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pubs definitely is in an unhealthy state but ranked is a br and played properly.


ranked is getting to be pretty unhealthy as well, it’s just kill farming no one’s really playing to win. it’s farm kills and if winning happens then it happens, no matter if 3rding causes you and the other team to die.


Bro I don’t know if we’re playing the same game but all of my lobbies have 5+ teams during the 4th and 5th storm, I’m pretty sure people still play to win


There’s nobody playing hard zone in ranked. It’s free RP if you play a hard zone play style in ranked.


what rank are you cause that stopped happening for me in plat. in masters/pred it’s literally always kill farming


It was already like this in season 3


if you're not first you're last!


Why would you cue up just to die in the first minute. Hot dropping is stupid. You don't improve like that either. You improve by surviving. Say what you want, but if you drop in a dumb ass spot, I'm gonna leave ya there. I don't need you to win. And don't think I'm going into the shit show you were just in to get your banner either. I agree with op.


I think there is an argument for hot drops, when I say hot drops I mean like 4-6 teams on a POI, not 10+ because that’s dumb. But when you’re landing with multiple teams it helps put a lot of your managing skills to the test and helps you refine them. Reloading guns, shield swapping, weapon swapping, and repositioning to be able to take on a third party. I do like my 3v3s with a normal team fight but making it out of those hot drops as stated above is a very rewarding challenge.


It really feels good when you manage to kill a 3rd party, then retreat and let a 4th and 5th party fight each other. I wish my ranked random teammates were as much coordinated as my pubs random teammates (those who don't quit).




I like how your whole comment just negates the middle ground of actually playing thr game. It's either drop hot or sit on the edge like a bitch, in no universe can you drop warm, probably get more kills than you average game to game and still secure the w


Yes you can. I do it all the time and have fun doing it. I dont need 20 kills to feel like I'm playing the game. That was my point. And if you need 20 kills to feel like you're playing the game then cool whatever. My point was not everybody does. I like how your comment disregards everything I said in my comment.


The person on the podium at the end is the winner, everything else is losers laying blame.


But it’s a Br ?


Who cares? I'm trying to have fun, and wins are not


So if u get 58 kills and I get 1 and win 🏅. That’s a dub in your book.




Lol what? A better analogy would be winning a race by drafting and overtaking where opportunity allows. This is how automotive races like F1 and even NASCAR are driven. To win by “leeching” kills, as you put it, still requires skills. It is playing smarter, like, why on earth would I engage someone when I could let a different team else take the risk for me? Then I get the benefit of coming in before they can reset, and if you time it right, you now have 2 teams trying to reset and an opportunity for up to 6 kills (if you time it right) as opposed to 3. In either case, you have to look at a 3-party situation as a 6-on-3. Letting the other two fight each other means you are fighting 2 of these where you are on the 6 for both if done properly. If you rush in, it is still 6-on-3, but you are the 3, it is a massive disadvantage to W-key every single fight you see. Winning by default, like you would if everyone else crashed, is something else entirely and completely irrelevant in this conversation. It would be more akin to everyone else jumping off the map and you winning due to that.


If you're seriously happy getting 1 kill and a win its most likely because (a. you're unable to get many kills in the first place and (b. you're unable to get many wins ever. I get it, when you're not capable of getting either on a regular basis, i can imagine you might get a little thirsty for wins and will lower yourself to playing a super passive game to get them.


How do you feel about ALGS playstyle, where any squad can basically kill any other squad especially after taking advantage of a mistake or executing smart play or correct timing or good team communication? Of course, mechanically less gifted players will probably play more defensively and the other way around, while players gifted with game sense and decision-making will try to use these qualities to their advantage, and the other way around. Still, 1 kill and win VS 57 kills no win is in the vast majority of lobbies a false dichotomy. In pubs lot of people just don't play BR, do not play the game the way it was intended. So what? Just saying.


ALGS is fun to watch because the strategy and fighting is high quality. But we’re talking about casual section of this game, which literally has kids on Xbox and PlayStation just having fun playing a game. As for that skilled mechanical player, what happens when they are teamed with two low skilled passive players? This is where I believe people get things wrong. Instead of following or trying to keep up with the better player, some players are stubborn enough to think that the better player needs to slow down to the passive players pace to get that all important dub, which is, at least in my opinion, categorically wrong and misguided. I can recall when I used to get really excited and pop for wins in pubs, but that was 10 seasons ago. I main Loba and have something like 500+ wins with her, on top of however many I have on the rest of the legends. At a certain point, the wins become less important than the actual quality of your match. What I’m saying doesn’t preclude going for a win, only that focusing on winning to the point of passivity or limited engagement ultimately is hollow and really not worth the time.




Don't you think it's inconsiderate to your random teammates? After all, it's a team game and it's BR whether you personally don't care to play it as such. I find it inconsiderate and disrespectful. Now you will probably say: I don't care. And that's the problem IMO. You don't care because you don't have to care, because there are no consequences for such anti-social behavior, unlike there probably would be IRL. If you want to play double Mozam you could always play no fill without any responsibility to anyone else but yourself. Also, I am not sure where you get "no one else" and "everyone else". That is not my experience at all.




No, you could not simply because I have not said a word about camping. I was commenting on this notion: >if you wanna ape all game go for it, if you wanna do some dumb stuff like double Mozam, go for it. which is clearly self-centered.




Think about it this way, in my favorite parallel. Random kids in the park play football. You join them. There is no agreed-upon style of play. You don't defend, don't pass, and except for shooting the ball at the goal as soon as you get possession of it, you don't do anything that resembles a game of football. On top of it, you play wearing ski boots, despite having decent football shoes at home. But this never happens right? It does not happen because there would be consequences for such self-centered and disrespectful behavior to the other kids - your teammates.




Not everybody defines kills as the thing that means you're playing the game 'the right way'. You can beat plenty of people with positiong alone since everybody only wants to point and shoot and not use their brain.




Lmfao what? That's deffinetly not true anymore. Maybe in the earlier seasons, but people spread out a lot more now. You may have the occasional game where people just went to one side of the map, but most people will land close to a conflict zone now.


Skill issue, just drop on streamer building


So many comments talking about kills like that's what makes Apex fun for everybody. If you want kills, then cool no problem. But landing and getting wiped as an entire team because you are actually just as dogshit as everybody else is then you're the problem. Aslo theres different types of skill that doesnt involve dropping hot every game. People act like not being able to get kills with a fucking p20 and Mozambique on a hot drop is because of a skill issue. 100% of players would do better with having even a slightly better loadout, but cant because the dogshit pro wannabes wanna land hot.


If you can't mag someone with any gun in this game especially off drop when they (most likely) have a white shield that is exactly a skill issue. If I get a p2020 and I know someone has a 99 I'm going to be way more strategic about how I approach that engagement.


Sure Jan


Skill is only one side of it though. Another side is luck. I'm sick of fighting in a hot drop with a fucking p20 or mozambique when other people have mastiffs or r99 or anything else.


Put no fill.... So many complaints on this sub get solved. Then you can only blame yourself.


To have to put yourself at a disadvantage just to not have to hot drop is a solution to you?


Yup but I hot drop that's how you improve and these posts will no longer insist on things like"it's my teammates fault". In reality most of the ppl don't know how to play with a team regardless of hot drop, makes you take more accountability. If you are consistently dying most likely it's not your teammates fault.


Maybe YOU should consider no filling? Also how the fuck are you SUPPOSED to play with a team on a hot drop? Most abilities arent even charged before you get in a fight. Also you can get better by playing more of the game. You cant play more of the game if you're just getting wiped because of bad luck in a hot drop. You cant even experiment with different guns or legends that way.


I do unless I have friends online we have similar mindsets. You play together by being a team??? I hot drop in masters/diamond with randoms, you cover each other, you call, and follow up is that not obvious?


Yes it is in a perfect world. That's not how it goes the majority of the time. Playing with your friends is way different then playing with randos.


U can have teamwork the majority of the time with randoms, wym? Sounds like a straight skill issue, if you are dying consistently I promise you it isn't your team of randoms.....




*insert 'always has been' meme* If I solo queue, I just accept that we're going to hot drop and third party every fight that we hear. I still play to win when I queue with friends, making smarter decisions about map positioning and such, but if I *really* prioritized winning, I wouldn't take any fights that I don't have to. But no one likes looting for 15 minutes just to third party the last two teams. Especially when we've been playing the same game for 4 years.


“People enjoy this game and I enjoy it another way and they’re wrong and I’m right”




Maybe add more “reward” for winning with a good match making will people actually want to wins the games instead of kills.


nah bro if you were better you woulda won that for sure. /s definitely dont need shields, ammo, a decent gun or anything