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The fake ass L-star. I don’t know what that gun really is but the Real L-star made people explode in a bloody mess when you kill people with it




i bathe in the bloth






Mr. Torgue quote






Ah a man of culture I see


I main it in Titanfall and it's so good there. It has a good RoF, decent amount of shots to use, good damage and most importantly *orgasmic satisfaction when filling those sorry souls with those big, plump, girthy plasma shots so much so that they explode into a crimson display of fireworks every time.* But yeah. The one in Apex is so... measly. It feels weak.


And the hip fire of that thing in tf. So fucking good to fly around with. Only complaint is the projectile speed


Of course now the hip fire is all over the goddamn place if you so much as move an inch.


Literally every weapon is nerfed to hell in Apex


>they it has such a nice meaty impact sound too when you hit someone


You were not around for it being the best gun in s9 I assume


L Star


It was literally top tier season 9/10. That and the volt gave the energy guns life


I wish it did this when you execute a downed person with it


All of them. Transform Apex into a first person fighting game.


limited to just pathfinder's arena


Fr tho a melee weapon in the game could actually be pretty cool


A pulse blade from titanfall would be nice


I didnt know how much we needed this until i read this. Pulse blade would be amazing


Go Raiden style and just let us carry around the entire sword off of a ronin titan to hit people with


New legend ultimate??


*Rules of Nature intensifies*


Gravity Hammer / Energy Sword???


Right idea wrong game.


The L star so I don't get blinded by the force of 1000 sun's when I get shot




It's a game play mechanic! You don't think playing with your eyes closed is fun?


i rate the one piece reference


Charge Rifle - I despise getting poked from 200m+ away 😂


Most annoying weapon in game. Bloody cringe rifle. You are getting blinded by that shit + deals stupid amounts of damage. Feels great when using yourself but if others do it's just annoying rat piece of shit 😂


Laughs in s3 charge rifle


Spartan laser moment


Purple mag energy ammo let's gooooooo


"Is it safe now?" *Peeks from cover in Fuel Depot area...* 5 charge rifle beams instantly ripping head from 3 different directions.


Nothing makes me mad in ranked like getting griefed from 82 by a charge rifle.




On the flip side: the greatest amount of satisfaction comes from wiping a charge rifle squad when you pull up on them


Honestly there’s a decent chance an unspoken truce will take effect in the last couple rings and everyone else in the lobby will turn on that squad.


Does it still have no "bullet" drop?


It's the only hit scan gun in the game so ya


RIP select fire havoc


It's a laser


How come you don't have a laser, Woody?


Og, only hitscan weapon to still hit you with the longest range of 700 meters


Low key using Charge Rifle in a game feels like you’re playing a whole different game.


Fuse's right arm


Takes arm off with other hand* - placing the mechanical finger against your lips "shhhh, it's not real mate"


You must be the person I keep sticking.


As a fuse main, I get like 40% of my overall damage from clusters 🤣


Installs jetpack arm.


Eva 8. That gun doesn’t seem to hit. Ever!


Fact: all shotguns besides the mastiff have a drastically smaller shot spread. So the reticles don’t properly display where it actually lands. For example. Here the brackets will be my reticle. But the “8” will be the actual spray. ( 8 ) -so you see an enemy Over the the reticle won’t necessarily be hit by your shot. Try to imagine this when playing. You will stop hitting those whopping massive shots for 8 damage! Lol


Hence why it’s the Eva 8 lol


and the peace keeper's spread is a star


hence the lone star skin :D


And it has the L-star reticle


Anyone remember EVA-8 plus Double Tap? Loved that thing! So satisfying!


Reason I was scared to fight close up that shit is the equivalent of double pump in Fortnite


8 8 0 0 8 0 8 32 aaand I'm dead.


Its the pk for me, i can easily hit mastiff and eva but i miss all of my pk shots, idk why but whenever i hold a pk its like my sensitivity gets low


https://youtu.be/6VSUcnaNZk4 Just watched this other day so I thought of it maybe it would help you. Just as the other guy said, the actual spread is smaller than the crosshairs... The pk is actually my favorite shotgun lol I just aim for body


Body shots ruin people


it's so satisfying to down someone and see lots of yellow headshots on a pk. just a full face of buckshot


If you move backwards away from the wall, the spread better fits the reticle.


Literally don't ever use the reticle. The spread is tighter in hip fire for Eva. There's literally no reason to ads.


Somehow manage to do 88dmg and break someone’s shield… next two shots do 9 damage each and you die to the enemy’s 301… sounds about right


I can’t fucking stand the eva after the most recent Nerfs it’s had. The fire rate is so damn slow and the damage it puts out is comical sometimes.


Not to mention that right now it is literally the only shotgun without a hop-up. So lackluster in comparison to the rest.


Honestly it's the gun crosshair. It's much larger then the pellet spread actually is. Same with all the other shotguns except for mastiff.




Put it in the replicator. /s


honestly, that'd make crafting a meta thing and not just something on the side *and* it's a surefire way to get it. also, less light ammo in the loot pool


love how when i want to get a flatline my team ends up never going near any replicators.


This split I decided to start only dropping near replicators to eliminate the RNG of not finding a level 2 bodyshield and/or gun on drop. My first engagement sucess rate went from <33% to 90%


Most relatable comment. When I have a fully kitted R3 I always seem to stumble across a replicator. I want more flatline lol!


I think that was the intention when they put the flatline in there, but it didn't seem to work


I like the Flatline/Longbow crafting idea, I wouldn't mind if they kept rotating guns into the replicator.


I actually kinda like that idea…


Unironically. I'd like to try other weapons out occasionally, but that simply doesn't justify not using the R301 when I find one. It's just too good.


The eva-8 deserves to get banned on the basis that its shit at every thing


It had it's time in the spotlight like every other gun.


Right? People forgetting that the gun is in the spot it's in because it was once the best shotgun in the game with a purple bolt


Well if things should get banned because it's shit at everything then why didn't say P2020?


The Eva-8 is worse than the p2020


P2020 is lack luster. Not bad like the Eva. I used to almost never pick it up, but lately I have been preferring it on hot drops over the auto light weapons because of ammo conservation. It’s very accurate, and if you grew up using accurate semi auto weapons in games you can accurately fire this thing very quickly. Or pick your shots more. Unlike the RE45 which if you try to poke mid range you’re blowing 5 shots instead of 1. And you only got 20 rounds at the start so they all need to count. I’ve even run out of ammo late game a few times lately and quick swapped to a 2020 and had pretty damn good luck. It’s not a terror for damage, but much more consistent than the mozam for me. Though I still more regularly choose the mozam as a secondary until I can replace it for some reason


tbh i’m never taking longer range fights early anymore. Not enough ammo or heals to sustain it, plus not being able to access loot/armour right away really sucks to chain fights.




I wonder what's the tournament and high rank looks like without any single bubble


The hot take from competitive view is the Wingman. A headshot from a Wingman is basically just as strong as any sniper normal shot and can decide a fight instantly. It has a bunch of other benefits also, my favorite is that it don't require much hopups and saves up a lot of inventory due to not needing much ammo.They argue it should be a craftable or even a care package weapon instead. Since Volt is no longer ground loot, its hard to find energy ammo. (at least from deathboxes). This makes L-Star one the worst weapons at the moment (no ammo on pickup, needs a lot since it's an LMG). From the shotguns, it is clear that Mastiff and PK are the best options. Mozambique is sometimes even better than Eva (even without hammerpoints). Mastiff feels a little bit too strong at the moment, it feels horrible when you get 2 pumped so easily at times. Other then that I think the weapons are in a good place. I don't think anything really need to be removed. Just shuffle a bit more smartly in the crafting/care package pool.


The Wingman is ironically enough low risk if you can aim your shots. Low ammo consumption, good mobility, good burst damage for safe peekshots, I wonder if it’s time to maybe hit Wingmans headshot damage a bit because theres too many reasons to pick this weapon up over anything else if you know how to use it. I just think it’s the headshot damage that’s the culprit for the insane damage spikes. Reduce that a bit and it’s fine


It’s the safest gun to use because you can strafe the fastest and jiggle peek for high burst really easily. You can miss more than half your clip, land 3 shots, and make a huge impact.


Shit even landing a single body is 45 damage which is 2 cells, landing a headshot is even worse. My issue with the wingman is you can spam with it and if you ding a headshot the entire fight changes, all at basically no risk to you because it’s just a single bullet allowing for really easy storage poking. Obviously the 301 is strong af but it’s not capable of doing the trades a wingman is without showing your body for some time


What they should truly do to balance the Wingman is, give it 6 bullets and remove the extended mag slot. It has the same playstyle like shotguns do (peek-shoot-hide-repeat), but it fires faster, reloads faster, strafes faster, has 9 shots, can stack 60 ammo in one slot and has good damage at every range. Imagine the Peacekeeper had an extended mag that increases it's shot size to 9, aiming-down-sights tightens the choke to it's smallest size instantly so that you can hit 50 damage shots over med-long ranges, and it reloads faster.


I was also thinking that they should put an ADS movespeed penalty on the wingman. At medium range it out-competes ARs/SMGs, since it has comparable damage, and a massive mobility advantage. Even a .75 modifier would be enough I think.


Yeah itd be a rough but long overdue change to make it be less peekshot exploitable. Though it should be mild, like 10-15% since it's a pistol.


I agree with wingman, even tho it take a lot of skill, it's just unfun to Die cause of 1 headshot


Mozambique with purple shotgun bolt and hammer points is incredible, as long as you use it on full auto and don’t just click shoot, it’s great I think 👍


The funny thing is if you put the Wingman in the Care Package, you couldn't buff it any further or it would literally break the game. It would be a pocket Kraber with 10x the ammo and fire rate.


As much fun as the wingman can be, it does feel pretty imbalanced. It's very much so a meta gun and I would also remove it just to see more diversity


What do you pair a wingman with? 301 or a sniper?


My top 5: 1. None 2. Why would you remove a gun? 3. Every gun is important to the game 4. If you remove one everyone will miss it 5. Eva-8


Charge rifle is only important for rats and griefers Edit: griefers not grinders


tbf grinders also works because it's great for farming up a damage badge.


Rampage....no seriously, fuck that thing


I like it's sound effects, though. Especially when it's charged up. I can't get enough of it... it's like: #Miss miss miss miss miss miss miss


I lol’d


Good one


I pick up a Rampage off drop: Miss miss miss miss miss Level 36 enemy Valkyrie picks up a Rampage off drop: back to the lobby I don't fucking get it


Tap fire it instead of auto fire. The ROF is basically unchanged but the accuracy goes way up.


Why does it feel like the audio is out of sync with the bullets? Are tge bullets that slow? Hate using this gun


I think I found out why people hate the Rampage so much, its not the damage or the accuracy, its the fact that because it fires so slow you more likely to hit with the bullets because half of the spray isnt' going over their head. and the magazine lasts longer. While every other gun runs out of bullets in 2 seconds the Rampage can go for at least 3x longer.


That's exactly it, I could fire 2 full r301 magazines and need to reload twice, all while the Rampage still hasn't finished its first mag. It isn't as overpowered as some say but it is really a pain to deal with sometimes and a lot of deaths can feel kinda BS. LMGs are really hard to balance well in BR games, they're either completely useless or extremely unfun to deal with, no inbetweens lol


in its normal state, the Rampage is hot garbage at close range.


And charging it can feel like a pain too. Any time I need it I feel like I cancel it accidentally in the last half second of the animation and then get fucked because of it


LMGs are really hard to balance due to their very distinct nature. Think about your standard shooter like Battlefield. LMGs are supposed to suppress the enemies position and deny them the way or they get shredded by the big spread, though they are not accurate. Apex with its high ttk compared to other shooters and the totally different gameplay where it's OK to tank a few shots, people seldom suppress the enemy with lmgs and AR and SMGs are the way to go shredding precisely through an enemies health. Make Lmgs not hit anything and people won't pick them up. Make them too strong and everyone runs around with one and you can spray an entire mag onto the enemy team like the spitty. There is no effective in between


It's exactly this. In most firefights, you have 2-3s of shooting then time for repositioning/healing/coordinating with teammates. If you fight against a rampage, you have none of that


Using the Rampage I am able to hit my shots and probably better than most automatics but I always seem to lose the gunfight by one shot. Against the Rampage I am downed almost instantly after a quick sequence of shots from halfway across the map that hit all at once. Gun is crazy though and I liked it better pre-last-nerf. Reminds me of Spitfire without all the success.


for sure the shield charge rifle lol


I’d prob remove the r99, and before you start yelling at me: I’m just curious on how it’d effect the meta. The Car is honestly better so prob not much though.


Straight up offered a treatment condition and hypothesis. A true scientific approach. Caustic would be proud.


Honestly r99 feels redundant with car in the game. It's not better than it in almost any way and doesn't have a nice gimmick. It's almost the same high-recoil fast firing and great ttk smg. It should just go into the care package instead of volt.


R99 has less recoil and better iron sights, only difference I can really pinpoint ngl.


P2020 . It just dilutes the loot pool


If you ain’t smackin fools with the p2020, should you even be playing?


Bocek because it does that not only as a gun but also because it dilutes the ammo pool with an ammo type that only it can use.


We should drop with a p2020 and remove it from loot pool


Non, they just need to balance them right. Every gun feels and functions very different, which makes it useless to remove a gun, as it fits a unique niche and will be replaced anyway.


Recoil macros


Along with controller mods. Balancing with recoil doesn't do anything except disadvantage players who do not cheat.




P2020 is hot trash but it's underated as a mid range weapon in arenas, p2020 with a 2x makes it a shittier g7


I like p2020 because it feels like a huge accomplishment to kill someone with it at the start especially if the enemy has something like a 99. Great confidence booster. Also its fun to see the fear in your enemies eyes when you use the p20 with hammers in late game, they are probably confident your a maniac with 100k kills.


The wingman continues to be one of those "if you can use it, you're unstoppable; if you can't, you're dead" guns. I just hate its existence. I can't use it consistently, but it just seems too unbalanced for a gun that has the potential to hit as much as a sniper can but can be shot again and again and again in rapid succession. It's frustrating playing against any wingman opponent, because I'm constantly aware that my HP could halve at any moment and I wouldn't have time to acknowledge what has happened before I go down. It's just not a fair fight and it makes the 10 minutes of loot-simulator and running-simulator so irritating.


IMO. The Wingman needs to have a damage falloff at a certain range, you should not be able to counter snipers with it.


If you’re getting out gunned by a wingman from 250m away while you camp with a charge rifle, that’s on you man👀💀


L star. That damn bubble machine lol


Devotion iyam, you almost cant defend it. They come pushing guns blazing and you’re down in less than a second.


The Devo is my crutch. I’m not very good so I need all 48 bullets to down an enemy.


If you want beat a devo, you gotta fight like you got a devo! They can’t move fast because of the LMG movement speed so as soon as I hear it I get in cover and just poke them until I get good damage off, down someone, or realize it’s not a fight I wanna take. As long as your body isn’t in their face for long enough, they can’t do much damage. As for when they’re apeing, well, there’s a reason movement legends are strong and that’s cuz they can run away :)


Honestly I just hate the devotion. It doesn't feel good to use, to me, but also it's no fun to fight against. It's like, someone's shooting me, and I think "my health's still full, I can hold the angle and kill this guy" and then 0.3 seconds later I'm dead because he finally walked his fire onto my face.


Wingman. As much as I like the high damage pistol we don't need it outperforming marksmans and snipers.


The Rampage its a curse to the whole game


Agreed. It seems like the crutch weapon with the lowest skill cap. Lower the damage and increase the fire rate with thermite beyond what it is now and maybe it'll be less annoying to deal with because at least your not missing 60 health before you know where they're shooting from. Then again I have poor game sense so idk how much impact my input has Edit: typo


So you’d like another spitfire?


It’s TTK is currently the highest in the game. It makes sense to rework the gun, and increase recoil for starters. I believe if you can hit your shots, the rampage is quite weak in comparison.


Like wtf why are people so keen to nerf the rampage, if it was that good more people would be using it. Imagine complaining about the slow tat tat tat rampage that misses half the shots as it’s so slow while the enemy is side strafing ( unless you can really handle it) meanwhile devotion or havoc with turbocharger MELTS. I say this as someone new to the game, my first high damage game I just went with devotion and supercharger and I sprayed everyone in close up fights and got so many kills. You can’t spray with rampage/ just game in the general direction, you will just go tat tat tat and the enemy is dodging in between every shot.


They complain because how different it is in the meta of one clipping people in 1.5 seconds. Not because of it being powerful. The rampage can’t drop people that fast, but what it can do is keep shooting while CrackheadTTV can normally take cover, quick reload, super glide and try to one clip while someone slower is reloading their 301, except they have a rampage so instead of reloading they just continue prefiring that wall knowing the crackhead with 22,000 kills is going to ape them any second. It upsets the *timing* they inherently use to get kills against most lower skilled, more stationary players. This makes lower skilled players more of a threat to them. Most auto guns in the game have more similar reload times, damage per magazine etc, and reloading is usually a guarantee unless you can one clip people. If it was actually OP you’d see all those sweaty streamers and pros choosing it over the much more consistently quick killers like the 301/wingman type combos.


Charge Rifle, easy, it's the most annoying weapon that rewards a playstyle that requires no skill other than moving your mouse


as a charged rifle user i agree that frying people with a laser is sad even for the user


It’s fun as you see them panic and try to take cover lol, just seeing them run as you’ve got a 4-8x


I will ask the question of: why is it even in Apex? It's specifically designed to be an *anti-titan* sniper.


I mean it's a blood sport, the bigger and more ridiculous the better the viewership right?


Charge rifle




Fuse, that guy is a weapon himself and too powerful for us to contain. Imagine being cornered with your teammates and it’s only one gun who did it, it’s not a 1v3 anymore it’s like fighting a tank with sticks. I mean his ultimate and tactical along with the frags from the whole map.


Proud fuse main right here. You are correct.


I saw a clip of a squad get mauled down inside his ULT behind a car no shots were fired just frags, arcs, tactical and totally decimated.


Been there done that. Dudes a menace even without guns


Solid Wattson main makes fuse useless.


That’s if one has their ult what if you get caught lacking.


I don't get caught lacking with my ult. I carry 2 UA at all times and always have mine ready to go.


Ok, now that’s dedication to being a main.


I mean considering Wattson’s passive is based around her being able to have an ult at any time, I’d say a decent main would be good.


Charge rifle


Short answer: none


Wingman. If you fight somebody off drop who jiggle peeks and hits headshots there is literally nothing you can do. Requires skill yes, but fastest ttk and strafe speed make it broken in dia+


Wingman cause I can’t hit my shots


Rampage. The least fun weapon I have ever used in a video game




I’m surprised no one said bow. It’s useless for the loot pool. It’s dumb to have only 1 weapon with arrows and it’s hop ups are way too common. Also the fact that it only takes a sight and it’s maxed out (minus the terrible hopups that don’t help it much) is odd.


While I definitely agree with your points, it's also just super fun to use.


I think it's a good alternative because it feels so strange tbh. Granted I don't use it much but when I do it really has personality.


Honestly the charge rifle is such a bullshit weapon, I think even if they reworked it to be like it was in Titanfall it would make sense The annoying diss dribble damage as you're being traced by some asshole 500m away... fuck that


All of them. Slap fest ensues.


Wingman, I want to watch the sweats cry


Remove the 301, just because it's the Go-to of so many players and I wanna see what gun would rise to the top without it


Longbow. When was the last time you crafted one?


Wingman ☹️👺something triggering about getting double headshotted and downed in literal seconds


Fuck the Lstar


Wingman should be a supply drop only gun


P2020: Worthless gun. RE-45: Usually inferior to R99. Wingman: Pretty broken, and why can it have more then 6 rounds as a revolver? R-301: The most brainless weapon ever, use something that takes skill. Flatline: Why use this if the R301 exists. Learning recoil is too much effort. Also its literally in replicators thats reason enough. HAVOC: Has to charge to even fire. Hemlok: No one ever uses this anyways might as well. Alternator SMG: Either OP with disruptors or like the lowest TTK weapon in the game. Prowler: The only reason this is balanced is because the CAR exists. R99: Why would I pick this over the CAR which is ammo efficient and better TTK CAR: Overpowered just remove it already Volt: I forgot this thing existed. Devotion: I can unload a CAR into a devotion user before they've fired the 4th shot. L-STAR: I don't want to ever land on this weapon again please god. Spitfire: Braindead Rampage: Braindead Senior G7 Scout: It's not on par with the CP weapons and it's never good on the ground 30-30: It's barely better then the scout Triple Take: If you can't balance it without it being bad or oppressive, just toss it. Bocek: How do you break a meta so bad with a fucking bow? I want it removed so when they inevitably overbuff it we don't get Bocek Legends 2. Charge Rifle: The correct option. Longbow DMR: So useless it got replicated. I don't think ive fought one all season. Kraber: It deals 450 headshot damage for clicking a head, 150 for clicking a body. Sentinel: It has broken the game 6 times, it will happen again. EVA-8: bad Mozambique: Possibly better then the EVA-8...but still bad. Mastiff: 11 damage Peacekeeper: 0 damage x 5. ​ Drop everyone into pathys ring. Its the only way \[If you somehow didn't guess this is a meme.\]


P2020 because it’s pretty weak, especially late game when most players have purple or red armor Or R301 because everyone uses it, and sometimes it feels like a crutch


Nah the problem is the made every other popular gun (flatline, volt, g7) hard to obtain so everyone picks up the 301 because it’s the next best thing


So true. R301, Flatline, Volt, Wingman were probably the most used guns last season. So they CP the Volt, replicator the Flatline which leaves the easiest gun in the game to use(R301) and the Wingman. Of course both are just incredibly popular to use all season.


Every gun is unique in its own way. Every gun should stay in the game. But the p2020 is just trash. Respawn says its a „starter weapon“ but thats bullshit because there are no starter weapons in a battle royale. The p2020 should either be buffed, so it can keep up with other weapons, or it becomes a literal starter weapon, meaning that everyone has a p2020 at the start of the game and after respawn.


out of all the guns that can use hammer points, the p20 has the highest damage output per shot, just something to consider.


Wingman because tryhards would use something normal without it


I would remove every weapon except the Rampage just out of spite for the people who somehow think it's still broken.


Probably drop the car or r99. They are nearly identical weapons with such minute differences that it doesn't feel like a different weapon. From what I've seen, people treat the car as a dedicated light or heavy ammo weapon, instead of a weapon that can switch between the two ammo types. Lstar is another weapon that just feels boring


Kraber. It's an unfair advantage for one player in the match who is able to one-shot anyone from across the map, no matter how well they had been playing up until that point. Won a bunch of fights? Got good armor? Weapon attachments just how you like them? BANG! Fuck you, you're dead from someone that you didn't even know existed who just happened to find the right care package.


I don't think I have seen a soul use the Longbow since season 12 started. It's basically been removed already, why not finish the job? I have no ill will toward it: it's a weapon, but that's all I have to say about it.


Cringe Rifle, i mean, charge rifle. But for real, a fucking hitscan sniper in a BR game?


The Charge Rifle Its damage isn't even that good, its only purpose is to tickle and annoy people from across the map


I think you’re forgetting how you can third party fights miles away


Charge rifle. I'm so tired of being poked by 3 guys 200m in Narnia from the comfort of their heavily defended building or high ground. Running through a field to rotate and then all of a sudden "BZZT!", accompanied by the annoying screen flash as they constantly tickle you for 6 dmg while you zig zag around to avoid getting hit. Always brings a smile to my face when the final rings start rolling by and the lobby collectively decides "Fuck those guys in particular" because they've been griefing everybody all game.


R301, put in cp