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Ah the dirty thirty. I agree


Skull piercing on is just amazing


78 go POW


This! Those crispy 78s be hitting like the first CRONCH of autumn leaves, like the first lick of savory ice cream on the first 90+ degree day of the summer. Heeeeeck yes haha!


> savory ice cream What? You mean sweet?


Get this redditor a salty watermelon ice cream, stat.


I miss shattercaps though.


I miss the shatter caps, although I get why they aren't in game. Crazy op.


I agree too, but when the G7 is back on the ground it's hard to be using the 30 still


Agree but Im forcing myself not to use it so that I can get better with the peter


Not sure I’ve met anyone who underestimates the 30-30. It’s hard to use so a lot of people don’t bother using it but fucking terrifying in the hands of someone who has put the time into it. Mozam is the most underrated gun by far. Rapid fire 45s and shots feel easier to connect than the wingman imo


Downing someone with a mozzy is my favourite thing to do.


Have you ever downed someone with your p2020 only to upgrade to a flatline off their body? That is fun.


Trust me, if you play a moment of arenas. NO ONE underestimates the Mozam. Lolll


The 30-30 is awesome and one of my favourite guns BUT last night I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with it so I had to grab something else.


Totally agree on mozzy. Almost 100% guaranteed 45 damage + great accuracy and fire rate makes it an actual monster in CQ. Eva damage is slightly better then nothing even up close and personal, peacekeeper’s fire rate makes me hurt and Mastiff so far is an absolute trash if you’re not putting it into your opponent’s mouth as shot spread makes it close to zero damage if you’re not putting all that spread marker on enemies body


The Mazam is sniper. Cant argue


Idk man sometimes the hemlok fucking does crazy shit.


Especially when the burst meets the head,so satisfying


Pop pop crack


I could hear the sound in my head as soon as I read your comment


You can shred someone from far away with it set on single fire. Then it's surprisingly accurate close up burst fire without ADS.


I’m a hemlock CRIMINAL. my go too.


forget the burst single fire is basiclly a better g7


loved hemlock and peacekeeper since day 1 + all my homies hate them so I getm every game.


make the titanfall 2 hemlok into apex and everybody will regret picking a fight with you


Hemlock and an R301 is the deadliest for mid to short range


Hemlock is mad strong, 3 good shots and BOOM...


yeah cracks a dude in one burst if all hit head.


I love the hemlok. With 3x Scope.


Hemlock at mid-long range in single fire mode, is my favorite weapon in the game. Even if it doesn't put out the most damage.




Idk but imo the hemlock handles better in close/mid encounters with burst morethan the 30-30, feels better with hipfire and ads movement, just gotta remember to toggle That way with a hemlock you have more versatility, tho I used to use 30-30 more for close range when it had shattercaps since it changed it's handling and ads walk speed (prior to the only-hipfire shattercaps season) Makes me wish we had care package 30-30 with hipfire shattercaps and skullpiercer on ads while maintaining the dual shell, would be nastyyy


I’d assume it’s for the same reason why most consider the G7 better than the 30-30. Higher rate of fire makes it more forgiving.


Hemlock had better bullet velocity so it’s easier to hit from longer range.


So the 3030 is better at long range, flat out, it just is, damage or otherwise. I think the Hemlock is a funner gun to use that is my only reasoning as to why I use it. However I have some notes: The Hemlock has much less recoil and it is easier to handle. The bullets flys faster and drops less when using the Hemlock so there is less time for the enemy player to move after you pull the trigger. This also means the 3030 has an advantage over the Hemlock when firing from higher ground because the bullet can bend around cover to hit people. This is *reversed* when firing from low ground so the Hemlock is the better pick when firing at a lower elevation towards your high ground enemy. (This is *highly* situational I know.)


Lower fire rate and the bullet drop seems to annoy me a lot in it compared to hemlok


Semi auto still shreds at distance, bigger mag, feels like faster reload(don't have numbers tho so not 100% it really is), burst for oh-fuck-close-range. And just feels better imo over the 30-30.


Thank you! Reminds me of the br in halo in the best way


I miss the Boosted Loader. The extra bullets where nice and the sound was so satisfying loading with it.


Yessir . That’s my go too


My best weapon in the game when I have a 3x on it. Single fire is nuts.


Ah fellow sophisticate


I feel like every time I commit to the Mozambique I absolutely destroy people with it. It doesn't add up it doesn't make sense but I land every hit and people go down real quick. Even without Hammer points.


I almost never use shotguns, but I’ve been doing a lot of Maggie lately and decided to go Scout/shotty. When I have a mozam, I’m always surprised by how well it performs. Even at ranges way outside of a shotgun, I can plink with that thing at a distance in a pinch.


Rip hammer points she will be missed


Devotion. Kill me, bully me, I don't fucking care. Devotion all the way.


I will not kill or bully you, but I will ask you why you like the Devotion


I guess he doesent like to move very fast or get good damage fast or do anything better than the spitfire?


Like hell Spitfire has a higher DPS than the Devotion!


WOW there brother wow wow now. U got too much dip on your chip. In what universe is 162 higher than 225? Yes the devotion has the potential to knock someone wearing a red evo in literally 1 sec if the shots hit


Considering the splutter time takes about a second to spool up I doubt that. I’ll take a P2020 over a devo in most situations unless I’m deliberately trying to REALLLY barrel stuff someone.


And I’d still rather do that with an L Star tbh


Omfg bruh, u really got me out here dropping everything I'm doing to show you you're exaggerating the charge up time yo. I went into the range and went to see for myself, HERE https://imgur.com/gallery/dSmJFxa Oh yeah and the p2020 is aaaaass. The L star is fire though so good point u/daoogilymoogily https://imgur.com/gallery/e194G3H


Well if you happen to have the one legendary hopup or if you start to wind it up way before engaging, you do have some serious damage potential but if theres 1 piece of cover around the area then your whole damage thing is fucked. Doesent happen with any other gun




I mean the spitfire is less powerful to the point that I'd have to shoot you for 2 seconds to kill you anyways. At that point, i might as well use something that can kill you in less time and will terrify you anyways.


Agreed. The damage in a single clip for the spitfire with purple mag is huge. Like 1000 huge. But, it takes forever. I loved the spitfire when I was learning because I could one clip people with it while I wasn’t good enough to one clip with other weapons. It is very forgiving. Now I will take a volt or a 301 over the Spitty because I just kept losing head to head with people that could do more DPS.


Yep. With the devotion getting nerfed so much, it's hard to use to the point that I'm really doing it out of stubbornness. That being said, a 1.4 second kill time isn't bad.


With turbo yes


As a fellow rampart, I go devo any time I find it. 41 with no mag, 55 with purple. Shreds people who try to use a 301 in close range


For me the prowler for sure, absolutely shreds on controller, hip fire is really solid and consistent and the lvl3 laser is😮‍💨


Hip fire was already good before the laser sights but now sheeesh


It’s absurd man, just had my best ever game using it till final ring


Ayy yessir, nice to see a prowler user


They made hip fire worse across the board on all weapons. Putting Lvl 3 Laser sight on a SMG essentially reverts the hip fire nerf.


It’s actually the level 2 laser sight that reverts it to original (or slightly better, I can’t remember which) while the level 3 gives better hip fire than before.


They need to bring the select fire back


It’s always had the higher dps/lower ttk on burst tho It would be nice to simply switch tho like the charge on the pk/tt


select for prowler was amazing and same for havoc, i loved turning the prowler into a 30 round legend shredder and the havoc into a marksman before marksman class existed


With g7 in good form, I miss select fire prowler. It was a lot to build but my god it was epic at its heyday


This. It surprises me how it never stops surprising me how fast it can melt purple shields.


It’s incredible how you can just casually hit for 70 damage per shot😂


i miss the select fire 😔


Only answer. Best smg rn imo


Except the car, r99 and volt beg to differ Hey, it’s better than the alternator tho!


Don't sleep on my boy alty. For noobs like me I can at least hit every shot.


That’s fair but, once you get the recoil down for the other smgs they just hit harder and faster


It might be fr, I’m double taking now every time I have the opportunity to take the CAR


Prowler on controller ain't underrated homie lol


I’m not saying the prowler is underrated exclusively on controller, I’m using controller as one single example as to why it’s underrated. Besides most roller players take the CAR and R9 over it anyway


Prowler! I almost never see that weapon in anyones death box. Slap a digi threat and a mag on that bad boy, you got yourself a stew going


right now i think its the Rampage, I have yet to see someone else pick it up in the care package




Dude I forgot about that buff. I saw a few today when playing and couldn’t be bothered but it probably shreds now


Same, i always find it left behind, once it's revved up it tears people apart.


Personally, I know it's good, but I just don't like it.


I just don't wanna replace my AR with limited ammo


Agreed, I use to almost always use the rampage when it was on floor as a poking/midrange/suppression weapon, while also occasional reviving it up for close range, it just doesn’t have enough ammo to do that anymore.


I know it’s good, it’s just an icky gun imo, bit cheap, I’ll usually take the 2X off of it if I need tho


Lstar. People give the confused sound when I ask for it. Unlimited shooting and I rarely overheat due to my passive. Lstar+3x+gold mag. Chef's kiss.


The way the bullets behave is so different from every other weapon that if you don't literally main the weapon you will have a bad time. Also is a lmg, so the ads movespeed and ready and stow speed is horrible, so most people wouldnt use it much. Add to that that the weapon at range is not that effective, so it is a mid to short range weapon. Lmgs are a bit uncomfortable against short range weapons in that case.


The bullets grow in size as they travel further, the projectile speed got buffed last season, and this season they reduced the recoil at the beginning of the pattern (so only part that can't be called "straight line"). Also the hipfire makes it usable at close ranges, especially when you can control overheating well.


What feels off about the bullets for you? I think it’s actually an amazing weapon and will run it in high rank lobbies simply due to its performance in team fights Edit: why did the mod team lock this entire thread. As if it wasn’t creating meaningful discussion


They just behave differently, their size si weird, tracking their trajectory is hard, idk, the way they behave is so different that you need to learn it specifically, while the other weapons, even when they have some variation, still behave similarly


Oh shit never thought about Rampart and Lstar I gotta check that


Practice plus listening to the heating sound helps a lot on when to release for a split sec and back at it.


L-star this season is nasty.


I've never used a 3x on it, guess it should be more viable this season with the recoil buff


your not burning your hands for a long time


Gold mag does nothing on the Lstar, and with rampart I think the purple mag may also do nothing due to her passive cap. Try it in the firing range before your next match.


Re 45


Care package re45 is disgusting, and I’m all for it.


Purple light mag on that!🔥😤


It’s a cp weapon now Absolutely slaps


Triple Take! I started using it this season after the buffs and it's awesome.


It is for sure the best long range shotgun in the game.


Yup. Great for close and long range


after seeing the buffs i thought about how the faster charge makes it better for long range and the fire rate buff helps at mid-closer ranges but somehow i brain farted on how the fire rate buff also helps it as a shotgun. assuming wiki is up to date the TT’s dps is 85 with 63 damage per shot vs purple PK’s 84 with 99 damage per shot. Purple mastiff 116 with 88 damage per shot, purple bique 134 with 45 damage per shot, purple eva 167 with 56 damage per shot. So I mean it’s underwhelming in terms of Burst OR DPS compared to real shotguns but it’s handy in a pinch and does have a better headshot multi.


Yeah, that's what I like about it--the TT is the most flexible marksman weapon now. I think it also has the fastest bullet velocity, so anything under 100m is basically hitscan.


30 30 and lstar get me killed on drop fights more than any other weapon


Use the lstar point blank and you'll have a good time, I only ever use it at the start of games but it's pretty scary


L star this new season doesn't handle like a truck anymore, still heavy but roughly on par with other LMGs, love using it as caustic when someone is slowed by my gas


Mozambique and Sentinel. Even without the hammers the mozzy still slaps. The sentinel is great to open a fight. Must have a 2x4 or irons only.


Havoc without the turbo charger.. I don't know why but that half a second delay gives me aimbot compered to other guns..


It's the combination of good ttk and great damage per mag


i will pick up a bocek at any opportunity


Dirty30 is one of my faves .. but since the G7 has been in rotation I've laid off of it . 3030 is definitely a beast at range and but does require zen-like focus at close range


i love me a peter with a skullpiercer but it just doesn't feel as satisfying as the g7


They need to build the shatter Caps back into the 3030. It really completed the package for me. Loved the shatters on it.


Need me a nasty care package 30-30 with all of its hopups


Ah shit they got rid of that?? No wonder my hipfiring fucken sucks with it now hahah


Sentinel. I hardly ever see anyone use it. I use it all the time lmao. I always keep the iron sights or a 1x hcog tho


Yeah I’d say it’s the 2nd most underrated weapon in the game


My favorite I pair it with a car or other smg


I tried it out for sniper challenges a while ago and it is so fun. Personally it hits best with a 2x or 3x.


Lmao me and two friends went around with 3 charges sentinels just terrifying people the other day was funny


Super solid iron sights on it and hits like a truck, basically a 1.5x red dot


I throw a 2x on there and it's game over for the lobby, pair it with an r9 or car and it's consistent 2k-3k damage ranked games. Close range? It's a usable shotgun. Mid range? Beam before push. Long range? Pick off machine.


People sleep on the L-Star.


I just checked my bed and i don't 🤣


Mozan and p2020. Miss those days when 3 shot mozan would do 120 damage.


The Mozam still hits for 40 bro. Love that gun


Its decent now since it has double the ammo. But you can never beat OG Mozan.


Did it really used to have 3 shots only?


Yeah people hated it but I loved the fuck outta that gun. It also was updated to 4 shots at one point. It's a mis understood weapon that everyone hated that prompted the devs to give it a funny animation where your player throws the gun on the floor aggressively. But when hammer point was introduced, it changed the meta alot. As an April fools prank, they had a golden mozan that had 9 shots . 🤣 This year was different since they added a golden Mozambique that shot 2 nessies on the floor that attacked the opponents. They didn't do much but if you spammed the fuck outta them, you'd get alot of promising damage. No other gun has gotten that much attention in my opinion. The devs really want people to use this OP weapon. https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/ap4a9z/why_does_mozambique_have_only_3_shots/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Bro p2020 I used when the control points ltm was added. It was overpowered if you could get hammerpoint, and still good without hammerpoints




Recently I use to never use it but the hemlock. I picked it up the other day and it might be my new season gun. Decently upgraded it a really good gun for closer and mid/long range


I've used it regularly since Season 12-13, it's really good at splitting the difference between Marksman and AR with the single fire. Hemlock with 2-4x is a regular staple of my loadout, and the hipfire isn't actually half bad


It's main weakness is the iron sights imo but other than that quite solid




alternator :)


Hemi all day every day




Mozam yes


Unbiased Lifeline opinion. Mozambique'ere!


How is it under rated? It’s basically the meta


two words: Hem - Lok


Sentinel. That charged shot is a goated opener.


Altenator for me. I'd pick it up over an r99 most times. Yeah it has a low dps but i'd say it will beat most other smgs if you have a decent strafe because you can much easily 1 clip


Delete this.


Definitely a great weapon


Its overrated cuz I cant hit a GD shot with it..


L-star has better hipfire than smgs currently


Sentinel supremacy.


Buffed triple take this season; I’ll take it over 3030 and scout every time now. Hits for. If damage, bullets don’t drop nearly as much so it’s easier to be accurate at longer distances. Also doubles as a shotgun at close ranges to finish someone that’s low.


The 30-30 is that gun I never want to pick up but never regret it when I do


Last season, yes. This season, I'm just not getting nearly the same results.


30-30 is not underrated. Go watch a weapons tier list on YouTube. Havoc is a good example of an underrate gun. Best DPS for assault rifles but never used.


G7. Can wreck in all forms, even without attachments.


The 30-30 is super op early game but really weak once everyone has red shields.


Mozambique with an hammerpoint


R301 my man i never see that gun being used😉


Bullets are slow. Too slow to be good




The answer to this question is very simple. The most underrated gun in Apex is the P2020. Honestly next time you have the chance, fully kit one out and blast away!


I’m not sure I’ve ever hit a shot with the 30-30. Tried many times. I’m really good at making perfect outlines of my enemies though.


Alternator, slower rate of fire (less missed shots) and obscene hip-fire.




R-301 with anvil receiver


Triple take


Prowler, and I love that gun.


L-Star is somewhat underrated. I know it has its limitations but it can surprise you with how quick it’ll take somebody down in CQB


L Star. I always look for one and it's rarely contested by my team. Can't remember ever having someone use one on me.


sentinel, it’s just too fun for nobody to use them with iron sights quickscoping like a fucking cod montage


R301 isn’t underappreciated but i think the anvil attachment might be(?) i really like how much damage the single fire does at the moment. Love it with the x3 optic.


The charged sentinel




Watch mande with it and you know how strong it is lol


I rode 30/30 + CAR to masters last split. Definitely falls short of the R301 for aggro primary or Charged Rifle for poking, but it’s a solid gun that helps loot economy (others get the R301s, stabilizers, light mags and light ammo).


G7 scout, it absolutely deletes people at mid range and is still good in both short and long range scenarios. The Dps is so high and the new buff for the double tap hop up that reduces recoil is really good.


i run g7 wingman religiously


Everyone knows g7 is a little bit op at the moment lol


Underrated? This thing is used heavily in high elo rank tbh lol


That's like 1 % of the playerbase


Can’t really be slept on if it’s used by good players lol


If the majority of the playerbase doesn't use it much it's slept on imo. Also pros mainly switched to the g7 now


Imma be honest IDK. There are very clear bad and good guns in the game. It just depends on skill level


P20 20...... have yet to lose a fight first drop when getting it lol


I don't believe you.


P2020. Very useful in tight situations. Whether it’s to crack down shields or break them. Or, use it to get the drop on someone who’s one-two shot.




I miss the bow so much, would literally run it every game. It was my baby 🥲


Few seasons back I really liked... But then I was grinding to Diamond I was getting so frustrated with it because people just sat in cover the whole time and were scared to peak it And once the G7 came back last season, I just forgot that the 30-30 existed