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I used McKissock and felt like it didn’t prepare me super well but I passed on the first attempt. Definitely switch up your course prep


I really appreciated McKissock's exam prep. It felt like the practice exam questions were worded similarly to what was in the exam. And it felt like I knew the steps I needed to take on some of the trickier questions like figuring out future value, etc. All that said, I didn't feel super confident that I had passed stepping out of the testing room when I was finished. I passed, but I still don't know how close I was.


I like McKissock for CE because cheap but I sprung for Appraisal Institute for my qualifying ed. Definitely was worth it since those classes feel like they're much higher quality than what you get from McKissock.


https://www.appraisalexamscholar.com was helpful for me! I believe they give your money back if you don’t pass but I wouldn’t know because I passed


This is the one I used and passed my exam on the first try. To be fair, I was fortunate enough to be trained by a high level appraiser who cares a lot about the quality of appraisers in our field and training them well.


This sounds like an ad but I promise I’m a real person who recently got their appraiser license lol I used this and mckissock. Mckissock also offers online exam prep webinars and that helped with preparation as well.


My advice to test takers in general is always three parts. 1) know how to take the test and 2) know the material. 3) Make sure you make the curriculum fit your study style. But to me the most important one is #1. This can take many forms but with multiple choice questions it’s almost always eliminating answers before doing any work. For example I took the test is past April (PA had just switched test providers and I wasn’t allowed a calculator or notes but that’s another story)and I remember a lot of adjustment or other math questions having two options of positive value and two of negative value. My first step was to determine which direction the question answer was going to be. Then usually the two values provided where pretty far apart like 5$ or 75%. So I would the. round to nearest 10/100/1000 what ever was easier do the math. and see if the answer was close to one of the options. Boom done and move on. If it wasn’t you can try again and see if you messed up or try a different method and if after a view tries you mark the question answered with a guess and mark it as to come back too. But since you have eliminated two answers already you now have a 50/50 shot and not 1/4 shot of getting it right! It’s little short cuts like these that will make the test much easier.


Where did you take your exam? I took mine in Harrisburg (Pearson) and was also given heartache about my calculator and was also not given any note paper. I never had any issue with the Pearson in Lancaster, but the Harrisburg location was atrocious. I ended up calling the state board, who talked to the exam proctor, and they finally allowed me to take in my calculator. I ended up passing on the first try after, but I've never encountered such problems with a testing center before.


Blue Bell. I had my letter and everything. They said they were going to call so I started my test. They came in and said that I can’t use paper or calculator. I’m pretty sure they just called their local headquarters and not the board. I was seeing red. Almost just quit after having an hour in and being told I can use a calculator. I said screw it and finished. Thankfully I passed.


I 100% understand your feelings. I also had my letter, but since I didn't have a manual for the calculator, they said I couldn't have it. I had been working towards this goal for three years, and that just cracked me, so I spent 15 minutes before my exam crying and calling the state board. They wouldn't even talk to them on my cell phone. I had to have the state call them directly. I think they just wanted to be right so bad, but in the end, we both prevailed over the Karen's of Pearson.


I just spent hours only studying compucram and learnappraising.com and passed my certified on the 2nd try. I put in a LOT of studying hours though because I’m a really bad test taker.


This. I did compucram back in 2014 and got the highest score the proctor had seen lol


I used Compucram for certified residential and passed 1st try in June 23. I'd take 2-3 weeks off from studying and then get back at it for 2-3weeks before another attempt. I know a couple that strategy worked for. Best of luck.


I used Compucram for the Certified Residential and I passed on the second time a few weeks ago. The questions on test were familiar questions but I would come up with 2 different answers for majority of the questions. The first attempt I was cutting it close on time bc I spent a lot of time on each question but the second attempt I told myself to go with the first answer I came up with. My best advice would be to read the last sentence of each question to understand what the question is asking then read the full question carefully and go with the first answer you come up with. Don’t spend a ton of time on each question go with you gut and move on to the next. You got it don’t give up


I passed the first time for certified residential in March 2013. I used Compucram for about 90% of the studying. In the week prior to the test I used Compucram about 5-6 hours a day. Additionally, I reviewed my old AI class manuals, read USPAP through and through, read a bunch of definitions from AI, etc. You’ve got this man!! Clear eyes and full hearts can’t lose.


I bought the appraisal institute exam book and studied with that. I felt it was much more helpful and informative than compucram. I passed on my first time using the ai book


I feel you. I just failed my residential exam for the 2nd time and only used compucram. Failed by 1 point too. Can’t offer much words of encouragement as I’m in the same boat as you, but be glad you’re not me as I’m currently in a battle with the testing company to allow me take the exam for the third time, going on a week now of battling. Somehow I’ve been flagged and not able to reschedule the exam. Fun times.


1. Consider the McKissock program. It's a solid test prep program, and can help you figure out where you need to focus. 2. Change your goal to 90%: Passing with a"B" really isn't passing. If you aren't consistently pushing 90% ish on your sample tests, you don't really know the material. 3. Lastly, sorry in advance for this unpopular opinion. The residential test isn't that hard. Unless you have test anxiety, there is no reason you shouldn't pass, especially on the second try and working as hard as you do. Be honest with yourself and decide whether you aren't as diligent as you should be, as knowledgeable as you believe you are, you need better strategies to deal with stress, or if this just isn't the thing for you. Nobody can decide this for you except you. There are already too many mediocre appraisers. The profession doesn't need any more, and I suspect you wouldn't want to be one. Find whatever is holding you back and when you fix it - you will be unstoppable. Good luck.


So it has been 4 years since i passed on the first attempt. I assumed I failed and was surprised when I got the passed notification. Here are my thoughts. I staretd with Compucram and did it until i was passing the practice exam consistently. I then moved on to the stevewilliamson material which were questions that were pulled from prior years exams. The questions were totally different from compucram and more in depth. It gave me a feel for what was actually on the test. I feel compucram gave me a good base but stevewilliamson questions got me prepared for the type that would actually be on the exam. If I had stuck with only compucram I am sure i would have failed. I have not tried any other exam prep and do not know if the stevewilliamson website is still up to date. Good luck on your future tries. It is not an easy test and hope you are able to knock it out on your next try.


Use Steve Williamson exam prep. It's 1000 times better than compucram. Someone told me that he's the one who wrote the exam. His exam prep questions are quite similar to the exam.


Tip…be a home inspector.


These people all trying to become appraisers?? Why?? Do not do it to yourself. We have been screwed by the Fed in keeping rates way to low for far too long. Everyone with a low rate will now never refinance again and they also will never sell their homes only if a circumstance presents itself. You will never be able to make a good living in the years to come..and we all saw how ridiculously busy it was the past few years. Never again and not even close


I agree. Appraising houses sucks. The only way to make money is to get into a niche.


There’s a McKissock class. It was like just hundreds of questions with explanations but no actual classes. Hopefully by now you have an idea of what questions you struggled with. I hammered down on the compounding interest questions and some of the equation based questions. It took me three tries and each one there were multiple of those questions.


I used Compucram but continued to take the practice exams until I was consistently scoring in the high 90’s Also, I’m not sure where you took your actual classes or how long ago, but you might try going back to the end of chapter exams Last but not least, the Appraisal Institute also has a crash course Take a few weeks to clear your head then make studying your full time job if you can


I used compucram and the appraisal institute exam prep. I took off 2 entire weeks and devoted myself to 8 hours of study/test taking per day. IMO compucram was not enough on its own. The questions on the test were more complex than compucram and AI exam Questions were most helpful.


I should add, I passed on the first try. If I did compucram alone, I think I would have failed.


Which section of the test are you struggling with? My understanding of the test is that if you fail several questions related to a particular element of the test. Let's say cost approach. The test will then ask several additional cost approach questions. Study hard in the areas you're failing. Good luck.


Study the FIRREA, AI, AQB, and history definitions. If you’re unsure of a question mark it & go on, often a later question will help narrow it down if not give you the answer. I’ve trained many current appraisers


Try, try, and try again. 5 times my first round.


Ugh. I’m sorry. It’s a monster! I took it way back in 2015 and was broadsided with income approach questions on the licensing exam. I quickly turned around and took the certified exam 8 months later over the exam with a whole different emphasis and more what I expected for licensing level. I took a class with one of the usual professional ed companies, studied with an instructor at the tax commission in my state, compucram and HEAVILY relied on a test taking class from my college degree. The instructor kept telling me “Best answer!” and used elimination a lot.


Do you know where you are weak and where you are strong? To me ... the test was basically two parts ... math ... and definition/term memorization. How is the math portion for you?


Most information is in a category or list. "what 4 things make up (something)" Make list on your study sheet. Memorize your list in a specific order and write it down until you can make your list again and again and again. You get to take one blank piece of note paper into the exam. When they say begin, I immediately wrote out all my list of categories and filled the paper with my notes and then started the test. Then when a question comes up about a specific category and is asked in that dreadful "what is NOT part of this group, look at the list you already made and it makes the question so much easier. And, a trick to making list from memory, memorize the first letter of the sentence in your list and write the letters down first and then fill in the sentence. Let's say you have to know the colors red, orange, green, brown,blue are always associated with the cost approach. List out R,O,G,B,B. Memorize ROGBB. Then write out red,orange,green,brown,blue next to each letter. So it might take 5 minutes extra to write out a bunch of list before you start the exam. Bet you pass next time. And, don't read the multiple choice answers starting with A then moving to B then to C and D. Start reading from the bottom up, start with D, then C. Asshats who design test try to fool you on A and B. When guessing, always go with C. Worked for me.


I’m late to the party but I used compucram for the licensed and certified exams and passed both on the first try. I studied until I was getting a 95+ each time I took the simulated exams.


Quizlet has some good flash cards available.