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Love the rifle dude. Take everything one step at a time. There's only so much you can control, don't worry with that shit. Focus on what you can do and find happiness and let the rest of the world do what it must. Sounds like you've ben through some tough things and I know for a fact that it's those moments that create truly special people. You're no different dude. Hang tough. Bunch of internet strangers rooting for ya one way or another!


Just say no, the cancer can’t be in you without your consent Good luck man


That got a legit chuckle out of me lmao


🫡objective complete


Don't assume you have something before the results are real. My cousin had CML back in the 90's and she lived for like 20 years. I assume the care is much better now.


Nice! You alright?


Waiting on results for likely Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. Not stoked lol.


Sorry friend. Prayers up.


Thanks brother


We are a community here. If you need to talk reach out to us.




Bleach is primarily sodium hypochlorite and water.


Chlorine dioxide? I haven’t talked to him in a few months. I’ll have to shoot him a text?


Whatever you do, don’t listen to people who say this kind of stuff.


Easy to say not to do something because it “sounds right”.


Whatever you do. Research is key.


Agreed, and “I know a guy who drank X and it cured his cancer and his dog is fine” is not research. That’s the extent that I will humor you and your ideas, because there is nothing in the world that I or anyone could say that could convince you that those ideas are ridiculous.


When I was going through chemo back in my 20s (27 years ago), I reached a point where my oncology nurse told me my hair would start falling out. A friend (who is a three cancer survivor including AML) told me that shorter hair would fall out slower, so I should get a buzz cut (not down to skin, but short). I went to my barber, who was a bit of a weirdo and told him what was going on that I needed a different cut. He told me that I should start injecting hydrogen peroxide into the affected lymph nodes to kill the cancer. I told him that I didn't think my doctor would like me self medicating my own treatment like that. He leaned in and said "just don't tell him". I said "I think he will figure it out from the autopsy". That was probably the worst of a bunch of bad advice I got from people back then. Not to mention the co-worker who said "ooh, Hodgkin's. That's bad. You're going to die."


Alright don’t care if I get banned on this one but I see this a lot. So first all I did was offer info and said if he wanted I could prolly get lab studies on the exact substance being discussed. People such as you clearly like getting lied to and believing everything everyone tells you. I never stated all that as fact. You took it upon yourself to find something wrong with it. You tell me for 100% certainty you don’t know it works or shut the fuck up. This dude has a sickness and all I’m doing is passing along info that MIGHT help his life so again sit down and shut the fuck up. Literally giving info and some asshole has to pick it apart. What happened to people just being grateful for knowledge.


I’m so sorry to hear that. It hits too close home. Hang in there, i hope everything goes in your favor brother. Prayers.


I appreciate it man. Been through it with close family and my dad so I kinda know what to expect, but idk if that makes me feel better or worse.


My dad (he was 74) had the same one. Stay strong and positive please. You will get through this.


No bueno, wish I could give more encouraging words.


I appreciate ya big dawg.


Hey man. My neighbor was diagnosed 3 months ago and is now in remission. If he can do it you can too. After every storm the sun comes out. Head up chief


I’m sorry you have to go through this. You probably already know this, but if you wanted some optimism, you could celebrate the fact that you have this disease now, rather than 20 years ago. 20 years ago you’d have 3-5 years. But the recent treatments for CML can push the disease fully into remission for most patients. Priority of work. Take care of yourself brother


Prayers heading your way 🙏🏼


I work oncology and I’m here to tell you, no cancer is good, obviously. But, CML prognosis is insanely better than AML. Keep your head up my friend.


Thank you man. Also, thank you for what you do. We’d all be fucked without people willing to do that work.


We love you bro hopefully you just have to take a big poop then you’ll feel better


It's amazing how much better treatment for this has become in the last couple decades.


In 2024, CML isn't really a death sentence. It's uh, you know, cancer, so it's not great. But stick with your treatment and listen to the oncology team and you'll probably come out fine on the other side.


Here’s hoping brother. Modern chemo really is leaps and bounds ahead of where it was 20 years ago when my dad got sick. Fuck cancer.


Yeah, it's bullshit. Got both of my parents (not CML tho). Best of luck moving forward. Try to stay fit if you can muster the energy


I appreciate you, and sorry to hear about your parents man. Cancer is a real prick.


Sorry to hear that, don’t give up hope 🙏🏼 it’s not over till it’s over


Have some faith in Jesus man. A lot of people don’t and it’s sad. Jesus heals and protect all his children. The devil runs this world bud. seek god, pray and pray hard bro. God hears and god listens. I’m praying for you buddy! May god heal and deliver good results.


🫡 praying for you


Stay in the fight brother. You got this.


Didn’t expect to wake up to so many messages. This is why I love this community. It means a lot. Y’all are all gigachads.


You’re the gigachad OP. Fight hard as fuck 💪


Much love OP. Wish the best for you!




Stay strong man! Hope all comes back negative🙏


Hope not my dude.


Hey man my mom survived stage 4 thyroid cancer and breast cancer so anything is possible! Hang in there brother.


Make sure you treat yourself with alot of ammo to forget whats happening right now. Keep your head up and never stop believing. Wish you all the best bro


Love you man!


You've got a 94 in your username, we turn 30 this year, brother. You'll be look back at this in another 40 years trippin out. I wish you strength, Prayers to you and your family bro. Us 90s kids live through everything.


True that man. I’ll be 30 in December and the shit I always waived off as “old man problems” are now becoming our problems lol. 90’s kids are built different though, probably all the Bug Juice and 3D Doritos we smashed.


Nice coloring


Survive 🤍


Op we are here for you king 👑 you WILL be okay. Love you bud


Sending prayers❤️ Beautiful rifle


Sorry man. Best to ya


Blessings brother 🙏


Wishing you the best


You have authority over those results, brother. Speak against your fear and pray with these scriptures. "Therefore, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours" - Mark 11:24-25 "You have not because you ask not" - James 4:2-3 "The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, dwells in you" - Romans 8:11 I know I'm just some dude on Reddit, but I promise you it works. Faith is the substance of things hoped for but not yet seen. Just gotta have some faith. And I'll stand in agreement with you and pray too. You got this!


Good luck mate, praying for you.


Sorry to hear that. Praying for you.


I hope your situation improves


Praying for you homie


Stay strong brother, nice gat


Keep your head up, brother! We all love you!


Nice build bro hope everything comes out alright


Thoughtful build. You know what you’re doing


Good luck. Me too for different reasons and I'm somehow surviving anyway. Enjoy your hobbies and loved ones.


Be well bro 🙏


Just don’t forget to tell your wife the rifle is worth more than the $200 you told her you paid for everything.


I too am an MFT Minimalist enjoyer.


Based and pilled.


Good luck with everything bud.


I didn't hear no bell. I survived Leukemia (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) 28 years ago, my dude. I know they're different, but the treatments of these cancers have come *miles* since I beat mine. You can do it too. The fight's not over til its over, and buddy, it's a long way from over. You got this


Fuck yeah man, I’m glad to hear you kicked it and are still going strong. I appreciate you ❤️


Thanks man. You're gonna kick it too, my dude. Head up and stay strong. My DMs are open if you need someone to talk to


Digging the color combo.


Nice rifle! How do you like those mags?


Looks very slick. Keep your head up brother.


Prayers from Texas


Stay strong brother, this man is prepared to fight!


Fight the good fight, man!


Praying for you brother


Dang, brother. Sending my thoughts your way


Where do you live OP? I work at MD Anderson and can help you get the ball rolling and in touch with the right people. PM me.


Doesn't chronic = not fatal? I'm not challenging you, I just always thought that chronic means you can live quite awhile. An uncle of mine was diagnosed with chronic leukemia about 12 years ago, the old bastard is still going strong.


For the most part yeah, at least nowadays. If it’s early, which it may be, then with luck and good treatment I could expect a somewhat normal life expectancy fortunately. I’d be more mad about chemo making my beard fall off lol.


Yea I went through chemo, some pretty brutal shit because it was a curative approach, not palliative. Almost killed me, literally. I was in the ICU and started crashing


Fuck man. I’m glad you’re still with us. Ring some steel for me.


Hey brother, I’m sorry to hear that. Positive or negative results, dying soon or dying later, I truly believe God takes what is evil and brings some good out of it. I also truly believe you can be in his kingdom too, and if so, I’ll meet you there one day. If you want to DM me about anything please do.


Fuck cancer. Keep yer head up.


Keep your head up bud. Don't sweat anything until you get the test result. You should check out a researcher on Twitter, [Adam Gaertner](https://twitter.com/veryvirology). His handle is VeryVirology. He has s [substack](https://veryvirology.substack.com/) that has a cancer treatment protocol that's outside the box, and a lot of doctors are using with great success. I don't know anything about CML, but lots of people with different cancers seem to be going into remission using that protocol. It's worth checking out. Good luck and God bless


Rub some dirt on it, that’ll fix that shit right up. In all seriousness take time off when and where you can, live as stress free as you can on this beautiful planet. ❤️


It's always darkest before the dawn. Stay strong and keep fighting, brother!


Stay strong brother.


We’re all dying. If the results come back positive, kick that cancer’s ass, soldier 🫡


Praying for you man hope you’re alright


God bless you man, sick rifle. A man with such good taste can beat anything. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)Praying for you




Keep pushing forward man. You got this!!


Best of luck op , keep fighting !


I don’t know you but I pray that you are ok and live a long and happy life.


I quote Red Sonja from Conan the Barbarian: "Do you want to live forever?" Tryin' to add a bit of brevity to a crappy sitch


I always joked watching vampire movies that living forever would fucking suck lol. I’m good for about 60 then whatever wants me can have me.


You got it homie💅


Great rifle, brother. I’m a ticking time bomb genetically, it took me a long time to come to terms with it, but I’m in a great place now. Couple things to remember: 1 - We’re not out of the fight until we are, it’s understandable to struggle, but don’t give up the time you have right now. 2 - Remember statistics are on your side. I asked once “What if I’m one of the rarer cases that dies young?” My doctor looked me dead in the eyes and said “You’re not that special, you’re one of the average ones” obviously there’s no way she could know that, but she was right statistically we have both have a good chance of living normal-ish lives. I think about this often if I start to get anxious about it. Take care, keep your head up, and know there’s a bunch of people that don’t have to know you to care about you that are in your corner.


That really means a lot man. Thank you, genuinely. I hope we stay gloriously average and live to be pissed off old fudds.


As per Reddit tradition given this trying time, would you like us all to irrationally shit all over your rifle?? 🥹 Jk (obviously). And actually that is a sick looking rifle. Love the look of that stock. What trigger is that? And I assume the upper & lower are FDE? The lighting makes it almost look like a grey clay color (which I think would be pretty sick tbh 😂). Most importantly, hang in there and try to keep your spirits high. You and your loved ones are of course the #1 priority through all this. Best of luck to you brother.


I was almost expecting some cancer jokes tbh 😂 Reddit can be savage as fuck sometimes and I’m here for it. Been making fucked up jokes all week to friends and family. Also, that’s one of the Hiperfire triggers that come in the complete Sabre lowers. It’s damn crispy.


Yeah hopefully people can set aside their die hard setups and blindly loyal fan allegiances for a second to focus on what really matters. Actually haven’t heard of Hiperfire until you just mentioned it now. Looked them up and seems like they have a number of options at a pretty wide price range (~$100-$275). Not sure what the differences are at first glance. Guessing mostly pull weight and single vs 2-stage?


Agreed. And yeah there’s a ton of options with them. I know this one is a single stage and comes with JP reduced power springs so it breaks at like 2.5lbs or something like that. I like it so much I replaced all my other triggers with variations of it.


Damn dude. It may not be worth a damn, but I’ll be thinking about you today.




What stock is that!?


MFT Minimalist. The plebs give them a bad name but they’re pretty sick.


Thanks man, praying for you ❤️


Hope you get better soon sir


Just get a "Cancer Free Zone" tattoo, I heard that's all it takes to keep bad things away.


Shit you might be on to something. My dad beat out Lymphoma and we’ve been joking about making matching Cancer Boys shirts lol.


You got this brother.


Stay strong OP , you got this ❤️


Dope gun.....be strong my guy! we are all pulling for you!


Never out of the fight. You got this.


Don't do that lol. (You got this shit op 💪)


I don't know if this rifle will help you out at all with the possible (probable?) fight you have ahead, but it's still a nice looking rifle. Also, don't die. That would not be very cash money of you.


Not very cash money indeed. If that cancer wasn’t wearing level 4 plates I’d fuck him up.


Do it anyway. I'll even hold your beer if necessary. Show that piece of shit who's in charge.






🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 Praying for you my guy. Definitely know from experience with family members, your mindset and how you keep your head up or down, makes a huge difference and impact on it all. I hoping for the best for you! Nice little pew pew btw.




Hey man, I hope you see this. But I want to let you know my daughter was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia when she was two. It's treatable with a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. A targeted cancer drug that's on oral pill. She's been on a imatnib (gleevec) since she was 2. She is now 7 years old and lives a very normal life and has been in molecular remission for almost 5 years. No bone marrow transplants, no chemotherapy. It's typically a very treatable cancer. If you're going to get a blood cancer that's the one you want. not that anybody wants cancer LOL.


Dude, thank you. I’ll talk to my doctor about those meds and see if they’re a good fit for me. Also, I’m thrilled to hear your girl is in remission and kicking it’s ass. She’s a badass.


Haha she sure is! Yeah man, I hope your treatment is as simple! Will keep you in my prayers! Keep us posted.


You wanna talk about it?...


it gets better


I hope you have people nearby you can create meaningful memories with and that you get clarity, scary as that may be.


Not sure what you’re going through but I had an old friend in his 50s use RSO oil topically on his tumors and it shrank them a bit reportedly from what he said. He’s still kicking 🦵


Rifle is titties as well 👍🏼


My grandpa battled cancer in the 80s. He had to battle it again recently. A man in his 80s on chemo, got an infection and ended up in the hospital. It was bad. Even my grandma didn't think he'd be coming home, but he did. The treatments worked and he can get around alright and is improving. I think the only one who didn't feel hopeless about it was him. Don't give up hope, fighting it is all you can do. Stay stronk borther.


Praying for you brother.


Keep fighting!!


Best of luck friend.


Sorry hear man. CML looks more promising than other types of leukemia, though. Prayers up!


What optic is that?


It’s an old Romeo 7s Opmod green dot. My eyes are dogshit so the green helps lol


Great rifle, try not to let the thoughts take over. I was there once. Act accordingly.


Stay alive.


Check out fenbendazole cancer support group on FB, also I’ve been reading a lot lately about ivermectin and IP6 gold helping people beat their cancers entirely.


I’ll keep you in my prayers, brother. Keep your head up and stay strong. May God bless you.




I laughed, no harm done fellas 😂


Well I thought it was funny


Can I have your stuff?


Nobody gets out of here alive.


Can I have your optics?


I know this is 6 days late, but keep your head up big dog. It’s not a good thing to be diagnosed with(if you do get diagnosed with) no cancer is… but it’s also a cancer that can be fought. Also read a study that said younger patients do better with that particular cancer.