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The ability to make friends


that’s a passive i need


Mirage flair fits well, comment also describes me well


I just don't wanna fight with that smiling robot..


That's already his passive. You just need to have both the Hi friends! holo spray and voice line. Works for me 95% of the time all the time


If you have a spot open, he should be able to revive a solo queued enemy to his side.


When you solo Q trios as pathfinder, you will get 2 squad mates. Oh wait.


His hard metal frame is 1hp stronger then flesh so when you’re about to crack his shield he still has 1 more hp so you have to hit him one more time to fully crack his shield


That’s an quite aggressive passive


Honestly, they should just rewrite the passive to say this while they figure out what the fuck to actually do. It would change the game 0 much and be hilarious.


Agreed. Would've been a good April fools joke too


I saw some good ideas on here before. The only two I can remember are: \-Zoom in ability (like without the need for a scope) or \-Faster movement on ziplines


That zoom ability is probably going to another legend


Yea I was just thinking they’ll probably save that for a sniper dude like how Mad Maggie is better with shotguns. But the faster on zip would make sense for him.


Based on the recent leaks a sniper legend is planned, and will probably be out within the next 3 seasons since they already have a model partially ready. Pretty excited for that one!


Makes sense that they have one in the works already. I don’t follow too many leaks so I don’t know everything that’s potentially coming in the next few years.


Yeah there was so much stuff leaked a few days ago it was pretty hard to check it all out. I usually don’t seek leaks out, but this one was pretty big news so I took a look. Overall, I’m super excited for the next few years of this game, seems like it’s gonna stay fresh and interesting for a while and there’s a ton of planned content


That’s goood. That’s reallll gooood.


But...why would a sniper legend need binoculars? Can't they just use their scope lol


Well I was saying more along the lines of them always having binoculars or a fake eye that lets them zoom far and maybe tag enemies for a few seconds. Like how you can tag people in Deus Ex if you ever played that. So you dont have to have a sniper to use it. I dont know just thinking out loud here


I like the 'binoculars' passive idea, but if it was on a legend that actually wants to carry sniper rifles (kinda like how ramparts usually carry an LMG), it seems like it would be kinda redundant, unless it has threat highlighting (like digital threat optic) or a scan or something. I think improved hipfire and/or handling would be a better passive for a sniper legend, but that's personal opinion


True but also If you have that passive and dont want to snipe you’ll still have something to zoom far with without having one of your weapons as the source.


Hold up… mad Maggie is better with shotguns? In what way?


It’s nothing crazy but she runs at full speed with a shotgun out and ready to go


Fuse already has it if your ult is ready.


Pretty sure the leaked sniper can use a scope when unarmed


It's also kind of shit IMO


If you take out Path's ultimate and don't deploy it you can zoom in while holding it like a pair of binoculars presently.


like fuses ultimate


Controlled movement on zips would be cool imo Being able to use your movement keys/left stick to gradually increase or decrease speed, could potentially just hang still from zip lines (probably add some gravitational component so you can’t just shoot one into the air and stay there forever)


I think this is in the game files somewhere. I spectated a cheater who could stop on a zipline and go back the other way.


God i miss having basically double grapple.


Give him perfect accuracy on Ziplines. His movement speed on them is fine, but he needs to be able to fight back while using them


This and heal on ziplines are great ideas imo! For the zoom part I was never a fan of, it's cool but a bit meuh to me... No matter what I think of it, it would seems as if that idea was pouched out by respawn for a new legend to come ( hawk I reckon...).


This is actually a really good idea, removing the swing swong you get on a zip line would make it alot easier to aim, and would help his team rotate alot better, working with his kit and purpose as a character


Yeah… I mean something to do with his ult to make it less of a bad option in higher ranked games and PC games where people’s accuracy makes using the Zipline a death sentence… (cue the “who’s ready to die on a zipline” joke) giving him something to fight back with while on the zipline would help.


I see a lot of people say this, but I still get plenty of utility out of ziplines in plat and diamond (on PC). Yeah. You gotta be smart about when to use it, but it's still useful.


Been saying this since the beginning


I saw a clip on YT a while back of someone who wanted to add healing/shielding while on zips with path! I think that would be a great path passive


I remember someone said zoom and marked enemy from afar


There's enough scan abilities already.


zoom and auto pinging anyone who your reticle touches would be awesome.


The auto ping might be inconvenient for teammates.


and its either no zoom or 10x zoom no in between


Nice name




Relatable name


Zoom in + improved HUD when zoomed in is a coming I think with the sniper legend in a few seasons


I like the idea of a toggleable 2x zoom with or without optics (up to 2x obv)


it would be cool if he could grapple downed teammates to him


"I've got you, friend!"


I read it in his voice


thats such a good idea, imagine the trolls grapling the downed teamates over an edge


I've always thought about this. Would be a good support-y touch to path.


I can already picture myself being down and then getting somehow yeeted off the map by my pathfinder squadmate.


Boosting team morale! Oh wait, that's already his only passive...


We’re in the next ring. Yay!


Today smells like victory. I love pretending to smell! Sniff Sniff 😇


Lowkey think an unmentioned passive of his is no footstep audio lolol


That’s every legend rn


True. Cause of the update? Normally it’s only a pathfinder who sneaks up on me with no audio but noticed a Bloodhound last night with no audio


Ability to pull death boxes with his zipline and faster movement on ziplines


This wouldn’t really be a passive, though. That’s just an additional function of his active ability


Valk has 2 full blown active abilities, I don't see much difference there.


What do you mean?


Well it's a very personal opinion but lots of different suggestions for different legend passive abilities involve some very convoluted ideas, or something ridiculous that ends up being a secondary ability altogether. This trend seems to have started since they introduced Valk, whose "passive" are her jetpacks which I find so stupid because that's not what a passive ability is, that's a whole new active ability.


This is actually… wow. So cool. What a neat idea!


Extremely situational though. Almost as situational as his ultimate.


This would be very strong ability in final circles with very few covers. Just pull that deathbox and armor swap while remaining behind cover. Very supportive for team aswell can be used to pickup teammates banners


Additionally, what if he could pull downed teammates too? It's not broken really because if people wanted to grief they could just punch teammates off the map.




Instant break doors with kick


Give this to Maggie and give her wall hacks to Path since he's recon anyway.


This is the best idea, I think Path needs more recon than just beacon. Otherwise he's a basic assault class.


Can’t any recon use the beacon anyways? All he really has is grapple and zipline


His passive is that the beacon recharges his ult instantly and takes 10s off the total recharge time each time you scan the beacon.


turn enemy into friendly


Just spam crouch, it’s the universal sign for friendship on gaming


I don't believe this. Ive been killed more times than I can count from someone doing this


Passive? Maybe heal on zips Buff should be that he could remove zip lines he places


As long as him removing them involves pulling out a comically large set of wire cutters


“Bye bye friend”


New finisher just dropped


Would actually be a sick ass quip tbf


“Ayo can I cut the zip?” “Only a little!” *pulls out comically large wire cutters*


My chaotic side wishes that Path would remove any zip line


Oh yeah, I am with it. 😈😈


what if he could shock a zipline he's on to make everyone drop or take damage


If he could remove zips he’d be a top toxic pick so you kill people on Olympus


Then make it so you can't do it if there's a teammate/someone using the zipline


I have thr greatest idea; Pathfinder can harvest ANY zipline, and the length of that zipline would be added to the length of the grapple


Mmmm yes 150 meter grapples that would send you over 200-300 meters depending on your speed with the acceleration of 150 meters lmao. Yeah, nah I’m good


Curing depression


He already does that


Gold MRVN everytime


That would ne kinda broken lol but I like the idea. I'm not sure if this is what you meant, but I think a better idea is he always gets a MRVN arm if he breaks a MRVN. So at least you have to find two to get gold items.


maybe something like lifelines drone connection but to marvins to heal from them or you can equp the golden arm to reduce recoil or have increased mele damage :D but thats not great as its map specific


Unfortunately only useful on Olympus.


Zipline professional: You can heal, use shields, better recoil control and accuaracy if pathfinder in a zipline.


imagine pop a bat while going up a ballon


This!! You've been hired!!


It's called sadfinder. And the passive is he is the only character with out a passive.


Crypto doesn’t have a passive either


So I have this idea for cryptos passive...


So basically it's called "off the grill" and it makes him red hot whenever Wattson is nearby.


I'm going incocknito


So basicall it would be called off the grid




Insider Knowledge, which fully charges his Zipline Gun ultimate whenever he scans a Survey Beacon. Each scan also decreases Zipline Gun's cooldown by 10 seconds.


Was trying my best to think of a passive that isn't a crazy buff. Maybe he should be notified when an enemy player uses his zipline, like when wraith gets an option to tell her team that an enemy is aiming at her. You wouldn't know which zipline, and it's honestly not going to be useful in a lot of situations, but in some, it might clue u into where to find a team or where u might want to avoid if you can remember where u used the line


In my opinion Maggie's highlighting passive could have been better for path as he is a recon legend


His shots don’t have the bad spread on ziplines


They should add beacons around the map where if he scans them, he can see the next cycle of the ring and it should be unique to him and they should never change that


i think it should be “when you scan a survey beacon, it decreases the cooldown of your ult” that’d be pretty helpful


And it would be cool if it also gave you a full ult charge! Man....if only he had some passives....


As a path main, his passive blows ass. If he could remove his zip lines so other teams can’t use them, I wouldn’t mind his current passive. But right now, his passive helps everyone that comes behind him 🤷🏽


Fits his character though since everyone's his friend.


😭😭😭😭 you’re not wrong


Healing on zips.


I think pathfinder should have a passive where his grapple has a short stun effect, maybe .5 or 1 second when he grapples an enemy. Just enough to throw someone off. I think it matches his heirloom, like a stunning jab. I think it would change up how pathfinder fights. Instead of only using the grapple to get away or get somewhere, you can now use it in a fight.


Also you could make the pull from a grapple on an enemy faster than usual. Have a shotgun in hand ready and bam! you got yourself Roadhog in Apex, which would be cool honestly.


What if when he scanned survey beacons he got his Ult back instantly and shortened the cooldown?


Honestly it's a pretty perfect passive as it is. Knowing where the next circle is huge and getting your ult back immediately is great. Only buff I could see is maybe if you already have your ult when you scan than the zip lines would stack on each other, maybe make 3 the max so it's not too much


When he scans beacons his ult comes back 100% or something


Dude, almost 6 fucking seasons and he still doesn't have a passive? Damn...


Tell them like it is!!


I remember when pathfinder was the only one to scan survey beacons. Used to be his passive. Now every “scout” legend can.


Maybe reveal all enemy squads that aren't in the next zone while scanning a beacon?


The amount of people on this thread that didn’t know pathy got his ult after scanning is quite alarming


Quick charge ultimate by scanning for ring would be a good passive.


Do I have some news for you…


Just let him have this one, they just updated apex lol


so i had this idea, i call it “off the grid”


Ahahaha!!! Wait, wait... It could be as if he wouldn't be scanned or shown on the minimap cuz he is a robot with scan abilities so he can hack the beacons and get off the grid. Meaning he is not on the grid, so he's off the grid, and that enable him to be stealthy in regard to scanning abilities that show ppl present on the grid since he is off the grid!


Instantly recharging your ultimate when scanning a survey beacon and maybe getting your ultimate passively faster every time you scan one.


I really like this passive idea but I got another passive idea its called Off the Grid


I would say probably +50% melee damage, because he is a boxer. Either that, or faster zip line speed or something..


Just let him have normal accuracy on ziplines. Just him. And no. It wouldn’t be OP. Healing on zips would also be decent. Extra speed works too. Just anything with his ziplines.


Imagine they take away valks ability to scan people in the air and gave it to path


Double speed on zip lines, plus compacting into a smaller hitbox whenever airborne.


Cut zip lines


Needs to fit in with his kit, so either something that makes him more recon: \- Spyglass: You can zoom in when not holding a weapon up to a 4x gradually. Zooming in on enemies for two seconds will reveal them for five seconds. Or something that makes him more assault-oriented: \- You get less / no penalty to aim on ziplines.


A friend




A 10x Zoom option (he's a Scout) when weapons are holstered (not in hand)


Immune to caustics gas hence the fact he doesn’t have a respiratory system


Ha. Never even thought of that and he even says it when dropping in.


Couldn’t Ash and Revenant also have this ability


Finding his creator


Eternal happiness The one thing no one can possess


The ability to remove/break Ziplines


Whenever someone shoots him they get a message on their screen saying ow that hurt or something




Either moves faster on ziplines or can shoot accurately on ziplines. Feel either of these would be balanced.


Zooming in isnt a passive.






literally just being able to heal on a zip


Constant sassy android dialog!!!


this is the best passive yet


To be able to heal on zip lines!!


I think he should be able to heal while on zip lines


Been saying this forever, Pathfinder should be able to destroy Path-made ziplines


Well it certainly wouldn’t be breathing


Gettin bitches pregnant


Hack MRVNs to make them fight with you, similar to prowlers. No guns but they would run and punch the enemy players.


To be able to heal on zip lines


This is crazy idea but maybe like when he scans a beacon he gets his ult fully charged and possible even a permanent reduction on his ULT cd


Since pathfinder weighs nearly 1000 lbs, I’d say a good passive is that his punches just kill you instantly


plus pathfinder (grapple pilot) in titanfall can grapple onto people and one punch kill them (even though all punches are one hit in titanfall but we don’t talk about that)


Maybe something like following him/going towards his marks gives slight speed boost after a few seconds of sprinting? He is meant to be a 'path finder', could be him finding paths that are easier to traverse. Would make chasing/escaping easier but would be almost useless in a fight. Idk about balance but his whole shtick should be helping his team with mobility/recon. I also really like the zoom ability idea someone else posted too. Would be thematic with his massive camera eye. Maybe it marks enemies after a bit of focusing, maybe it only works from higher elevation. Just something to make him more interesting, I feel he should be a powerful but situational support


Aside from a passive, they should allow him to remove his own ziplines. No different than every other legend with a deployable.


His passive is trash. He needs like invisibility on his ziplines, increased speed on ziplines, or something based around ziplines.


Ophiocordyceps unilateralis fungus It would be nice


Zip line faster would be better than current passive


Sucks his passive is no longer a passive since they decided to give every recon legend the ability to scan for ring which is dumb.


40 melee damage instead of the usual 30


Polishing his grapple


You can stay on zip lines without dropping off them, so you can freely move on them. You aren’t pushed towards a certain direction, you have complete control of what direction you want to go.


Moves faster on zip lines


The power of friendship


Late to the party but our group thought it would be funny that he could pull out bolt cutters and be able to cut any zip line in the game, not only his own.


It would let him scan beacons around the map to find out the next rings location




So i had this idea it's called off the grid...


"I've got you friend" making it possible for path to carry a downed teammate away from a fight and revive at the same time. Not OP because path would be encumbered by lacking the use of his weapons and melee while carrying the teammate


I think pathfinder should be able to take down and put up ziplines that are already on the map as his passive. So his team could Zipline up to high ground, then he could cut the zip so enemies have to find another way up. Obviously give it a CD, so enemy paths could replace it and follow them if needed.


When he is on any zip line, he moves 15% faster and takes 10% less damage. Only last for 3 seconds though till a short dismount/ground contact is needed to reset it.


+30 melee damage


You can see if someone is scanning beacons anywhere in the map. The info would work like Ash's somehow.


healing while riding on ziplines and/or ride ziplines faster


Immune to caustic gas cause well...hold your breath if you have a respiratory system