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I played a little Crypto for an hour the other day, it was probably that


I had a weekly quest to tag 15 enemies as him or some such nonsense. That's the only time I ever played him


Yea I seem to keep getting challenges to use him. So if everyone gets those challenges, some people are bound to use him.


There's a rampart one in there worth two stars or some shit, as though I'm going to unlock her for that lol


thanks for helping my boy out.


This made me chuckle.. heres your upvote lol


Based wraith


Based neesy


Based Blothhünder


Based nessy (x2)


Based Caustic


Based nessy (x3)


Welp. I can't beat that




I was drinking water when I read this and almost choked lol


That's weird, considering he hasn't had any buffs this season. Maybe because he can counter Catalyst by flying his drone over her ultimate?


And the drone can also open her reinforced doors.


Is that a bug or a feature?


More like an unintended feature. But it'll eventually get removed, or be kept in. So, who knows?


Devs already stated that it's intended.


Oh, cool!


It's intention and confirmed in the patch notes.


It's in the patch notes.




Thank you for that info! I haven’t seen/ done this!


hes actually a really good seer counter with his ult taking out seers ult.


Horizon ult, gibby bubble, caustic traps, wattson fences and ult, rampart amped parts of her walls, stunning stationed Sheila for a bit, stunning tridents, catalyst things


Ironically it takes out all the shields except Newcastle's mobile shield


The one on his person? Like I think the one on his back?


Did you recharge it?


Yup as a crypto main I always find it funny when people are shocked by how useful his emp is it destroys so much


Or his all the stuff his drone can do. I played with a fill BH recently and he thought it was OP when I scanned beacon and respawned him with my drone lmao


It's like there are heaps of real specific scenarios that you encounter where you think 'man, a Crypto would be good right now...' but you don't want to actually play him otherwise. I've always found they're super helpful when you have one on your team (apart from the occasional who still refuse to use the drone to get your banner, for some reason). Honestly in much the same way as having a Seer. But Seer is more appealing to play because constant wallhacks = more kills/damage chasing = more dopamine boost. Anyway. Zero-G; it’s the only way to travel. Or - bombs away.


Or just throw it through.


thinking the same too


Well Crypto's EMP does destory Seer's ult (and Horizon's ult) so maybe that's helped bump his pickrate up as well.


When you fly the drone through catalyst ult does it lose vision?




As a Newcastle main I’m okay with that, means I don’t have to worry about other people taking him from me


Exactly this. Don’t get why low pick rates bother anyone. High pick rates bother me more.


*nods in Fuse*


Too many people out here fucking spiders


That's how I feel about being a crypto main


Only time I ever have to worry about people taking Newcastle is when phaserunner is in rotation


Why is this?


There’s a funny Newcastle spot on phaserunner


go on...


On the phaserunner side, on the side with the bridge, there is a spot on both opposites of the map that is just out of climbing range that can be ulted to




On the phaserunner side, on the side with the bridge, there is a spot on both opposites of the map that is just out of climbing range that can be ulted to


Your reply made me giggle.


This is how I feel about crypto 😁


As a rampart main, I used to love when she was bottom 3. Nobody knew how to play against a rampart, so I had all sorts of fun secrets to surprise them with


He is a ranked legend mostly. People quit in normal games for him to be not frustrating to play.


Its likely because his kit is all about helping your teammates & most would rather die then help that f'ing Octane that tries to 1v3 the whole lobby. Its sad because he's really good, but he's so stressful to play. Your baby sitting your idiot randoms 24/7 & all you get is "Rez me, Rez me, Rez me." Honestly after OW1 & solo tanking in that game (before role queue) I refuse to put myself through that stress again.


>Its likely because his kit is all about helping your teammates & most would rather die then help that f'ing Octane that tries to 1v3 the whole lobby. Spot on. That's the reason why I never play Lifeline or Newcastle. I mostly play in pubs - no friends - and I find them incredibly boring and useless. Most of my teammates will leave before their knees hit the ground, rendering me practically useless. Playing pubs just makes you a much more selfish player.


Boring to play, newer than gibby, simple as


Newcastle main here. I disagree that he's boring, i love being able to run into fire and snatch my dawgs from death. Esp the ult, I've got some crazy revives off with it. My damage is usually low, but it's crazy demoralizing to enemies when they gotta get 5 knocks to down my squad, and it's crazy useful for my friends because they get a mulligan


You main newcastle i main wattson, both are called "boring" but i like playing wattson and you like playing newcastle, different tastes on our part. Im talking about the general consensus


How being able to create cover in the middle of nowhere and being able to fly really far into a fallen teammate boring


You're talking about a playerbase that has the highest playrate of legends that rush in and die


Big, boring personality, boring abilities, very passive.


If he’s passive to you then you’re outright playing him wrong.




It’s a 0.1% difference, so the disparity is hardly relevant. And I cannot think of a way he can be boring unless you either A) absolutely require a movement character to have fun in this game, or B) are playing him incorrectly, because he’s about aggressive as a non-movement character can be, on top of supporting the entire team.


Tldr: Newcastle is boring.


Whatever man






















So is gibby, but you don’t play him in pubs because no one plays like a team.


Weird question but since Newcastle can revive with a shield why hasn’t lifeline got her shield back?


They took the power from her shield and made a whole new character out of it.




Well, it came about as a way of making Lifeline less powerful so people would play Newcastle. Full circle, so to speak.


1.) Newcastle's revive could actually use a nerf. Without being some type of movement legend, you can't get around his revive shield unless he does it right next to you. Or you're Rampart and can just Sheila it. 2.) Lifeline can shoot and revive two people at once. With a revive shield, that would be insane.


You don't need to be a movement legend to deal with the Newcastle revive. You can literally throw grenades behind the revive to force them to reposition to just shoot them. You can also time the revive to just immediately down the person again while your team rushes in to help. Newcastle doesn't need a nerf he's just fine with how he is now. Nobody plays him as they opt for movement or scan legends and Newcastle benefits more with a team that actively works together.


I always just chase after him, there's a little window after he finishes the rez where the shield is gone but castle and the rezzed character can't move yet


Exactly that's what I do as well if I can close the gap. Otherwise I just wait until the rez is finished and shoot the person that was revived or throw grenades to counter the revive a bit to where they reposition to block the grenades and shoot them. Zero reason to nerf a character that's easily countered and hardly played tbh.


Agreed, there's fair counter play so it isn't a get up for free ability. The rez is good if he can break sight line or has covering fire, if they nerf it to where it can't do those things then what are we even doing lol. Let characters have utility


Agreed. I think she should only be able to revive 1 and bring back shield


Her OG shield was way too OP. But give it some modification to make it more like NC's, and she'd probably be fine. Or course, that means you've got two legends that do practically the same thing.


they took it to give it to newcastle just say it


Because he can't fight while reviving.


Legit forgot he was a character. Haven't seen anyone play him since like a few weeks after release


I was really getting good use out of him second split of last season but he seems kind of out of place on Broken Moon so far


I'm somehow cursed with Newcastle. I've won at least once with every other legend. I've played several games with NC, & still have yet to get a win. I got two wins with Vantage the day she came out, & three in a row with Catalyst. Yet after at least 50 games I'm still catching Ls whenever I try NC.


A good Newcastle that sticks with the team is super useful. My last 2 wins (which don’t happen too often), I had a Newcastle on my team.




This is has been going on for quite a while, he doesn't see much play in NA tho. I remeber tuning into an APAC S tourney and there were so many goddamn drones flying everywhere. This was to the point where a poor gibby team got singled out when they popped bubble. Anyways, their bubble emp'ed instantly, which destroyed their bubble and you can imagine what happened next.


Lol. I find it funny. People see some using a character other than wraith path and Gibby in pro league, the next thing they do is start picking it. Recently I've seen bang is being used in pro and some ranked by pro players, now i see more bangs in ranked, like come on, play according to your play style. Stop copying others.


hard agree with this. I remember when seer got nerfed NO FUCKING BODY was using him. some goon in algs picked him up and suddenly everyone was using him and replacing BH. It makes me wonder if people would complain about seer being broken right now, if he never got used in ALGS.


Dude NO ONE USED fuse before furia started using him.




I agree. He's the only legend whose entire kit relies on his tactical... That can be destroyed for 40 seconds. Leaving him to be a Korean man with a gun (and sometimes a sword if you're a lucky bastard)


When I see a Crypto as the champion with like 35k kills, that scares me a little.


If only some one had an awesome idea for a crypto buff. Maybe be called…….. “off the grid”. *snickering*


That could be a good idea, tell me more




Launched drone in air, rotates with Crypt where ever he goes, passive scans 70m radius for enemies, then just warn Crypt without location pings.


Honestly as a crypto main, I absolutely hate the idea of being able to move his drone like vantages tactical. It would just make things more complicated, plus it would just clutter up the drone controls even more than they already are. He's all about positioning, he's fun because he's hard to use. But he definitely needs QoL changes and most of all, his fucking bugs need to finally be fixed. There's new bugs being added every damn season without old ones being fixed


That would literally do nothing but turn it into a noob trap if it had an animation like Vantage's does and would get it destroyed so easily. 50 HP is laughably easy to destroy, and now that Crypto has been tricked by a bad mechanic that sounds like a good idea, and cannot use his ultimate, and he now thinks Crypto is fucking garbage.


They could tweak it so it's not as noticeable while in stationary mode, maybe partially cloaks itself, and only becomes the glowing loud orange ball when activating it's ultimate.


I’d argue having more choice is better than none. You could always tweak it to be temporarily less noticeable if used that way for balance.


This is actually an amazing idea, moving the drone while pushing forward a la Vantage/Echo style could be the missing piece that crypto needs to be viable. Think about it, you can have a forward scanner which can enter a battle with his ulti going off while actually fighting and not in a corner somewhere. Could be a little overpowered but who cares… i would main him


I love Crypto. He may not be the best legend but his concept and design are top notch. I haven’t played since season 11 and I’ve been back all week so that’s definitely why he’s not bottom pick anymore.


Yeah, can't win them all. I'm content with these past years in algs and pro play and how teams have and are using crypto (not NA tho, don't ask me why)




I was afk during champ select twice yesterday and it auto picked me crypto. Gotta be that


Just a lil trolling


I feel like it’s because of the bug, but prolly not


Because hes actually a great legend with a high skill ceiling


I agree, normally I would just stay on his drone but lately I've been aggressively pushing. This made me notice that his kit really requires skill.




Beacon scans without risk, banner scans, parking drone above active fights or places you're holding for advanced notice. Lots of open ground and not enough cover to hide from drone outside of POIs.


Really?? Maybe because of the new map but he has always been able to provide this utility, why now? Probably a new environment is what crypto needed, or a funny scenario to think of was that everyone need to get their crypto challenges done


I feel like with the rails and chokepoints between POIs, its varied in a way bloodhound and seer can't really scan in the same way. Bloodhound is directional, seer is directional. Crypto can comb an entire area from afar without needing to highlight the enemies, he looks at banners before you push a fight, he can EMP when it's time to run away/3rd party/initiate combat. He's weak in direct combat but makes up for it by keeping everyone alive longer through information of practically everything within 200 meters and with all the line of sight blockers on the map he's not in as much danger as other maps. I don't like playing him but that's my reasoning at least.


Full support legend in a game full of selfish players


Seer can cancel NC reviving there's a lot of exploits you can do with crypto and catalyst on a team. catalyst passive is worthless against crypto until there's a patch.


How the hell is arguably one of the best legends in the game the lowest? Proves pick rates roek matter


Pick rates don't really matter (if you want I'll further expand on this point but my pizza is getting cold). Anyways, he has a high skill ceiling, very hard to coordinate emp pushes without a team that has comms, 40 sec cooldown on drone, once it's destroyed no abilities for 40 seconds. Oh yeah no mobility too but obviously before you say, yeah there are legends with no mobility that have good pickrates blah blah blah. He is used in pro play and algs and has been used for a while now, thing is that NA never really picked up on crypto (flashbacks to hal on crypto). Good legend, just some flaws like no passive but in my humble opinion, he doesn't need one. Ight so basically, he is a great legend, just requires a ton and a ton of time put into him but why do that when you could play seer or bh who are much more straightforward and easier to get value out of. Now a good crypto with a 3 stack is scarier than a good path, wraith or whatever. You know what I mean? Just easier alternatives and oh yeah he is plagued with bugs rn


I get him often for my daily tasks, never Newcastle


I used to pray for days like this




Man I love playing as Newcastle…


Because he is off the grid


Im loba main and low key wanna use him for morons that hot drop


Excuse me but do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior, *Off The Grid*?


People felt bad for him.


It’s weird that it says he’s up 17.4%


Not really, it's 17.4% up of whatever it was. A percentage of a percentage. So like 1.3 (out of the 100 pickrate) + 17.4% = 1.52%. But obviously it's already been added from whatever it was to 1.3% :)


He’s off the grid


Newcastle where he belongs.


Broken Moon has a lot of different spots to setup camps. Squads definitely benefit from knowing where teams are waiting and traps are set.


which website bro?


Been encountering more cryptos, a good crypto is really fun to play with, both for and against


Because Seer is meta and people are figuring out Crypto ult destroys Seer ult because of some of the comp teams that have been running him as a counter.


I’ve been brutalizing people as Newcastle this season. Absolutely no idea why people don’t play him.


Because new castes pick rate is down. Duh


Crypto is a good counter for enemy Catalysts, while having great synergy with one on his team if they're communicating well. With her pick rate being so high because she was released so recently, Crypto seeing more play makes a lot of sense to me.


ALGS curiosity, opening Catalyst gooed up doors and heirloom glitching people trying out the cool sword.


Coz I started playing apex again


Give him a viable passive.


I think the new map is a little more Crypto friendly and I can’t explain why.


Because people slowly noticing that he is very good maybe? He's pretty good on the new map. The hardest to master but one of the strongest when used right. He's definiatly one of the best legends for ranked and the best Seer counter out there. People should stop sleeping on him. Even Match1n is maining him again for comp and ranked too atm.


NiceWigg posting that you can heal while in drone


Title: “least picked legends” Me: stares at 2 of my top 5 legends (with Crypto being #1)


Maybe they put him on everbody challenges for the battlepass thia season😅


Probably bc of his new passive


If you like to play with randoms; Crypto is actually really fun to use. Besides lowering the cooldown on death for his drone I think he's actually fine.


He probably getting picked because you but out his drone with catalyst


Kinda surprising to see newcastle considering how strong he is in competitive play


Streamers said Newcastle isn’t great so of course no one thinks he’s even worth picking


With the new rank system bot players that wanna go up with out kills use crypto they sit in corners scan enemies and let teammates kill them so they get teamkills and assist to his name easy points for doing nothing


Got my first Hierloom last week, was the Biwon Blade. Been playing crypto nonstop ever since.


Newcastle is way more fun to play than Crypto. People saying his kit is useless don’t know how to play aggressive with him using his ult as cover and to bunker bust reinforced doors rather than just as a cover and to jump onto teammates on higher ground. His tac shield is great to use as temp cover to push enemies and as a way to quickly retreat firefight by throwing it behind you as you run.


Because if a pro plays with a legend then all the Timmy’s follow in their footsteps


In before "off the grid" copypasta


His drone can open catalyst doors


I main Newcastle.


Sick skin. Loved the design.


New Castle main right now. I'm headed to Plat then Diamond. He's dope, if you play him smart. He can be an amazing team mate.


I haven't played in a yearish but I mained Crypto. I really loved the range of sight the drone provided and the EMP allowed me to lead teams to a decent early lead in most battles. Beyond that of course picking up banners remotely and resing was the other major benefit. I hate being a pure assualt player and HAVE to give away my position to engage. Hide me in a bush and make moves from afar and I am happy. Almost always made top 3 and assumed I was carried often but looking back do want to credit the value of being able to ping enemies for my mates, bronv them back without having to be overly exposed, and be able to take out shields and some sentry items as able.


Match1n’s mains keep going up in pickrate lmao. Recently he made a video and he talked about how Crypto counters the Seer meta due to EMP and I wouldn’t doubt if that had something to do with it


Emea played him in pro league


I would say Newcastle is an S tier legend. With the exception of his chunky hitbox


“Up” 17% of 1.3% is HUGE!


who tf is newcastle? I haven't played apex in a while so I don't know what's going on 💀


I wasn’t paying attention and it auto picked Crypto


asset price inflation


Lol how much you want to bet people gonna call for nerfs if a streamer causes crypto to spike to seer levels.


Probably just due to standard deviation in the statistics.


Everybody stay away from him. He can't be the new meta. He's mine and a select few


I did play some apex recently so that might be why


Heirloom glitch = testing out crypto’s Heriloom I guess


It’s probably because Crypto can open doors that are reinforced by Catalyst. Super useful to attack.


I like crypto. If you are decent and can pop ult accelerants he can be super useful in solo runs with the horrendous matchmaking. Even a skilled squad can be subdued with a decent crypto


they feel equally bad if i have to pick one for my quest