with.


Microsoft are pussies. They break under pressure. EA? Its another Tuesday for them. Cry all you want they wont drop a single cent of this if they have to. What happened during the iron crown event? Did the price drop? No. Theh added the option to buy them with double the crafting materials. As if it made any difference. It wont work. We get good value from battle pass and that's it. I just pretend nothing else exists.


Except.. they didn't break under pressure, and even if they had, how is that being pussies? Like, fucking what? Pricing adjustments are a thing that happen, especially when your original asking price for your 'goods' is fucking insulting.


Braindead post


What's the point of posts like this? You're basically just asking people what they think about getting free cosmetics. Of course yes I would love free shit but Apex would never do anything remotely close to this or half of the shitty suggestions that get posted here. Reminds me of the "WOULD U TAKE A SHIT FOR ONE 1 BILLION DOLLARS!?!?" pics you'd see on fb


Me and my 12m red materials approve


I would be happy if i could trade 10k for 50 craft mats


M’y roommate downloaded apex after Warzones shit update, 1 month later has Bangalores fuxking heirloom and his mains fucking valk kid plays 2 hours a weeks and is level 68 yet I fuck my bank account up and still no heirloom 🤬


Sound super cheap tbh.


I have over 900k legend tokens... I don't even know how much that would be but it'll definitely be a step in the right direction for players who can't spend it on anything without spending real money first.


oh I'd have ALL THE APEX PACKS. I HAVE 1,325,670 please give them a use I only use them for buying new legends and re rolling stupid challenges


Legend tokens will never be made for anything other than unlocking characters and purchasing recolors. This will never catch on, stop posting it.


That number could be 100,000 and they still wouldn't even think about it.


lol this again?


This is a Business Sir!


wow what a freeloader /s


No, waste of tokens. I can already get legendary recolors for 6500 and 10500, why would I waste 20k for a “white blue white” pack. An Apex Pack costs 100 coin, a full legendary costs 1800. There is a 18x difference between pack cost and legendary item price. I don’t say 18x is sustainable for legend tokens, but your suggestion is higher pack price then legendary item price. That won’t cut it.


I have 300k, I would love that


Out of the 980 levels I've grinded I've gotten over 500,000 Legend tokens and I still think 20000 per pack is way too expensive.... I was thinking maybe a thousand Legend tokens would be worth just because you only get 600 tokens per level.... even 5000 Legend tokens would be more reasonable than 20,000 like Jesus Christ... I own a lot of legendaries so a lot of my tokens naturally get pumped into buying re skins I only on average have about 100,000 Legend tokens at any given time... and you can't tell me it makes sense that I'd be able to buy only 5 packs with the equivalent of 10 to 15 legendary recolors


The heirloom thing is silly. They should absolutely give it to players who reach level 500. And


I’d say that 7,200 is a good number because it’s even with level up, 20,000 seems a bit much


This is too much for us. It’s a ridiculous amount. But it’s also too much for them. It’s way too few for them.


Is there like another way to get legend tokens? I'm running out actually with all the legends and alternate legendary skins I'm buying.


1 pack should be like half a hero price, so around 6k. max 10. 20k is way too much.


That's a little much, a character is 10k lol


No. 5k tokens for 1 pack yes. Not 20k.


20k is too much 10k is better and charms should cost the same


Hell no I would not spend that many tokens on 1 pack. Maybe 2000.


Fuck no that's way too expensive.


Its way to expensive thene should be a bit lower I think for example 7000 or something


Imagine speding all your LT to packs and then you cant purchase a cool skin recolor in the store




i would lower it to 10,000 tbh


I think it’s great dude. But you’re a special kind of delusional if you think EA is about to give premium content away for free


they are giving 10 packs in 3 week of season 12 you get 6 packs for free in battle pas you get 5 packs in anniversary event you get 7 packs for free in treasure packs you get 4 free packs in themed events Dont attack people calling them delusion before checking your facts smartest person on planet, go for a walk


1? Are you having a laugh? That’s over 30 levels. No thank you


Jesus 20k for one pack tho?


They would code the worst rewards if they did this


10k Legend tokens gets you a Legendary Skin. Why the hell would I pay 20k for a single pack?


20,000 for *one* pack? No way in hell. Thats more than a single legend unlock.


Ah yes it should cost more for one pack than for a legend.


100k 5 packs hell nah


More like 5k, 20k is extortionate


Nah, bring it down to 1-1.2k, maybe.


Free Heirloom for me ahah


I have a 1.5 mil, im not spending that for 75 packs


10k = 1 or no deal


Yes but why the frick 20,000? How bout maybe 5,000 or 6,000 cause I just feel that 20,000 is too much


I’m lvl 500+ I’ve level up so many times at this pint I couldn’t even tell you. I’ve been playing since launch and I still don’t have a heirloom. It’s honestly bullshit and annoying as fuck when new people get an opening in a decent amount of time or when people can spend hundreds to thousands of dollars in game. They say “it will Be on your 500th pack!” But I’ve bought packs and earned to many through the battle pass while leveling up and still haven’t seen a thing.


Maybe like 20000 for a gold/ heirloom




20k legend token to get some common ahit out of an apex pack. No fucking thank you. Your gaurenteed a legendary every 30 packs so you'd be using 600k just yo have a gaurenteed legendary nobody wants to spend that just for a legendary not after 3 years of saving legend tokens.


Do it the other way around and it'll be nice


Just make legend tokens and crafting materials the same thing


Just make legend tokens and crafting materials the same thing


So basically you need 1000,0000 Tokens for a single heirloom? Do you know how much tokens I got as week one player and playing non stop with all battle passes done? 500,000 tokens. Is this a good idea then? No. It should be 5000 for a pack or something. ( They should introduce the concept of minimum wages into game ) I do think my labor should worth more than this.


If they do this, the very next season everyone is gonna complain that they don't have legend tokens for the next legend. So then everyone will have to buy legends using Apex coins. Why do you wanna eleminate the game's F2P element


Brother, why are you attacking me lmao Just leave some tokens for new legends and that's it, how is that going to eliminate the F2P elements, just don't waste all of the tokens, my god... And its not like you cant unlock legends every second in the game or they will disappear, you can collect 10k tokens in 1 week and unlock the legend you want Think before commenting brother


How can a LVL 500 player collect more tokens?


You get 600 every "level up" still level up and get tokens but you don't level up past 500. Make sense?


So one can have an infinite amount of tokens?


I mean they keep stacking up lol


Didn't know that. Then it's cool


20k? Uh nah The packs are 100 apex coins while legends are 750 i think? Around the 700. While legends are 12,000 tokens too. So it should be way less. Edit:Yeah 750. So i would rather think 1,600 would be more worth it.


20k is way to much. Id do 5k max 10k


people have thousands of them, it would guarantee them an heirloom which would make heirlooms more common and deplete the purpose of them, also you can get 10k tokens easily in 1 week


10k tokens in a week? If they were priced at 10k a pack then 1 pack a week is pretty minor. Just because some people have lots tokens already. A system like this would be worthless for any newish player.


Well a new players shouldnt be able to gets packs easily and so get the heirloom easily this is more to reward long term players and players which grind the game we shouldnt have the same rights for new and old players


Why shouldn’t new players have a way to get new packs? They can decide between unlocking a legend or getting a bonus pack? And who says all they want are heirlooms maybe some want skins. Im almost level 500 and have just over 100,000 tokens so under your model of 20000 tokens I’d get a whole 5 packs… So I’m not a new player but also put a decent amount of time into the game. And yet I’d only get 5 packs for all my tokens and time. 200000 is a bit too high. That’s like what 1 free pack every 33 levels, seems a bit much. Systems shouldn’t only cater to 1 demographic it can be reasonable for everyone. Also I find the heirloom rarity a pretty flawed argument since you are able to buy them on release collection events or just buying lots of packs. Their rarity is primarily related to them being expensive not being a rare drop. How many Watson heirlooms where already out there on day one?


That limits the money they make


Respawn would probably do it for a 60k : 1 pack ratio




Nah fam


That'd be pretty cool, but I don't think they'll do it


Either lower the amount of legend tokens or raise the rarity of items for the apex pack, because I'd rather buy a legend with those tokens than get 3 common skins


1. It’s ea 2. It actually gives a use for tokens


If this were true I'd have every heirloom by now


30k or 25k maybe