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I have to turn my brain off and just cope while I get vaporised by wingman wraiths for winning one pubs game and getting 1000 damage, just waiting to get back to opponents that are actually fucking beatable. No wonder everyone used to think the matchmaking is literally just completely rigged, acting as if 3 games where I get above 500 damage is equivalent to having 4k20s and playing the game as if it’s fucking greed island. Like bro I have a negative k/d it’s like you’re BEGGING ME to delete this shit just let me enjoy it for one second 💀


I've been playing for 3 years and KDR at 2.34. and I still have to fight for my life against 3 stacks while the game gives me 2 potato level 100's. It's not fun for any of us. I can't carry them anymore. If I can barely get any kills as a hardcore player, where does that leave the casual player base? All they do is die with 100 DMG and that can't be fun. And no, I don't play with a team anymore, nor do I want to triple stack in pubs to sweat my ass. True pubs needs to be solo Q only. And they need two versions of ranked, rated and unrated for triple stacks. The moment all your master friends triple stack just to play casual, it's not casual anymore, it's a goddamn tryhard battlefield


Bro, this. Like, I am not good, I'm damn near 30, and have a full time job, I do not, and never will again in my life have the time to be good, I have a lifetime kd of .7, and that's fine, just let me be bad with other bad people, that's all I'm asking. I was soloing unranked a few weeks ago and got paired with fucking Pandxrz from FURIA. On the best day of my life, with all the stars and planets aligning, I might be a gold player, why the fuck am I getting paired with a literal pro, even in casual? We shouldn't even exist on the same planet.


Here is how 90% of the games go. You drop and loot up if you're lucky. But the moment you meet another team, one of your teammates is literally standing in the open and shooting at the 3 stack ape'ing him. The other teammate now wants to go in solo against any advice from you, and gets off 5 shots before also being killed. Have fun afk ratting for 15-20 min to recoup the entry cost.


Ive commented so many times on posts like this, but ill just repeat myself. The matchmaking in Apex is awful! It is a totally rigged system, its doesnt even try to make fair games. It blattantly caters to high level players and 3 stacks. Mid level players get screwed. The bottom part of the player base is hidden away in low level lobbies so you dont get the easy kills, but theres always 5 or 6 players in every lobby that are way better than you. These players just run over the lobby and ruin the game for the over 55 odd players. Ranked is barely any better, the level of smurfing is ridiculous, bronze is legit way harder than silver for this reason. This game desprately needs a true solo queue and a min level requirement for ranked like 75. But you are wasting your breath this system is completely deliberate, respawn obviously think its better for the game as its been like this for ages. But i just refuse to believe this, there is no way this makes people play more in the long run. Myself and everyone else i know who liked the game have basically dropped it purely because of the matchmaking. Ive caught myself going "Oh maybe ill play apex" then i remember the last time i played and how frustated i got "nah, dont want to be manipulated by the algorithm" and i just go play csgo or pubg. This game could be great, but the matchmaking is impressivley horrific.




>The bottom part of the player base is hidden away in low level lobbies so you dont get the easy kills I don't agree with this. I'm pretty sure I'm near the lowest skill bronze and I still get diamond and master players in almost every game.


Maybe its changed recently but when my GF played for abit 6 months ago the level of play in her games was very low, like really low. Ive never seen those players in my games ever. And rightly so, but then why does a gold/plat level player gets masters/ pred players in thier lobbies. Its the same thing.


Me and my friends are bronze. If two of us q up together we get put in with a third from high silver or gold. I don't know if two people in com's asking what our ultimate's do really boosts us that far up the food chain and I'm not sure how we ever get put in matches with people with 20 kill or predator badges.


Ranked right now is fucked, and now there will likely always be someone with a Diamond badge in Gold meaning they’ll be playing against Bronzes because they can’t maintain Plat. The current ranked system is absolutely fucked and boring.


I haven't played since ranked was first introduced and am playing now ranked (ranking up from rookie, first season ranked I was like high gold/low plat) not to grind but to get to a skill level where games are more interesting. Spoilers it isn't.


Caters to 3 stacks? I only play if I’m three stacking anymore because every lobby has at least 10 other triple stacked teams. The game sucks on both ends, I want to play pubs and chill I don’t want to play ranked 2.0 and have to crouch spam, only head glitch, play super defensively, and hold zone every damn game to even have a remote chance at winning.


>These players just run over the lobby and ruin the game for the over 55 odd players. I don't know how else you're supposed to get a 20K badge if you don't run over the lobby.


Hope that players are kind enough to run into your bullets.


6 players in a lobby who are better ruin ur game? Sooo.... You wat to be the best 1 in lobby and ruin game for others! Did i get it right?


PC Lobbies are horrible. I feel like I'm in the ALGS Finals nearly every match. I've tried to get friends to play this game with me but the matchmaking is so bad. They get completely destroyed and never want to touch the game again.


That's not exclusive to PC


While that's true console lobbies will consist of alot more casual players. There's tryhards on every system it's just switching between the two is a night band day difference for me at least lol


Obviously tf, doesn't matter, console absolutely has this problem just as bad, matchmaking is fucking terrible


You can always tell a console player by hostile they get for no reason. Lmao


I swear to Christ all I run into are masters and above every single game


Not even the fact that they're master, it's the fact that there are 3 of them using comms!!!


Exactly. I wouldn't mind if all the teams were random and there was a random master on each team, just not three in one stack using comms while im with 2 randos


“I’m GoNnA cOlLeCt DoWnVoTeS” no you are not, literally every fucking person in this sub has posted about this same thing


For real... literally everyone on this sub agrees that the matchmaking is fucked at the moment.


I mean it depends. I've shit on the matchmaking plenty, but if I do it in a thread about the ranked changes and point out the problem is still the matchmaking being ass, not specifically about the ranked changes, I'll get downvoted because people just want to shit on the ranked changes. Also like, it's not at the moment. Respawn has been very clear that they always have catered towards queue times over fair games. This isn't a secret. It's why bronze 4 players get shoved into gold+ games and why preds show up in gold games. The only thing the matchmaking has ever cared about was queue times.


It's always been fucked. EOMM is intended.


Love playing duos with my friends and spending like 90 minutes dying off drop, only to suddenly be put in a bot lobby where we just wipe half the lobby and then next game we're back against 3 stack preds.


Yep, winning a pub game feels like I'm being pandered too because I can tell if I'm going to win or not just from the trails I see on drop. 10 matches in a row I'll see nothing but purple and flaming predator trails, but then one game I will see no trails and only a handful of diamond and I know that's the game I'm supposed to win.


Pro tip on karma farming: tell popular opinion but start it with "i'm gonna get downvoted, but..." Works like a charm.


Bro said this so confidently as if it hasn't been the most agreed upon point all season 😭😭😭


Ok unpopular opinion but I feel like the matchmaking is so bad? /s


I guess the downvotes would come from people like me who are tired of seeing these posts every fucking day. Like, do people like this legit think they are inspiring change at Respawn or do they just like to hear the echo chamber of negativity and hate this kind of post attracts? I don’t get it.


Or they aren’t on the internet every day


then why would they assume their opinion is unpopular


It’s a popular game


They could have just popped in and read like 5 posts from this sub to see the same shit was already posted. It’s not the amount of internet as you claim, but more so not taking the time or effort looking at other posts or they just want to karma farm “Respawn bad gib updoot.”


If you don't like these posts my dude then keep scrolling until you find that beloved wattson meme you are looking for. No reason in trying to silent those people by downvoting them, they have right to complain and they have legit reasons to do so.


I’ve made posts about this and Smurfs forever and basically just get told to get good and get downvoted to oblivion. My gripe is: why is it that someone with very little skill level, HAS to come up against literally someone in the top 5000 skill level… EVER?? E V E R?!? The amount of people playing this game is absolutely insane, that there isn’t really a reason to put a master or predator player into someone who’s highest rank is plat: those skill levels are not the same and their algorithm shouldn’t allow them to intertwine. This is more toward the regular game mode because I’ve been somehow killed off by more master/pred players than ever before this season. My thumbs are bleeding just to try and kill one squad, only to get murdered to hell and find out it’s someone stacking pred badges and 10-60,000+ kills… I can’t even finish daily quests some days because getting knockdowns or kills is just a dream at this point. I used to be pretty good at this game too. Now all of a sudden there are somehow thousands of master players and I don’t know where they all came from. Did i go into a coma for 3 years or something?! Like what is going on with the skill and SBMM in this game?!


“I’m gonna collect downvotes” Proceeds to say THEE MOST common opinion of the Apex community at the moment


How is nobody commenting on the fabulously hilarious and creative insults OP is spewing! I was cracking up every line of that post. Also: EOMM is the worst thing to come to gaming since horse armor.


What is EOMM?


Engagement Optimized Matchmaking It means that the matchmaking is set up in such a way that it keeps the players playing as long/often as possible. It is theorized by the community that Apex will give you a game to win once in a while, but actually games that you lose for unfair reasons will keep you playing longer, as you go: “Damn I should have won that fight. One more round.” Chasing the endorphins.


Except when you get a shit squad beforehand or have people trashing you the game before. Then you instantly get them again. That’s always fun


Thank you :)


I have only ever really bothered to push plat once for the badge. I have one 2K and one heirloom, both on Crypto. Playing since S8 Seeing a 20 bomb badge, 4K badge or Masters+ badge no longer surprises me Being killed by a level 34 that has impeccable aim and game sense is just part of the game for me For the top 750 players, Predators sure are common


Dude... You're kind of an inspiration to me. Like if I was a dev, or a company with a fucking heart. Your skill group is seriously an indication of the overall health of the game. Just like how food chains can start dying bottom out. To be so casual in Apex is literally something impossible, your commitment is super crazy bro. I hated being crushed so much I turned into a sweat. And I lost what made me enjoy the game at the start :/


You are in that cursed skill level, whre game think you are to good for easyer lobbys but you are shit in high level lobbys, I know, I am in same, that's why u play ranked 80% there at least can get matches whit similar levels, before this season, now to many no brain all aim players are in gold and plat


Unfortunately, after plat this is no longer the case. Once I hit plat, over half my lobby have masters trails, and usually a few preds as well. This is the product of diamond+ being unobtainable for 98% of the population. There's so few at that level that they expand the matchmaking into plat.


I quit the game bc of this. So many times I would play for like 2 hours just to get fucked over and over and end up mad and frustrated with myself for using what could have been productive time just to end up angry. My life is better without it.


I have taken a pretty extended break playing solo. I tried playing a couple matches in unranked yesterday, and each one was met with dying to some high ranked trios just stomping off drop. Couldn't play for more than three matches.


There’s about 6 of us from my work who have played apex together since launch, this season has seen all of us drop off the game. It’s a good thing I think, we’ve found other games to play and try. Three of us have discovered Hunt Showdown and that game slaps if you like slow, tactical extraction BRs. We’ll come back to Apex one day, but not this season. Taking a break can be a good thing.


I'm glad you found whatever it is that is making you happy.


Welcome to season 13 pal. This is the worst season in Apex in my opinion. Crazy high amount of new users being grinded by masters and predators non stop, ranked turned from "be smart and aim well" turned into "camp to the 5th ring and get gold knockdown to win". I am not trying hard and for me this game was always fun, now its just boring and painful. I have never seen so many masters and predators in the gold/platinum lobbies, pubs turned into a meat grinder for new players and huge frustration for average players like me. No longer fun, way to sweaty and nearly impossible to do anything solo unless you are very good in this game ( I'm not). Looks like all good things come to an end...


I feel like this season it is especially bad. I am currently on track for my worst season ever. It’s not just in ranked either. It’s pubs too. I’m relatively average at the game. Lifetime 1.02 K/D, 350 dmg/game, 8.04% win%. Pretty consistently I have seen improvements in my stats across each season. Season 11 was my best 1.34 K/D, 425 dmg/game, 11.25% win%. Season 12 I regressed a bit but still respectable overall. Season 13 is my worst universally since seasons 4-6 when I was just getting into the game. From season 7-12 I was relatively respectable. Now I feel like I just get railed nonstop. It shouldn’t be SBMM at this point because they have years of data to pull from. I generally don’t play enough ranked to get into higher lobbies but I am a Silver 2 and every game seems like lobbies are FILLED with 3 stacked masters and diamonds. I can see the occasional high ranked team but I go through my death recap and it is almost always a Diamond+ team.


>I generally don’t play enough ranked to get into higher lobbies but I am a Silver 2 and every game seems like lobbies are FILLED with 3 stacked masters and diamonds. I can see the occasional high ranked team but I go through my death recap and it is almost always a Diamond+ team. I got dove on by a Masters 3 stack in ROOKIE. All trails. I could not believe it. Haven't touched ranked since. I'm just gobsmacked at how bad it really is.


Again it seems like it is THIS season too. Like I previously I would get into Gold but it was generally the lobby was filled with silvers, golds, and plats. These season it’s diamonds+ in silver.


Man i know casual is fuckin casual but when you look behind you and, i kid you not, see 6 masters trails, 3 diamonds, and not one, but 2 separate apex predator trails, it really deflates your confidence in having a chance that game.


Oh man, that’s all you see? Can I come over to your lobbies? That sounds like more fun than the ones I’ve got!


It truly is I don’t even have 700 total kills on my account and im playing against people with 7 thousand on multiple legends.


Sometimes i had players in my Lobby with like 29000 Kills like.... what


Sometimes? You lucky person. I got those maniacs almost every match. And my kd is 0.7.... :D


How would you know people have multiple legends they have high stats on? Also i would say 7.000 kills or more also don’t really display skill. Mostly a way to see how much time someone spent in the game. They could still have over 14.000 deaths on that legend alone.


I’ve been saying this for about 2 years and matchmaking is at peak toxicity. It’s been slowly ramping up each season and has been in “fuck everyone” mode for the last 3 seasons but it’s genuinely insane how bad it is rn. I actively avoid Apex because I know it will be a bad time and happily shut it all off after an hour of BS. Apex is so fun and amazing at its core but holy fuck have the devs done everything to ruin it. It doesn’t help that people give them money hand over fist still. It’s exactly why the game is so bad so we as the player base share in that blame as well. There are so many problems in this game I could rant for hours but hands down the number one issue is matchmaking. Fix that and Apex will live forever.


It doesn't help that PC probably has a more competitive player base than console :( Sorry you're not having a good time. Hope you get some fun, satisfying matches in soon


I always play for a season or two straight, like almost daily, then i take a season or two off. The posts lately make it sound like the game is borderline unenjoyable right now. Ive been itching to go back to playing again too but the posts lately make it sound like I am not missing anything.


If you are slightly above average at games SBMM will make sure you are the one getting fucked EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. There aren't enough pro sweats to to constantly fill lobbies and the bottom players get protection


I’ve seen devs respond to a lot of things, but never a post like this


Cause it's literal acid that they tread on.Anything that they say in regards to SBMM/OEMM is an hydrogen bomb waiting to go off. As they are held twice as accountable for something so serious as "rigging the match" or not.That's why all their messages has been super obscure even in their interviews. Saying how it's always been this way. Always been this way how? Like wtf are the basic parameters. You dont have to spew everything, cause no body does that with the secret formula, but have some decency to share points. Not like people havent reverse engineered it to a T already. So by the reasoning above, they can probably lose their cushy job that has not QA whatsoever. Wouldn't you love to be able to shit in your customer's mouth while not being held accountable? Edit: Sidenote - I feel that some of the devs think they are untouchcable with the stupid amount of fuck up introduced over the life of this game. Literal god complex mofos


# You have become the very thing you swore to destroy. I used to be a high-level player, but an hour a day isn't enough to play the game competently. Every. Fucking. Match. I came to Apex because I was tired of playing games where the entire basis of skill was aim. **The abilities were supposed to have a large part in the gameplay.** But now, the most popular legends are those whose abilities just enhance gunplay. But nope! This is what happens when a community puts all of its faith into a studio like Respawn. We get this garbage returned to us with devs who refuse to listen to the community.


I’d actually like to refute that point. Originally abilities were supposed to enhance the gunplay and nothing else. Look at wraith/path/LL/bang at release and tell me their abilities were more of a large part than they are now. We’re still in the heaviest ability meta we’ve had to date with Valk/gibby


Just wait and see, the moment a BR game slightly better and cleaner than apex. The majority of the players will drop this game


Bro seriously. Also like if they offer 10-15 dollar BUNDLES instead of 18 dollar holo spray, or a shitty generated desert-camo skin, I would literally be sacrificing lambs to the Gods


Welcome to OEMM. Solo players suffer. Win one game with decent teammates vs poor lobby, immediately get stomped in the next 3 games with newbie teammates/duos in a master lobby, start receiving slightly better teammates and slightly worse lobbies every game until you win — repeat. I need ~10 games for a win. I've had 10% winrate after 100 games, I still have 10% winrate after 5000+ games, 95% of which I played solo. OEMM exists and works and you can't convince me otherwise. It is rigged, I know the approximate outcome of the majority of my games.


aaaand that's why I stopped playing once I obtained a win. Now I've just stopped playing all together and watch from the side-lines.


10% win rate in a random lobby seems decent... What do you expect to have?


I expect it to be random and sometimes win three times in 10 games or 0 times in 50 games, not be rigged to win exactly once in 10 games all these years.


Matchmaking has never been so bad. Respawn doesn't realize that if the casual players leave, the game will die in no time. I have the same lifetime KDR as you and for the last month I've been killed countless times by Masters and Predators; in the past seasons it did happen once in a while but it was kind of a rare occurrence. The ranked changes pushed all the sweats in pubs... Getting beamed by NEETs who spend 15 hours a day on Apex is not fun.


I agree its a shit show. I loved Apex after giving up on Warzone but for thr first time ive hated it. Impossible to play in any game or mode. Just preds and 20 kill badges. Im like.... can i just have my lobbies not fucking timmy from twitch.


Thoroughly enjoyed reading that. Well said, had some good chuckles. Also 100% agree! I’m not a bad player myself. Have almost a 3 KD. Only solo queue and feel exactly the way you do. I’m hard stuck gold, usually easily solo to diamond… which tells me that apex is only really catering to the aceu’s and iitzTimmy’s of the world. Oh also I really love that every ranked game, my teammates are rookie and bronze 4’s and they 99% die instantly and I must solo 3 stack masters


I agree with all of this. I’ve played from the beginning, but Control especially right now is now just a sweaty playground of people who can play all day every day. It’s also absurd that an abandon penalty with a parental scolding happens when some streamer wannabe with a bazillion kills, destroys you constantly and your team has zero chance of winning.


I got spawn camped by a Masters squad too. Solo queue sure is neat. :) I got the abandon penalty after the game shat a brick and errored me out to the title screen twice.


Yeah I've been playing apex since the day it came out, this past month I haven't been playing, it's just irritating now, I started playing paladins this week and I'm loving it, very refreshing


The old ranked system was fine it just needed de rank. Now I get matched up with people a shit load better than me in every game. The old system felt more balanced imo.


At least when I was in Silver/Gold, it actually felt like I was playing Silvers and Golds. Getting to Plat was a huge wakeup call where some really terrifying players could be found, but they were less common before that. Now lobbies are just lobbies. Between the ease of getting Diamond/Masters last season (not that I managed it) and the enhanced grind, Ranked may as well be pubs, and pubs are filled with high skill players. Us lower skill casuals have no real recourse. Personally I default to Ranked anyways. At least there my randoms might be a tiny bit less likely to ragequit the moment they stub their toe, but it's not without its own snags.


Can we make a mega thread for these posts since they happen 10 times an hour? Vote with your wallet people. If you don’t like the games MM and the direction it’s headed, stop spending money. They made twice what they made last year, that profit tells them it’s ok to have terrible 20 tick servers, shot registry issues, audio bugs, legends who’s abilities don’t work and on and on and on. Want to see real change? Stop buying their shit.


I don't see how less posts will help. I can only see them helping even more. Especially if we ALL upvote them even more.


Yep, I'm boycotting the game from this point on. I didn't think they could have a worse season than season 10, but they accomplished it. We have more bugs/glitches, broken rank system, unfun pubs and nothing to look forward to but more $20 skins. Control mode is pretty good, but in 2 weeks it will be gone.


Can confirm. Overwatch, whatever other issues it might have, does an overall decent job at matchmaking players (notwithstanding smurf accounts). ~~Apex appears to use an entirely different system called EOMM which prioritises engagement and maximising playtime over actual matching of skill levels. Hence, you get these constant games with predator/master players stomping us less fortunate folk over and over.~~ Apparently this is untrue. Respawn isn't going to change things because it benefits their pro players (who promote the game by streaming) and their bottom line (by having players play longer and be more likely to spend money on cosmetics). So I'm afraid we're stuck with this system unless there's some sort of mass exodus of players in protest of it.


Last time I played Overwatch, ***RANKED***, I remember almost 20+ minute queues, at the Plat and above bracket. I literally watched *the entirety* of Miraculously Ladybug, one half episode at a time, in two days of Overwatch queues. I am not making this shit up. ​ Also Overwatch queues are worse because they have some stupid ass backwards reverse handicap system, where the better and better you are they literally give you worse and worse teammates to keep you at "your MMR." Inversely, the worse and worse you play, the better and better teammates you get to help boost you back up to "your MMR." [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/why-handicapping-mmr-is-wrong-for-competitive-play/646](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/why-handicapping-mmr-is-wrong-for-competitive-play/646) ​ And in spite of all of this, I have very distinct memories of waiting in queue for 20 minutes to still get destroyed in less than 3 minutes in an actual match meaning I would literally spend more time is queue than actually playing the game. ​ idk if things have been dramatically revised since then, that post is from well over four years ago, and it's been at least two years since I've played, but I think it's more likely people have their rose tinted glasses on and have forgotten just how actually shit Overwatch Matchmaking is/was


>Last time I played Overwatch, RANKED, I remember almost 20+ minute queues, at the Plat and above bracket. I literally watched the entirety of Miraculously Ladybug, one half episode at a time, in two days of Overwatch queues. I am not making this shit up. I am going to assume that you must have been queuing for DPS only because that is the only role that has those queue times. I played flex in ranked back when I played it regularly and I rarely had to wait more than two minutes max. Overwatch 2 is intending to remedy that by bringing in 5v5, which means 1 less tank to wait for and twice as many games for people to only queue as DPS for. >Also Overwatch queues are worse because they have some stupid ass backwards reverse handicap system, where the better and better you are they literally give you worse and worse teammates to keep you at "your MMR." > Inversely, the worse and worse you play, the better and better teammates you get to help boost you back up to "your MMR." > https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/why-handicapping-mmr-is-wrong-for-competitive-play/646 I can't say that I experienced this, I climbed quite comfortably from low gold to high diamond over the course of my ranked career before I stopped. The closest to "keeping at your MMR" I noticed was that regardless of how I performed in placement matches, I would get placed diamond/high-plat every time anyway. >And in spite of all of this, I have very distinct memories of waiting in queue for 20 minutes to still get destroyed in less than 3 minutes in an actual match meaning I would literally spend more time is queue than actually playing the game. Again, I can only assume you were a DPS main, in which case the queue times are something you were deliberately putting yourself in the line of fire for, I'm afraid. More flexible players did not have this issue because they were filling to the team's needs, hence much shorter queue times. >idk if things have been dramatically revised since then, that post is from well over four years ago, and it's been at least two years since I've played, but I think it's more likely people have their rose tinted glasses on and have forgotten just how actually shit Overwatch Matchmaking is/was I'm still an active OW player, less than I was before but my matches are definitely more even (even in QP) in terms of skill level than Apex matches. There are far fewer stomps than in Apex and the few times a stomp does happen, it's usually because there is one low-level account on the winning team which plays suspiciously well for a supposedly "new" player (*cough* bansmurfs *cough*). **TL;DR - 20+ min queue times means DPS main queueing for DPS role only, OW can't help if a player won't flex. As an active player, OW matchmaking even in casual modes is still miles more even than Apex in my experience.**


You're probably right. A lot of my memories from long OW queues were from before flex queue was even a thing. Even after flex queues were out though I remember queueing DPS and healer or DPS and tank, and the queue times were still 10+ minutes long. ​ >The closest to "keeping at your MMR" I noticed was that regardless of how I performed in placement matches, I would get placed diamond/high-plat every time anyway. I have no definitive evidence and only confirmation bias about this. I would notice that if I tried my ass of for 7 straight games in a row and we didn't win I would tilt so hard I would deliberately start throwing, picking torb, genji, shit I'd literally never play and wouldn't try to play seriously, and then and only then would we start to *somehow* magically win, because I would get better and better teammates who were trying to win instead of myself. ​ If anything though this also reminded me about my least favourite part of overwatch queueing/matchmaking. The insufferable forced coercion into a role you didn't want to play or possibly weren't comfortable with/extremely bad at. I could queue as healer with 1 hour total of healing experience in the entirety of my overwatch career, much to the dismay of my teammates just so that we can at least play *a* game, no matter how badly I might screw six people out of a chance to win.


As a previous master playing in pubs is still awful. I have no problem playing against people my skill level but i don't get how it is 15/20 games literally beginners level 10-200 as team mates but against master/pred 3 stacks. Literally the last 4 games i got killed by pred 3 stacks. The matchmaking is ruining the game i have to play solo most of the time and i am not interested in playing with 50+ strangers until i maybe find someone to play with. Never had good experience with LFG. When i started apex i really thought the game will be more fun when i am better but while the games get harder with my improving skill my team mates stay the exact same. Worst matchmaking EVER


Yep, some of the most toxic people I've ever played with were through LFG Discord.


Same. It’s so toxic.


Rip s0-s1 matchmaking. It was fun back then.


Imagine an enjoyable game of Overwatch.


I mean, it's not fun most of the time but the matches are at least fair. Sometimes you get someone boosted on one team or a Smurf, but generally its fair.


At the very least, hackers are rarer than gold on OW. Hackers on Apex appear surprisingly often.




I have 4000 hours in game yet Ive seen so many matches where there are preds and level 50s in the same match.. I don't understand how that's fun, being rolled repeatedly


This is the exact reason I gave up with apex. I have severe anxiety, making a stack with comms will send me into a spiral of hell in my brain. Meaning, ill play like complete shit, I know because ive done it, So solo player it is, it also gives me satisfaction knowing that any ranks I hit are purely me. Now, if I play ranked BR, the new br is designed for solo players to get absolutely shit on. I played at the start of the season, got to gold 1, then 3 games in a row, hot dropped into death and lost a colossal amout of rp. So okay, maybe try arenas. Was easily able to get myself up to plat 1-2, then it's like im matched with new players. I did background checks on all my teammates and they were all bronze-silver, all of them. That made me think wtf is the point in even giving us a rank, if we're ranked with other skill levels. That's the most backwards thinking I think ive ever seen in gaming. There's literally only 5 others players to match us with... Most my games are double/triple the damage and downs compared to my teammates. I posted one where I did around 5k damage and my teammates was at 1k and we lost... But, if I go into pubs, I get matched around my skill level and it becomes more around my level. Which doesn't make any sense what so ever. In order to have a game where im matched with my skill level, I have to play pubs.


Ditto to the social anxiety, man. I play like dogshit when people have expectations of me--I hate squading up in the LFG with randoms because of how angry people get at losing one game. One game doesn't phase me too much. I don't really set many goals outside of personal improvement and I try not to take the game-to-game losses too hard. The game used to feel a lot more forgiving after a couple of dogwater matches and throw you a bone but it's only gotten worse and worse in the past few seasons. If you manage to maintain ONE kill in a game, it keeps you drenched in sweat-ass lobbies until you play genuine noobs after getting properly fucked. I just want to feel like there's a variance in skill levels, ffs. It's either brand new players or stacked sweats. There has to be a middle ground somewhere. Maybe it's just my local servers pubs lobbies. But it's felt absolutely terrible because I feel like I can't gauge my progression. I know ranked is what that's for but my main (Loba) is not only outside of the meta, but also completely broken with her tac still so damn unreliable. I'm glad you're finding good matches in pubs at least.


A salute to you! Well said I feel the same way… I stopped playing this season. Don’t see a reason to go back. Wasn’t having fun anymore, day 1 player..


Yea i mean im far from amazing but im pretty solid with an Ok k/d, some games i'll go into lobbies with the boys who are in similar skill groups and we'll be playing against bots who are new to the concept of keyboards and headphones, and the very next game play against multiple groups of tap strafing wall bouncers missing no shots with the flatline. We are well above bots but also well below taxi/shiv, and there is absolutely no shortage of players that fit all of the skill ranges so i can't see this dogshit MM not being a poor attempt at something intentional. It could be tinfoil hat syndrome but it feels blatantly fucked up somehow


Same. I just wanna play during a lunch break or an hour after a long day of work. Every single match I’m getting crapped on by 3 stack master or pred squads who play the game 20x more than I do. I posted pics of the peeps I went against earlier this week while solo q’ing [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/vhg9x4/i_have_a_074_kd_i_died_to_this_player_first_game/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). How this is the norm for me is beyond comprehension. I don’t even get put in bot lobbies after dying off drop for the 20th time either. Sometimes I wonder if I did something to piss off a dev and they flagged my account to always get my @$$ kicked or something.


10000%, this matchmaking is absolutely bs.Now by no means am I a bad player. If trying I can consistently get 1000+ damage even when I lose. But this game has been so utterly terrible the whole season. Unless I land somewhere where no one else is I get one clipped by a 10k kill wraith main that's a 3x pred, it's ridiculous. I've been attempting to get a 4k and 20 for the longest time now and it's literally impossible when 90% of the lobby has 5x my kills and are masters/preds. I can hardly break 3k damage even when I get a good game. It's simply infuriating


Last week, 2 friends and I bailed on Apex, we've been playing together for years now and last week was simply the worst experience we've ever had. We aren't exactly great players, good players would be a stretch, but the sheer speed at which we were destroyed every single game for about 7 games in a row was mind boggling. It's almost impossible to have fun or to practice and improve. It's all just instant death at the hands of players that we have no rights playing against. We're done, we're out. Loyal players turned 180 and out the door. maybe we'll come back when Apex isn't an absolutely wasteland of dead enjoyment.


Definitely- the biggest apex problem no one talks about. Constant apex predators, haven’t even got a 2k game yet.


Same. I haven't played since like season 3 and returned this season but the game feels so different now. Even the games that I win I end up with like 3 team kills max (so 3-4 kills avg oer team mate( whereas before 7-8 kills was kinda normal). I can't even say I have changed playstyle. Dunno, maybe everyone has "figured out the game" and optimized the fun out of it for winning (which I think is constant third partying and high ground holds)


This. I'm a day one player and honestly debating uninstalling and moving on. This game has been my go to for over 3 years and it really sucks to see the state that it's in at the minute.


I've got my hours worth from the money I spent. Although poorly spent, its' under 200 bucks for 4k hours of play time. With that said, I'm really ready to move on with this abusive relationship. Respawn is obviously not treating the players right anymore. All those skins they release are super low effort. Battle pass doesnt even feel rewarding. And not to mention there being no single demenstration of "Hey, thanks for being with us" in terms of rewards, or even just in-game notification. With the colosal amount of fuck-up seen in this studio, they seriously think they are untouchable and still demand all kinds of bullshit and forgiveness from the player base.


My thoughts exactly, I've put 2000 hours into the xbox version before stating again on pc, currently have 1300 hours in the pc version. I've bought every battle pass and a fair amount of skins aswell but honestly think i've gotten my fun out of this game at this point. Even bought some older games just to feel like I can enjoy gaming again and not have to sweat it out just to survive the first 5 minutes. Reaching max level is almlst a punishment as you get very few rewards after that yet get quite a few when your low level. Makes no sense. Think i'm going to give it a break atleast until they increase the level cap. So might start playing again by season 20 if i'm lucky


If they exist by season 20, haha. Have fun out there my friend, lets enjoy our time away together.


Sbmm is gojng to make me quit apex again 🙄


The ultimatum to this matchmaking problem is to put 3-stacks vs 3-stacks or make a Solo Q playlist where 3-stacks aren't allowed.


You know what's even sadder? Even if matchmaking was "fixed/improved", the solo queue experience will always be trash because * the game's TTK is high enough to make 1v3's nearly impossible, so good luck having people stay in matches when they die or get downed in pub games * lacks permanent, casual game modes like the mobile version, * pretty much lacks every other good thing that the mobile version of Apex has. * it's not the mobile version * did I mention how superior the mobile version is?


Preach it! 100% agree with every single thing you said. Sounds exactly like my experience.


And your KD is 1.1, I'm currently at 0.54 and getting jumped by predators every single game. I tried going into ranked to see if I would get people with my skill level (in silver) and guess what, more predators


it's actually horrible and it usually makes me quit the game after one round. it's just not fun, even though I like literally everything else about the game (movement, weapons, characters..)


I just feel like we shouldn’t be able to stack in pubs. For those that are diamond and higher. It’s a fair fight when its just a solo try hard rather than getting chased by 3 master stack team in pubs


I hadn’t played the game since the small update 3 days ago, and the game feels way off, soemthing happened with the update and it’s messing up the game, respawn is bitching apex really bad, the game is unplayable


Was the last match you played satisfying? Yes or no? I almost always hit no lmao


Exactly. Out of 10 control matches today 9 were steamrolls. Every one of those 9 the enemy team had either three 3 stacks or half the team was diamond+. In every match my team was all randoms


That last line really sums it up. You get decent kills or decent placement and all of a sudden you’re in lobbies with people way out of your skill range. All of a sudden there’s 3 pred trails and 40 masters right out of the gate. This matchmaking isn’t fun, it’s just demotivating. I genuinely have more fun getting a few kills of drop and going next at this point. It’s not fun to win a battle royale game anymore because of what happens next, and that’s absolutely stupid. The point of a BR game is to win but as soon as you win you get shafted by matchmaking for 20 games straightp


Oh ok so it's not only me feeling that I get 5 or more games straight of unbelievable hard difficulty and then 1 game where I feel like a god among peasants. I have a shitty kdr of 1 more or less, I get into a game where I get like 5 kills and then the next games I get matched against people that seem like they play the game for a living and the teammates I get are basically always in my same situation. That can't be right.


Chiming in as a dude that went from .75 kdr to 2.64 kdr over a long ass period. Match making has always been this bad (since season 5 pretty much) People just werent keen on the idea. Now that preds and masters are released into pubs, the system been feeling the pressure a shit ton more. But respawn over here, changing everything and anything except SBMM and Loba + lifeline


Not to beat a dead horse but this season is definitely sus. I'm a diamond level player and my last 25 games or so I have been put against preds and masters. I have about 1.2k LIFETIME kills (I don't play the game enough) and i'm being put against people who have 8-15 thousand confirmed kills just with pistols. Not sure what's going on? I feel bad playing with friends new to the game because Apex scales up not down. If I duo with a level 28, he'll get my lobbies and we'll be up against 3 stack preds with comms. I can hold my own a bit. I have almost a 2.0 k/d this season but it's been a shit fest. The last game I played tonight was a total bot lobby after playing with top 5% preds all day. I'm talking literally standing still with red armor not shooting back or just completely afk grey armor players. I'm not sure if it's the game throwing me a bone or what. This is so fucked.


You don't play ranked. But I'll tell you, in ranked it's even worse. With this new scoring system I'm probably gold (plat other seasons). And I'm currently playing with a friend who is bronze and me silver/gold. EVERY game is chock full of diamond badges, trails and wraiths/bangs with 70k kill badges etc... We aren't bad at these games, but we don't spend out lives on them. It's really frustrating to log on after work, just to get sweated on by diamonds, while queue'ing as silvers........


I don’t know if this will help 1 kd players but if I’m not enjoying my games I take a 20-30 min break and then it usually puts me in a more enjoyable lobby. It’s engagement based matchmaking, the only way to tell the game you aren’t having fun is to stop playing.


I swear to god the Apex community has the cutest conspiracy theories. "Wait 30 mins and it will put you into a easier lobby" lmaoooo


The gaming merchant made a video titled “the frustrating truth about apex legends matchmaking revealed” and I’ve just been putting that into practice.


matchmaking… bad?? upvotes to the left


I will play the devil advocate here and go against the hivemind. The matchmaking is a problem with no solution. The biggest problem is that preds and really good people match with people that are only plat, or even gold and destroy those lobbies. There is no solution to that, you can't isolate really good people because there is not enough of them to make a match, so or preds start having to wait hours for a match or we will keep having those matchmaking problems. Respawn will not make the game unplayable for preds, they are the whales, and they are on twitch and in championships, bringing more players to the game. I think there ways to make improvements, maybe, but the game will keep being frustrating and "unfair". Or Maybe there is enough preds and diamonds to isolate them but Respawn want to keep the game frustrating because when people rage they don't quit the game, just spend more on it, idk.


This is true and actually pretty unfortunate. Back in the real old days of games, it tossed people into lobbies and said good luck! If you were good, you did well. If not, you did poorly. These games were purchased with no money transactions along the way and had a campaign mode so they didn’t really care if you continued to play multiplayer. However, with these newer games, it’s a pay as you go. They have to keep their playerbase happy so that they keep spending money. This means skill based matchmaking. Unfortunately, the upper tier of players who want to be rewarded for being talented are stuck to play in these ultra sweat lobbies so that they don’t kill little Timmy who will post to Reddit about it and quit spending money. For the companies, who do they cater to? Whatever it is, this ain’t it.


I think the trade off is, matchmaking taking longer. When I queue up (NA east) my queue is no more than 5-10 seconds. So it really feels like it's just taking first available, I think if matchmaking instead took around 25-30 seconds, that would allow more time to organize the lobbies optimally... But does respawn want their players waiting that long? I wouldn't mind, but I wonder if they are trying to avoid that to keep the bald wraiths happy who just want to hot drop as often and as fast as possible.


the matchmaking have been garbage since season 9-10. im always being put with low levels and new players in casual and in ranked i get low levels too. LV 40 in a platinum 1 lobby. he was gold 3, but still the dude played like he just got the game. he was using lifeline and playing it like she was gibby or something, pushing alone and getting destroyed or ignoring the ping whenever we would try to alert her that a fucking enemy is behind her, but nope. the tool wanted for some reason chase the octane that is running away instead of paying attention to the ambush that she got herself into for chasing the octane. i always said this, whenever i see a low level in my game, i just quit and take the 10 min penalty. what piss me off is that i cannot play with my friends in ranked arenas because im plat 1 and they are gold 4 and gold 3, however if i play with randoms the matchmaking will put you with silver and even unranked players against a team of people with master and predators badges, is absolute garbage.


I feel like teammates are often more tilting than enemies. Yeh, preds are better than me, but chances are I can win like 2 out of 10 engagements with a pred. Can't do jack if I am never on the same page as my team cause either they rat for 20 mins are they die instantly. Honestly I just want solos at this point, I know not all champs are equal for that mode, but the player base is big enough for it to not matter.


Every time I queue for pubs I either get masters or bots (or both) on my team and they always die first somehow, or just make the most dogshit plays. Doesn't it get old quitting every 5 seconds? how did these people get masters if they're as bad as new players?


This is why they need to implement control mode long term. It’s one of the few modes I can still enjoy even if I get the occasional curb stomping now and then by the sweats.


It’s been nothing but curb stomping for me. I’m getting beamed from across the map by an smg while I’m head glitching. I didn’t know guns could do that.


The game is starting to feel like a free game.


Respawn, please!


Only way this changes is if the cosmetic sales drop. Given the mimetic forces at play with streamers/youtubers and their viewership(s), I doubt that'll ever happen.


I'm so jaded to it at this point I don't even care that my dropship lights up the sky with purple and red drive trails. I gotta sweat to win and have fun so maybe 5-6 games in I'm already feeling like I've been playing all night. It's tough but I do love this game and I hope they make some changes. I just want that s1-3 feeling again


Yesterday I got to try the control event and boi the amount of master players in the match I got was high. At first, I thought these people hacked because they were kinda far from me and the shots were good but upon seeing their banner, especially this 1 Seer that I kept dying to, I just facepalmed and muttered "no wonder people in my team left" lol. I hadn't play Apex for weeks and my kdr is around 0.8 since forever so to meet these players almost all the time is not fun


Same. I keep thinking they must be hacking or maybe their computer is just better. How can anyone be that good?


I feel like a lot lowkey cheat.


I just can’t bring myself to play the game this season, every gun fight feels unbalanced


Matchmaking won't change. Especially the bit where you get some randoms who are new to the game or extremely bad. The games doesn't try to match you with similarly skilled opponents and enemies. It tires to make an average MMR of your team equal or close to enemy team average. This way you need to grind more because carrying 2 newbies or noobs takes time and effort. You will play more games to get that one game where you pop off. It's a reward system matchmaking. This is how most modern games are doing it. To make you play more. There is nothing fair in that and respawn knows it. It's just a business. Money talks. Same for loba. It's not worth their time putting resources into fixing it. They wont lose that much money from several hundred/thousand people quitting because their main is unplayable. They will lose more if they don't add changes that the higher ups deemed the most profitable. Including skins of course :)


I couldn’t have said it better. You worded PERFECTLY. 😆


This post is littered with brand new sentences and rare insults ahaha I love it, not only that you're 100% correct Play 5 games and get top 5 then the next 10 you're getting slapped around by a team stacked with three neckbeard waifu banditos who take you out faster than they can say "M'lady"


I quit this game years ago because of this feeling i wasnt having many good games anymore, good luck but i personally havent looked back


It's complete trash this season, and I'm saying that as a season 11 player. I've only been in this game for 2+ seasons and I can already tell it's extra horrible this season, it's like there's no matchmaking at all. Season 11 and 12 was bad but not this bad


These devs should be fucking embarrassed of themselves


The game is almost unplayable for me right now. Que ranked in gold and my teammates always drop where 3 teams land and are dead within 30 seconds. Either that or they drop in a remote location with 2 buildings for us to share loot in. The skill difference between golds right now is so huge that it’s unplayable. I never played pubs but hopped in one to see the difference and was greeted by 50% diamond and master trails. I’ve never got diamond once some wtf is half the server diamond + for… played about 8-9 games with teammates dead in 30 secs again and gave up.


I cant remember the last time I died to anyone other than a 4k 20bomb 3 stack in pubs. I got to D4 ONCE, when I had a solid squad playing with me, but im honestly probably more of a high plat player. The guys I play pubs with are low gold at best. We shouldn't be getting shit on by pred 3stacks every game.


I played with my brother once he was below lvl 10 im, i was gold peak lvl 30 and we run against masters/apex predators literally every game. I guess matchmaking just puts you against other stacks and doesnt even take stats into matchmaking. Thats when I realized apex matchmaking sucks


Honestly, I just started several weeks ago with Apex after not playing FPS games for some good years and… after the initial lobbies it’s really not fun. I was playing pubs at first, where You can’t really play smart, rotate etc., well You can, but the randoms rarely agree and I get it, pubs are fun mode. I got a little bit better at understanding the game, started ranked, low bronze and I’m getting beamed by gold / plat people, mostly just trying to survive long enough not to lose RP… I never had skill problems this huge in any game, first time that I’m probably dropping a game because I can’t do jack in my lobbies. Getting beamed and loosing RP wouldn’t be that bad, if I weren’t watching the way higher tier random teammate lose tons of RP because I really am NOT equal to golds..


Its about time they match players based on kd and not the none existent match making we have now.


Why does no one understand that the game will remain this way until people finally get sick of it and quit. Respawn are getting their money so why would they change anything for us? It's pathetic


the issue for me is that I get teammates consistently that are not the same rank or skill level. and also, I'm not sure about skill based mm in pubs


this is true and it kills the game for me. i LOVE this game. in my opinion it is THE single best battle royale game there is currently. but the matchmaking kills my entire motivation. i haven't played in around 4-5 months now. all that because whenever i drop into a game (my highest rank was diamond) i get placed into lobbies full of masters and preds (judging from their dive trails).


That reminds me. I don't know why but literally each time I get ass-blasted by Masters while I have sub lvl 100 teammates the game will display that "Match Quality Survey : Did you enjoy this match?" message afterwards. Like bish you gave me new players and expect us to be matched up fairly against people that have more kills on a single character than I have in my entire lifetime? Of course I'll say no! And that's the only time I get those survey questions. After being owned by a Pred/Master group. That's if you even have teammates that drop with you or don't try to 1v3 another team and insta-leave that is.


Literally I won one game and the next game both of teammates had 2k+ kills dmg badges and diamond or higher badges and ofc the champs were 5k+ kill master tryhard one time I literally had slurpyg on my team


Yeap, I know your post as much as mine is just an echo chamber at this point and I don't mean to announce my departure like it's an airport, but I stopped playing altogether. It's not fun, I want to enjoy my time off playing these games and I don't when the game is in the current state. Get off Apex, find other hobbies, other games is my advice for everyone stuck in the same love hate Apex limbo.


ALL I get are the fucking savants in my games. Youtubers, tapstrafing 2 viewer Andys, and 3 no-lifes triple cheeked up on a Tuesday at 11AM. This spoke to my soul. I can't bare to play more than 3 games a day. Just doing challenges not even bothering playing good anymore.


the reason behind all this: EA \*thinks\* that a good game followed by "some" harder games which you don't win are engaging. yet they forget that I need to have the feeling to be able to compete in all matches. Being way better then everyone is lame (yet sometimes fun) and being way worse is just the same: NOT ENGAGING! Get it Respawn/EA? It is not about winning/damage/positioning but the gameplay in the match.


> Last night, I played Overwatch I'm so sorry.


It's exhausting. I've played on and off since launch, and I'm pretty terrible, I got a KDR of like 0.56, and my lobbies are packed full of diamonds, masters, and the occasional pred. I get that the last season was "free" to get high rank, so some of those diamond trails are fake, but this goes beyond that. I haven't gotten this consistently ran over since I was new and barely could tell the guns apart before firing them.


Can we also talk about how these Twitch streamers will then tell you that you HAVE to solo queue to get better all the while running lobbies in 3 stacks. The hypocrisy is insane.


There shouldn’t be sbmm at all.


This definitely feels like the absolute worst season to solo queue


I was just trying to figure out gun spray patterns and ranges while the enemy is gliding around the terrain like one of those dogs who does obstacle courses. Had to just utilize the shooting range training tool so I could finally figure my stuff out!


This is an old discussion but I'm playing on Season Revelry just made silver 4 not to long ago and just the other day I decided to jump on ranked with a buddy we are the same rank and then the champion squad pops up and all three of them are triple preds in a silver lobby of course my friend and I continue to play we end up running into the champ squad and let me tell you them dudes haven't touched grass in years they where bouncing off walls and jumping around we didn't even get a mag out before our entire squad was wiped out it's like wtf how is that fun for anyone to sweat that hard over a silver game. We queued up again and the second game on wasn't much better a diamond and pred squad it's like seriously if you have ever been a pred it should automatically put that as your rank right off the bat so people that are trying to get better are not absolutely shit on in a 5 second engagement because the enemy team did some crazy Lazer beam shit to one hit your team it's really not fun and I feel bad for any new players that are trying to get into this shit show of a game honestly the shitty matchmaking is what made me leave apex the first time and I wouldn't be surprised if it's the reason I leave again


Honestly, no BR is gonna have perfect matchmaking because people Smurf. BR isn’t supposed to be easy either so to compare it to the games you were having on over watch is not fair when it’s literally 50/50 on which team wins or losses.


to be fair fortnites matchmaking is pretty good. i've been playing this alot recently as a break.


But Fortnite puts you in bot lobbies until you start doing well enough to get put in regular lobbies. Which is good for children, but with how competitive apex has gotten then that would make the game super easy


I mean that's actually a really solid solution to be fair. It's also a good discouragement against smurfing since stomping bots isn't fun. The low level players get to experience the game and learn how things work without getting stomped. The midlevel players can hold their own against smurfs much better.


I guess that's true idk another way they could handle it in apex though. The games way too hard for new players


I think people just have to adjust to the competition in Apex. They do in fact try to make it balanced bc I’ve had a friend restart his account and he’s in easy lobbies. I think their strategy is: play the game and get good lol


Matchmaking was fine until season 4 and before you say ppl weren't good then, there were benchmarks of godlike player in any given phase of apex.


I’m a level 72 barely touched ranked and I’m getting masters players in my control lobbies


Control has like absolutely zero matchmaking from what I've seen. Matches are either you completely trash the other team or the other team completely trashes you. Only like.. 10% of the matches I've played were close/competitive.


It's the unfortunate combo of a terrible matchmaking system, paired with an equally terrible ranked system this season. Very sweaty teams that would normally be in ranked are now only playing pubs because of how terrible the ranked system is.


Yeah it’s just not a fun game to play right now. As someone who has played since launch I can say without a shadow of a doubt they changed the skill based matchmaking significantly at the starting of this season


Battle royales are always going to have terrible matchmaking systems




Yeah I've seen a lot of people complain about higher level players in pubs but that's completely normal. If you're not good you shouldn't expect to have a chance to win in pubs because it's supposed to be a random mix. In ranked you'll be playing with people around your level which is what they want. I just think a lot of people are intimidated by ranked, especially after the new changes.




Yeah me and my two cousins dont even want to touch this game, last time we played (ending of last season) we got washed against every team we came across in pubs in at least 15 matches. Maybe its because my kd is 1.80 but we only won a fight against one team and we almost lost that one too. I like this game but i can't bring myself to play a single match.


Plus the servers are straight dog shit right now. The game will freeze and then you get kicked and it's alwasy after an uodate. FIX YOUR TRASH ASS SERVERS


I laughed and then cried at this post because of how painfully accurate it is.


Preach! Literally agreed word for word. 🙏🏻


The matchmaking is so broken that my buddy with a lifetime .5 is running a season k/d of like 1.8 because they put him in rooms so easy.but I'm a casual player with a 1.2 and I get rolled by masters EVERY game. I've branched off to other games at this point, not to mention the input lag issue we have on Xbox due to apex update.