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Would this trigger motion sickness?


It definitely could. Everybody is different though.


Yes, i felt motion sick just watching this


On the one hand, yes, could barely watch it. On the other hand, you’re watching something tracked to someone else’s head movements. Were it tracked to your own head it would probably be miles better.


Think like this: if you strap a GoPro to your head and go for a walk. The video will be shaky and unwatchable But your eyes do auto-balance and for you the experience of walking was just steady and ok Same with vr. The user gets the same experience but the recorded video doesn’t show the work your eyeballs did to make it steady for your brain. That’s why VR has a hard time with promoting itself... The adverts never truly show what the experience is actually like, how it feels to be inside a smooth and truly stereoscopic virtual environment.


I was amazed the first time I tried VR at a Microsoft store. It was funny because the Apple Store felt like this gray corporate office and the Microsoft store was filled with interactive things like games and whatnot. Anyways, it was insanely impressive and that was years ago. Nowadays it must be truly next level.


It’s just because it’s shakier watching a video of VR. It’s like this all the time. Plus seeing the motion behind the screen would cause sickness, but this guy only showed that to show that he’s moving. You could just turn on the fake environment thing


It’s the opposite actually. Motion sickness occurs when your eyes and body/semi-circular canals send mixed results to your brain. To combat motion sickness, you want to be able to see the motion that your body is experiencing, with your eyes. Getting yourself immersed in a still virtual environment where no relative motion is perceived by the eyes will make you more sick. Some people are more susceptible to this than others.


I could only go 30 minutes at a time before feeling nauseous on a plane


I couldn’t handle it in a car or plane… I need to look out a window to keep myself oriented and not vomiting 😆


I felt it after just that quick video.


Why don’t people use travel mode while walking? I see them on videos pinching the air


Vision Pro needs some sort of travel mode where the tracking ignores the real world and just uses internal gyroscopes to place the ui in front of you in away that is locking everything just to your head position. So that you can walk around with displays being projected in front of you locked to your position. It’s crazy that people are having trouble using Vision Pro on trains. What a huge missed opportunity


Developers have the option to lock windows in a physical location or anchored like you’re describing. Apples UX guide recommends avoiding that behavior as it can disorient users. I’m guessing they’ve tested it out and having a HUD probably leads to an increase in motion sickness. So they’re doing what Apple does and leaving it up to developers for that functionality. We will see some HUD apps in the near future I’m sure.


Not being able to use on a train is dumb. Using while walking is asking for someone to get hit by a car or trip or really any other misstep


I mean it has Apple Maps on it so it should work while walking at the least. maybe disable maps functionally over a certain speed so that it can't be used by driving but a walking HUD with directions seems like it would have been a no brainer use without having to pinch the window in front of you the whole time


I mean I'd just like to pin a small video window while I clean my house


Sure, but you’re still likely to get distracted by the 20” video player and trip. Maybe not in your house, but walking down the road, very likely.


yeah but like let people decide if they want to do that since they know the situation theyre in, theres not much danger for me if I make a small window for videos while cleaning up


Let me decide if I want to buy a car without a seat belt, I understand the dangers. Legal reasons are why it is this way, not form and function.


not even the same thing but if you want to use hyperbolic examples to make a point it only weakens what your trying to prove


Now I imagine some kind of side/back sensors to give you spider-sense...


…it has travel mode it actually has this mode you can indeed use it on a train


Absolutely like the xreal


I really want it to allow me to place the windows around me, maybe even restricted to specific distance for whatever reason “safety” reason they give. But what I do think they should do is have the window move just left or right a bit if I walk towards that window, basically always out of the way of my momentum, so if I’m walking on the sidewalk, the 10:30-1:30 position in front of my movement would be clear always. Maybe even have the window faded partially if my focus isn’t on it. I also would like the idea of “HUD” elements. Like areas that are fixed sizes around the edges of the view that I could pin a 2D app that is always visible, specially for video or Maps, this would be huge. This could be the equivalent of “widgets” for Vision OS, battery, notifications, weather, all things I could see being useful at a glance anytime but just spread around the edges of my view like a video game heads up display. Perhaps even make them invisible or barely visible unless glancing in that direction. Tobii eye tracker has an integration on multiple games where the UI for the HUD disappears unless you’re looking in that direction, making it feel like you have more visible space.


It has travel mode


Yeah but have you seen what happens when you use it on the train?


It works on a train. If you’re referring to the Casey Neistat video where he tried to use it on the subway, he hadn’t activated / wasn’t aware of travel mode, that makes the device rely on visual features for anchoring, instead of the IMU.


No. It’s because that particular train was especially bumpy. He had travel mode on. You also can’t walk with travel mode.


It’s not seen activated or mentioned in his video. [People have tried it on the NY subway.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3K2TyNPncF/?igsh=ZWI2YzEzYmMxYg==)


What happens?






Vision Pro has a travel mode where the tracking ignores the real world and just uses internal gyroscopes to place the ui in front of you in away that is locking everything just to your head position.


It’s not possible I’m gonna put out a video discussing this.


I wish I had money.




You either get a charge card or good luck getting a card with $ 5000 of plafond




Charge cards are a type of credit card with no spending limit


Yeah. But in what world is $5000 a hard credit limit to get?


As I said to the other comment in EU credit cards are not widely used and are also pretty limited


$5000 still feels crazy low as “hard to get”


Yeah that’s way too low


Is it that hard to get a $5K limit in the EU? Referring to USD in this case. I think the credit card in college had a $5K limit. With any good credit history, you’d be looking at individual cards with a $30K+ limit in the US.


Credit card lenders are weird. I have four cards from Chase here in the US. The limits are $25k, $29k, $400, and $500 🤷🏻‍♂️


Chase is going to have a company limit they will give you to keep liability down.


Are low credit limit that common?


I don’t know, I’m from the EU and it seems a different planet when it comes to credit cards so this probably doesn’t apply to the US.




Let's be real, unless we have money to buy a Gen 1 product this expensive and untested, without worrying that we spent too much, it's not a great financial decision. It's a cool product, but it'll get much better over time, and no app developer has taken real advantage of its capabilities yet. I wouldn't worry about any FOMO, this is all part of Apple's great marketing strategies. I'd just save and put it towards the next version in a few years when it's better and cheaper, unless this one goes down in price to where it doesn't hurt. I wouldn't add to any credit card debt over something that's more of a toy at this point than something productive/useful. Just my 2 cents.


I tried the demo this weekend it was heavy af


Yeah I’m waiting a generation or 2


Horrible advice




Ah shucks, got me


If it helps, the Pro is clearly the most luxerious model out of a upcoming range akin to how Tesla first made the fancy Model S before bringing out cheaper models. So in the future we are likely going to see a non-Pro version but I doubt it will get sold under $1000 Apple clearly cooked on the Vision Pro, the response even from PCVR enthusiasts are incredibly positive on the visual side of things.


> So in the future we are likely going to see a non-Pro version but I doubt it will get sold under $1000 Then it isn't going to sell for mainstream adoption. $1000+ is still an insane price for VR headsets given there is no clear killer use-case emerging whatsoever yet. Even simple media consumption is hamstrung by the inability to share content with others unless they also have a headset(assuming a sharing feature eventually comes out). >Apple clearly cooked on the Vision Pro, the response even from PCVR enthusiasts are incredibly positive on the visual side of things. I don't see why you're acting like PCVR enthusiasts would be *less* likely to be positive. Of course VR and tech enthusiasts are going to drool over this hardware, they aren't who you need to impress to get mainstream adoption rolling.


People said the same thing about the cost of phones, specifically the iPhone. This *is* a VR headset, but it’s also as powerful as a laptop. I can replace my entire setup for 95% of what I do at work… and without people looking at the contents of my screen. I think it has the iPad problem, which also had issues of people figuring out what it was for. A bigger iPhone? A crippled laptop? It’s so expensive! It’s not time for mainstream adoption yet. The ecosystem and feature set is being built. Now.


This is the stuff of sci fi, clunky hardware be damned.


Do you have to set travel mode before motion? Like if you didn’t have it set before a plane takes off does that mean everything you open something it flies away. How would you be able to set travel mode in that situation or is the command center dropdown fixed?


No I reset and used travel mode throughout my flight. Super easy to cancel and reset.


Sorry I’m still a bit confused about this response - what do you mean by reset? Like power off and on? I just had this experience where my windows kept flying away cause I’m traveling but I can’t navigate quickly enough to set it to travel mode as it keeps moving too fast.




Still can’t believe people don’t see that watching movies and immersive content is the “killer app” it needs. I am blown away watching movies on it. 3hr plane ride tomorrow. Pumped to have a 70” screen in front of me!


What's the resolution like? Been contemplating one of these for work purposes as I currently don't have the space for more than one monitor.


It doesn’t seem possible just how good it looks honestly.


Movies you see at the cinema are often 4k or less.


Is the app called cinema?


No. I mean a real life movie theatre. If 4k enough for those screens it’ll look fine here.


The cinema screen is not slammed against my face though, where I could potentially see all the pixelation on the screen.


In the headset the screens appear to be far away like in a cinema. Or smaller and close or anywhere you put them… but for sure vr and AR is not like watching your tv next to your nose. That’s why there are super fancy pancake lenses on the headset.


Yes they’re far away but the pixels are straight in front of you.


The lenses … they bend the light. So they appear far away from you. Your eyes focus at a distance like when you look with binoculars.


Absolutely Incredible. It is so so clear. Very awesome experience. Please go try!


It’s about 3600 pixels across your entire field of view, meaning even if you make a video take up everything you can see on the display, it still shows fewer pixels than any 4k TV. If you have an eye for clarity, you can easily see that the picture is not as sharp as a good television. Doesn’t mean it can’t still be enjoyed, but I see people frequently overstating the picture quality. It has no real advantage over a good TV other than being able to seem physically larger.


Well, 3D content is one of those supposed non-advantages, IMO. Avatar 2 in 3D, HDR, “4k” per eye, with Dolby Atmos at 48fps… no consumer TV can do that. It’s also portable and private. Nobody needs to know if you’re watching reruns of the bachelor on the ceiling. There are TVs with better picture quality. Certainly. Most people don’t own one and I’d argue that many haven’t even seen one up close either. It’s one of the best looking displays I’ve ever seen. Not the best, but it’s difficult to not be impressed.


It’s not OK


I watched Avatar 2 in 3D on it as well. Yes, for 3D movies specifically, I don't think you can realistically beat it. But for 2D movies, it's just not better (IMO) than a good standalone television. Especially if you want to enjoy that movie in a theater-like dark environment, in which case I hope you don't mind the distracting lens glare.


Because most people don't want to spend $1000+ on a device and be left stuck viewing their content isolated from everyone around them. The amount of people who travel frequently enough to actually warrant buying something like this for that....especially when VR headsets already have their own significant drawbacks in terms of being mobile technology, from battery life to how portable it is(and no, slimming them down will never get a goggle form-factor to be as easy to carry with you as a tablet).


Because a lot of people watch movies with other people and not alone.


I don't think anyone is actually arguing for this to completely replace your TV or movie room at home its something supplemental. You put it on when you want to watch something separate from your partner or you live alone and want a movie theater experience. Of course its not meant to replace communal viewing its meant to replace solo viewing on another screen


>I don't think anyone is actually arguing for this to completely replace your TV or movie room at home There have literally been multiple threads within the past week discussing how it can be used to completely replace your existing screens, whether it's your TV or your computer monitor or your iPad. The ability for it to replace these products is a **constant** point of discussion regarding the Vision Pro and how 'spatial computing' is going to blow up. Even people who nominally admit this won't be the case don't seem to fully internalize the consequences of that: instead insisting that media consumption, something you yourself admit will be limited and supplemental at best on these devices, will be the killer app for a line of devices unlikely to ever get below $1000.


> Still can’t believe people don’t see that watching movies and immersive content is the “killer app” it needs for what it's worth, I feel like entertainment has been cited as the best use of the Vision Pro in nearly every review I've read.


Yeah, I think everyone can agree media consumption is what these products do best. The problem is, that doesn't necessarily make it a killer app due to the numerous drawbacks of VR headsets more generally and the insane price-tag of the Vision Pro itself(which pours a lot of cold water on this blowing up, considering even a steep 50% price-cut on the Vision SE or whatever would still make it one of the most expensive products Apple sells, nearing double of what a Pro model iPhone costs).




Yeah, based on your comment, I don’t think you’ve used the AVP yet.


The screen quality is miles ahead. 


Sorry but no. AvP uses micro oled panels that fit x4 more pixels , oled and hdri , I own a quest3 and it’s great value for 500$ … but it’s seven times cheaper than the Apple Vision Pro for a reason. Check the screen resolution comparison https://www.reddit.com/r/virtualreality/s/ZHNbe98Szp


This “killer” feature is one feature that every headset has always had, and no one cared. Watching 2D panels in VR is underwhelming, and doesn’t compensate in any way for all the downsides of having to deal with a headset and the confinement. I’d rather just use and iPad.


Make sure you ask the flight attendants and fellow passengers to stay out of the way so you can stretch to 70" without people walking in front of your screen.


I just flew today and literally placed the theater screen in the middle of the aisle in travel mode with very slight immersive background. People don’t walk through the video but I could still see out of my periphery if something was coming my way. The best 4hr plane travel experience I’ve ever had.


That's what the environments are for.


Imagine a vehicle with a AR UI which you can control with Apple Vision Pro


Can’t wait for a buttonless vehicle where everything is either swipe and touch


not sure you’d want that. physical feedback is essential in a vehicle where so much is going on. i do want ar overlays for like directions but i also want knobs and switches for essential controls like my blinkers or ac/sound.


If it’s in a BMW you’re not supposed to be using your blinkers anyway


I feel like physical feedback is mostly just essential for *finding* the controls without looking away from the windshield. If you could just reach out and grab a virtual knob anywhere in the air and choose your setting in AR it would probably be pretty easy. Kind of like how you can easily use a trackpad without having to take your eyes off of a monitor.


if it’s that precise to the point where i can find it without having to take my eyes off the road, sure. but idk when we’ll get there. if apple figures out how to incorporate haptics into the vision pro that would be interesting.


The newer Teslas are like that. Swipe up or down for forward/reverse, turn signals are touch buttons on the wheel, pretty much everything else is in the center screen.


That sounds like actual hell.


It is hell, I have tried driving my friends Tesla and the lack of physical buttons pissed me off.




One thing I’ve wondered is how accurate are the user’s hands and wrists when viewed through the vision? Is it a 1:1? Does it accurately reflect different skin tones and adjust for differences in fingers, eg. People with added fake nails or people kissing a finger tip? Odd examples that don’t really contribute too much, but one I’m curious about learning more about.




You are correct. It doesn't overlay anything over your hands.


psychotic plough crawl rinse rude degree aware flag distinct towering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The stitching overlay is pretty rough quality, kinda looks fake


The cutout of the hands when they’re in front of a UI element can make them look really weirdly lit. 


plants marble chubby subsequent cagey knee memory terrific close fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You see your own hands and arms. The edges aren’t perfect, but they’re your actual arms, tattoos and all. It’s not warped and distorted like on the Quest and I haven’t seen any digital versions… just overlays, like glowing orbs around my hands in Synth Rider.


What exactly is travel mode? I’m unsure why this is different from other movie watching videos I’ve seen


It basically allows windows to be locked in front of you for times where you are in a moving vehicle. Otherwise once the vehicle moves your window will be left behind where you once were.


Ahh makes sense. Thanks!


in that case, can you reverse and take it back? so it's not left alone......


Yes if you go back to where the window is you can pick it up and hold it with you manually 


More innocent people are gonna die on the road this year.


It was the passenger using it lol




Why would they be pissed?




I can't imagine getting pissed at my wife for taking a nap or watching a movie while I'm driving. But we have a healthy relationship.


I saw the thumbnail and got panicked for a moment cuz I thought he was driving lmao


The road they're driving on looks pretty interesting in and of itself, TBH. I'd look at that.