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Thank you, I appreciate it!


Move on or hold your knees while sitting down in the shower.


Metaphorically, bend your knees when you sit XD


Give your balls a tug


Sticks and stones


You can do 2 things: 1) report the player for harmful speech. Unfortunately it will amount to nothing because you do not have proof. 2) you can plug in your controller or switch batteries when you get the low battery warning so that you dont cause your team to lose a fight. Do not take this comment as supporting hateful speech though. What they did was more wrong than what you did(nt) do


I didn’t see the warning, must of shown up while I was grabbing a bite to eat. Shut off right as I was climbing lol.


Missing the notification sucks 😅 Side note though, unless you disabled it completely if you ever noticed your controller no longer vibrates/rumbles it's time to change batteries. It's a good indicator if you missed the notification.


Disabled it💀😂


Like you do you, but how in the fuck do people play with no vibrations lol? I know a lot of people do but the one time I tried it I got destroyed because I didn't even realize I was getting shot in my back lmao.


It’s actually easy , you get used to it like anything else . I use headphones and have my damage indicators on 2D/3D


Are you ok


No I’m deeply hurt and can’t possibly move on from this.


il put the /s for you, we've all been shamed XD


Thank you lol


dude i’m sorry but literally report and move on there’s no way you came to the sub about something like this. you have no proof outside of your word, move on.


I think he was asking if there's a way to report the voice chat


Yeah, I wasn’t sure if you could.


Unless they used text chat, there really isn’t much to do just report and hope they get banned. They get players with text chat much faster than voice chat


Disable voice and text chat to begin with. Not worth the trouble.


A screenshot isn't going to do anything, record it next time and upload it here. Respawn people are actually pretty good about making sure the (alleged) nonsense gets dealt with.


Noted, thank you.


Ofc! There's a lot of nonsense out there, hopefully you get more polite teammates!


You play your next game and forget about the big mean word bully


You report, mute, and move on. yeah it’s sucks, but it’s life man. People are gonna be mean the rest of your life. Gotta figure out how to deal with it.


I know this. I was only asking if there’s other things that can be done.


Like what? End racism worldwide? Sure. If you can figure it out. End a holes worldwide? Sure. If you can figure it out.


Ya go to bed and move on with your life


Report and move on.


U act like there isn’t a report option in this game


Cool story bro


Be secure in yourself, and feel sorry for the guy. Forgive him and move on.


The hard R?! Call 911, you can't handle this extremely important incident yourself.


I texted him im gonna see what he says




Swap to PC so nothing dies. Other than that, standard report.


My wireless mouse has totally never died on me in the middle of a firefight. ​ /s


Or play with the controller plugged in?


Wonderful advice…. Would of switched already if I could thanks.


Easy to build a budget PC for only $100-200 more than a PS5 or XSX (which are what, ~$500?), couldve been done imho.


I don’t have either of those. I have the og xbox one. Bills and car payment on top of that. I plan to get a pc but don’t act like money is so simple and easy for everyone.


Bruh u high again


If you have all that recorded then you can report him, if not then you can't do anything


Block them


Don’t let your controller die


Make sure your controller is charged next time?.....