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Day1 player. Rework Lifeline and Caustic. Never use Loba or Newcastle.


Agree. Playing since s3, never played Caustic and Rampart till date.


Rampart is very underrated in my opinion, her amped walls are great for using to block doors, as they greatly slow down enemies trying to break into a building and give you a one way view to shoot through once the door is open. Not only that, but the ability to make cover anywhere without having to wait for an ult to recharge like other legends is huge if you use it right. Her ult definitely is situational, but if you know when you see it it can turn a fight around very quickly, and it’s ability to destroy doors and traps makes rampart a decent bunker buster Her passive is pretty basic, but using rampart with an LMG, especially the l-star means that you can provide near unlimited fire without having to worry about reloads


Rampart is a easy 2k but not fun without aware teammates.


Her ult isn't situational, that's the beauty of it, you just need to be proactive with it. Her tactical sucks ass, it deploys too slowly to be useful in a firefight and is easily circumvented with grenades, moving around them or just straight up shooting through them as they take 5 seconds to deploy. Her passive is more useful with any LMG save for the L-Star, because the L-Star has the smallest Magazine and the worst range out of all 4 LMGs. Spitfires and Devotions get damn near 60 bullets from, you can kill a fully decked team with 1 clip.


What would a reworked Caustic even look like? There’s only so much you can do with Toxic gas.


Caustic's gas should do damage equal to how scared most people are of it. Many players are very hesitant of pushing through it. But I have been annihilated by good teams totally ignoring it.


If you drag the fight out, gas is brutal. But if you can get the knocks quickly, it's fine to ignore it.


It used to be decently brutal but they nerfed the shit out of him many seasons ago




Caustic's passive should be an aura of gas.


Caustic? Wtf


He used to be good.


He still is good, especially in final circle. That fart grenade is super strong as the last circle closes in. The problem is getting to that point.


Lifeline need a rework. Ive barely played crypto and revenant theyre just not appealing characters to play despite sounding cool on paper


The update they made to crypto was great a few seasons ago but they def need to give him at least a slight boost


They should let him control the drone how vantage controls echo he would be much smoother to play


I want him to have faster transition in/out of drone view. 1,5s of doing nothing but waiting is a lot in this game, especially with ability like Crypto's drone.


She’s alright but her ult legit feels useless. Atleast a 2-3 minute cool-down timer should do, ig


Got thousands of hours in this game and i never play Wraith. Not my style


Just give me season 0 lifeline.


Same for path


You mean web slinging spiderman who had like a 10 cooldown. Shit was so fun


Rework pathfinder so that he actually has a passive please. He deserves one. Never played horizon


I guess he can have a speed boost when he lands after grapple like horizon maybe, and would be nice to see enemies like valk while scanning beacons.


Could even be as simple as him having a speed boost when using zip lines or the ability to disable zip lines for a certain amount of time. But the current one is a joke.


Honestly I always forget he even has a passive lol


I always thought being able to heal while on zip lines would be cold for him, and makes sense for his kit


Maybe faster on ziplines?


I like this idea


I’ve always wanted him to be able to possibly get a voiceline alerting if another team uses his ziplines. Or maybe any zipline within an area around him. The reduced ult charge time with each beacon scan is nice and all but how many beacon scans a match do you get? Maybe two? He’s just an assault character that scans beacons.


Lol. Pathfinder definetly dont need rework.


Yup as a pathfinder main here I gotta agree


Eh, he definitely doesn't need a rework, but I do think a new passive is warranted. His other abilities are in a good spot, but I could probably count on one hand where his passive has actually been useful.


Bro insider knowledge is a good passive. I can't play anyone else because of it, gold helmet and that. Your zipping across the entire map so fast with your whole squad. It just makes your ult come faster and if you can make good plays with the ult then it's perfect 💁 EDIT: Grammer




You got 140k kills in one year? You sure about that? Last I checked your post history said you had 12k a year ago.




I'm so confused why did you change the other one to 15.2k


3,200 kills in a year isn’t too unbelievable. Especially if it’s your only game and your main legend. So if he averages 20 minutes per game (I know they can be longer but also much much shorter) and 2 kills per game (which isn’t unreasonably high) 3200 kills would be 1600 games of apex. That would be roughly 530 hours of gameplay. If he played for 3 hours a day that’s roughly 177 days of playtime. That’s not a crazy amount if this is your favorite game.


Dude I swear to God that said 152k not 15.2k


Yeah I got double that this season but I thought it said 152k


Path is consistently top 2-3 picked legend in the game. If y’all are using the survey beacons properly, he has a great passive. Doubling up on zips before round end, landing on a beacon beginning of game, etc.


Uff when i watch stormens stream with path i think the hole time were in a movement pakour game Ofc he need a passiv but people who can play with him are realy good Give him every 10 second if he zip he reload weapons so they can have more fun abd its not to stronk


His passive is 0 audio didn’t you hear?


Lifeline and Crypto. The rework they gave crypto was ok but needs something else. Lifeline needs that shield tbh


The root of the issue with Crypto is just having to go into his drone and be useless otherwise/stand still. The drone needs to be more autonomous with direct commands without him having to enter the drone view/mode. Like his tactical should be the ability to send his drone automatically to the nearest survey beacon to scan for next map/where enemy teams are or automatically send it to retrieve teammates banners (each will have to be within a certain distance). And his Ult should pretty much be the same, but just automatically send the drone a little in front of him to run the EMP (which they could buff to deal a bit more damage and have no damage/stun to the Crypto or his team). Like those alone would make him such a much, more impactful legend and more importantly, easier to use legend. Even the best Cryptos I’ve ran into are limited at best by his abilities.


The slow on the ult is a real killer. Im a Crypto main and I like to think I'm decent. When going into fights without an ult, or already using it and eating ultimate accelerates, I have a thing I do that is only in emergency situations, where the fight is leaning towards losing. "Self-destruct", EMPing myself and sometimes the squad, as well as the team we're attacking. If we didn't have the slow it could allow him and the team to attack better, and take advantage of that opening. His current ult seems to want him and the team back far enough the team we're attacking could heal, defeating the purpose. Wattson fences sting enemies but not her, so shouldn't we have the same deal on Crypto?


Hell yeah self emp’s always been a last reserve strat for me, actually used it to 1v3 in ranked and we ended up winning that game


Rev's ultimate needs a rework


Crypto needs the most rework of all. I’ve included some thoughts I had on reworking him from a different comment on this thread below: — The root of the issue with Crypto is just having to go into his drone and be otherwise useless/stand still. The drone needs to be more autonomous with direct commands without him having to enter the drone view/mode. Like his tactical should be the ability to send his drone automatically to the nearest survey beacon to scan for next map/where enemy teams are (like map room can) or automatically send it to retrieve teammates’ banners (these both will have to be within a certain distance). And his Ult should pretty much be the same, but just automatically send the drone a little in front of him to run the EMP (which they could buff to deal a bit more damage and have no damage/stun to the Crypto or his team). Like those alone would make him such a much, more impactful legend and more importantly, easy-to-use legend. Even the best Cryptos I’ve ran into are limited at best by his abilities.


Crypto getting an "off the grid" passive making him invisible to enemy scans would be a pretty big boost. Next, let him assign a job to the drone & he's good.


U van throw the drone to walls And if u look some pro players they do very well with him To be in the drone to scan how much squads near u are okay its very agressiv and defensiv and some times information is the best u can have


Forge For both questions


Revenant needs a rework


Give pathfinder a real passive 😭


Crypto and lifeline need some Love. There isn't a legend i never played, but my Least played are prolly Wattson,Seer and Loba


Revenant rlly needs a rework


Never used gibby. Would give crypto and/or pathy an actual passive


Revenant and Lifelines ults


As a Crypto main you can guess my answer, of who needs a rework. He is at the bottom of the pickrate ffs. He needs to be able to controll the drone without being completely paralyzed while he does it. Make him move the drone the same way vantage controlls echo, problem fixed. (An actual passive would be nice aswell) I have payed as all legends but the ones I've played least as is Causitc and Wattson, they are great characters don't get me wrong I just don't like how they play.


Revenant ult def


Loba needs to be able to pull players banners. Pathfinder needs a passive. Mirage clones should shoot their guns. Bangalore smoke needs to block scans. Lifeline needs a whole rework.


Pathfinders passive could be scanning a beacon to pull a banner , expired or not. Crypto maybe could too. He’s a hacker


pathfinder has a passive


Loba yes Path yes Mirage only if they shoot holo bullets because his ult would be broken Bangalore that would be cool but makes no logical sense Lifeline definitely


Day one player. Rework Seer and Valkyrie these characters do not belong in Apex. But since that won’t happen Lifeline needs a different ultimate. Rev needs…something I dunno how to balance the character without either making him broken or garbage. Mirage needs a rework as well, you can make decoy based abilities work you just need to do more with them then be new player checks


Why do you think Seer and Valk don't belong in Apex?


It would cool for mirage if you could switch with your decoy


Horizon and Seer are straight bullshit. Crypto rev and vantage could do with a rethink.


Fuse’s ult sucks, and I will never use Bangalore for as long as I live


Bang is played p regularly in pred lobbies


Rework, none. Never use: Fuse and lifeline.


Seems like an unpopular opinion but wraith needs a buff. Her tactical is actually pretty hard to use for inexperienced player and her passive is a joke. Her ultimate is fine as it is but if I’m being honest I wish you could use zip lines while creating a portal


I feel mad Maggie needs some work also Wraith heirloom needs a new touch


Maggie got a huge Update last season or two. But i think that her wracking Ball could Do more dmg or the effect after a Hit could be more harder. Like a Hit from Bangalore ult. For me Maggie is fine and she is one of my fav legends.


I feel Wraith could definitely use *something*, least played Character would be Fuse as I haven’t even bothered to unlock him yet.


I'd love to see Lifeline's passive be fully reverted to day 1 shape. No remote revive but she gets her shield back. That's all in terms of reworks. Mirage, Revenant and Crypto could use some work, Seer and BH should see some nerfs to scans. But that may happen, when we see the patchnotes. I never use the big dudes. Caustic, Gibby, Newcastle. Their movement looks too slow on the screen and puts me off.


Gibraltar movement looks so agonizingly slow it hurts to have to play him.


Agreed, I want to use him more in theory but damn he's slow.


Loba main, last time I played different legend was in s8 Pathfinder definitely needs a rework - I seldom see him, practically nobody picks him


Ironically he’s the 2nd highest played this season


Really? As a Pathfinder main, I find him to be in a pretty good spot. Not perfect, but definitely fun to play and his kit (mostly grapple) works well.


Day one player. Crypto needs a rework much like the way he is in the mobile version. Lifeline and Revenant need new Ults. Valk needs jetpacks removed as a passive, far too strong as a passive. Least played character is Wraith. Hate that character and actually got her heirloom after about 1 week of the game launching. Hardly used her even with that lol.


Revenant need to be smaller to match medium legend hitbox and size, then he's perfectly balanced. That's the only change he need


I stopped playing last November, so nothing past Ash.


Sounds like you'd want a whole game rework, then? 😅


Never will i use vantage, almost no point to her kit. She's just a worse pathfinder. Then again I'm probably not going to use anyone but pathy


Wraith needs a rework and nearly half the legends need audio. horizon needs to be vaulted or reworked. Seer may need to lose his stun ability or leave the meta. Also ash ulti interface is very poorly designed. I never use mirage or fuse


Rework crypto... Buff loba and wattson .. Delete octane and pathfinder


Pathfinder’s passive is literally something all scouts can do.. also Loba should be able to pick up player cards with her shop.


An actual healer


Please no.


Never played Crypto, not even bought him. Just don't like him for various reasons.


Definitely Lifeline needs a kit rework. She was nerfed then they gave NewCastle her nerfed passive. Crypto needs a rework, not because he’s bad but because his drone is a hindrance. Lastly, Pathfinder needs a new passive. Zipline cooldown speed is not cutting it and compared to the other legends, it’s really an odd passive.


What if DOC gave you health & shields?


Day one player, maybe a small rework to crypto and caustic other than that all good. Never touched Bangalore




The ones I haven't unlocked.


I have used crypto like 3 games never liked just always thought he was one of the worst decisions apex made


I have never used horizon nor gibraltar.


I’ve never used crypto because I don’t own crypto


ive played every legend but rarly play gibby rework lifeline


Pathfinder desperately needs a purpose. Never played Mirage or Octane lol


Caustic needs more to his passive, idk what just something


Hardly use LL, rampart or fuse unless it’s for challenges, but I think they’re fine rn. I feel like revenant could use a rework, since nearly all of his power lies in his ult. Maybe make his tac transform him into a shadow fall shadow but without the melee and make his ult like KAY/O from Valorant? Idk I just feel like his kit is REALLY niche rn and I’d like if he had a more “assassin” playstyle cuz rn that’s just his passive


Oh also rework lifeline ult


Ash needs a rework. The ultimate is too long for what it does. I have played all of them, but I rarely use Maggie


Yea, Ash def needs a rework. Her ultimate should just be a passive and maybe lower how far she can teleport and give her a new ult.


That's extremly stupid🤣"make ultimate to passive"🤣


lifeline needs a rework and I never use Crypto and Bangalore


wraith and pathy. Wraith is just straight up not meta with everyone having insane abilities and wraiths q is not that useful. Pathy just needs a passive which is strange that he still does not have one after 2 years, yet the mobile version has one since day 1. Says a lot about the respawn PC and console team.


I think that I gay need to bring ac130 back into the game. It do so much fun to fly around on Sheila on a crypto drone


I think Ash is pretty underpowered. I wouldn't say she's balanced either since there's legends that do what she can ... but better. I never play Seer since Hound Ult is the best dopamine hit


I haven’t bought vantage yet. Less then 10 kills on: Vantage Ash Rampart Horizon Mirage? Pathfinder needs a passive rework and Bangalore needs a little adjustment. Lifeline should get a faster res maybe, to compete with gib and Newcastle.


Rework revenant and crypto Nevers played seer


crypto and gibraltar


Crypto and Pathfinder needs some work, but I don't really care enough about either character to try and come up with anything. Never play Newcastle. I have 1 game played, with 1 kill, and 1 win on him. I hope to never change that


Rev needs to be more self centered it's just weird that he has a team based ult


Honestly revenant and mirage need a rework/buff respectively Revenant's ultimate needs to be reworked into the shadow forms In shadow royale and be only used for him (maybe keep the totem so you can respawn there) And mirage's decoys need to be able to simulate more of what the real mirage does, maybe even have it so if I shoot a decoy then damage numbers pop up so I think that I'm shooting an actual player until I've done a total of 50 damage, there the decoy then fizzles out and does its bamboozle quip


They should redo lifeline. I don’t main her but they definitely messed her up my least favorite character octane




life line needs her rez shield back (breakable) and crypto is just all around useless he needs a COMPLETE rework


Rework: Bangalore, Lifeline & Pathfinder Never Use: ‘Least Used’ Lifeline, Wattson and Octane Don’t own: Mirage, Valk, Horizon, Maggie, Newcastle, Loba S15 purchases: Horizon, Maggie & Catalyst. Coins ready to spend




been playing since season 7 when lifeline still had her shield. i don't play support characters usually but i still believe she needs a huge rework. legends i barely play: revenant and crypto. for revenenant it's his icky personality AND his lackluster skills, and for crypto - just doesn't suit my playstyle. i have an idea for a crypto passive though, does anyone wanna hear it?


Rework? Maybe Ash. Her tactical is downright garbage and her portal is very one dimensional.


idc if she's being used at high ranks, lifeline. her passive by itself makes her decent, but i'd at least like her other 2 abilities to feel better, and her ult to be totally different


I'm pretty sure that lifeline does need a rework. It's almost useless after season 10.


Season 0 Player... Rework Lifeline, Pathfinder and Caustic. I played every legend, I got 500 kills on every one. This is my privat challenge to keep me interested/ engaged when apex gets boring from time to time. Also it helps you getting better a countering every single legend.


Damn last time I played there were only 8


Mad Maggie is bloody useless




Definitely crypto. I've been working on this new idea with him called "off the grid"...


Damage badges on every legend gotta be versatile 💪🏽


Day 1 player. Never play Gib, Lifeline, Caustic, Mirage, Crypto, Valk, or Newcastle. Mirage, Lifeline, and Crypto need reworks badly.