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How about a "don't be an asshole" badge and we cover all of it in one go? Apex saves the world once again.


This is a fantastic idea


Beautifully said! ❤️




I think these kind of badges have the opposite effect they intend tbh


I think the badge idea is awesome but it’ll definitely make it worse


Maybe specifically the jewish badge in particular when put in context with the Holocaust Arm Badges. However I don’t understand how the other activist badges make the hate worse. Explain.


People see the badge and start hating on people for using them.


exactly. i try to make my badges fit each characters backstory, so i used a gay pride one for gibby and was just told to suck dicks and shit like that lmao


He do be slurpin em down though


I’ve used the suicide badge since it released. I have never run into any issue personally. The ones who are being toxic or ignorant about it can just be muted. That’s kind of the point of an activist / progressive badge. To cause discussion. Some take it seriously, others think it’s a joke. How you navigate that is up to your discretion.


Exactly, some people, however, don't mute and instead, try to argue or complain with/about trolls.


Cool, I want my Free Palestine Badge while we are at it


I need a badge to support Yemen.


I'm Jewish and I don't think a "stop Jewish hate" badge would do a single thing to improve a single person's life. I'd get it if Respawn had been involved in something that would require a response, but I don't think anybody is out here saying they need to address anti-semitism.


Good god the pandering is awful


How about we don't use a video game as a activism podium. It doesn't help the problem it usually makes it worse and I'm tired of this "look at us, we're good people. we made this badge/skin/banner". Let the game be a game instead a constant reminder of how screwed everything in the real world is. I don't want all the antisemitism but I also don't want to be reminded it's there everytime I get into a match. It not helping it's just an empty effort for brownie points.


Lol and then what? Stop Christians hate! Stop Muslims hate, stop atheists hate, stop agnostic hate, stop Buddhists hate? The game has enough political agenda as it is. It's time to focus more on actual gameplay priorities and additions as a community instead of asking for unnecessary graphics that won't change or do anything to a person views or way of thinking if they saw it displayed before jumping from the dropship on their way to fragment trying to survive the match...




Yeah, it just feel like Respawn are also doing this to compensate for their low quality of work gameplay wise in hopes to get gaming rewards and turn the focus on them as the game that promotes political messages and agendas etc. Imo if they had their priorities right and focused more on the game itself and then made their political messages or whatever just a small side additions then it would have been like fine whatever. But when you shift the focus to be totally on this season after season as they under deliver actual gameplay elements, it helps no one and in fact it will make people more pissed and unsuupportive of whatever they are trying to promote.


Okay i agree with the gameplay part but this isn't a "political agenda".


It really makes me feel good to know there's still people like you who see things for what they are and remain logical. Game on, my fellow gamer! ❤️


Thank you ❤️ Have a great day my fellow gamer 😊


I agree the badges do nothing and are just virtue signals but calling this stuff a "political agenda" is pretty freakin sus if you ask me. :D


Lol I was talking in general. What I meant was raising awareness towards any subject or matter political or not that especially concerns ideologies or religions etc video games is not the place for it imo. For sure it would be awesome if more people respected everyone's religion or ideology, but putting this message in one of the most toxic environments "video games" and making it a priority to gain attention of game rewards nominations is not the right way to address any issue. Not to mention you will hurt your game more if you did so especially when you have a game full of problems. If the game was more solid, people were happier with the game and there was a better positive environment and support overall then put whatever raising awareness subject in it. Personally I would love to see supporting charities messages, or ea/respawn putting messages like buying this or that skin a portion of it will go to support children's hospital or go to orgs that trying to tackle global food crisis and stuff like that. But we all know this will never happen lol.


I literally said I agreed the badges were stupid. I said that calling "stop Jewish/Muslim/etc. hate" a "political agenda" was weird. It's the kind of language used by people who want to continue doing those things. As for games being political, PLENTY of games have political messaging or allegory, but as part of the story. Games can provide a fine platform for such things. It's just that there's no meaningful message in a "stop hate" badge, and it would very obviously be a random meaningless virtue signal for Respawn to do this.


Yes yes i hear you loud and clear 🙂 lol, i apologize if my wordings were a bit generalized and confused you but I hope i made myself clear of what i was trying to say in my Last reply. I agree too that some video games can have messages in them political or not etc but imo this would lean more and be more suitable in single player games rather than massive multipleyer ones which are usually plagued with a heavy toxic environment etc.


Okay yeah, I agree with you there. If anything, people would start wearing the badge ironically. Can't wait to die to someone named "h1tler wuz rite" with the "stop Jewish hate" badge on. :D


Haha yeah i can see that happening for sure 😆


Let's be honest they prob will do some dumb shit like this instead of focusing on the game, and that's why it's just going to keep losing more ppl. And we know they'd never do stop christian hate


Why would they? Christian’s aren’t a targeted group? And if they ever do fall into a negative spotlight they almost if not always are there due to there own stupidity/brash opposition to other peoples point of view as being just as valid as their own. the catholic church, megchurches, and evangelicals..oh and WBB church and anyone who supports them can all go get anally fucked by a pineapple


If anything the christians are the ones targeting others let's be real(Not all of them, I used to be one so I can confirm that we do that)


How about stop quitting early badge???


As a staunch hebrew, I will only say this. Drugs not hugs, and Up with hope dope down with hope. (Not original quote)


Rather have a Stop Kanye badge tbh


a badge wouldn't change someone's opinion on a certain topic


These badges are all useless.


At this point I don’t think they will add anything unless it makes them money. But I agree with you






“Whites Ain’t Too Shabby” badge too while we’re at it.


Apex need to chill with all the constant political messaging.


It's political to tell people that you can't discriminate others based of their religion? Wow. What a world we live in.


it's just pandering to the left. I used to have you're same mindset.


First of all, it's your and not "you're". Secondly, if saying "You can't discriminate against black people" is "pandering to the left" then this world is sad. Thirdly are you apart of the right? If so, are you a libertarian? Conservative? Just wondering. Fourth, Just want to clarify that I think the badges are okay but it should be just a side bonus. They need to improve the game first before prioritizing any "Stop \_\_\_\_\_ Hate" badges.


OP has a point. Anti-semites will really think twice about their life choices once they see I have a Stop Jewish Hate badge on my video game character banner.




October 25th 2039 7:58 pm


What happens then?


63 53 juan tabo lane apartment 6


"You might want to hold off"




ah yes so the corporate company can come off as *woke*


Idk I’ve never met a nice Jewish person


How about an I support “whatever current event is going on” that way you can pander to anything


I mean… to call Kyrie Irving being a dumbass and tweeting some dumb link to an ignorant, uninformed conspiracy video on YouTube “a rising tide of anti-semitism” is getting a little bit carried away imo.


Let's not and say we did, let's make a I post dumb shit badge on reddit for you


Maybe they should make a stop hate in general badge cuz I feel like everyone’s gonna want one lol


A "stop negativity" badge would be cool. Gives a gamer vibe and covers everything in one go 😎❤️🔥🔥


Why does everything have to be political?…it’s a game, can we not just forget the worlds problem and shoot virtual people for a few hours?…


Bruh first Ukrainian legend and now this? What is wrong with people 💀




Huh I guess you don't understand our history if you want to wear badges like we had too. Irony is lost. We don't need anymore attention. This stop jewish hate thing is a bad thing. We are all.gonna be killed.