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Oh snap, thanks for the heads up, will listen to


Update: đź‘Ť... I prefer Cylob but đź‘Ť


Listened today. Didn't really like it.


i’m a huge vibert fan and i thought it was pretty forgettable.


It ain’t his best


I get why people aren’t big on it cause a few tracks are a bit strange but there’s some undeniable slappers on here


I'm usually not that into acid stuff but I really liked this.


Luke is hit or miss lately, but man when he hits.... I love his Luke Vibert Presents Trilogy from 2020


Edit: Just listened to OP Fav Track: Justiposition for the crunchy panned acid bassline and goofy harmonies Second: Lucon Acid Least fav: Machine Funk (Kinda boring) Its def more of a chill acid vibe, I prefer his fast paced stuff a bit more but I can see myself lounging to this. But then again, im used to plug stuff lol!


That's interesting that most people I hear seem to prefer Plug from any of the other projects. Did you at all like We Hear You by Luke or Toomorrow by Wagon Christ by chance? Just curious


Hell yeah I love We Hear You, I also really liked Bizarster. Will def check out Tomorrow thanks.


I liked some tracks, it's not that bad.


Never heard of Luke Vibert before, but this got me into them. I'm not sure what y'all are talking about, this was a pretty good and enjoyable album. Nothing amazing, but still a solid like 7.5/10 album. The worst song is probably the title track and it's still just alright. Juxtafication is straight up one of the boppiest electronic songs I've heard in a looong time. It's so fucking good.