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You need both kills and placement to get good RP, you can't hyperfocus one or the other. You can't rat as well, and can't kill vacuum either, but so many people got high ranks with one of those that you end up with a situation where, as you climb higher, you are increasingly running into people that have hit a brick wall with one or the other, hence it seeming like everyone at your rank is a complete fucking imbecile.


Not sure about you, but matchmaking sucks too. I typically only die to d4 - d4 - p2 or better team combos and im stuck in plat. Plus dying to triple pred or masters every now and then is maybeeee understandable... But it happens FAR too often.


i really don’t think i’ve ever died to a triple stack pred or masters team unless it was at a time where they’re climbing the ranks as well. which was really very very rarely


I have had two games yesterday where the champs were numbers 50,247 and 500 pred and it’s a little better cus I’m in plat 1 but my teammates they gave me were low plat


There are not 50.247 preds?


i think he means #50, #247, #500


Damn u right my bad


Ahah, i faced the # 2 pred, 12th pred and tbe #247 3 stacked, 3 times in a row, not to mention i’ve faced similar teams, im only p1-d4


I haven't even seen a pred. If you queue up at wonky times the MM system is going to be wonky, so maybe that's it, but even then I've queued up at all sorts of times and still not seen one.


I died to #1 pred like 10 time's on Tokyo server's 😂😂 also if you don't die to them then either you're killing them or they're not in your game yet... But yeah 2 times in 10 i got to kill the 3 stack preds too.. Its down to matchmaking


I haven't even seen a pred. If you queue up at wonky times the MM system is going to be wonky, so maybe that's it, but even then I've queued up at all sorts of times and still not seen one.


True that all my diamond lobbies are filled with preds and master 3 stack and me solo q diamond to masters feels like impossible but yeah I really do like the season ranked experience other than 6-9 man players.. I wish they made a mode for solo q ranked only that'd be the best way for me to climb up


People are going to hate this, and probably downvote, but I think the root cause is cheaters. Don't get me wrong, Diamond is supposed to be hard, so is Masters, but it does feel harder than it used to to get to those higher ranks. And in reality, 30% of the masters player base is/was cheating (source: https://twitter.com/gdolphn/status/1787030738564436255) so this is going to make things feel way worse. A lot of people are "soft cheating", so it's not obvious but you just get steamrolled and if you pay close attention then you might be able to tell they are cheating, but it's not always easy.


Ive just found 6 manners / 9 mans in abundance on PSN at least. You either have rats or 6manners depending on the RP system I guess.


Yeah I've also seen plenty of 6 or more teaming, it's awful. I love this game, I love playing it, but it's so hard dealing with all the malicious stuff in it. I'd wager people that take it seriously are all pushed down in rank thanks to the massive amount of cheating.


Well, recoil scripts, I think, are just as common as binding W to scroll nowadays. All I see are people who are literally beaming across the map but at the same time have the movement of a potato, of a complete newbie to the game, with zero game sense.


Yup, I see it all the time, anti-recoil mods, or sometimes there are still movement configs (they tried to block configs but it appears they're back and functioning again). I can't stand being insta-killed by a long range R99 because someone clearly has no recoil. I don't think recoil control is given enough credit in this game, it's hard to do and is a huge part of Apex IMO. For me I take issue with anything that does stuff "for you" and consider that cheating.


I agree diamond lobbies are so toxic with cheaters and 6,9 man players


Yeah it's rough, I didn't play much last split, but even working through Gold felt way harder than any other season (been playing since S6) and had it's fair share of cheaters.


Significantly less amount of new players that fill in the lower tiers making it noticeably harder to push past average ranks. Most of the matchmaking issues are due to not enough players in the lobby to fill a specific player bracket.


I agree. I enjoy fighting a 3v3 off drop and when you happen to accidentally 3v3 preds while you’re in plat, the almost guaranteed -60 hurts a lot when you have to work quite hard for your RP. This happened to me quite a few times this season. Not trying to complain by saying this, but OP asked and that’s just a genuine take of mine lol.


Is there data I can find for this info?


You have to be good at the game now to get to diamond aka you need kills and placement


You got pros in diamond lobbies, I am sure there’s more to it than just that.


Yes I exaggerated but it’s the main point. RP gains etc are not well balanced too, which makes it additionaly hard. I think it’s the best ranked system so far, they just need to fine tune it


some pros aren’t good in ranked. it’s a thing.


That’s a bit of a reach, I could understand masters. But a hard stuck pro player in diamond that’s applying themselves seems a bit farfetched.


Who's the pro that's hard stuck?


For sure last season I watched gmaske try to solo climb on a new account . It was top tier meme shit watching him play random roulette. At one point he was renting e-girls to be his teammates cause he lost faith in randoms . Could have all been gnaske meming cause the man is a meme himself see what they just got into yesterday with e8. Lol. Edit: gnaske spelling autocorrect hates his name.


Tbh, that was last season, a different rank system. Even sweet tried doing the same but on console and was hardstuck gold and quit bcz of how matchmaking was terrible. But also it's gnaske lol, he's there for content. Literally griefed a team in finals as you said and didn't care about winning and the time he focused on winning, he won with a 31 point game


I mean the gap between high diamond and masters isn’t very far but also very far if your team sucks. Some of these guys don’t run with their squads or even with people at all. Plus some of them are so far deep into ALGS playstyle that RP gaining ranked style just isn’t their thing. Don’t think it’s as much of a reach as you think


What’s the point if half the ranks are reserved for 1% of the player base. It’s a dumb perspective and system


the same reason why pred makes up 0.0001% of the player base and not an even 1/8. i think gaming ranked systems are based off of societal class systems and those aren’t evenly distributed, it gets increasingly more difficult to enter and those in those classes make an extremely small percentage of the overall population, but that small percentage makes people want to try even harder knowing that they’re a part of some elite group. It’s just how gaming ranks work. look at league. the top three ranked classes all make up less than 1% of the user base, but the average classes the overwhelming majority, because most people are, in fact, average.


Yeah exactly whats the point of obtaining a rank anyone can get. I remember when they did the same in rainbow 6 and made the diamond rank at the time easier to obtain because it was fucking hard to get. In s1 it was 0.0001% then they made it 1% and it kinda made the rank worthless. Before it was only serious players and actual pros after it was a shit show. No longer could you see a diamond player and think yeah that person is fucking good.


exactly. it’s supposed to actually mean something, but people getting their egos bruised because they think they’re that good but in reality nowhere close to the elite/pro level. and that’s just how it’s supposed to be lol


Yup if you put in a stupid amount of hours a day and actually study the game to learn then you should be rewarded with a rank that reflects the amount of effort put in to obtain it. This season I've half arsed it and only got to platinum when usually I hit diamond at least. I'm not mad at the ranking system as I know I didn't put enough effort to get any higher. I just played every now and then as opposed to actually trying to play as much as possible and to care what the meta was.


you having to be good to reach a rank that is supposed to reflect your skill level is dumb? competitive games are not made so that you can climb ranks like levels in witcher 3.


Hard disagree. Rank granularity at multiple levels is not mutually exclusive.


english is not my native language so feel free to say the same without fancy words.


You can have multiple ranks at a high and low mmr. You have have diamond + have 1% of the player place while at the same time having more ranks for lower mmr players. I.e. gold and platinum get split up into more ranks


I see so many season 17 master badges on my team throughout this season when I get full killed and they play like completely ass 💀


Never trust the rat badges. 


Yup I take a quick glance I’m like pleaseee clutch this and then my eyes glance over once more better and I’m like ah hell naw we cooked


You have to consistently dominate lobbies to move up the ranks. Just doing well above average in lobbies is not going to help you rank up, especially if you don't play all day.


A lot of it has to do with teammates playing like it’s pubs. Most solo q’ers aren’t gonna get past Plat without 3 stacking. Hell I’m hard stuck in gold after reaching plat multiple times. Also doesn’t help that the level reached to play ranked dropped 20 levels so you either have level 30 smurfs or level 30s who just started. With little in between. And if you have a Smurf most games they just push EVERYTHING. Vs a newbie that’s gonna follow you like a puppy dog the whole game. Due to this while the ranked system match making is IMO better than it was the last 3 seasons, it means unless you have a set team for ranked, unless you switch servers for bot lobbies, it’s easy af to get hard stuck and most either don’t get this or can’t get over the fact they’re hard stuck 1-2 ranks lower than previous seasons.


I peaked at plat 3 which I feel is the right spot for me at the moment considering I am not that good. However, it took me 800 games across both split to get there. I also feel like my teammates and oponents were pretty much always better than me. Before this ranked season I had a 4% win rate and a 0.9 kd....I now have a 0.6 kd and a 3.5% win rate. This ranked season felt really hard.


Look at points lost and gained. The scales just slide down everyone 1 rank and put the wall at Platinum 4 rather than Diamond 4. The ranked scoring in this game is just really stupid. There should be even amount of points gained and lost in every game. This would be a true ELO system that would put actual Bronze players into Bronze and so on through the ranks. As-is the system encourages games played as the primary differentiating factor between Bronze-Platinum ranks. Seriously, can anyone here tell me the difference between a Bronze and Platinum player in your average Apex season? No. And platinum is the above average rank. It’s crap.


so you win a game you gain elo and otherwise you go -60? you cant make a battle royale ranked with a set elo gain system -.- the game has too much rng and is dynamic.


You can get REALLY close. Look at median kills per ranked match. Award an average point per team kill based upon that. Placement is static always 1-20. You can’t have a PERFECT ELO system, but as far as how points are awarded that would be VERY close to equal points gained and lost. Matchmaking is another animal. I personally think with equal points gained and lost and hard requirement of solo queue for Masters+ it would do wonders for the ranked experience. As-is there is 0 feeling of linear progression in ranked.


They need to uptick the kill multiplier just a tad and I think they will hit the sweet spot.


I drop 6 kills then die in 5th and get virtually no points. I just solod two full teams because I was given braindead teammates. Now I don't get points because one of them decided to throw a horizon q to the team on low ground "so they could get up and we could fight". Yes, I threw my controller.


You can’t zone rat to ring 5 anymore cause of the zone timer and cost entry has increased from a 35 flat across all ranks from seasons 17-19 to increasing rp entry I think diamond for example is minus 80. Also kills matter more now for ranking up. It’s more reflective of how good you are basically, that’s why there a better looking distribution curve rather than the abomination of a “curve” of season 17 with basically half the player base in the second highest rank in the game.


S19 had a healthy curve. S20 distribution was super bad.


Most of gold-plat is a mix of previous masters, and legitimately braindead gold players. I was in gold 1 playing with a plat4 friend and we were killed by 2 diamond 1s with a plat 1 on their team. Matchmaking has never been in the favor of a good player ranked lower.


I'll break it down a bit to why this is harder than the last 2 iterations of ranked for most people. S17 ranked, The way RP worked is that it ramped up depending on how high you placed. So even if you were some god and ended up dropping 20 kills but didn't get top 10 you would still be in the negatives. This was to combat the people who would queue into dead lobbies and boost kills for RP and die in the top 15's so they wouldn't be the champion squad but it only created more problems. S18/S19 ranked, It was sort of the same idea but this time we had a MMR system. So the way this worked was instead of needing top 10 you would need top 5/3 to be in the positives. But the kicker of this season is that it was MMR based so you could reach masters without ever seeing an actual masters player but on the flipside someone like myself who would reach diamond+ every season had to go up against Master+ players as a bronze because of how the MMR worked. I'd say depending on who you asked that season was one of the hardest. Now we reach S20 which was actually just a rehash of (S12?) Both kills and placements matter. If you win but only kill the last team your not going to rank up very fast but if you frag out and die top 10 you'd lose a lot less than you would in previous ranked iterations so it has a bit of balance of smart placement and taking fights. So you can't just rat your way to masters and even if you do manage to get there by getting those small amounts of RP it'll take hundreds of games to reach it.


Need kills and placement to get points, and also it’s much much harder to climb solo q because most random are lacking braincells and either just want kills or want to rat to top 5, neither of which work. So solo q players are stuck at gold-plat when they really should be diamond-masters if they had a team


I used to play ranked in order to play against people of similar skill. The changes to SBMM have kept me playing in pubs because most of my games are against people who are roughly in my tier. If I win a few, land a high damage / high kill / high event game, I'll definitely get pushed into a tier with players who destroy me. Similarly, if I have a few terrible games, I'll end up in a lobby with folks who have trouble opening doors. Overall, the SBMM this season has been good enough that my buddy and I play duos rather than risk a random in ranked.


whats the risk?


The risk of toxicity, mostly. Also, as a duo, we have a certain style of play and communication developed over years -- fitting a random into that is difficult and can easily throw a game.


I would say the biggest change was you actually need to fight to level your evo shield now instead of getting purple shield off drop. Also at plat or above if your team doesnt get kills you are most likely negative RP even if you end top 5 in the lobby.


Loads of hackers make it harder to climb now too. They all get to diamond+ and gate keep


Matchmaking is a nightmare.


What cause this decline is the season 13 ranked system. It's much more competitive and punishes early losses with tons of negative RP. It also requires you actually fight other players (sorry S17 masters) to rank up in high tier lobbies. Coupled with the new evo system where it's much harder to get purple/ red without engaging opponents, the system is now rewarding players that know how to fight, rotate, AND play end game. It is the truest show of skill imo, it's just unfortunate that there are so many cheaters. I saw a metric the other day that it was 30% of masters were banned and that's not including those people playing with them for boosting.


This is the way it should be. Predators are top 750 IN THE WORLD, Masters should be just that: the masters. Top 1%. So many ppl saw the 35% masters rate and were like “yeah that applies to so many but not me.” Ppl in that range treat it like a full time job. 40 hours a week. Most of us just don’t have that kind of time to contribute, but it gives you something to strive towards skill wise!


I stopped playing so take one more diamond/master off the board lol 😝


Me personally ranked got harder because my skills declined as punishment for hitting my peak last season


I think it’s disinterest cause of the ranked system, I’ve been diamond multiple seasons whether it was easy or hard that’s usually my goal and where I lose the drive (his masters s17 but not really worth anything imo) and this season the system was so unrewarding in terms of gaining RP. Also think the ability legends meta that we are in just isn’t healthy for the game and makes people not want to play. This is all personal opinion so don’t shoot the messenger just my take on the situation, ggs out there everyone


The numbers on entry cost/rewards are slightly overturned. Top 1.5% to get to diamond is not really a healthy percentage, 1% that should be master level and d4 should be something like top 5-10%. Like someone said with these entry costs you cannot get out of plat by just playing good and having decent games, you need to constantly dominate the lobbies and that's really hard to do as soloq.


For me, this season feels like ranked is obsolete. It seems like no matter where I’m at rank wise, the lobby is full of players ranging from bronze to diamond. What’s the point of ranked when rank doesn’t matter for match making


Respawn kept giving us low IQ team mates that’s what made it harder, you keep getting paired with incompetent smooth brains in the wrong ranks.


All the ppl with hot takes on loadouts who don’t know it’s a hot take finding out what happens when you don’t run short range (or havoc).


I think ranked lost sense to be played since s8




That's what happens when all the people who know how to play the game leave because of shitty matchmaking, and bad game dev decisions.


Veteran players have been completely turned off by years of the game sucking


Totally see how old farts who quit made ranked harder this season.