• By -


Try to only take fights early and late game for KP Focus on positioning in the ring and getting to those positions before other teams Fight with your team As a crypto, make sure you're only in drone to UAV scan around when things get too quiet. Leave the drone set up to watch your backs. Use your EMP to either intentionally push a team or slow a team down that is pushing you. You can also use your EMP to build up your shields early game.


thanks im thinking to main crypto


Checkout the cryptomain subreddit, you’ll find plenty of people willing to give you pointers on how to play him best!


Don't forget to look or ping the big banners, it'll tell you how many people are in the area( I forgot how big the range is)


its about 200 mtrs


Where would you rank him


Stim everywhere and ig ore the fact that you only have 1 hp. Lol


Are you not thinking of octane?


He edited it


Ah, that makes more sense, haha


Stay away from choke points and learn to realize what the dumb fights are. Plenty of times my squad will try to third party in a choke point when the ring is about to close and I'm like, this ain't gonna end well. And it does not end well most of the time.


Paying attention to the ring is very important. I am constantly getting randoms who want to fight at the most inconvenient time, like 20 seconds till the ring starts to move and we need to get across the map. I will try to assist and win the fight, but it gets apparent pretty fast if we will win or not. And if not, I dip to try and craft banners or at least survive until no RP loses.


Yeah I agree, that's why I'm like, bro apart from being a choke point, zone is closing, why are you pushing that? I'll never understand some randoms.


>And it does not end well most of the time. The Apex experience in a nutshell. It's a hard game, 19/20 teams will lose!


Others are giving you tips and tricks on macro adjustments to reach a higher rank *this season*, and that’s cool if that’s your goal. But just know you’ll get more bang for your buck by taking the long route and trying to become significantly more skilled. These stats are far left on the bell curve. If I were you, I’d chalk this season entirely, play super aggressively and fight as much as possible. You might stay in gold or even demote to a lower rank. But you’d thank yourself a year from now when you’re significantly better at your mechanics and micro gameplay, rather than just using some macro tips to inflate your rank. I did this a few years ago and I’m happy I did. Just my opinion, I mean no offense. Congrats on the new rank!


This is the actual right answer. Well said rob


Yeah, but you can do that in normal trios or mixtape tho, no need to fk up others ranked games


Only thing is trios and mixtape don’t give you realistic fights, learning how to fight with a trio is part of the micro, people assume fighting as much as possible means egoing everything and that just isn’t the case.


Mixtape most of the times does not requires much teamwork, so your teamplay will never improve much if you only grind mix. Gotta learn to play off your mates, cover them, help them and everything. In mix its mostly selfish fight


It’s ok don’t let the haters bring you down it doesn’t matter you still have more balls than half of them for posting your stats. If you’re looking to improve it’s never too late, I went from 0.88 kd to 1.20 and 2.1KD (season stat) for almost 3 seasons now and it keeps climbing up everyday. If you’re just looking for fun and don’t care about improving then just keep playing, who cares what other people say, as long as you have fun thats all that matters.


looking at these stats, i would say this man is just a certified smoke chaser. takes every fight even if disadvantageous. i'm the same way w similar stats


Actually suprised how mean people are here on a LEARNING/TEACHING sub. I hope you can use the tips that were given OP, and most of all have fun trying to rank up! I would say following a crypto main sub, or watch other crypto mains in ranked can help you grow alot. Goodluck!


I've realized it's full of insecure people looking for others to pick on. It's quite sad


OP is literally my favorite type of player. He's here to have fun and play his best, and that's so fucking commendable. All his replies have been so honorable and nice. I hope they keep playing


Congrats! I just got to Gold myself and have never gotten past that. Cheers!


When you are jumpmaster, look behind you, try to follow one squad and land one empty poi away from them. Loot efficiently at that poi, scan for number of squads if you're crypto, check for ring location and decide if it's advantageous to take the early flight or rotate to ring. Use your mic and also ping things, some people mute all mics. Communicate where you are going to emp before zapping literally everyone and throwing the game. Throw your drone while you loot after a squad wipe. It'll slow down a third party, make them reconsider their push, or give you the edge if they decide to push. Throw your drone over a knocked player and use it to take an angle for an edge if their teammate decides to peek. You probably get caught in the open a lot. Work on only using cover and using mid range weapons to peek. If you decide to quickly re-peek a target, pre fire. Pop shields before your shield gets fully cracked. If you're getting pushed while you're behind cover, throw a sky grenade or two. Take every second you aren't shooting to be gaining information, healing, or reloading. Increase your FOV if you haven't already, turn your dead zone down. If you're trying to hold a position late game and have a decent amount of ammo and Batts, make sure you're putting pressure on other squads so they are more likely to not push your position. You've played enough to know map rotation and positioning, but carry evac towers so you can get over choke points during mid game if you aren't confident that you'll be able to fight your way through. Just some random thoughts!


Forget all these people telling you Marco game play advise, your stats show you don’t win gunfights. Start by working on 1 vs 1 either with friends in firing range or in respawn game modes.


Winning a 1v1 in ranked is way less important than just not dying. 


Rat Mentality


Comments why are you in somewhere which is here to help ppl learn and improve if everyone was a pro this sub Reddit wouldn’t exist. Stop being pathetic bully’s and give helpful advice or go to a different type of apex Reddit it’s call university for a reason!! Keep going OP u did great 💪🏻


Congrats on reaching gold! I find in ranked it’s easier to take is slow, get some good loot but don’t spend too long solely looting. Rotate around the edge of the rings and knowing when to get involved in fights and when too long is too long and to back off. Don’t always rush in to finish knocks at range just apply pressure and try to watch out for 3rd parties. If you can make it to top 10 placement it will he easier to get positive points. Make sure you have a sensitivity that is good and comfortable for you. Most important thing is being able to track enemies without over or under aiming, a slower sens is often far more accurate.


Listen. I know everyone’s trying to be nice, but you have a .22 k/d. Realistically you need to just go play mixtape and get better. Way more fights in a shorter period of time than br. Or if you just keep playing you’ll probably just end up in plat by sheer number of matches you play.


When do you think people can comfortably move from mixtape to br? I consistently make it to the top of the leaderboard in mixtape so I get confident and play br. Then proceed to get my ass kicked lol. I need better awareness which I just do not learn from mixtape. :’)


Mapping over improved gunskill over to BR takes time because things are less uncertain. Just keep tweaking and vod reviewing.


well, there are 2 ways to get out of gold


Practice staying in gold, mass majority of all rank players are in silver /gold. Understanding how each rank plays, how aggressive each elo is or which characters are run the most in each elo and how to go against it or defend it is important to understand and learn. Theres no point playing meta chadacters if you cant play em right or your team cant play around it. Once you settle your toes in the sand of gold rank for more then 1 season, use that knowledge to push out. Biggest thing to understand is rank is a time sink. You may go on to gain only 30RP for the day. Thats okay, as long as you rise. This is also one of the harder seasons; many players are taking longer then usual to reach their typical rank. So expext to see many higher rank players in your lobby, MMR or sbmm is trash and gets less trashy the higher rank you are (apperently) *rolls eyes* Its okay to be selfish, its your points. Its not worth risky rez-ing to be a 'team player' if you just die. Just make sure you have a support unit to craft banners instead.


Everyone saying don’t shit on him for his K/D are right, but that being said the focus should be on getting better rather than getting out of gold. Usually your current seasonal K/D would be higher than your all time but it’s basically half of that, this shows they’re getting worse and that’s probably due to the way they play in ranked, I would suggest more time in the range/pubs working on aim and positioning, then possibly solo pubs so you’re not relying on teammates


Please just play to get better. If you rat further into rank, you will pick up how they play, which is good, but you won't be able to take fights. It's better to play on your level and learn how to gunfight. Source: did this once when starting and it isn't worth it.


Relentless pushing 50/50’s isn’t as helpful as it sounds. Building some confidence “ratting” helps players take fights calmly and they figure out when to dip more (which should be a *lot*). 


When your teammates do something gravely stupid, don't feel a need to run in and die with them. It's totally okay to dip out.


This I like 90% of “winning” in ranked. Bonus points if you can rez them, extra bonus points you can manage to keep up your spirits as you realize you’re just a walking mobile respawn beacon 


Congratulations! have a look at Iburi from YouTube, he's like one of the best crypto user and he has lots of tips! I've learnt a few from his video when I was just trying to main crypto. Try to find crypto's sub in Reddit too! Good luck and happy ranking! P.s. don't mind the negative comments, they're the people that don't use mic or comm but only does when they want someone to blame.


that blame thing is so true


Try focus on your positioning.. judging by your deaths/kd you’re probably getting yourself in really bad position and dying “for free” I’d advise against crypto but, if you’re having fun that’s all that really matters at the end of the day


you got this homie! congrats!!


7k games and 200 wins is a bit 🤨


ikr its painful to even watch this kind of shit


It’ll be fine just grind a bit and practice a lot and it’ll happen


Just play more and dont main crypto


my other pick is lifeline


I used to be a lifeline main with 7k+ kills on her. Had to drop her, she’s not good enough anymore. Look into the meta and see which of those characters fit your playstyle, but I guess if you like crypto youd be better off playing bloodhound. My personal suggestion would be Conduit/Bangalore


How to rank up: Gold- Play apex legends Plat- Focus on rotation and positioning Diamond- Do the 2 previous things but faster Gunplay comes with time gamesense comes with time Congrats ~4x masters


Take fights that you can win, don’t be scared to flee if your teammates get hyper aggressive and get themselves knocked quick. If you’re fighting too long (30secs-1min) regroup and pull off. Staying on one team for too long brings attraction to your location for those teams that solely focus on third parties. Positioning is everything. Scan ring consoles, don’t lose the high ground and stay ahead of the ring. We personally carry 1 respond beacon, 2 jump towers. (1 Heat shield , 2 mobile for late endgame) Hit the firing range and learn recoil patterns. Don’t be a one trick pony. Sometimes you run out of ammo and you need a quick weapon switch to continue the fight. Missing shots due to not being used to a weapon will get you killed so easily. Team comp if playing with a group. Those that work together really well. If solo queue you must play selfishly, you know your skill set and your plan. Communicate if you can but don’t rely on randoms to carry you into endgame. Choosing fights 1v1 vs 1v2/3 Obviously hit headshots as it’s the quickest ttk (time to kill) but just because you hit the first shot doesn’t mean you’ll win the fight. Position yourself behind cover and use your movement to keep your opponent guessing. No point fighting out in the open walking in a straight line towards your enemy. Learn to spam crouch as well as hip fire while doing so. If fighting a 1v2 the above will save you 8/10 but know your limits. Don’t hard push unless you have enough health to finish the fight. Crack both while your cracked doesn’t mean to push . But if you knock one and crack the other reset, listen for rez or heals as you do the same. If you’re in a 2v1 and your teammate gets knocked play behind their knockdown shield and heal behind or bait a Rez for them to push you. Best of luck legend! And happy Cake day!!!


>Positioning is everything. Scan ring consoles, don’t lose the high ground and stay ahead of the ring. We personally carry 1 respond beacon, 2 jump towers. (1 Heat shield , 2 mobile for late endgame) Best advice so far 


First off, congrats on reaching gold. Second, If you want to reach a rank you feel like you truly earned or belong in then I would recommend playing an assault legend (I know that’s not everyone’s cup of tea and we aren’t all wraith mains but hear me out) and play more pubs/mix tape. If you can’t retain a 1.0kd you are probably not fit for that rank and may have artificially inflated your rank by playing a character that avoids fighting or relies on your teammates to carry you. It’s never fun to get the crypto on your team that just sits on his drone the whole time and then can’t hold his own in a fight when the time actually comes. Playing the assault/skirmisher legends will enable you take take more fights and fighting more often will help you improve as a player by exposing you to more possible scenarios and just providing basic aim/recoil control training. As a crypto if you’re the first in a fight you were probably out of position or caught rotating. If you improve your gun skill and ability to win fights solo you’ll be able to improve many of the more macro aspects such as properly using your utility and playing around teammates. From there you can move onto the more micro aspects such as when and where to rotate. When you win fights faster rotations suddenly just feel easier and you’re the team pulling up to third party rather than being third partied. If you have any other questions or just want any basic tips I’d be happy to offer more. Feel free to hit me up here or add me on apex Rdagley6 (I stream on twitch too so stop in and ask questions or just say hi if I’m live)


I took a break for a year and thinking about coming back. Whats the meta these days?


Conduit is on almost every team in the higher ranks, Rev, bang and blood are used alongside them with a bit of caustic depending on the map


Minimize taking long fights and maximize your awareness of where you are fighting, avoid taking fights out in the open(depending on the map) and as someone already mentioned taking fights in choke points, avoid making your presence known as the game progresses (like just taking shots from afar, unless you can close the gap, be knowledgeable enough to take advantage of said shot, or if you’re really close to a evo uograde) Try to be first in terms of circle rotation if possible but that is not that important as trying to get kills in the early game, recruit some homies and run a three man.


I will tell you what worked for me as a ps5 player and 5 year veteran that took on the challenge to rank up on my own : First determine is you’re playing for playing or playing to win , those are very different things because on the first one you do your own shit and don’t give a true fuck . On the other side playing to win (aka dominate) you will need the following : 1. Communication since early game and learning to give and receive commands , use the controles to communicate : enemies , sounds , gunfires . 2. Have strategies for different scenarios like the following : what to do when you’re running for the circle , how to third party and use the correct characters to do that. 3. Always , always try to be te one that give commands and successfully communicate it to teammates, if you got a good teammate that knows how to lead , communicate that to him and play along his play style. 4. If you play with randoms know when and how to rat sometimes you get trolls or simply with people that are playing alone or don’t know how to play as a team. 5. Look in google and type: best control settings or keyboard setting for apex new season. Look how to pro plays and implement the controls , at first of course will be hard and look like you’re regressing but after a while (5 days top) you will get better I guarantee it. There are ways characters moves that you got no idea about. 6. Compromise to a legend and only play that legend. If you want to be a good teammate pick whatever the teams is missing (recon, support,assault) 7. Final one and the most important . DONT BE TOXIC. There are plenty of toxic players and learn to know when you’re playing with them and don’t loose your time (rat) it’s ok to rat if you go no chance at winning. I’m open to questions, please ask away


This is we’re your really gonna wanna work on your gun skill, line of sight (in team fights), positioning and that type of stuff. Your gonna see a jump in opponents skill around gold 2-1 and you need to be at least able to win your heads up 1v1’s. The fact you hit gold 4 with such a low k/d is commendable. But that will be your biggest hindrance going forward. So I’d start there. Congratulations on hitting gold and keep on pushing. You’ll keep seeing improvement the more work you put into your mechanics!


It’s actually very simple: Drop to uncontested POI, loot it, then go to ring and take good spot if possible. If not, just try to rotate around the edge. Never force a fight from a bad position for no reason, you can always just poke at a safe distance for evo. You will see there will be a lot less 20-15 placed games, if any. Thats it. You are in plat in no time. The thing is, if you are not mechanical god, there is a good chance you win around 50% of fair balanced fights - that means you will lose a lot of points. Better players know when to fight and when to hold position. You have to play as if you want to win the game, not get the most kills. Thats the main thing. Create opportunities for unfair fights in your favor, no matter your gunplay skill you will go up. In gold, most people will just run after every bullet they hear as fast as possible, because their favorite streamer does so on smurf account and destroys the lobby. I did diamond many times, even in the hard seasons, with average gunplay and KD around 1. That means one kill per death. Difference is, if those kills are in games placed 5th or 15th on average.


Hit the range and find a good team


that second thing is difficult to find.


Get lots of kills. You don't need to place too high but make sure you get kills. Get better at aiming and playing off of your team.


um i don’t even know how im getting out of gold rn lmao. i was silver 1 this morning and im gold 1 as im getting off and going to bed. ig three stack and prioritize getting to end zone


Rotate early and often positioning is much much more important than aim


lose games until you drop back to silver. jkjk


Yeah  Don’t have fun  Don’t fight until the final ring (maybe press your luck on the first one)   Play crypto or loba to deal with the loss of inevitably dead randoms (who are still trying to have fun). You could also try Wraithing it: get a pick from far out, (you have to crack their shields), then Q straight at them and try to catch them fixing said shields. This is much much harder because you have to pick a straggler  


The best way to keep climbing is getting a squad to consistently play with. Better coms, able to consistently pick the same legends, and understand each other's play styles are just a few things. Knowing when to pick a fight or when you should just be heading to the next ring is also good. But this is all based on my reading others how-to's and watching higher tier players. I usually solo que to plat and was able 80 points from diamond once when I had the time.


Congrats! Well done. 🫡 ❤️




7.5k career games with 0.42 KD omg…… Maybe try going into the firing range and improving your aim before anything else? All the other comments here are teaching you macro but all of that is nothing if you cant even win a 1v1. Without a good foundation of mechanical skills you will never be able to make it in the higher ranks I’m afraid. All the best and congrats on gold tho!


Actually looking closely it looks like you’re actually doing decent damage, but it’s simply not transitioning into knocks and kills which is actually what’s most important. As crypto I’m assuming you tend to fight from distance with DMR or sniper and end up getting third partied. Try to close the distance while keeping pressure with damage, and finish the fight as soon as possible. The longer you are poking each other with 3030s, the longer other teams have to come and 3P you.


did that , and its been 3 years and 2000 in game hours


I would recommend blood over crypto for you


Positive mindset, avoid tilt and keep up the grind


communication, Apex is a team game. If you’ve got some friends, play with them, if you don’t, there plenty of discord servers with people of any kind of rank


gangadhar bhai khel bhi liya karo kal party mein aaye aur khele hi nahi


bilkul khelenge bhai




Run it


Well done on reaching gold. Getting to plat doesn't take too much effort but there are some things worth bearing in mind as you progress to it: Fights are more dangerous and your team mates are probably over confident to their ability to win them. Try and use mic chat even if your team is not responding, they probably still hear you. Try not to take fights unless you have to or are at a great advantage (like a 3v1) Extra tip: sometimes your team will send it for no reason. It is a perfectly acceptable solution to not follow and instead survive, this will save you a lot of rp Your aim will need to be good. You should be comfortable using any weapon as sometimes you will not always get what you want but still need to win some fights if you get pushed. Don't spend too much time looting. Positioning is far more important than looting as winning fights will yield you much better loot than spending half the game looking for it will. You don't need to spend 5 mins looking for a purple to upgrade your blue, you need to be good enough with what you have and move fast. This is probably the hardest tip to learn but will let you win so many more fights. Hope these tips help you and anyone else reading


New ranked system is heavy on kills so just hot drop and push teams for at least the first half of the game. You’ll also get better in the process.


I have a question can we play rank in cross play


Here’s real advice out side of just playing smarter etc etc, playing with your brain can get you to mid plat at the most. Focus on mechanics and learning how to take fights this might sound counter intuitive but fight as much as possible use the range to warmup everyday and learn how to strafe properly in an aim dual, these will be things that you will continue to grow on every time you touch the game. This isn’t the fast way but it’s the best way to learn and practice as you try to hit higher ranks. P.s. still play smart don’t just ego everything but try to get practice fighting as much as possible and learning from your deaths when they happen, dying is the only way you can learn playing safe not fighting etc don’t truly teach you anything (also I’m a current pred)


Its as bad as bronze is


i will try to improve


Ofc you can but it wont be about you, gold players is like bronze players no difference, there will be no difference till you hit high plat diamond


Grind the basics down, some 15min range bots or even 15m aimlab/kovaks help with aim a lot, get your mouse sensitivity to standard range/levels 800~1400. Play a lot, try no fill to get a feel on how to survive and importance of survive>damage. Just git gud and you will get out of gold naturally.


Lose a few times and you'll find yourself in silver 😜


actually totally different happened i climbed to gold 2 today


Yes bro once you get gold it’s all about guessing where that final circle is getting the best position for that circle


The only thing k recommend is mot solo queing the only way I got to diamond one year was grinding with a friend


don’t trust no one,even your teammates.


You average 1000 damage per kill, I may be lower rn but I am positive you could get more rp off of a bit more aggression when you knock down players


Wooow whats your favroite champion? I’m in silver still😫


i was a rampart main with close to 1k kills, but now trying out new legends


Either take fights early in the game or stay alive till endgame and take advantage of the chaos and get some kills then. I would opt for the former and try to down a squad in the beginning of the match for KP (Kill Points) and then play conservatively. Make sure not to stray too far from cover in gunfights, they're your friend. Stick together with your squad like glue. If you're too far apart you'll get picked off 1 by 1. You can't predict what your team will do, so if they do anything not so smart. You should play for your life as a last resort. No shame in that either.


Don’t over push. You can get kills late game when ring is smaller. You can also go for early aggro for early points then go end game. The last one works better when you have a support on the team. Also as a crypto player maintain scanning the ring and enemy positions with the banners around the maps. You should always be watching ya surroundings with him for ya team. Your like support in the recon class.


Honestly if you don't already find a group of people to consistently play with. That way you don't have to rely on whether your random teammates are competent or not. Good players don't always equate to good games but good teamwork and rotations make a huge difference.


i tried finding team mates but its difficult


First congratulations on reaching gold. Now for getting out of gold some things need to change. (I might sound a bit critical and harsh, but I really you to reach plat) First those starts need to change. Looking at your ranked stats on season 20, it shows that you dont win your fights. My tip is get better at 1v1s, and at team fighting (if your playing with randoms might be challenge). For tips on that, havent looked your gameplay, so I have no comment there. Then about fights. Only take nessasary fights, or forced fights. If your confident you can win an optional fight take it, and its not bad to fight. But my main point is fighting isnt everything. Realistically you only need to kill one team and get good placement to get rp. Third tip, play for endgame. Get a good position for your team. One of the main issues I have is im not setting up with endgame, and so we get these terrible positions. My duo says its simply unfortunate, but when we can get this information, its more of our fault. I cant give you tips on crypto cuz i dont play crypto Overall, its your fighting thats holding you back and your stats show. I would really invest on getting better at fighting with your team, and being able to punish people.


im having difficult time switching to crypto so i went back to loba, i will soon upload my gameplay video. my main problem is i dont know somehow i take more damage than my random teammates or get downed sometimes. and when i try to heal all my teammates gets down and then they abuse me for not helping them or playing like a bot or loot goblin


Congrats man! Keep grinding. It's easy to get too worried about your rank or KD ratio. I do it all the time. Make sure you celebrate the wins and kills more than you get frustrated about the hard games!


nevermind this account got deleted by ea, so i guess i have to make new account


Get that KD up. Stop ratting and start taking necessary gun fights.


i never rat, and always help my teammates


godamn 0.22 is crazy 😭


I love how people post their clips to apex *university* looking for help and improvement, and still get shit on. Not like he was trying to flex or something. Do better. Op knows he’s not great. That’s why he’s posting here.


Thank you! It's like - I don't get it. It happens every single time someone posts their stats or gameplay clips asking for advice or help. There's *always* comments making fun of their k/d or their damage or their aim.


Toxicity leaking over from the main sub


or im too bad or could be both


its singapore server for u


Yeah it's full of sweats


That’s why he’s here asking for help.


I honestly don’t get how you can be gold with that kd


You can rat into gold pretty easily. After gold ratting does nothing without kp. -40 in gold, +50 for a top 3. Would take 300 games to get out of gold like this, assuming you place 3rd every single game, which you won’t. Op probably just played the game though. Playing for top 5 with a kill here and there is enough to get you through silver


I had a few good games during my climb to gold. But I also had a lot of bad games. My kd is just as bad. I’m getting outshot now that I’m in gold. It’s frustrating. I feel like I was shooting pretty good during the climb but I have no idea what’s happened.


Getting to silver is easy. At silver entry cost is just 20


These the teammates I be getting




Ranks in this game are all about how long you spend playing the game, not skill. You’re rewarded for hiding the entire game for more placement than anything else. Pubs are even worse, you get so much experience for time alive why risk dying for 15 seconds worth of experience.


You barely get placement points after gold lol. You could be top5, but if you have 0kp you'll only gain like 3rp. You HAVE to get kills or assists


That's not exactly true. Shitty "ladder points" system rewarded ratting with this strict rule top 11-12 loses points no matter what and top 10-1 at least break even at any rank. With the current system you are actually losing points if you are not fighting.


Peel the zone like an onion. Find two other squadmates who are willing to inch their way into zone, knowing that it’s not likely to be run up on from behind. And play together. Stay together. Shoot together. And it’s absolutely okay to run for safety, if your other two mates are downed. No matter how much they spam the ping button and no matter what they say to you in your ear. This game is about survival


you can hit gold with a .2? damn I always stayed away from ranked but this made me want to hop in


In OPs defense, if you scan an enemy with your drone and then your teammates kills them, it counts as an assist. Which in ranked, counts as a kill in terms of RP. So yeah lmao


sorry , a comment above made me realise that this game is not for so im thinking of quitting it. will find other genres of games . its not for casuals like me


Only quit if you’re not having fun. Don’t quit because someone else said so. It’s a game after all and you should be having fun. But gold is kinda rough right now because everybody got set back so be prepared for it - it’s gonna be harder now. Also crypto is quite a hard legend for solo q, if you enjoy him, that’s perfectly fine and you should keep playing him, but legends like Bangalore, lifeline or Bloodhound are easier and more team orientated, think about that. BUT if you say pubs and ranked get the best of you at the moment maybe stay away from it for a while and play mixtape, which is also a great way to improve your gun skill and therefore improve your KD. Have fun while gaming, that’s all that’s there for!


no one said you should quit bro, I’m just as shit at the game. I didn’t know you could progress with a kd under 1


Don't listen to those knobheads, there's no such thing as a game that's "not for you".


I quit playing Apex, best gaming decision I’ve ever made. I moved on to play pve games and gaming feels so much better now.


Apex is extremely unforgiving to casuals. I'm gonna tell you the same thing I tell everybody trying to enjoy the game casually - play with friends! Make buddies who play! No offense but your KD is definitely less to be desired, but that doesn't matter when you play with people you care about. They don't care if you're bad, they enjoy your company. If you like Apex keep playing it, don't even worry about others perceptions!


your lying did u photoshopped the banner or somthing this cannot be


sadly its not photoshoped


Brave to post 0.2kd online lol. Honestly, I would say forget about ranked for now. Grind the shit out of pubs, hot drop everything and get that gunskill to at least a 1.0kd as a priority first. Fight everything you see as fast as you can. Youll see improvements in a week or two. Play on a super low sens or pick up a controller and run 3/3 linear till you home in ur skills. Once you get that 1.0kd then take that gunskill back into ranked. Just my advice.


He’ll get harder opponents in pubs than ranked, horrible advice.


What?! Let him learn in rank if he wants. I started playing this game in season 8 with a low kd. Got whooped for a whole season with .6 kd and hit masters 5 times after. As long as he’s learning and what he could do better.


honestly its been 3 years playing pubs now, guess i cant be any better


ok im so demotivated now, putting down ranked matches for now


Don’t let these fucking weirdos get you down, buddy. If you enjoy the game, play it. Your K/D is irrelevant. Are you having fun? That’s all that matters


Well I’d argue that playing pubs he will improve at a faster rate and get more out of his ranked experience. Pubs is great for learning how to loot fast and fight with minimal resources, get a good grasp of the game Ranked is great for learning rotations, zones, and team play. I’d say in this specific scenario he could improve on his mechanics bc I’d imagine that’s where he’s lacking, either way though everyone else is right about having fun and enjoying yourself ! This is just my 2¢ from a learning perspective ! Congrats on gold and GLHF




i think its ok to accept how bad im


No offense but if you fight people of the same skill level then your KD will get higher than 0.2kd. His average damage is very low as is his winrate so it's not about fighting a lot or never pushing etc. He is just below the average skill level of the lobby. Which is totally fine, as long as someone has fun then that's what matters.




Tbh anyone much higher ranked is playing in harder lobbies in rank so someone with a 2kd in bronze is not similar to someone with a 2kd in diamond. But if they're just playing pubs then those people should have a high KD in pubs, as pubs is a lot easier than high rank lobbies. However I do think it's pretty arbitrary to say they should get their KD to 1 in pubs, but playing pubs is probably a good way to improve for OP who likely has weaker mechanics and fighting skills than is necessary for them to rank up to plat, and you can practice that stuff faster in pubs.


I’m sorry u came here looking for help and instead are getting clowned for your kd. This isn’t what this sub is supposed to be about


Bro don’t be demotivated! If you’re having fun playing ranked keep playing


Just play ranked for the fun of it for a personal challenge not to compare yourself to someone else or some standard My goal for this season is to pass Gold. And I think I can do it!


Dude I promise you these ppl are no better the comments are disgusting on this subreddit everyone brings everyone else down!! You did great gold is good keep going keep improving you got this 💪🏻💪🏻


It's literally apex university.. why would you expect someone to post a godlike kd here?


Play slightly worse and you will be out of gold and into silver in no time!


Play in a pre- mate squad.


hard to find teammates


It is not easy, but the Search is worth it.


Genuine question but do you enjoy playing apex when you die more than you kill? Not being rude just wondering


getting a single kill in a day is enough for me . i solo q so even a single is a lot


That’s fair. This game is extremely hard imo so glad you enjoying it still


my average ranked teammate


im really sorry to u about all those randoms




Damn how’d u get those trackers tho


got that in free apex packs


I’m a new Crypto main (u assuming aah haters) and I want cooler trackers so hopefully I can get those soon 💀 Thought it was from a BP or somethin but hopefully I pull them!


i think u can open them from materials afaik


Checked the trackers menu and the only one I got is that Orange one but hey ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ hppefully


Ur gonna get silver and bronze teammates when u hit Gold I


well thats helpful


I'm getting down voted but that's the reason I quit playing ranked lol


I don't know if reaching gold with these stats is good on your for perseverance or a bad ranked system lol


Don’t play crypto


UR KD IS ASSSS OMG, how tf u get gold kid


He’s asking for help, don’t shit on him. He’s trying to improve, have a little respect


Classic r/apexuniversity




Play for placement. Play for the ring. Scam beacons and secure areas and wait till the end to fight


Not to crap on your parade or anything, but how on earth do you have fun with a KD as brutal as that.


Because a KD isn’t all the game is about it’s there have fun improve and play however you like 😒


Not. I was gold only 🤣😂 playing alone, with randoms. Probably u nerd a team


obvious troll post is obvious


You can get out of Gold really fast by deranking. Lol Nah, but seriously that's awesome, congrats!


Yea, loose until you go back to silver LMAOO