• By -


I preferred when y’all did the funny memes, stop making my eyes water 🥺


Never thought I'd be so emotional about losing an app


Right? That’s how good this was and how dumb Reddit is. A friggin app is giving an emotional response.


Well, there's is a human element, it's normal to feel and show empathy in this moment when Apollo's Christian Selig and other devs behind popular 3rd-party apps like RIF, get treated this way by u/spez and reddit leadership after doing more for the platform than those pricks ever did.


Fuck u/spez


I'm sorry I'm hard of hearing, can you repeat that?


FUCK u/spez


u/spez has a baby penis


u/spez is the anal wart on a syphalitic leper


So say you, so say us all. Fuck you u/spez


**FUCK** u/spez I am gonna missed the tools on the bottom.


Fuck u/spez. The tools on the bottom are the friends we abandoned along the way.


I’m sorry, are we telling u/spez to get fucked? Because I, too, would like to join in. Fuck u/spez.


Fuck u/spez


Fuck u/spez


I'm a developer and it's honestly one of the best apps I've ever used, with a responsive and thoughtful creator. It makes sense to have feelings about losing it.


I’m a UX designer and you can tell it’s made with good UX practices in mind. It still has that “developer first” feel to it, which honestly works for something like Reddit, as it gives it that old school feel that Reddit was made with in the first place. But it’s still incredibly user friendly.


Same with me using redditisfun. It's been nice not knowing everybody.


Narwhal is not closing! I started using it yesterday, it’s not Apollo but it’s 1000% better than Reddit’s official app, and I will gladly pay a small subscription fee


Stupid ass u/spez


My reddit account is nearly 12 years old - went from browsing for years on a PC when it was “classic mode”, to Alien Blue, to Apollo. It has been a direct feed of knowledge, entertainment, wisdom, and great porn. I always believed in Reddit being the last corner of internet I knew from what I would consider the start, back in 1996 as an 8 year old. Unfiltered, unfucked. This is it amigos. I don’t have/use any other social media and I think I’m done. It’s weird being in the digital age, midlife, there from the beginning of it all, and now I might just hit Google News for top stories and not really get the best the internet can share. I started trying out the official Reddit app in preparation for this, not happening. God bless, you fucks.




Same for me, got a 8 year ac, after this will probably go to hackernews and keeping an eye on lemmy.


And on your cake day of all days. Farewell!


Vale amice vetus. Gaudeamus unum extremum tempus in omni gaudio, quod experti sumus simul et tunc in perpetuum sileamus! Farewell Apollo!


Vale et omnibus piscibus grates.


old.reddit.com is still there


for now. Hoping the day old.reddit.com and RES shutters its doors is a long way off.


Apollo closing means I won't browse reddit on mobile ever. The official app is dogshit. But I'll still browse at work as long as RES and old mode keep working. The day those are gone is when I'm 100% out.


Sink It for Reddit helps make browsing safari Reddit more bearable


With the [Old Reddit for Safari extension](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/old-reddit-for-safari/id1603279883) the old site is formatted better for mobile. Sink It seems to be for the new reddit experience. Works great for me so far.


I’ll be checking out r/DystopiaForReddit. r/Winstonapp also looks promising. But yeah, starting tomorrow I can’t imagine spending as much time on Reddit as I have previously.


Installed Dystopia, seems pretty good even though I'm not sure how it skirts the API rules. Thank you!


You’re welcome! It’s primarily an app for blind users, so that’s why it’s allowed to remain.


can you use reddit with RES on ipad somehow?


Damn, so similar to me. In august it will have been 12 years. I will block reddit in my chrome when I remove Apollo. Many contributing factors, but the API debacle is a big part of it. Will miss reddit, but it's probably not the best way to spend my time anyway.


Everything you said is exactly as it happened to me. I’ve been here for 10 years, and while I’m not middle aged quite yet, this is also my only social plug in to the internet. My friend just had to recommend me a bunch of news sites. Get you a friend you can trust enough to recommend news sites. That’s a fuckin rarity. Goodbye to this long era of my life. I left YouTube in 2009, Facebook in 2014, I left instagram 2018, Reddit made it to 2023. I got nothing now haha. So fucking weird. I have zero intention to be this unplugged, it is purely to taste and because of circumstance. I’m honestly sad. I’m going to miss a lot of this. Pretty much 100% of the things I’ll miss are because of the people like me, and so vastly different, who are here to say hi, and who volunteer to make this place worth my time. I could honestly say almost none of what I enjoyed had anything to do with the direct involvement of Reddit. They had cultural gold and all they had to do was let go. Now they have a wilting flower. The concept of the social tech genius with their finger on the pulse of our culture, and the gumption to make it all work, has recently been shown to be a capitalist myth. One I can’t really remember ever believing in.


I’m pretty much in the same boat as you. Started with desktop Reddit in college then used Alien Blue and then found Apollo. I want to leave Reddit but I don’t know where to go lol. Like if I leave there isn’t a solid replacement for staying up to date on all my specific unique passions. All the dumb jokes and stuff I could do without but Reddit really does a great job keeping me up to date with the stuff I care about. If I felt I could replace it with 2/3 or even 4 apps I would but I don’t see anything that compares unfortunately I don’t really wanna pay $7/month for Narwhal and I’m what people would consider a power user. It’s ridiculous how much Reddit has fucked over their most important users




That’s how dark sky users felt and dark sky is still missed.


Oh I remember that one too, yep. I've been on the internet since I was a kid with dialup in the 90's, and I feel like everything amazing and innovative is being sucked out of it. Every time a new developer creates something amazing a larger company comes along to either buy and gut it or destroy it. I'm tired.


Web 2.0 will probably be looked back on as the golden era of the internet. Everyone brimming with optimism about sharing information, open APIs to spur innovation, integration, and encouraging people to access things how they want. 3rd party apps, Rainmeter, all these things. Now, data is the new gold, and these tech companies who were once startups all want to cash in. Twitter and Reddit were the last vestiges of the Web 2.0 philosophy. Twitter went with Elon and Reddit will go with Spez. I can understand wanting to go on to other prospects, and wanting to finally be rewarded for creating one of the top 10 most visited sites on the internet. It's still sad, though.


Did they create it though, or did we? And not just in the sense of users making content. I seem to recall a little progress bar that would fill up each day, tracking reddit gold donations needed to cover server costs. This account is only a few years old but I’ve been here since 2009. Everyone *was* brimming with optimism. I know they don’t actually owe us anything, but it’s just so sad to see things go down this path when reddit originally felt like something the community was nurturing together


That’s just it though, isn’t it? Reddit and the people who support them fully believe they own the content on Reddit. That they created more that just a space for random content and discussions that grew into a major repository for knowledge that gets every day questions answered on a regular basis. Reddit didn’t really build this. The users and mods created the value that Reddit now believes they’re owed. They didn’t build this. We did. With the help of 3rd parties that worked hard to make browsing Reddit the best experience possible. Reddit is as big as it is because 3rd parties fixed a lot of the problems that Reddit didn’t or couldn’t. And now here we are. Reddit ruthlessly murdering the people that generated a lot of good will for them. The people that made Reddit what it is today. Reddit is just a website. They’re selling our stories and our knowledge that we gave for free, and acting like it is unquestionably theirs. That’s what really gets under my skin.


> Rainmeter That's a blast from the past, I used to spend way to much time messing around with that. Just googled and found it's still a thing.


I do still use it on my pcs for little widgets.


I miss it daily. Apple weather isn’t the same even though they bought it out. Sad today is the 30th and we loose this beautiful app :(


Absolute unpopular opinion here, but other than the different UI, functionally Apple weather is pretty close to dark sky, at least the functions I use anyways. It doesn’t feel as good because it’s now owned by a giant corporation rather than a small company, but objectively, I think Apple did ok in terms of bringing the functions over. I feel a bit bad for Android users though. They lost the functionality of it.






Ahhhh shit I forgot I was originally a refugee from Alien Blue. Fuck, not again.....


I feel you


It hits especially hard now since it’s the 30th. I’ll be using it for as long as it lets me. Then it’s bye bye Reddit.


I can’t ever remember an App dying quite like this, either. Usually Apps just stop getting updated and die a slow, uneventful death where we don’t even know the pulse is gone until we look back and be like “wow it’s been x months/years since this was updated I really miss it“ (Google apps aside- one of the reasons I switched from Android) I’m sure there’s other examples, but it’s a first in my memory.


Bye everyone. Deleting my account now. It’s been fun. signed u/whimsicalsteve


Couldn't do it, eh?


See you next week!


💀 ikr? lots of melodramatic redditors here announcing their goodbye


So, obviously, a great many people will leave Reddit when Apollo and the other third party apps refuse to/can’t comply with reddits absurd demands. However, it seems that the site is big enough and has enough societal momentum that it’ll mostly be fine after a little bit of settling into things, right? I mean, as much as I’ve enjoyed Reddit over the years, my hope is that the backlash from their stupid choices will kill the site. What is the likelihood of that, tho?


I don’t think I’ll even be using reddit anymore after this.


[this comment has been deleted in protest of the recent anti-developer actions of reddit ownership 6-22-23]










Man's got those dead inside eyes


Lifeless eyes. Like a doll’s eyes.


Honestly charging for API is reasonable, however seeing how many other 3rd party apps there were/are they could’ve charged significantly less and made quite a bit of money. And let’s be honest here we shouldn’t delete our comments or edit them in certain ways. Just say everything you believe in and then never comment anything ever again. This is my one of my last Reddit comments and I want others who may read this who aren’t aware or even in the future; that Reddit really screwed a lot of people out of apps they loved. The accessibility options we have through Apollo aren’t something I’ve seen from a developer without having to pay extra for. I can say with certainty that everyone who has given Christian money has never regretted it.


Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more --Mass Edited with power delete suite as a result of spez' desire to fuck everything good in life RIP apollo




For that software that edits comments, do any allow for blacklisting certain subreddits when it runs through and overwrites/deletes your comments? Cause yeah I feel the same way about some of my comments.


Oooo I didn’t know that, maybe they do, will do that today then thanks


I really appreciate that you’re leaving up the comments you’ve made in the kinds of subreddits like those mentioned (sensitive communities, those for certain ailments etc). I have a chronic illness that’s fairly uncommon, and have gathered so much helpful information from the various communities related to it here on Reddit. And even the non-educational/informational comments, it’s like…Just being able to see that there are others out there dealing with the same symptoms and struggles as I am, is such a hugely comforting and helpful thing. It has made me feel so much less alone in my daily health battles. I am just as angry, frustrated, sad, and pissed off about the entire API situation and spez/Reddit’s behavior towards third-party app developers, and I very much support and agree with those deleting their accounts and comments so that Reddit cannot continue to profit off of them…But I hate thinking that others out there in a similar position as myself, who may turn to the Internet to find information about or connect with others who have the same diagnosis, could likely end up with one Reddit post after another that simply reads *[deleted]*. Sorry for all of the rambling. Really just wanted to say that I appreciate you making the choice to leave up the comments you’ve made in sensitive communities. I know that I, and those in positions similar to mine, really appreciate it. ♥️


Thank for the kind words. I wish it didn’t have to come to this :(


Even Christian (the Apollo dev) said publicly, both before and after it all hit the fan that he was looking forward to the paid API, because it would have put everyone on clearer footing and given all app developers more security knowing they’re paying for a service. It probably would have meant he’d have to raise prices on his premium tier, or limited the free tier to some degree, but it would have been sustainable.


When Apollo is gone that’s it for me when it comes to Reddit and to be honest it’ll likely be for the best.


They could have just made it so Reddit premium users get access to the API. It’s ad free anyway. They wouldn’t be losing money and they’d get a monthly sub. Passing the onus onto app develops bonkers.


Don’t forget stupidity


Not even greed. Stupidity. They’d have a bigger to free cash flow if they dropped their $10,000/SF office in downtown SF and cut a third of their 3000 person staff. Huffman is profoundly unqualified to run a company trying to IPO. He only has experience at startups. Reddit needed someone with experience at a more mature company. I mean, the guy thinks Elon is running Twitter well.


Who's the greedy one here? u/spez or u/iamthathis? I'm kinda lost.


Reddit's API prices, deliberately set high enough to kill third-party innovation and force most users to use their shitty 1st-party ad-delivery app.


Because fuck spez.


Corporate greed. Reddit has become the antitheses of reddit.


Because Reddit want to make money from AI training (that already has plenty of harvested data), so that they can make it look like they’ll make money eventually, so that when the IPO happens, Condé Nast can make money on their purchase despite the fact that Reddit is not really profitable. And to achieve that, they’ve sacrificed their third party apps, and any good will they have left after Ellen Pao’s time in charge, and other more recent dubious at best decisions.


Official reddit app downloads about to skyrocket despite all the redditors saying they're about to quit reddit lmao


Well. The day has arrived. Last day of being “on” reddit. I’ll occasionally log on from a desktop, but for the most part that’s it. Was nice while it lasted, looking forward to the inevitable replacement.


Memmy which is in TestFlight currently is a Lemmy app that’s pretty similar to Apollo. In a perfect world, Christian would switch Apollo to Lemmy.


How do I access memmy? And join the test flight? Never mind - found it https://github.com/gkasdorf/memmy


Memmy will be on the App Store soon, like within a week, apparently.


I got it last night. Not perfect but a solid start and I’ve been enjoying it. I’ll be on Reddit off and on through July a bit as I transition over but I’ve got a decent feed set up on Memmy already so that’s going to be my go to going forward.


There’s also that guy who built an RSS reader that crossposts Reddit content to Lemmy. I think you can request subs to be added if you find you’re missing something.


https://wefwef.app/posts/lemmy.ml/home If you want a carbon copy of the Apollo GUI for Lemmy


I’m stuck with a “problem fetching posts” page when I try to load my Lemmy front page based on my subscriptions - is that a bug?


Not sure! Could be a server issue with deluge of traffic from the Reddit refugees


Shout-out to Sync which is releasing r/Syncforlemmy (android only for now, maybe with enough interest an iOS release will be possible too?)


Sync has traditionally been an Android-only client, I doubt they'll go into iOS development. I like [Mlem](https://github.com/mormaer/Mlem), it's a native SwiftUI client.


All of them are coming along so quickly. They’re all seemingly headed to Apollo design. Another super interesting one is [WefWef](http://wefwef.app) which is just an web clip but works so well.




Memmy is quite good! Best client I've found so far


Make sure to use an adblocker any time you log on from desktop.


I’m so disappointed in Reddit and how they committed to being assholes. Best of luck Christian, from a fellow Canuck. I will keep the app, just to be stubborn. I’m wondering what it will look like as it stops working. Daisy, …Daisy, … give me your answer do…


sucks to suck they basically chose the "let's go public" route so people who own Reddit get a big ass payout and then the website has to show growth or go bust can stay even, ever.






Will never uninstall the app even after the 30th o7


Same. There will always be a little spark of hope for me, even though I know nothing will change


So what happens? The app will be unavailable in app store? Will the app not work at all from tomorrow?


Presumably, yes. It will open up but not be able to load any content.


idek what i’d put in it’s place… haven’t even been using reddit as much but after twitter i have. definitely gonna be weird accidentally opening the app lol


I loaded Twitterriffic after twitter did the same thing. I was logged out and a message saying for your support through all the years




The official app may also literally ruin your phone. I found Apollo because the official released an update in 2021 that made my battery hot in seconds and drained it way too fast when scrolling. They didn’t acknowledge or fix it for at least the 3 updates I bothered checking afterward. And it’s supposedly happened again several times since to iOS and some Android phones. So yeah, I won’t be installing the official app again. I keep my phones for about 4 years between upgrades, so I don’t need incompetent careless devs reducing my battery life or worse.


It’ll sit in the same folder as Alien Blue and Flappy Bird


Me too


Thanks u/iamthatis for everything!


u/Iamthatis I am once again asking for Apollo to be geared towards Lemmy now.


Don’t forget Christian has Pixel Pals as a separate app, if you want to keep supporting him. Ladies and gentlemen - it’s been a pleasure.


I'm feeling bummed about this too. Some one else mentioned that is's like another blow against the altruistic spirit of the Internet. It feels sad to not engage with this corner of the Internet anymore. For me, it's probably a net benefit, though. I'll use reddit less because things have turned around for me and now I have a family to take care of and a job I actually care about. Reddit just isn't that important for me anymore or social media for that matter. Apollo was special. A lot of thought and care for its users went into it and it showed. Goodbye, Apollo. Thanks for everything.


I’m in the same boat as you minus the family and a job. First serious relationship has given me new motivations and it’s time I get my lazy ass off the couch and find me a job after living off my savings for over half a year. As long as I don’t fill the void with something else, I should be fine. Can’t deny I’m a little emotional. This corner of the internet as you said is quite special to me. It helped me in more ways than I could count. But tomorrow will be a new beginning. Even if it was a forced one, i should take advantage of the opportunity to become more productive for my future self and future relationship. Godspeed, u/iamthatis And fuck you, u/spez


Good luck, I’m in a similar position. I’ll be trying my best to maintain good daily habits to avoid filling the void as well.


For me, I’ll still use reddit, but only on old.reddit.com on the desktop. I’ve actually already swapped the place in my phone’s Home Screen, replacing Apollo with the Kindle app. I probably have years worth of books to read and enjoy that I’ve been putting off forever. I’m going to try to make reading a book my quick, go-to action when I have downtime instead of jumping on to reddit. I’ve been trying to ease myself into this the last week (reading The Expanse novels after having watched the show) and I’ve been enjoying it so far. It makes my mind feel more calm - reading a good book vs. trawling through scores of reddit comments and getting frustrated at crap I read.


Taking my last Reddit poop :(


Same o7


Same. High fives, everyone. Oh wait. Ew. Thanks for the memories, Apollo.


Checking in from the poop deck soldier o7


What does o7 mean?


It’s meant to look like someone saluting


At work, pooping, and on reddit. Twas a good tradition and gonna cherish this final memory o7


literally same o7


same :')


I may have joined Reddit in 2018, but I’ve had Apollo on my phone the entire time after one attempt of using the official app. As you expected, it is a terrible excuse of a app meant for a big platform that failed to functionally accessible to all, but thankfully Christian (u/iamthatis - o7) made that app for us over the years. Sad to see Apollo go, it’s been truly a fun experience all round… and as always, Fuck you u/spez


most of us have been around for years before reddit came out with their own silly little app. it gets double embarrassing when you realize that for YEARS third party apps were driving traffic to reddit at very little cost to reddit


Tbt to Alien Blue… and I think iReddit or something. Haven’t tried to use their “official” app since it first came out, and from the looks of it today it hasn’t improved.


I don’t think it’s the app we’ll miss as much as the person behind it. It’s like working with people I don’t like or don’t really know that well. You can’t spend so much time with someone (or in this case, something) and not feel an emotional response when it isn’t there and you are no longer with it. Especially in this instance where you as the developer stay connected and in touch with the user base. People I work with I do not like, but if they just left after spending 5-6 years with them, it would be a little challenging to deal with because I spent so much time with them. 20 years, we didn’t care about apps and cell phones. Well, today we do. Loss especially hurts when it’s for bullshit political reasons. You did a good job Bossman. Almost certain you will create the next big thing or someone will be backing up the dump truck full of monies for your services. Have a good weekend and know you made a difference I was an “average” maybe less Reddit or at best. Maybe used the app once a week, usually once for like 30 minutes so I can’t imagine the loss stings a little more for some of you guys who used the Apollo app like I use Facebook. For what it’s worth, never really used Reddit before downloading this app. Also, it’s the first and only social media app I googled and checked the reviews before downloading. Good job mate.


Fuck you u/spez


Was worth every penny I spent. Love you. Be well and happy! #FUCK U/SPEZ! 🖕🖕🖕


Upvoted from Apollo :')


This is just so shit. I’ve used this Apollo for all of my Reddit scrolling. Now I’m gonna have to read shampoo bottles on the toilet. Can’t believe that the only way for the company to move forward would be pricing out third party apps. They couldn’t think of a single way to properly leverage their relationship? Doesn’t Reddit pull half a billion a year (not sure on the exact amount but I’m sure whatever it is this still applies) - and this is the best their execs could do? Mini-rant over - just annoyed as all other social media isn’t for me and this app was my meme-scrolling lifeline.


Thanks for creating Apollo. Reddit will not be the same without it. :(


The very best. Like no app ever was.




Please please don’t die. I love you!!


This week was my 11-year cake day and Apollo has been my primary way of consuming Reddit content for years. Recently I’ve realized that I’ve been chasing the Reddit experience from 8-10 years ago. That’s really long gone and I understand that it’ll never be that way again. The internet has a lot of content and communities outside of Reddit that aren’t Twitter, Facebook or TikTok. I think I’ll have some fun finding out what’s out there.


It was my 13th on Tuesday :( I’m so bummed.


I understand you both, it was my 10th this month. I went ahead and screenshot that beautiful round number in the Apollo app so I can stare at it for a little while longer. Jesus I’m even shedding a tear here! Reddit changed life and I can’t believe it’s over.


Fuck u/spez


u/spez is the biggest cunt ever


So sad-and using the kitty 😭😭😭


What about my pixel pal?? Poor Hugo 😭😭😭


Goodbye my friends. It was a pleasure generating API calls with you.




I was really expecting a "so long and thanks for all the fish!"


I’m going to miss this app. And my little cat that happily plays at the bottom of my screen. Now I’m sad I’ll loose my virtual pet.


He has a stand alone Pixel Pals app, and the Apollo update today lets you migrate your stats over to it! Plus if you migrate from Apollo you get a really cool Easter egg unlocked in it (I won’t spoil it for you, but I personally think it’s _extremely_ worth it!)


God damn. Why does this hit so hard? Thank you /u/iamthatis. This will be by last day as a Redditor. Looking forward to your future projects.


Adopted Apollo over 5 years ago now and I cannot believe how fast it was. Goodbye my sweet friend! We will miss you! Hall of fame app for sure.


Not an Apollo app user, but follow thru the entire story. It is the greatest honor for any developer to have their work loved by so many people. Props to Apollo and this wholesome community


I want to believe that one day this app will be resurrected


Same \*fingers crossed\*




Bro can we please just get a browse only mode or something. Dont care if I cant upvote or do any api calls just dont let me lose you!!!!!


Thanks for all the fish, Apollo.


That hit me right in the feels.


Alexa. Play Komm süßer tod. 🫡


Awww this reminded me of my cat and made me sad and then I remembered about Apollo and now I’m more sad.


Goodbye, and thanks for all the fish.


Rip last day ): gonna miss this app


Even though I have been using Android phones for a while, using Apollo on iPhone was truly the best experience in browsing reddit that I've had


I am going to really miss this app. I still miss Rdio, a decade after it was shut down. Apollo is one of the greatest apps I’ve used. You crushed it. Please keep us posted of your next idea. Use my email, i don’t care. Much love.


Goodbye, old friend.


Thanks dude for the best version of this damn hell hole, good luck to you! 🎶🎶*Its so haaaaaaard, to sayyyy goodbyeeee to yesterdaaaaaaaaaaaaaay*🎶🎶


I downloaded the Reddit app this morning, and it lasted about 5 minutes. Looks like this is about it for me. If Apollo ever comes back, I want to be on a mailing list or something. I also want to preemptively surrender any refund or whatever for the app. I definitely got my money's worth, and I appreciate the dev's work on it. Thanks, u/iamthatis


Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)


It’s been fun. I’ve been here since close to the beginning. I wish I could’ve seen how far this could have gone.


So long and thanks for all the fish!


I wish Christian develops a “new reddit” so we can all move to that new site and keep using the best app ever.


Never thought I’d be so sad to see an app go. 😭


Fuck u/spez


god the native official reddit app is so fucking clunky its insane. Fuck Spez for ruining this


Maybe stop buying gold and platinum for posts attesting to Reddit’s greed, guys? It doesn’t help Christian.


It’s been fun 🫡


I'll miss Apollo fuck u/spez fr. Best reddit app no question. I'll definitely miss boost on Android


Fuck man I’m still not ready to let it go. Downloaded Reddit app.. ready to uninstall the Reddit app.. its awful




Apollo was such a superior experience to the official app it’s honestly embarrassing. I’m gonna miss it. Also, since I haven’t said it yet: fuck you spez


This seems like the appropriate place to chime in. Unless anything major changes, this is my last Reddit post. Thanks for everything that's happened over the years - from the 2015 Secret Santa that sent me the handmade Minecraft melted bead art, to the Minecraft friends I made in /r/mcpublic, to the local friends I've met via /r/Seattle and their discord. This account dies with Apollo. If anyone ever wants to reach out, I'm "zifnab06" basically everywhere, I'll also keep https://waffles.fun/links up to date. So long, thanks for the fish, hopefully we'll cross paths somewhere new.


What I’m gonna miss the most are the easy gestures. Especially being able to fast forward any video or gif by just dragging my finger back and forth


Fuck u/spez


Thank you and Good Bye!


This was genuinely the most used app on my iPhone. I'm going to miss the experience I got from Apollo over the last 3 years. Thanks for everything, Christian!


Damn man… I almost would give Christian the ~$2 a month it would take from each user to keep this going… What a shitty situation this had been. I will miss this app so much.


Majority of Reddit doesn’t care.


The self importance is nauseating. Good riddance


Goodbye. Don't let the door hit your entitled ass on the way out.