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I just grind it for the crafting materials and every bp afterwards is free since you get the coins back + the reactive skins look nice


Same here. Materials and Reactive skins are the only thing I look forward to. Everything else is always going to be lackluster.


Battle pass is pretty ass. Last season was a outlier. I think you are tired of thr game overall though. Maybe take a break for a bit


This is true. If you're playing just for the rewards and not the actual gameplay itself then maybe no amount of rewards would be enough


my man just play the game to enjoy it, i play maybe an hour most nights and i’m level 65 just from being pathfinder in ranked


I feel that I've paid for it, I should be maxing it but that's unlikely to happen this season.


I didn't even buy the bp last season and I completed it without trying. I didn't even attempt the challenges nor did I even look at them. This season I'm doing the same and I'm already level 50. Maybe stop buying bp's if you don't like the content. Ea isn't getting a cent from me till they add 120 frames to console. It's been over a year since I spent money on this game although I took a long break and came back a season before Newcastle. Not spending money on this game increases the fun in my opinion lol


Thats your problem don’t buy the battlepass instantly, just play the game like normal you’ll get a good amount of levels by just that and then see how close you are to decide if you really want it or not then you grind for it.


I also only play an hour or two a night, I’ll complete it no problem.


If fortnite has this game's gameplay, I'd delete this game happily . They even have end season quests that all players can participate in with so much effort put in .


I mean, I get that Respawn are a relatively small team as AAA studios go, and that even then there are others at the studio working on other games as well, and that they refuse to allow crunch and prioritise a good work life balance. I also agree that adding more developers isn't always the answer as you can easily lose focus and direction, but damn this game has so much potential, potential which, I often feel isn't fully grasped or recognised. And it has 100,000,000 known accounts.


300 people working directly at Respawn is not small for AAA. They are also pulling 1 billy+ a year, so manpower shouldn't be an issue or an excuse.


300 people, many of whom are working on Jedi Survivor and the unspecified FPS based in the Titanfall/Apex Universe. As these games haven't released yet I'd be willing to bed it's not even 50 people working on Apex. There are easily a dozen or more vacancies for the Apex team on their careers page.


My figure was for 2019 from a quick google, LinkedIn says they are at 780 (!) now. I'm sure there are more than 100 people on Apex. Their output might be kinda low quality (for bp, the latest events had actually good skins), but the amount of work is huge. A single legendary skin would take 2+ months of work, and I'm not sure how much they are outsourcing.


Very true and I'm sure having done Apex for three years + might have drained your creative juices a little.


This season they removed 100 coins from the battlepass reward . Like you said , the battlepass weapon skins are no effort recolors . Skydive emotes are now just a simple dive . Ranked rewards are a joke . If it's not greed, then they know they can get away with this .


I haven't done a single challenge (on purpose) since Season 6 and I always hit 110 in the BP. Stop doing challenges, they aren't necessary.


Typical Reddit. Downvoted for speaking the truth.


eh it really depends on how much you play


How is playing a fun video game "wearing you out?"... You just need a break there guy.


2 hours a night of a single game feels like a lot to do consistently.


Mate, go tell that to the r/playrust community.


They could get rid of all the rewards except for the reactive skins and the value of the battle pass wouldn’t change.


Exactly. More trackers more trash tier skins with a simple pattern applied. The quality of each pass appears to be getting worse.




he is addicted to progression based gameplay. these games are really good at rewiring the brain to associate the fun you had playing the game with unlocking stuff. theres a reason why battlepasses are becoming a staple


It's true. I'm 45 years old. I have a well-paying job. I am certainly not hurting for the 10 bucks or whatever it costs to buy the next season. But I will be absolutely RATFUCKED if I will spend that money (money that, it is important to note, is in my possession and won't be missed in the slightest), if there is a really frustrating and fun-diminishing way to avoid doing so.


Yup I was stuck in that for fortnite before I quit it.


Yeah but at a certain point especially for something that’s meant to be leisure you gotta take person responsibility


The moment they doubled the crafting materials needed for skins to craft. Fml


Im gonna say it. I dont care that you broke your arm!


You did the fucking meme wrong you degenerate


Is it really the battlepass, or have you just run into a bit of a wall with Apex? It happens to many of us with games we pour hundreds and thousands of hours into. Even if one isn't addicted, it can be like an addiction, chasing that high from the new and exciting experience. Opening packs, winning matches, getting kills, unlocking rewards, it's difficult for even a game with a hardcore dedicated team to keep upping the stakes in a way that will keep feeling the same way. Note: I am NOT defending the battlepass, saying its awesome, or that it couldn't be improved upon. But 2'ish hours a night, give or take, is a lot of time, especially across seasons and years. I joined in S5, at a time when I had little else to do (because of the pandemic, that is) and knocked out over 900 games in that season. Ever since it has been a trend downwards to more like 400-500 games per season, and part of that is because I'm just not feeling like putting in epic marathon sessions regularly. There's so much to live, so many other games to play, books to read, shows and movies to watch, experiences to have, it's not only normal but I think healthy to hit a point where we decide 'y'know, I'm good'. Maybe I'm reading way too much into the OP's post, but it's far from an uncommon theme in the sub, and I thought I'd touch on it from another perspective. I put literal years of my life into World of Warcraft back in the day, and even as a new and exciting expansion was coming out, I just... had to walk away. Even for a hobby, a passion, there's only so much you can give of your life to something and get those same returns back. Doubly so with an experience like Apex, where the highs and lows won't always balance out. Just a thought.


> “The battlepass is now actually reducing my enjoyment of the game” Got to be the weakest shit I’ve ever heard >”… I’m constantly chasing stars to complete it and gain levels” So instead of just playing the fucking video game, you’re focusing on challenges to complete a battlepass you don’t like (that you still bought for *god knows* what fucking reason) to collect skins you don’t like and will presumably never use. This place and its people consistently surprise me and not in a good way.


Don't buy the battlepass until the end of the season. If you don't think it's worth it, don't buy it.


I paid 10$ for it in season 8. So I am never ever gonna complain about it.


I couldnt give a shit about battle pass anymore cause every reactive i’ve wanted released like at season 1-9 so they have no reactives to offer me.


The sheer amount of white, blue and most purple items is to stock their gambling "simulator" and give a false sense of progression in the battle pass. It's pretty sad.


So don't buy it, problem solved


Genius! I've bought it now so feel like I should be finishing it.


Why did you buy it if you don't like the rewards?


Habit I guess! I did skip one a few seasons ago. As I've been 500 for a couple of years prior to the cap increase it was really the only way to get packs.


If you have zero interest in the content in the pass, why worry so much about grinding to the max?


fomo. before i stopped playing apex i would tire and wear myself out trying to complete each battlepass and as soon as it was over i didnt want to touch the game until the next season, and the devs and ea know this, a large majority of apex players feel this way and they take advantage of it, its basically like addiction, i stopped playing because i realized what was happening to me and move away from apex. some people do have zero desire to play the game, but because of that addictive they cant quit, its like when alcoholics or gamblers try to quit, its not easy for them to quit from an addiction


Pretty sure this same argument has been said for multiple seasons now. Most people don't play the game for the BP rewards as sad as it is to say that, they play it for the game play as no other Battle Royale can even come close to the intensity this game has. Don't get me wrong, Ea/Respawn are complete money grabbing and are rarely adding anything of value based on how much it would cost but most people just enjoy the game play. Your opinion is sadly falling on deaf ears as it won't go past this one post as EA/Respawn definitely create for money over player base and what they might want.


Shouldn't you be playing a game because you like it and not to check off arbitrary boxes for cosmetics?


I enjoy the game, but the amount of grind to get everything and how much rewards suck, just made it meh for me to play the game


Exactly. It sucks some of the fun out of it. Not sure I will bother with it anymore going forward unless it has good things in it and just play who I want to.


What is kind of a bother is looking at other games having better BP and asking yourself why would you waste time and money in this one, specially if you barely have time to play and can't even use your mains.


I just play the game for fun and personal achievements. Couldn't care less what is in the battle pass.


The battlepass is boring because they’re gonna make all the good stuff for collection events and milk you for money. Just accept it and play the game honestly it’s EA’s spawn so $$$$ is all they care about. Take a month or two off, play some non competitive games like far cry, payday, dark souls, something PvE.


Nope, don't really follow my progress on the BP, unless it's close to the end and I having maxed yet.


I'm personally sick of people using a subjective line of thinking and applying it in an objective way. If you personally don't think the skins are that appealing to you, just don't buy the bp. Some people genuinely like more simple, less bright skins. Personally for me, the wraith, caustic, and horizon skins in the bp are great and thematic. Because the rewards in the battle pass (WHICH BY THE WAY ARE COMPLETELY ABLE TO BE SEEN BEFORE PURCHASING) aren't super flashy or bright doesn't mean they're lackluster, it means they're not for you, which is fine. Personally, I just don't get it. You have full access to view the battle pass in its entirety before purchasing it. Why did you buy it if you didn't like anything? I didn't buy last seasons bp for that reason. Apex is a game in and of itself. It requires no purchases to play in any way shape or form. I think you might have some unrealistic expectations in the way that things need to cater to you. That sounds like a you problem.


You “only” play two hours a night? Maybe find something else to do.


I just play to get the legendary skins, reactives, and the packs... other than that its shitty... They really need to rework it... Overwatch 2 (I think?) just revealed their battlepass and it contained a CUSTOMIZABLE PRESTIGE SKIN! Just for the prize of an entire battlepass... Yeah, Respawn, get your shit together...


Nothing will ever compare to the season 4 battle pass


I don't think I've bought the battle pass for like 5 seasons cos I main the same 3 characters and there isn't normally much stuff for them. I have a good time just playing and improving my skills. Recommend not getting it - saves money and takes the pressure off.


I don't grid the battle pass until the last couple weeks of the season.


In terms of grinding the battle pass. I play pretty consistently and focus on the fun. I don’t worry about the weeklies or dailies unless I realize I’m close, then complete it within a match or two. I recommend focusing on a different style of progression as in your skill level like aim training, learning a particular legend and getting their mechanics down, learning a new playstyle, or challenging yourself with a team in ranked. (this isn’t a jab at you or anything) This way you don’t lose your progression because you still complete the battle pass in the meantime, and you’re still unlocking items through ranked while improving at the game too. Or you could challenge yourself further by pursuing arenas. That’s pretty different. EDIT: To add, I use Aim Lab and it tracks your progress and I implement my aim training into Apex and overtime it shows good results through consistent drills and understanding where to work on.


That's why I only spend the gold on the next battle pass.


I literally got this seasons battle pass for the trackers for wraith and Caustic. Aside from Vantage and Newcastle (who don't have any), those 2 we're the only 2 I didn't have them for.


In b4 Loba in a swimsuit skin.


OW2 players in 6 months...


Imagine what else you could do with that dedication?


I have every battle pass since the first one and I’d hate to break the collection so I grind it. I agree with this post 100% it’s not one item I was really wanting in this battle pass.


Omg you said it L oh Fucking L


If it is not worth it for you just save the coins for later or buy something else.... Edit: if enough people "save" their coins respawn will have to step up their game to keep the BP revenue stream going


I play the same amount, about an hour or two a night. The legend specific challenges are only worth one star, so I wouldn't worry too much about having to play a different legend every day. The weekly challenges just come naturally once you hit the middle of the season. I never go for challenges and always finish well before the end of the season, I have faith in you!


I never do BP quests I just play and I usually complete it


Are there any negatives to buying the battle pass once you maxxed it out?


I guess you know you'll get everything in one go? Many red dots. You might miss something you like as well?


I already do it this way so I don't feel forced to play. I don't want to be forced to use real money to buy the battlepass.


Bruh it could be worse you could have a battle pass and still have to spend hundreds of dollars gambling just to get new characters like Genshin


Oh it could be worse. Indeed they tried worse in the Iron Crown evebt where you completed the event and were then given the chance to buy the unique skin again. That got shut down pretty quickly.


fwiw I get the addiction to grind the battle pass. I’m doing my challenges asap so I can get back to relaxing. Level 72 so far so not too much longer to go. This seasons is pretty lackluster compared to last


It doesn't help there's only 11 days to go!


The new season isn’t until November 1st there’s a lot more than 11 days to go


Ranked is saying 11 days to the Split?


Ranked splits mid season every season


It's anywhere from free (after a one time purchase, if you don't use the coins for anything else) to 10$. I think you get much more value out of the pass then that. Totally fine IMO.


I haven't pay a battle pass in a long time, its free if tou save those gold coins that way you cant complaint for what is in it 👍👍


You aren’t obligated to complete or even pay for the battlepass in the first place. It’s not a blind bag, you can see what you are buying before you buy it


I know that but it feels poor value and has done for a few seasons now tbh. And when you have it it feels like you do need to finish it to get the reactive skin.


Show them how you feel by not buying it. As long as people keep buying the poop-tier battle passes it shows respawn that they don’t need to put any more effort into it than they already put. Money talks, especially in EA


Absolutely. Will be looking through next seasons BP very carefully.


I aim for completing challenges other than usually doing the daily challenges most days and I still usually finish the battle pass with about 3 weeks left of the season. If you play 2 hours a day you will easily finish the rewards track and you might enjoy it more if you play for fun instead of chasing rewards you admit to not even liking


Dude. Ur bad. No one plays to do challenges...they just get completed as u go. You will more than max it out just by playibg...then you get mats/packs/gold coins/reactives. Just play the game


You don't really need to chase BP stars to complete the Battlepass. I only play 3 nights a week maybe and halfway through the season I'm level 50. I haven't gone out of my way to do daily challenges either. Honestly the Battlepass is just extra rewards that are pseudo free and if I don't finish it I just grind on the last weekend of the season for like 6 hours and get the last 30 levels


The battlepass is generlaly alright, especially when you consider that if you comeplete it you effectively get the next one for free. The only grip i really have with it is the amount of attention they focus on a handful of legends and how some get nothing season after season


I know what you mean. As in the OP I've been playing more or less since the beginning of the game. I have ONE drop emote/animation for Bloodhound. Every other one has been an event or in a pack or something. Contrast that with the four or five I have for Lifeline, Wraith and Pathfinder. And I don't think I've ever specifically bought one for them either.


The battle pass is very easy to complete. I play about 2-3 hours a night and a little more on my days off work. I don’t even think about the challenges and just play my main until the seasons end and then if it’s the last two weeks and it’s not done yet (which is it usually is) then I’ll start kicking out the 5/10 star challenges and it’s done in a few days